Foma Formitch
18-09-2004, 01:00
i hope i speak for more nations than my own when i say the united nations does not look out enough for the needs of a moderate right wing developed country. lets face it, un is ruled by a bunch of left wing bureaucrat delegates who control far too many votes and enact laws that may seem the most humane at first glance but on the long run will lead to severe economic depression and suffering for our populations.
only three days after joining un i find my nation being hit by resolutions to ban whaling, reduce greenhouse gases, increase sustainable energy sources. great things to strive for, but not every country can afford to follow through with such idealistic concerns when there are hungry, unemployed people that can live a life, raise a family, if only they were allowed to continue turning an obsolete species into lamp oil, cut down trees or mine coal.
we need to shatter the un monopoly on global organization. we need a union that will look out for our needs. one that encourages economic development ahead of humanitarian and idealistic ventures. possibly we can name it the formitch co-prosperity sphere. but the name isnt important. whats important is that the moderate (peace loving and democratic) right unite to form an alternative to the un, and protect ourselves against un's undemocratic and recklessly idealistic agenda to bankrupt and stagnate the world economy.
obviously there are questions needing to be answered before such an organization can be put on its feet. we should address them here.
(note: yes i know sometimes the un passes pro commerce resolutions, but they are few and far in between and i'm too used to msword capitalising for me)
foma formitch
only three days after joining un i find my nation being hit by resolutions to ban whaling, reduce greenhouse gases, increase sustainable energy sources. great things to strive for, but not every country can afford to follow through with such idealistic concerns when there are hungry, unemployed people that can live a life, raise a family, if only they were allowed to continue turning an obsolete species into lamp oil, cut down trees or mine coal.
we need to shatter the un monopoly on global organization. we need a union that will look out for our needs. one that encourages economic development ahead of humanitarian and idealistic ventures. possibly we can name it the formitch co-prosperity sphere. but the name isnt important. whats important is that the moderate (peace loving and democratic) right unite to form an alternative to the un, and protect ourselves against un's undemocratic and recklessly idealistic agenda to bankrupt and stagnate the world economy.
obviously there are questions needing to be answered before such an organization can be put on its feet. we should address them here.
(note: yes i know sometimes the un passes pro commerce resolutions, but they are few and far in between and i'm too used to msword capitalising for me)
foma formitch