Cerongrad Continues to fight(Semi-Open RP) Mercenary call
OoC: This rp is based upon the civil war in Umojan, (http://www.freewebs.com/umojan) where the territory Cerongrad (http://www.freewebs.com/cerongrad) tries to fight a guerilla war to remove themself from Umojan since the new capitalistic emperess have imposed several laws that nethier the public nor the rebells agree on. As the CDU have a much larger force than the PRC have, Cerongrad are now employing mercenaries to do some secret operations.
The ones that are automatically invited are the ones who parcipitated in this thread. (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=359584&page=1&pp=40) The thread is also a good read if you wants to join in.
This is for one or two people from each nation only, this isn't going to be a huge war operation, this is a small squad job.
**This is a message sent to any nation known for harboring mercenaries and other guns-for-hire**
This is Polkovnik Edoard Ivanov, First Commander of the People's Republic of Cerongrad, speaking. We have tried to reason with Colonel Alora Jones of Umojan for a long time now but she is determined to wipe us of the face of the earth. The payment for the work is great, $3000 Ceronian Dollars(Same as USD) per week plus another $50CD per kill, all tax-free. The work is risky, but if one buys it, we will reinburse the family with a good amount of money.
Come to the Parliament in Cerongrad to sign up.
Polkovnik Edoard Ivanov
First Commander of the People's Republic of Cerongrad
The Cerongrad Ambassady (http://www.freewebs.com/cerongrad)
**Message Ended**
28-09-2004, 20:03
Josef Geovovich had just wasted his time on a mission that was meant to set him up for life. He made some new 'friends' but nothing really special. This better be worth it. He was good at killing, mass killing and if was to be paid per kill he knew he was going to become a rich man.
He walked towards the parliament building his boots clicking as they hit ground. He approached waiting for someone to meet him.....
The BlackWolf Order
28-09-2004, 20:10
Quasi IC/OOC:
The Order doesnt 'harbor' mercenaries....we are a mercenary state. Just a thought for you.
OoC: Okie, but as I said, one or two from each state only, no full armies.
Pirate Captian Ichigo Kowa had just arrived in Cerongrad on a special request. She had work to do. and she actually wanted a good mission this time, not anything like last time. She arrived at the parliment building about a half hour upon arrival. Ichigo quickly caught sight of Josef, but didn't approach him. Out of all the people she had met recently, she thought that Josef might be the craziest.
28-09-2004, 22:58
Brandt Styner had been flown to Cerongrad, Umojan, at the request of his recent comrade in arms Zulu, and hoped that this one would be far different from the last battle they had gotten into together. He looked around the arranged meeting area, frowning at the sight of the heartless killer Josef, even though he knew the man's value, and smiling as he recognized Ichigo, the pirate woman who had also been a part of the last fiasco. He walked up to her and said hello.
28-09-2004, 23:14
Josef leaned against the building's outside wall smoking his roll-up when he caught sight of two familiar faces. The pirate woman and the other person he met briefly when he had decided to slay some guards. He walked over to them deciding it was the polite thing to do:
"We meet again,"he smiled,"Hope there is a decent real reward this time for whatever we do."
Ichigo turned as Brandt greeted her. Brandt was one of her closest allies in the fiasco at the Spectdome. She bowed to him as he greeted her.
"Good to see you again, Brandt. It is good to be working together again. I trust you have been well?"
28-09-2004, 23:27
Josef looking rather confused gazed at each person,"An acknowledgement of my presence would not go a miss."
OCC:Sorry, i was away.
IC:Ichigo turned towards Josef.
"Indeed. The reward should be large."
She paused.
"It is good to see you again, Josef."
29-09-2004, 00:41
Josef looking rather confused gazed at each person,"An acknowledgement of my presence would not go a miss."
OOC: er... sorry Josef, i went to dinner. nice to see you, tho
Brandt turned to greet the man who had helped him in starting a fight to save Lear, a friend from their last attempt at a job.
"Since there is the fact that we weren't payed at all for the last botched job, i'm sure that this one will far more decent than the last one." He gave Josef a grin and shook the man's hand firmly.
29-09-2004, 00:44
Josef rolled his eyes,"I swear if this job gets screwed up then I'll have to take a few people down."
29-09-2004, 00:46
Ichigo turned as Brandt greeted her. Brandt was one of her closest allies in the fiasco at the Spectdome. She bowed to him as he greeted her.
"Good to see you again, Brandt. It is good to be working together again. I trust you have been well?"
Brandt bowed to Ichigo in return, his hand automatically going to where his sword would hang on his right hip. Rising, he replied,
"I have been quite well, if a bit short on cash. I agree that it is good to see a familiar face, particularly yours." He grinned at her, and turned to face Josef, who was approaching.
29-09-2004, 00:50
Josef rolled his eyes,"I swear if this <A TITLE="Click for more information about job" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A> gets screwed up then I'll have to take a few people down."
OOC: btw, my last two posts were out of order :rolleyes:
Brandt nodded. having another botched job would be annoying, and replacing the spent shells would not help him if he had no one filling his purse.
"Just as long as you blast the right people, Josef. These shotguns of ours are too powerful to go firing off crazily."
29-09-2004, 00:51
"It would reduce my anger levels spilling someone else's blood."
OoC: Sorry, I had to log out for a couple fo hours. Back now though.
The door with the sing #Employers Only# opened and out stepped a short, pale-skinned, man in a black Tunika. The Tunika shared a symbol that with his left shoulder, a white dragon surrounded by a yellow circle. His yellow eyes are covered by a pair of sun-glasses while his feet were totally uncovered. His black, shoulder-lengthed, hair was held in a ponytail and his goatee seemed to be very taken care of. His red Obi hold four things, a TT Tokarev, a clipholder for the gun, a pair of Nunchakus, and at last, a two feet long rod of oak, called a Jo, which was the man's favourite weapon. He held a pile of clipboards and started:
"I see that the mercenaries have come. This is good, very good."
He smiled and removed his glasses:
"The name's Leonid Romanov, but you shall call me Zulu. I am a mercenary like you and I am hired to lead this operation. Some of you recognize me, some of you don't, some of you may only have heard of me, but that is enough."
He handed out the clipboards to each and every one of the mercenaries in the room, bowing to everyone as he did it, and when he was finished he spoke again:
"Fill out these sheets and hand them over to me afterwards for examination. I would like to have these things included:"
City of Birth:
Basic Skills:
"On the back of the sheets you can find information on the payment, if you haven't already heard about it. I look forward to working with you, all of you."
He putted on his glasses again and turned to Brandt, Ichigo, and Josef.
"Nice to see you all again. Anyone heard if Lear will join in as well?"
Name:Ichigo Kowa
Rank:Pirate Captian
Alias:Sometimes known as "Clock Captain"
City of Birth:Wyvern, Ravea
Basic skills:Gun and Sword wielding, Extreme naval and navigational skills, Basic medic skills, Basic espionage skills, Slightly advanced Hand-to-Hand combat skills.
Equipment:Fluer de Lys Rapier, dual 454. Casull pistols
Ichigo handed the form back to Zulu.
"I am not sure if Lear will be coming, but i sure do hope so. He's a good man, he is."
29-09-2004, 01:07
Josef quickly took the clipboad and replied,"Lear isn't coming. He is otherwise engaged,"smiled Josef somewhat menacingly with his eyes narrowing before he continued to fill in the sheet in front of him.
Name:Josef Geovovich
Rank: N/A
Alias: Menace to Society, The Aspirin
City of Birth: Mosul Square
Basic Skills: Room-clearing, espionage, explosives
Equipment: Trenchcoat packed with too much stuff to list
OoC: Why can't Lear come?
29-09-2004, 01:17
OOC: Well I asked him and he said probably not. So to keep the story interesting you can assume his character being missing has something to do with Josef. You can all have suspicions hahahahaha
"He's engaged? I've been hitched once, but I advice him not to do the same, it just hurts in the end. Wonder when the wedding is..."
OoC: In case you are wondering, I am waiting for Brandt to respond so I can continue. If he doesn't respond in ten minutes, I will continue and he will have to catch up.
29-09-2004, 01:26
Josef sighed listening to Zulu babble on about weddings. Otherwise engaged he thought well it could be so many things. He was pretty sure that he had been the best man at that wedding he smirked to himself oh it had been a messy affair.
29-09-2004, 01:27
Name: Brandt Styner
Rank: Commander
Alias: Raven
Sex: Male
City of Birth: Sanctuary, Vashanka
Basic Skills: Flying military vehics, gun and sword wielding, tracking, moving around. regular guerilla(SP?) work.
Equipment: Walther P99 (handgun), H&K AG36 (Assult Rifle), Benelli M3S90 (Shotgun), boot knife, other merc gear
29-09-2004, 01:29
OoC: In case you are wondering, I am waiting for Brandt to respond so I can continue. If he doesn't respond in ten minutes, I will continue and he will have to catch up.
OoC: sorry i took so long - had internet problems
Zulu clapped his hands and a group of workers came and gathered the clipboards.
"Nice to see you all. The job is simple: Enter Umojan, reach the Capital of Umojan, Sarengo, kill Colonel Alora Jones. How and you kill her and how you get there is all up to you, but we are giving you a small boat, managable by one or two only but with capacity of holding 14, and 10 rebells to fight with you. If you decide to leave with the boat without doing the mission, you WILL regret it."
Zulu took one of the national assault rifles from a guard and nodded for them that it's time to leave.
"Let's go now, friends."
29-09-2004, 01:38
"Lets go."
"Delightful!" Said Ichigo. "Finally, i can get some sailing in."
She pasued a moment.
"Just how heavily gaurded is this Colonel Jones character, anyways?"
29-09-2004, 01:45
OoC: so Umojan is only accessible by water?why didn't we get a U-boat? that seems more logical if we are infiltrating and not just attacking.
Brandt walked over to the boat and hopped the ramp over the side.
"I'm guessing Ichigo here will be piloting us? what will the rest of us do during the trip?" he turned to Zulu. "can you give us any more information on this city and the place where we will most likely find the Colonel?"
ID: #0001
Name: Alora Jones
Rank: Colonel, head of state in Umojan
Sex: Female
City of Birth: Sarengo, Umojan
Lives in a palace in Sarengo's harbour, guarded by 50 guards at day, 150 at night, all heavily armed and expertly trained. The palace is surrounded by a 10-foot fence with barbed wire on top, the exception is a storm drain near the side with the ocean. After the storm drain, which five guards guards at all times. Shift changes is at 04:00, 10:00, 16:00, and 22:00. That is quite possibly the only secure entrance in the whole area. After one exits the storm drain there is 15 metres to run, so you have to be quick. The interiors are pretty much unknown* so you will have to guess your way through.
*That means that the first person who describes the exits decides how the room looks.
OoC: If you look into one of the two embassys mentioned in the first post you will see a map of Umojan and Cerongrad.
29-09-2004, 01:49
"Give me control of the guns and I'll make sure nothing touches us,"exclaimed Josef.
Josef was walking slowly slightly behind everyone else,"If we try to slip in during a shift change that'll probably give us the best chance. The guards will be in a mess changing over."
OCC:Just wondering.....What kind of boat is it? I mean, "Boat" is kind of a general term.
29-09-2004, 01:54
Brandt nodded. "Josef and i can cover the guards, but if there are any other defenses by the storm drain you others will probably have to take care of them." He looked at his fellow 'room clearer'. "You've been around the boat. Does this tub have any sort of weaponry, or a magazine we can sort through?"
29-09-2004, 01:57
"The only thing I've seen is a mounted minigun and I think that'll do fairly minimal damage on any heavy ships that catch us but I got some of my own if we should end up in such a scenario."
Zulu yelled a few shouts and the ten rebells quickly jumped into the boat, disguised as fishermen.
"Okay, from this point, it is pretty much every man, or woman, for himself. That means that if someone dies because you screw up, you will not be charged unless you kill someone in the crew outright."
He afterwards went into the deck with the steering wheel and the compass with maps and putted up the maps of the enemy ships locations up. After a quick look he opened a window and yelled:
"If we are fast, we can manage to enter enemy water before their U-boats are deployed. They don't attack civil ships, but our boats are often lost in sea while the U-boats are deployed. Also, cover that Minigun, we don't want to be seen with it. If there's any need, I have a grenade launcher with four grenades in it up here."
OoC: The boat is pretty much a light fishingboat.
29-09-2004, 02:00
Josef quickly moved into his gunners seat with the mounted, yet clevely hidden, mini-gun,"I'm ready to go."
29-09-2004, 02:02
OoC:Zulu, Rebel is spelled with one l :rolleyes:
Brandt frowned, but figured this would work okei. he sat down and began cleaning the grenade tube on his AG36. he wanted to be able to make short work of those guards, since there was no point in losing anyone this early in the operation.
29-09-2004, 02:03
The sound of a motorcycle approaching...
Its rider shut off the engine, flipped down the kickstand, and dismounted.
As the ship pulled out of the Harbor, he ran up the docking ramp and leapt onto the deck.
29-09-2004, 02:04
Josef was getting bored so he pulled out his flickknife and started to play with it,"We gonna get there anytime soon?"
OOC: Dump the whole Lear thing apparently he specialises in making me look like a liar! :mad: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
Ichigo walked up with Zulu to the bridge, and examined the maps. It would be tricky, but she was sure she could get the group to the palace and back.
"I'll take over from here," Ichigo said. She grasped the wheel and started the engine. "All aboard! Lets go!" She stopped as she saw, to her amazment, Lear.
"Glad you could make it, my friend."
She then pushed the throttle forward gracefully, and the party took off.
OCC:I hope i wasn't early with that post...
29-09-2004, 02:07
Lear curtsied and looked to Zulu.
"Sorry I'm late. I was... otherwise engaged. How's the arm?"
29-09-2004, 02:10
"This is not a time for pleasantries we have a job to get on with,"sighed Josef,"Sooner we're in the sooner we're out."
OoC: No, it's okay, since Lear is here now.
Zulu bowed to Lear and smiled.
"Ahh, Lear-san, nice to see you. Jump on before the ride goes, we have some work to do."
He handed over the mission objectives.
"Okay, this is it, this can decide the nation's future. Let's not fail this one."
29-09-2004, 02:14
Brandt heard the boat's motor rumble to a start, and then heard it throttle up. yet he could feel that it was not moving. sudenly the dull roar shut off, and he looked up to see Lear hop off a huge motorcycle and run along the dock and jump the rail just as the boat's motor did throttle up. they were off. he nodded to Lear, and the put a blank shell in his grenade tube, launching it into the nearby trees as a test shot. the solid thud and crack that followed showed him that it worked just fine. turning back, he released the tube and let the shell slide out into the water, and proceeded to clean it again.
"We were worried that you wouldn't make it, Lear. Josef said you were 'engaged'." Brandt shrugged. "was he telling the truth?"
29-09-2004, 02:17
Josef hearing his name looked up he stared at Brandt for a second before fixing a steely gaze upon Lear waiting for his reply. Would he tell everyone.....
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:17
As the boat began to pass under a bridge while on its way out of the harbor, a familiar man in a blue suit appeared on the bridge. Jimmy Anderson took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He then jumped off the side of the bridge and down on the deck of the boat, narrowly avoiding falling right on top of his new co-workers. He hit the deck on his feet, and then stood and cooly put on his sunglasses.
"Sorry I'm late. My damn flight got cancelled."
29-09-2004, 02:19
At the loud thud Josef quickly changed his focus pulling out a small revolver at the new arrival before realising who it was,"Fucking hell Jimmy!"
29-09-2004, 02:20
Lear produced a sheet of paper from his jacket and handed it to Zulu.
"Just in Case."
He looked to Josef. "Actually, yes he was. I was trying to get a bounty in Atros, but someone beat me to it. I figured... Why not?"
Name: Lear McRoan
Alias: Dual Delta
Sex: Male
City of Birth: --
Basic Skills: Firearms, Heavy Weaponry, Martial Arts, Vehicles (air and ground)
Equipment: Desert Eagle (2), FN-P90 (2), Beretta M92F, Bowie Knife, Industrial Rapier. (mass-produced-looking)
29-09-2004, 02:21
As the boat began to pass under a bridge while on its way out of the harbor, Jimmy Anderson took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He then jumped off the side of the bridge and down on the deck of the boat, narrowly avoiding falling right on top of his new co-workers. He hit the deck on his feet, and then stood and cooly put on his sunglasses.
"Sorry I'm late. My damn flight got cancelled."
Brandt shrank against the sidewall as the mafia detective nearly stepped on him. "We all think it's col to jump over the side of the boat, Jim, but try and look before you leap!" :eek: "anyways, it's nice to see you. i hope we haven't broken the max persons limit on this little tub."
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:22
Anderson looked down the barrel of the revolver. "Now, now, Josef. Is that any way to greet a fellow operative?"
Zulu bowed to Jimmy and smiled.
"Ah, Andersson-san, I've heard about you, you were in that crazy dictator's palace as well, right?
He handed over the neccessary documents and looked over the ocean. It was now late evening.
He talked out to himself, not very loud, but enough so that the closest people would hear.
"I haven't seen this view in ages. In fact, I haven't been here since my familty was killed. It both hurts and helps to see it, but I have to manage."
The boat screeched to a stop again as Anderson leapt on behind Lear.
"Jesus Christ, Jimbo!" Said Ichigo. "Nice timing, and nice to see you! Everybody better be on now, because I'm not stopping again!"
She started the boat again, and they were on their way.
29-09-2004, 02:23
Josef had listened intently to Lear after he spotted Jim. He calmed down his answer was good,"So it was fun killing those little fuckers at Spectrome didn't you think so Jimmy?,"he smiled.
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:24
Brandt shrank against the sidewall as the mafia detective nearly stepped on him. "We all think it's col to jump over the side of the boat, Jim, but try and look before you leap!" :eek: "anyways, it's nice to see you. i hope we haven't broken the max persons limit on this little tub."
"Well, it was kinda one of those now or never things, you know?"
29-09-2004, 02:25
Lear walked over to Jim... and gave him a hug, as though he was greeting an old friend.
"Dammit, Jim! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
He looked around, and saw everyone else was disguised as a fisherman.
"Got any extras? I'm a Large."
29-09-2004, 02:26
Anderson looked down the barrel of the revolver. "Now, now, Josef. Is that any way to greet a fellow operative?"
"probably not, but Josef has a point. if i was in any way prepared for anything, you would have just gotten yourself killed"
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:26
Anderson turned to Ichigo. "Pleasure seeing you again, Ichigo."
He turned back to Josef. "Heh, I guess so. I'm usually not the type of guy who gets involved in shootouts, but I can hold my own."
29-09-2004, 02:28
"Just don't shit yourself next time,"laughed Josef.
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:28
Lear walked over to Jim... and gave him a hug, as though he was greeting an old friend.
"Dammit, Jim! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
He looked around, and saw everyone else was disguised as a fisherman.
"Got any extras? I'm a Large."
He exchanged hugs with his new comrade. "You nearly had a heart attack? You should have been the one who jumped off a perfectly good bridge!"
29-09-2004, 02:31
Lear walked over to Jim... and gave him a hug, as though he was greeting an old friend.
"Dammit, Jim! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
He looked around, and saw everyone else was disguised as a fisherman.
"Got any extras? I'm a Large."
Brandt looked down at his own normal clothes. "Actually, those are the native rebels. i think the rest of us hired people are just supposed do stay out of sight." Returning to his chore, he clicked the empty tube back in place and slung the H&K onto his back again, and turned his attention to his Benelli.
Zulu snapped out of his trance-like state and ran downstairs and quickly came up again with a couple of bags and threw it to each and every one of them.
"No large, but a medium. Hope it won't be too small, cause that would look funny."
OoC: To save some time, shall we say that we are reaching the pensueila(sp?) where Sarengo is located? For more information, visit The Cerongrad Ambassady (http://www.freewebs.com/cerongrad) or The Umojan Ambassady (http://www.freewebs.com/umojan).
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:34
Name: Jimmy Anderson
Rank: Officer
Alias: Hawkeye
Sex: Male
City of Birth: Chatanooga, Stone River
Basic Skills: Firearms, Detective Skills, Operations and Planning.
Equipment: H&K USP .45, Remington .12 Guage Shotgun
After filling out his information, he also noticed everyone disguised as fishermen. Rather than change out of his suit, he found a skipper's hat on the boat. He put it on his head. "So, looks like we have an interesting three hour tour ahead of us, don't we?"
29-09-2004, 02:38
Zulu snapped out of his trance-like state and ran downstairs and quickly came up again with a couple of bags and threw it to each and every one of them.
"No large, but a medium. Hope it won't be too small, cause that would look funny."
OoC: To save some time, shall we say that we are reaching the pensueila(sp?) where Sarengo is located? For more information, visit The Cerongrad Ambassady (http://www.freewebs.com/cerongrad) or The Umojan Ambassady (http://www.freewebs.com/umojan).
Brandt looked over the side at the sound of Zulu's report that they were there. he pulled the H&K off his back and clipped the strap onto his Benelli, which he wasn't planning on using as much. Sliding a grenade into the tube, he lined up a shot with the approaching storm drain, waiting for Josef's shots from the minigun.
OOC: Go H&K, Jimmy!
OCC:Ok, i suppose we arrive now?
IC:2 or 3 Hours later.....
"Land ho!" Said Ichigo. "The Storm Drain is up ahead, less then a mile, i would say. I'm slowing us down."
EDIT:CRAP! I have to go. Damn Damn Damn! See You all!
29-09-2004, 02:43
Lear barely had time to pull on the uniform (snug...) before Ichigo's warning.
He pulled out a P90 and slapped in a clip.
The time was 02:55 when the small boat drifted close to the pensueilla. Zulu quickly gathered the men and woman on the boat and began:
"Josef and Brandt, you take out the guards as planned, do it as silently as possible, there are 150 guards in the palace and 100 ready to arrive 15 minutes after an alarm have been activated. After the guards are dead, someone or someones will have to go first and check if the way to the back entrance is clear. Any valuenteers?"
OoC: Errm, you don't slap in clips in P90's, they won't survive that, this I can promise.
Just nit-picking. ;)
29-09-2004, 02:45
OOC: It's a figure of speech, but I'll remember that from now on...
OoC: Oh, and for some future reference on guns, visit http://www.world.guns.ru/main-e.htm
29-09-2004, 02:50
OOC: In the words of the Almighty Weebl, "How handy!"
Lear held his gun at the ready.
"This should be fun."
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:51
Anderson looked at the others and saw no one was volunteering for the back entrance check. Oh what the hell....
"I'll check the back entrance."
OoC: Hmm, we got one offline, mind to take his place in the attack, Lear?
29-09-2004, 02:52
OOC: H and K is at http://www.heckler-koch.de/html/german/behoerden/00_index.html
good guns
IC: Brandt hoped that he would get some cover fire from Josef, and fired the grenade into the midst of the soldiers. expelling the smoking shell, he swung the h&K around to his back and pulled out his P99, attaching the silencer. Zulu had asked for quiet, so he would try to be just that.
29-09-2004, 02:53
OOC: Gladly.
Lear pulled his sword from the sheath.
29-09-2004, 02:54
Anderson looked at the others and saw no one was volunteering for the back entrance check. Oh what the hell....
"I'll check the back entrance."
"i'll go too if you want any company, Jim."
Stone River
29-09-2004, 02:59
"i'll go too if you want any company, Jim."
"Sure. Let's go together."
29-09-2004, 03:05
Brandt nodded to the other man and put a slug in the chamber of his P99 as he jumped overboard onto the crater of the storm drain.checking, he was not dissapointed when he saw all five of the soldiers were dead, but he had hoped that he could pick a radio off them. all the devices he could see were just as dead as their owners, tho. returning to Jimmy's side, the two headed off for the rear entrance.
29-09-2004, 03:10
OOC: oh. theyre not dead yet? i go the runner, the others are up to you( i don't want to steal all the fun)
IC: Brandt leveled his gun, and with a *pwft* caused by the silencer, the running soldier was a crumpled heap on the beach
Stone River
29-09-2004, 03:13
Anderson and Brandt quickly but quietly made their way to the rear entrance. They got to the corner of the house before the entrance. Anderson peeked around and saw a guard in front of the doors. He quickly attached his silencer to the USP and silently dispatched the guard. They checked around the other corner to verify there were no other guards. Satisfied, they gave the all clear signal to their comrades.
Zulu took the ten rebels with him and joined up with the scouts.
"Okay, so this is how we do: the rebels siezes the front entrance and hinders any extra troops to join in the battle if the alarm goes off. They are trained in quick barricade building so they will manage. The rest of us should head upstairs, as that is where I have heard the guards will be. Any other ideas?"
OoC: Shall we wrap it up for tonight and continue tomorrow? I don't know if I can be in it anymore tonight, need some sleep fast.
Stone River
29-09-2004, 03:28
(OOC: Might as well. I'll be hitting the sack in a half-hour.)
29-09-2004, 03:36
ooC: sorry i was gone for so long. but then , i didn't miss anything, did i? see you all tomorrow. 4ish GMT
29-09-2004, 14:34
OOC: I've been away for sleep. Time differences eh?
OoC: Back now. You that missed the last part can have joined us since nothing big really have happened.
29-09-2004, 21:49
OOC: Um ok.
OoC: In case you wonders why I don't continue the thread, I wait for responses regarding the "plan" Zulu made up. Don't want to force you people to do something you won't like.
OoC: It seems I cannot be up to 04:00 for a third night in a row, so you will have to continue without me. Please don't kill her tonight, I have some special happenings for that.
29-09-2004, 23:27
OoC: yeah, i suppose not. time differences are fun, eh? i'll be on every so often to see if you all decide to do anything, or have Stone River or Ichigo send me a message. but whatever.
OCC:I'm back!
IC:Ichigo had stopped the boat now, and pulled it up next to the storm drain. She nodded in agreement upon hearing Zulu's plan.
"Lets get going, then!"
30-09-2004, 02:09
ooc: heya Ravea. Zulu- so we're going in the back door? what was the point of the storm drain, then? we killed those five dudes for nada?
OoC: We had to acces the storm drain into the palace's courtyard to be able to reach the back door. It's all explained in the plan in post #30 in this thread.
OoC: I am back now, though you don't seem to. I will be on until the debate in USA is over, after that, I will have to go to sleep.
02-10-2004, 01:40
OOC: so, are we all bored with this script, or are we gonna get going? we broke in already, let's keep it running!
OoC: I'd say we continue for a while.
However, this will probably be my last post with Umojan in this thread. I have created a new nation, Cerongrad Territory, to take care of my affairs with this.
Cerongrad Territory
06-10-2004, 01:30
Since no-one seemed to disagree with Zulu, he drawed his Tokarev and pointed at the rebels with his other hand and whispered:
"Okay, this is it. Use silent weapons if the situation allows it."
The troops checked their guns and headed ahead. Zulu told the others to wait and after a few minutes he looked up the stairs, signing for the others to follow.
OoC: Up there is a group of guards, dispatch them as you like.
06-10-2004, 14:06
Lear affixed a silencer to one of his DEagles and pulled the trigger, emitting 3 pops, with each, taking down a guard.
Cerongrad Territory
06-10-2004, 16:42
Joe walked down the corridor, seemingly mad at something.
"I hate this. Sgt. Smith put me on patrol duty AGAIN! It's the third time this week, and it's only friday night. I know of some good girls that we could visit for a small sum, but we're stuck here."
His friend, another soldier dressed in the same kind of black uniform that he himself wore, nodded and replied:
"I know, just because we worked with the army before Jones took over, we are not as important as the other troops. I promise ya, when the full-scale war begins, we will be the first to bite the grass.
Joe, now very exited about the discussion, said:
"Damn right! One of these days, I'll be joining the CCDA, just to provide information that could take Alora out of power."
His friend replied, throwing his 3.7mm Tryno Assault Rifle over the shoulder at the same time:
"Well, we better not be talking too loud. We are soon reaching guardpost 5, and they might lag on us."
The two soldiers quieted down when they turned around the last corner and when they got there, three men layed in their own blood.
"What the...?"
A shadow kicked the rifle out of Joe's hands and a quick throw later, Joe was lying on the floor four metres away.
"Call the alarm, Zingo, call the alarm..."
Zingo didn't have time to call the alarm, he was in a fist-fight with the shadow, who now had materialized as a man in exotic skin, black hair and wore a black tunika.
While he seemed like a dangerous foe indeed, Zingo was the district champion in Extreme Fighting. Zingo delivered a fast punch to the left kidney which delivered the attacking man to the floor.
Joe stood up and lifted his leg to deliver a kick, but before the kick was dealt the man was standing in front of him and grabbed his foot in the air and threw Joe at Zingo, knocking Joe out completely.
Zingo stood up and drawed his and Joe's combat knived and charged at the man who drawed a pair of Nunchakus to deal with the knifes.
One two, both knives gone. Zingo replied with kicking the nunchakus out of the man's hands and taking them for himself. However, he wasn't trained to use the weapon himself so he just took them and broke them in half.
"Dammit, no-one destroys Zulu's chosen's!!"
Zulu became furious and grabbed one leg of Zingo and held it while he kicked the other leg, dropping Zingo. When Zingo stood up, he quickly realized that he was going to die. Zulu stood in the Snake stance and a moment after, Zingo was holding his throat while lying on the ground as his lifeforce bled out of him.
To finish the job, Zulu broke the neck of Joe and the work was done.
"Too bad, these guys are fine lads, but they did their job. I will have to make sure that they get a decent burial when Jones is disposed of," he thought.
07-10-2004, 01:00
OOC: whee! look at what you miss if you're gone for a week!
IC: Brandt already had his P99 out with the silencer attached, and since following Lear meant little to no action, he took care of earsier jobs like the corridor security cameras. assuming the guard was asleep or gone, it was simply a matter of a piece of duct tape over each lens.
when they reached the security room, it was discovered that the guard was indeed catching a few winks, and a well administered syringe meant he would stay that way for another 24 hours or so.
OOC: if you all don't mind, i'm going to introduce a new character soon, so Zulu please give me some sort of warning as to when we're drawing near to the Corporal.
"Erm....." Ichigo was at a loss for words. Her Guns, in fact, were specificlly built so that silencers would not be able to be used by them. They were built to kill things with a very loud bang. However, seeing as she couldn't do that at the moment, she went along with Lear and Brant, drawing her sword. She turned before the trio got to the security room, walking down another hallway to check for any foes. She paused in front of a door and listned. It seemed there were a few men in the room-mabey 3 or 4-playing poker or something of the sort. She decided to try something other than just barging in and killing everybody.
Ichigo reached into her boots and pulled out a a dozen Iron throwing spikes. She hurled them through the door with great force and precision, then busted it down. Only 1 man was still alive out of 4; the others had been hit in thier throats and hearts. The man was fumbling around with a pistol. Ichigo soon relived him of the burden after chopping his arm off and sliding her sword into his chest.
Ichigo walked out of the room, then back down the hall to join Lear and Brant again.
07-10-2004, 04:52
Lear moseyed down the relatively bare hallway... it was quiet... TOO quiet.
He saw alarm switches on the walls, and shot them out. He holstered his DEagle and drew his Sword and FN-P90. When the guards saw the bodies... there wasn't anything they could do. He noticed a door and threw it open.
The room beyond it... was filled with soldiers. With Guns. Lots of 'em.
Lear Smirked, slammed the door shut and ran back down the hall, with a stampede of footsteps following. He saw Ichigo and Brandt and ran past them, shouting "TO ARMS!"
He slammed a foot down and turned a perfect about-face, weapons at the ready. This'd be Fun!
Cerongrad Territory
07-10-2004, 20:49
OoC: Now I'M quite lost. Are Lear, Brant, and Ichigo going by themself, leaving Zulu, Josef, and Jimmy alone, or are all in one group?
08-10-2004, 00:02
OOC: as far as i can tell, Brandt, Lear, and Ichigo are facing this mob and you others are coming from another entrance. mkae a diversion for us, how abouts :)
IC: Brandt saw the enemy before he even heard Lear's yell, and by the time Lear had run back to them he had his AG36 out and was blasting away into the charging troops. "So much for a quiet entrance, " he thought to himself. but it had been inevitable: a break-in NEVER goes completely unnoticed. he glaced down at his watch as he changed his empty clip for a new one. Yep, 10 minutes after the changing of the guard. pretty good of them to have gotten this prepared in such little time. standing up from his lowered position, he began to fire into the enemy ranks again.
08-10-2004, 00:17
Rían Styner watched the battle unfolding as the three rebels tore the soldiers to pieces. hmm. definitely to good to be of the same group she'd repeatedly fought off in her employement here. therefore they must be mercenaries. Focusing on her survalence(sp?) screens again, she studied the blonde-white haired one in the middle of the group, as he fired 2 round bursts from his assault rifle with deadly acuracy into the troops facing him. even with the poor camera quality, Rían recognized him as one of the Yorls from her country.
She herself was half Yorl, half Ylsig, and had been raised by her Yorl uncle, her father's brother, when the Ylsigi's had murdered her mother for marrying a Yorl. Soon after, her father had dissapeared, and was assumed dead or captive in Ylsigia. If the war ever settled down, Rían would like to return to Vashanka to visit, but until then, she could not return for fear of being murdered as her mother had been.
Rían touched the grips on her Dual USP 9mm Elites, the last gift she had ever recieved from her uncle, and then continued to polish her reverse-blade katana and study the battle.
This was more to Ichigo's liking. Finally, a standing battle! No more need to be quite then. She withdrew her dual 454. Casull's and began firing some very large holes into the ranks of soldiers. She ducked to avoid a few oncoming bullets and rolled, her guns blasting a man to pieces. She paused only to reload the guns.
After a while, she was beginning to get nervous; her, Lear and Brant were more than a match for the soldiers, but the growing numbers of enemies was beginning to get alarming......
08-10-2004, 03:15
The adrenaline got to Lear, and he went berserk. With a savage, animalistic howl, he charged into the soldiers, sword drawn, P90 ready. He impaled one, shot him full of holes, and slung the body into a charging rank of soldiers. He wheeled around, sliced off a soldiers head and impaled one with such force that one behind him was impaled as well. he ripped it out again, and savagely, brutally slaughtered a wave of soldiers (for the sake of saving time), but more flowed in, as water flows through a broken dam.
He jumped back, landing by Ichigo.
"You still got that Dynamite you got in Crazyland?"
Without waiting for an answer, he said, "Light it, set it, Haul it!"
08-10-2004, 04:22
Brandt overheard the question for Dynamite, and decided if they were pulling that out, he would blow this place too. he fired random shots into the crowd with one hand holding his Benelli, while with the other hand he loaded a grenade shell into the tube on his AG36. swinging the smoking shotgun around to his back and barely feeling the heat through his jacket, he dropped to one knee and fired the destructive ammunition into the enemy, and knowing it would only draw more. however, it also started a fire, and he wondered if he and the others should find another way around while the distraction was in place. expelling the shell, he loaded another grenade just in case. he didn't want to underestimate the enemy, and if he had to he would bring the ceiling down on them.
looking around he suddenly blinked. "where're Zulu, Josef, and Jimmy?"
08-10-2004, 04:46
Rían sheathed her sword and then slid the custom sheath into the rings at her belt, and focused on the massacre unfolding on her survalence screens. A fire had started in the wall insulation as well as on several of the soldiers. checking her USP's and her blades, she looked at the building blueprints for a place to position herself to intercept the party if they decided to take a different route, which is what she had hoped they would do in the first place. the soldiers had been under orders to chase them only so far, but instead of running, they had turned to fight. Uncommon devotion for hired mercs, she thought.
Cerongrad must be paying them well. her term was almost up here, according to her personal habit of staying with a single organization only six months- it might be fun to change sides, instead of just skipping the country like she usually did. Rían would love to see the look on the Colonel's face as Rían slashed her throat open. a Wilting Rose form would do it, definitely.
But right now she was still employed, and there were intruders.
she exited the hidden room and made her way to a chamber off the same corridor that the fighting was in, and swung the ceiling high door around to make the passage go straight into the room she now prepared herself for battle in. From time to time she would glance down at the portable screen beside her to be able to expect the merc's arrival.
08-10-2004, 05:00
Lear sheathed his sword and grabbed his other P90, slapping fresh clips into both of them. He unloaded a few rounds into the oncoming guards (were there no end to these guys?), and began to run backwards, still carefully putting every bullet where it needed to go.
"Ichigo! Brandt! Zulu and the others are back this way! We can't get through these guys, we'll have to find another way! Haul ass!"
He, knowing almost every guard in this wing of the complex was packed into that hallway, knew that Zulu and the others now had a clear way to the Colonel.
08-10-2004, 05:21
Rían smiled as she switched cameras to one further down towards her room. The three mercs were retreating, looking around suspiciously, since their attackers who had been so violent only moments before had now given up following them alltogether. She sent the commander of the unit a quick text to make the mercs think that his men were still following, but not to closely, or another fight might break out.
Rían stood up in the middle of the room and slid the sheathe out of it's rings and held it in her right hand by the leather.
08-10-2004, 05:42
they moved swiftly back down the corridor they'd come from, but were still nervous. they could hear the enemy following, but the swift change from full-tilt battle to retreat had gone to quickly. it felt choreographed(sp?). they turned the corner, and suddenly realized the change, and the trap. the familiar corridor was gon, replaced with a large chamber. and at the opposite end stood a woman with a sheathed sword in her hand. Her waist length intricate braid was pure blonde white, the same color as Brandt's, the other's noted. but her lithe and compact frame was the exact opposite of their companion's 6'4" thick frame.
Brandt saw the woman at the other side of the chamber and was immediately thrown into the past, raising his brother's orphaned daughter in the city of Sanctuary. yet here she was, her mixed parentage showing through clearly to him in her Yorl-white hair and her slight form, so like her Ylsig mother.
He breathed the name, just as Lear's P90 swung up and fired. the second shot went through the wall as Brandt yelled, "Stop!" and pushed the man's arm off target. looking back over at his niece, he saw that the sword was still sheathed and that she was unharmed. turning to his comrades, he explained who she was, and then turned and asked, "So are we still going to fight, or are you going to come with us?"
Rían seemed slightly shaken at the realization that the Yorl was indeed her uncle and adoptive father. "It's either i join you or ignore you, but i certainly can't fight you." she looked up at him, her dark eyes locking with his icy blue ones. "i was planning on leaving soon anyways. How much are you getting paid?"
08-10-2004, 14:26
Lear spun his P90s on his fingers like a cowboy and threw them into the holsters. He looked at the girl at the end of the chamber, and back to Brandt. And back to the girl. And Back to Brandt. The resemblance was slight... but it was there.
"Relative of yours?"
Ichigo lowered her Casulls slowly as she stared hard at the girl at the end of the chamber. There was inded a resembelance between her and Brant, if only a slight one.
"Small world after all," Said Ichigo, with a hint of Irony in her voice. "I can assure you that we are probably getting paid a whole lot more than you are getting at the moment."
Ichigo was very interested in this girl; She seemed Ichigo's opposite. Both carried Dual pistols and swords, although Brant's Niece no doubt had a totally diffrent style. Ichigo was older, while the person facing them was barely in her 20's. They also had paralell sword types; Ichigo's elegent Fluer de Lys rapier, and Rian's unusual reverse-blade katana. This would indeed be interesting.
09-10-2004, 05:30
Lear looked over the Girl's equipment. She looked to be pretty good with that sword... The thing had to be handmade... he thought of his own factory-made Rapier. He looked again, his eyes running over her face and body. She was cute. Lightly built, a few curves... almost looked like Deiya...
He shut his eyes, leaned against a wall, and shook his head. No. Now wasn't the time to think about that...
"Impromptu family reunions are nice, but I'm going to find Zulu, Josef and Jimmy."
He drew his P90s, turned and walked out another door.
10-10-2004, 05:36
Lear walked down the hallway, P90s at the ready.
He'd meant to make everyone think he was dedicated to the mission... but it had really been jealousy that drove him from the room. Brandt, reunited with his niece... He'd never had a family... All he had was whatever mercenary force or team he was with, and they usually got killed before he got a chance to know them...
He reached a t-intersection in the hall, and looked around the corner. Guards. Again. He ducked back and braced himself against the wall, checking again a few seconds later. they were looking away. Now was his chance. He quickly ducked across the intersection.
Not quick enough.
"Hey! What're you doin' here?"
"Shoot 'im!"
Gunfire pinged on the walls as they ran after him.
Aw, Crap...
Stone River
10-10-2004, 17:08
Jimmy Anderson hurried down the hallway, trying to relocate his allies. He had stopped at one room and had found some grenades to add to his arsenal. However, he had lost track of his friends and had been wandering up and down the maze-like corridors, looking for someone familiar.
Finally, as he rounded around a T-intersection, he saw one running right at him.
"Lear! What are you running...."
A bullet whizzed by his head, giving him a definite answer to his question. He jumped back behind the corner and primed a grenade. He waited until Lear made it around the corner and flung the grenade down the hall. The explosion immediately killed or wounded all five men chasing Lear. With none of them really posing a threat now, Anderson finished off the two wounded men with his USP .45. Using the shotgun on them would have been overkill. He turned to Lear.
"Sorry I lost you guys, but I found these grenades a few rooms back and couldn't pass them up. Want some?"
Cerongrad Territory
10-10-2004, 17:41
As the three mercenaries were running they came to a barricade. Zulu didn't know what was going on in their head, but he thought they thought that they were pretty screwed, as they probably didn't see him.
"Hey, it's just us. We have sealed the exits behind us, we will have to blow up a wall to get out of here. Could you take care of that, Jimmy? We don't got much time, only four of our rebels are still alive. Quick, jump behind the barricade, with this smoke grenade, the soldiers won't know what hit 'em."
Zulu pulled out a B-12 Smoke Grenade, removed the pin, and threw the smoke grenade about twenty metres away, close enough to get some accurate shot, far enough for the enemies to not see what they are facing.
Back now, and I must say, great fighting RP, with some character RP as well. AFAIK, no godmodding as well. Good job.
10-10-2004, 20:48
"Impromptu family reunions are nice, but I'm going to find Zulu, Josef and Jimmy."
He drew his P90s, turned and walked out another door.
Brandt nodded in agreement and then fell behind the rest to explain their mission to Rían. she in turn showed her extensive knowlege of the palace by taking them to her survalence room and finding the three others on her cameras, and then her map. the four headed off to find their employer and comrades.
10-10-2004, 21:08
"Sorry I lost you guys, but I found these grenades a few rooms back and couldn't pass them up. Want some?"
Lear nodded, panting, "Yeah! Hook it up!"
After recieving a few grenades, which he stuffed into his coat, he turned back to Jimmy.
"Thanks for the help. How many armories do they have here? I wanna get my hands on an assault rifle..."
10-10-2004, 21:32
OOC: so are we in three groups now, or two? there's Lear and Jimmy, Brandt, Rían, and Ichigo, and ZUlu and Josef? or is it that JImmy has joined up with Lear, Brandt, Rían, and IChigo? either way we should all get together, right?
10-10-2004, 21:50
OOC: Yep. Looks like we got 3 groups at the moment.
Group 1: Brandt, Rían, and Ichigo,
Group 2: Zulu and Josef
Group 3: Jimmy and Lear.
We should try and group together... if we don't get lost.
10-10-2004, 22:09
OOC: Yep. Looks like we got 3 groups at the moment.
Group 1: Brandt, Rían, and Ichigo,
Group 2: Zulu and Josef
Group 3: Jimmy and Lear.
We should try and group together... if we don't get lost.
OOC: okei then
IC: USeing Rían's building map, they soon found an armoury to reload their weapons at. Brandt, Rían, and Ichigo were jst putting away their extra clips when the door opened again and Lear and Jimmy came in. weapons in both parties came to bear, but no shots were fired as the recognition was made. introducions were made between Rían and Jimmy, and the latecomers quicky outfitted themselves.
when it was all done, the group spread Rían's map on the floor and made their plans to meet up with Zulu and Josef at the rebel baricade.
"If they're not there, there's another survalence room nearby that we can check to locate them." here Rían smiled and held up her ID badge. "And thanks to my prior affiliations with those in the palace, we shouldn't have too much trouble from here on out. a lot of the guards are unhappy with the Colonel's leadership anyways."
putting away the map agian, they headed down the corridor towards the rebel barricade at the main entrance.
11-10-2004, 06:23
When no-one was looking, Lear quickly grabbed an assault rifle and a few clips. Bullpup-style. His favorite. He slapped a clip into it and put a round into the chamber. A stamped-in word on the side said "Tryno". It was no FN-F2000 (He'd always wanted one of those... matter-of-fact, he was going to buy one with the reward from this job...), but it'd do.
As they were walking, Lear looked over Ichigo and her weapons.
"I have a question to ask you, Ichigo." She turned and he pointed to the guns on her belt.
"I've never seen a 454 Casull anywhere except Anime. Did you have those custom-made, and if so, Where?"
(OOC: Whenever I hear .454 Casull, I think the Jackal from Hellsing. For those who have never seen it, it's a stupidly powerful handgun about as long as your forearm.)
"My father was a Gunsmith, and custom made these-One for me and one for my brother. These guns are more than in just anime, but they are rare nonetheless. Both are eqipped with shock absorbers in the grips, making it easier on the hands. The first one was given to me by my father at the age of 18; I found the second one at the wreckage of my brother's ship, who was also a pirate. That was 12 years ago. I have not seen my brother since."
Cerongrad Territory
13-10-2004, 22:34
OoC: You can find the info about the 3.7 Tryno Rifle, the standard issue rifle, at this link:
Just click on the weapon link in the sidebar and you are ready to go.
I will wait with a response until the group had been gathered.
15-10-2004, 01:18
(OoC: I'll edit.)
Lear sensed something ahead. He quickly drew, checked and readied the Tryno.
15-10-2004, 01:24
OOC: the corporate democraTy of Umojan :rolleyes:
ah. hm. well. shall we say that mine came before yours, Lear, or shall i delete mine?
IC: Brandt looked back at the three mercenaries who were talking as they followed him.
"According to the map, we're nearly there, so get yourselves ready." In response to his own warning he loaded another grenade in the tube and brought the rifle to bear while his niece, who was leading them, quickly folded and pocketed the map and drew her twin USP elites, deciding that the situation would be too busy for bladework.
"Its about time," Said Ichigo, drawing and checking her Casulls. "My trigger fingers are getting itchy. Let's just get this over with."
Stone River
16-10-2004, 19:04
Jimmy Anderson simply nodded in agreement and readied his Remington 12-Gauge shotgun for action.
17-10-2004, 05:16
Lear pressed his back against the wall, every nerve live, every neuron firing, every muscle ready to spring. He held his rifle at the ready...
...and peeked around the corner.
Everyone saw Lear go from Battle-Ready, to the "Oh, for Chrissake..." look.
He looked back at everyone.
"It's ok. It's just Zulu and Josef."
He put his rifle on his back with a slightly disappointed look and walked around the corner.
"Hey! You miss us?"
26-10-2004, 02:01
swinging the AG36 back around to his hip, Brandt made the formal introductions between Rían and Zulu, and the leader of the rebel squad handed her a contract. She handed it back, filled out, and also gave him the map she had of the palace.
"Let's get going, then" said Brandt, heading down the corridor pointed out by Zulu on the map.
27-10-2004, 03:10
Lear took up his Tryno again, and walked alongside Brandt. He had a question for him.
"I've done some studying on your homeland... I saw that 2 races are named. The Ylsig and the Yorl. However, it never went any deeper than that. Might I get an explanation as to how the two came about?"