NationStates Jolt Archive

Roleplaying Policies (OOC Discussion Thread)

The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 03:32
1. If any thread that I am playing in falls entirely off the forums and can only be accessed through the participants' public profiles, then I will copntact them by telegram. If a full week passes with no reply, I'll assume it is dead. I will consider any characters I had in the thread who were not either dead of indefinitely captured to be available for use elsewhere. Dead and captured characters, of course, remain dead or captured.
11-10-2004, 23:45
Hmmm...sometimes it takes less than a day to bump stuff off the main pages. Some people don't post daily. I usually wait a week or so before I take any real action, and even then I'll probally send a TG or two first...

...of course, that was my .02 cents worth on the subject.
11-10-2004, 23:59
I generally give any thread a week. Never know when someone might forget, have RL issues, or some other problems. I once had an RP drag out until the other participant left NS for the forseeable future.....

I have three policies:
(1)That any postage made by people RP-ing with me be legible. If I can't tell what someone's written, I'll ignore it.
(2) Not contacting me before getting me involved in a war RP gives me the right to ignore that RP.
(3) Killing my main chars before consulting me is a strict no-no. No dropping nukes on my cities, deploying the ebola virus into the building's air vents, or having the Death Star pop into existence and dump a [very big number] of somethings onto the planet surface.
12-10-2004, 00:56
I generally wait until I'm specifically told that the thread won't be continued...

After all, its a little inconsiderate to forget a thread just becuase its author, or those involved are struggling to find time to continue on with it.
The Resurgent Dream
12-10-2004, 01:32
Yeah, but I've had people just quit NS entirely before while I was in the middle of a thread with them and not say anything.
12-10-2004, 04:51
Some people may not be considerate, but that is what we have to deal with. I suggest giving some leniency to the other participates. As previous people have already stated, RL issues come into play and are more important than the story at that time. For example I go to school (nursing) and I have two serving jobs, and one is at a bar. I have a compacted schedule and I assume I am not the only one that has that kind of one. Some RPers even have more responsibilities like children. I think you should put into account those issues and give alittle more on your limitations. Maybe extend it a week and ask them why they haven't continued. Most people will have the decency to explain themselves.

~Patience is a virtue~
12-10-2004, 04:58
Telegrams are everyone's friend. As well, IRC, AIM or whatever are good options to consider. Keeping the lines open is a good policy. I've found that most people are quite understanding when RL things come up.

After writing this, I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Dread Lady Nathicana
12-10-2004, 05:52
Another thing to consider, as an easy way to keep track of your threads, is to use the subscription options available through your profile. (see the tabs at the top of the page on the forums here.)

You can set them so that anywhere you post, it subscribes you, set it to notify you via email if you desire when someone posts, etc. It's a nice, neat, at-a-glance way to see who posted last, and a quick link to your threads.

--Nathi's Player (who is currently woefully behind on her threads *wince*)
The Resurgent Dream
12-10-2004, 06:32
[QUOTE=Dread Lady Nathicana]

(who is currently woefully behind on her threads *wince*)[/QUOTE

...but we love her anyway. ;)
The Resurgent Dream
13-10-2004, 06:59
2. To avoid allowing techlevel alone to determine the outcome of wars, and thus to encourage people to play different techlevels, the amount and power level of magic that I use in wars is always proportionate to the enemies technology. That way nationsize, economy, and other objective UN stats, combined with strategy and roleplaying, determine the winner, instead of tech.
The Most Glorious Hack
13-10-2004, 11:09
2. To avoid allowing techlevel alone to determine the outcome of wars, and thus to encourage people to play different techlevels, the amount and power level of magic that I use in wars is always proportionate to the enemies technology. That way nationsize, economy, and other objective UN stats, combined with strategy and roleplaying, determine the winner, instead of tech.
I prefer: Avoid unscripted wars at all costs. They don't solve anything, are usually dreadfully boring, generally end up with people bitching at each other, and really aren't all that fun.

As for point one, you have to keep in mind how the thread's flowing. Me not being able to post for 2 days in the Carnivale is pretty bad: I can expect 30-40 posts to have flown by (as they are now). However, I've had threads that have moved much, much slower. I've had threads where a post a week ment it was moving quickly.
The Resurgent Dream
13-10-2004, 15:07
I avoid unscripted wars as long as they don't grow out of legitimate other ic things. I'll get to that and formulate it better when I do. In kind of a rush now.
The Resurgent Dream
03-11-2004, 03:47
3. If something isn't explicitly marked closed or limited, then it's open to everyone except the very few people I've ignored.
The Gothic Underworld
03-11-2004, 03:58
In a character RP, always plan with the others how the thread plot is going to move along in advance. Makes for less conflicts.
The Resurgent Dream
03-11-2004, 04:12
Also makes things a tad predictable. I ask people to plan it out with me if they're going to attempt violence or something of that nature. Outside of that, I prefer to let things work out ic.