Elections in the Resurgent Dream
The Resurgent Dream
30-10-2004, 22:15
The following are the positions of the various parties running in the Parliamentary elections.
Against children gambling
Allow racist plays
For killing infidels
Against organ harvesting
For a space program
Kill cult leaders
Ban gambling and crack down on organized crime
Against animal experimentation
For raising soldiers from birth
Against children gambling
Reward stereotype breaking roles
For the atheist tax
Against organ harvesting
For a space program
Rehabilitate cultists
Allow gambling
Against animal experimentation
For better treatment of cadets
Against children gambling
Award stereotype breaking roles
For separation of church and state
Against organ harvesting
For a space program
Rehabilitate cult leaders
Allow gambling
For animal experimentation
For better treatment of cadets
Against children gambling
Racial quotas in plays
For killing infidels
Against organ harvesting
For a privately funded space program
For rehabilitating cultists
Ban gambling and crack down on organized crime
For animal experimentation
For tougher army training
Against children gambling
Racial quotas in plays
For atheist tax
Against organ harvesting
For a privately funded space program
For rehabilitating cult members
For banning gambling and cracking down on organized crime
Against animal experimentation
For tougher army training
The Resurgent Dream
30-10-2004, 22:15
Against children gambling
Reward stereotype breaking roles
For treating religion as a mental disorder
For organ harvesting
Against a space program
For killing cult leaders
For legalized gambling
For animal experimentation
For an untrained army
For children gambling
Allow racist plays
For killing infidels
For organ harvesting
Against a space program
For allowing human sacrifice
For legalized gambling
For animal experimentation
For raising soldiers from birth
For children gambling
Allow racist plays
For killing infidels
For organ harvesting
Against a space program
For allowing human sacrifice
For legalized gambling
For animal experimentation
For an untrained army
For children gambling
Allow racist plays
For separation of church and state
Against organ harvesting
For a privately funded space program
For allowing human sacrifice
For legalized gambling
For animal experimentation
For an untrained army
The Resurgent Dream
30-10-2004, 22:16
For children gambling
Allow racist plays
For separation of church and state
Against organ harvesting
For a privately funded space program
For allowing human sacrifice
For legalized gambling
For animal experimentation
For an untrained army
Against children gambling
Racial quotas in plays
For killing infidels
For organ harvesting
Against a space program
For sacrificing first born sons
For reservation casinos
Against animal experimentation
For raising troops from birth
The Resurgent Dream
30-10-2004, 22:17
Against children gambling
Racial quotas in plays
For the atheist tax
Against organ harvesting
Against a space program
For killing cult leaders
For banning gambling and cracking down on organized crime
Against animal experimentation
For tougher army training
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 01:20
Ok. I'm embarassed. I just noticed the type-o in the poll itself. Sorry, people. *Normally has better grammar and spelling, honest*
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 02:24
Traditionalist: 200
Conservative: 100
Purist: 50
Royalist: 25
Reformer: 12
Moderate: 6
Repudiator: 3
Constitutionalist: 1
Modernist: 1
Radical: 1
Anarchist: 1
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 02:42
High Queen Corrina ni Gwydion: Reformer
King Danwyth ap Gwydion: Traditionalist
Queen Eleanor ni Ailil: Repudiator
Queen Elayne ni Fiona: Modernist
Queen Elizabeth ni Dougal: Traditionalist
King Frederick ap Eiluned: Reformer
King Gregory ap Liam: Reformer
Grand Duchess Beatrice ni Gwydion: Modernist
Grand Duchess Nianki ni Gwydion: Traditionalist
Princess Aiwyn ni Gwydion: Reformer
Princess Agwene ni Gwydion: Reformer
Princess Vicotira ni Gwydion: Traditionalist
OOC: So many parties... so little difference
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 03:22
OOC: You don't think the fact the difference between "killing infidels" and "separation of church and state" is significant?
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 04:43
OOC: Besides just voting, feel free to ask OOC questions about the parties or the system, or to send reporters to cover the elections ic.
OOC: Will this realy influence who runs your nation? And....have the elections started IC-ly?
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 04:54
OOC: 200 of the 400 seats in Parliament will be selected based on the poll. And the campaign has started ic. The election itself will be a one day affair on the last day of the poll.
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 18:05
Traditionalist Count George ap Gwydion gives a speech condemning the recent openness with human governments and calling for an international policy restricted to werewolves and mages, traditional allies.
Reformer Duke Johnathan ap Eiluned returns to his holdings to knight four trolls.
Riding his party's unexpected success in the polls, Modernist Sir Thomas ap Ailil gave a speech, to a packed coliseum in Tarana itself, calling on the government to legalize cars, firearms, and the like.
Conservative Abraham Cheney, a boggan, gave a speech in Farinor blaming Queen Elayne and her upcoming marriage to Countess Catherine as a major reason for the decline of family values in the Empire.
Moderate Andrew Gore condemned all parties for hostile rhetoric and called for a debate on the issues in a speech given in Shieldcrest.
WN3: Weyr net News Network
The preliminaries to the parliamentary elections here in the Empire of the Resurgent Dream have thus far been quite peaceful. As of yet, no contenders have been found dead or have disappeared without a trace. For now, public polling shows the Modernist platform in the lead, with Anarchists a far second, and other platform tying for third block spaces. In all, there appears to be no serious ambition shown by any particular platform for recieving the largest voting block
Allegations of negative ad campaigning are floating around, but these attempts at negativity are mediocre, at best.
{WN3: Corrupting your mind for eight centuries and running}
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 18:57
In several population centers in the Empire, a rather lurid flyer is passed out giving graphic, degrading accounts of alleged perversion in the Imperial Family. Corrina is described as frigid. Beatrice and Agwene are accused of lesbianism. Nianki is accused of sexual sadism and Danwyth is described as a womanizer.
((Note: I didn't put the actual text in because it would probably be considered obscene. This is a very vulgar pamphlet.))
Radical Party Leader Patricia, a redcap, denied any knowledge of the pamphlets, saying it isn't how she campaigns. However, she did not deny the truth of their contents, saying that "idle parasites have little on which to spend their time besides debauchery"
OOC: Obscene? Considering what AMF and DA post around here? If anyone's wondering...In Weyr, making remarks about someone's sexual preferences is really, really stupid........
WN3: Weyr Net News Network
Several more platforms are now tied for second-tier parliamentary blocks. The Modernist platform is still strongly in the lead and will most probably gain a large number of seats in these upcoming parliamentary elections.
An anti-royalist, pamphlet has been put into circulation in the Empire of the Resurgent Dream. Attempts to discredit a particular platform appear to be a standard, if all too human tactic in elections. These pamphlets, however, appear to also be aimed at non-heterosexual entities. It is interesting to see something as degenerate as homophobia present in a nation that prides itself on being more civilized than its neighbors.
{WN3: Corrupting your mind for eight centuries and running}
The Resurgent Dream
31-10-2004, 22:39
The Purist Count Abraham ap Ailil formally stated his willingness to marry High Queen Corrina at a campaign rally.
Queen Elayne ni Ailil appeared on a stage flanked by a crowd of decently dressed ogres. She proclaimed the Kingdom of Wintermore would send observers to the other five kingdoms to make sure ogres and other Thallain were allowed to vote. She also announced an effort to register ogres to vote on behalf of the Repudiator Party.
The Anarchist Lord Andrew ap Leanhaun attended the Farinor wedding of two noblemen.
The Ritualist Diuc Ulysses ap Daireann presided over a prayer meeting in Fireforge.
Count George has attacked the slanderous pamphlets, saying that he knows Corrina and her late husband had a very loving marriage and her lack of a romantic life was merely for respect of the dead.
The Resurgent Dream
01-11-2004, 16:43
The Resurgent Dream
02-11-2004, 08:57
Count George has been touring the Empire, trying to distract attention from recent sexual scandals by blaming problems on human controlled nations, especially Androtia, which caused the recent outbreak in Shieldcrest.
The Resurgent Dream
03-11-2004, 22:12
My friends, we cannot yet tell how this election will go. I hope that it will be a victory for the Reformer Party. I believe that out party stands for a way forward for the Empire. The Traditionalists see only the past while the Modernists disguise a desire to adopt foreign ways and customs contrary to our people's way of life as a forward-thinking perspective.
I do not wish to run a negative campaign. There are no losers in an Imperial Election. Together, we all decide who shall represent our will in Parliament. We all vote, as proud citizens of the Empire and loyal subjects of Emperess Aiwyn. We are one people, despite race, despite party, despite court. As one people we will vote on November sixth.
These are tense days, yes. Our Empire seems divided and its leaders speak harshly about one another. Still, on November seventh, we will all wake up part of one Empire. We will have a new Parliament. I hope that it is a Reformer Parliament but I know that it will be a Parliament of patriots, whatever their party. Thank you.
The Resurgent Dream
04-11-2004, 07:47
((Anyone want to ask the candidates actual questions?))
The Resurgent Dream
04-11-2004, 15:00
If these patterns continue, the Parliament will be split nearly down the center with the balance lying with the Moderate Party. Without the Moderates, the right has 192 votes and the left 181. The participation of the Moderate Party in a coalition could create a right majority of 219 or a left majority of 208. Of course, these are just the latest numbers. There's still two days until the election and anything could happen.
The Resurgent Dream
05-11-2004, 16:37
The day of the election finally arrives. Citizens from all Kiths, Courts, and walks of life line up outside polling places throughout the Empire. As the day begins, there is still an almost evenly divided vote with any future coalition needing the Moderates to win. Nonetheless, the majority of votes are gravitating towards one pole or the other. It will not be possible for the Moderates to lead a coalition of relatively centrist parties.
The Resurgent Dream
06-11-2004, 20:58
The Resurgent Dream
07-11-2004, 11:04