STELLAR SPACE, THURSDAY - There are unconfirmed reports that a newly-launched ICEL warship has carried out a 'secret' weapons test in open stellar space, according to our source "utterly destroying" the recently-designated asteroid AST-447(Candido). This report comes from the Commonality DSE (Deep Space Eye) radio telescope range in the Alatharan Mountains, Ax-turath, and is unconfirmed.
~ Source: Ax-turath Herald electronic broadsheet
04-11-2004, 21:53
The Overseeing Leadership of Kris'Hanna can comfirm this report, as our observatory satellites captured this footage in striking detail. AST-447 debris is not considered a danger to any planets, according to our scientists.
We congratulate ICEL on this accomplishment.
04-11-2004, 22:01
Hybrederian scientists have monitored the same incident. They say that, although unlikely, debris from AST-447 could enter the inner solar system. . They cannot confirm the size of the debris or any consequences of such an unlikely occurance.
The people of Hybredia condemn the weaponization of space, and that, therefore, is the position of the Hybredian government.
04-11-2004, 23:44
OOC: Do you know how dangerous blowing stuff up is!? lol ! you might kill.. um.. Ratheru!
"The Commonality can confirm that AST-447(Candido) was destroyed during the shakedown cruise of the new class of XAC warship. The debris field is being cleared by automated Imperial Space Networking Co-Operative miner-mites under subcontract by the CSF.
"There will be no further comment at this time."
~ ASI Commandant 'Sarah', Commonality Space Force - Press Division Spokesperson/Military Liason Officer IDF/CSF/VESF
* * *
Observation Gallery, IDSS Heart of Glory; three AU from Sol centrepoint, position 227west by 251 stellar south, axial tilt 114degrees stellar nor'wards; velocity: general relative stop, +217m/s Sol-relative
Commander Kirrel stared out of the window - although it was not a window. It was actually a segment of the wall. Just that. There wasn't even open space on the other side of the internal wall - the point of the outer hull was two hundred thirty meters away. Thattaway.
Nontheless, Kirrel stared into the only space that was not figurative but literal, via the VisiWall wraparound plate that surrounded the Observation Gallery, humming softly to himself as he fingered the edge of his steaming hot cup of coffee. Caffeine was bad for you, so it had been filtered from the coffee beans to the utmost - but they couldn't get it all out without great expense. So if you drank enough, you got your caffeine hit just the same.
Still, Kirrel was not that kind of man. He did not depend on substances. What he did depend on, however, was accurate reports from his subordinates. And those he had not received.
AST-447(Candido) had been marked as a viable assault target. Yet it had not been. It had contained far too much fissile material, and, as a result, the blast caused by the E-cannon strikes that were merely tests to ensure that the damnable things worked (fine-tuning came later in the cruise) had been observed by any Turin, Devall, or Heval with a telescope of strong enough visual ability.
The media had heard. Investigation would have begun, had not the press corps been so open.
But the fact was, the SciOps boys and girls had not done their jobs properly. Kirrell was not impressed. When he had served on the Retribution as Chief SciOps Officer, things had gotten done in the IDF way - 'fa'fficient'.
Which as anyone knew, was fast and efficient. Here, the crew was still merely 'effective'.
Heads would roll aboard the first XAC-type Heart of Glory-class warship, if Kirrell had his way...