NationStates Jolt Archive

North Star becomes full Islamic State

North Star
22-09-2004, 03:04
Pillars of Faith and Statehood

The council

The nation has been placed under the protection and guidance of the divine God almighty- praise and honor his name. henceforth the nation shall be lead by those who have demonstrated knowledge and love of him.

The Islamic governing council thus takes the helm of the nation, alongside the royal sultan , who's royal presence is to lead the council with the guidance of the Mullahs - honor and praise to her royal presence!
The Islamic governing council [the council of faith] shall take upon itself supreme duties of national leadership.

The Shahadah

The Shahadah [or profession of faith] the public declaration of submission to God is the core to Islamic faith, by repeating the phrase "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet".

The Shahadah is the basis of law and our national identity.

The Salah

All Muslims to pray to Allah at five specific times of day[at daybreak, noon, afternoon, sunset and night].

The Zakat

A religious tax is imposed upon each follower of Islam in order to provide for less fortunate. These tithes will pay for community services and programs that benefit the needy, be they Muslim or not.

The Sawm

The religious fast is an obligation that falls on the first new in the month of Ramadan. For 30 days , all Muslims must fast during the daylight hours in order to bring themselves closer to Allah and remind them of what the poor must endure throughout the year.

The Hajj

The state will make aid so all Muslims may be able to make the pilgrimage at least once in their life to Mecca and Medina.

Sharia & policy

Islamic law, as based from the Holy Koran and the deed and lore of Muhammad passed through tradition and the imam's is the law of the land, Islamic courts have full and final say in all matters. Only regions placed under 'royal instruction' will be exempt on the understanding that the Sultan is the embodiment of Islam and her will naturally shall reflect Gods.

We turn our back on the excesses of western thought and leanings and wholly embrace the ideals of Islam.

Henceforth the blood and honor laws are accepted as a truth from heaven. we invite our neighbour to help institute these laws as they understand them

The People of God.

Islam is the religion of our blood and people. No other religion shall be tolerated within the realm except that of the Holy Roman Church - for they are a people of the book and beloved allies of our people.

We place our state into the hands of God and the hands of our noble council of faith.
Long live the Islamic state!
22-09-2004, 08:16
GOD IS GREAT! NORTH STAR HAS COME HOME TO THE WARM BOSSOM OF GOD AND THE HOLY VIRGIN MARY! Welcome! HALLELUIA! It warms my heart to hear your wise words Sultan, just remember: Serve the lord first and his church second. The name of the religion is irrelevant as long as it serves our lord! Once more The Reich shows a Unity unheard of in the rest of the World!This is STAGgering news for our enemies and the pagans and heretics in the world! GOD IS GREAT! AND HIS PUNISHMENT WILL SOON COME TO THE EVIL NEPHILIM!

Iesus Christi
23-09-2004, 02:36
We see this as a step forward....a mighty step away from satan and into the arms of the Lord!
Of course...North Star has a long way to go...but with the wise leadership of the U.M.B I have no doubt she will reclaim her former glory..

North Star
24-09-2004, 00:53
To our brothers and Sister in the reich.
Aoothoo billahi meen ash-shaytan ar-rajeem

In accordance with the will of God and the loyalty pledged to our neighbour we hereby pledge to uphold the blood and honor laws, therefore we invite forces of Iesus Christi to aid our nation in this task. May they apply this law with whatever measures they know are fit.

As-sallamu aleykum friends of Islam!

~The council of faith.
Iesus Christi
25-09-2004, 05:42
In reponse to the need for Direct and Urgent action against the enemies of God...144000 Iesus troopers will take part in extreme Implementation of the blood and honour laws within the nation of North Star.
General Jennifer Smith from the Ministry of social order will direct all actions within the sphere of need under the blanket heading of Project cosmos.....

.....that day I was instructed to drive my truck outside the town...... I was accompanied by a Ministry trooper. It must have been about ten o'clock. On the way there we overtook 'specials' carrying luggage marching on foot in the same direction that we were
traveling......there were whole families.
We stop at the assigned point ....near piles of clothes.....the truck was immediately loaded up with clothing. This was carried out by Field Ministry troopers. I watched what happened when the 'specials', women and children arrived. The troopers led them past a number of different places where one after the other they had to remove their luggage, then their clothes and also even their underwear! They also had to leave their valuables in a designated place. There was a special pile for each article of clothing. It all happened very quickly and anyone who hesitated was kicked or pushed by the troopers to keep them moving into the woods..... I don't think it was even a minute from the time each 'special' took off his coat before he was standing there completely naked..... No distinction was made between men, women and children. I would have thought that the 'specials' that came later would have had a chance to run when they saw the others in front of them having to undress. It still surprised me they didnt.....I was instructed to leave ...and didnt see what happened next...but i did hear gunfire...

Master Sgt Thomas Coal. extract . A letter Home
North Star
28-09-2004, 04:42
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To forces of our nation[be they U.M.B, clan or national]
It has been said but some that they are not happy with certain events that seem to be occuring within our nation carried out by Iesus Christi forces .
let those who says such vile things - Nowthdhubillah - know that iesus christi forces have the seal of the Sultan and the entire council of faith.

Assalamu alaykum.
~The council of faith.
28-09-2004, 05:02
When asked for comment on the announcement of North Star's new Laws, Emperor Paisley had this to say.

"Let them do what they want, I have no comment, I could frankly care less....more power to them."

OOC: In otherwords...TAG
North Star
01-10-2004, 00:53
State Security Offical Jamal Ruba said reports of killings and mass expulsions of North Star citizens "continue to accumulate" and are "credible."
He accused the Iesus Christi forces of "abhorrent and criminal action on a maximum scale" and he detailed reports of executions of ethnic Gjinn leaders, non-Catholic Christians, and hundreds of unarmed civilians.
Refugees continue to stream out of the Iesus controlled area and into neighboring areas, Ruba said, "but they soon will be exposed to the blood and honor laws also. Considering we are a 98.5% Islamic nation -and 98.9% human, that still leaves many millions who will suffer under the blood and honor laws"

~Minister of Defense Briefing the Sultan.
01-10-2004, 06:10
Sirithil just sorta rolled her eyes upon hearing the news. "Who didn't see that coming?" she asked an aide, before adding North Star to the list of countries whose nationals would be turned back at any Menelmacari border and promptly deported.
01-10-2004, 06:35
Upon hearing the news of Iesus killing of Non-Catholic Christians, Paisley responded, "Typical actions of the minions of the Anti-Christ. In the world at large, Rome is in the minority, so they are like a cuddly ecumenical sheep. But when you look at the TRUTH, you find that Rome and her entire Apostate, Evil, Un-Godly system of ANTI-CHRIST when they are in the Majority are RUTHLESS MURDERERS! I pray for the people of Iesus Christi and NorthStar that the Ruthlessness and intollerance of Popery may be removed from their lands!"
Iesus Christi
02-10-2004, 03:09 carry out this operation with higher effect...I request another 20,000 personal...for 'agressive' application of the will of God...
General Jennifer Smith. Request to the Ministry of Social Order.

"what does it matter to you? we all knew this would occur...hell....we knew it was being planned..."
General Barry spoke to himself...he had returned to Iesus as a hero...a crusader who had done his duty...but even as they had pinned medals on his chest he had felt something deep inside him moving.
The pride he should have been feeling was tainted....
Thomas Flicked open his bible....
"And now abideth faith, hope and love... but the greatest of these is love"
Crazed Marines
02-10-2004, 04:47
We are opening our arms to any Jewish or Christian refugees from North Star. We also warn North Star that if they execute and non-Muslims because of their faith, it will be consitered an act of war upon our brethern of faith.
--SecCorps Kenseth
North Star
02-10-2004, 09:33
Our nation has simply taken the road that God desires - we have no hatred for any other nation in the world - even Menelmacar - the islamic people have no desire for war , except to defend themselves.

~Sultan Hatusu- Daughter of heaven.

The blood and honor laws are now law in north star - how iesus seeks to apply them is a internal matter between us.

~Mular Vikram - minister of internal affairs
02-10-2004, 10:12
We are thrilled to see an honourable nation who picked up his true beliefs in one God. We may not be an Islamic state but the fact that your Sultan made this decision proves he is a wise man and knows what is best for your people. We pray that your people will live in prosperity, now and always.

For God and Country!
02-10-2004, 12:44
The government of Jeruselem welcomes the acceptance of the Roman Catholic Church by the Islamic state of North Star, but is concerned about the welfare of it's Jewish citizens and other Christian denominations. We remain reserved about the diplomatic status of your nation, until the full impact of the new policy is revealed.

God bless


We have no association with Iesus Christi but are allies of Reichskamphen :p
The Ctan
02-10-2004, 19:47
To: The Sultan of North Star

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

It brings me great joy to see another nation see the light as a whole and submit itself to the ummah, and the guidance of faith. However, I am concerned by the implementation of the non-islamic Blood and Honour laws in North Star. As all just laws must come from God the Compassionate, the Merciful, through his Prophet Muhammad these laws cannot be Just, as they are in substitution for the Sharia law of God. As all men are flawed, their creations pale in comparison to those of the almighty, and their laws pale in comparison to the laws of the Qur'an and

To ban all religions but Islam and to endeavour to convert by force is also non Islamic: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things. (Surah 2 Verse 256)

Banning religions but Islam, no matter how distasteful they may be, must surely be. Nor is it given to a Sultan to decide which religions are to be tolerated. The Prophet, Peace be upon him, gave to the people of the scripture, for example jews, permission to practice their religion in the lands of Muslims, and for one who is not divinely inspired to say otherwise is heretical in the extreme.

“The merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful, show mercy to those on earth, and God will show mercy to you”

Jazaa-Killaahu Khayr

Abdullah al-Faruq
Advisor to the Emperor on the Islamic Faith
There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God
North Star
02-10-2004, 22:12
Some people ask why the blood and honor laws have been adopted by the religious council of North Star. Questions fly about its validity and truth –is it Quran or Hadiths based?

The very basis we see is from the word of God itself.
22:41 Those [Muslim rulers] who, if we give them power in the land, [they] order for Iqamat-as-Salat. [i.e. to perform the five compulsory congregational Salat ,to pay the Zakat and they enjoin Al-Ma'ruf and forbid Al-Munkar. And with Allah rests the end of [all] matters [of creatures].
Who can debate the word of the prophet? Still there will be no forced conversions but we will cease allowing religions proclaimed openly that defy our understanding of this passage of the Holy Quran.- 2:193. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and [all and every kind of)]worship is for Allah [Alone].
So we see very quickly we have a strong basis for our laws.The blood and honor alws simply apply the law of God as writen within the book.

so the blood and honor laws preserve the sacredness of islam as well as honor the blood debt we owe our allies.
Blood debt must be respected –always.

"When Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, together with 'Ali, peace be upon him, sought aid from the Companions, they answered, O daughter of the Messenger of God! We have given our allegiance to you. we would certainly not have abandoned him. Let or blood boil I we defy our promise” ' [Ibn Qutaybah, al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Vol. I, pp. 12-13; Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Sharh; Vol. II, p.5.]

So, brothers in faith, the blood and honor laws follow tradition of Quranic law of self peservation aswell as upholding our muslim honor to keep our word.

~Mular Vikram
St Dominic
03-10-2004, 03:20
*Tag on my old friend*
03-10-2004, 17:41
Heil Vikram! Your wisdom is great because isn't it our lords will that you should not let a Meta-human live? We Welcome our brothers in North star embracing the blood and honour laws. The wonderful nation of Vegana offers their aid to the great nation of North Star to faciliate disposal of the soulless beings called Nephilim! God is truly great this day! According to the report there is a stain of 1,1 % of your wonderful pure nation. Cut away this cancer, this evil blob that corrupts and destroys everything in its way! Heil brotherhood, Heil Blood and Honour!

~High Inquisitor Bengt Davies
The Ctan
03-10-2004, 18:39
To: The Sultan of North Star

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Again I write to you in the spirit of Islamic Brotherhood to discuss the Blood and Honour laws that you have made the decision to implement in your nation. It pains me greatly to see that you have bowed to pressure from foreign influences in your nation and taken up such un-Islamic policies. To summarise the reason the Prophet, peace be upon him, would never approve of such things, we must look at the origin of races. Whether or not you believe that the divine creation as expressed in theology or that of science is correct, science being in and of itself, a noble and Muslim pursuit, all races are the work of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful. Therefore, no race can be inherently impure. It is heresy to allege that the creations of Al-Khaliq are impure in and of themselves. While the free will he has granted them may cause them to do evil, this is a matter of individual action, and collective judgement of a group based upon the colour of their skin or the point of their ears is inherently un-Islamic, and therefore wrong.

Jazaa-Killaahu Khayr

Abdullah al-Faruq
Advisor to the Emperor on the Islamic Faith
There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God
North Star
04-10-2004, 21:55
Yes, Allah created the good, and the bad. Whatever bad happens to us is due to our sins. But does that mean we love sin or the Gjinn that encourage it? No!
Jinn/Gjinn devils . Satan wants us all to go to hell. He wants us to be bad on earth, even if we get rich, or do lots of wrong things that we appear to enjoy, he does not mind that. But he wants to make sure we don't go to heaven. The metahuman is the form the Gjinn have today.
We have a morale right set out in the Holy teachings to fight them/Bind them to our will.
Many are the examples of this in our lore.

The Noble Qur'an - Saba' 34:12-14
12. And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, its morning (stride from sunrise till midnoon) was a month's (journey), and its afternoon (stride from the midday decline of the sun to sunset) was a month's (journey i.e. in one day he could travel two months' journey). And We caused a fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns that worked in front of him, by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.
13. They worked for him what he desired, (making) high rooms, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places). "Work you, O family of Dâwud, with thanks!" But few of My slaves are grateful.

Hadith - Al-Muwatta 54.33
...The snake stirred on the end of the spear and the youth fell dead. No one knew which of them died first, the snake or the youth. That was mentioned to the Messenger of Allah said, "There are jinn in Madînah who have become Muslim. When you see one of them, call out to it for three days. If it appears after that, then kill it, for it is a shaytan." "'

The Noble Qur'an - As-Saaffaat 37:158
And they have invented a kinship between Him and the jinns, but the jinns know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him) (i.e. they will be brought for accounts).

The Noble Qur'an - Faatir 35:6
Surely, Gjinn Shaitân (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy. He only invites his Hizb (followers) that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire.

The Noble Qur'an - Az-Zukhruf 43:62
And let not Shaitân (Satan) hinder you (from the right religion, i.e. Islâmic Monotheism), Verily, he (Satan) to you is a plain enemy and so are his Children the Jinn.

~Mular Vikram
Iesus Christi
04-10-2004, 23:42
....pride...Pride is what I feel when I see what is happening in North Star today....oh if only th whole world had her courage...I salute the sultan and the concil of faith! HEIL VICTORY!

Bridgette Iesus

we request of the government of North Star more assistance in the application of the blood and honour laws.....local troops to assist our forces in tas of 'removal' well as access to government citizen files....

Bridgette Iesus to Council of faith.
Iesus Christi
05-10-2004, 04:48
The Black armoured car under only moderate escort drove through the gates of the make-shift camp...troopers snapped to attention as it passed by...

The camp was situated within one of the regions being newly 'processed' by Iesus forces...already scavenger birds circled over head...the first arrivals were already being 'evacuated'.

Bridgette stepped out of the APC into the blazing sun...God I hate hot weather..
She returned the salutes of the gathered ministry troopers, and grasped the hand of Commander Hoff with Vigour.
"Ernst...How goes it? God how do you stand this weather? are the other field officers here yet?"
"naturally! We are all honoured that you would personally come and witness the glory of the battlefield..."
"indeed me the glory..."

She looked into the pit and saw that some bodies were still twitching but the majority lay motionless .... Blood was pooling at the bottom of the pit soaking the soil red. She was surprised at how slowly things seemed to be going, but before she could raise a complaint, the next batch was approaching...she watched with interest as they were lined up.....
After the next layer was added to the pit she slapped Ernst on the shoulder...
"Who'd have thought they'd look so human when they drink and then onto the officers.."

"Officers of Iesus Christi!
The resistance put up by the metahumans and filth can be broken only by relentlessly using all our forces and energy by day and night....
I therefore have decided to move up the scale of operations...this is a Ministry operation and by God we will make Heaven cry for joy...inefficient killing must have the entire resources of iesus Christi behind you..use them.....quotas will be set...and they will be filled..."
Bridgettes voice held a warning tone that none of the gathered officers missed.
"We are the first really to solve the problem of blood by action....we are cutting away the cancer here....Our policy is exactly the same as delousing. Getting rid of lice is not a question of ideology. It is a matter of cleanliness!
North Star
07-10-2004, 04:13
Sister Bridgette
It is my honor to authorise the deployment of specialist regiments to assist the Iesus Christi operation.
~Sultan Hatusu

The men that the government had recruited were from two vastly separate ideologies.
1.‘islamo fascists’.- hardliner U.M.B fanatics that had picked up far-right ideals while training in other nations like Iesus Christi or HARU.
2.Coptia Extremist militants – regiments made up from extremists from within the minority catholic Coptia ethnic community. Radically pro Iesus ideals.

Fa-mal ran down the road . She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran in fear. In shock. In confusion. All she heard in her head was nothing but the continuing thump of her heart and the ragged gasps of breath that she tore through her mouth. Her body wouldn't go any further, but her mind screamed at her to carry on- the fight for survival driving her on. Sweat poured down her body soaking her.
Behind her the iesus officers ordered the government soldiers to fann out – hunting her and the other villagers who were making desperate escapes.
North Star
07-10-2004, 23:55
Upon hearing the news of Iesus killing of Non-Catholic Christians, Paisley responded, "Typical actions of the minions of the Anti-Christ. In the world at large, Rome is in the minority, so they are like a cuddly ecumenical sheep. But when you look at the TRUTH, you find that Rome and her entire Apostate, Evil, Un-Godly system of ANTI-CHRIST when they are in the Majority are RUTHLESS MURDERERS! I pray for the people of Iesus Christi and NorthStar that the Ruthlessness and intollerance of Popery may be removed from their lands!"

o.o.c: i only just saw this. plus islam and the catholics in the r/l are both alot bigger than any prodestant faith. [this isnt me inviting a o.o.c rant/just stating fact]

i.c: The crusader prodestant mindset has been allowed in the past: this ends here.
Allahu Akbar- we are free.forever- Inshalla allah
~the council of faith.
Iesus Christi
09-10-2004, 03:00
Inquisitor John Garr swatted at the flies that swarmed around him. Next to him Lieutenant Boffer droned on about procedure and paid little attention to his driving which caused the jeep to bounce wildly on the dirt road.
"As you see John, this kind of thing isnt like back home...bloody Arabs still have dirt roads.."
John tired not to listen to the ministry officer,but after 2 hours of driving it was beginning to be harder than ever.
"you see John...they let the metahuman filth gain hold but were here to put that right..."
For the entire trip the lieutenant had been giving a lecture...he was like a nonstop propaganda film.
They came through a makeshift army station, hastily erected barracks and defence works, and in the middle of the camp was the holding pen. It was nothing more than a barbed wire open air enclosure, behind the wire were crowds of 'specials' suffering in the midday heat.
"Thats one of the holding blocks in this section for now...long term we plan to deport them back to Iesus Christi..more efficient that the current methods of evacuation..."
John watched as another line of weary looking people were brought into the camp, they looked as if they had been forced to march for days, their faces were a portrait of horror.
"Its amazing how many of them look like us eh? don't worry the doctors will be around soon to check blood samples..1/8th blood is too much!"
They speed on towards their destination. Sector 15 HQ...

The girl had simply wondered off. It hadn't been like she was trying to escape...
Lieutenant Boffer pulled the jeep over and quickly dismounted.
"Lieutenant you are suppose to be taking me to the HQ. leave her be!"
"Sorry Sir, but no way, I can tell from here she's one of them look at those ears?"
The Lieutenant approached her, gun drawn.
"For Heavens sake Lieutenant! She's all of 7 years old! Put your gun away! Leave her be!"
"never can be too careful sir, Filthy animals,besides I'm saving the boys at command some work.."
The girl looked up ..tears in her eyes....
"Filthy'd almost think she was hu..."
Boffer slumped forward. Blood poured from his chest. John Garr re-holstered his weapon and walked over to the stunned child...

Inquisitor John Garr finally arrived at the sector HQ, he reported to the commander , filled a report about the ambush that killed Lieutenant Boffer. The Inquisitor was apologised too by the commandant who was shocked at the nerve that the metahuman filth showed at times.....
He was escorted to his office...a dull and grey prefab building....paper work and datafiles lay like a mountain before him on his desk already...everything from Deportation..racial Profile..and immediate Evacuation reports were coming through. He had over 50 people in his staff for his logistics task works in this camp and he was to liase directly back with the Iesus Capital offices on a regular basis...
It was Johns job to organise the deportations for this sector those who would be 'evacuated' once back inside Iesus Christi or at one of the larger processing centres under construction....the ministry believed that to be more efficient....mass graves just wouldn't cut it....
09-10-2004, 03:23
Minister of State Security Dimitri Golovko looked over the documents of the North Star situation and looked at the infared and thermal images from the satellites. "Another bloody crusade" he said to himself. He scratched at his neck and ajusted the TAG on his shirt. He put it back in the folder and put it in the Report to Czar -- Level 2 slot.
North Star
09-10-2004, 22:13
She hid in the small grove of trees and waited. The man had given her some odd tasting stuff and told her - in a voice that made her cringe but wasnt unkind - to hid around here until he came back.
Marian had nodded, the man terrified her so much she couldn’t even think of disobeying, but he had killed the other man - the one she knew was going to do something bad to her.
The sun sunk below the hills and Marian wrapped herself against the cold of the night. She chewed on the odd tasting nutrient bar the man had given her and waited.
Iesus Christi
11-10-2004, 01:34
General Jennifer Smith turned off the comm...Bridgette wasnt happy.
while one enemy of God lives you bring shame to the entire reich.....
Jennifer walked over to the window and looked over the growing camp. Less than 5 Km from the Border the growing camp was to be a hub for the 'evacuation' of the 'speacials'...
the camp must be online with 7 days.....
Bridgette had made herself clear. Jennifer shuddered and stuffed another choclate bar in her mouth...she watched another worker drop from exhaustion.....
"better him than me"

Doctor Abe Cushing Officer of the Inquisiton Veteran of 20 years serve
and look at me now....
Assigning racial priority to countless numbers of people who come through the camp...
A Digital photo...a jab .and a quick blood test latter and the 'special' found him/herself assigned a letter...
A- Pure breeds. Imediate evacuation...
B- Half caste.Imediate evacuation depending on Religon/Work skills or transport readyness.
C- Minor blood pollution - Work/holding camps unless transport available
Inquisitor Cushing handed another datapad over to his aid, who would rush the data straight to the logistics department..headed by a old friend of Abes....John Garr...
North Star
11-10-2004, 22:09
Coptia militants regiment command
"Why just stop with the freaks? our honor has been shamed.
when can we move fully against the crusader faiths?"
~General Sadat to Iesus Christi command.

o.o.c: well:when? o.O
longer post soon - sorry for the delay.
North Star
15-10-2004, 00:00
Rev. Mvme Dandala knelt before the Sultan. “your husband was a kind man, honorable and kind. For years he retained the peace between religions and ethnic groups in our nation, now I must warn that the crisis in our country is a genocide in the making - Coptia militia groups had burned down homes of 3,000 people in the upper Dilea region simply because they belong to the ‘crusader faith’, and multiple reports of atrocities on Gjinn communities connected with the growing Iesus Christi applying of the blood and honor laws are most alarming – I cannot believe your magesty would allow the death camps and atrocities of Iesus Christi to come to our land. In the name of the golden throne I beg you to follow the example of your beloved husband. Let us live in peace”
The sultan turned her face and look over the gathered councillors of the council of faith. She knew they were judging her,her honor and her loyalty.
“reverend. There is no Sultan but I, and I reflect the will and whims of God. Allahu-Akbar!. The matter you speak of is none of your concern. Leave before I take offense to more of your words”
a low cry of "allahuakabr" came from the gathered councillars - each approved of strength and honor if not of genocide.
Iesus Christi
16-10-2004, 03:16
The gathered troopers knelt as the priest celebrated mass....a open air service for the faithful of sector 15 HQ...
Abes blood ran cold as he listened...
When supper was ended, he took the cup. Again He gave thanks and gave the cup to His friends and said: "Take this, all of you, and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven...

Inquisitor John Garr arrived back at where he'd left the was ditch black and he didnt really know what he was going to do....
He stumbled from his jeep , shone his torch around and whispered into the darkness..
"Pissst....hey...its me...ummmm...bugger....look its safe...come on out...honest..."
Finally from behind a stumb, the girl poked her face....he could tell she was trembling even from where he was standing...
"Thank God....its all ok....come here...come on....I've got to get you outta here...I've got another candy bar.."
The Girls face contorted into a look of disgust
" dont have to eat it...I dont like them names John.."
He edged towards her..hands out stretched
"everything will be fine..."
She didnt run as John knelt next to her...She looked pale and her entire body seemed to be shaking uncontrollabley...
Softly and with great care John wrapped his arms around her and lifted her....carrying her to the he lay her in the back he knew she'd need medical attention of some kind....her tiny body was ice cold...
"...everything will be fine...somehow.."

John Parked his jeep next to the medical unit in the middle of the HQ....he quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching and lifted the wrapped up child from the vehicle...
He rushed to the last door with the child in his arms and opened the door without knocking...
A shocked officer looked up from his laptop.
"I'm sorry Abe...I have no where else to go....she needs your help.."
North Star
16-10-2004, 09:29
The Reverend Mvme Dandala's church burned and his flock lay dead or dying in the long grass.
Coptia militia had swarmed upon the church settling long held scores with the foriegn faith - while Iesus christi forces watched and in some cases joined in.

Christian killing christian, this is their fight But if our brother north Starians[and iesusians] feel they must do this then so be it.
~Local Mullar.

o.o.c: coptia is a group of ethnic group[paral-araba]. so arab christians.
Iesus Christi
19-10-2004, 00:10
"We cant let this happen..."
The two officers talked in hushed voices around the table as the child slept on the medical cot.
"lets be honest John...there isnt alot we can do...even for this one...she cant stay here...the medics may wonder what a metahuman girl is doing living in here eventually..."
Both men paused. a idea hung in the air but niether could express it...
At last Abe spoke...
"I could place her as a 'c' can tell at a glance she isnt but who questions documents? will help her for awhile anyhow...eventually she'll be processed if she stays around here....eventually ..."
John frooze. it was all so clear to him...
"then we simply make sure she isnt around here then..."
"even with your powers can only transfer them to labour camps..eventually they'll be processed...."
"then we use that to buy time...dammit we've got to downgrade them...I'll move them to logistics labour camps...we can keep them in the system for years...hell eventually we can totally reclassify 'em..."
Abe paused...he flicked on his PC...thousands of names and codes filled the monitor..
"how many do you think you can move and how quickly? General Jennifer Smith almost has several of the 'camps' ready for business..."
North Star
20-10-2004, 03:36
The blood and honor taskforce officer sat at his desk like a bloated frog. His world of bureaucracy was steadily getting taken over by the foreign forces that now were running almost everything in the office.
“so you want so many identity chits?” he stared up at his new ‘co’ Inquisitor Garr “really this is most irregular Sir. I’m not supposed to issue them out, they may fall into the wrong hands you see. Terrorists or gjinn”
“are you saying I’m the ‘wrong hands’?”
The inquisitor glared down at the bloated figure.
“Of course sir! Nothing of the sort! I’ll get the documents right away” the officer struggled to his feet under his own weight. “Anything you say. Hail the inquisition!”

:Security report to the council of faith:
Renewed attacks on churches in central North Star have killed eight pastors and hundreds of Christians and destroyed scores of church buildings in recent weeks. Church leaders report that most incidents have occurred in Kaduna, al-isa, Jiggawan, and Nassa states – all areas under Iesus Christi temporary law and ‘control’
According to the Christian Association of North Star (CAN), the slain ministers served Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Evangelical Reformed, and Evangelical Church of West Africa congregations. They are the latest victims in violence that seems to be sweeping the blood and honor sectors.
Attacks appear to be carried out by local militants with the consent of the Iesus Christi forces.
This ethnic violence is outside the mandate given under the blood and honor laws, and as such we can only conclude it is a private vendetta against those the militants and Iesus Christi consider ‘heretics’.

o.o.c: top post what you wanted?
Iesus Christi
23-10-2004, 02:57
who do I chose…who lives….who dies…
Doctor Abe Cushing had spent the entire night thinking about that question….he wanted to move them all but it couldn’t be done , so instead he had chosen those most in danger of immediate ‘evacuation’.
They had worked out document alterations for 50.. it wasn’t much but it was a start…

Abe had changed their blood records to ‘C’ class while John had placed on their records that they had ‘special labour talents’ and organised the transportation…
Now everything was coming together. Abe watched the guards as they called out the names, manhandling those who stood forward into the waiting trucks. No doubt each thought their time had come.
Instead they were to be taken to a depot zone…and wait for further transportation to wherever their ‘special talent’ was needed. Abe's talent was medicine , not bureaucracy…but thankfully that was Johns field of expertise…he had told Abe that "we can keep them in limbo for almost eternity thanks to red theory.."
North Star
24-10-2004, 22:33
Royal Palace
The meeting was held in secret – the council of faith leaders weren’t invited. Hatusu surrounded herself with only her oldest and most trusted advisers.
“honor and peace upon her royal highness. It is my sad duty to confirm the recent security report as totally true.
Violence in the area in Iesus Christi ‘blood and honor’ control is grotesque. iesus death camps have started to carry out there ‘evacuations’ on a industrial scale, local officials under order from the council of faith are either ignoring the violence or taking active part under foreign orders – as per the instructions given by you my glorious Sultan.”
Hatusu sat in silent horror.
Iesus Christi
05-11-2004, 03:14
The first groups of reclassified 'specials' had spent over a month at the 'work complex' was tough but the labour tasks they carried out were certainly better than the other option they had faced.
A worried John Garr read over reports even as he sent another truck load to the 'saftey' of the labour camp....
General Jennifer Smith's camps were running at 90% already....thousands were being incinerated long before her auditors starting making rounds of labour long could they really keep this up...

That night he visited Abe...after a long silence he raised the idea that would almost certainly get them killed....
"we have to move them...out of the country...out of the reich..."
North Star
18-11-2004, 02:08
"Sultan, ethnic and general violence nation wide will continue to escalate because of government action. Retaliatory attacks on former sultan loyalists and ethnic minorities have reached a critical point due to ministers within the council of faith turning a blind eye or even encouraging the violence. Coptic militia are running out of control within Iesus Christi areas of control and several high ranking mulars within the council look like they are preparing to launch a widespread purge throughout the minority sunni community - no mulars seem prepared to even try and scale down the foriegn genocide Iesus is carrying out.
honor is your crown sultan. We need action to reel in the Iesus genocide and those who are using it to carry out their own agendas. "
The Sultan paused. she was a grey color. For months she had read the reports and turned a blind eye, but she hadnt become sultan to be a silent witness to her country becoming a cultural and ethical wasteland.
"Vizmar. When do the ministers that cause us ill next travel? Inshalla allah I have a idea"
Iesus Christi
24-11-2004, 03:50
General Jennifer Smith wore her new medal with pride as she strutted around the camp.
'For valour and honour in the face of metahuman perversion' she had been awarded the 'Blood Cross of Iesus'.
The reality was she was doing a excellent job applying the blood and honour laws to North Star...after initial resistance and logistics issues she had now turned the operation in North Star into a perfect example of fascist triumph.
Dozens of work camps had sprung up over southern North star and on the Iesus side of the border, the labour force provided by low level blood mixers and political deviants with the needed reality the only skills needed were strong backs...
Everyday loads of prisoners were sent into the system, most went straight to be 'processed'...Iesus plasma burners ran 24 hours a day but others were directed to the labour camps and others back to Iesus for ministry investigation. Jennifer knew that was the code for medical research...Iesus didnt have much metahuman stock to work on at home, until now! She was shipping metahumans to Iesus labs all over the reich and making a tidy profit sometimes too.
She polished her medal as she walked along. She'd earned it for sure, the 16,000 pairs of childrens shoes marked for disposal proved that.
Within another three to six months she'd be able to pronounce North Star clean of metahuman filth...
She walked over and watched the new arrivals being sorted, their long hungry faces a picture of grey torment and misery.
She nudged her aid and bodyguard.
"I think I'd like to celebrate this medal....lets put something special on for dinner for the troops..."

"Ministry investigation. That would be the way to do it. we could direct them anywhere in the Reich. For a small charge the ministry ships them to any medical research facility...we could do the same thing.."
Garr was excited by the prospect, Abe's idea had merit. As a high ranking Inquisition medical doctor Abe Cushing was in the perfect place to create the front medical research facility anywhere in friendly reich terriroty...St Dominic for example..
"the only issue John is the money..thats what the ministry signs them over for...they dont mind what bastard gets them aslong as they get their wont be cheap.."
Garr smiled his old boyish smile.
"I think I have a idea where to get the money..."