NationStates Jolt Archive

Universal Biotopian History Index

01-10-2004, 18:23
Universal Biotopian History Index

Primordial Sunrise [-2,000,000,000Zn]: Caeruleus Homines evolved in the temperate woodlands of Eastern Greenfields. From here successful family groups moved northwards, taking advantage of an environment rich in basic resources. Caeruleus Homines eventually occupied the territory from the eastern peninsula to the northern tip of Lake Turkana, across the Beiwulkt straight and the VeaBourg Peninsula. Archaeological research has discovered the extinct isolated communities along the polar fringe and in the Habarrian mountain range, suggesting the range of Caeruleus Homines was much larger then currently estimated.

Original Chapter [-5,500Zn]: It is thought that with the advent of metallurgy the first villages were settled, centralising the previously nomadic tribes. During this time three distinct populations formed the East, Northern and Polar Biotopians. All three groups continued to trade in goods and culture but the northern and Polar civilisations were the most intense of the three.

At the time that iron was developed in the later end of the period the East Biotopians had become isolated and remained using primarily bronze tools and weapons. Several great civilisations emerged before the East Biotopians were extinguished by invading waves of Hri, pushed eastward by the expanding populations of Greater Bears.

Neuvo Polar Age [-4,000Zn]: The slow decline in the warm marine currents that provided the habitable temperatures of the polar region placed great stress on the indigenous communities. North Biotopian settlement began moving southwards, splitting into two groups separated by the Habarrian Mountains. Polar Biotopian settlements moved eastwards, following the declining warm currents as it began to bend southwards.

The famous Legend of Patriarch Soux VI claims that the last survivors of the Polar civilisation escaped their sieged capital as Volcano Hexallia erupted, destroying the Red Penguin hoards. The fleet then supposedly went on long and heroic cougue before finally landing Patriarch Soux VIII in Hove Bay, beginning the settlement of Biotopia. Although it is thought only a legend there is some archaeological and geographic evidence that such an event might have occurred.

Clash of the Civilisations [-2,600Zn]: The remnants of the Northern civilisation became consolidated along the west and further inland on the eastern side of the Habarrian Mountains. The eastern communities degenerated into bronze and copper use before appearing to have disbanded into nomadic tribal groups and migrating into the mountain range.

The early Biotopian communities developed on Vellnain Island, Sollo Valley, Gave Coastal region, Kottorro Valley and the South Morv Coastal region. As these primary civilisation expanded they encountered the indigenous Sagawachi and Koffawa species of the island. Unfortunately for the more advanced Koffawa their physiology allowed for greater cross-species viral sharing and their population was estimated to have plummeted down to 20% its original size within 100 years of contact.

New Empires, Old Species [-1,400Zn]: Both the Biotopians and Sagawachi gained from the Koffawa’s rapid decline, occupying their deserted settlements and applying their philosophical and technological insights. The Kaffawa High Oracle Velop Tibopla become the leader of the remaining Kaffawa and ordered their withdrawal to the Kake Valley. Isolated and protected by the mountains the Kaffawa rebuilt their civilisation into a considerably advanced Republic.

Not threatened with immediate extinction the Sagawachi competed with the expanding Biotopian populations. The slave trade became trans-continental and fierce battles where entire villages or towns were destroyed and the populations slaughtered frequently occurred. The Sagawachi Matriarch Sketo II founded a new capital on the banks of the Galtg River which would expand to govern over the largest empire in Biotopia.

Classical Chapter [0Zn]: The Axum calendar is the epitome of Koffawa mathematical and astrological achievement. Unfortunately the Koffawa republic was ruined when Volcano Motu-u erupted, poisoning the water, smothering agricultural land in lava and smothering the valley in a poisonous smog. Refugees either became slaves or lived in impoverished mountain villages. Some of these refugees, especially the clergy became top civil servants, introducing the Axum calendar as well as new systems of measurement, finance and aesthetics.

The Sagawachi Empire fractured along its provincial boundaries before shortly amalgamating into two, with capitals in Overrn and Kruipp, establishing the foundation for centuries of rivalry and conflict. The Classical period consolidated 12 major ethno-cultural groups, each creating and influencing language, aesthetics, philosophy and religion. Marine trade along the coast and across the sea to Greenfields also increased, with strategic post locations developing into major cities.

Five Empires [1,900Zn]: Five large empires, the Allean, Ostagarth, Xon, Velk and Harlech dominated most of Biotopia simultaneously, expanding their engagement with foreign nations and resulting in great advances and conflicts. These empires became imperial confederations with each region paying its taxes, providing markets and soldiers but with some limited autonomy. Occasionally whole regions would revolt and amalgamate with the neighbouring empire, while threatening instability the different regions often played one empire against another in order to assure their own interests where attended to ensuring no region beyond the capital pushed for stronger central control.

Leadership could be brief and violent with one ethnic group over throwing another, at times civil war reshaped an empires entire boundary but the five imperial nations remained for several centuries, building new cultures, common languages and refined worship systems. While the periphery cities and regions remained as impoverished frontiers the large towns and imperial capitals developed sophisticated and articulate cultures that produced intricate craft work and housed great public buildings.

The Velk Implosion [2,700Zn]: In 2,792Zn Addomocous, the leader of a guerrilla slave army marched on the Velk Empire’s capital Kappadocia. He was proclaimed the new Patriarch and immediately passed a decree emancipating slaves in the Velk Empire he also re-installed the Imperial Senate. A civil war between the republican island of Vellnain and the mainland provinces resulted in the disintegration of the provinces into competing city-states and expanded frontiers for neighbouring empires.

End of Empire [2,800Zn/]: The Duchy of Orro united the Kottorro Valley and liberated the slave populations. The Xon Empire occupied the Kake Valley and began absorbing the remnants of Kaffawa culture, Yomo IV abolished slavery and his daughter Ado I built a new capital strongly influenced by the Kaffawa cultural presence. The Harlech Empire however attempted to re-install slavery, starting a series of small to major skirmishes in the north while the united tribes of the Xophorro annexed southern territory.

The Harlech Empire was racked by political instability with the death of High Oracle Dubae in the turmoil the northern realms became independent and the Harlech Empire slid into anarchy. The Ostagarth and Allean Empires had been in decline with several years of low crop production before West Biotopians began arriving and working as mercenaries for the ‘barbarian’ tribes, by the time the West Biotopians established their own dynasty in the province of Yemech both Empires were only a few years short from a comparatively peaceful disintegration.

Golden Age of Xon [3,000Zn/]: Xodox the Builder constructed a fortified wall along the Khoum Pass and hundreds of other walls through the mountainous hinterland preventing tribal incursions and securing unity of the Xon Empire. Yomo II extended the Xon territory along the Tygo river plan, gaining the Empires first seaports. Yomo IV annexed the Kake Valley and his daughter ‘Ado the Strategist’ laid the foundations for Golden Age of Xon and occupied strategic outposts for the Empire.

Her son Yomo V invaded the Haddas Valley, his lover Mozox the Quno Valley and a generation later ‘Duran the Warrior’ his adopted great-grandson forced the Ostagarth from the Keeid Valley. As Pylok the Historian wrote “During the First Darkness, when barbarity swarmed like a sea on the shores of civilisation of all the isles the Xon shone like a continent”.

Three Grand Religions [3,400Zn]: In 3,393 Herrgo Yerrf previously a philosopher in the West Biotopian Republic of Weirpo was expelled and spent the next eight years as a sailor before settling in Uma. The Pugonile Church taught a scripture rich in symbolism and encounters of local deities. The Church emphasised the idea of a community of individuals, the importance of merit and a reverence for local deities.

The Zarionites where a monotheistic religious order that believed through the investigation of nature the ultimate truth, god, could be revealed and that all other falsehoods would be exposed through those who had ascertained enlightenment. The Ran-O-Ea developed a technique of purification and later built upon an earlier lineage of revelation through profits and oracles. The movement spread throughout the Haddamann Valley over the next century.

The Big Silence [3,800Zn/]: The Xon lost the province of Keeid Valley and then the settlements along the Tygo River, permanently ending sea access for the Empire. The Xon Empire entered a prolonged period of isolation varying from absolute to closely regulated, the Empire achieved several great achievements in architectural and cultural design and refinement. Foreign intrusion only occurred during the colonial age several centuries later.

Imperial Chapter [3,900Zn/]: Withdrawal of the Xon Empire began a series of alliances and annexations which formed the shape of modern Biotopian states. Large Empires of diverse populations required an efficient and well educated civil service as well as an integrated military. Education was institutionalised through primary schooling, religious colleges and military academies, the printing press and the construction of new and secure roads increased the exchange of ideas on philosophy, religion, law, the state, new innovations and promoted a flourishing in national literature styles.

Trade flourished and wealth returned to old cities and built new cities where sleepy villages once were. Progress was initially made at a relatively equal pace and a system of military and economic alliances were developed as state diverged in their political, economic and military development. Conflict between states was therefore limited but unavoidable under the developing capitalist system.

Imperial Exports [4,100n]: Development of the modern feudal state funded maritime exploration and Balance of Power factors cohered states to develop international trade links, frequently through colonial territories. Previous skirmishes between the major powers were limited to gaining strategic bridges or trading posts or playing one puppet states in larger scale warfare.

This pattern was repeated and colonial territories where modest and strategically chosen with “contract allies” being used to control and organise the local labour force. Competition between the powers spurred naval technological development, the mechanisation of manufacturing and the growth of financial markets. The growing wealth of nations however was not evenly distributed and generated an undercurrent of discontent.

The Axal Agenda [4,300Zn/]: Axal was a mountainous kingdom along the west-coast. The ancient Angkhaig dynasty was deposed by the Lhekhaig family who adopted an aggressive approach to modernising the nation. Prince Sana Angkhai was secretly raised in the capital amongst working class people. Discontent with an alienating political system, inflation and miserable working and living conditions for the working poor protests turned into riots.

The Prince’s loyalists capitalised on the mood and staged a coup backed with popular support. The Prince avoided a devastating civil war with many pro-Lhekhaig families fled rather then confront the judiciary of angry mobs. Prince Sana introduced welfare and a people’s parliament. Workers were given the right to control their own enterprises. Attempts by Axal’s neighbours to restore the Lhekhaig family resulted in several defeats.

Colonial Chapter [4,500Zn]: Industrialisation expanded and evoked new ways of thinking and promoted a swelling of the middle classes. Previously the kingdoms had suppressed civil society but this censorship fuelled more radical and revolutionary approaches to improving the general living standard. The spiralling of internal conflict into civil war expanded the opportunity of more stable neighbours to gain external colonial territory as well as funding their economy through arms and provision sales.

During this time of internal instability external imperial powers began to forge their own alliance systems and established themselves along the Biotopian coastline while pushing inwards to access new markets. The Biotopian states imperialist approach had been more inward looking and while suited for controlling their slice of Biotopia and protecting their immediate colonial contacts they lacked the regional or global power projection they where encountering.

Colonial Saga [4,510Xn]: The predominating colonial powers where the Aperin based Empires, primarily Celdonia but several Greenfields nations expanded their territorial claims into Biotopia. Military development had stalled and total production had fallen with several nations introducing isolationist policies or facing the immediate needs of re-building from civil-war. The major industrial cities still continued to be located along the coastline.

Larger, better armed and faster warships forced open harbours and patrolled the movements of foreign trading hulks. Industrial cities along the west coast where bombed and occupied by a foreign “administration”. Sizable territories meant to be self-sufficient in ores and agriculture where also taken and used to house incoming troops and entrepreneurs. Only three nations where completely occupied but foreigners where granted special trading concessions, looted or stole artefacts are where increasingly mobile.

Pan-Biotopia [4,630Xn]: Moza Orrisaav had been the Special Minister for Development before becoming the dictator of Zhanain when the armed forces turned against the decrepit Emperor as a troop of Celdonian ‘administrators’ marched on the capital. The Celdonains were defeated but Orrisaav had the survivors attended to and returned to Celdonain territory. A campaign of brutal industrialisation while presenting a pro-foreigner façade bought his regime critical time and investment funds.

Foreign Minister Tybor became chair of the Pan-Biotopia movement which advocated a stealthy militarisation program to ensure the Biotopians could sustain a war against the colonial powers. Nationalism infiltrated popular culture normalised the increasingly draconian pace of industrialisation and subversion of civil culture.

War of Attrition [4,650Xn]: The colonial powers were unprepared with the speed and size of the first wave. The counter attack however was well organised and targeted port cities, denying the Biotopians the opportunity to develop a naval force. The Biotopians also experience resistance from other Biotopians who either pro-imperialists or believed they were under invasion. The second wave of attack mostly pushed the countering armies further back and stagnated into bloody trench warfare.

Meanwhile primitive submarines sunk supply and troop vessels weakening the colonial forces and threatening their maritime trade routes. The adaptation of the aeroplane by the Biotopians gave them a great advantage over the colonialists who where fighting in retreat from a costly and devastating war.

Republic Chapter [4,660Xn]: During the war of liberation the Biotopians had worked together as a co-ordinated military machine and proven their capacity internationally but at a great price with the devastation of an entire generation. Immediately after the war reconstruction requirements provided jobs and income and the Pan-Biotopian Council arranged trading rights as part of the war repatriations.

However the post-war era introduced the problem of who gained what territory, Orrisaav imagined a centralised government with each previous nation incorporated as a province, however after colonial rule and the notoriety of his dictatorial rule most governments shied away from this vision. The PBC became an inter-governmental organisation with limited power and fierce but indecisive debates about how Biotopia should be governed and by whom.

Aperin War [4,681Kn/(1912)]: The war initially fuelled an economic boom, to the dismay of socialists, anarchists and pacifists. The intensification of the war closed most markets, coinciding with war-economy over-investment in the Stock Exchange. Recession spiralled into a devastating depression as the market imploded, sucking in the entire finance market. The economic crises spread throughout the region, closing markets and impoverishing millions.

First Republic [4,689Kn/(1920)]: The PBC was ineffective and the Unitarians, Communitarians, Anarchists and Neo-Republicans fought each other in street-gangs. The Unitarians imposed draconian policies when they won government and underwrote their economic success in manufacturing arms. The Unitarians grew in the north and less successfully in the south where communitarians and anarchists dominated. The Unitarians used jingoism and propaganda and became increasingly popular as the economic crises deepened in other areas of Biotopia.

Promising not to intervene in communist government affairs the Unitarians mobilised against the other state governments before turning on the communist agricultural south. The ‘silent civil war’ between communitarians and the Unitarians continued for three years before Biotopia became a united republic under a one-party dictatorship headed by the charismatic and cunning Mjere Kyomo for the next 23 years.

Second Republic [4,716Kn/(1947)]: Upon the death of Kyomo an estimated one million citizens took to the streets to rally for democracy, increased freedoms and economic reform. General Berr Norron quashed the people’s movements with troops firing into crowds and directing tanks into blockades. Thousands disappeared or were imprisoned. General Norron centralised the economy but made few concessions for civil society. Biotopia also began developing weapons of mass destruction and engaging in long-range missile testing.

Duel Republics [4,728Kn/(1959)]: An attempt to place nuclear missile on Vellnain Island became the catalyst for revolutionaries who fought a guerrilla war against the Norron dictatorship. Their cause however was for liberated island rather then a specific ideology beyond the catch cry of “Liberty! Democracy! Equality!” The guerrillas began accepting aide from socialist governments, particularly from Hell Bovines and Celdonia, influencing the policies of the liberation movement. Independence was announced after the governor was executed and the last Republican troops surrendered.

Third Republic [4,737Kn/(1968)]: Norron developed an undiagnosed brain tumour which rapidly deteriorated the state of his mental and physical wellbeing. He was eventually deposed by the ‘gang of four’ who had him arrested and placed in a show trial before being executed by firing squad. The ‘gang of four’ began restructuring the armed forces, decentralising industry and government and introduced restricted freedoms.

Fourth Republic [4,744Kn/(1973): Luisk Demourrg personally poisoned the other members in the ‘gang of four’ and began an intense reign of terror. Freedoms were withdrawn, welfare was drastically curtailed and state industries closed as the economy was restructured into a capitalist-model. Thousands of people were tortured, imprisoned or extra-legally executed.

Discontent however was growing. In the summer of 7452 an estimated 70,000 people, mostly students and factory workers converged in Marvk to protest for “L!D!E!” (Liberty! Democracy! Equality!) The regime was unravelling but not before Demourrg and his loyalists entrenched themselves in a missile launch silo. He attempted to annihilate the rebelling cities but only one was launched, on a faulty alignment to Marvk.

Fifth Republic [4752Kn/(1981)]: The atomic blast was the end of the regime with Demourrg and his supporters killed, loyalists troops in the capital were defeated and the jails liberated of political prisoners. A democratic parliament was opened and popular open elections held. The armed forces were reduced, welfare was reformed and the economy was “socialised”.

Sixth Republic [4,755Kn/(1984)]: The ratification of a constitution establishing a federal republic cemented the work of the previous three years. Freedom of assembly, press, association and the instalment of an independent judiciary protected civil society from draconian imposition. The government provided free education and healthcare as well a opening new research departments and labour reform.

The government made the deliberate policy of avoiding the mistakes of other socialist government’s economic management. The IT sector was government funded and used to co-ordinate the economy. The central importance of the environment became the foundation for the EcoSocialist economic model formulated during this period.