The Kingdom of Callahorn
Greetings to all from the King of Callahorn, King Marcus. The Kingdom of Callahorn exists in an area known as the Borderlands. From his capital in Trysis the king commands one the best fighting forces in all the four lands, the Border Legion. A map of the four lands is here (
This is a formal greeting by his majesty through me his faithful harold Clackman. His scribes are still yet preparing his papers on the outlines of his military and economy. Once done they will be given for you all to see. I bid you farewell for now.
OOC: I've decided to be a fantasy country. I will be posting my other stuff soon enough for you to look at. If you have trouble seeing the map just enlarge it, if it doesn't work I'll try finding another.
24-10-2004, 13:36
OOC: I have seen many maps but that is one of the best and most origal so far. Hope you have fun with your nation and its RPs.
OOC: Thankyou Tadjikistan.
The Border Legion is a volunteer force. If you join you join for life or a four year stretch. When you join no questions are asked about your past or who you might have been, your now in the Legion. The legion remains at 1% of the population at all times. There are 4 divisions of 150,000. Each with an equal number of Foot Soldiers, Calvary, and Archers. The present commander of the Border Legion is Paladin. A head taller than most men he is popular with the men and is a deadly fighter. The arms of the Legion are below.
Weapons of the Legion Foot Soldier
Sheild (
Pike (
Sword (
Chain Mail vest (
Helm (
Weapons of Auxilary Troops, Archer etc
CrossBow (
Longbow (
Calvalry of the Legion Arms
BreastPlate (
Leg Amour (
Sheild (
Sabre (
Lance (
25-10-2004, 11:07
OOC: Nice pictures Trysis. Your military is interesting. You might add an engineers guild or something for building siege engines. And also you might want to have some kind of specialized force. Like the US has the Seals.
The Resurgent Dream
25-10-2004, 11:11
OOC: Nice to see another fantasy nation.
In a pledge of alliance with The Dominion of DEN Horseguards the might of the Border Legion has been pledged to its aid. As well as this new alliance his majesty King Marcus has called for the Druid Council at Paranor to send an advisor for future things. The Council has sent Crixis. A Druid of powerful magic. His Majesty can be seen here with Crixis veiwing a force of Pikemen from the Legion. ( Other days of training under the eye of General Paladin (
The Druids of Paranor were founded a century ago when the races of the Four Lands came together in the hopes of peace after the Great Fall. All science had been wiped out, computers and other instruments were destroyed through nuclear explosions. Some humans excaped by going high into the mountain ranges of the the world, their skin became thick and almost bark like as well as become large over 8 feet tall. They became the race of Rock Trolls. Other humans fled under the earth, in the centuries after they came out they were changed, they had become short and wide and were keen of eye in the dark but since then they were uncomfortable below the earth, they became the race of Dwarves. From the death of science and the old world came the Elves. The Elves had always been there, they had hidden themselves from humans and with them their magic. When the other races came out of darkness as well as what was left of the origanal humans the elves were their to give what knowledge they had. From these new beginnings they created different kingdoms of their own. The humans who were most friendly with the elves and the dwarves founded the kingdom of Callahorn. They became known as bordermen since Callahorn was the most northern of all human kingdoms. To the south was small kingdoms and even more south is the Federation which was about the size of Callahorn. With these new races the Druids became the guides to a new future. From all the races with the exception of the Trolls and Gnomes were represented at the First Druid Council which has caused many a war between the races. They made their home at Paranor, the Druid Keep. To protect them the races sent their best warriors to guard them, the men became known as the Druid Guard. Their signiat being a hand holding forth a torch.Two men of the Druid Guard can be seen here guarding the entrance to Paranor. (
For some time the Council was broken when the First War of the Races exploded. King Leonidas, present king of Callahorn, marshalled his troops. ( In a final battle in the Rabb plains the armies of the Trolls and Gnomes were defeated. Leaving the domination of the Four Lands to the elves, humans, and dwarves.
The economy of Callahorn is of a medeival type economy. Peasents are to deliver to their leige lord 30% of all they grow on their alotted plot of land. Fishing as a large export as well. Merchants from the south bring carved furniture and carpets to trade for wheat, fish, and iron. Trade with the elves is mostly in clothing, silks, and great carpets which are on every floor in the palace in Tyrsis. Well made axes and swords set in the armoury spoke of the magic of dwarf steel. Gold which is mined and coined is always present in the Royal Treasury in Tyrsis. Every now and then his majesty will put a little of it into circulation.
Military Outline
At all times there are 4 Divisions in the Border Legion of 150,000 each. Besides those 600,000 men there is also the militia. Each man between the age of 18-30 must serve a minimum of 3 years in the King's army. One year training, one on border duty, one on reserve duty.Raw recruits from the country side for their first year of training. (
Tyrsis's Castle Keep, the location of the Royal Palace (
His Majesty also has a personal guard of 100 chosen men, the best fighters of the Border Legion. They are armed with a Great Sword ( which they weild two handed to deadly effect.
On its borders Callahorn had adopted to use small forts were Border Legion soldiers would spend their year of border service for the king.Here is a look at one just newly being finished before the onset of winter. (
An idea of his Majesty's father was to create a crack force of troops to be used only in the case of a special task which only they could do. 10,000 men are chosen every 5 years, each one being tested in the use of the sword, pike, and even dagger. They distiguished themselves on the battle feild by their large round sheilds which cover them from their knees to their chins. They carry 18" long pikes as well as curved falchions. They are the Immortals. ( Never have the Immortals been defeated in battle. They march in a formation of 300 men across and 16 men deep. Each time they march on the feild of battle the enemy fears as the only thing that announces their arrival is the stomp of their boots.
Each Division of the Border Legion is commanded by a Captain, Under him are three Legates each commanding under him the infantry, clavary, and auxilary troops. Under the Legates are 10 Preators who command different sections of the division. Under each Preator are 30 sergeants who command a small group of men from 100-300 men in battle. General Paladin, present commander of the Border Legion, is a great tactician. he likes to use a triple line of men. with clavary on the flanks.
OOC: I have seen many maps but that is one of the best and most origal so far.
If the King of Callahorn is named Terry Brooks, I'd agree.
27-10-2004, 13:13
OOC: You are also getting perilously close to copyright infringement....
Sources for this provided by Terry Brooks Shannara Novels.
OOC: If you say what your source is, from what your getting your stuff from, then I can use it legaly since its giving Brooks credit for the map and most of the history, which I twitched a little. And sadly I am not Terry Brooks but I am a writer who would aspire to write a great set of books like his.
Five Civilized Nations
28-10-2004, 17:28
OOC: I have seen many maps but that is one of the best and most origal so far. Hope you have fun with your nation and its RPs.
FYI, the map is far from original.
...Gnomes were defeated
Pesty Gnomes...Its easier to just step on the little bastards though. They're only what, like two inches high?
OOC: Actually acording to terry brooks the gnomes in his books are half the height of man and about 5 inches taller than dwarves. and they attack in huge swarms so they are capable to put up a slight fight.
Current Resolutions
28-10-2004, 20:05
We'd like to participate.
How do we do that?
(being new here and all).
I imagine contributing a co-educational coterie of shapeshifters whose ability is unquestioned but whose loyalties are, alas, not.
I think you got the wrong thing this is just me explaining my kingdom, if you talking about joining an Rp then search my name and pick the one that says Sign Up for War RP.