NationStates Jolt Archive

**not A N00b**

Ford racing
01-11-2004, 19:34
Hi guys
Just to let you know that i am not a n00b as i have just created a new nation called ford racing.My first nation was at the begining of last year and it was called hidas so just a reminder not to call me a n00b :sniper:
Five Civilized Nations
01-11-2004, 19:46
Well you're a n00b, since you didn't know which forum to post this bullshit in...
01-11-2004, 19:52
No, no. This being is no n00b.

He's a tr0ll. Being that one who posts a thread like this (which is a waste of time to begin with) is crying for attention and even acceptance. The responses to be expected, however, would most likely be sheer mockery, followed by IC and OOC ignores all around.
The eternal-dragons
01-11-2004, 22:04
I love Sakkra
The Immaculate Youth
01-11-2004, 23:21
You guys are cruel. :p
01-11-2004, 23:32
Found on Road Dead