NationStates Jolt Archive

Major Sites of Exetonia Minor

Exetonia Minor
30-09-2004, 15:04
Major Lanmarks:

The Presidential Halls of Residence:

Location: Truro
Value: 326.45 million Exetonian Dollars
Description: An exact replica of the USA's Whitehouse, this is the domicile of the President of Exetonia Minor. Its is also where Government meetings are held and important decisions are made. There is an extensive bunker network underneath the White House incase of war. The White house is closed to the public. This is now also home to Robert John Powell's grave. A beautiful monument or rather statue of himself stands in the palace gardens with a simple memorial to him written on stone and surrounded by 100 black orchids donated by a kind benevolent nation.


Falmouth International Freight/Passenger port:

Location: Falmouth
Value: 2.75 Billion Exetonian Dollars
Description: Probably the most lavish port in the whole of the Greater Exetonian region, Falmouth port is both asthetically pleasing and practical. It handles over 3,565,000 tourists a year who come in from the sea and an exponential rate of freight dependant on political climates and weather conditions. This extravabgence is both pleasing asthetically and profit wise. It has more than quadrupled its build costs in 5 years. Exetonia Minors government is most pleased.


Newquay regional airport/military airbase:

Description: As of this moment in time, Newquay airport is big enough to handle airbuses and helicopters for regional travel only although, as the country hrows, there are plans to expand the civilian side of this site. The military airbase houses all the helicopters (all 10 of them) for the EMSF (Exetonia Minor Strike Force) who can mobilise to any where within exetonia Minor in 1 hour. The helicopters are civilian helicopters converted to house 2 machine guns either side of the passenger doors. They carry 8 men and 2 pilots + 2 gunners. There is a permanent team of 60 pilots, 60 gunners and 240 soldiers who work in three shifts named A, B and C. These men have not had to be used yet although, they are kept on permamnent standby for use anywhere in Greater Exetonia. The airport now also houses 10 b-52 bombers, 10 F/B-4 Phantom III Fighter Bombers and 10 F/A-117X NightHawk Stealth Fighters. This brings the total crew and ground crew on the base to 650 men.


Penzance Naval Base (PNB):

Description: PCDB is the hub of exetonia minor costal defence and home of the large (for her size) Exetonan navy which consists of 35 costal patrol boats each armed with 3 SMG's and 1 torpedoe tube. Each of these boats has a crew of 18 who take it in turns to man the boats in 6 men shifts. The Naval base also houses the first carrier and first support fleets although, to see there make up you will have to look at official statements made by the Government. (ooc:HERE ( PNB is also the Lifeboat control center controling 56 lifeboat stations along the Exetonia Minor coast. There are plans for 2 new centers opening within the next 50 years located at St Mawes on the south coast and St Ives on the North Coast.

Exetonia Minor
06-10-2004, 10:12
07-10-2004, 09:25