NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: The Government Budget System

Northern Chool
05-10-2004, 17:20
I've played NS before and took an approx. half year break. I've now come back and I'm still catching up on how everything ran. But what I remember is there once being a sticky (or maybe not a sticky but a link to it in a sticky) that had a guide to how much money a government had according to the economy and taxes. It basically worked by listing realistic amounts of money that a citizen made... was it annually or monthly? Anyway, this was multiplied by the nation's population and then multiplied by the tax to figure out what the government's money for spending was.

I can't seem to find this thread anymore. Does anyone know a link to it. I found this system to work rather well as I could use it to figure out how much money I had and what I could buy with it. I dont have any hope of making up figures myself, and I'm scared of buying anything, worried that I'll waste an unrealistic amount of money and be labeled a godmoder (my worst nightmare).

PS: I'm not totally sure if this belongs in the gameplay forum or not, but since it's a question about gameplay, I reasoned...
05-10-2004, 17:44
There's an economy stats generator Here (

Just replace Vampad with your nation :l

There's loads out there but i find this one is the best ;)
Northern Chool
05-10-2004, 18:05
Woah, that's a great generator, thanks! I assume 'Defense' means the money spent on military junk, right? This is really helpful. I've been meaning to go weapons shopping, but there's so many silly n00bs making crazy purchases that I don't want to be confused with them, aye? But anyway, thanks again! :)
05-10-2004, 19:45
Glad you got the information needed. The one problem with ThirdGeek is if your country happens to be in a region of 100+ members. It can't generate budgetary information if you're in a region that large. I find the distribution of line items in ThirdGeek is very good and highly informative, so I usually use it at my storefront (
New Shiron
06-10-2004, 19:27
There's an economy stats generator Here (

Just replace Vampad with your nation :l

There's loads out there but i find this one is the best ;)

I am a fan of this site...
06-10-2004, 22:40
That is a great site.
06-10-2004, 23:03
I assume 'Defense' means the money spent on military junk, right? This is really helpful. I've been meaning to go weapons shopping, but there's so many silly n00bs making crazy purchases that I don't want to be confused with them, aye?Yea. Please note that if you want to use your budget similarly to the Pentagon, you'll only be able to spend about 20% of your defense budget on procurement. If you move all RDT&E to procurement (your DOD never researches, develops, or tests), you'll be able to spend 37% on procurement.