Phalanix vs Ravelyn Private RP
30-09-2004, 03:11
OCC: This is a little thing that Rave wanted to do since she wants to spar with me. And well we live in different countries so we'll just do it over NS. So enjoy the show. Also my person is actually myself so you finally learn about the secretive player of Phalanix lol
The stage was set for a fight it seemed. Joshua looked around at the room. As he did he unwittingly reached into the side pocket of his jeans and pulled out a pen and began spining it in his left hand. The area looked just like the gym at his high school minus the fact that it was much bigger and the supply room wasn't in the back but on the side. He noticed the fact he was holding his pen and placed it back in his pocket pulling out what looked like a pen case but it was empty and had a elastic on each end. He smirked slightly and reached back in the same pocket and pulled out a small ink cartage from a pen and loaded it in the "pen dart launcher." He fired the cartage right beside the mats on the door with a smirk.
Earth II
30-09-2004, 15:01
(Rave vs Phalanix, who could miss this? tag)
30-09-2004, 18:24
OCC: Damn right this is a event that will be very frigging interesting. Who the hell could miss this event?
Rave Shentavo
01-10-2004, 03:04
(Well, now you get to find out about the player behind the posts. My name is Rave…and…this is me.)
A young female saunters into the room, her hand passing through her long auburn hair as she enters. It has a slight wave to it, but not much, and deep red undertones glisten within the brown locks. Her skin is tan, clearly she has been out in the sun, but she is not burnt. Somehow with being mostly Italian, you don’t burn in the sun. Her eyes are a rich chocolate. She is of lean build, but clearly her muscles are seen. Apparently she is one who likes to run eight miles at five in the morning…but only with her espresso. She’s 5”7 with an air of attitude. Her pride and arrogance is somewhat subdued, but it is there. She wears a white tank top (for those of you who get this reference I love you! Good times…good times…) and a black skirt; for reasons known with shorts underneath. Her boots do not have stiletto heals on them, but they ended just below her knee. Black cut off gloves were around both her hands.
“Joshua?” Her voice is rather melodic but sultry in a way, and she singled out the only other in the room.
01-10-2004, 03:17
"Yes," he replied as he turned to face her. His dark hazel eyes like pools of water looking her over. His slender agile form seemed always in a combat stance ready to strike within the moment the first impulse leaves his brain. "Can I help you?" he asks as he slips the pen case back in his pocket with the other stuff in it (ironically I do keep a pen with me all the time ready to pull it out and stab.) He absent mindedly began to play with a small dragon pendent that he wore around his neck as he stood there.
Rave Shentavo
01-10-2004, 03:21
"I believe you were looking for the player Rave Shentavo," she reaches her hand out toward him with a light smile. "Well, that's my name, and since your the only person here, I am guessing that you are Phalanix."
01-10-2004, 03:24
"Well then yes I am the player behind Phalanix. But please just call me Josh," he says his expresion changing to a softer one as he shakes her hand, "Never expected you to be this beautiful. Heh."
Rave Shentavo
01-10-2004, 03:31
She blushes slightly, but tilts her head down to conceal it. "Well I can be deadly as well. I've taken shaolin kempo for ten years, one of the most agressive arts in the world...though now that i'm here...I don't think that I want to fight you all out. Wouldn't want to break you now." She laughs with a smile in a teasing way.
01-10-2004, 03:36
"Ah it takes a lot more than most people to break me. I'm a resilient lil bugger. But I can be deadly to. Though I usually use a pen as a weapon. I'm just a loveable ball of hate," he replies with his normal smirk and a slight laugh.
Northern Halo
02-10-2004, 13:44
"You have to use a weapon to maim someone?" I chuckle. Boy it was fun teasing him. Well, at least I can back up my claims if they are tested. "I perfer using my hands."
02-10-2004, 16:03
OCC:Please leave the thread Northern Halo. This is a private RP and you were never asked to join.
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 16:09
Uh...phalanix? That's michael's nation. Mine was deleted and restored this morning, so I couldn't post under mine. He let me use his. That's my post.
02-10-2004, 16:27
OCC:Ah sorry didn't know. My bad.
"Ah well I'm just a weapons person. Anything that can be used like a sword though is where my talents lie. And The fact I can turn a broken pen and two elastics into a knife is one of my other little talents. And if you think I don't use my hand though you're wrong. When I was 13 I nearly got assault charges pressed on me. Heh that was fun," he says with a laugh, "One of my friends called me the school's weapons dealer one time when I thought of massproducing some of my pen weapons."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 16:30
"Yea, ok...." she smiled. "I perfer a bo-staff above any other weapon...." She sat down next to him. "So are we going to fight or not? I can grow rather impacient after being challenged when nothing happens."
02-10-2004, 16:38
"It's your choice not mine. If I say no uou'll probably kick my ass," he says with a smirk and slight laugh
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 16:44
"Heh heh...yeah, probably."
A man with blond hair and grey eyes walked into gym. Rave turned her eyes towards him.
"Hi, Max Sadacca. Now that you are both here we can begin the interview."
02-10-2004, 16:48
"Ok now I'm so very very lost," Josh said with the "deer in the headlights" look on his face.
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 16:51
"As am I," Rave said with a dissatisfied expression. "What the hell do you mean by interview?"
"Well, Phalanix and Rave Shentavo have been spotted all over the forumn...accumulated over 6000 posts and have had interesting interactions over the past two years. People want to know what makes you tick."
"First question, for both of you. Favorite character and why?"
02-10-2004, 16:56
"Uh.. Joshua becasue he is a representation of all that I wish to become and am. And no I don't want to become some genticly modified person who has been augmented and has been shot and killed. But at the basic level he is a hero and thats all I'd like to be," Joshua said before walking over to a wall to lean against it.
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 17:03
"Surpisingly it is close. But apart from Rave, I like Qui. I get to beat up Joshua, be dragged around by various people (only female characters), and play the bad ass vampire. :-D "
Next question: Rave, Sigma's cookies'
"Um...they are just the best cookies around. Imports from Sigma are highly valued and such...."
Next question: And the video tape?
Where did you get that tape?"
Next question: Moving on... What are your interests in real life? Both Joshua and Rave...
02-10-2004, 17:08
"Video???" Josh asks with a lost but near laughing look before saying "Any ways. Mine are art, photography, role playing, writing, sleeping, reading up on swords and how to use them. Though I have a very very interesting interest in a form of writen word I made in ninth grade as a result of way to much free time."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 17:14
"Well...Shaolin Kempo of course, that's obvious. But I also am an all-american cheerleader for the second year in a row. You can look for me @ the orange bowl or the hula bowl in florda and miambi, december and february. I do gymnastics as well, but only tumbling like backhandsprings and layouts; no bars, beam, or other. I write constantly, and sketch when i'm supposed to be taking notes on a lecture. I sing, and basically that's about it. It does take up a lot of time."
Guy: o_O; ok. So... anyway. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Rave and Joshua.
02-10-2004, 17:17
"Try to kill a kid in grade six with a hockey stick. Well he pissed me off so I grabed a stick and chased him for twenty minutes screaming I'd f*cking kill him. Teachers caught me before I could do anything to him."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 17:20
"Heh...I went snowboarding in a bikini and almost froze to death."
Next Question: OK. So, what's your full name?
Ravelyn Xavier Shentavo.
02-10-2004, 17:21
"Joshua Adam Hastings."
-starts thinking about Rave snowboarding in a bikini- hehehe
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 17:44
Next Question: Favorite thread and color?"
Interesting combination...I would have to say first year shentavo academy, and Red. Who didnt' see that coming?
02-10-2004, 17:45
"Ya first year shentavo academy. Ah great year. Think that was the one where Joshua sacked Qui. And my favorite color is also red."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 17:54
Next Question: What nationality are you?
"I'm american. Yay! but being technical, I'm italian and 1/8 japanese, though its hard to tell because my eyes don't slant."
02-10-2004, 17:57
"Born Canadian. But I am 25% Metis and 50% Scottish and the other 25% is god knows what."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 18:08
Next question: favorite food and occupation?
Dont' ask me why, but lemon. and I'm a student in pre-med.
02-10-2004, 18:25
"Heh don't ask me why ether but fried squid and I'm gona be studying to be a graphic designer or if that fails a air force pilot."
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 18:27
Next question: something interesting about yourself and zodiac sign.
I'm double jointed, and I'm a leo. Can we fight now?! *Rave was clearly getting a little pissed off.*
02-10-2004, 18:33
"I was nearly killed when I was seven and I have two torn ligmamets in my left hand. And I'm a capracorn," he says now also pissed off, "Well this is dne now bye!" Josh then starts to push Max out of the gym.
Rave Shentavo
03-10-2004, 03:43
The door closes in front of Joshua, and the two are left remaining. Rave ran towards him, and jumped on his back, clearly having fun ridden with laughter.
03-10-2004, 04:09
"Gah! Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed as Rave landed on his back. Almsot insantly Josh began running now cought up in the moment laughing as well.
Rave Shentavo
04-10-2004, 04:21
"You know we're having too much fun with this... you wanted to spar me right?"
04-10-2004, 04:24
"You're choice. And besides you're the one on my back and I an't pissing off someone on my back that can just floor me with a strike to the neck," Josh says as he starts to slow down.
Sigma Octavus
04-10-2004, 04:47
(Finally got around to reading this. *gives a highly valued cookie to rave*)
Rave Shentavo
16-10-2004, 15:33
Notes for reference:
Rave just likes to have fun; she will jump on your back and hit you in the neck if it makes her laugh.
I jumped off and smiled. "well then, com'mon... I suppose we really should show the extent of skill now. While this has been fun Joshua, Just a warning Joshua, just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean that I'm weak." And that was very apparent.
The Gothic Underworld
16-10-2004, 15:57
OOC: I'm probably getting myself into trouble for this......but now i'm wondering if the spar is going to end up as.......something else :p
16-10-2004, 18:29
"I already figured that much," Joshua replied with a smirk, "Lets have some fun." At that point his feet spred out to his normal postion that was also his combat postions.
OCC: <_< >_> SHIT -hides his neck-
16-10-2004, 19:44
OOC: Yes yes...I fondly remember the tank top do a few others I'm sure hehe! *hides the hose, to wait for a better time...*
This kinda makes me wanna do something of this sort of thread with someone...I like the idea...rather refreshing actually. I know it's kinda a spinoff, so I'll have to give you the fully-due credit.