NationStates Jolt Archive

The Great Unfade.

04-10-2004, 23:14

It was almost dawn, and everything was ready. It had all taken so much time, but in the end he thought it was worth it. Of course, there was no way of knowing what awaited out there. And even that itself was news to most of his people.

The Arch Wizard of Aldyland closed his eyes and thought for a moment about history.

All those years ago, when the nation was still young there had been the split, a simple affair in it's own, half the people going one way and half the other. But such different ways to go. It had been for the best, with such different ideologies. The half that went with him settled on the strange islandcontinent paradise to live a more natural life, and the other, The Corporation as it is still known in folktounge, went for the stars and was never heard from again.

The first thing to be done was settling. The Isle had vast ammounts of resources and a fauna exquiste and rare. Most Exquisite of all was the paragoombas, a kind of semisentinent, living, flying mushroom with eyes and teeth. They were of cource, pereptuly angry (what with the fangs) but they quickly became a symbol of the country. Ah yes, Aldyland. How else could one describe it's splendour? He opened his eyes for a moment to see.

The Arch Wizard was, of cource, not the only wizard in Aldyland, but he was the most powerful one and partly because of this fact, he was also ruler. As Powerful wizards are wont to do his first order of business was constructing a tower. In the end it became so mind boggingly huge an entire city sprung up around it, for support, shade and commerce, and the tower itself could be seen for many hundred miles. This became the natrual capital of Aldyland.

His people? Well, they were all fanatical about knowledge and keen to preserve everything around them. They had all seen to much of the opposite before the split, when the giant machines tore up a nation on it's own and converted it to scrap metal. Most of them were human, but it could be hard to tell nowadays.

From the top of the tower he surveyed the lands, beautiful and green as ever. All around him endless sky. He pulled a rope that wasnt hanging from anything at all, and instantly a screen appear midair.

It portrayed a rather busy looking workshop. Five people in various robes were running around.

"Hello? Hello?? Anyone there" he shouted at the screen

One of the robed men stopped what he was doing and faced the screen. "Uh, yes lord. Working as ever. What do you want?"

"I was just wondering when the others will be done, it's been an awfully long time."

"You know full well the Fading is nothing to be taken lightly sir."

"But we are unFading"

"All the same. We are nearly done at our end. Shall we open this line?"

"Very well."

Suddenly the screen expanded and parted, and instead of one he was watching a thousand different scenes. All hanging in the air around what would worst be described as his penthouse.

All the screens were as busy as the first one, but it was clear activity was coming to an end. After about fifteen minutes every screen was still, and a thousand gatherings of mages were standing still at a thousand towers, strategically placed around the nations borders and sanctuaries.

The ArchWizard pulled the rope a second time and summoned a blob that challenged all the laws of geometry, and simuoltaneously spoke to all the 2.3 billion people of AldyLand in person.

"Citizens, Aldylanders. It's me, your loving Arch Wizard and Thamucrat Alderach. As you are all no doubt aware, there will be some changes from now. No longer can we keep ourselves secluded. We have been... removed for quiet some time. And whilst it allowed us to prosper unthreatened, I fear it has somewhat limited our potential. It is time to open. To unfade. To come forth into the world as it is or as it was.
To meet other people, and maybe even at some point contact our bretheren. It is time to see what the universe has to offer. Prepair yourselves, gentle AldyLanders. The final phase is about to begin. I ask of you all to take a seat, as the rearanging of reality is never pleasant.
Today we as a nation become Thaumonauts for the second time."

He bowed slightly, and shifted his attention to the thousand screens that should by any logic be shrouded by the two billion others.
My friends, all the preperations are completed. All that remains are the three phases.

With the parting we say farewell. ( All the citizens of Aldyland bade their fellows goodbye. )
In the instant: No trace be there of us gone.
And in the end, were we ever here? (And Aldyland was no more)

A rush.
A tune of music. Twiing.
A wisp of air, a small leaf fell.

Something in a meadow stirred slightly, somewhere in a place where nothing had stirred for quiet a long time.
There was just a pathway, a road becoming two, and a strange fuzzy quality to the air.

Reality shrieked, distances collapsed and then a brilliant flash of several colours that can not be seen. Ripples of magic could be sensed and seen for a hundred miles.

And Aldyland was.

Where there had been a meadow, a continent had suddenly lodged itself. Inside the meadow and over it at the same time.
Reality righted itself for a moment.

There. The land had just gained a continent in mass, and some things had to right themselves accordingly. The entirety of Aldyland loomed over the meadow and the pathway. It was slightly hard on the eye at first, apart from it floating fifteen meters above ground, it was also translucent. If you could somehow take it all in at the same time, youd notice periodical edgefarms and edgefalls as well as a flock or two of paragoombas trying to enter reality again. Suddenly, the continent flashed blue for a moment and solidified entierly.

The Unfading had been a success. What would happen now only time would tell.

Hello! I exist. This is basically an atempt to put this to light. I've been a member of nationstates for some time now, and i've lurked at these boards for, well, some time as well.

I was a bit unsure how you nationstateites would treat magic, as I had only seen Modern and Future-Tech until yesterday when the thread "Splitting the Thaum" in the International Issues Forum brought the issue to light.

However, I am still unaware about the nationstates world in general, and whilst I have read a few of the different newbie-help threads and a lot of the RP ones, I still have very little knowledge of what I just mentioned previously; The world of magic (the nations that have and use it or are aware of it) on these forums.

So my question? Why, to get to know them of cource! Mayhap a chance to get some decent RPing done in the process.

Now. For the few of you who have bothered to read all this, I'll give you even more to read. In the form of National Statistics. Partly because I dont have a website to do it on, and partly because I want too.

You have just witnissed The Nation of Aldyland Re-exist itself. In my imagination (and that is what it all comes down to in the end, no?) It is as I described early, a huge, floating (in the air, not on the water, and important distinction I feel) island. The whole thing has a kind of latent magic rarely seen, ancient and powerful. This has many effects on it's inhabitants. Aside from floating fifteen meters above ground, it defies many other common laws of physics, having it's own orbitals (other floating islands, much smaller) and suppourting buildings that have no right to stand upright.

Aldyland inhabited mostly by humans, and altough it's hard to keep a coherent census with such a large population, it is estimated that around 87% are. The rest are made up of elves and various other species such as fairies, gnomes, two dragons (you need to keep track of them..) and a few Magically Trancendent/metahumans (eg, The Arch Wizard himself)

Aldyland has been secluded for a long time, and through this has come a lot of oddities. A thing of note is the total absence of a Military, and indeed a crime rate close to zero case a year. This is not to say that the nation could not be dangerous. With 90% of the population magically abled, 15% of those actually good at magic (enough to be classified Magi) and 14 (not %) Wizards.

The magic system I use is based on my own personal thoughts about magic and collections of others thinking that i enjoyed. Like the theories the eminent Mr Terry Pratchett.

But now I've rambled on for too long. And I've already told you all far more then what would be seen by Re-existing. If you want to find out anything more you'll have to actually RP communication (or just ask me, I guess. Comments are always appriciated, as well as some sort of constructive critisim!) Altough im not sure as that would work, as for your last little tidbit of info Aldyland dosn't actually relly on much technology at all. What use is a thing that breaks all the time when you have magic? Besides, most actual tech was taken by the Corporation.


(Disclaimer: Im sorry for my extensive comma'ing. I fear overcautious punctuation is as much of a weakpoint for me as misspelling Double-letter words. But one must have his akillies heel!)

- The ArchWizard of Aldyland.