NationStates Jolt Archive

The Return of a Nation

04-11-2004, 04:32
The smoke rising in the skies boded that great strife had swept over the area in the past few years. The stench in the air, the untended fields, the dilapidated structures; they all expressed the undeniable fact that the situation was not always so devastated. The mounds of litter upon the roadside, of which the road was very dirty and filled with potholes, only strengthened the opinion that at one time, this land was prosperous. The random passerby could imagine that the road was once white, beautiful and covered with red roses. He could also see the barren oak as a once lively specimen, covered in leaves and surrounded by throngs of children laughing and playing blissfully, with no care of the world. At further inspection, the passerby could see that he was standing on the outskirts of the greatest city in a nation that died not too long ago. Abandoned structures speckled the landscape, gray and dingy. The lone passerby would have felt very uneased by the chilling solidarity of the atmosphere around him. He would walk along the road, and find a stained, yellowed piece of paper that had gone through years of wear. On it he would read a message, a most disturbing message, that declared evacuation was mandatory. It became evident that the abandonment of this recent marvel of architecture, culture, and social integrity was emptied for reasons that lacked naturalness. If the passerby stopped at the old stone building, covered in vines of vibrant color, he would have seen it was a library. And in the library the passerby would have witnessed the evacuation of an entire nation, though soon learn that millions upon millions died of starvation, disease, and other unnatural causes. He would find information on the present location of the escaped nation, for they had fled to another land, undoubtedly. It would appear that the Queen, or Erasita, had dedicated the new land in honor of her son, who now reigned over the land. It was in the passerby's best interest to travel to the new nation, and discover what it was worth. He did indeed discover, and has pledged to tell the reader the story of what happened.

It was a truly fateful event. The son of Itarildë, Ëtaros Eledhwen, was a very staunch figure of powerful stature. He was an elf of power, serenity, beauty, and a kindred heart rested in his bosom. It was in Ëtaros' nature to provide for the security of his mother at all times, and must remain one of the most protective offspring that the world ever did offer to the people of the universe. The love for his mother was unsurpassed by any other living being at the time, and shall forevermore remained unsurpassed until time has withered into a dark expanse of nothingness. He focused his energy on providing for her safety and well-being, though he often tended to affairs that troubled the colony of Ëtaros, which was aptly named in honor of him as aforementioned. Itarildë was taking an evening stroll in her palace of grandeur, when a bullet from the most evil of men struck her head. General Dinendal, otherwise known as Saulum to his minions, personally killed the Lady of Grace. He then brought strife, terror, and a general chaos upon the United Republics of the Hvittsted Pact. Saulum rallied his terrible minions, mostly orcs, to kill, maim, and rape all those who stood in their way. A disgusting act of inhumanity indeed. Millions attempted to escape, though most were killed. Those that were not killed were tortured until death desperately called their names, and they called back in uttermost despair. The connection was never realized, however, for many of them, and oh! What a terrible life to live! One of which a man wishes to die for the pure reason life has no more to offer, but life offers all that it may. Life, in essence, offers itself! A gift to be realized yet never understood by all that may experience it. After many months, Ëtaros funneled a number of refugees to his colony, and led a vast army to destroy that of Saulum's. The two would meet at the zenith of Mout Korslan, where Ëtaros killed the vicious monster who had so killed his mother and many kin.

After the Lietuv War of Succession, Ëtaros and his army returned to the Colony of Etaros. He quickly began working on ways to improve the quality of life, and struggled to find homes for those who did not have any. As of the present day, about 290 million live in the UKE (United Kingdom of Etaros), and the nation has been going along fairly well. After succeeding in improving things domestically, Ëtaros has now concerned himself with reconnecting with foreign allies and friends, and is currently constructing a large port city that will become the new capital. He and his staff will be issuing notaries, letters, and invitations as soon as possible, but the Lietuv government, for that is what it will still be called, has requested that all foreign allies and friends remain patient and calm for the current time.

Dear friends and allies,

While I realize that this new announcement may excite you, I must personally request that you not attempt to send letters to my government unless they are of importance. If you have questions concerning the well-being of specific citizens of your nation, please contact me via private message (TG) at the following address...

OOC: Okay, hello everyone! I'll be coming back, but don't expect my presence to be very much increased for right now. Also, I'm moving to Etaros, so TG that nation from now on. I'll still keep Lietuveska around for personal reasons, but Etaros is the nation you want to contact now. In fact, I will be making all future posts with Etaros. I think I made the lead-in realistic, and Etaros was already created before all this crap started as a gift from Itarildë to her son. Whether I have it documented or not, I can't remember, but there are a few people I told about it I think. Anyway, cheers!
06-11-2004, 00:29
#tag# for now
07-11-2004, 05:57
The halls of Eledhwen Palace were very elegant, made of the finest marble found in the United Kingdom of Etaros. The very cold air outside did little to make the inside of the Great Hall frigid, as it was in fact very cozy. The elegant chandaliers of white silver and glimmering diamonds hung exquisitely upon the vaulted ceiling, and the smooth, beige marble floors reflected the light peacefully. The huge, tall windows with a touch of Gothic Revival showed the view of New Itaros, a thriving bay city and the capital of the UKE. Eledhwen Palace is located on a very tall hill behind the city, somewhat secluded by the large oak and hickory forest surrounding it. The usually thick, beautiful green grass was covered in a layer of snow as flakes gently fell to the ground. It was near midday, and the skies were a thick gray. Children were given a free day, as sand blasters had not been prepared for the sudden snow that had come through the city the night before. Freezing temperatures had hindered the road conditions, thus children were given a free day. It was very obvious, however, that government officials had no Snow Day. The staff of the Erasito was busy at work, and the Defense Minister, Oröphin Telemnar, was amassing a plan to centralize and develop the Lietuv military. The Education and Health Minister, Huör Mithrandír, was holding a meeting with educators from across the nation. However, the most important occurrence, at least to the Media, was a press conference to be held by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Liëssa Ciryatan.

Liëssa was a very educated elf, and carried herself with an air of importance and elegance. She looked down on others who did not conform to her rules of societal manner. She, however, was an excellent diplomat, despite the fact she was easily angered. At this time, she was dressed in a formal gown of pearly white with glittering rubies embedded in the bosom of her gown. They were patterned in such an intricate manner that she looked remarkably stunning. Her flowing brown hair was tied into an exquisite bun with a small strand of curly hair flowing alongside her face. Her pale complexion and high cheekbones were beautifully accented with dark red lipstick. Her green eyes were blazing furiously, though it was not a blazing of anger. She walked slowly, as if she was gliding, toward the glass podium in the East Press Room that was reserved for press conferences by the heads of Ministries. She stopped at the podium, and turned to the cameras.

"Dear Lietuvs, friends, and those viewing from the rest of the world," she began with a stern, strong voice. She glanced around the room, and continued. "I am here today to reestablish connections with nations that we have either lost contact, or reduced contact with during the time of escape from the former mainland to the island of Etaros. Our people have endured much strife, and encountered many obstacles. During the past four decades, our nation has only endured conflict twice, and drove off an invading army once. Though we have suffered greatly, our fortune has also been great. We are a nation of resolve, a nation of strength, and a nation that will not die at the hands of tyrannical imperialists. The foreign policy of our nation has long been one of peace, but backed by unrelenting desire to achieve our own goals. I will introduce a foreign policy that will reconnect us with our allies and friends. I propose on this day that all friends and allies please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the construction of embassies in our nations. New Itaros has a designated Embassy District that is very safe against attack, defended by the Lietuv Elite Guard day and night. It is my duty to request, and wish, that all of our friends and allies strive to make anew our relationships, and I will do the same. I would also encourage nations that we had little to no contact with in the past to attempt to establish relations with us for the first time. The world is at unease in this time of history, and small changes create enormous results. I am very aware of the fact that my decisions may affect the outcome of Lietuv history for decades or centuries. I am also aware that my decisions will directly affect how the world sees us. It is for these reasons that I wish to leave an imprint upon the United Kingdom of Etaros, and announce that the UKE will sign the Knootian International Stabilisation Treaty and will also sign the Vinyatírion Economic/Intelligence/Readiness Treaty of Allied States, otherwise known as VERITAS. Our Erasito is Menelmacar presently attending the VERITAS Summit at which he and the First Lady, Ilossë, will deliberate with a host of other nations to decide how far our signatory status in the VERITAS will go.

"I will leave you with one last message before I take questions. It is a great calamity that our people have suffered so much. But be not mournful, for we have fared better than many others. My goals are to establish the Lietuv people among the greatest in the world, and possibly galaxy at some point in the distant future. I am confident that with our friends and allies, we will be made great. It is my wish that peace will be a primary goal for our nation for centuries to come, for peace is what makes us all great. A nation without peace is effectively a nation without character, structure, and integrity. Warmongers are purely morons, idiots that so plague our earth, galaxy, and universe in selfish endeavours. No resource, under my supervision, will ever be raped from another. No sentient being will ever be tortured under the watchful eyes of the United Kingdom of Etaros. If there shall ever be a catastrophe, be sure that Ëtaros Eledhwen will know a way to cure it. Be brave, be strong, and be unrelenting. Thank you for your time, and I will now take questions," she ended with a very stern note. Reporters hesitated for a moment because the aura that Liëssa exerted was one of power and authority. She did, however, take at least a dozen questions before she called the press conference to an end, allowing millions in the UKE and around the world to ponder upon her words.