NationStates Jolt Archive

The First Annual Great Philosophic Meet

New Genoa
09-10-2004, 20:30
>>>Begin: Transmission
Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your ears. I invite you to a prodigious banquet to be held at my manor in the city of Southport, New Genoa: a banquet to be held in honor of the First Annual Great Philosophic Meet. The banquet will be held October 9 up until the 18th of the month so feel free to arrive at any time during the aforementioned dates. After and during the banquet there will be various festivities and debates to be held, discussed, and observed. Idealist, consumerist, collectivist, or your own breed: bring your philosophical vigor to New Genoa. You need not be renowned, or wealthy, or poor. You need not be a pedestrian, a senator, or monarch. Bring yourself and any entourage you wish. This will be a whimsical banquet indeed, and I suggest that you attend for all purposes good and bad!

There are some ground rules, which I must, sadly (for security reasons), lay out for all to feast their little eyes upon (or does your mind do the feasting? So much to debate!) and comprehend. These rules are quite self-explanatory and by no means have the intentions of infringing your personal rights. They are merely here for security purposes so we may enjoy the festivities of the day without adieu.

Ground Rules
-First and foremost: no weapons are allowed. Security guards will be provided so there is no need to bring an armed battalion to follow you around the courtyard and manor.

-Second: you must send out your intentions of attending before you arrive so we may add you to the guest list. Feel free to mention any guests who may be coming with you so we may add their names to the guest list as well.

-Third: keep things civil, I implore. I do not want any violence to erupt from a rigorous debate over the cosmos of the universe at my home! Keep your childish antics at home. This is for civilized debate and discussion. Do not overreact.

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter (or the letter to read to you) and I eagerly await the announcements of those who wish to attend such a great festivity. If a substantial number of people decide to come, then more banquets will be held. And if you’re wondering, yes the next banquet can be situated in your nation of origin so long as you agree to these rules.

Cogito ergo sum.

Bradley Lemons
End: Transmission<<<

The banquet area is flush with bright colors and platforms and long tables; chefs, caterers, and other attendants scuttling about to make the final preparations before the first arrivals from New Genoa itself arrive. Banners and other various stations stretch across the landscape of the property with all sorts of proverbs directing guests to the assorted activities provided. All sorts of calming music resonate, creating a musical back drift for the visitors to relax to while they walk and talk and argue and discuss. On the fringes of the courtyard, there are several arches acting as entrances with several security guards waiting. In front of the entrances, a maze of velvet ropes covers the lot. And even further into the distance, thousands of parking spaces await to lose their vacancy to a flood of visitors from a melting pot of races, cultures, and religions: all walks of life.

Inside Lemons’ manor, large rooms are host to even more activities and discussions: politics, ethics, morality, choice, being, spirituality, et cetera. The interior of the manor itself is quite bright as well and is just as decorated as the large courtyard. At the center of the interior, the atrium, there is a large fountain with sparkling water and many exotic plants imported from the far-reaching Flemcon rainforest on Genoa Island. It is quite evident, that Lemons, the modern-day philosopher per se, has put much effort into organizing this festivity. Hopefully, his dutiful devotion will pay off…

“Aye,” Lemons says as he lifts his wine glass, “to reason.”

His wife and brothers nod as they join in on the toast, sipping the wine to a most commendable occasion.
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 23:17
Honored Sir,
I intend to attend.
Echecrates, satyr of Holista
New Genoa
09-10-2004, 23:23
>>>Begin: Transmission
I am most grateful that you wish to attend and we eagerly look forward to your, and any companions you may bring, arrival.

Bradley Lemons
End: Transmission<<<

<OOC: there's no need to make posts now that you're attending. just show up. it's implied that you made the contacts, etc.>
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 23:26
Echecrates arrives, trotting into the garden. As he announced, he is indeed a satyr, his lower body covered in thick brown fur leading down to cloven hooves. His body, outside of that, is well sculpted, like the Greek ideal. Smiling lightly, Echecrates trots towards the host. "Gopd evening, Professor Lemons. I am Echecrates of Holista."
New Genoa
09-10-2004, 23:44
Bradley transfers his wine glass from his right hand to his left and then extends his arm in friendship to give Echecrates a firm handshake, “Good evening, Echecrates. I’m glad you’ve been able to arrive. Festivities and debates have yet to begin but if you wish you may help yourself to something to eat or drink. I’m sure the guard outside the entrance gave you the keys to your room number if you wish to lodge here for any duration of the Meet. The guests’ lodge is located in the eastern half of my manor; I believe you’ll find the rooms to be most comfortable. Samuel Philips from Eastern Genoa is giving a lecture on the relativity of morals at Station 34-B in fifteen minutes if you’re interested in joining the activities right away. After the lecture, he’ll be holding a little ‘Q and A’ session. Oh, where are my manners?” Bradley says gesticulating to three men dressed casually behind him, each with their own wine glass. “These are my colleagues – Professor Alan Hammond, Dr. Jacob Strumsky, and Mr. Vincent Dammodazi. I’m sure you’ve heard of Vincent’s latest book, Revelations of the Mind?”

“Hello,” Vincent says, extending his hand in friendship. “I’m glad you’ve been able to come too.”
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 23:50
Echecrates shakes Bradley's hand with a grin. "I'm sure it will be a fascinating lecture, though I doubt it will convince me to abandon eudaimonia. I don't consider any of these modern attempts to refute Aristotle's ethics to have made much of a dent."

The satyr smiles, shaking Vincent's hand. "It was a fascinating read. I'm rather glad to be here."
New Genoa
10-10-2004, 02:38
Bradley gives Echecrates a nod, "Aristotle is a favorite of mine indeed. However, Mr. Philips has given quite strong arguments. Anyway, enjoy the festivities. If you need me, I'll be at Station 32-A for most of the day today. Tomorrow I'll be at 19-C. In fact," Bradley says pondering for a second, "there's a schedule posted at the entrance to the guests' lodge who's holding what lecture or debate where. I believe there's also a pamphlet at each room, too."

Vincent grins as he takes a sip from his wine, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't want to be rude, but I haven't had a chance to get a hold on any of your works. Are there any available or are they for private uses only?"
Five Civilized Nations
10-10-2004, 02:43
With great strides, Hamilton Crusade arrived at the philosophical meeting scheduled in New Genoa. Talking quietly to himself, he said, "The greatest gifts are those ungiven, unspoken, and unwanted, as death is nothing more than a well-earned rest from the turmoils of mortal society."
The Resurgent Dream
10-10-2004, 04:09
Echecrates smiles to his host. "Thank you kindly."

Turning to Vincent, he shrugs lightly. "Publishing is not an industry in my land nor is the written word the principle means of philosophical discourse., No, give me a dozen young men and the shade of a nice tree over a study any day."
New Genoa
11-10-2004, 17:59
Vincent nods firmly and speaks, "An ideal setting, I must agree." He takes another sip from his wine glass, "Well, according to pamphlet, there's a debate at Station 43-A concerning the mind versus the soul and their tangibility. 'Tis my speciality and I wish to see others' opinions."

<OOC: badly disguised bump. better posts later>
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 18:06
Echecrates nods a little. "Of course. I hope to catch you later."
New Genoa
13-10-2004, 02:19
<OOC: bump. you guys can try and stir some conversation. there's plenty to debate and discuss. just take a stand and argue with your own characters or another player.>