NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Tank check (Is CSJ still around?)

Daistallia 2104
13-10-2004, 18:57
OOC: This is supposed to be a 2104 AD model.
Any comments, constructive criticism, or editing would be appreciated. Thank You. :D

T-2 Mahakala Medium Tank (

(If you can't see the image, look here (

The purpose of this vehicle is to provide mobile firepower for armored formations of sufficient capability to successfully close with and destroy any opposing armored fighting vehicle in the world, while providing protection for it's crew in any conceivable combat environment. It is capable of engaging the enemy in any weather, day or night on the multi-dimensional, non-linear battlefield using its firepower, manuever, and shock effect.

Weight: 55,032 kg
Length: 9.5m
Width: 3.5m
Height: 2.8m
Gun Overhang: 1.5 m

Crew: 3 (Commander, driver, and gunner)

Engines: 10 proton exchange membrane fuel cells, generating 120 kWs each, for a total of 1200 kWs, lithium polymer batteries generating 3840 kWh
Power/Weight Ratio: 21.8 kW/tn
Fuel Carried: 10 alkali-modified fullerene nanotube lattice hydrogen canisters, containing 2kg of hydrogen each (100 kg) – 40 hours supply
Transmission: Hydro Kinetic Automatic 3/3

Power/Weight Ratio: 17.5
Max Road Speed: 70km/h
Max Road Speed: 95 km/h

Road Range: 450km
Off Road Range: 250km
Groundclearance: 0.50m
Tracklenght to ground: 2.85m
Track Width: 40cm
Track Ground Contact: 22,800 cm2
Ground Pressure: 2.4kg/cm2
Turn Radius: pivot
Fording: 1.2m
Gradient: 70%
Side Slope: 40
Obstacle performance ditch: 2.3m
Obstacle performance vertical: 0.8m

Main armanent: 145mm hypervelocity smoothbore cannon with auto loader.
Transverse: full
Elevation: -10 deg to +15 deg
Amount of main ammunition: 5
Used types of ammunition: APFSDS-T, APFSDS-T- DU, HE, HEAT, EFP, Smoke, Cannister, APAM.

Secondary Armament:
2 x linked co-axial 7mm MG-3s, 2 x 7mm MG-3s (commander and driver positions)
2x3 66 Smoke grenade launchers
2 prismatic anti laser aerosol dispensers
Amount of 7mm ammunition: 6000 rounds

Armor: a composite of foam steel alloy, reinforced with carbide whiskers embedded in a ceramic matrix, 2-D boron sheets, uranium backed titanium, and bioweave (giving a Specific Strength* (MPa-cm3/g) of 600, or 4 times that of RHA steel armor)
Front: 500mm@70 deg
Side: 200mm@0 deg
Rear: 150mm@0 deg
Top/Bottom: 75mm@0 deg
Front: 600mm@70 deg
Sides/Rear: 200mm@20 deg
Top/Bottom: 75mm@0 deg

Cost: 12.2 million USD

Notes and Features:
Both the fuel and ammunition are compartmented to enhance survivability. The hull and turret are protected by advanced armor. When required, the T2 may be fitted with "reactive armor" to thwart armor-defeating munitions.
The main weapon of the T2 is a 140mm smoothbore hypervelocity cannon. The gun is made of ESR steel and is fitted with a thermal sleeve and fume extractor. It employs a non-hypergolic binary hydrazine propellant, with a freezing point of -100 C and a boiling point of 60C. It is injected by a computerized system in the precise proportions needed to generate the acceleration/final velocity/range deisred for the trajectory wanted. It has a muzzle velocity of 1500 m/sec. Engagement ranges are approximately 6000 meters. The primary armor-defeating ammunition of this weapon is the armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot round, which features a titanium penetrator. Several other types of ammunition are available as well.
An MG-3 is located in a powered mount at the Commander's station and is equipped with a x3 magnification sight. The Loader is provided with another MG-3, and two AR-3-HBs are mounted coaxially in a fixed mount on either side of the main gun to suppress enemy ground troops.
The turret is fitted with two six-barreled 66mm smoke grenade launchers, one on each side of the main gun. The standard smoke grenade contains a phosphors compound that masks thermal signature of the vehicle to the enemy. A smoke screen can also be laid by an engine operated system.
The layout of the T2 follows classic tank design and accommodates a crew of three: Commander, Gunner, and Driver. The Commander is seated on the right side of the turret. The Gunner is seated on the left side of the turret, and the Driver is seated at the center front of the hull.
The Commander's station is equipped with six periscopes which provide all round 360 degree view. An Independent Integrated Thermal Viewer (IITV) from provides him with independent, stabilized day and night vision with a 360 degree view, automatic sector scanning, automatic target cueing of the Gunner's sight with no need for verbal communication, and a complete back-up fire control system - the Commander is capable of firing the main gun independent of the Gunner.
The Gunner's Sight-Line of Sight Primary (GS-LOSP) and night vision Thermal Imaging System (TIS) create an image based on the differences of heat radiated by objects in the field of view. The thermal image is displayed in the eyepiece of the Gunner's sight together with the range measurement to within 10 meters of accuracy, from laser range finder, which is integrated into all of the fire control systems. The T-2 also has an onboard digital fire control computer. Range data from the laser rangefinder is transferred directly to the fire control computer, which automatically calculates the fire control solution. The data includes 1) the lead angle measurement, 2) the bend of the gun measured by the muzzle reference system of the main armament, 3) wind velocity measurement from a wind sensor on the roof of the turret and 4) the data from a pendulum static cant sensor located at the center of the turret roof. The Gunner or Commander manually inputs the data on the ammunition type and temperature, and the barometric pressure and the weapon is prepared for engagement.
The Driver's station is located at the center front of the hull. The Driver is in a semi-reclined position when his hatch is closed, as it must be whenever the vehicle is in operation. His station is equipped with a standard array of gages and monitors reflecting the condition of vehicle fluid levels, batteries and electrical equipment. The Driver has three observation periscopes and a central image intensifying ("Starlight") periscope for night vision. The periscopes provide 120 degrees field of view. The Driver's night vision equipment enables the tank to maneuver at normal daytime driving in darkness and in poor visibility conditions such as in the dust and smoke encountered on the battlefield.
The stowage for the main armament ammunition is in armored ammunition boxes behind sliding armor doors. Armor bulkheads separate the crew compartment from the fuel tanks. The tank is equipped with an automatic Halon fire extinguishing system. This system automatically activates within 2 milliseconds of either a flash or a fire within the various compartments of the vehicle. The top panels of the tank are designed to blow outwards in the event of penetration by a HEAT projectile.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) warfare protection is provided by an overpressure clean-air conditioning air system, a radiological warning system, and a chemical agent detector. The crew are individually equipped with protective suits and masks.
The T2 can be fitted with a contingency armor package that is thin and lightweight, but with a high level of protection. These armor packages can be applied to either the side or front of the T2 to provide additional protection as required by the mission.
The turret and gun system are equiped with various weapon stabilization systems, including electric direct (gearless) turret azimuth drive, barrel actuator active damping control, fully integrated gearless turret/gun direct drives, and digital servo control, increasing probability of hit under moving conditions.
A dozer blade or an MCBS mine plow can be fitted.
Electronic systems include: independent thermal imaging, third generation forward looking infrared (FLIR), and electronic and optical day sights for both gunner and commander, integrated electronic controls and multi-funtion displays for the gunner, commander, and driver, 2 VHF secure radios, electronic fire control, laser sensor, an independent commander’s weapon station, position navigation equipment, digital data bus and radio interface unit, laser range finder, digital ballistic computer, position reporting systems, and other classified systems. All el;ectronics systems are tied into a digital appliqué command and control package on the Turret Network Box (TNB) and Hull Network Box (HNB) . This allows a built-in-test (BIT) capability to support maintenance. Digital TNBs and HNBs also allow future electronic growth by providing unpopulated card slots.
A deep water fording kit is also available.
Daistallia 2104
14-10-2004, 03:51
14-10-2004, 04:15
Well, CSJ isn't much active in the forums these times around. the tank does look quite good and does not exit the tech level limits, however I think that you could probably have the top and bottom armor increased, since there are quite a few (including me) nations producing anti-tank munitions that specifically attack the top (and sometimes, in the case of mines, bottom) of the tank. I'm not a tank person, but however, it does still look very good, and the new survivability systems are very interesting as well.
Daistallia 2104
14-10-2004, 17:35
Thanks. :D
There isn't anything all that original on it's own, but I put in a few things I haven't seen them applied here yet. :)
14-10-2004, 17:46
engagement range is to long; fuel cells strike me as to powerful for size/weight but i'm to lazy to check it out; uranium armour is weighty, as are several of the other systems, and bulky, so i'm wondering about that weight, and what the profile might be. On the other hand, efficiency savings if the turrert is fully automated might counterbalance it.
GMC Military Arms
14-10-2004, 18:27
Um, given a WW2 King Tiger could engage at 3,500 metres and a Abrams is easily capable of 4,000, I really don't think he's pushing it with a 2104 tank hitting at 6,000m.

The thermal image is displayed in the eyepiece of the Gunner's sight together with the range measurement to within 10 meters of accuracy, from a Hughes laser range finder, which is integrated into all of the fire control systems. The Abrams also has an onboard digital fire control computer.

Ah, the horrors of find / replace.
Five Civilized Nations
14-10-2004, 23:27

Somehow, the tank looks very front heavy to me...
Daistallia 2104
15-10-2004, 03:37
Um, given a WW2 King Tiger could engage at 3,500 metres and a Abrams is easily capable of 4,000, I really don't think he's pushing it with a 2104 tank hitting at 6,000m.

Ah, the horrors of find / replace.

:D Thanks.
Daistallia 2104
15-10-2004, 03:48
engagement range is to long; fuel cells strike me as to powerful for size/weight but i'm to lazy to check it out; uranium armour is weighty, as are several of the other systems, and bulky, so i'm wondering about that weight, and what the profile might be. On the other hand, efficiency savings if the turrert is fully automated might counterbalance it.


Somehow, the tank looks very front heavy to me...

The binary propellants give at least 2x (I've seen estimates of up to 4x) the kick of modern powders, so 6000m should be fine. The armor weight should be balanced out by the very light composites. And if you say too light and 5CN says too heavy, I'll figure it's just about right. :)
15-10-2004, 16:43
Um, given a WW2 King Tiger could engage at 3,500 metres and a Abrams is easily capable of 4,000, I really don't think he's pushing it with a 2104 tank hitting at 6,000m.

Ah, the horrors of find / replace.
i'm more worried about wether it could threaten a comparable tech tank's armour at that range than wether or not it could fire a shell up to that distance (of course it can, just turn the main gun to 45° of elevation and it'll go considerably further..). I'm quite familiar with RILP gun systems(less so with binary propellants for same, admittedly) and i know they're far more powerful, but the frontal armour also rates 2.5x that of the Abrams, and that's without reactive systems, so i'm not so sure it could kill itself at 6000m.
Five Civilized Nations
15-10-2004, 16:51
The binary propellants give at least 2x (I've seen estimates of up to 4x) the kick of modern powders, so 6000m should be fine. The armor weight should be balanced out by the very light composites. And if you say too light and 5CN says too heavy, I'll figure it's just about right. :)
Daistallia 2104
15-10-2004, 18:36
Thanks for all the input. I do believe I'll rework it a bit more. Less sl;avishly based on the Abrams for one.... ;)