NationStates Jolt Archive

Restoration? Or Dissolution?

06-10-2004, 02:23
It had happened so quickly... from the death of Damien, to this moment, it had only been four days. He and the reconstituted parliament had moved quickly, removing from power Reinhart's political apointees and eliminating those men who had been near the top of the former government's wheels of tyranny. Refugees, many of whom had been gone for almost four years, were allowed to return.

'And now,' reflected Daniel Black, 'the final link in that chain of evil that led to Damien will be severed.' He was standing in the great Duma of Tarnaqin, on the central podium. The prince, acting as pseudo-tsar, had called to order the entire parliament. All four houses were in the great debating room for the first time in over 200 years.

Filtering in from the northern and southern entrances were the two normal houses, those which most people assumed made up the entire parliament. The counts and dukes of the realm entered, silently, and took up their ancestral seats. Many of them had never even been in this building before in their lives.

Daniel, however, had decided that Damien had done one good thing in restoring the Imperial Capital to Tarnaqin, and had decided to keep it there. The chairs of the nobility had already been returned from the Stronghold to their original positions in the Grey House. The Divine Peerage would have to get used to this place.

The Burghers, led by restored Prime Minister Clarissa Bencenoff and her surviving cabinet, came in from the south in a much less sombre mood. Some of them laughed and joked as each party claimed a specific section of the Great Duma for themselves. Daniel had it on good authority that the speaker of the house had already divided the Blue House into proper sections.

But it was from the east and west that the surprises came. Walking in much as they lived, the Lord Captain Commanders and Admirals of the Divine Armed Forces moved as one through the east door to secure their own seats and place their personal markings on each wooden bench, just so that they or their successor's would know that here was where each Army and Fleet had their representation.

From the other side, the bishops and their equivalents in each of the major religions also filtered in, in pairs or clumps, taking the seats passed down through the years.

Finally, all were sitting. And Daniel stepped forward, and kneeled to the ground. "Most noble lords... I desire to abdicate the Divine Diadem for myself and my heirs..."
06-10-2004, 02:41
tag. don't have time to post right now, will probably post later
06-10-2004, 04:30
The Speaker of the House rose, mopping his brow. "The precedent calls for a show of support from each house... if the majority of just one house declines to support the Tsar, then the abdication is passed... Would the House of Nobles kindly demonstrate their affiliation?" The aged man turned to the north and bowed deeply.

As one the nobles of the realm stood and clenched their fists to their hearts, reciting, "Hail, Daniel Black, Supreme Autocrat! Your cousins salute you!" They returned to their seats.

Daniel looked stunned. "Please, cousins... don't do this..."

The Speaker coughed. "My lord, remain silent... would the honourable representatives of the clergy kindly show their allegiance?"

There was muttering in the spiritual ranks, each bishop discussing with his neighbours. Finally, the vast majority rose and clasped their hands together. "Hail Daniel Black, Defender of the Faith! The Priests of your realm salute you!"

Daniel just collapsed in his supplicant's chair, mumbling to himself. "No... no... no..."

The Speaker turned to the East. "Would the commanders of the military demonstrate to whom their allegiance lies?"

Every uniformed man in the house rose and gave a sharp salute. "Hail, Daniel Black, Master of Soldiers! Your Legions salute you!" They sat back down in perfect form.

The unfortunate Prince whimpered. He had been expecting the nobles to vote against his retaining the throne. He had never considered that the clergy would support him. And now that the military had demonstrated their supreme allegiance lay to him...

He turned and looked to the House of Burghers. Making eye-contact with Clarissa, he mouthed, 'please don't do this to me...'

She studiously ignored his pleas and rose with her entire party and a slim majority of the rest of the house. "Hail, Daniel Black! Great Lord and Emperor! Your people stand to obey!"

The speaker turned to the Prince. Or, as he now was, the Tsar. "Most Divine Imperial Majesty... your motion to abdicate has been rejected by the people of this grand house. Your coronation will go forward as planned, after the coming general election... what is your first command?" He kneeled to the ground now, and Daniel moved to the podium.

"My... my fellow citizens!" Daniel began, carefully. "I...I regret that you have not decided to support my request to abdicate! But since you have done so, let me state my reasons for requesting such an unprecedented step." He paused. "Over the last 175 years, my family has done little to earn your respect or loyalty. My great-grandfather, Edward Vlozhdy, led you to war against the free peoples of the world. My grandfather, Alexander Grozny, destroyed your freedoms as people while at the same time claiming to be improving them. My own mother, Malissa, remained unaware of the cancer growing in our midst, and allowed it to erupt. Claiming her and millions of our kinsmen. And in recent years... you all know what has happened in recent years. My own brother destroyed what freedoms you all had, freedoms that none of my ancestors would have even thought of taking away from you."

"I can not promise you that there will never be another Edward. Another Alexander. But I can promise you, and I will work towards this all my life, that never again will there be another Damien. Ladies and gentlemen of the Divine Duma, I hereby grant you and those you represent your independence. I hereby grant you, and those you represent, freedom from any future tyranny." Daniel closed his eyes. "I hereby devolve all of my power upon a constitution that this house is now called upon to create."

"May God Save This Imperium. May God Heal the wounds that have been done to you. And may God forgive us for what we have allowed to be done."
06-10-2004, 04:41
*tagged* for possible RPing...
08-10-2004, 01:06
Daniel collapsed onto the couch, and stroked his chin for a moment. He then sighed, and leaned back. A woman coughed. "Daniel? Is something wrong?" Sarah reached across to him and held one of his hands.

The Tsar looked at her for a moment, and shook his head. "No... no... everything is fine..."

Sarah tightened her grip. "Daniel Edwards Black. If you don't tell me what's the matter in five seconds, then Tsar or no Tsar I'm going to force it out of you." She moved across to sit next to him, and brushed some lint off his suit. "Honestly... you Imperials... especially you Roanians... you'd think that after a thousand years in a desert you'd have developed ways to keep dirt off your suits..." she kissed him.

Daniel looked downwards. "You'll think I'm weak..." Sarah arched an eyebrow and shook her head slightly. He continued. "I... I went in there with the intention of abdicating... for myself and my family..."

Sarah looked shocked for a second, but then nodded sharply. "Good. You're too good a man to become an Emperor."

Daniel laughed melancholily at that. "They refused... and in a spur of the moment thought, I... I granted them and the people they represent independence and told them to write up a constitution..." He looked depressed, an expression that increased when she laughed delightedly.

"You mean... in all these years of 'democracy' and 'majority rule', not one of your predescessors thought of actually giving your people independence?" Sarah kissed him repeatedly. "What on Earth made you assume I'd think you weak?"

"Errr...well..." he sighed, and looked downward. "Because the other nobles all will, and... you're smarter than them, and..." Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"Daniel? Can I tell you a secret?" She leaned forward, and whispered in his ear, "the vast majority of your nobles are very, very, very stupid people." He chuckled at that, but then turned sour again.

"I know... but... I mean... look, before I accept the throne, I have to ask you something..." Daniel sighed. While she was in this mood was going to be as good a time as any. "Would you like to become Tsaritsa?"

Sarah once again arched an eyebrow. "Well..." 'Okay, so I've heard of better marriage proposals...' She thought, and shook her head. "No. No I wouldn't."

Daniel nodded. "Well... then I'll have to sign a Divine Order abdicating the throne..." He stopped when she kissed him.

"Let me finish. I wouldn't like to become Tsaritsa..." Sarah started, "But I would love to become Mrs. Daniel Black..." The Weshieldian stroked a hand through his hair as she finished with, "I suppose that becoming Empress is just going to have to be one of those crosses..."