NationStates Jolt Archive

NS Generals / Everyone post here!

01-10-2004, 21:58
Basic idea
The idea of this thread is to describe the generals in your nation that lead your military, army, air force, whatever. The idea behind this thread is to use generals that you’ve actually RPed with. (So their character would actually influence the course of events).

On stars and such
I know many of you like to have the BEST everything, but for the sake of fairness I'm asking you to restrain yourselves a bit. :) I have decided not to impose a complex system of points that can be allocated on a certain general (which I considered) because people should be free to RP as they please.

However, it is better to have a well-RPed mediocre general with distinctive flaws and good points then to have a hulk-sized Napoleon who can do everything from leading troops into front combat to thinking out brilliant strategies to commanding vast space fleets with only a joystick and a keyboard.

Very good generals are rare and very often your general will have been influenced by the culture that they have grown up in. For example, the generals of a pacifist nation will generally shy away from excessive force and offensive doctrine. But also in a military nation there can be trouble, for example because a ‘prussian officer mentality’ may cause a disregard for technological warfare, and religious zealots may take great risks… well, I’m leaving that to you.

The format:
See below. Please just quote my post and fit your general[s] in. That way it is easy to compare them and it also looks neater that way.

EDIT: Major engagement / operation
A *war* (or 'operation') is not a *major engagement*. A major engagement is when actual fighting takes place at a certain spot. For example, WWII is not a major engagement. 'Stalingrad' is.

EDIT: 'classified' wars?
Please. There is no such thing as a 'classified' war. Nor is MAJOR combat (I'm talking about Pearl Harbours and Wolf 359s here) generally 'classified.'

Even if you are an übersecretive regime, just post the major engagements anyway. It can be OOC knowledge or something but you cannot compare generals with classified tags.

EDIT:On value stars and their requirements.
Due to image limitations, I could not post this in the first post, but here ( are the requirements for assigning certain star values to your generals.

See This post (

Name of General here
Basic information:
Rank: (currently held rank, or rank held at the moment of death)
Command: (currently held command, or position held at the momenth of death)
Status: (active, retired, killed in action, missing in action, other)
(optional but small! No bigger then passphoto size please)

Biography: (personal background, previously held commands, other things of note )
Operations: (Military operations and wars that the general has taken part in. Roleplayed engagements only.)
Major engagements: (Major military engagements lead by the general. These must be actually *roleplayed* engagements. If no such engagements exist: "none")

Strategic value
Value: (five stars maximum, see above)
Doctrine: (Offensive / Defensive)
Specialty: (This is what your General has 'experience' with. Depends on what level the general has. A lower-ranked general could have 'Cavalry' or 'Armoured engagements' here while a general on the general staff may have more affinity with a certain branch. For example 'Navy'. Such a general could be very good, but have no experience commanding space fleets.)
Qualities: (things your general is good at insofar they influence combat. "brilliant tactician", "logistics expert" "charismatic", etc. If a General has no qualities: "none".)
Flaws: (The opposite of qualities. Mention at least as many flaws as qualities. Mentioning more flaws is allowed, of course if you have a sucky general there will be more flaws..)
01-10-2004, 22:13
Hans Couzy
Basic information:
Rank: Major-General
Command: Commanding officer of the Knootian military base on Europolis Island, Tarasovka
Status: Active

Biography: Originally from Knootian business life, Couzy was brought into the army during a period of military cutbacks to manage a cutback programme. Followed numerous courses in military strategy and was promoted to lieutenant-general in the Knootian Defence Force. He was later promoted full general in order to command the “Dutch Roleplay Army”, an international force dispatched to Sisgardia to defend the allied Vortex Corporation from impending attack by Ardan forces. The attack never came and Couzy was assigned to command a permanent military structure in Sisgardia that became Europolis military base. He was also assigned as the civilian governor-general of the island. When the island was sold to Tarasokva, he was demoted to Major-General. He still commands the base itself which is now in Federation territory.
Operations: Int. Vortex Corporation fortification effort
Major engagements: none

Strategic value
Doctrine: Defensive
Specialty: Base management
Qualities: Efficient budget management
Flaws: No combat experience, civilian background, pacifistic leanings

’General’ de Kaste
Basic information:
Rank: Marshall-General
Command: Commander-in-Chief, Knootian Defence Force
Status: Active
Picture: n/a

Biography: Unusually old for a Knootian, De Kaste was born just after the military withdrawal from the Knootian East Indies in a pre-eminent Knootian bourgeois family with a long history of influential positions in government. His son Maurijn was married to the former Biotopian head of state. De Kaste quickly gained ranks in the KDF officer corps and was assigned a position in the general staff at the age of thirty-one.

As a general, de Kaste presided over the operations against FARC in Colombia and was highest-ranking Knootian during the joint Knootian/Chimaean operations in Colombia. De Kaste was promoted to full General when the nation joined SATO and became effectively the highest-ranking military officer of the nation’s tiny military. He was supreme Knootian commander during all SATO operations for the entire period of Knootian membership. He thought up the innovative dropping of paratroopers in the Der Angst capital during a Stalinist uprising to secure the city. More notably, he was in charge when the Dominion (GDODAD) invaded Knootoss during the Shadow War. He coordinated the failed defence of The Hague and the SATO attempt to retake the city. Another major engagement during the shadow war was the SATO assault on Brotherhood of Nod forces that had landed in South Holland. It is held against de Kaste that he was unable to prevent the destruction of the EOTED battlefleet during the Shadow War. He was also unable to prevent Dominion forces from landing at strategically important locations. However, after the war he was promoted to the specially created position of Marshall-General and given the position of Commander-in-Chief to improve military coordination. De Kaste was in charge of several Knootian peace missions and other operations. (See: Knootian history) De Kaste is currently in charge of Operation Tempo Doeloe in Tanah Burung. De Kaste is known for having a calm appearance, and keeping cool under any circumstance. He only speaks when absolutely necessary. De Kaste is rumoured to have an affair with his special assistant, Tanya.

Operations: Colombian intervention, Colombian peacekeeping, Reich Containment Effort (RCE), Shadow War, Red Bracelet war, SATO peacekeeping in Bloodreign, Operation Rattling Sabre, Operation Tempo Doeloe
Major engagements: Mönchengladbach liberation, Battle for The Hague, South Holland front, New Jigoku “humanitarian aid effort”

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: General staff
Qualities: Expert in cooperative multinational operations, extremely popular
Flaws: Limited span of control, limited communicativeness, old age, slow intellectual attitude.
The Underground City
01-10-2004, 22:24
Can you fix the width of this thread please, I think a hyperlink or something is making it really wide.
01-10-2004, 22:35
Aerys Fyreskar
Basic information:
Rank: Lord-Commander General
Command: Commander in Chief of the Starblaydi Armed Forces, President of the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organistaion (AORDO)
Status: Active, alive and kicking
Picture: Unavailable, but he's big and bald

Biography: The highest-ranked military official in the country, Lord-Commander Fyreskar is the veteran of many campaigns, having been appointed by the late Lord-Protector Saevion and retained by his son, current Lord-Protector Tiberius Starblayde.
He is a Cavalry man through and through, using the Armoured Cav. Regiments of Starblaydia to great offensive effect. He knows of the need for the region to have strong Naval and Air defences because of our Island-status. Elected President of AORDO by 8 Votes to 2.
Forged Starblaydia's Military as a lean, fluid, hi-tech organisation for the 21st Century. His son is part of the Starblaydi Special Forces, but he has no qualms in ordering the them into the deadliest situations.
Operations: Testing Pablicosta's Hypersonic Craft against Starblaydi Air Defences
Arranged the Ventor (Starblaydi Special-Forces) Assassination of General Dorian Hadilla of Xile
Other Operations have been enacted but the opposition was best described as 'n00bish'
Major engagements: None RPd

Strategic value
Value (He's worth 5 Stars To Starblaydia, of Course):
Doctrine: Offensive, Fluid.
Specialty: Armoured Conflict, Sepcial Forces Operations
Qualities: Pragmatic, Decisive.
Flaws: Seemingly uncaring for anyone but the 'treadheads', Stubborn
CornixPes II
01-10-2004, 22:37
General Chambers

Basic Information
Rank: General
Command: Commander of the military forces of CornixPes and personal offensive/defensive adviser to The Leader.
Status: Active

Biography: A high ranking officer's child with bright potential in science. Attended University and graduated with a PHD in physics and mathematics. Went on to join the army where he was quickly refered to the Intelligence Sector. Worked his way up and became good friends with The Leader after taking control of a hostage situation and negiotiating peace.
Operations: Golden Arms, other Spec Ops missions.
Major engagements: War on Commorargh.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Special forces.
Qualities: Influence and tactical resources.
Flaws: Fairly inexperienced, ideas based too much on logic.
Melkor Unchained
01-10-2004, 22:50
Now what sort of militaristic ego-stroking megalomaniac would I be if I didnt participate in this? Please.

Warlord Konrad Althalon

Basic information:
Rank: Warlord
Command: Aurontel, Io. Controls 5 Imperial Space Fleets, interim commander of Horizon and the attendant Sixth Fleet. Oversees the activities of the Io marines, comprising of roughly 800,000 active duty forces and about 2.3 million reservists. Also holds immediate authority over any and all soldiers sent to Io from earth.
Status: Active. Very active.
Picture: Not available. Silentwhisper went down and I havent replaced me files yet.


Biography: Grew up in Nova Rhûn; entered the military at an early age and went through officer's training. Althalon's forte is melee combat as opposed to marksmanship--he's hardly the best shot with a pistol or a rifle but can whoop the shit out of an Uruk berserker in a hand to hand or melee fight, which is saying a lot. He first made an impression on his superiors when he demostrated this ability as a Taskmaster in the EOTED invasion, soundly putting down a small band of deserters on the plains of Ax-Turath with a small contingent of his colleagues. Althalon was the only survivor. Later, he was hired by the now defunct Xaosis corporation to train and lead the company's private army, which saw limited action in Rukemia during the Coalition War. Was elevated to Warlord Status shortly before Sky Marshal Marcus Garrand was lifted to the post. Often noted for his stamina and utter refusal to die, the Warlord [then still merely a high ranking officer] was shot seven times by a rogue Xaosis agent during the company's defection. Althalon was the first Warlord appointed by Lord Melkor since Alkanphel took the post of High Warlord upon the Five Kingdoms' inception.

Operations: Rank and file soldier in the EOTED and All Elves invasions, and the First Rukemian war. Assumed a command post for the Coalition War, the First Mars debacle [not Op Roundhammer], the Battle of the Burning Sky [Io], and the Burninatonia thing. And the War That Never Happened But Did [tm]
Major engagements: I just sort of listed them above. I probably forgot a few, though.

Strategic value
Value: Four stars. Althalon's more of a tactics-type general: most of the strategic doctrine is governed by Melkor and Alkanphel.
Doctrine: Offensive. Very offensive.
Specialty: Ground forces operations. He's becoming alarmingly adept at aerospace fleet engagements however, as evidenced by his acheiving parity with Trium forces in the Battle of the Burning Sky, despite having faced much more experienced commanders.
Qualities: Brilliant tactician, excellent leadership skills/charisma
Flaws: Althalon has quite the short fuse, and the time he's spending on Io is slowly nudging him towards insanity. He's hot-headed at times, but tries to be practical enough to acknowledge his own faults. Just look at Io for chrissakes.
Santa Barbara
01-10-2004, 23:00
Hmm the format seems reminiscent of HoI. Me likes, nice idea, and so appropriate for my nation now... not that I'm hinting at anything.

Lorsa Vojska
Basic information:
Rank: Strategic Core Subcommander
Command: The OOTG/IOTG 2nd Battle Squadron, Mars orbit
Status: Active
Picture: None available

Biography: Vojska is a career ITDO bigwig who is thought to have bought his way into the path of power. As a tactical commander aboard the original O.M.F City (when O.M.Fs were first used), he oversaw a shady research project involving Whispering Voices weapons tech and ultimately, an accident which resulted in several deaths, several hundred million dollars worth of damage, and his promotion.
Operations: Currently involved in the operation to retake Noachia for Santa Barbara.
Major engagements: None

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Shady military research projects
Qualities: Capable of making subordinates fear him more than the enemy.
Flaws: No combat experience, limited tactical understanding, hot-tempered, limited depth or foresight.

Jerry Cheng
Basic information:
Rank: Strategic Core Commander
Command: C-i-C of the ITDO
Status: Active
Picture: None available

Biography: SCC Cheng proved his loyalty to the ITDO when he pulled the trigger on Toby Pratt during the 'rebellion,' but to this day has regrets about his part in taking out his former mentor. He also feels a certain amount of guilt for being given Pratt's former command. Still, while a reluctant, introspective and forgettable officer, the enormous responsibilities placed on his shoulders have so far not broken him down.
Operations: Miscellaneous minor OOTG fleet incidents
Major engagements: Destroyed Toby Pratt and his squadron during a 'rebellion.'

Strategic value
Doctrine: Defensive
Specialty: (Space) fleet operations
Qualities: Deep-thinking, strong grasp of tactics
Flaws: No war combat experience, limited initiative

Toby "The General" Pratt
Basic information:
Rank: Supreme Strategic Core Commander
Command: C-i-C of the ITDO
Status: Inactive (dead)

Biography: Toby Pratt was born in a rural area in central Santa Barbara, and together with his brother Bob and sister Suzy Jo, formed what would later be referred to as the "Pratt Dynasty." Toby enlisted in the SB Army and rose through the ranks, eventually gaining as much military power as Bob had political. He was killed on Bob's order after a military coup plot was unveiled by Bob's trusted intelligence agent and friend, Gonzalo Tzu.
Operations: The Nine-Hour War (Isla Vista), the Resi War, and every ITDO major operation in between.
Major engagements: The Resi War.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Combined Arms
Qualities: Quick thinking, planning, discipline
Flaws: Bull-headed, hot-tempered, tends to underestimate opponents, tends to use more forces than necessary.
01-10-2004, 23:12
((OOC: And another one…

The Underground City: you seem to be the only one having the problem.

Perhaps I should have cleared up that a *war* is not a *major engagement*. A major engagement is when actual fighting takes place at a certain spot. WWII is not a major engagement. Stalingrad is. I’ll add this to the first post. Most of you seem to have understood this though. :) ))

EDIT: *moves DE KASTE to my first post*
01-10-2004, 23:14
Corzare Zaphiir
Basic information:
Rank: High Lord Marshal
Command:Entire Kriegos Army
Status: Active

Biography: Born into a noble family; the Zaphiir bloodline, Corzare was taught about the finer things in life, this has rubbed off on him, his office is decorated with many a gold gilded item. He also has a very old outlook on the field of both war and day-to-day life, his mindset is firmly routed in the early 1900s. Has a loathing for Communism in all it's forms, the Communist riots in Kriegorgrad have merely cemented this train of thought.
Operations: Operation FWS. (forgot name)

Additional Operation Info: *Classified*

Major engagements: Maintained order in the Noble and Upper Quarters in the city fight hell known as the battle for Kili'kuk.

Ordered and planned attacks on FWS.

Other, smaller skirmishes that have been forgotten.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Static Offensive-defensive
Specialty: Mass infantry and armour
Qualities: An excellent tactician when forced to think. Has alot of initiative. Thinks on his feet well. Cool and calm under pressure. Makes good use of artillery. Ensures the chain of command is followed rigidly. One of the most cruel and ruthless men Kriegorgrad has ever known. Is very skilled in the fields of slow, steady advance complementing by fortifications. E.g Bunkers, trenches ect. ect.

Flaws: Extremely arrogant, believes that the "underclasses" lack the brain power to do anything without being told. Also is scornful of outsiders. Loathes any who fail to meet Kriegos military regulations. Contemptous of non-Kriegos whom he deems weak. Thinks that every battle can be won through attrition. One of the most cruel and ruthless men Kriegorgrad has ever known. Static. Shuns air cover.
01-10-2004, 23:49
Yunger Keane
Basic information:
Rank: Supreme General
Command: Klonor Space Corps
Status: Active

Biography: Apprentice to former Supreme General Abel Salm, commonly known as the Arch Traitor, Keane has ruled the Corps since Salm went rogue and assassinated the Grand Duke Solomon Klonor. He commanded the Fleet while Salm briefly ruled the Empire, though it appears he was in the process of forming a resistance movement against the Arch Traitor when he was beaten to the punch by the Duke himself. He has since been the Duke's advisor in all military matters, occasionally in the political arena as well. However, the failure of the Draconian-Rossian Alliance illustrated his incompotence in the field of national leadership.
Operations: *Formerly labeled *CLASSIFIED*, but since that doesn't make sense I'm just going to admit that I can't remember any 'Operations' at this time*
Major engagements: *Formerly labeled *CLASSIFIED*, but since that doesn't make sense I'm just going to admit that I can't remember any 'Major engagements' at this time*

Strategic value
Doctrine: (Offensive / Defensive)
Specialty: (Space) Fleet Combat, Movement, & Supply
Qualities: Adaptability on the field, willingness to listen to subordinate officers, knowledge of even the most insignifcant craft in the Klonor fleet, insight into the strategies and intent of the enemy military
Flaws: Politically naive and incompetent, disrespect for any Non-Klonor technology, lack of knowledge in the specifications and use of enemy vessels, & willingness to sacrifice subordinates for an inconsequential advantage
Santa Barbara
01-10-2004, 23:54
Perhaps I should have cleared up that a *war* is not a *major engagement*. A major engagement is when actual fighting takes place at a certain spot. WWII is not a major engagement. Stalingrad is. I’ll add this to the first post. Most of you seem to have understood this though. :) ))

(I understood this, but I put the Resi War anyway as an all-inclusive thing and because there weren't really any distinctive engagements in that ass of an RP.)
02-10-2004, 00:05
The Underground City: you seem to be the only one having the problem.

No, I am also having thread-width difficulties....
02-10-2004, 00:06
ADDED TO FIRST POST: 'classified' wars?
Please. There is no such thing as a 'classified' war. Nor is MAJOR combat (I'm talking about Pearl Harbours and Wolf 359s here) generally 'classified.'

Even if you are an übersecretive regime, just post the major engagements anyway. It can be OOC knowledge or something but you cannot compare generals with classified tags.

Other OOC:
-I understand, SB.
02-10-2004, 00:08
OOC: Okay..well.....I actually can't remember any military actions that my guy has been in (except the war I'm currently in) and so I put up the *Classified* instead of "Well, I forget"
02-10-2004, 00:14
Ah... I turned on Display Images, and that fixed it.
The Underground City
02-10-2004, 00:37
Do you have 'display images' on 'off'?

Thanks for that. I did wonder why everyone had taken to posting hyperlinks to images instead of images themselves.
02-10-2004, 00:50
Andrej Mirzoyev
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: 1-a Armiya
Status: active
Picture: none

Biography: Mirzoyev was trained at the Moscow military academy in early 80's and sent to Afghanistan as a tankcommander, He fought in the Northern region alongside Abdul Dostums Uzbek troops and achieved several medals for his actions, he was promoted to Major after 2 years of combat. In 1987 Mirzoyev led a battalion in an attempt to take the Pansheer valley, but the assault failed and Mirzoyev gor wounded. He was sent to a hospital in Kabul and later to Dushanbe where his long recovery started. When the Doctors finally declared him fit for action, he could only witness the end of the Soviet Union. Dissapointed he returned to Tursunzade and took a in a security company. After two years the Central government offered him a job in the Tadjik military, Mirzoyev was not very enthousiast but accepted when President Rahmonov promised him command of his own Brigade in the small Tadjik Army. As a General he served the central government during the civil war in octobre '03. His successes in the North and East made him a popular hero for the Tadjik people. The central govbernment decided to reform the Army and Mirzoyev was given command of the new 1st army which he could raise himself. He still commands that force today.
Operations: Tadjik civil war(oct '03), Invasion of Communist Tadjikistan(dec 03), Cleansing of Northern Afghanistan(jun 04)
Major engagements: [I]Battle of Khorog, invasion of Communist Tadjikistan

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Armoured engagments, Mountain warfare
Qualities: Brilliant tactician, Charismatic, Logistics wizard
Flaws: Never received a generals training

Blagoja Samblevski
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: Commander in Chief of Tadjik Forces
Status: Active

Biography: Blagoja Samblevski is a former staff officer of the Transcaucasian military district in the Soviet Union. Samblevski resigned from the RKKA when the Soviet Union collapsed and returned to Tadjikistan to raise a new army. Samblevski wanted to create a copy of the RKKA but received opposition from the government who wanted a smaller modern army. Samblevski managed to promote himself to Commander in chief and held firm control of the small Tadjik army that still retained old Soviet equipment. He was not much of a tactician and left that job to Mirzoyev. During the civil war Samblevski convinced the government Tadjikistan should have a strong army and received his funds but could not prevent Rahmonov giving Mirzoyev command of the new army and the possibility to buy whatever equipment he wanted. Samblevski satisfied himself with a new Tadjik Airforce instead instead.
Operations: Tadjik Civil war
Major engagements: none

Strategic value
Doctrine: Defensive
Specialty: Airforce
Qualities: almost a politician, Defensive doctrine, good with money
Flaws: Egocentric, he cant stand rivals and hates Mirzoyev for it(but realizes he cant do without him). Samblevski is very conservative in his thinking and usually prefers defensive world war 1 style actions
02-10-2004, 01:00
Istvan Vaikov
Basic information:
Rank: Command General of the First Red Jaguar Command, Supreme Republican Commander, One-Hundreman of the Retaliatory Guard
Command: Supreme Commander of the Retaliatory Guard
Status: Retired

Biography: Istvan Vaikov is a career Red Jaguar. He reached the rank of Leftenant in the Logistics Corp of the Third Red Jaguar Command when he was appointed to Supreme Republican Commander by the Communist Republican Party, party members included his brother, father and brother in law, he was seen as a recipient of the C.R.P.'s rampant cronyism. Istvan Vaikov diligently modernized the Retaliatory Guard and worked under the tutelage of the legendary Purifier General The Right Honourable Sir William 'The Patient' Issem, who taught him to fanatically uphold republican and democratic principles of the Free Republic. His principles were tested when his family and the Communist Party attempted a coupe when they lost elections by a landslide. Uncle Istvan, as he would become known savagely suppressed the Communist insurgency, killed his own family and re-instituted Democratic Rule. He has also twice earned the Accord of the One-Hundredman (100+ confirmed enemy kills in a single battle.).
Operations: Suppression of the Communist insurgency, yearly wargames of the Retaliatory Guard
Major engagements: The Lumpen Conflict, The Milosylvanian Conflict, The Zenki/Yurkha Slave War, The Phyrric Civil War, The Haven Conflict.

Strategic value
Doctrine: The Retaliatory Guard doctrine and Red Jaguar Doctrines are explained here:
Specialty: Logistics, strategic planning and special operations
Qualities: Like the legendary Hannibal of Carthage Uncle Istvan can make his men laugh and put them at ease in any situation, Uncle Istvan also is a master at owning changing situations.He is a master of ambush and excels in chaotic seemingly out of control situations. His unpredictability is deadly. Experience. He is nearing his 50th birthday and has been in the Retaliatory Guard since the age of eighteen, his years of hands on combat experience has given him nerves of steel and confidence that other Generals only dream of.
Flaws: Years of taking the drug Ixpei has left him, like most of the Red Jaguar 'unhinged' and prone to blinding, brutal violence. He is also at times, overly dependant on his officers.

Adan Ring
Basic information:
Rank: Supreme Republican Commander
Command: Supreme Commander of the Retaliatory Guard
Status: Active

Biography: Adan Ring is the consumate 'Purifier', man of Coventry and soldier. Reared and raised in Coventry with no higher aspiration than being accepted into the legendary Purifiers Army Adan Ring learned discipline, chivalry, tactics and virtue. Excelling in the Retaliatory Guard Academy he was accepted into the Purifiers as a Leftenant in the famed 2nd Purifiers Division under General William 'The Patient Issem'. Adan Ring's training excelled and he became a masterful Colonel, then Field Marshal, General and then finally THE pre-eminent Command General. Adan Ring has been the mastermind behind the Retaliatory Guard combat planning for 4 years now, achieving fame for innovative tactics in the Phyrric Civial War and for ending the Haven Conflict in two weeks. It is fully expected that Adan Ring will be the next Supreme Republican Commander.
Operations: The Communist Insurgency, Cyberjaya Conflict, The Phyrric Civial War, the Haven Conflict, Invasion of Karmanyaka
Major engagements: Commanded forces in the Haven Conflict, planned operations in the Phyrrhic Civil War and Cyberjaya , planned and led operations in the invasion of Karmanyaka.

Strategic value
Doctrine: The Retaliatory Guard doctrine and Red Jaguar Doctrines are explained here:
Specialty: Planning, Attacking and Strategic Assessment.
Qualities: Adan Ring has taken the Issem family doctrine to heart, that is 'Battles are won before armies ever take the field.' Like a master chess player Adan Ring has literally mapped out his troops movements well in advance of deployment. Like Napoleon he moves quickly and without concern for the enemy,sticking to his nebulous plan, forcing the enemy to react to his movements. In the Haven Conflict he demoralized the enemy by turning their 450,000 to 180,000 numerical advantage into a disadvantage with his lightning quick perfectly planned maneuvers, reducing the enemy by over 50% while only suffering 5% casualties himself. The moral of soldiers under his command is high, their training and preparation impeccable and their confidence unwavering.
Flaws: The only flaws apparent are his mercy and genuine compassion for enemy civilians and soldiers. He actively does his best to emulate the best qualities of the honourable and chivalrous 'Knights Purifier' of the old Kingdom of Coventry. This has earned him the moniker of the 'White Knight'. It has yet to be seen if his compassion can be taken advantage of.

Mustapha Erdogan
Basic information:
Rank: Command General ,One-Hundreman of the Retaliatory Guard
Command: 1st Red Jaguar Command
Status: Active

Biography: Mustapha Erdogen is the son of Turkomen immigrants to the Free Republic. His secularist upbringing and admiration for Mustapha Kemal Ataturk led him to a career in military. His dominerring , fanatical personality and his insane commitment led him to the Jaguar Army and then the Red Jaguar Command.Little else is know about Colonel Erdogan other than he is feared, admired and implicity trusted by his peers. Colonel Erdogan has been awarded the Accord of the One-Hundredman no less than five times, over three thousand enemy kills are attributed to Colonel Erdogan.
Operations: The Lumpen Conflict, The Milosylvanian Conflict, The Zenki/Yurkha Slave War, The Phyrric Civil War, The Haven Conflict.
Major engagements: The Lumpen Conflict, The Milosylvanian Conflict, The Zenki/Yurkha Slave War, The Phyrric Civil War, The Haven Conflict.

Strategic value
Doctrine: The Retaliatory Guard doctrine and Red Jaguar Doctrines are explained here:
Specialty: Special Operations
Qualities: Consumate attacker. Colonel Erdogan fears nothing, that is an understatement, Erdogan absolutely fears nothing. He will attack regardless of odds and always uses ambush, trickery, deceit and any other advantage he can possibly find to gain the upper hand. He is ruthless, savage and simply 'wills' he and his men to victory in instances where survival was questionable at the outset. Colonel Erdogan does not comprehend such concepts as 'defeat' or 'retreat', or even 'pity' or 'mercy'.
Flaws: Colonel Erdogan is most certainly not fit for larger command. His willful disregard for the enemy and his own mens lives makes it dangeous for him to command any more than the two thousand fanatical Red Jaguar that follow him. He is only useful when contained by a larger strategic policy and is used to break stubborn enemy resistance.
Der Angst
02-10-2004, 08:38
I will limit myself to characters still living, kicking out a few others from FAR in the past...

Adèle Autain
Basic information:
Rank: 9th Grade Student
Command: Until the cataclysm, full access to the Gandhi Security Solutions Assets.
Status: Unknown

Biography: A typical 'New Generation' Angstian. More than just slightly racist towards non- psionics in particular, and non- augmented in general. Genocidal tendencies. As mentioned bfore, 9th grade student with a certain fascination for RTS Simulations, and, due to her rather excessive skills in this sector, employed by Gandhi Security Solutions as part time employee. I really can't give a 'normal' biography, for obvious reasons...
Operations: Took part in the (failed) Glorious Humanity campain, basic logistics and reconnaissance, as well as electronic warfare. While the operation itself was a failure, her own actions inside the operation were reasonably successful, especially considering the problems the 'covert' style of operations meant.
Major engagements: Strategic Distance Electronic Warfare against Drakonian Imperium & Glorious Humanity Loyalists in the aforementioned campaign

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Non- Ship based Orbital Warfare, Electronic and Long- Distance Psionic Warfare
Qualities: Reasonably good sense for overall strategy
Flaws: Not exactly a brilliant tactician, Arrogant (May leads to excessive losses), May be at school when needed.
02-10-2004, 10:29
OOC: Knootoss, the operations are classified as they are genocides and other naughty, clandestine things.
Sigma Octavus
02-10-2004, 10:37
Jacen Hidachi
Basic information:
Rank: Secondary High Commander, Sigma Octavus Mobile Infantry
Command: Third, Fourth, Fifth battalions, Defense forces in Eastern Sigma Octavus, Scythe SAA Commander
Status: Active

Biography: Jacen grew up in Thresh, the capitol city. He was a fairly unremarkable child, never doing anything that was worth notice by the government. When he was drafted, it was discovered that he had a latent talent for death. He quickly rose through the ranks and became a member of the Gekidoku SAA (Special Assignments and Assassination) squad. During this time, he was given control of the SAA squad during the NATO/North Korean war, where he successfully oversaw the capture of the airport of the city of Wonsan. He also commanded the movement of all SOET during the assault on Kumya. He served in the SAA for many years, until it was disbanded under Erik Chaknov. He was exiled from the nation because of Erik's paranoia of all of the nation's assassins. Recently, with the overthrow of Erik and the placement of Erik's sister Ellison in the position of leadership, Jacen has come back to the nation. He was given a commanding position and has proven himself worthy of this position time and again within the nation against insurgents. Currently also commanding officer of the Scythe SAA squad.
Operations: NATO/North Korean war (the original)
Major engagements: Commander during SOMI assault of Kumya.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Special Forces Operations/Black Operations
Qualities: Charismatic, genius tactician
Flaws: Reckless behaviour, restless, violent, elitist.
The BlackWolf Order
02-10-2004, 10:45
Vance Reginald Kaerion
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: Commander, Kaerion's Kestrels, Mercenary Forces
Status: Active Duty

Biography: General Kaerion and his Kestrels arrived in the Order almost thirty years ago. With them, they had brought Advanced Technology, to include Armored power-suits and high-tech weapons. Where he came from and why he and his people did not age anywhere near as quickly as the inhabitants of the Earth they were on was recently revealed when several starships from both the future and another universe arrived in orbit.
It was revealed that Vance R. Kaerion and his sister, Callies, were the sole children of Duke Edmund and Dutchess Helen Kaerion, of the world Corinthia. His father a Commander of Troops as well, and a quite successful one at that, he tought his children how to lead up until his death. While their parents were being arrested and executed for trumped-up charges of treason, they escaped to the Outer Rim, where they began piecing together a Mercenary Regiment so that one day they could return home and have with those who murdered their family. In the meantime, the Mercenary Regiment known as Kaerion's Kestrels grew into a small legend, being forces which anyone could call for almost any job and know it would get done, one way or another. Kaerion never did make it back home; the rift which swallowed the BASTION and deposited the Kestrels with him on the clean-up into the present-day Earth.
Operations: The Amerigan War, The (Unauthorized) Kidnapping of Matthew Iesus, The Hunt for a Rouge Clearwater Submarine, The Shivan War versus Coreworlds (In a Not-Real-But-RPed Op: The Defense of Earth against invader 'police' actions-Orbital Defenses)
Major engagements: The Amerigan Blockade Deterioration, The Battle of the Sharks (Clearwater), The Demon's Asteroids (Shivan), The Battle of the Nebula (Shivan) The Battle of the Line (Coreworlds) (Defense of Earth: The Battle of Luna (Two-Minute engagement which prevented the enemy from establishing a base), The Battle of Oregon, Orbitals

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Specializes in Ground Operations, particularally Infantry (STARMORED/ARMORED). Prefers hit-and-fade tactics, which he also uses with proficiency when forced to in starship engagements.
Qualities: Knows how to take advantage of technological superiority/inferiority, utilize combined-arms forces. Very concerned with the well-being of his soldiers, down to even the lowest enlisted, to the point of being willing to risk his own life to rescue said Private. Very strong ideals/morals, making him willing to volunteer the Kestrels for 'charity work' to help out an 'underdog.'
Flaws: Very strong ideals/morals, excluding the Kestrels from some contracts while at other times placing them in very dangerous and impossible situations, also sometimes leading him to be taken advantage of....Which is then followed up by a destructive display of his very short temper. Overly protective of his sister to the point of having risked destruction of a higher-value asset and its crew to rescue her. Thinks too agressively to make a successful diplomat. Eats, breathes, sleeps his job, which is wearing him down far too quickly.

(I gots-two-more that I'll be a postin' later)
02-10-2004, 11:02
General J.P Norad
Basic information:
Rank: Major General
Command: National Defence & Support troops
Status: Active

Biography: Started as a professor of tactical warfare at the military academy. But soon his reputation advanced to a official invitation to join the government as head of the defence and offence department.
His name got popular by the infamous armed-transport plane called "THE NORAD".
Operations: His first victory was held at his neigbour country, a big civil war was going on and his neigbour pleaded for help, thus sending the support troops, it was an efficient victory for the records. The operation was named: "Operation Trident".
No further operations were recorded since then.
Major engagements: none yet.

Strategic value
Value: *****
Doctrine: Defensive
Specialty: Heavy supports, transportation, artillery.
Qualities: A talented tactician who values mobility and flexibility above all.
Flaws: Is ignorant and stands for his discision and his only no matter what.
02-10-2004, 11:31
((Knoot: I’m assuming that you don’t mind admirals being posted here. Because it just wouldn’t be in-character for Iansisle to care about anything ground warfare related! ;)))

His Lordship the Marquess of Westergate
Basic information:
Rank: Admiral
Command: Lord Commander Home Fleet
Status: Active
Picture: none available

Biography: Served as midshipman on HIMS Embassy under Captain Rice at age fourteen. Became lieutenant age twenty. Posted captain by age thirty-three, commodore of Third Cruiser Squadron on HIMS Diomedes during Salvador under H.N. Kennington. Rear Admiral at age forty. Promoted Vice Admiral, commanding first Aerodock Squadron, at age forty-six; commanded HIMS Salvador and Vanguard against Chiangese at Woodlark’s Battle. Made full Admiral and Lord Commander North Fleet age fifty-one. Lord Admiral Home Fleet as of age fifty-three.
Operations: The New Tiamat Crisis, the Iansislean Civil War, the German-Chiangese War, the Pacific War.
Major engagements: Participated in Battle of Salvador; commanded Woodlark’s Battle

Strategic value
Doctrine: Defensive
Specialty: Strategic coordination, especially in aeroflyer-fleet maneuvers
Qualities: Flawless strategic campaigns, knows the power of aeroflyers in naval combat.
Flaws: Extremely aristocratic and arrogant. Officers under his command complain about micromanagement. Limited comprehension of submarine and antisubmarine tactics.

Sir Hunter Neville Kennington
Basic information:
Rank: Grand Admiral
Command: First Sea Lord
Status: Active
Picture: none available. Imagine a skeleton, put skin and a blazer on it, and voilà! Admiral Kennington.

Biography: Entire career has been based around longevity. Entered service as a midshipman at age fifteen. Lieutenant by twenty-six. Lieutenant at thirty-four. Posted captain at forty-one; made flag rank by fifty-six. At sixty-nine, commanded Iansislean Grand Fleet at Battle of Salvador. Commanded Narrows Fleet at the Battle of the Narrows in the Civil War, his last seagoing command. Served as titular Lord Commander Home Fleet until made First Sea Lord at age eighty-one, which surprised most pundits. Is both mentally and physically unsound.
Operations: The New Tiamat Crisis and the Iansislean Civil War
Major engagements: Commanded Battle of Salvador; commanded Battle of the Narrows

Strategic value
Doctrine: None, really
Specialty: Longevity
Qualities: Extremely old; most senior officer in the RIN
Flaws: Senile; wasn’t much good before
02-10-2004, 12:57
Bernard Montgomery
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: 8th Midlonian Army
Status: Active
Biography: Starting out as a mere Private 40 years ago, rose quickly through the ranks thanks to his sensible and brave leadership, most noted performance was destroying a tank company using a single, well prepared platoon.
Major engagements: Several Wars from the earlier years of the greater empire.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Detailed offensives/defences
Specialty: Logistics
Qualities: Plans in great detail to minimise casualties
Flaws: Plans in great detail, takes time to set up an attack, regardless of the situation.
02-10-2004, 13:18
On ‘value’ stars and their requirement:
Seeing as there is a little, shall we say, inflation in the numbers people are assigning to their generals it might be a good idea to give an overview of what I consider to be indicative of stars. Quality and merits are VERY important in assigning stars, as many of you have done. However these are, in my opinion, minimum standards. Assigning a higher value then displayed here based on 'personality' should only be done very rarely. Lower values should be quite common: someone can have led a lot of major engagements but still be incompetent.

One star:
The single star of shame is for incompetent, badly trained or extremely inexperienced generals whose flaws outweigh any benefits, making him/her a liability rather then an asset. Still, they can get a single star for being there when there is actual fighting and being able to give orders and such.
Requirement: Ability to wear a uniform and give orders
Two stars:
A competent but somewhat inexperienced general, or an experienced general who has flaws or is only good in certain situations. This will be the default general in nations that are not on a constant war footing.
Requirement: EITHER participated in at least one [RPed] operation OR had an officers training

Three stars:
A general who has proven himself in battle. Competent, but not exceptionally brilliant. Someone with three stars ought to have some combat experience at the very least.

Requirements: Participated in at least one [RPed] operation
Participated in or led at least one major engagement
No fatal flaws
Four stars:
Four stars are given to generals who have proven themselves in battle and have ample experience in the act of warfare. In addition, they are brilliant leaders, managers or strategists who have made a real difference in a nation's military history.
Participated in at least three [RPed] operations
Led at least two major [RPed] engagements, victorious in at least one.
Must be brilliant. Executed at least one innovative [Rped] feat. These are maneuvers or new tactics that made a difference in an engagement. References to such feats can be posted in the bio.
No fatal flaws

Five stars: *****
The general is a tactically and strategically brilliant general and extremely experienced in a multitude of ways. A Napoleon or an Alexander the Great. Five stars ought to be reserved for only the cream of the cream: a man who conquered three nations with inferior force, with kill ratios of 50:1 due to brilliant [Roleplayed!] tactics. Remember that roleplayed engagements should prove this brilliance! Simply claiming that he is a genius will not do. Five stars really is for generals who conquered or liberated entire continents.

Participated in or led at least three [RPed] operations
Led at least two major [RPed] engagements, victorious in at least two.
Must be brilliant. Executed at least two innovative [Rped] feats. These are maneuvers or new tactics that made a difference in an engagement. References to such feats can be posted in the bio.
No fatal flaws
Oshima and Izu
02-10-2004, 16:52
Basic information:
Rank: Taishogun (Generalissimo)
Command: Rumoured to be Maestro (head of state) of Alloy Run
Status: Believed to be active
Picture: No picture is known to exist

Biography: One-time head of state of Oshima and Izu, almost nothing is known about his early background, leading some authorities to speculate that 'Antoku' is merely a pseudonym for a person ,or even persons, unknown. Antoku is perhaps best known for his political roles in a variety of states, including Minister of Finance for the Unforgiven Region, Armed Forces Commander to the Emperor of Monte Castello during the brief union of that nation with Oshima and Izu, and subsequently Shogun of the Federative Shogunate of Ringoku in Europe. He is currently belived to be the dictator, or Maestro of the Guild Empire of Alloy Run, an independent state and one-time dependency of Oshima and Izu.
Operations: Masterminded the FSR's intervention in Israel-Palestine and Oshima & Izu's brief support for the Canadian Tundra government during their civil war; believed to have organised the Free Chagatai insurgency in Uzbekistan
Major engagements:Planned (but did not lead) seizure of Hebron by airmobile forces; Planned amphibious landings at Nachariyya and Amber. Commanded Oshima & Izu elite forces in Unforgiven April exercise on Easter Island.
Strategic value
Value: Command: 2 stars Strategic Planning: 4 stars
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Operational Planning & overall command of combined and/or multinational forces
Qualities: Strategic mastermind specialising in the planning of airborne assaults, insurgenices and counter-insurgency actions
Flaws: Limited experience of actual command in the field

More to come...
02-10-2004, 17:34
Shulz Borell
Basic information:
Rank: Grand General
Command: Entire Kaderbaian Space Fleet
Status: Commander of Kaderba Fleet
Picture: No picture is known to exist at this time

Biography: Born on the Kaderbaian homeworld he had joined the KSF Academy at age of 15, he finished Command Training in the year 2466, First Command KSS: Reborn, Rose in rank to Commador due to actions in the Kaderbaian rebellion by crushing the resistiance on Colony worlds quickly, Rewarded with Medal of Truth for actions during a Incident with a rebel fleet that threatened Colony 25 on the outter rim of KSF space, 3 months later he again rose in rank to General due to ingenious planning during the Battle above Colony world of Kihiro, served 12 more years on the outter rim of KSF space before rising in rank to Grand General and recieving control of the Entire Fleet due to his skills in tatics and victories on the rim

Operations:Classifyed due to security reasons

Major engagements: Battle of Kihiro and Battle of Colony 25

Strategic value

Value: Command: 3 stars Strategic Planning: 3 stars
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Mastered Starship Fleet Tatics

Qualities: He is cold and inspires loyalty in his men, he is a highly intellegent, even for a Kaderbaian, he also posesses the skill of Battle Meditation, able to see breifly into a enemy commander's mind during a battle for a small period of time

Flaws: cannot use battle meditation during stressing times or no focus on duty and arrogant
The BlackWolf Order
02-10-2004, 17:40
Knoot, could you describe 'fatal flaws'?
02-10-2004, 18:33
Fatal flaws:
Well... its a concept I introduced to make sure that only good generals make the top. People tend to go RAWR I R TEH BETTER sometimes. An incompetent general [say, a fourteen year old boy] can have a lot of experience simply because he happens to be in command of the military. . He might 'fight' and even win battles but that does not make this person a good leader.

To take an example from the list: (please do not take this personally) Corzare Zaphiir ( is a general whose "[[I]military] mindset is firmly routed in the early 1900s" and who thinks "that every battle can be won through attrition".

I'd say that despite any other merits he may have in the field or artillery management and such... well, that sorta disqualifies him for a four-star rating IMHO.

The concept can be applied liberally, but I was just trying to get some sort of pseudo-objective measure of 'quality'
Der Angst
02-10-2004, 18:54
Keeping in mind that the overall strategic concept in NS is either attrition or terror (i.e. ortillery), the good general wouldn't be all that wrong...

Quite frankly, even the blitzresque conflicts I have seen in NS involved LOTS of attrition.

Edit: And in a world with LOTS of nations, LOTS of alliances etc. on a comparable level of industrialization, as well as neverending conflict, and hence, a constant flow of strategic & tactical development, nothing else is to be expected.
03-10-2004, 18:34
Fatal flaws:
Well... its a concept I introduced to make sure that only good generals make the top. People tend to go RAWR I R TEH BETTER sometimes. An incompetent general [say, a fourteen year old boy] can have a lot of experience simply because he happens to be in command of the military. . He might 'fight' and even win battles but that does not make this person a good leader.

To take an example from the list: (please do not take this personally) Corzare Zaphiir ( is a general whose "[[I]military] mindset is firmly routed in the early 1900s" and who thinks "that every battle can be won through attrition".

I'd say that despite any other merits he may have in the field or artillery management and such... well, that sorta disqualifies him for a four-star rating IMHO.

The concept can be applied liberally, but I was just trying to get some sort of pseudo-objective measure of 'quality'

Yea, I see where you are coming from but the 4 stars are the value to Kriegorgrad. Also, while he does believe in attrition, he does it wisely, moving up slowly while laying down trenches, I'll edit that in because people must of got the wrong impression.
03-10-2004, 18:54
Name of General here Admiral Marcus Patinkin
Basic information:
Rank: (currently held rank, or rank held at the moment of death): Admiral
Command: (currently held command, or position held at the momenth of death): Commands the First Fleet, which includes the very best crews, ships, etc. in the Incorporated Sarzonian Navy.
Status: (active, retired, killed in action, missing in action, other): Active

Biography: (personal background, previously held commands, other things of note) Patinkin has two children, including a daughter Katie who is on her way to her first command. He lost his finace during the war against Holy Panooly, which was the first war Sarzonia fought in.
Operations: (Military operations and wars that the general has taken part in. Roleplayed engagements only.) Patinkin has served as the second-in-command of the Sarzonian navy during its first action, which was a naval engagement against Feazanthia. Despite inferior firepower, numbers, and experience, the Sarzonian navy nearly won the engagement. Patinkin also served during the war against Holy Panooly and in nearly every war or military engagement Sarzonia has been involved with.
Major engagements: (Major military engagements lead by the general. These must be actually *roleplayed* engagements. If no such engagements exist: "none") Patinkin commanded the naval forces during the war against CorpSac (on the International Mall board because the NS forums were down). His negotiating tactics to "fight crazy with crazy" turned the tide in the war and eventually led to Sarzonia and Praetonia winning the war. He also assumed command during the military engagement against Feazanthia and took over command of the Navy during the war against Holy Panooly when Admiral Charles Taylor was relieved of command. [OOC: The RP didn't finish because HP said he was leaving NS at the time.]

Strategic value
Value: (five stars maximum, see above)
Doctrine: (Offensive / Defensive)
Specialty: (This is what your General has 'experience' with. Depends on what level the general has. A lower-ranked general could have 'Cavalry' or 'Armoured engagements' here while a general on the general staff may have more affinity with a certain branch. For example 'Navy'. Such a general could be very good, but have no experience commanding space fleets.)
Qualities: (things your general is good at insofar they influence combat. "brilliant tactician", "logistics expert" "charismatic", etc. If a General has no qualities: "none".) Terrific managment skills. Excellent negotiator. Some experience in air combat.
Flaws: (The opposite of qualities. Mention at least as many flaws as qualities. Mentioning more flaws is allowed, of course if you have a sucky general there will be more flaws..) Sometimes overly cautious. Doesn't play "by the book" enough for the top brass. No experience with space or army forces.
High Orcs
04-10-2004, 18:26
(Note: Just because they were not RP'd in NS doesn't mean they weren't RP'd at all. The High Orcs have a substantial Roleplayed history (that I've run table-top wise in PFRPG 2nd Ed.), where I grew to love these characters. Also note that there is an entire clan composed of generals and military leaders that number into the millions now.)

Manus Trebelium
Basic information:
Rank: EnheilRas
Command: EnheilRas, Chieftain of High Fist and General of all Orcish Armies
Status: Current EnheilRas
(In Signature)

Biography: He is the head of the High Fist Clan and the general of the Orcish Forces. His title translates literally as The Warmaster. Manus is a true-born general, and his tactical skills and expertise are among the best in the realms (Palladium). He fights fearlessly and merciilessly, always leading his troops into battle himself. HIs only flaws are his impatience and occassionally short temper.
Operations: The Palladium Elf-Dwarf War, ChumRas Orka Campaign I, II, and III (Current)
Major engagements: The Battle of Balraga, the Siege of Aieer

Strategic value
Value: The value of the EnheilRas is incomprehensible
Doctrine: Offense (though regulates to Offensive Defense)
Specialty: Manus Excells in ground-based assault footmen. He has lead countless charges on foot and his current kill-count is unknown. He understands offensive assaults very well, and can make accurate estimations on troop numbers, siege engines, and calvalry.
Qualities: Manus has a keen I.Q. (if it were to be tested) of 150. This qualifies the High Orc on a genius level. He is hard-nosed, and usually positive about things militarily. He is incredibily charismatic when it comes to those whom would follow him, and a conviction dedicated to the ChumRas Orka like none other. He is level headed when it comes to pre-planning for war, and to situations that may seem dreadful or desperate, he sees as setbacks in the grand scheme of things. His one objective is the ChumRas Orka. Until he has accomplished this, he will stop at nothing, and he will let absolutely nothing get in his way or hold him back.
Flaws: Manus tends to be rather impatient when he wants or needs something, and he has a really bad temper and is quite short, and when set off, can turn him into a beserk warrior.

Trabian Riil
Basic information:
Rank: Advisor
Command: Tactician
Status: Active

Biography: Trabian is the army's Master Tactian. He acts as a strategist and coordinator alongside Manus. He is a Fire Warlock and Brilliant Military Genius. He was an a very unlikely choice for the position (because he's not a fighter), but Manus trusts his judgement. The two of them work very well together.
Operations: ChumRas Orka I, II, & III
Major engagements: Battle of Balraga, Siege of Aieer

Strategic value
Value: Is not a General
Doctrine: Both Offensive and Defense
Specialty: Trabian is the Mastermind behind Arda's terrifying Elemental Defense. Trabian was a former Warlock studying in the Golden Sky, a clan dedicated to nature. He was his idea to twist the use of the Elemental Spirits to be able to distort and desentigrate enemy transmissions and observations from space, acting as a near impenetrable shield for the region.
Qualities: Trabian is extremely intelligent (moreso than Manus), and is a very calm and astute person. He tends to focus a lot on how magic can be used flexibly within situations (namely the inclusion of his own power-types), and effectively interweaves them into troop movements.
Flaws: Trabian tends to rely too much on Magic, and his pro-stance tends to get on edge with Teel Ikorum, his polar opposite. The two often get in fights over their stances on magic and technology, and Teel seems to be the one person that can get Trabian's inner fire heated.

Teel Ikorum
Basic information:
Rank: Father of the Knights
Command: Leader and Spokesman of the High Fist Clan's Orcish Knights
Status: Active

Biography: Teel's title is the Father of the Knights. It is an honorary position as leader of and spokesman for the High Fists cClan's Orcish Knights. He is a very dignified warrior, who believes in honor and the Orcish cause. He distrusts magic and bears and animosity towards Trabian.
Operations: The Elf-Dwarf War, ChumRas Orka I, II, III
Major engagements: Teel fought in the latter quarter under the Elven Bondage, He was highly active in Balraga, and Aieer. He was present in several incidents, including the Christoniac incident (along with Trabian, Manus, Delgon, and Ignex)

Strategic value
Value: Teel's Leadership is a priceless example of purity of the skell
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Teel's true specialty is armor and heavy assault. He enjoys heavy weapons, and knows how to form and use siege engines better than any other Orc. He enjoys planning calvalry deployments and often uses the Pointblade, Belca Bristleback, and the Flaming Skull as toys to play around with in major assaults. He is currently the caregiver of the Raging Bear Clan, the largest clan of the nation, filled with hundreds of millions of Non-Orcs, and has no objections with using them as troop fodder.
Qualities: Teel is a Warrior, true & true. He enjoys tough, fair fights, and challenges. He rose to this position by strength of will and courage.
Flaws: Teel's mainstay is that, while he is often very brave and can work out most problems with muscle, he isn't as intelligent as Trabian or Manus, and becomes enraged whenever people begin to doubt his ability to be smart (or inability). This easily angers him, and his rage has killed more than one general on occassion. His fights with Trabian over magical applications in warfare are almost legendary throughout the clans.

Basic information:
Rank: Chieftain, Grand Inquisitor
Command: Leader of the Clan of the Red Blade
Status: Active

Biography: Riga has long been a constant of what piety can do to warp the mind. Leading a large Clan of warriors in dedication to Lopnel, the Red God of Conquest, the Orc with the single name, Riga, has been turned into a celebrity among Orcs and humans alike for his frank, brutal nature and harsh, sarcastic humor. All this is a front to his incredibly gifted talent to training young Knights and squires into being among the best of warriors, and those elite are gifted into being in his personal squad: The Juggernauts.
Operations: ChumRas Orka I, II, III
Major engagements: Battle of Balraga, Siege of Aieer, Aelosian Preparation

Strategic value
Value: It's unknown whether Riga causes more conflicts than he ends.
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Riga's elaborate personality allows him to blend a majority of Footman and Dorn riders with light magical support to create a, "complex blend of ass-kickery."
Qualities: Riga has little qualities. It's unknown how he got to the status of Clan Leader.
Flaws: If any flaw be in Riga, it's his personality. He likes to make fun of people, no matter their status, and is quick to take hits on most diplomats hoity-toity attitudes. He's incredibly outspoken, and has ridiculed most everyone he meets, including the majority of the ruling council of Aelosia. He's allowed to do this because he realizes that Manus doesn't care what he says or does because Riga has no power to declare anything official. He abuses this as much as he can.

The Alcoholism doesn't help much either.
Five Civilized Nations
04-10-2004, 19:12
Rayus Jonas Noventa
Basic information:
Rank: Grand Marshal / Defense Minister
Command: Commander in Chief of the Five Civilized Nations Army and Second in Command to the August Emperor in Military Authority
Status: Active
Biography: Having been promoted through the ranks, Rayus Noventa began as a First Lieutenant in the Marines. He was slowly promoted through the ranks until he first became a Major General in command of a division to a Lieutenant General when he commanded the Marine Corps. Afterwards, due to recognition in both the Five Civilized Nations-Moritani War and the Isle of Tortugan War, Noventa was made the first Grand Marshal and was appointed Defense Minister with the second highest military authority.
Operation Sledgehammer--Annilihation of the Five Civilized Nations-Moritani War
Operation Tortuga--The amphibious and airborne invasion of the Isle of Tortuga in conjunction with the Sword and Sheild and other allies.
Major engagements: Assault against the Tortugan Capital and the Cannae-like entrapment of the Moritani Army
Strategic Value:
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Amphibious Warfare, Airborne Warfare, Special Forces Warfare, Armored Combat
Qualities: A brilliant tactician, Rayus Noventa is the best in strategic command directing the various armies of the Five Civilized Nations from the Citadel of Cala. However, Noventa distinguished himself in command of first a battalion to the entire Five Civilized Nations Marine Corps.
Flaws: A little conceited, Noventa is known for his perfectionist attitudes. He has been known for tearing apart whole operations and start from the beginning due to "flaws" in the planning. In addition, he is horrendous with logistics and support and does not perfectly comprehend the meaning of those two words.
Five Civilized Nations
04-10-2004, 19:13
Horatio Gates Nelson
Basic information:
Rank: Grand Admiral
Command: Commander in Chief of the Five Civilized Nations Space Navy
Status: Active
Biography: In the spitting image of his ancestor, the brilliant British Admiral, Horatio Nelson, this commander is known for his brilliance in command. At once chosen for fleet command, Nelson entered the navy as a Commodore, rising swiftly through the ranks to the rank of Grand Admiral after distinguished campaigns against various nations, becoming the first naval commander to achieve that prestigious rank.
Operation Green Light--Five Civilized Nations assistance with GDA allies versus Klonor and Jimathon
Operation Star Hammer--Assault and Annilihation of Rebellious Colonies
Major engagements: None
Strategic Value:
Doctrine: Offensive and Defensive
Specialty: Space Naval Combat and Planetary Assault and Bombardment
Qualities: A brilliant commander, who excels in commanding the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy, Horatio Gates Nelson has been known to prevail against seemingly unsurmountable odds, his tenacious nature refusing to give up even if there seems to be no hope left. In addition, his brilliant mind allows him to tactically make seemingly idiotic moves, which at the end are brilliant. Some have said that he possesses the ability to tell the future, but that has been continuously discounted.
Flaws: He detests the idea of planning out campaigns, believing that all plans are shot when the shooting starts. Therefore, he refuses to prepare for any possible space conflict with another nation or empire until the last minute.
04-10-2004, 20:11
08-10-2004, 04:12
Sergei Andropoff
Basic information:
Rank: Lord Captain Commander (Eq. Major General
Command: 6th Corps, 2nd Grand Army (8th Army). Current head of the Divine Legion in Somalia
Status: Active

Biography: Graduated from the Divine Legionnaire Academy at Tarnaqin Second in Class; Previously attached to the Divine Embassy in Mansmouth.
Operations: Masterminded the parachute regiment in the Zvarinograd Civil War
Major engagements: Zvarinograd Civil War; Invasion of Alaska

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Parachute and other specialty forces, incuding Amphibious. Has so far resisted efforts to transfer him into one of the special branches
Qualities: Special forces Tactician; charismatic
Flaws: His troops bear more loyalty to him than to the Imperium; has oft-times requested the use of the Nuclear Rockets against civilian enemy targets. Formulated the Divine Doctrine of Overwhelming Force.
15-10-2004, 03:10
General Caracas
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: Officer in Command of the 7th Legion, Supreme Commander of the Armies of the North
Status: Active

Biography: Entered school at the age of 4, underwent first 2 years full time compulsary military training at age 10, returned to school at age 12 - joined part time military reserve, age 18 - awarded the rank of Lieutenant - second 2 years full time compulsary military training - Upon completion signed up to full time service - promoted to Captain - given command of Battalion in 7th Legion, at age 19 his commanding officer was found guilty of deriliction of Duty - Caracas was appointed General of the 7th Legion
Was commanding officer in serval major Yallakian campaigns, proving to be the greatest tactical mind in the Imperial Army - appointed to Supreme Commander of the Armies of Northern Yallak (Provinces of Navarath and Kilrah)
Operations: Operation Free Axackal, Allanea's Invasion of AMF, Operation Remove Rufai
Major engagements: No particular names for engagments but RP'd two large battles - one in Free Axackal, one in Rufai

Strategic value
Doctrine: Combined Offensive / Defensive
Specialty: All Land based Warfare, co-ordinating Land, Air and Naval operations in Battle
Qualities: Brilliant Tactician, Co-ordinator and Leader
Flaws: Cautious
15-10-2004, 03:36
Ayumi Hamasaki
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: Commanding Officer of TSOCOM (Tyrandis Special Operations COMmand)
Status: Active

Biography: Enrolled in Tyrandisan Academy of Military Science at the age of four, and graduated at 18 as valedictorian. Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Airborne Infantry, then transferred to the 75th Ranger Regiment at the age of 22, holding the rank of Captain. Received numerous decorations and promotions in the war against Greece and Cyprus, and promoted to LT. General at war's end. After Gen. Dimitri Romanov retired, Hamasaki received command of TSOCOM. She is particularly well known for her victory against an entire Colodian armored division with only 120 fatigued SF operators during the Russian War.
Operations: Led a company of Ranger personnel in Greece and Cyprus, participated as commander of the 1st Ranger Battalion in the war against Colodia, commanded Task Force SWORD in Zarbian war, commanded TSOCOM against attempted RWC invasion of Tyrandis.
Major engagements:
- Enlisted as a Captain in Operation: SAVIOR (1st Zarbian War). (Defeat)
- Enlisted as a Colonel in Operation: FREEDOM'S BLADE (Liberation/Conquest of Cyprus). (Major Victory)
- Enlisted as a Colonel in Operation: DOWNFALL (Annihilation of Greece and Cyprus). (Major Victory)
- Commanded 1st Ranger Battalion in Tyrandisan-Colodian Conflict (War against Colodia in Russia). (Victory)
- Commanded Task Force SWORD in 2nd Zarbian War. (Victory)
- Commanded TSOCOM in RWC Defense War. (Victory)

Strategic value
Doctrine: Offensive, emphasizing mobile teams of highly trained infantry
Specialty: Special Operations Warfare, COIN (COunter INsurgent)
Qualities: Highly skilled in command of SF units, effective tactical commander
Flaws: Limited in leadership capability of large (division+) force deployments, overestimates value of Special Forces somewhat
15-10-2004, 04:13
Istvan Farkas
Basic information:
Rank: General
Command: 5th Tank Guards
Status: Active, on campaign.

Biography: Istvan Farkas was born May 11th, 1964. Coming from the Farkas family, with its long military history, it was only natural that he joined up, advancing quickly because of his talent. His first real command was a squad of T-72's, that frequently made incursions into the borderlands of Altar Rang. His next notable command was a heavy tank/tank destroyer brigade that participated in numerous defensive actions against incursions by Altar Rangian factions. He was given the command of the enormous 5th Tank Guards about 2 years ago. In the Callisdrunian military, during peace time, incredibly competitive war games go on seemingly continuously, so many opportunities presented themselves. Unfortunately, his self doubt and obsessive humility have kept him from achieving a higher rank and command.
Operations: Participated in a bloody internal feud, and the mad dash across a neighboring country simply known as "The Dictatorship."
Major engagements: First Battle of Drun in the Sorvik-Harthy feud.

Strategic value
Doctrine: Usually Defensive, though recently has done well Offensively as well.
Specialty: Unorthodox tank warfare and night combat
Qualities: Charismatic, imaginative tactician
Flaws: excessively humble, low self-confidence
20-10-2004, 17:25
Keeping in mind that the overall strategic concept in NS is either attrition or terror (i.e. ortillery), the good general wouldn't be all that wrong...

Quite frankly, even the blitzresque conflicts I have seen in NS involved LOTS of attrition.

Edit: And in a world with LOTS of nations, LOTS of alliances etc. on a comparable level of industrialization, as well as neverending conflict, and hence, a constant flow of strategic & tactical development, nothing else is to be expected.

Thanks for the support Der Angst, I just understood what you meant, I'm a bit slow like that sometimes but I always get there...just takes a while.
24-10-2004, 09:54
bump (and considering Angstian tactics I find your support for RAWR attrition surprising, Rezo. That NS wars have lots of attrition is rather the result of, shall we say, 'enthusiastic' people playing this game a lot.) :rolleyes: )
24-10-2004, 10:47
bump (and considering Angstian tactics I find your support for RAWR attrition surprising, Rezo. That NS wars have lots of attrition is rather the result of, shall we say, 'enthusiastic' people playing this game a lot.) :rolleyes: )

Oh...I get it...*what the hell is knoot on about*

Can you please clarify what you mean?

2 Posts till 500...
24-10-2004, 11:41
Jee Leng Tan
Basic information:
Rank: Commander and Chief of the C-G Armed Forces, Semi-Heriditary title
Command: Guardian-Protection Agency or Simply: The Agency
Status: In Command, but desking it due to an increase in paperwork

Biography: When the last GP CinC of the C-GAF was turned out of office, a brief period of uncertinty rolled over the country. When a seccesor was finally voted in by the Governing body of C-G, led by the Newly Elected Prime Minster Stanley Ipkiss, they choose a dedicated officer from the ranks who had consistantly proformed his duties with honour and energy. This man, Jee Leng Tan was at that point, 45 years old.

Tan had been born into a middle class family with no backgound in the military at all. Originally joining the Reserve Force of the C-GF on a whim, when he was 18, Jee Leng soon grew enamoured with military life. He, however, choose to finish with his under-graduate degree before going into teaching. During this time, in the reserve force, he rose to the rank of Master Corporal.

As he finished off his Graduate degree, he decided to volenteer for a rotation outside of the country on a Peacekeeping operation in a vaguely known country called Somada that was in much strife.

While there, his patrol was ambushed and from that, a 2 day battle raged through out the streets of Salinamtie, the capital city, engulfing 2 platoons of C-G Soldiers. The battle was only won when the C-G Command called in an airstrike via CGF-188 using CRV-7's, an unguided rocket projectile with a 70mm warhead, followed up by an armored thrust through the crowded streets.

Only himself and his fireteam partner, one Corporal Stanley Ipkiss, made it out alive from his patrol. Ipkiss would soon leave the reserve forces.
When Tan came back, however, he found his view of the world much changed.

He was promoted to Sargeant for his actions during his Rotation in Somada, but the news media could only show the dead bodies of the civilains and militents that had ambushed his patrol. None the less, he once again took up his job as a History teacher and went to get his Masters degree. It was there he met Chew Yeen Chan, the woman that would be his wife.

Finally, with his Masters degree in hand, and his brand new wife in tow, he quit his job as a Teacher and joined the Regular Force, choosing to become an officer. There was one other thing that resulted from his Rotation in Somada. He learned that he had some very odd abilities.

From then on, he rose through the ranks, had a son he named Hong Gui Tan, established and headed a Department Agency for those like him, and finally achived the rank of Brigider-General before being apointed CinC of the C-G Armed Forces.

Operations: Was a M.C in Peacekeeping Roto 11 in Somada.
Major engagements: Battle of Salinamtie: aka "Slaughter at Somada" to some.
Other: Rumours of operations headed by and lead by Jee Leng circulate within both the country and the government.

Strategic value
Value: 5 stars when CinC, 3.5 when only heading the GPA
Doctrine: Flexible, whatever works, though has not commanded through a major engagment.
Specialty: Logistics, Organisation, Personel.
Qualities: A fairly quiet man, but intense and loving.
Flaws: has never commanded through full blown war.[/QUOTE]
Tor Yvresse
24-10-2004, 14:54
Khailia-Mensha-Khaine The Bloody handed God (Avatar)
Basic information:
Rank: Erm Avatar of the Eldar God of War. So Rank I suppose God
Command: All Eldar Forces when he awakened.
Status: Sleeping.

Biography: Eldar God of War split into multiple Bodie's rests at the heart of the Craftworld. Is awakened by the Call to war and the sacriface of the Young King, an Exarch chosen to serve a Year or till he is called upon, whichever comes first. No one knows what happens to the slain Exarch.
Operations: Web Way War, When Gods go to War. First Mars War against NGEN. Hellespontus War, Second Hellespontus War, EOTED War, and a few others I think. Pretty much anytime I have gone to war Khaine is woken up. Less likely to happen these days however. We have grown so big it takes Major engagments to bother him. Small skirmashies etc do not bother him.

Major engagements: See above

Strategic value
Value: Erm 5 Stars... he is the Avatar of the War God after all :p
Doctrine: Offensive
Specialty: Personal Speciality is hand to hand Combat, and being hit by weapons of flame and heat :p Actual Speciality the Eldar War Machine. he is the repersentation of the Eldar at war, and so he repersents the way the Eldar make war. Fast Hard hitting strikes.
Qualities: Tactician. Ferocity. Inspiring Eldar forces. (He is linked into them at the most basic level. An Awakend Khaine is a Eldar focre REALLY wanting to kill things.) Tough... Does not stay dead(He goes down but he just returns to the Craftworld)
Flaws: Grouchy, Angry, hard to hold a conversation with. Spends a long time asleep, Inspires Eldar Forces. (Removes what little compassion exists in the Eldar for other races. Makes them very hard to control)
Tor Yvresse
24-10-2004, 15:10
Basic information:
Rank: HighKing of the Exodites, Second of the Council Warlord
Command: Exodite Tribes of the Keigh of Tor Yvresse
Status: Active

Biography: The Exodites are the 'Barbaric' Keigh, and are split into Tribes ruled by Chiefs. As the Leader of the Royal Clan he ruled over his entire world and all the Keigh upon it. Until the coming of the Mon-Keigh. As the Mon-Keigh invaded they sent for aid, the Kionash of Tor Yvresse came in response. They fought the Mon-Keigh off the world victory was in their grasp, when the Cowards of the Mon-Keigh commited Exterminatus on the World if they could not have it they decided no one would. The scattered rements of the Exodites where taken by the Kionash to a world held for them as a last refugee and they have formed one united peoples to ensure none would do such to them again. As King of the survivors he as Kings of old, leading them in battle.
Operations: The War has no name, they refer to it only as the time of Death.
Major engagements: See above

Strategic value
Value: 4 Stars
Doctrine: (Offensive
Specialty: Cavarly, Special Forces. The Exodites ride Giant War Beasts capable of tearing Tanks apart in their teeth. They are also used to living off the land and fading into the wilderness, as such they are used as a raiding force by the Keigh. A behind enemy lines force, rather than as a front line regiment.
Qualities: Survival.
Flaws: Hatred of Mon-Keigh unlikely to even consider mercy.
28-10-2004, 23:13
Oh...I get it...*what the hell is knoot on about*

Can you please clarify what you mean?

In plain folksy talk: attrition tends to be the strategy of [teenage] people who think it boosts their ego/penis size. Not of brilliant generals. In my humble opinion.