Nationstates MUSH Opens! (OOC)
Nationstates MUSH (Otherwise known as a MUD or MUX in different code) has officially opened!
What is this?
A MUSH is an interactive text environment. Unlike IRC, it allows a connection of interconnected "rooms", similiar to chatrooms, but that can be walked through using cardinal directions. This allows certain chatrooms to represent areas, such as a city square or a nation's embassy or even a bedroom.
What does NS MUSH provide?
NS MUSH provides an interactive environment where you can play a character representing your nation in an ongoing social RP in its own way. You can establish an embassy in the IC area of the International City, or just login to chat. You can meet with others, politic, scheme, etc. For advanced roleplayers, you may even be able to build roleplay settings/stages such as your own capital city, a battlefield, or even a ship.
How do I get there?
Using Simple MU* ( or other MUSH client. Raw telnet can be used but is not good.
Port: 6000
Moderator Edit: Please note that this service is not endorsed by NationStates, Max Barry or the Moderators.
Melkor Unchained
25-09-2004, 07:52
It should be noted at this point that while we have chosen to sticky this thread, the Nationstates MU* is not officially affiliated with the site. Aerion, being the creator of this new medium has absolute control over it and can rule it independent of this site's policy. As such, Moderators do not have any more power there than Aerion does here: we're all just players.
Hopefully it will become a useful tool in facilitating RP, but we don't want players running to the Moderation staff crying about how 'so and so said such and such on the MU* and should be deleted,' kind of like IRC.
Melkor is totally correct, and I have put several statements such as on the login screen it is the Unofficial Nationstates MU*. If you have any problems on Nationstates MU*, you may make it known on there to Alerow or another on the staff list which you can utilize by typing: +staff
What to do when you connect for the first time
Step 1
The first thing you should do when you connect for the first time to Nationstates MUSH is prepare to create a new character. Your character name should be the name of your nation (temporarily), or the name of the Ambassador that you intend to represent your nation if you have an idea. In order to create a new character, at the login screen you need to:
create (Name of character) (password)
Step 2
When you logon, you will be in the Central Out of Character Area. The first thing you want to do is..
Type N to go into the Information Area
Then Type NCG to go into the New Character Generation, and follow the steps there
Step 3
Finalize your character creation process, and be sure to @mail Alerow in game with your information. You will then wait, and be transferred at some point to the In Character area (the International City)
You may type look to see what room you are in.
If you have not caught it yet, you move through the MUSH using the cardinal directions: N, NW, NE, S, SW, SE, E, W
For instance, if you are in a room, and the exits listed in the room include North then you may type N to move north to the next room.
Further Info will come if necessary. Feel free to ask questions.
25-09-2004, 13:23
*checks it out*
EDIT: Aaargh... I cannot connect. :headbang:
Tom Joad
25-09-2004, 20:37
I had that problem yesterday, it's working now & I've created a character. Only me Sirithil on currently, could be the next big thing.
It connects,but if I type nothing he disconnects.
Problem is that it disconnects too soon,it doesn't give me the time to type my character's info,how can I solve this problem?
it says this: ( #10053 ) The remote site did not respond with any data, local machine has dropped the connection, please reconnect.
25-09-2004, 23:45
Anyway, is there, um, a Mac version of MUSH or anything like that?
And do you have to pay?
Liverpool England
26-09-2004, 01:12
I think it's like mIRC, you can continue using it, but I'm unsure. When I entered yesterday Hack, Siri and TAR were on...
It keeps telling me "either there is another player with that name, or that name is illegal." How do I avoid this?
Questions and Answers
Esth: You mean at the login screen? You need to create a character
Syskeyia: There are MAC clients listed here
Various ones are free.
Maniaca: Insure you are typing the proper syntax. No spaces in the name or password, etc. So for example: create Maniaca (password) where (password) is your password. No spaces in the name, like you can't put President Lee. But you could create President_Lee for example
And SimpleMU is a free MUSH client, except for value added features such as spellcheck and a text editor.
nono,it's not at the login screen.
What I mean is that if I don't type anything for a (very) short period of time it disconnects thus not giving me the time to create my character or other stuff.
It happens even on mIRc but I solved the problem using Timers (it types automatically a word every "x" seconds),do you know if I can do the same thing here?
and this is my 50th post,yeah!
Found out how to use the timers,problem is that it floods the main window making me impossible to read descriptions and stuff (but at least it keeps me connected),do you guys know how to make it "silent"?
Man or Astroman
27-09-2004, 07:38
Anyway, is there, um, a Mac version of MUSH or anything like that?
And do you have to pay?
No offence to Aerion, but you saved your 1000th post for this?
Tom Joad
27-09-2004, 12:56
It keeps telling me "either there is another player with that name, or that name is illegal." How do I avoid this?
Choose a different name.
This looks cool. I'm in for it, I know that much.
Aerion, where do I apply to be a Type 1 Character?
bumpage (I don't care if it is a sticky)
New Utter Madness
29-09-2004, 05:09
Send him an @mail. Type @mail Aerion=*Insert Application Here* (but without the asteriscs(sp)).
30-09-2004, 01:18
*types "I Agree." about a gazillion times*
How do I get it to register my agreement to the ToS?
*types "I Agree." about a gazillion times*
How do I get it to register my agreement to the ToS?
LOL! I know. I'm still waiting for him to approve my @mail application.....
*stares at Aerion*
From Alerow: I apologize, I have been busy. Applications have been approved, and embassies are forthcoming
30-09-2004, 20:03
just checking if i can post! :-)
The Nation Of Bergstrum
Liverpool England
01-10-2004, 09:30
From Alerow: I apologize, I have been busy. Applications have been approved, and embassies are forthcoming
Thanks for the embassy, Alerow/Aerion!
I've started to build something. The building itself is almost ready, even if the descriptions are sort of anemic. There's going to be a big "secret" area in it.
And you need a secret item to enter the house!
Okay, a little bit of help is required, which command do I use to change my name?
01-10-2004, 18:06
Yes! A MUSH! This is what this medium was really missing, I think. Forum RP follows a certainway, but in the end, its laggy and the like. But a MUSH... oooooooh.
I'm in!
The International Convention Center, and other areas have been completed.
Okay, a little bit of help is required, which command do I use to change my name?
[OOC: All who need help with MUSH-related matters: feel free to @mail or page Nejure (me) on the MUSH (type 'help @mail' for information - to page me just type 'page Nejure=<msg>' without the <msg> bit and the ''s, obviously) if you need help with anything and you can't see any staff online. To see which staff are online at any given time, use '+staff'.
The help thing sucks. I try to go into help, bring up the main menu, and it won't tell you how to go any further. Also, anyone know how to check your mail?
The help thing sucks. I try to go into help, bring up the main menu, and it won't tell you how to go any further. Also, anyone know how to check your mail?
[OOC: Try the following commands and help topics to get you started, Derscon, assuming you've connected to the MUSH okay.
help topics
help commands
Read anything in those that looks interesting/or you need to know. Remember, any command whatsoever ought to have a help file. If the command has '+' prefix, then you type '+help +<cmd>'. If it has an '@' prefix, type 'help @<cmd>'.
For example:
+help +bbread
+help +bbpost
+help +bb-misc
help @name
help @desc
In order to read your mail - referred to as @mail - you need to use the @mail command. Type
to list what @mail you have, and type
@mail <#>
to read one of your @mails. The # denotes a number. You don't need to use the <>'s, of course. You should also read
help @mail
for further information on the @mail system and how to use it.
Hope that was helpful!
[OOC: If you're having difficulty in connecting to the MUSH, and need help with a MU* client, or you need help on the MUSH but myself or other staffers are absent, then you can always try #NationStatesMUSHHelp on ]
Could I at least have an "Under Construction" Embassy? Just for my perposes so I know I'm not forgotten ;)
And how do I have "Secret" rooms and stuff?
High Orcs
08-10-2004, 17:46
Gosh. It reminds me of UNIX.
I am in love!
Could I at least have an "Under Construction" Embassy? Just for my perposes so I know I'm not forgotten ;)
And how do I have "Secret" rooms and stuff?
[OOC: Done. If you want me to, I'll build you a 'template' embassy tomorrow; if you give me your character name, I'll send you an @mail regarding building. :)]
Hi, I am actually Daekerius (on wrong profile) but I am still waiting for my Type I character approval, is there anything else I need to do prior to approval? My character name is Antonio Nemusa. Also could you also send me an information @mail about embassy building?
Thank you very very much :D
[OOC: Done. If you want me to, I'll build you a 'template' embassy tomorrow; if you give me your character name, I'll send you an @mail regarding building. :)]
My Character is Franz_von_Papen
Thanks a bunch. And I'm already writing descriptions. I want something like yours, but my own design. Yeah, I know, lots of help. ;)
Hi, I am actually Daekerius (on wrong profile) but I am still waiting for my Type I character approval, is there anything else I need to do prior to approval? My character name is Antonio Nemusa. Also could you also send me an information @mail about embassy building?
Thank you very very much :D
[OOC: I'll get the @mail to you ASAP! And I'm not sure what you can do prior to approval; set as much information as you can think of for your character is all you can do, really! And have fun doing it. :D]
10-10-2004, 23:57
I got a 404 not found, am I doing something wrong.
I am thinking about closing Nationstates MUSH for the following reasons:
- Not many people are actively participating, and the cost to pay for it is therefore not worth it.
- I have an idea for another form of MUSH I wish, my own game......
- I am not sure I want to so much actively participate in Nationstates any more.
- I may not even have the time to run a MUSH, and so therefore do not want to pay for any at all.
13-10-2004, 18:39
I'm sorry to hear that but if you don't want to run it, you don't want to run it. Kinda sounds like a hard bit anyway. Hey! Would you mind posting what your new game's gonna be here though?
Nice and Eviler
13-10-2004, 20:27
Confused! :headbang:
I am thinking about closing Nationstates MUSH for the following reasons:
- Not many people are actively participating, and the cost to pay for it is therefore not worth it.
- I have an idea for another form of MUSH I wish, my own game......
- I am not sure I want to so much actively participate in Nationstates any more.
- I may not even have the time to run a MUSH, and so therefore do not want to pay for any at all.
[OOC: Ack.]
Nationstates MUSH is now closed. Sorry to all who participated for a short time in it. I think the best venue for Nationstates participation in a roleplay fashion remains the forums