NationStates Jolt Archive

Help defeat hunger in Allanea! Buy a gun!

04-10-2004, 19:14
In the spirit of the "Help defeat hunger in Allanea! Buy a gun!" campaing, the benevolent el Presidente of Antikristuseke has agreed to purchase 15,000 Chey-Tac Intervention M200 weapon systems and 123,000 G36 assault rifles.

Some high level rumours sugest that there might be a much larger weapon deal in the works between the now strongly allied nations.
04-10-2004, 19:17
Official Response from Allanean Arms CEO Kirill Nivensky

Dear Sir!

Thank you very much. We have been pleased to be doing business with you. We are already beginning to install the machinery needed to produce the required small arms. This deal is important - not only to me, or the my company, but to Allanea as a whole.

Thank you, again.

04-10-2004, 19:19
From Thelasi Diplomatic Core
To: Leaders of Antikristuseke

We strongly suggest that you do not support such an unpopular nation, seeing as how said nation has recently been conquered yet again, continuing to support them might bring harm to your nation.
04-10-2004, 19:55
From el Presidente Antikristuseke of the Dictatorship of Antikristuseke
To the leadership of Thelasi

The people of Antikristuseke will not be told what they can and what they cant to by a foreign nation, however powerful. We will stand by our allies to the bitter end or glorious victory.

El Presidnete
Hilversum Grandeur
06-10-2004, 17:56
The council of the Supreme Leader of Hilversum Grandeur has decided to purchase 500.000 rounds of 120mm tungsten APFSDS tank ammo from the Allanean Arms industry. This to provide an impulse in the economy of this nation that only recently gained it's freedom.

On top of this order, Hilversum Grandeur would like to offer Allanea a load 500 Leopard 2A6 NL tanks as part of the payment for the ammo.

Hilversum Grandeur once more announces his full support for the Allanean nation.
06-10-2004, 18:40

~ Ambassador Neurat
06-10-2004, 18:44
From el Presidente Antikristuseke of the Dictatorship of Antikristuseke
To the leadership of Thelasi

The people of Antikristuseke will not be told what they can and what they cant to by a foreign nation, however powerful. We will stand by our allies to the bitter end or glorious victory.

El Presidnete

<<OOC: /Me buys ticket to watch El Presidnete get his arse kicked...just another day of the blind leading the stupid...>>
06-10-2004, 19:37
Allanean Arms official Response

"Thank you for the Leopard tanks, however we do not need such - we can make more, easily. We need money to rebuild our industry and to feed our children. We will happily accept your order, however. A factory is already being built to resume shell production in Allanea".
Hilversum Grandeur
08-10-2004, 17:29
<<OOC: /Me buys ticket to watch El Presidnete get his arse kicked...just another day of the blind leading the stupid...>>

<<OOC: Ow looky! I can whine about a typo! I'm so cool and 1337 now lolllollololoollol!!!1111oneoneone>>
08-10-2004, 22:50
After the preparations for the Grand Deal were completed in Allanea, El Presidente Antikristuseke anounces the nature of the deal

"We, the great nation of Antikristuseke, have done everything we can ot assist our allies in need, and now to give a huge boost to Allanean national industry of weaponsmithing we will completely refit our aremd forces with top noch weaponry made by the skilled gunsmiths of Allanea. This order will contain 500,000 of the new 25mm Anhialator Mark II autocannons, 50 milion AAR-36 rifles and 5 milion Kord 12.7 machineguns. Our armed forces shall be armed with the finest hardware and stand by our Allanean allies."

El Presidente takes his leave from before the extatic roaring crowd
Hilversum Grandeur
08-10-2004, 22:57
The Leader steps up before the crowd:

"We, the Empire of Hilversum Grandeur, strife to have our forces work together in joint operations with the nation of Antikristuseke. To achieve this, we need to standardize our weaponry and adapt to the Antikristuseke standards. We too will completely refit our army to fit the current requirements.

Our order will consist of 650,000 of the new 25mm Anhialator Mark II autocannons, 35 milion AAR-36 rifles and 7 milion Kord 12.7 machineguns. On top of this, we will be ordering the 140mm Allanea standard tank cannon to replace our own 120mm L55 cannons, thus upgrading the Leopard 2A6, while retaining it's superior armour protection.

The Leader leaves the balcony and goes to drink vodka with El Presidente.
08-10-2004, 23:01
Official Announcement of Allanean Arms, Inc.

We thank Antikristuseke for their business. Several new factories are being opened in Allanea to accomodate for the incredibly huge offer.
08-10-2004, 23:06
Official announcement of Allanean Arms, Inc.

We thank Hilversum Grandeur for their business as well. Another tank factory is being built in Allanea to accomodate your order.
08-10-2004, 23:11
Official announcement of Allanean Arms, Inc.

We thank Hilversum Grandeur for their business as well. Another tank factory is being built in Allanea to accomodate your order.

We believe this action might be in violation of your current peace treaty. In any case, we remind you that you have [[# years less than thirty]] to repay your net amount of loans, which currently total at eighty billion (80,000,000,000) USD. Failure to do so will result in [[large amounts of enviromentally-friendly death and destruction]]. As a novelty value, we would like to purchase twenty thousand of your 'best', cheapest, rifles. Money will be transferred to your account at Wye Int'l Bank upon confirmation.

The Weyrik Board of Estimates, Foreign Loan Committee
08-10-2004, 23:17
Official Reply from Allanean Arms, Inc.

Please receive your money. Enjoy.

We put you rifle order in queue, and you will receive it once we're done manufacturing the 80,000,000 rifles for Hilversum and Antkristuseke.
09-10-2004, 00:19
<<OOC: Ow looky! I can whine about a typo! I'm so cool and 1337 now lolllollololoollol!!!1111oneoneone>>

[OOC: Ow looky! I can whine about someone whining about a typo in a completely pointless post and then do all sorts of lololol!!!111!1!11 type stuff, cluttering the thread and being annoying!

~ This has been an ironic response]


"The Commonality warns that the buyers of these 'rifles' can expect toys; after all, if Allanea was good at making weapons, they wouldn't be a vassal state..."

~ Ambassador Neurat
Hilversum Grandeur
12-10-2004, 16:22
Official Announcement by The Leader of Hilversum Grandeur

I would like to remind people that Alanea is considered a soverign state, and not a vasal state. Any nation making territorial claims at the cost of our allie Alanean will face actions by yours truly.
12-10-2004, 16:29
Official Announcement by The Leader of Hilversum Grandeur

I would like to remind people that Alanea is considered a soverign state, and not a vasal state. Any nation making territorial claims at the cost of our allie Alanean will face actions by yours truly.

...and I would like to remind YOU that Allanea is currently being ruled by Reischkampfen (sp) and was formerly beaten into powder by the FSP. It's hard to be sovereign when you're wearing a dog-collar.
12-10-2004, 17:27
Gawdly, grab a fact. :) :) :)
12-10-2004, 17:57
Gawdly, grab a fact. :) :) :)

Grabbed, reviewed and run lovingly over my nekkid body.

Well, based on what I've been reading, this is MY interpretation of the events, and your current political state. Of course, I have been known to be wrong before...and I DO support the Allanean people in their quest for freedom, simply because they bring so much entertainment to the rest of us!
12-10-2004, 23:22
From the goverment of Farmer_50
To the goverment of allanea

we lost the majorty of are armes in a nuke blast. so i am asking for 200 million small armes in 6.8X43, with 300 quadillon rounds of ammo or 300,000,000,000,000,000 rounds. 50 million SAW in 6.8X43. 20 million M240 with 200 million rounds of ammo. 2 million M2 with 50 million rounds of ammo.
60 million rounds of 20mm ammo DU,HE,API. 20 million rounds of 25mm ammo API, APHE and HEI. 6 million rounds of 30mm ammo, (DU, API, HEI,) A-10 and HE for the AH-64. 10 million rounds of 81 morters. 20 million rounds of 105mm ammo. 3 millon rounds of 120mm DU, and 20 million HEAT. and 20 million 155mm rounds.
we will be willing to pay in Gold, Food, Oil. pls let me now if you can make the goods.
13-10-2004, 00:17
300 Quoadrillion?
13-10-2004, 00:46
Kirill Petrovich Nivensky glanced nervously at his watch. It was 9:53 AM, and, in about seven minutes, the trucks were going to arrive. He waited for ten minutes. And then ten minutes more. And then Kirill Petrovich Kazansky, Chief Executive Officer of Allanean Arms, Inc., witnessed his company begin to make the biggest small arms delivery in Allanean history.

The first truck was a black semi-trailers monstrosity with an NRA bumper sticker and the usual fuzzy dice. On the side of the truck, Allanean Arms logo and the motto: ‘Allanean Arms. Choice of the Brave’ was emblazoned. The driver grinned and waved to his boss happily as he passed by. Then a second, third, fourth…

They had reason to be happy, thought the manufacturer. The payments from AntiKristuseke and Hilversum enabled him to build dozens of factories all over Allanea, providing jobs, healthcare, and even housing to thousands of workers. Even now, when the first monstrous shipment of about five million small arms was being loaded onto cargo ships, he was ordering the building of houses for 20,000 workers who would soon start making Annihilator Mark II machineguns for the Antikristusekan army.

And a new mansion for himself.

Life was great.