The Free & Benevolent Nation of Ehricia most certainly Welcomes any new Freinds and,or Allies who share different views pertaining to WorldPeace and how to acheive a better understanding within all Nations. ;)
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 15:28
Tip: write more about your nation, rulers, etc. People want to know who their allying with and the quality of their role-play.
03-10-2004, 06:27
Slaytanicca would love to offer your nation an exchange of embassies, if this pleases you.
03-10-2004, 08:28
carlemnaria feels that it takes nations to make wars
so we try to limit the soverignty of ours to the service
of coordinating the hobbiests who build and maintain
our various minimal essential tecnological infrastructures
such as transportation, energy, internet, research,
education and healthcare.
other then that we allow and encourage individual
communities at the neighborhood and rural distric level
to be as diverse and unique from each other as possible
requiring only that they do not interfere with free
migration of law abiding individuals between and beyond them
there are no standing armies but individuals are encouraged
to keep effective nonleathal force, even in large scale
versions, often in the form of tools of their trades which
can also effectively double for providing defence at need
there are community and regeonal trainings in stratigy and
tactics on a voluntary basis for those interested.
life, as we say, is a hobby we take seriously,
and our hobbies are our life.