NationStates Jolt Archive

Asylum for the Mentally Ill Interest OOC thread

02-11-2004, 20:43
I was contemplating this idea awhile now. Well, since I have been in my mental health class for nursing. I was curious if anyone else would like to RP a client residing in Serenity's Asylum for the Mentally Ill, locating on the outskirts of AmandaTheGreat across the pond of the ever Immortal. It is what was called Empress Serene, but later was to be intergraded with the presiding nation. It is an old mansion dated back to the 1800s, victorian style. It can house up to 25 clients, but normally the numbers are lower than that. The house itself has over 150 rooms and 25 bathrooms, but the extra rooms are used for recreation, therapy, or offices. There are several, five to be exact dining rooms and five kitchens, one for each level of the house, except for the basement. The basement holds nothing of importance to the clients or the health care workers. When the institution first opened up the basement was used for experimental procedures and holding cells for misbehaving clientale. This can be explored by the characters if they want to.

I am looking for the following characters:

Psychiatric assistant: this will be my character's assistant
Another psychiatric doctor:
Clients, you may decide your characters ailment.
Here are some examples though: Schizophrenia (ie. paranoid,coma ect.), dissociative disorder, unipolar disorder, bi-polar, depression, suicidal, and any others you may think of.

Plotline can be workable, but my idea was, interaction between characters and possibly a crime committed at hospital or ghosts and just searching throughout the building for answers. I am open to any suggestions also. Thanks.
02-11-2004, 21:04
If there's an evil Mengele type of guy who tortures the "clients" as part of the "treatment" then I wanna play him. >_>'
The Golden Simatar
02-11-2004, 21:04

I might be an assistant. Maybe, Maybe not
02-11-2004, 22:32
I'll be a whacko....I mean crazy...I mean psycho, I mean...mental challenged (trying to figure out the PC term) person.
02-11-2004, 22:47
OKay, well GS let me know what you want to be.

Lithinen, your character sounds good to me. You be working along side with my character though.

Imitora you may RP an mentally ill person.

I need all of you to give me a description of your character and symptoms. IF you need help with the defining characteristics of the illness just ask me and I can help you.
The Golden Simatar
02-11-2004, 22:51
ATG, I'm looking at doing an asstiance's job. Now, what would I do exactly?
The eternal-dragons
02-11-2004, 22:55
I will be a person with Multi-personna disorder...The person also gets voices in his head..Can't remember the term..He will most likely always be locked up when he changes to his more aggresive self...
Five Civilized Nations
02-11-2004, 23:09
The eternal-dragons
02-11-2004, 23:12
Yeah that could be the one..
03-11-2004, 00:09
Well, GS, ya know when you go to some doctors they have physicians and well some things that PA can do, but some things they cannot do. They can do assessments on the clients, diagnose, and prescribe and give meds. Yet, this has to be overseen by the doctor.

Hearing voices is part of schizophrenia, but that part is called hallucination; things heard, seen, or basically sensed by the client.

But if they have mutltiple personalities that is not schizophrenia. That is descriptive of multiple personality disorder, which could include one of your character's personalities speaking out in an aggressive manner, but it not that they are hearing voices, but they are that voice at that time. THis is also associated with dissociative disorder, but the client does not remember being the other person and when they are changing to the other person they usually have a sign such as a headache.
The Golden Simatar
03-11-2004, 00:58
So basically kind of an intern?
03-11-2004, 01:04
Former soldier with PTS, sometimes violent tendancies, with common flash backs, often which result in him thinkin he is in a wartime setting.
03-11-2004, 01:51
I'd like to play as a client with Extreme Paranoid Personality Disorder.

You're all out to get me!
Draconis Nightcrawlis
03-11-2004, 02:03
I'm up for playing a patient who see's and talks to imaginary people.
03-11-2004, 02:33
I'll be a psychiatric doctor.
03-11-2004, 04:13
Sounds good. Please give me a description of your character by following this guidelines if you are to be a client at the hospital.

Past medical hx. (ie. surgeries, pneumonia, and things that a doctor would Dx you with)

Present medical hx. (ie. this will tie into presenting problem, this is the symptoms of what you are. When you send me these I will decide what illness you have or you can and I can provide you with information on it)

Presenting problem. (ie. this is what brought you to the hospital. it can be concrete or abstract. An example of concrete is a car brought me here. Some illnesses would cause a person to respond like that...schizo. An example of abstract would be I slit my wrist and was unconsious when my significant other found me and was taken to the ED.) Give me your age and general appearance as you come to the physical to meet me and my assistant. (ie. 39 year old slightly obese, pale and anxious presenting with anxiety attack)

Family Medical Hx: (ie. cancer-maternal or paternal, HTN (hypertension), heart diseases ect.)

Social Hx: (ie. single, married, divorced, children, occupation, religion)

Medications, include allergies:(Effexor, Wellbutrin, Lithium, Geodon, Lipitor ect)

then give a general description of appearance...
then look at each system of the body and there doesn't have to be something wrong with any of them....

Motor/muscle coordination:

Okay for the physicians just give a description of yourself and characteristics. I will come up with mine sortly. I hope.
The Golden Simatar
03-11-2004, 04:26
Wow ATG, you're really detailed. I should have my guy's stats up tonight or tommorow morning.
03-11-2004, 04:32
Name: James Carvell

Past Medical HX: Tonsils removed, apendix removed, twice diagnosed with Bronchitis

Current Medical HX: Complains of extreme stress since last war time occurance. Former ICMC Marine, complains of constant nightmares, nightsweats, and hearing noises associated in war, possibly associated with his status as a former POW. Most recently has expiereince sever flashbacks, which cause him to act as if he is in a battle or war time setting. Most recent flashbacks have become violent, with him acting out against those near him.

Presenting Problem: Daughter brought him in after his most recent flash back, when he started screaming 'they're comming in hard, they are gonna over run us,' followed by him diving over his bed, and using a knife to slit his wrist, claiming 'they cant take me, I wont let them.'

Social HX: Singal (wife passed durring child birth) with one daughter, Marrisa Carvell, age 21.

Family Medical HX: Father died of Lung Cancer, Mother died of natural causes. Father's Side-Grandfather had hypertension, grandmother lung cancer. Mother's Side-Grandfather died of natural causes, same as grandmother. No siblings. As of her last physical, Marrisa tested fine.

Medications: None. Prefered Tylonol over Advil for pain killers. Was perscribed sleeping medication, however as since passed its use.

Physical: Physically, James looks fine, save for some scarring on his back and right arm. James is a non smoker, who works out regularly. One can consider him of the so called 'rugedly handsome.'

Head: Slight disconfiguration of nose, broken when young.
Neck: None
Cardiovascular: None, despite father and grandmopther who smoked
Respiratory: None, see above
Abdominal/Gastro: None
Urinary/Bowel: None
Reproductive: None
Motor/muscle coordination: None, infact his motorskills can be said to be 'above average'
Neural: None, save shakes durring night sweats and nightmares
03-11-2004, 07:25
here's my char.
Name: Dr. Amelia Olinburg
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 6'2
Hair: Blonde. short
Eyes: Green
Description: Amelia came from a tough neighborhood with lots of people running around yelling crazy things. She was touched and decided to become a psychiatrist to help people like this. She graduated a couple years ago and has been moving from place to place and hopes she can make a good career in this asylum.
03-11-2004, 07:33
y'know, a really good patient would be me on a sugar high. :D
heehee... I scare people when I'm hyper... :mp5:
Draconis Nightcrawlis
03-11-2004, 20:00
Cassandra Breck

Past medical hx. Tonsils removed, broken leg, broken arm twice.

Present medical hx. Is known for talking to her self, believed to be seeing people who aren't actually there.

Presenting problem. Was brought in by her family GP after her parents became increasing worried by her strange behaviour.

Family Medical Hx: Grandmother on her fathers side died of Breast Cancer. Grandmother on mothers side had some mental problems.

Social Hx: Single, Athiest

Medications: Lithium

then give a general description of appearance...
Sort of fit, average looking, dark brown hair, blue eyes.

Head: N/A
Neck: N/A
Cardiovascular: N/A
Respiratory: Asthmatic
Abdominal/Gastro: N/A
Urinary/Bowel: N/A
Reproductive: N/A
Motor/muscle coordination: N/A
Neural: N/A
04-11-2004, 00:23
looks good y'all. Give me some time. I will try and organize something tonight, but I cannot promise anything. I have to give a case presentation in clinicals and I have received two new clients I need to look meds up on. So, I cross my fingers.
04-11-2004, 00:53
Er... I don't know if you're still accepting patients, but this sounds really interesting, so just in case you are:

Rena Carmenne

Past medical hx. (ie. surgeries, pneumonia, and things that a doctor would Dx you with): recent major surgury on practically everything (broken limbs, severe bruising and slight burns, concussion)

Present medical hx. (ie. this will tie into presenting problem, this is the symptoms of what you are. When you send me these I will decide what illness you have or you can and I can provide you with information on it): Extremely erratic, tends to sing and dance for no reason as often as curl up in a ball whimpering - has recurring hallucinatory episodes in which she babbles incoherently. Can occasionally conduct a rational conversation, if the the topic changes every minute or so.

Presenting problem. (ie. this is what brought you to the hospital. it can be concrete or abstract. An example of concrete is a car brought me here. Some illnesses would cause a person to respond like that...schizo. An example of abstract would be I slit my wrist and was unconsious when my significant other found me and was taken to the ED.) Give me your age and general appearance as you come to the physical to meet me and my assistant. (ie. 39 year old slightly obese, pale and anxious presenting with anxiety attack): approx 25, short and recently gaining weight after lengthy malnourishment, humming quietly in a world of her own. Led in by nurse, who explains that she was found unconscious near a national park following a bushfire with no memory, minor burns and major damage to limbs & some organs.

Family Medical Hx: (ie. cancer-maternal or paternal, HTN (hypertension), heart diseases ect.): un-known

Social Hx: (ie. single, married, divorced, children, occupation, religion): un-known

Medications, include allergiesEffexor, Wellbutrin, Lithium, Geodon, Lipitor ect): Has not proved allergic to anything so far, is given generic anti-hallucants and treatment like for schizophrenia, but nothing has proven effective

then give a general description of appearance... Short blonde curly hair, hazel eyes, high cheek bones. Crescent shaped scar on right of forehead and several generic ones on limbs and torso

then look at each system of the body and there doesn't have to be something wrong with any of them....

Head: N/A
Neck: N/A
Cardiovascular: N/A
Respiratory: N/A
Abdominal/Gastro: N/A
Urinary/Bowel: N/A
Reproductive: N/A
Motor/muscle coordination: N/A
Neural: Panic attacks, hallucinations, short attention span
The Golden Simatar
04-11-2004, 04:15
Since my guy is your asstistant ATG, I'll post my guy's stats after you.
04-11-2004, 21:39
Name: James Carvell

Past Medical HX: Tonsillectomy, Appendectomy, Acute Bronchitis times two

Current Medical HX: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Complains of extreme stress since last wartime occurrence. Former ICMC Marine complains of constant nightmares, night sweats, and hearing noises associated in war, possibly associated with his status as a former POW. Most recently has experienced severe flashbacks, which cause him to act as if he is in a battle or wartime setting. Most recent flashbacks have become violent and increasing paranoid.

Presenting Problem: Daughter brought him in after his most recent flash back, when he started screaming “they're coming in hard, they are going to over run us” followed by him diving over his bed and using a knife to slit his wrist. Claiming, “they can’t take me, I wont let them.”

Social HX: Single (wife deceased, intra-partum) with one daughter, Marrisa Carvell, age 21.

Family Medical HX: Paternal- Lung Cancer. Paternal Grandfather-hypertension, grandmother lung cancer.

Medications: None. Tylenol for pain prn.
General Appearance: Scarring on his back and right arm. James is a non-smoker, who works out regularly.

Head: Slight disconfiguration of nose.
Neck: None
Cardiovascular: None.
Respiratory: None.
Abdominal/Gastro: None.
Urinary/Bowel: None.
Reproductive: None.
Motor/muscle coordination: None.
Neural: None. Except for tremors during nighttime.

Cassandra Breck

Past medical HX. Tonsillectomy, broken leg, and broken arm twice.

Present medical HX. Visual and auditory hallucinations.

Presenting problem. Was brought in by her family GP after her parents became increasing worried by her strange behavior.

Family Medical HX: Paternal grandmother- Breast Cancer. Maternal grandmother-mental illness.

Social HX: Single, Atheist

Medications: Lithium and Geodon

then give a general description of appearance...
Medium body weight-BMI of 22.4, dark brown hair, blue eyes

Assessment to be done at later time.

Rena Carmenne

Past medical HX. Broken limbs, severe hematoma and first degree burns covering only 21% of TBW, and concussion.

Present medical HX. Extremely erratic and regresses. Examples are she tends to sing and dance for no reason as often as curl up in a ball whimpering. Auditory hallucinations. Can occasionally conduct a rational conversation, but does not concentrate.

Presenting problem. Approx 25, short and recently gaining weight after lengthy malnourishment, humming quietly in a world of her own. Led in by nurse, who explains that she was found unconscious near a national park following a bushfire with no memory, minors.

Family Medical HX:un-known

Social Hx: un-known

Medications and allergies: NKA.

Appearance: Short blonde curly hair, hazel eyes, high cheek bones. Crescent shaped scar on right of forehead and several generic ones on limbs and torso.

Will perform an assessment on her at a later time.

Dr. Violet Cassany is a 24 year-old single Caucasian female who appears very well in shape. She has a BMI of 18.5 and is fit, with no apparent adipose tissue. Her height it 60 inches and her weight is 105 pounds. She has a slim shape and thin bones. Her complexion is creamy white, with not a wrinkle surrounding her eyes. Her eyes are violet and when happy turn a soft pastel purple. Her oval face is framed with a soft caramel brown color and soft waves that reach midway down her back. Her delicate pink lips are in a sincere smile most of the time. Her dress is well organized. Her days at work she is covered by suits or skirts and nice sweaters. On her days off, not many, she dresses casually and comfortably. She can sometimes be seen after hours in the pool doing laps up and down it. She is a compassionate woman who loves her job. More personality qualities will come out later.
The Golden Simatar
04-11-2004, 22:54
Is this okay ATG?

Character: Thomas Wirz
Species: Human-Caucasian
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 157lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue (He also wears glasses)

Info: Thomas spends most of his free time kayaking or jogging. He has an even temper and is eager to please. Always want to make a very good first impression. Thomas also always carries a book or a magizine with him.
The eternal-dragons
09-11-2004, 00:09
Name: Aaron Ali
Age: 22

Past Medical HX: Recent sealing of Major wounds, recent treatment for minor Burns, and minor crack line fractures within the hip and hands.

Present medical hx: Multiple Personalities, as well as various hallucinations and disturbing dreams often resulting in something killing something. He often also gets strange voices in his head telling him to do things resulting his in either becoming violent or very paranoid.

Presenting Problem: He got brought in from various services in an attempt in rehabilitating him, after he killed a man by stabbing him 64 times in the heart, whilst claiming that someone in his head said to do it. He is considered a dangerous threat to society and therefore has come for treatment.

Social Hx: Single, although various Ex-partners and two children he does not know.

Family Medical Hx: All records lost, Although they our expected to have some sort of mental disorder.

Medications: Many most likely prescribed to combat the split-personas and various hallucinations/voices in head.

General Appearance....=
Weight: 207 lbs
Height: 6ft 4
Hair colour: Brown/black
Eye Colour: Green

He has a rather Well-toned body most likely due to his younger days when he used to box. He has a rather clean and untouched face and body apart from the rather large diagonal scar across his chest.

Head: None
Neck: Slight dry skin
Cardiovascular: None
Respiratory: None
Abdominal/Gastro: None
Urinary/Bowel: None
Reproductive: None
Motor/muscle coordination: None
Neural: Hallucinations, Multiple personas.
11-11-2004, 10:53
bumpety bump. Is there an IC thread for this yet, or is planning still not finished?
Draconis Nightcrawlis
13-11-2004, 02:19
This still going ahead?
14-11-2004, 21:08
Yes, I am sorry. I have been busy with school and clinicals during the week. And then this weekend I was busy with one of my jobs. I had to be in a contest, it was the finals. I will get on top of this sortly. I apologize for my absence.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-11-2004, 21:16
No prob, RL comes first.
15-11-2004, 03:32
Indeed, RL is all important.

Hi! It's me, Alaqria! Anyhow... I saw this thread, a recent RP not yet started, and thought, hmmm... this sounds really interesting!

Still have room? Doesn't look like you've made a cut-off yet. If so, I'd love to join.

I don't actually know much about mental illness, but I just thought to myself, y'know, I am actually pretty afraid of the dark... nearly phobic sometimes. I know times that I turn on the lights... and find that my hand shakes on the switch. I just thought, maybe if I turn that up a bit, make someone too scared to see a shadow, I could make a really convincing phobic character.

If that's an okay idea, I'd love to join in.
15-11-2004, 03:38
can i be in charge of the euthanasia program, first i give them a hot shower followed by a delousing agent!
15-11-2004, 09:02
can i be in charge of the euthanasia program, first i give them a hot shower followed by a delousing agent!

O_O WTF? Um....
15-11-2004, 09:20
hehe, this looks actually refreshingly interesting... I might very well take part in this. If so, I'll be a client...probably one who's a little 'off his rocker'. Maybe something to do with flashbacks...

Or, even better...I could be "Ten-Second Tom"! (His memory resets every 10 seconds, a character from a movie not too long ago actually) LMAO!'s late at night, and I've still gotta finish this paper I'm on...

I'll get back to you on whether or not I'll take part in this.
Nation of Fortune
15-11-2004, 09:37
is it too late to join? if not i have an idea for a Hannibal Lector type character. I'll post stats upon approval
15-11-2004, 10:55
hehe, this looks actually refreshingly interesting... I might very well take part in this. If so, I'll be a client...probably one who's a little 'off his rocker'. Maybe something to do with flashbacks...

Or, even better...I could be "Ten-Second Tom"! (His memory resets every 10 seconds, a character from a movie not too long ago actually) LMAO!'s late at night, and I've still gotta finish this paper I'm on...

I'll get back to you on whether or not I'll take part in this.

50 First Dates, great movie.
15-11-2004, 11:19
Ah yes...that's the one, thanks Imitora. I kept cracking up on Ten Second Tom hehe, enough to have to watch parts of the movie over again to make sure I was seeing it all lol.
15-11-2004, 20:17
Alaqria, you are more than welcome to join. If you have any questions pertaining to a specific diagnoses on phobias let me know.

Doomsreich, I would definitely not allow euthanasia in my hospital. But thank you for your input. We are trying to develop most of the patients to be able to function adequately in society, not to kill them off.

Tarlachia, please join in. It has been awhile since we have RPed together, besides the continuation of Dreams, which I wish Valient would post in.

Nation of Fortune, you are able to submit a character also. I, however, suggest a character that might be able to interact with the others. A hannibal lector type, a sociopath would not be allowed to have group treatment. It would be detrimental to the whole concept of therapeuatic group treatment. Please, find something a bit more less key than that.
15-11-2004, 20:29
Amanda, can I play please? :)
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-11-2004, 21:25
I am also interested. Let me put thought into what I can do the best. ;)
15-11-2004, 21:26
I am also interested. Let me put thought into what I can do the best. ;)

Yaaaay! Naty=happy now. :)
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-11-2004, 21:40
You know, we could both be pyschotic patients! That would keep everyone on their toes.
15-11-2004, 21:43
You know, we could both be pyschotic patients! That would keep everyone on their toes.

My thoughts exactly. :D
15-11-2004, 21:46
This looks reasonably/very interesting. Is it possible that I can play a doctor?
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
15-11-2004, 21:49
My thoughts exactly. :D

Alright, I am in on this one then! Let us see just how physchotic I can be! ;)

The Golden Simatar
15-11-2004, 23:19
ATG, did you see my character specs?
The eternal-dragons
16-11-2004, 00:12
OOC: Well my chara will be rather fun to interact to with the multi personna disorder :p
16-11-2004, 05:39
GS, I did see and they are fine. Thank you.

Der Fuhrer Dyszel, it would be fun to work with you. I have read some of the stories you were involved with and you are an excellant writer.

Der Fuhrer Dyszel and Presgreif, as I said previously sociopaths probably, well, actually would not be allowed to associate with the others. You know the whole thing of lacking a conscience. Although, within good reason, psychopaths could be. Of course the doctors would have to continuously assess your developments and medication regime, but it could be workable.

Again, people, if you need help with this you can use the net or me. I am in Mental Health Nursing and have some resources that come in handy. I can help you out any way I can.

Maserrat, seeming I am getting more patients I will need more help. Please, give me a character discription. Now, I will work on setting the scene, which will be difficult. I will post the addie to it soon.
16-11-2004, 05:58
Okay, if any of this looks wrong (and I'm sure that some will) just tell me what and I'll make an edit.

Name: William Threader
Age: 24

Past medical hx.
Two minor heart attacks. Not much else.

Present medical hx.
Afraid of shadows, dark places, and places where he can't see.

Presenting problem.
Refusal to enter shadows. Seeking help

Family Medical Hx:
Paternal uncle died of cancer, paternal aunt died of heart attack, maternal side nearly untouched.

Social Hx:
Single, electrician with a patent on a method of creating light without immediate electrical input(actually, it isn't his, but he's the one with the patent), atheist.

(This is one of those things I know very little about. Would he have a medication for his heart? For his phobia?)

1.8 meters tall, thin frame, red hair, brown eyes, gaunt face, cheerful smile.

Cardiovascular:weak heart
Reproductive: none
Motor/muscle coordination:Coordination is below average
Neural: Huge amounts of fear of the dark.

Anyhow, that's pretty much it, so what do I need to correct?
16-11-2004, 06:25
Here is the new story. Serenity Keeper.
Nation of Fortune
16-11-2004, 06:25
Name: Toma (last name unknown)
Age: 25

Past medical hx.
Several gunshot/stab wounds, Leg broken several seperate times, Dislocated shoulder x 3

Present medical hx.
Loud noises cause painful flashbacks. Bad case of amnesia. He used to be a terrorist, but in an attack he got seriously wounded and lost his memory when a falling piece of building hit him in the head. stayed in an "underground" hospital for his outside wounds.

Presenting problem.
Can't remember much more than his name

Family Medical Hx:
His father left him at an early age, leaving him with his mother and younger twin siblings. The male twin died in a car accident and the female never spoke to anyone afterwards. He was greatly disturbed and joined the terrorist organizationaround the age 14

Social Hx:
Single, athiest (presumed) had one close friend who brought him in (wishes to remain anonymous). His friend told us everything we know and then dissapeared.

none known

2 meters tall, muscular frame, brown hair, green eyes, long face, very morbid and has nightmares about someone named Cyrus, presumably his brother or friend.

Head:Large scar running down face from forehead down over the eye
Neck:a tattoo of an eagle carrying an assault rifle
Reproductive: none
Motor/muscle coordination:Coordination is slightly below average.
Neural: can remember people/places/things for about three days before he forgets them.

How's that?
16-11-2004, 06:30
Seeming Alaqria and Nation of Fortune submitted their entries in after I already posted. I have the idea the Thomas, GS's character can just bring their files in. Okay?

Well, Alaqria, I would have to know specifically what causes him to have a weak heart. He is young so it could possible be a defect or like a regurgitation.
Nation of Fortune
16-11-2004, 06:31
sounds good
16-11-2004, 10:26
I'm terribly sorry about that. It didn't look like it actually... but oh well.

As for the heart, I was thinking along the lines of a defect. I suppose I'll actually have to do *gasp* research or something. We'll see. Anyhow, I have read the posts. I shall read more later eagerly.
16-11-2004, 17:41
Okay, here's my character description:

Name: Dr. David Schwarzer
Age: 37
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 15 stone, 2 pounds
Features: Black hair, brown eyes, glasses, goatee beard, the stereotypical doctor really...

History: Schwarzer was born into a stable family, with two parents and one brother, Gerald. At the age of 15, Gerald was institutionalised for trying to shoot his father, and this is what began David's interest in psychology. As he went through college, studying human psychology, he tried to find out what had caused his brother to attempt the murder of Mr. Schwarzer, with little success. Nevertheless, he graduated top of his class, and went on to work at Klazhnoz Asylum in Maserrat. After several years there he was given an invitation to join the staff of Serenity Asylum, known to be one of the best in the world. He accepted immediately. He still vows to find out why his brother tried to shoot his father, but when the truth finally comes out, it opens up a whole new side to his family - one he wishes he never discovered...

Medical history: No medical problems in his life at all - not even a cold at an early age. His parents sent him to several doctors, but nobody could figure out why David was immune to everything. He has never been involved in an accident, and in fact has never been in a hospital unless visiting somebody. He also looks remarkably young for his age...

Hope this'll do.
16-11-2004, 19:41
Hey, feel free to post if you feel comfortable. I don't mind. Thanks Maserrat for the description. Feel free to have a converstation with Violet, seeming she was the only doctor at the facility.
16-11-2004, 19:45
I'll start my introductory post now. It'll probably be up before the end of the day. :)
16-11-2004, 20:05
Any participates feel free to post. My character does have a beeper and if need be can leave to go see another person.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
16-11-2004, 20:51
Originally, I thought of using my older character Mathias Bortinainsky, however you would have to read through one massive thread and two pretty long threads just to get the history behind this character's problems. Moreover, he cannot speak due to accident that happened long ago in the early days of The Dictatorship. Although, it would be tempting. ;)

Therefore, I am going to create a character specifically for this. However, Amanda (for short :D , if you do not mind me calling you such) I may need your approval and thoughts concerning my character, if you can contact me via AIM at DerFuhrer Dyszel or MSN at, I would greatly appreciate it.

I feel I would need your approval and suggestions concerning activity on my part in this thread.
The eternal-dragons
16-11-2004, 22:28
OOC: I imagine lockdown is some sort of isolated room or something like that.....As i need a brief description of it before I begin to post if thats ok...
Draconis Nightcrawlis
16-11-2004, 23:17
Just pondering my first post in the thread, how should I bring her into it? Should I start her off in her room or have it as her folks bring her in?
17-11-2004, 00:59
Sorry, I guess I should have explained what that was. Sorry, to leave you in the dark, which is where your client will be. Kind of think of the movie Gothica, if you have seen it. Most solitary rooms are much like that. They have a bed, but no blanket or sheets. You will have a opening in the ground with slits in it to void, urinary purposes. There will be one window, so that you will be observed. On the bed there are leather restraints, but we try and not use them if at all possible. The doctor must write orders for them. There is no other window to the outside, so it can get dark, depending on the lighting from the outside hallway. It is not cold or hot, we have the thermostat set to 75 degrees. The door also has a small opening where the aides can slide a tray in for you to eat. There will be no utensils, so keep in mind it will be finger food. Does that help?

Der Fuhrer Dyszel, I sent you an email, if you choose you can respond in that way. Or just by telegram, anyone can personally ask me questions if they do not want them out in the open here. And yes you can call me Amanda because that is my name. When I started this three years ago, I couldn't come up with a creative name, so I stuck with habit.

Draconis Nightcrawlis, you may have her comming into the hospital anyway you want them. However, I believe she is going into lock-down until my character assesses her.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
17-11-2004, 01:23
So I could start her lying on her bed talking to the imaginary people.
17-11-2004, 01:36
Please send me a telegram if I am admitted. Here is my chart.

Name: Robin Banks

Sex: sorry, male

Age: 35

Medical History: Tourettes syndrome. Severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Paranoia. High blood pressure.

Presenting problem: Arrested while cleaning the sidewalk outside a grocery store while screaming dirty names at passer-bys. The police assumed I was drunk, but when the my BAC was taken, it proved I hadnt had a drink.

Parents were killed when I was just a baby. I was raised by my only living relative, a Great Aunt who used her cane to punish me when I "misbehaved"

I have no friends. People think Im strange.

I take various drugs which I buy off the internet. I have blue ones and pink ones and big yellow capsules. I keep them in a plastic container in my safe.

When the police bring me in. I am wiping frantically at the dirt stains on my news while suddenly barking out PIG! and blinking frantically.
17-11-2004, 05:25
Name: Candice Phillips

Sex: white

Age: 38

Medical History: Paranoia, fear of water; including bathes, showers, rain and aquatic animals.

Presenting problem: Society is unable to function around me, they hate me. I was brought to this place after the police saved me from being thrown into the town water fountain by a gang of waitresses.

I collect rocks and eat glue.
Parents were well respected in the community who were ashamed of their only child. I was always an ugly child who never spoke. After embarrassing them with my odd behavior in front of a well respected politician, they tried to drown me in the swimming pool. The gardener heard the splashing and rushed to help. He assumed I slipped into the deep end. From that day on, I avoided water. My parents left me on the steps of an orphanage at the age of 5. I was released at the age of 18 into society.
17-11-2004, 05:28
(OOC: Previously Cleared, I believe...anyways)

Eric Karl Morgan (Yes, middle name is because of Karl Menninger...) is a young psychologist, having been picked up by Serenity Keeper after he decided that the previous small-town clinic he had been working for was too...small. He is a social psychologist by training, but a clinical psychologist by experience.

Physically, he is a pretty big guy at about 6'2", weighing in just about right for his height, and having -very- little flab. He works out regularly, jogging, lifting, so forth. His hobbies include writing short stories, fencing, tennis, and staring contests.

He tends to wear sweaters over tight shirts with stylish but casual-cut khakis. When necessary, he will wear a lab coat.

When he gets established, you might find him outside practicing his martial art: Thai Kickboxing.

Other information will become available during the course of the RP.
17-11-2004, 08:38
ok, I'm gonna partake in this thread. Here's my stats:

Name: Mark Traylon
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Medical History:

Mark Traylon was in his third year of duty in the Tarlachian Human Reserves and assigned to the Peacekeepers Corps, aka the PKCs. On a mission in an undisclosed location in a foreign nation, he was caught in a minefield, unable to be extracted, with his foot still engaging the trigger, but not released just yet. For nearly 48 hours, he remained completely still, until he fell asleep, causing his foot to relax its pressure. The resulting explosion not only tore off his leg, but also detonated the entire minefield. By an extreme stroke of luck, he was found by allies, unconscious and nearly forsaken for dead.

Two years later, Mark awoke from a coma, once again surprising those around him. Yet there was one problem.

He had forgotten everything. What's worse, his memory had been so damaged that he could only recall anything that occurred within the last 24 hours. Each morning, he woke up, completely void of his memories of the previous day(s)...


There, that's it. It should prove to be a challenge to me to RP... Let me know if this is all right with you.
Nation of Fortune
17-11-2004, 08:48
I don't have any official say about, about what they decide, but I sort of am RPing an amnesiac, I think they might want you to do something else. But if they say it's fine more power to you. Just giving you a heads up so you wouldn't be surprised if they decline. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, those are just my thoughts. Now what was I talking about?
17-11-2004, 10:56
Okay, so perhaps it wasn't on the same day, but it'll be there shortly!
17-11-2004, 23:30
ok, I'm gonna partake in this thread. Here's my stats:

Name: Mark Traylon
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Medical History:

Mark Traylon was in his third year of duty in the Tarlachian Human Reserves and assigned to the Peacekeepers Corps, aka the PKCs. On a mission in an undisclosed location in a foreign nation, he was caught in a minefield, unable to be extracted, with his foot still engaging the trigger, but not released just yet. For nearly 48 hours, he remained completely still, until he fell asleep, causing his foot to relax its pressure. The resulting explosion not only tore off his leg, but also detonated the entire minefield. By an extreme stroke of luck, he was found by allies, unconscious and nearly forsaken for dead.

Two years later, Mark awoke from a coma, once again surprising those around him. Yet there was one problem.

He had forgotten everything. What's worse, his memory had been so damaged that he could only recall anything that occurred within the last 24 hours. Each morning, he woke up, completely void of his memories of the previous day(s)...


There, that's it. It should prove to be a challenge to me to RP... Let me know if this is all right with you.

One thing that always bothered me about 50 first dates - if you can only remember the last 24 hours, there shouldn't be any kind of switch, it should just be memories gradually sliding away. Like, you wouldn't remember the past 24 hours and then suddenly BAM nothing, memories build up again and repeat. It'd just be, say someone said hello 23 hours 45 minutes ago, and goodbye 23 hours 30 mins ago, youd remember that, then in 15 mins youd forget the hello, then in another 15 youd forget the goodby.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-11-2004, 23:58
Yes, that is what does happen. I actually knew someone who forgot absolutely everything about himself at night time. He would know his memory was beginning to slip, but was powerless to stop it. It would happen gradually, subtle things, but when his memory went it was gone.

Few people here (on NS) have witnessed it as well. He had to ask what he name was every five minutes, and he was so scared. He was always feeling lost and had no idea who was who, where he was, or what was going on.

It was a very hard thing to actually deal with.
Neo Siberia
18-11-2004, 04:12
Well since I have been hospitalized for mental health reasons on four seperate occasions in reality I would like to participate if only to get an alternate diagnosis.
Name: "John Clark"
Age: 19
Sex: Male

Past medical hx.
Received scioliosis surgery in 2000. Hospitalized for 1 week.
Hospitalized on April 19, 2002 for running nude & claiming to be jesus. Hospitalized for two weeks.
Hospitalized in March 03 claiming to be here to save the world (Was panicing from the war.) Hospitalized for three weeks, infact just when the statue went down.
Was hospitalized on April 20, 2004 for running nude on the Southern State Parkway on Long Island in attempt to be invited as a guest on The Daily Show with John Stewart. Hospitalized for TWO MONTHS!
Hospitalized on July in London for adverse reaction to medication. 1 week (outpatient)
Was diagnosed as Bi-polar/Manic depressive.
& yes I was sober everytime.

Present medical hx.
Asking for interview & an honest opinion
Presenting problem.
Wants to better understand the medical side of the "illness" & be diagnosed by a third party.

Family Medical Hx:
Currently living with father (thinks I am a serious liability), Mother lives in London after the divorce (2001), & One brother, Ryan.

Social Hx:
Single, agnostic/catholic. On two of the occasions that I have been hospitalized I have been disrespected & treated poorly. In addition to being hospitalized I was sentenced to 90 days at a min security detention facility (was more like summer camp except ghetto) in 2000 for domestic abuse. Mother filed a PINs petition due to verbal abuse & accused me of stealing from her. Only has one or two good friends & even then heh they are not to reliable. Emotionally neutral, apathetic not to happy not to depressed or moody.

Was taking Zyprexa 5 mg a day after first hospitalization, the following year I took Rispodal 2 or 3 mg I do not remember & on the third hospitalization 750 mg of depakote in the morning 750 at night, along with a slew of anti psychotics. I also think though I do not have any proof one of the orderlies slipped in exstacy. Though I am supposed to take the drugs now I am not simply because I don't want to be comotose.

5 ft 6 inches tall, Thin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, hairy as hell, mostly optimistic, can be very quiet in a dark mood, have been called timid, conflicted, excused of suffering from low self esteem. :D

No physical problems other than knee pain from running. (would def like some help with that any suggestions?)

I hope you will consider interviewing me.

Remember insanity is only measured in success.
18-11-2004, 04:33
Well, I would definitely like to help you. I can't, however, diagnose you in reality. I am a nursing student and well I can only give you information. This is just for fun and I hope you join. I like you or your character. Very interesting and plus I can't turn down anyone. I will help you out.
Neo Siberia
18-11-2004, 05:49
Sounds good, so now am I on a waiting line or do I have to post in the other thread?
18-11-2004, 09:40
Amanda, I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid that due to recent developments, I won't have the kind of time I would like to have to commit to this project. If there is a sequal, I hope to be available then. I will be reading though. This is a cool idea, and I'd like to see where you take it. :)
18-11-2004, 10:44
Just like to say, great stuff so far. Can't wait till we get round to the whole examining! (just assume that Rena's hissy fit occurrs just before you walk in or whatever, kay?)
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
18-11-2004, 19:20
Amanda, I am about to introduce my character. I will not write stats down, it is something I rarely ever did with characters. You learn my character as I develope them.

Hope you do not mind, I have a rather odd style of RP.
The Peoples LA
18-11-2004, 22:36
I was just wondering whether it was still possible to apply for a character in this RP? I would like to get involved with something like this as I feel it gives you the chance to get to know other people's writing styles - and make some good storyline writing. :)

If possible, I would like to have a character as someone who is committed. If you could let me know perhaps if I can join (drop me a line at I will post an overall brief of my character and then his arrival at Serenity.

Regards all.
19-11-2004, 02:59
Hi, if you dont mind, i'd love to join this thread. my character is as follows:

Name: Louis "Lou" Singer
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160

Lou suffers from a myraid of phobias, believing that death is lurking around every corner and is trying to kill him. He is unable to relax, fearing that his heart will stop. He sleeps on the floor with no covers (so he doesnt strangle himself in his sleep), he refuses to eat food that has not been personally supervised during preperation by him. He trusts no one, terrified that someone might go insane and murder him.

As it can be assumed, Lou cannot live a normal life. He refuses to go outside, fearing that meteors and beams of UV radiation will cause his untimely demise. Always wearing a surgical mask and gloves, he for the most part stays in his room. His only friend is a stuffed elephant he calls "Humphrey". Lou is only calm whatsoever if hes holding Humphrey.

If you would consider allowing me to join, I'd really appreciate it.
Nation of Fortune
19-11-2004, 03:01
Hi, if you dont mind, i'd love to join this thread. my character is as follows:

Name: Louis "Lou" Singer
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160

Lou suffers from a myraid of phobias, believing that death is lurking around every corner and is trying to kill him. He is unable to relax, fearing that his heart will stop. He sleeps on the floor with no covers (so he doesnt strangle himself in his sleep), he refuses to eat food that has not been personally supervised during preperation by him. He trusts no one, terrified that someone might go insane and murder him.

As it can be assumed, Lou cannot live a normal life. He refuses to go outside, fearing that meteors and beams of UV radiation will cause his untimely demise. Always wearing a surgical mask and gloves, he for the most part stays in his room. His only friend is a stuffed elephant he calls "Humphrey". Lou is only calm whatsoever if hes holding Humphrey.

If you would consider allowing me to join, I'd really appreciate it.

He gets my vote.........or is this not a democracy?
19-11-2004, 04:48
Presgreif, I am sure there will be another one, I couldn't have predicted an outcome like this. I will drop a line letting you know if another starts. I will have my hands full now with all the participants.

Der Fuhrer Dyszel, I respect that you want to develop your character throughout the story. I do that also. Yet, I do need to know some facts prior to your character arriving to the hospital. You can leave a lot out if you like, you are not forced to write it, but it just helps the rest of us doctors. I really only need a history and physical on your character. What brought you in, mental symptoms, past medical history, and a review of your systems (which we can probably assess).

ATTN: Doctors:
I will need help with the assessment of all the clients. It will be generalized and then specific to that patient. If you know the aspects of a physical great, if you do not telegram or email me and I can give you the protocol. Basically, look at the post where I ask people to give stats on their health. An easy way to look at it is head to toe assessment. Hmmm. Maybe I will set something up so that we all do the same thing.

I have a test tomorrow, so after class I might post it.

ATTN: All participants. I will not deny any entrance into the story, but please everyone have patience with this story. It will be long because we have side stories/plots to deal with. Also, when we do the physicals that will take time. Just think as this part as the introductory and admissions into the hospital. Later, we will move onto group therapy, which I will need help from the other doctors and even the patients. So, if you have ideas, let me know. I need all the help I can get to run this smoothly. So, far it is going great. Thank you.
19-11-2004, 05:20
Oh another thing:

We have four doctors and one assistant, right? Right. We have a lot of patients. RIGHT. So, I think we need to split them up between the four doctors, but all the doctors need to communicate with eachother and eventually me on assessments and progression with therapy. Think of my character as the manager of the hospital. Everything goes to her because she is in charge.

How to split them up? This is an important question. I was thinking that maybe my character and Golden S's character (my assistant) could work with the ones in lock-down or seclusion. Then I didn't know how to break down the others. So, my fellow co-workers figure out who you would like to work with and let me know. So far I have Der Fuhrer Dyszel, The eternal-dragons,
and Resquide, and others that go into Lockdown. Let me know if you think this is okay.
The Peoples LA
19-11-2004, 08:58
Okay, if I read the higher post right, I'm free to post an entrance - if not, I apoligise.

Sidenote: Just a suggestion, but you mentioned that you wanted any suggestions on how to run this smoothly - what about doctors working with patients according to their severity, or something along those lines? Just a thought.

Extra sidenote: Being as this will be a long RP, if my character is sorted out before the end, then after that I will happily come back as one of the hospital staff if you're still short on doctors/aides.

Anyway, here's the guy's stats, and I'll post an entrance a little later during my free at college.


Psychiatric Report

Name: Jack von Clausewitz
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Ethnic Group: White
Nationality: Unknown
Previous Mental History: Unknown
Current Mental History: Pyromania, Paranoid Schizophrenia

Jack von Clausewitz’s personal history relating to his native land is unknown to those he has had contact with. What is known is that he was a soldier dropped into the jungles of the Congo on a Black Ops mission, the objective of which is unclear. Some time early in the mission, Jack’s squad and equipment was decimated, most probably in an ambush, and von Clausewitz was the only survivor. Lost in the jungles and totally isolated, he became fixed on his mission objective and its completion. This isolation led to Jack developing Paranoid Schizophrenia and, unusually, severe Pyromania.
The precise amount of time he spent alone in the Congo jungle is unknown, but his own remarks suggest at least a year in isolation.
In late October, Jack was apprehended in the wake of what is referred to as the Kindu Fires. Kindu is a population centre in the east of the Congo along the banks of the river Lulaba. Jack arrived in the town, dehydrated and confused and demanding to know the way to the border. Survivors on the ground report that, after several minutes of frustrated demands, von Clausewitz opened fire on the people with machine gun and grenades. An estimated total kill ratio was reported at twenty-five before nearby UN Peacekeepers injured the man and captured him before local militia forces arrived. The United Nations held an international war crimes trial, but deemed him mentally unstable and therefore not accountable for his actions. Shortly afterwards, he was classified as requiring psychiatric help and committed to Serenity.
The Golden Simatar
19-11-2004, 12:22
I wouldn't mind working with you on the people in lockdown ATG.
19-11-2004, 16:35
GS, I thought you were going to help me.

The Peoples LA, I didn't mean to ignore you. I just had a lot on my mind and I still do. I go to nursing school and I have two jobs, but the whole social life I would love to ditch because of all the drama. So, outside is a lot of stress and putting this thing together helped distract me from that stress, but added more onto it. You may post and thank you for the suggestion. I thought about the severe cases I worked with in lock-down. Seeming we have several people who are in amensia and PTSD we could possibly just group those together. Depression and multiple personalites could go together, but I would exclude bipolar from those groups.

This is for all participants to look at and get an idea from. The doctors will use this though in the assessment. will be in the following post.

19-11-2004, 20:27
Here is the assessment protocol. If you include this is your assessment that would be great. You can do it any way you like, but it is important to specify the abnormal findings of each patient. Patients you can't all have perfect health. Even if it be a headache, please come up with something to make it even more interesting in just the mental illness. Things in () are there to help you out either with words or where it is located.

I. Head
Inspects for: Symmetry and contour, hair distribution/lesions
Palpates for: Hair texture and scalp condition (lesions, lumps, and tenderness)

II. Mouth and Pharynx
Inspects: Lips (soft, cracked, lesions), bluccal mucosa (pink, lesions, dry), Gums, teeth (cavities, chipped, caps), Gland ducts: Stensen's (beside 2nd molar) and Wharton's (under the tongue), hard palate, tongue (pink, smooth, cranial nerve (CN) #12 have move from side to side), posterior pharynx (dark colour), anterior/posterior pillars (present, not swollen), uvula (have say ahhh to test CN #9), tonsils (present, swollen ranges from +1 to +4, which is called "kissing tonsils", not present tonsilectomy).

III. Nose and Sinuses
Inspects nose for: patency, mucosa, septal position, and turbinates (need an otoscope) test CN #1, olfactory-smell.
Palpates nose for: symmetry and lesions
sinuses: frontal (forehead) and maxillary (cheeks)
percusses sinues: (using fingers and tapping) frontal and maxillary
transilluminate sinuses: for fluid and swollen (use pen light) frontal and maxillary: how-frontal (light under brow and point up) maxillary(light on maxilla and point down or open mouth and enclose around pen light...if filled with fluid the light will not shine

IV. Neck
Inspect for masses
Palpates: salviary glands (parotid-cheeks, submandibular-below jaw bone, sublingual-below tongue) lymph nodes (preauricular-in front of ear, postauricular-behind ear, occipital-base of skull, submental-chin, superficial anterior cervical-infront of sternomastiod muscle of the neck, superficial posterior cervical- behind " " " " ")
Inspect the thyriod and palpate (displace trachea and have them swallow)
Inspectthe trachea: symmetry (test CN # 11 by shrugging shoulders)

V. Eyes
Snellen chart(reading off the letters and as they get smaller the patient's acuity gets closer to 20/20
Confrontation(one hand covering and compared to doctor's field of vision)
Inspects external eyes: Extraocular movements (have them follow formation of H without moving their head), gerneral alignment, brows, blinking (no lid lag), symmetry, lashes, conjunctiva (pink area of lids), sclera (white of the eye), cornea/lens (clear part of the eye, look for scratches), iris and pupils(corneal light refles, reaction to light direct and consensual-constrict to direct and the other eye should also bc of consenual, accommodation-near to far-dilate, convergence-finger to nose and the eyes converge to the nose)
VI. INspects OCular Fundus-use an ophalmoscope
Disc: near the nose, all vessels come to that area
General backround-dark orange and look for red reflex to the light
Macula-hard to find, but look close to the ear it is a circle
VII. Ears
Inspects external earand palpates, pinna and mastoid
Inspects with otoscope internal and tympanic membrane (gray and silver, left ear has 7 oclock shadow, while right ear has 5 oclock shadow) pull ears up and back to look in
Test auditory acuity by: gross hearing by whispering a word and see if they understand what it is
VIII. Respiratory
Inspects thorax symmetry and configuration (lateral is 2x anteriorposterior)
Counts respirations, rate, and rhythm (bradycapnia, tachycapnia)
Symmetric chest movement
Evidence of oxygenation: skin colour (pink if normal, cyanosis is blue), nails-colour, clubbing
Palpates chest wall, anterior, posterior, and later. Place hands on lateral chest and watch for movement of thumbs-respiratory excursion. For tactile fremitus have patient repeat 99 and palpate chest wall, anterior, posterior, and lateral.
Percuss all lung fields. Diaphragmatic excursion-posterior only-mark point of dullness and then have patient take a deep breathe and hold it and mark point and have them release it.
Auscultates with stethoscope chest walls:
Breath sounds all over fields, voice sounds (99), report absence or presence of adventitious sounds.

IX. Cardiovascular
Inspects precordium for pulsations or lifts-point of maximal impulse-where apical pulse is taken at the apex of the heart-should be a two fingers length, jugular distension of the neck, any heaves.
Palpates for lifts or thrills-vibration, pmi
Carotid arteries with bell for bruits-at the neck
Aorta with bell-straight down from neck
Femoral arteries with bell-inner thigh near the groin
Rate of the heart at the apex
Aortic, pukmonic, erb's point (murmurs), tricuspid, and mitral(apical pulse)
Heart sounds at the mitral are in the left lateral decubitus postiion with the bell-have the client roll on left side and at apical area listen with diaphragm also

Palpates pulses: carotid (neck-one at a time), brachial (bicep area), radial (wrist), femoral (thigh/groin), poptiteal (behind kneecap), dorsalis pedis (by toes), and posterior tibial (by ankle)

X. Abdominal and renal
Inspect abdomen: contour, symmetry, colour, lesions, striae (stretch marks), scars, rashes, vessel patterns, and pulsations (sometimes a lot of thin people have pulsations and this is normal, if not abnormal)
Auscultates: Bowel sounds in four quadrants (right upper, left upper, right lower, left lower) normally all present can be hypoactive or hyperactive-normally takes about three seconds to hear
Percussion in four quadrants, liver, kidneys and bladder (patient should have gone to the bathroom prior to this)
Palpates abdomen: light and then deep. also bladder to see if distended

XI. Breasts
Inspect breasts in five positions
arms at side, arms over head, leaning forward, pressing hands onto hips, and supine
Palpates breasts: entire brest, bilateral, including the tale of spence(armpit bc of lymph nodes in that area)
Talk about self exam-every month same day and same time and same method

1. Olfactory-smell
2. Opitc-sight
3. Oculomotor 4. Trochlear 6. Abducens *3,4,6 make the eyes do tricks*-have them folow the large H that you make with your hand
5. Trigeminal-jaw movement or have smile
7. Facial-smile and then frown
8. Acoustic-hearing
9. Glossopharyngeal and 10. Vagus- gag reflex and have person say "ah"
11. Spinal accessory-shrug shoulders
12. Hypoglossal-stick out tongue

XIII. Cerebellar Function
Coordination-finger to nose, rapid movements, and heel down shin
Balance-tandem gait(heel to toe), Romberg (stand up and close eyes watch)

XIV. Musculoskeletal System
Gait and spine
Range of motion without and with resistance on all extremeties

*You can cut some things out if you want. I know it is long, but it doesn't include everything I had to do. I tried to skip some things. Let me know what you think.
20-11-2004, 11:23
Typically, as soon as I sign up for something reasonably interesting, everything gets piled on me at once. I've really got too much to do, and I'm having to prioritise my activity on the forums. Unfortunately, this comes behind the BoF Hosting and Xenos Flare, so I'm having to pull out. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Maybe you could give my character to somebody else.
The Peoples LA
23-11-2004, 08:53

I apoligise for not replying to your post in the IC thread for the last few days - my computer went down for now-fixed reasons. I will definately, 100 percent put a post in today, so please don't forget me! :S

Der Fuhrer Dyszel
23-11-2004, 17:33
I am debating on pulling out of this role play.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
23-11-2004, 19:27
Amanda, in your free time, I ask that you read this, as a favor for me. I am not advertising my thread here, but I really think you should read it. It was from this event that I was orginally going to base my characters off of.

If you read it, you will understand how important this role play is to me, and also why I might withdraw from it. Also, please offer me assistance. I am really lost right now.
24-11-2004, 04:24
Hey, y'all I know people have RL and all. I can understand and I will try not to forget you. My memory does fail me sometimes, so reminding me helps out. I have a lot to remember and sometimes this comes last.

Der Fuhrer Dyszel, I don't mind. I posted there. Let me know what you think about it and what you need.

Just to let everyone know...I might be alittle behind in posting...I am not sure yet...I have a lot to juggle right now with school and I am abit stressed out...I will try my best though. Thanks for everything.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
01-12-2004, 01:13
Amanda, I think I would like to play Dante in this thread. Perhaps to better understand how he felt about his life, or how if I were him I would have felt. What all do I need to do now?
02-12-2004, 03:19
Er... Rena's kinda getting bored in there, neh?
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
05-12-2004, 18:01
Is this still taking place? I want to introduce my character, but I want to make sure that I first have everything I need to introduce my character and that my choice of character is acceptable.