NationStates Jolt Archive

From the Ashes of Empires (semi-open RP)

14-09-2004, 00:42
This thread is the continuation of the Supernatural Disaster in the Ministry of the Occult ( thread. Anyone may join this thread, but nations other than Weyr, The Horned Rat, Dronios, and Glyxork need a good reason to join.

Count Yuri, acting emperor of Akaton, stood on the bridge of his mobile command cruiser. The massive sky-ship hovered a kilometer above the ruins of Akaton's capital city. Those that say war is hell had never seen the aftermath of one. Three days earlier, the rift to the underworld had been closed, but it was too late. Hundreds of demons had crossed over, swarming through the city and reducing much of it to rubble. Initial reports showed a full third of the city completely destroyed.

The vampiric Count stared out at the once majestic skyline of the capital. He knew that somewhere in the burning ruins, over a million Akatani citizens were dead. The city was now draped in an unearthly silence, only broken by the occasional sound of gunfire and explosions. Six other sky-ships were slowly cruising over the streets, searching for survivors. However, it was painfully obvious to all that there was no real hope for those trapped in the center of the city. There simply weren't enough resources to save them all.

Count Yuri turned away from the grim sight of the capital, walking to the communications officer on the bridge. "Officer, send the following message on all channels in all languages."

To anyone receiving this message:
Akaton has been struck with a disaster. We need humanitarian aid, millions of civilians are in need of assistance. Any nation willing to accept refugees will be appropriately compensated.
14-09-2004, 03:54
OOC: Just...ignore the fact that Weyr is somehow a few dozen years more advanced that it used to Akaton on Earth?

"Akaton control, this is Cloud Twelve, requesting permission to land eight heavy dropships on your turf?" Cloud twelve sent. The massive ship was floating in relatively geostationary orbit. Beneath it, eight heavy vessels crammed with people and supplies waited for landing clearance.

"Kimbley to Cloud, what's our status?" the lead shuttle transport inquired. The vessel was several hundred meters long.

"All shuttles, please stand by,"

OOC: @Akaton: I assume I have recieved clearance and co-ordinates where I can land.

"Kimbley, you have clearance,"

"Roger Cloud, Kimbley out,"

"All shuttles are go, pattern alpha beta eight,



"...powering repulse drives...."

"...shields nominal..."

The first massive gravship whined over the devastated city. More followed, dropping to a scant two thousand meters above ground level. High-power scanners searched the surface, looking for possible landing sites.

"...Cloud, Kimbley here, we got visual. Looks nasty...damn. I'm sending live feed. Got a nice pad to land on." Kimbley flashed through the residual thaumaturgic interference caused by the entrance of so many demons onto the mundane plane.

They picked a nice spot, relatively free of debris, began to descend. "On my mark," Kimbley flashed to its followers. "Engaging fireworks,


They had picked a fairly level spot, which might have been a park or some other such thing once. The transport pilots didn't care much. To them, it was a potential landing field. The rock and rubble beneath the eight ships flared, too hot to look at. High melting point metals flowed into oversized puddles beneath massive doses of high energy.

"Disengage," Kimbley flashed again.

As the ground began to cool, forming a rough but serviceable landing area, the vessels descended. Landing struts groaned, taking on the mass of the ships.
14-09-2004, 03:56
blip... blip... blip... went the scanner.

Besides the rescuers, life signs were uncomfortably small and far between. The bulk of the Glyxorkian humanitarian aid was on its way and the meager forces already in the city were hard at work excavating whoever they could find. Every *blip* meant another life to save; another soul that could live to see tomorrow, if only the teams worked fast enough.

blip… ........ blip… went the scanner.
14-09-2004, 05:21
OOC @Weyr:
Akaton is on earth, near the former sight of Antarctica. Global warming has made it warm enough for human habitation. Also, you have clearance to land your various ships whenever you need to.

Count Yuri sat in the golden command throne on the bridge of his sky-ship. The communications officer had been reading off the numerous incoming messages from the Weyrian dropships, but the Count was deep in thought and hadn't noticed.
"Sir, the Weyrian ships are requesting permission to land, what are your orders?"
The young officer was staring at Yuri, waiting for a reply.
"Sir? Do they have clearance to land?"
Count Yuri looked up, realizing that the officer was speaking to him.
"Yes, yes. Of course they have landing clearance."
Standing and walking to the pilot's station, the Count ordered a change of course.
"Helm officer, set course 150.22.556 altitude two thousand meters. We need to survey the damage to the Imperial Governmental Citadel."

Roughly one hour later, Commander Johan Kreig sighted the remains of what was once the center of Akaton's government. He had been ordered to get a closer look at the damage, the sensors on Count Yuri's ship being incapable of penetrating the structure's shielded walls. From inside his battle tank, more of a moving fortress than a vehicle, he scanned the building with a thermal imager. On the device’s readouts, the dense plumes of dark smoke were illuminated red, indicating fires still burning within.

The tank ground to a halt outside the great edifice, sending up a cloud of dust and ash. Inside, Commander Kreig addressed his squad of elite troops.
"Men, this should be an easy mission. Our orders are to survey the damage to the structure and to secure it until reinforcements arrive."
As the rear troop ramp lowered, pneumatic pistons hissing with pressurized steam, a dozen soldiers grabbed automatic rifles before marching out of the tank.
Commander Kreig signaled to the squad, "Lets move out."
The squad shouted back in unison, "Aye sir!"

This is a good opportunity for a group of possessed humans (hint, hint Dronios) or just about any other hostile force to ambush this group.

This is the Imperial Governmental Citadel:
14-09-2004, 16:33
(OOC: It would fell like hell to just abandon one of the best RPs i´ve ever played in, so i´m still in the game. But the Puppet Master will no longer be in focus.)

"Our group has grown! We are now twenty-one! We shall make them suffer, and then the Master shall return and put the world beneath his feet! We shall conquer the Humans!"

Geriond and the two surviving soldiers had reunited with the remains of the last second converted. They had now formed a unit which could be a tough challenge. They started moving...
16-09-2004, 06:09
Commander Kreig's squad stopped in front of a large opening in the perimeter wall of the Imperial Governmental Citadel. The adamantine wall had been collapsed by some massive force. Kreig was a veteran of many wars yet he had never seen anything like this. Noting the damage in a miniaturized computer on his wrist, the commander led his squad through the rubble filled opening.

The squad assembled within the courtyard, faced by the towering form of the once glorious Citadel. Turning to his troops, Kreig conveyed his orders.
"Alright men, two of you take the right flank, two take the left flank. The rest of you are with me."

As the troops separated according to his orders, Kreig approached the armored doors of the citadel. The entry seemed to have fallen victim to the same force that had destroyed the walls, one of the hundred meter tall blast doors laying in ruins. He and his troops stood in silence before the devastated structure, momentarily forgetting the danger of this location.
17-09-2004, 02:50
It wasn't a horse, not really. It had four legs, and a stub of a tail, and general equine features, but it was still not a horse. Horses did not move at a hundred klicks per hour over rubble; nor were they made of metal and rod logic assemblies. Marshall Sherman had never tried to take a chevaline over anything like the terrain around the improvised landing field, but he trusted the specs published by the company that made the marine corps' equipment.

"Third company here, perimeter secure."

"...hostiles on east arc, nothing major....."

"...Michelo two here, ready for departure..."


"...second platoon moveing out...."

The chatter continued.

It was a strange twist that mounted cavalry went from horses, to tanks, to helicopters, and back to horses, the Marshall reflected. He keyed in the band used to contact Akaton control, at the same time making statistics and reports scroll across his retinas once more."Akaton control, this is Weyr Base. Please be advised that we have established a forward base and can take on survivors and reffugees."


Four chevalines raced down the block, swerving at cheetah speeds to come around and behind the demons, nearly unseating their riders in the process. Sergeant Lers fired a burst from his gaunlet gatling. A demon screeched, shredded into dust by a hundred subetheric needles. Three demons fell in the time his squad raced to the main demonic host.

He nudged his mount with his knees, making it slow, pushing his heavy body forward. The sergeant vaulted over the chevaline's horse-like head, an azure blade extending from his gaunlet, slicing two demons in a sweep as he came down, letting the hoplite armor take the shock. On the other side of the milling demon mass, three other squads were cutting through the press.

Ten minutes were enough. The demons died or fled. The platoon remounted, seemingly contradicting the laws of physics as the bulky, armored men and women vaulted into saddles. Chevalines were too problematic in melee combat.

"Five; looks like I beat you," sergeant Lers spoke over the comm band.

"Bah," Marina grunted, slapping permaseal across a deep gash across the front plate of her armor.

"Seven. the lieutenant said simply. A shadow flirtedacross his vision. He turned, fired off a burst of hypersonic needles. Whatever it was, it had decided to leave the Weyreans alone. It would be back, the squad knew.

They only met small demons. Bigger ones would have been a problem, the lieutenant knew. Hoplite armor was good, but not without weaknesses. Few things could cut nanoweave and nanomail, but a piece of sharpened glass could pierce it like a dagger. For now, they had gotten off with minor wounds.

The squad continued scanning for survivors with infrared and millimeter radar, their path taking them closer and closer to the great building at the heart of the destroyed city.
18-09-2004, 07:17
Xio was putting the finishing touches on his daily report back to Glyxork, dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’ with machine born enthusiasm. Most of it was automated, as the data was collected from the rescuing teams.

Progress wasn’t wonderful, but that was to be expected. Barian had arrived at Grid G only to be promptly slaughtered by a more powerful demon than previously encountered by Glyxokian forces. Nostalgically, Xio replayed the missing team’s last relay.

*A hiss of static, followed by a rapid succession of gunfire*

“…heavy daemonic resistance, falling back…”

Barian’s voice cuts in: “…holy expletive, what the expletive is that expletive expletive?”

*Static mingling with gunfire.*

“…man down! Man down…”

“…the expletive got Rob!”

*More gunfire and obscenities; a daemon ripping apart a fleshy being; some extremely loud hysterical shouting*

Then the long static hiss that meant the connection was lost.

Xio attached the file to his report with a sigh. Notice was already sent out of denser daemonic forces and Glyxorkian casualties to the other ships, so there was nothing more to do but watch for the remaining teams safety.
19-09-2004, 07:23
Sorry for the lack of posts, I was busy making this.
This is a basic map of Akaton, I'll try to add more detail later.

Count Yuri paced back and forth across the dimly lit bridge of his command ship. The windows were blacked out during the day, keeping sunlight away from the vampire. In front of him was a holographic display of the infested area of Akaton Central District. Etheric filters displayed concentrations of demons as glowing red points of light. The Count noted to himself the disturbingly large number of demonic sensor contacts.

Unfortunately, the Imperial Sky Fleet had met with little success in their attempt to exterminate the demons. Highly accurate railgun fire proved useless when the enemy was nearly impossible to get a target lock on. A full armored battalion was being deployed in the city, sweeping through the ruins block by block.

Commander Kreig led his squad inside the Governmental Citadel, scrambling over the ruined blast doors. Inside, the building was in much better condition, though the roof was severely damaged. Looking around the vast entrance hall, it became immediately evident what had happened to the structure. Kreig noted the etheric scanner readout on his wrist computer, indicating a major instability in the planar integrity of the area, most likely the result of a demon phasing out of reality. The holes in the roof appeared to have been caused by heavy railgun fire.

The commander figured that one of the massive demons had entered this structure by smashing through the doors, drawing the attention of a sky cruiser. Inevitably, sustained railgun fire had resulted in the demon's death, causing much damage to the Citadel in the process. Recording his hypothesis, Commander Kreig ordered his men to search the structure for any survivors.
20-09-2004, 06:30
Hmm, this thread doesn't seem to be doing as well as the first half of the story did. Well, back on topic.

To Dronios: Commander Kreig is going to die shortly, so feel free to ambush his squad if you want to.

To All: I was wondering if you liked my Major Iyanna Fayde character from the previous thread. If so, I'll find her a place in this thread (probably replacing Commander Kreig as my main character once he dies).

Also, I finally found a good picture for Iyanna.
20-09-2004, 06:56
I think Iyanna was a great character!

Schools started up and I can't spend hours on NS anymore... I'll post IC when I can.
20-09-2004, 11:26
OOC: Iyanna is a truly great character.
Well, school started for me too so i won't be able to post as much as before.

"Get moving you slugs! We must....."

Geriond stopped and listened... Voices. From the east. This was his moment of truth. He could finally prove himself as the apprentice of his Master. Now it was time for some human scums to suffer.

"Who has a sniper rifle?""

"I do, Sir!"

"Very well. Give it to me. All of you shall wait for my signal. Then we attack! Is that clear!?""

"Yes Geriond, Prophet of the Master! All hail Geriond!" The soldiers around him said. He was handed the rifle and went over to the rocks on the eastern side of this complex. A group of humans.. They would be a worthy challenge. He aimed the sniper rifle at a human (OOC: Anyone of your choice, Akaton.) and pressed the trigger. Without looking if the shot was a hit or not he motioned his twenty man army to attack....
20-09-2004, 12:40
OOC: i know this is an unecessary comment but Weyr.. YOU STOLE MY CARRIER rofl.
21-09-2004, 02:41
Commander Kreig's squad had assembled inside the main hall of the Citadel, and was listing off their reports of the damage. Suddenly, Kreig's wrist computer sounded an emergency alarm. Looking up, he saw a red laser-sighting dot appear on one of his soldiers. He shouted at his squad, to find cover, but it was too late. A large, mass reactive bullet streaked through a breach in the wall, striking the unfortunate soldier in the chest. A split second later, the round exploded, reducing him to a nasty stain on the wall (I assume Geriond’s army is using captured Akatani weapons).

A few minutes later, Kreig cautiously crawled to the edge of the rubble he was hiding behind. Looking through his binoculars, he saw the large force of heavily armed forces charging across the remains of the courtyard. Waving to his squad, he silently signaled for them to take up defensive positions. Ten safeties clicked off as the squad readied their assault rifles. Kreig knew he was outnumbered, but it was too late to retreat. He would make his stand here, hoping to delay the enemy as long as possible.

Major Iyanna Fayde walked through the entrance of the Ministry of the Occult's headquarters. Surprised to find the armored gates wide open and seemingly unguarded, she slowly looked around the cavernous entrance hall. A guard finally noticed the elf's arrival, running towards her.

"Hey, who are you?" the guard shouted as he approached.

Slightly annoyed, Iyanna replied, "I'm Major Iyanna Fayde, I work here."
She continued walking towards the corridors at the end of the hall.

The guard stepped in front of her, "You don't have clearance to be here. We've locked down the building since the Minister was killed."

Iyanna looked at the chaos around her and the open doors,
"Locked down, are you sure?"

"Yeah, now get out," the guard replied, motioning at the exit.

Considering the situation for a moment, she grabbed the guard by the throat, her power armor effortlessly throwing the man to the floor. When he looked up, he found himself staring down the barrel of a very large pistol. Looking down at the guard, Iyanna smiled wickedly.
"You want to try your luck, just give me a reason to fire. I've had a really bad week."

Stepping over the guard, she made her way towards her quarters. Iyanna glanced down at her shoulder, where only a week earlier she had been shot. Thanks to her enhanced elvin metabolism it was almost completely healed already. She thought she might finally have a chance to finish reading her book.
21-09-2004, 10:52
The possessed stopped after a while when they saw the Humans flee. Geriond picked up a pair of binoculars from the ground and looked at the Humans.

Hmmm...This won´t work..Them humans are fortified...

"You there! Take five soldiers and try to go around. We´ll hold them here!"

As six of the soldiers left for a pincer attack, the remaining soldiers took cover in the rubble. When the soldiers that were to go around, disappeared behind the building they came from, the squad now in cover opened fire....

(OOC: I thought it was a good thing to give you a picture of Geriond. He looks a little different now from when he was on the Human side.)
22-09-2004, 02:18
Lord Draconis is returning to Akaton after fleeing the country in the previous half of the story. He had gone to The Resurgent Dream. Specifically, he was in the Courtship of Princess Aiwyn thread, and is now married to Aiwyn. I'm too lazy to post a link to this thread, but it's too long to read anyway. The Resurgent Dream will be RPing for Aiwyn, so for those in this thread, expect the new character.

As the possessed troops began to fire on them, Kreig's squad returned fire, quickly escalating into a pitched gun battle. The Akatani commander swore as two of his soldiers were hit by enemy fire, one having being killed immediately. Drawing his handgun, Kreig randomly fired at the charging attackers before ducking down again. In the chaos of battle, no one had noticed the squad of enemies silently flanking their position.

Several kilometers in the air, the Imperial Palace hovered majestically above the smoke and noise of the ruinous capital. From the ground, the distorted anti-gravity field around it obscured the damage received in the epic battles of the demonic invasion.

Within the palace, it was quiet as a tomb. The towering gothic halls were bathed in the golden rays of sunset, streaming through what once were stained glass windows. Dust drifted slowly through sunbeams, illuminated against a background of cold stone walls. The peaceful silence was disturbed only by the occasional gust of wind.

It was into this unearthly scene that Lord Phaeton Draconis returned home. The area at the far end of the main throne room arced with blue lightning, the smell of ozone filling the air. A point of brilliantly bright light appeared in the air, expanding rapidly to form an etheric portal. When the portal stabilized a moment later, Draconis and the beautiful sidhe, Aiwyn, stepped into the palace. The portal closed behind them, the bright light dissipating into the shadows. The room returned once more to the fading light of early evening.
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 02:26
Aiwyn steps into the palace, her arm in her husbands, still beaming about the new golden band on her finger. Nonetheless, it only takes a few moments for her expression to somber, one pointed ear perking slightly. "Is it always so quiet, my love? I would have thought your people would be here to greet you...unless those troubles you spoke of prevent it."
22-09-2004, 03:07
"Well," Draconis said turning to his wife, "it's always a bit quiet up here, but this is ridiculous."
Walking over to the window, he stuck his head out and looked at the remains of the capital. Looking noticeably disappointed, he called across the room to Aiwyn,
"I think I have found the problem right here."
Gesturing at the destruction below, he continued.
"It seems that the people have more important things to worry about now than us."
He turned away from the window, activating a wall mounted communications panel. Looking to Aiwyn, he said
"I'm terribly sorry you had to see my empire like this, dear, but there's nothing I can do about it. However, this palace simply will not do."
Pressing a series of buttons, he called a nearby sky-cruiser for assistance.

Congratulations Iron Fist, this is your emperor speaking. Since you didn't bother to protect my palace, today you've got the honor of cleaning it up. You are expected in twenty minutes, don't be late.
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 03:46
Aiwyn glides over to the window, simply gazing out in horror. She doesn't respond for a while, having no idea what this button pushing could be about. Her homeland lacks such things. "I took a vow, dearest. I'm with you through thick and thin. I only wish that my arms were already here."
22-09-2004, 07:05
Draconis finished signaling the cruiser, sighing deeply. Though he maintained his externally calm appearance, inside he was just as horrified as Aiwyn by the devastation. He was no stranger to war, but he hadn't seen anything like this in centuries, not since he had united the warring factions of the empire. Draconis recognized the clear signs of railgun damage in the ruins of the capital. There was no possible excuse to use the Imperial Sky Navy on Akatani civilians. Count Yuri would pay for what had been done here.

For a moment, as he thought this, Draconis's eyes glowed bright blue. Quickly catching himself, the elf turned back to Aiwyn and noticed the strange way she was looking at the comm. system. He found it ironic that with all the technology he had at his command he still was helpless to save his citizens. Trying to smile, he spoke with hardly more than a whisper,
"Sorry love, I was just calling for some assistance to clear up this mess. However, if you want to see something particularly interesting, just follow me."
He knew the sky cruiser would be coming in to dock shortly, a magnificent sight to behold.
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 18:15
Aiwyn smiles faintly, bitterweetly. "Of course."SHe moves elegantly, calm gradually returning to her face. Her mind was deep in thought. What could have caused devastation on such a scale? Was there an invasion? A spell gone horribly wrong?

Stepping quickly, Aiwyn arrives at her husband's side. "What is there to be done, my love? I don't know what could have caused all of this. Do you have any reports?"

Aiwyn pulls her gowns up so as not to slow him down. Her eyes shine briefly as she turns to survey the carnage once more, looking everything over with the fairy sight of her people, capable of detecting magical energies. Her eyes narrow a little as she concentrates before she turns back to her husband. "I have never seen anything like this, merely read about it in the old storybooks. Is it fomorians? Our soothsayers have been warning they might come back."
23-09-2004, 00:55
Draconis listened to Aiwyn carefully as they made their way through the halls of his palace. He paused a moment as he heard her mention Fomorians.

"Fomorians? I'm afraid that I do not know that word. As far as I know, Akaton fell victim to a horde of demons. The Ministry of the Occult had been researching various ancient devices, and apparently opened a portal to the underworld."

Helping Aiwyn over a pile of rubble, he continued,

"While I can't be certain, it looks as though most of the damage to the city is the result of our own military. Unfortunately, our military isn't meant for use in our own city, and seems to have destroyed both demons and buildings around them."
23-09-2004, 02:13
. . .n'Ai namatril sindae
sin estadie indarie
n'ali-illentad'ia n'ama. . .

"G0d fuck1ng dammit..."

". . .j'alom nai nan y'alondaiya
J'alom diem sindae
illestadie indarie. . .

"....damned magi'i....."

The rescue team continued digging through the rubble. HOPLITE power armor whined, each worker-soldier lifting three hundred kilograms of rubble each time, to drop it onto the repulsolift lorry that hovered half a meter above the ground.


The soldiers barely had time to unsling their weapons. Tools clattered, dropped. Needler gatling railguns bit into rock, into demons. Hoplites vaulted dozens of meters into the air, into windows and shell holes.

"Dammit, what happened to the frigin stats!?" the outfit's commander muttered, ducking behind a wall. A tentacle ripped past. A soldier gasped, a tentacle covered in red blood and brownish clumps protruding from the front of his armor. The commander fired off his lesser guns; the tentacle ripped in half. "Beta team, requesting immediate reinforcements!" he shouted, switching to the emergency comm, narrowly dodging another ashen tentacle.


"Please, do not be alarmed. If you are in need of food, medical supplies, or protection, please . . ." the announcement blasted from twin megaphones mounted on the armored transport's hull.

"Think anyone's alive?" the soldier riding on the heavy trasport's side asked on the comm.

"Dunno. Maybe. his place doesn't look that beat up," the pilot shrugged inside the vehicle as it rocked slightly, rontakt wheels -- a myriad of tiny, telescoping spokes that seemed to merge into a single wheel, each controlled by tod logic and millimeter-wave radar to extend to minimize shock -- adjusting to pass over a large chunk of fallen real estate. This city must have been pretty nice, before the shit began to fly, the man decided.

"Eh," another soldier outside grunted.

". . . we can take you to the nearest High Guard or Akatani outpost, where you will be . . ."


"So the fusactors aren't online?"

"No, ser. We're having problems with the containment fields. The amount of demons is doing something hellish to the systems. And the magi'i say that those b4stards will go after the firien cells. The thaumaturgic power inside them is like a beacon."

"And we use firien cells for all our vehicles and armor...."
The Resurgent Dream
23-09-2004, 02:37
Aiwyn speaks quickly, uttering words that, while clear, cannot be remembered by any who hear them. She and Draconis both shine briefly with a glamorous light. "That's my strongest ward. We shall see how well it tests against these demons.. I would still prefer the feel of a sword in my hand, however." She allows herself to be helped through the rubble, though she does not exactly need it. "If I can get word to my people, they will send warriors to help. Marriage is considered one of the most sacred bonds of alliance among our people."

Aiwyn continues on a moment, not speaking. When it becomes clear combat isn't imminent, she speaks. "We believe demons to be servants of the fomorians. They can be fought with magics and sometimes even with blade and beast. I do not know what could be done were the actual fomorians to come. Do you know anything about what kind of demons these are? I'll send it in a missive to Queen Elaine. She's the nearest to your lands of all the kingdoms of the Empire."
23-09-2004, 06:53
Rather alarmed by Aiwyn's reaction to the news of demons, Draconis replied
"I'm sure that we're perfectly safe up here my love, but if you want a sword, that can be arranged shortly. As for your warriors, there is little they could do at this point, and I despise a waste of lives in a hopeless endeavor. "

Arriving in front of a set of ornately carved blast doors, Draconis pulled a lever. As the doors grind open, Draconis announced simply,
"We have arrived."

A vast balcony stretched out before them, an area that now served as a sort of 'driveway' for the palace. At the far end of the balcony, a huge sky ship drifted into view. More like a hovering battleship than an aircraft, it was supported by a blinding inferno of jet exhausts and distorted anti-gravity fields. As it landed, the golden light of sunset reflected off the polished steel of the ship's armored bow, glinting off innumerable cannons and missile ports. The massive ship settled onto its landing struts, a truly magnificent sight to behold. Draconis shouted to be heard over the roar of turbine engines,
"I'm proud to present the Imperial Sky Cruiser, Iron Fist."

OOC: It's late, I'll try to get a post tomorrow for Iyanna and Commander Kreig.
The Resurgent Dream
23-09-2004, 07:21
Aiwyn frowns a little. "If it is too late to stop the demons, then our warriors will have to face them soon enough. Unless you have another plan, my love. But we cannot stand idly by while this happens to your land."

She looks at the cruiser, smiling faintly. "It is a truly impressive ship. I have never seen an airship of this type before. We do, however, have a number of airborn allies and certain nocker devices."
23-09-2004, 15:32
The Legate Jul Ito Sun, having arrived on the last gravship shuttle, could not have been more correct in his assesment. With the fusactors, left by the departed gravships, working spordaically at best, the entire Weyrean relief mission was relying on its stocks of firien cells. Containing a termendous amount of thaunmaturgic energy, firien cells functioned like beacons for most demons, as the Weyreans were finding out.

A legate's job was not just to command the weyrean section, but also to co-ordinate its efforts with the local, in this case the Akatani, leadership.

"Do we have comm systems?" Sun asked.

"Yes, ser," the technician nodded.

"Then patch me to lord Draconis, or whomever is in charge here."

The low whirr of repulsolift engines filtered into the mobile command center -- a wide structure literally grown from the ground up in half an hour. The last gravship lifted off, its bulk enveloped in a glowing chrysalis of ion shields, causing heavy arachnoweave-fabric tents to shudder as it went hypersonic some eight thousand meters above the ground.


"I'm getting gunfire on m-wave," Marina said over the comm, wincing.

The demons seemed to always know where they were. And the damned things were getting bigger. They were not as thick as the magi'i who came in some days ago reported, but the fact that they seemed to coverge on the Weyreans was rather unsettling. The last attack left Marina with some broken ribs and a lot of bruises -- HOPLITE armor did not protect completely from getting slammed into a wakll and having it collapse on you.

The platoon had three people shifted back to base over the last few hours. With each soldier representing over a million in training and equipment, spending some four dozen thousand Weyrs to 'teleport' them to a proper medic was cheaper. Perhaps teleport was not the proper term -- Weyrean teleportation involved taking a rock of the same mass as the person being teleported, and switching their places. That didn't prevent the platoon from losing two people outright.

"I see it," the Lieutenant responded moments later. He had his ghost call up a ghostly overlay onto his display. Millimeter-wave radar had no trouble with detecting metals. It could identify a weapon by type, manufawcturer, and ammunition loaded. It could count a person's pocket change. Yep, gunfire. He wondered if anyone was about to jump at him from the side or rear, where a sixty-degree blind spot existed, not fully covered by any equipment. "Weapons ready, disperse," he commanded. The remaining three and a half squads of the platoon separated, presenting a less concentrated target.
The Resurgent Dream
23-09-2004, 18:49
Aiwyn continues speaking as she steps towards the ship. "Besides, we are not experimenters with magic. We are magic, that means a lot in battles of this sort. Elaine has fought demons before. She can do it again." She clutches her husbands arm tightly. "If we are to be allies, you must be willing to accept as well as give aid."

Meanwhile, in the waters between the various lands of the Islands of Mists, a wooden sailing vessel approaches Akaton. Her captain looks out over the seas with an adventurous smirk. The man would seem to be a human of the Arab peoples if it were not for the slight points of his ears. Pointed, but not long like those of the sidhe. "We should be there in another day or so, men." Shrugging, he turns and heads back to his cabin. The trip should be uneventful. After all, they are only delivering the Princess's property after she returned with her husband via hypertech. This could have been done by magic but it seemed too much effort to waste on clothing and weaponry. Thus, a ship had been assigned.
24-09-2004, 02:33
Draconis listened carefully to Aiwyn, giving in to her insistence that she send aid.
"You are right that as allies we must support each other. However, Akaton needs scholars more than warriors. As they say, knowledge is power. Unfortunately, my armies have no experience with fighting demons."

As he said this, an officer from the sky cruiser approached him, bowing deeply.
"My lord, we are here at your request. What do you command, sir?"
Draconis turned to the officer,
"As you can see, the Imperial Palace is in horrible shape. It needs repair work before it can be lived in. For instance, the glass should be in the windows, not on the floor."
As Draconis was about to turn back to his conversation with Aiwyn, the officer spoke again,
"Sir, the Weyrians have requested that you speak with them to coordinate our anti-demon operations."
The elf replied,
"Of course, send them a message indicating our willingness to coordinate our military actions. Oh, one more thing, please formulate a report on the events that took place in my absence."

In the Ministry of the Occult, Major Iyanna punched in the key code for her personal quarters. The door slid open, revealing her spacious dwelling, just as she had left it a week earlier. Walking to her armory she placed her numerous guns to their racks, ejecting the ammo and checking for damage. Pressing a series of concealed buttons on her armored gauntlet, the molecularly bonded seals of the power armor disengaged. With a barely audible mechanical sound, the armor folded into itself, collapsing into a dinner plate sized metallic disk. Iyanna slipped into some comfortable civilian clothing, settling into an armchair. She had barely opened her book when the comm. line buzzed.
"Major, your presence is required in the Minister's office immediately."

Ten minutes later, she arrived in the office in a foul mood.
"What is it this time?"
A short, middle aged human male was sitting in the former Minister of the Occult's desk. Inexperienced and inept, he was clearly a temporary replacement.
"Well, Major, as you no doubt know, the Minister is dead. Count Yuri executed him for treason after the demons invaded. However, without his guidance the Ministry has fallen into chaos, preventing us from combating the invasion. Unfortunately the army has proved unable to effectively destroy the demons. We were hoping that you might, um, consider..."
Iyanna cut him off angrily,
"You want me to go out and clear up the mess his experiments started?
The man responded,
"I'm sure you're rather annoyed, given the fact that you just returned from a mission, but I hope your patrioti..."
He was cut off again,
"If you want me to kill demons, I'll kill demons but patriotism has nothing to do with it.
She turned and stormed from the office, knocking over a stack of documents on her way out.
The Resurgent Dream
24-09-2004, 05:11
Aiwyn speaks to the officer. "Have a messenger sent to the court of Queen Elaine, requesting immediate aid. Explain that seers, scholars, and sorcerers are needed."

Count Maxwell ap Beaumayn woke up in a cold sweat. His dreams were of the crown princess, her husband, forces of darkness and...his own death. Shuddering, the Count draped a robe over himself, barking orders. "Ready my dragon. I must leave within the hour." None questioned his orders. None needed to. Beaumayn were a House of seersand he must have seen a vision indicating what was needed.

Lord Niles ap Fiona looked out over the ocean. A faint frown touched his lips, as he began to see something a little off color around the horizon. "William, ready my men to travel to Akaton. It might be nothing but I fear something might be amiss."

Meanwhile, the ship carrying the princess's belonging's pulls up to the dock in Akaton. The land seems in ruins and the captain reaches for his blade. "Everyone at the ready. I don't like this. I don't like this one bit."
24-09-2004, 05:37
(OOC: Sorry for not posting, schools taking all my time. And by the way, welcome in the game TRD.)

"Foolish Humans! Surrender now and we shall give you a quick death!"

Geriond stood up behind his cover, not afraid to get hit. He was blessed by the Master, he would not die. He waited for a reply when a round hit him in the shoulder. The pain spreaded throughout his body as he threw himself in cover again. He shouted from behind the cover.

"I will give you Human maggots one more chance to surrender before we make you suffer!"

He saw his group of ambushers positioning themselves...
24-09-2004, 06:38
The officer replied with military precision,
"The message will be sent immediately, majesty."

About to leave to carry out his orders, the officer turned back to Draconis, a puzzled look on his face.
"Queen Elaine lacks etheric radio, does she not? By what means am I to send this message?"

After a moment's thought, the elf replied,
"Just send a messenger in an aircraft, it's the fastest way."

Commander Kreig heard the enemy commander calling for surrender, the thought of it filling him with disgust. Shouting over the roar of gunfire, Kreig made his answer clear.
"We would sooner die than surrender to the likes of you, traitor!"
Turning to his squad, now only half its original size,
"We are outnumbered, outgunned. If this is to be our end, let us be remembered as heroes!"

Rising to his feet, Kreig drew his sword, pointing it at Geriond.
"Charge, men!"
Before he could take even one step, the possessed troops hiding behind him opened fire, punching holes in the commander's body armor with a hail of hypersonic bullets. Slowly falling to the ground, surrounded by the sounds of chaos, Commander Johan Kreig died.
24-09-2004, 07:59
"We have destroyed the Humans! Their likes shall fear us! We will conquer the world!"

Geriond rose to his feet and looked over the now even more battle ravaged courtyard. The ambushers returned to their original group as they all moved towards another ruined building...
The Resurgent Dream
24-09-2004, 15:30
Aiwyn nods simply. "Thank you." She stayed at her husband's side, expression set.

Maxwell looked up as the door opened. A woman stood there. She was strange, even for a fae. Her skin was a dark green in hue and her only clothing was crudely fashioned from leaves and branches. "Hello, Your Excellency. You know how I hate the indoors."

Maxwell shrugs. "We have our tasks, Ivy."

Ivy, the eldest of the ghille dhu, shrugged lightly. "So we do. I too saw it." Sitting reluctantly, she waits for the others. Two present. Three left to come.

Meanwhile, the eshu captain utters words of magic, creating a minor tracking spell. A small ball of light appears in his hand and begins to float forward, seeking the princess. Cast by any other creature, the spell would likely have found a safe enough passage, safe by the standards of Akaton in the midst of a demon invasion anyway. However, the gift of the eshu is as often a curse and, after a lengthy march, the crew and it's captain find themselves marching past the ambush sight.
25-09-2004, 01:21
Moving swiftly across the scorching cement wastelands between Akaton's cities, Major Iyanna sat at the controls of a small anti-grav vehicle. It was what some might call a jet-bike, built around an armored turbine engine and lacking the enclosed crew compartment of a larger vehicles. The jet-bike streaked along at over five hundred Kph, kicking up a cloud of dust and heat distortion.

Protected by her climate controlled power armor and dark, polarized goggles, Iyanna barely noticed the hostile environment around her. However, she was far from happy, being assigned for combat only hours after returning from her last mission. Adding insult to injury, the etheric portal systems had burned out, leaving her without a faster means of transport than this. A blinking light on the comm. panel brought her thoughts back to the present. She was nearing the capital, the battle damaged spires of the city standing out against a dense cloud of smoke and pollution.

Running an armored finger across the controls, Iyanna brought up a display of the message. Apparently the forward elements of the Weyrian were encountering heavy resistance. She turned the jet-bike on the spot, setting a course to intercept their position.
The Resurgent Dream
25-09-2004, 01:31
Maxwell and Ivy both glances up as a woman with dark, pitch black eyes entered the room. Drawing back, one saw she had the form of an angel. She was clothed in white robes, had silver hair, a lovely face, pearly skin, even white swan wings as an angel would. But it was the eyes that held attention and they held mystery and darkness.

Nominally, Maxwell was the only noble present. He was a count and the rest commoners. Still, he stood and bowed to the newcomer. "Speaker, you honor us."

The woman, who was known by nothing else save Speaker, utterly ignored his comment, sitting quietly and folding her hands on the table. "We leave soon."

Ivy looked between the two, the expression calm on her leaf green face. "Two more."
25-09-2004, 07:29
The sky cruiser officer returned across the balcony to compile a report while repair crews made their way towards the palace. Draconis noticed his wife's grim expression, knowing the events of the day had tainted the perfection of the moment.

Turning to Aiwyn,
"We can't spend all eternity out here, love, and you must be getting hungry by now. Perhaps we should go back inside and find something to eat."

OOC @ Resurgent Dream:
Do you want the crew carrying Aiwyn's possessions to arrive safely or should they be attacked by demons or Dronios's possessed humans?
25-09-2004, 18:24
As Iyanna entered the outskirts of the capital city district, she slowed her jet-bike to a safer speed of one hundred Kph. Boosting over a pile of rubble; she expertly piloted it through the dense streets in search of the Weyrian troops she had been sent to assist. Coming around a sharp corner, she saw a midsize demon consuming a civilian about fifty meters away.

Iyanna reacted with lightning fast reflexes, pulling back on the throttle and inverting the grav field of her vehicle. It came to a sudden stop, the grav field tearing into the ground below and nearly dismounting the elvin pilot. Regaining her balance, Iyanna armed the jet-bike's weaponry. The front armor of the vehicle folded aside to reveal a six-barreled rotary cannon specially loaded with explosive arcane shells.

The demon had clearly heard the noise of Iyanna's jet bike approach, dropping its half-eaten prey and roaring. The creature spread a pair of leathery wings and lunged towards the elf. Iyanna laughed to herself for a moment, "Demons never learn."
Then, she pulled the trigger. A split second later, the cannon sprang to life, sending a stream of glowing bullets lancing into the demon. The rounds ignited on contact, consuming the creature in a storm of blue flames and crackling energy.

"Most impressive," Iyanna said, speaking to no one in particular, "At least those techno-magi are good for something."
The Resurgent Dream
25-09-2004, 20:34
OOC: Attacked. And is that messenger going to be sent?

Aiwyn nods faintly, offering her hand to her husband wordlessly. She allows him to lead her back inside the vessel.

The Speaker smiles a little. Maxwell and Ivy look to one another. Neither had noticed anything happen. After a moment, they follow the Speaker's glance to the floor, seeing the tiny man. In dress and complexion, Windsinger is like to a human of the Cherokee nation circa 1820. However, in size, he was quite smaller. Standing only two feet tall, few would guess the old man was also one of the foremost masters of the supernatural in all the Empire. He raised a hand to the others. "Greetings." As a flourish of greetings answers his, the tiny shaman sits on the floor, the chair being by far too large for his form.

A dozen troll warriors and four sidhe knights crowd upon a warship below Lord Niles's stronghold. Humans fill the galleys and the ship sets off for Akaton. Niles sighs, leaning against the railing. "I hope this is a false alarm, I really do..." the Baron says to no one in particular.
26-09-2004, 02:21
OOC @ Dronios: Since I'm already RPing two story lines in this thread, I'm going to let Geriond attack the Resurgent Dream's convoy.

As Draconis and Aiwyn walk back inside the palace, an armored door on the sky cruiser opens. A Reaper class VTOL lifts off and sets course for The Resurgent Dream, a trip of almost an hour for the jet powered fighter. Aboard it, a messenger carries a request for aid to Queen Elaine.

Inside the palace, things were already looking much better. Repair crews were hard at work cleaning up rubble and debris from the floors. A crew carefully lined the frame of shattered window with wire as thin as spider silk. A worker charged the wire lattice with a complicated looking power cell. Moments later, the glass scattering the floor was drawn into the frame, fusing together to form a single stained glass windows.

Turning to Aiwyn, Draconis smiled,
"I told you this wouldn't take long. Now, what do you want to eat. I can arrange for just about anything to be brought."
The Resurgent Dream
26-09-2004, 06:24
Aiwyn shrugs a little. "I'll have whatever you're having, my dearest. i do want to feast on the cousine of your land."

Meanwhile, the troll warriors and their sidhe leaders land on an out of the way beach. They leap to the ground, swords and spells at the ready, not sure what to expect.

((OOC: Ok. But the specialist team readying itself under Maxwell is specifically coming to fight demons in the other realm and try to seal any portals.))
26-09-2004, 07:26
(OOC: Noone in Gerionds "Gang" is from the other realm, not even himself. And about that convoy, is it the Cruiser ship?!)

Surge forward dirtbags! Find more Humans! Look everywhere, even under things to small to be hiding places. They shall bow to the Master's will! They shall bow to me! Or they shall perish!"

"Sir, we have found an entrance sir!"

The twenty-one man army moved through the large gap that was once an entrance. Not seeing nor hearing anyone, they settled their location to this point, waiting...
The Resurgent Dream
26-09-2004, 08:07
((OOC: I know he's not. That was the point. And what Cruiser ship?))
26-09-2004, 08:36
It seems some clariffication is needed. The convoy refers to a group from The Resurgent Dream that is moving on foot through the city. They are carrying Aiwyn's stuff. They are not the same as the group of specialists that are looking to kill demons.

Draconis paused in front of a large archway, the entrance to the dining hall. Walking inside, the sheer size of the room came into view. The vast hall seemed to hold on to the royal splendor of ages past, with tall ceilings and gothic arched construction. A grand table sat towards the center, stretching out across the length of the room. Sitting down next to Aiwyn, Draconis activated an intercom panel built in to the table's surface, summoning what few servants had chosen to remain in the palace.

A middle aged human arrived quickly, dressed in a spotless uniform. Glancing uncomfortably at Aiwyn, the servant spoke to Draconis;
"What do you order, my Lord?"
Draconis replied, noticing the servant's confusion,
"This is my wife, Aiwyn. She will be staying here for the time being. As for orders, she wishes to taste our cuisine. See that we are provided with a variety of specialties."

A few minutes pass before the servant returns, several other humans of lower rank following. They deliver several items, ranging widely in smell and appearance. The first servant speaks to Draconis again,
"Is that all for now, my Lord?"
The elf casually dismissed the servant,
"Yes, thank you."
Tuning back to Aiwyn, he pointed to a carefully prepared six legged creature, roughly the size and shape of a small pig.
"You really ought to try the roasted Ixos, it's quite delicious. Don't let the extra legs fool you, it tastes just like ham.
26-09-2004, 12:56
(OOC: Sorry my bad, i was a little confused by all the plot twisting in another forum and forgot what had been written here.)

"Stay close slimeballs, i think i heard something! Hmm...Voices...More humans! Attack them! Make them pray that they would have chosen another route! Attack!"

The "army" charged out of the ex-building running right into the transport which carried the new queens belongings. The enemy was very surprised and lost alot of men within a minute. Geriond backed out of the battle and watched on as the remains of the enemy were locked in combat with twice their own numbers. He laughed. Making enemies of the Master suffer was so easy.

Foolish wannabes! They even resist immidiate death. They should be given medals of stupidity for resis...
Geriond stopped thinking for a split second.
Pain.....Back hurts.....Who the hell?
He turned around to see a man with pointy ears. That man had placed a blow on Gerionds back. He had a face of determination and courage. This might be a more difficult enemy to kill. He might even possess the same skills as Geriond. Geriond let out a warcry as he charged the man. Once again Geriond was in combat, he lived for it.
The Resurgent Dream
26-09-2004, 16:20
Aiwyn nods. "I'll have to try it, then." She daintily begins to eat the creature, savoring the taste. "Why did you servant look so displeased to see me?"

The eshu, Ali, swings his blade up to meet Geriod's. Most of the humans were dead. They were armed only with blades against guns. How could they be anything else? Ali, of course, was also armed with a little magic. He was no sorcerer, but every fae knew a trick or two. Doing a backflip and pointing the sword directly at Dronios, targetting the man with a cantrip. The cantrip is of the sort to throw someone backwards about a dozen yards, banging them into the wall. It works on most magical beings and Ali prays Dronios has no special immunity. Even if it succeeds, however, it will hardly be the fatal blow.
26-09-2004, 17:23
Draconis smiled reassuringly, pouring Aiwyn a glass of a pale blue-green beverage.
"Don't worry about him, I doubt the servant has anything against you personally. It's just that he hasn't seen a guest up here in almost twenty years. Living in a hovering palace several kilometers in the air seems to dramatically limit the number of potential visitors."

On the streets below, Iyanna powered up the jet-bike's grav engine. As she pressed a series buttons on the throttle the vehicle sprang foreword, accelerating to full speed instantaneously. The sounds of gunfire could be easily heard indicating the Weyrian position was not far off, the jet-bike quickly closing to within a few hundred meters.

As the first few demons came into view, Iyanna triggered the rotary cannon on her vehicle, sending short bursts of glowing shells into the creatures. A moment later Iyanna streaked past their blasted remains, the Weyrians coming into view. Seeing they were in the line of fire, she deactivated the cannon, not wanting to shred friendly troops. Instead, Iyanna rammed a charging demon with the jet-bike. Pointing it towards a nearby building, she jammed the throttle to full. Flipping backwards off the small vehicle, Iyanna vaulted through the air, landing gracefully on her feet. The demon was not so fortunate, being reduced to an unpleasant stain as the jet-bike slammed into the wall and exploded.
The Resurgent Dream
27-09-2004, 04:52
Aiwyn sips the beverage, savoring it's flavor. "This is quite good."

Meanwhile, the trolls and sidhe move forward into Akaton, eyes vigilant for trouble of any kind. Hearning gunfire in the distance, the great blue warriors and the shining knights begin to move rapidly that way. Niles calls out into the night to avoid any mistakes. "Hail! We are warriors of the Resurgent Dream, come as allies of Akaton to aid her if we may."

Meanwhile, Queen Elaine and Countess Catherine ride furiously into the courtyard of her towering, many spired castle just in time to see the strange vehicle land. Leaping from the horse, forcing calm, reminding herself it is not this man who bears her anger, Elaine eyes the man emerging. "Welcome, traveler. We take it you come with news for our court. If it be not urgent, come and we shall make sure that you are treated well."
27-09-2004, 06:19
In the courtyard of Queen Elaine, the Akatani messenger stepped from his aircraft. He wore the black and silver uniform of an officer of the Imperial Sky Navy. Bowing deeply to the queen, he spoke quickly,

"Your majesty, I am sorry I cannot accept your hospitality, but this is extremely urgent. I come bearing grave news. Akaton is under attack by a vast horde of demons. I have been sent to deliver a formal request for aid."
The Resurgent Dream
27-09-2004, 06:39
Elaine nods once. "Expect forces to arrive within two days' time." Glancing to a servant, she calls out. "Have our war council in our chambers within the hour." Turning her attention back to the messenger, the queen asks "Will you give us a full report of the situation in council?"

Catherine frowns a little as she dismounts. Looking up at Elaine, she asks in genuine curiosity "Shall you require me for...?"

Elaine raises a hand to silence Catherine. "You are to be our queen. Your place in our counciles is unquestioned."

Meanwhile, the servant rushes off to speak to an young soldier standing by a locked chamber. "Her Majesty wishes the councils of war summoned."

The soldier nods. "As my queen wills." He pulls a key from his belt and opens the chamber. Retrieving a large horn, he strides to the top of the highest tower in the castle, blowing loudly. Answering horns ring out from all directions. other horns answer them. And so spreads the hue and cry.

Elsewhere, a man who looks to all outside appearances like an Asian human, with dress reminiscent of a 14th century Chinese scholar, is the last to enter the chamber where Maxwell and the other seers wait. Without a word, he walks over to the wall and begins to bat dust away with his hand, revealing a keyhole. From his robes, he produces a small jade key which he inserts. the wall rolls back, revealing the misty spiritscape of the otherworlds. "We must find the source of these demonic energies and destroy it." He steps through, followed by the others gathered.
27-09-2004, 08:16
A cracking sound was heard from the wall as Geriond was slammed into it. The pain in his back was overwhelmed by the new damage in his chest. Geriond rose to his feet and looked furiously around himself. The other battle had ended. Geriond's men now stood and watched as the two champions clashed.

"Stupid critters! Attack the Human!"

The soldiers hesitated for a second and then uttered a warcry, charging the man. Geriond laughed, this was really his day.
The Resurgent Dream
27-09-2004, 10:44
The eshu backs up, raising his sword. "I am no human, Fell!" Still, human or no, he's also no match for so many possessed. He sidesteps the first and gets a slash into the second, but he's quickly brought down as the assault continues.
27-09-2004, 17:59
Geriond counted the casualties, counting to five. This was not good. They were only sixteen now and not as powerful as Geriond himself was wounded. This however, was not something he would tell the others.

"Check everything! Check what they were carrying with them! They must have something of value!"

After searching everything, they found clothes and weaponry. Nothing of real value. Angryness(spelling) fills Geriond, being competely frustrated with wasting five soldiers on nothing. Suddenly it comes to his mind. The Master must help him on his quest. The Master said so himself. He must be summoned.

"Get moving you maggots! Take all you can carry and follow me!

The group grabbed all the items they could carry and moved...

(OOC: I hope this is an ok post. The Puppet Master might be returning to this RP depending on how the story goes and how much you guys liked the "Master" from the first part. Over and out..)
28-09-2004, 00:52
It's perfectly alright with me if the Puppet Master returned to this thread. It's an interesting character, and adds some variety to the demons. After all, what sort of demonic invasion only has hordes of mindless monsters?

The Akatani messenger answered the Queen,
"I would be honored to present a report. I must retrieve information regarding the invasion from my aircraft. I will be ready to speak with the council shortly."
As he walked back across the courtyard to where his VTOL aircraft sat, he marveled at the beauty of area. He had never before seen blue skies and green trees, things long since lost to the industries of Akaton.

Maneuvering between the towering structures of Akaton’s war torn capital, a scout aircraft patrolled over the sight of Geriond's latest attack. The aircraft slowed to a hover, turbofans straining to maintain altitude. The pilot turned to the radar operator next to him.
"Hey, you see the battle down there? Are those troops ours?"
The radar man checked his readouts, shaking his head.
"I don't know who they are, but the guys they're attacking are carrying the emperess’s stuff."
The pilot looked concerned,
"You think we should fire on them?"
The radar operator flipped a few switches, magnifying the possessed troops.
"No way! They have heavy weapons. Let's just return to base and report this."

The aircraft turned on the spot, accelerating and heading back towards a nearby airstrip.
The Resurgent Dream
28-09-2004, 03:23
Elaine and Catherine head into the council chambers as servants take their horses.

The specialists move along the other realms, heading towards Akaton.

Meanwhile, Lord Niles's troops glance up at a loud swooshing sound. A winged demon flies directly into them, savaging the neck of a troll. Another troll acts swiftly, slashing the beast's side with a great sword. The demon lets loose a vicious growl before a sidhe rapier pierces it's throat. In moments, the entire squad is on the creature. One down. Countless to go.
28-09-2004, 05:29
Hmmm...The Master must be called. But how? When? Where? The Master gave us no infomation of such things.

"Get moving again, you stupid wannabe-slaves! We have to find shelter and set up a camp!"

They moved over a big area before finding the perfect location, a chapel-looking building. They moved inside and set up a camp for later.

"Check all your ammo, food, med-kits and seal every entrance to this building. We have a ritual to perform."

(OOC: sorry for the kinda bad post, í´m hurrying off to school. Is there any Chapels/Temples/Churches/Cathedrals in Akaton?)
28-09-2004, 06:37
There are cathedrals in the older less damaged areas of the capital. That area looks something like this.

In the gothic dining hall of the Imperial Palace, a servant hurries towards Draconis.
"What is it, servant?"
The young human bows to Draconis, handing him a message.
"My lord, we have received a report from a reconnaissance aircraft."

Taking the report from the servant, Draconis begins to read the document. As he reads, his previously pleasant expression becomes grim. Putting it down, he turns to Aiwyn.
"I have received some rather sad news. The convoy carrying your possession has been attacked by a group of demonically possessed humans. There don't seem to be any survivors."
The Resurgent Dream
28-09-2004, 08:23
Aiwyn frowns, lowering her eyes. "We honor their memory and shall avange them and all others slain by this demonic menace."
29-09-2004, 01:11
In the courtyard of Queen Elaine's castle, the Akatani messenger mentally prepared what he was going to say to the council. He was nervous, having never before spoken before the rulers of any nation. However, it was his duty and whether he liked it or not, he would do as ordered. Noticing that the Queen had already entered the council chamber he hurried his pace, not wanting to keep the royalty waiting.

Upon entering the chamber, he made his way towards the speaker's podium. Along the way, he respectfully bowed to several nobles. Gathering his notes, the messenger began;

"I have come before you today because the Empire of Akaton has become overrun by a vast horde of demons. The military of my homeland is desperately in need of assistance against the forces of darkness."

Pausing a moment, he referred to his notes.

"Roughly one week ago, during an experiment involving arcane artifacts, a portal was opened between our plane of existence and the underworld. Most of the techno-magi of the Ministry of the Occult were killed immediately, leaving nothing to stop the demons from crossing over. During a span of roughly 24 hours the portal remained open, allowing an estimated nine hundred demons of varying size and power to enter our capital city. Though the portal was closed with the help of the Weyrian Army, the demons laid waste to the capital. Over a million civilians have already perished. The military has had limited success against the demonic horde."

The messenger now looked up at the assembled nobles listening to his report.

"Our armies are vast and powerful, yet they lack the knowledge to fight the forces of darkness. We are in need of indeviduals skilled in the arcane arts such as wizards, sorcerors, magi or anyone experienced in the slaying of demons."
The Resurgent Dream
29-09-2004, 01:36
Queen Elaine nods. "Then we shall go ourself and take with us our court seer and our bard."

Catherine rose. "Then I will come as well."

"No!" Elaine barked immediately. Yet, Catherine looked firmly at the queen. Elaine paused, looking thoughtfully about the room before nodding. "Very well. Ourself, Countess Catherine, our seer, and our bard shall travel to Akaton. Where, specifically, shall we go?"
29-09-2004, 05:52
I noticed the map of Akaton that I posted earlier is very difficult to read. If you couldn't read the labels, they are as follows: The large city towards the center is the capital. On the bottom, Archenhiem City is the base of the Imperial Sky Navy. On the right, The Imperial City is the ancient former capital of Akaton. On the left, the city of Mortgeist is the base of the Imperial Army. The small green blob in the bottom-left corner is the Ministry of the Occult. Here is the map re-posted for convenience.

The messenger gave the Queen's question a moment of thought.
"Your specific destination would depend on what you wish to do. Lord Draconis will surely be calling a meeting of the Imperial Grand Assembly. This would be the best time to plan a strategy against the demons. Such a meeting would be held in the ancient Imperial City, an area as yet untouched by the demons."

The messenger continued after a brief pause, his voice distinctly more somber.
"However, if you wish to personally inspect the areas infested by demons, you would need to go to either the Capital itself or to the port city of Archenhiem. These places are still extremely dangerous. I would not recommend travelling there unless absolutely necessary."
The Resurgent Dream
29-09-2004, 06:33
Elaine nods, pondering a moment. "We will fly to the capital by dragon." Catherine looks up, doe eyes wide and the other leaders whisper amongst themselves. Elaine then looks back to the messenger. "Is there anything we can do for you?"
29-09-2004, 16:43
”Fix everything! Guard the main door! We need to be prepared.”

The group readied themselves for a ritual to bring the Master to them. Preparations were made. Windows were shut with benches and planks. Doors were blocked. Geriond took a wooden box and stood on it.

”Now everyone listen! The time has come! The Master first departed to test us! To see if we were worthy! And now the time has come to prove ourselves! We shall bring the Master to us so that he will see that we are worthy of being his servants! We will rule the universe!”

The mob of soldiers cheered to Gerionds speech. Geriond stepped down from the box again and walked to the troops. He went over to the second and third men that had joined the Master.

”I have a great task for you two. You are to go out and find a Human for sacrifice. Make it a High ranking officer or some kind of leader, but make it fast! We do not have much time!

Without any words the two soldiers ran out through the main door…

(OOC: I hope this is an ok post. If not, tell and I´ll change it. I need a citizen or soldier that is high ranked.)
30-09-2004, 00:51
I don't mind if you need a human sacrifice, there are plenty of officers to be captured.

General Maximillian Valens walked down the ramp of his mobile command vehicle as the armored battalion under his command dispersed into patrol groups. His orders were to secure the area around the capital's historic cathedrals. The veteran of a dozen battles, the general deployed his forces, confident of an easy victory. In appearance, he was a human roughly fifty years old with gray hair and a vast number of medals and campaign honors decorating his white and gold uniform.

The General looked intently at a holographic display of his tanks rolling towards their objectives. Around him, the dozen officers of his command groups were setting up a tent-like structure to protect the more sensitive equipment they had brought from the nearby vehicle. A pair of them were busy dragging a large sacred relic from the command tank, placing it in the middle of the encampment to repel demons. Little did the General know that he was being watched intently by a small group of possessed humans.

Draconis continued to read from the data-pad handed to him by the servant. The report moved on to detail the statistics of civilian casualties. He was horrified by the numbers; one million dead, half a million more still unaccounted for.

Draconis turned to Aiwyn, his expression one of bitter hatred,
"Those who have died at the hands of these demons will be avenged ten fold. The demons will be slain without mercy until every one of them lies dead. Their deaths will serve as an example to all who would slaughter our people."
The Resurgent Dream
30-09-2004, 01:48
Aiwyn nods tersely. "So they shall. I am sure Queen Elaine will be dispatching rather significant forces."

((Does the messenger to Elaine say anything else? What's the otherworld like in Akaton?))
30-09-2004, 03:54
OOC: Apologetics for the inactivity. it's been a depressing week, and i didn't want to screw up this RP by killing off my chars in obscenely long posts. Watching the US gov't complain about Mexico shutting down re-education facilities run by US agencies where kids are mentally and physically abused, then watching the second-to-last epsode of FMA, kind of makes the bottom drop out of the world....anyways, back on track.....

>>>Net holding capacity ~ 100,000
>>>Net combat forces ~ 6,000
>>>Casualties ~ 180
>>>Civilians located ~ 21,100
>>>Civilians delivered ~ 12,980
>>>We have secured a perimeter, but will not advance until tomorrow due to
>>>heavy resistance. We suspect that the demons may have a way of
>>>detecting firien power cells. Is there any data available on possible
>>>locations where they may be civilians?


In the dying light of dusk, muzzle flashes cast strange, flashing shadows upon the ruined streets. Marina vaulted over a demon, her stream of sun-gold needles cutting a leathery wing in two. Between infrared and radar, she could see as well by night as by day. She landed heavily. An explosion nearby sent a shockwave through her armor. Something cracked. A chunk of masonry fell onto her already-damaged armor.

Streams of three-millimeter needles diced demons into a pulp.

"Get me f**k1ng out of this sh1t," Marina's voice crackled on the platoon's comm.

"First squad, get her out," the Lieutenant commanded as the last demon decided to fall into three equal pieces. "And you are?" he asked, turning, as though noticing the elf for the first time.

"All units, return to base or establish a secure position until eight-hundred-hours local," the comm link of every Weyrean in Akaton crackled seconds later.
30-09-2004, 06:29
Welcome back Weyr! As for the messenger, I can only put so many story lines in a single post. As for the otherworld, check your telegrams for a question, Resurgent Dream.

The Akatani messenger is slightly surprised by Queen Elaine's question.
"I, um..."
The messenger thought a moment before responding,
"All I wish is that I may remain here for a short while to admire the beauty of this land. In Akaton, green plants and blue skies are a rare sight."

As the Weyrian lieutenant spoke to her, Iyanna draws her pair of automatic pistols. Between bursts of gunfire, she replies,

"I'm Major Iyanna Fayde. The Ministry told me your troops needed support."

A charging demon is cut down in a hail of blessed silver bullets, reduced to ash before it hits the ground. With elvin speed Iyanna dodges the slashing claws of another demon, emptying a clip into the foul creature. Holstering the pistols she pulls out a curved mithril sword, the blade glowing with a disruptive energy field. The glowing blade quickly dissects another of the creatures, reducing it to a nearly unrecognizable pile of remains.

Iyanna notices the retreat of the Weyrian troops as well as a constantly increasing horde of demons. The number of the creatures was too great, and Iyanna follows the Weyrians in a fighting withdrawal.
<transmission beginning>
TO: weyrian military command
FROM: the office of the imperial army
RE: recently received message
The highest known concentration of civilians is in an abandoned fortress in grid location 144 - 75XV. The 5th Imperial Infantry Division will be deployed to coordinate with Weyrian forces. They are currently occupying a defended position awaiting orders.

transmitter 547.706
<transmission ended>
The Resurgent Dream
30-09-2004, 06:48
Elaine nods. "Granted." At that, she strides from the room, followed, in short order, by Catherine.

Two demons swoop at Niles's troops from the side. One of the many humans is struck from behind, guts falling out as the demon flings his dying body against the wall. Another goes down with his throat slashed open from the other demon. A troll brings his axe around, slamming the blade into the side of one of the creatures. The demon roars violently, shadowy blood pouring from its sides. A claw slashes at the troll, tearing through armor. The troll groans, stumbling back. A sidhe knight lunges for him only to have the back of his knees sliced out by the claws of the other demon. A trollish greatsword cuts the beast down, digging into the creature's foul heart. Meanwhile, the surviving demon fastens its jaws on the sidhe's neck. The knight gurgles as he breaths his last breath. One of the trolls still standing slams an axe into the demon's neck, severing the head. Niles holds up a hand, looking about for any further threats.
01-10-2004, 00:41
As per The Resurgent Dream's request, A Guide to the Spirit World.

The spirit world near Akaton is a very chaotic area. Though there are several long-term causes, the chaos of this realm has been greatly increased by the large numbers of demons attracted by the opportunity to cross into the material universe. Though the initial dimensional rift was sealed, there are still a high concentration of non-corporeal creatures in the area. While they are not as dangerous as a demon that has taken physical form, these evil spirits are still a threat. Though rarely a problem with elves, sidhe, or other fey, demonic possession is a real danger for humans (or other weak minded creatures) traveling unprotected through the spirit world.

The boundary between the spirit world and the material universe is particularly weak in Akaton. This is the result of extensive use of etheric portal technology, a system that opens a tunnel through the spirit world. However, this weakened barrier is a mixed blessing, allowing for easy passage between the planes of existence for both the citizens of Akaton and for invading demons. The boundary is most easily crossed at the etheric portal generators and at points of high demonic activity. The weakest point, however, is the sight of the Hell Gate collapse (a research facility in the capital) that led to the demonic invasion. It is mostly sealed, keeping out new demons but still allowing arcane energies to warp the area around the rift. This is an extremely dangerous area, as the rift could easily become re-opened allowing more demons to cross over.
01-10-2004, 05:44
Draconis sat in brooding silence within the dining hall of his palace. With the exception of Aiwyn, he was alone. After a long minute he spoke once again, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Tomorrow I will call a meeting of the Imperial Assembly to plan the reconstruction of Akaton. I would be happy to have you attended."

OOC: Sorry for the short post
The Resurgent Dream
01-10-2004, 05:53
Aiwyn simply nods. "Of course, my dearest."

Meanwhile, Maxwell and the others walk over a shimmering spirit bridge across the waters. The bridge is made of glimmering moonlight and gives a crystalline view of the ocean. Wonderous creatures swim in the ocean below. As they approach the chaotic spiritscape of Akaton, the oceans grow more turbulent and the creatures grow more and more vicious.

Lord Niles moves his men through the streets, blade at the ready. He hears the engine of the troops from Weyr and calls out to avoid a mistake. "I am Lord Niles ap Fiona of the Resurgent Dream, here to honor our alliance with Akaton!"

Meanwhile, great green beasts soar over the water rapidly. The five dragons bear fae on their backs, Queen Elaine and Countess Catherine in the lead. The two noblewomen are dressed in shimmering armor, watching the waters warily.
01-10-2004, 07:02
OOC: I am sorry to say that i can´t post until late sunday as i´m going away. I´ll RP when i come back. Don´t let the thread die.
01-10-2004, 18:57
The highest known concentration of civilians is in an abandoned fortress in grid location 144 - 75XV. The 5th Imperial Infantry Division will be deployed to coordinate with Weyrian forces. They are currently occupying a defended position awaiting orders.

"I'm Major Iyanna Fayde. The Ministry told me your troops needed support."

"They probably do," the Lieutenant replied, deftly shoving his smoking gatling into its shoulder holster and drawing a pulse blade to disembowl a demon in one swift motion. "We're getting redeployed," he continued, sidestepping, dispatching a winged beast in three rapid stabs. "So grab a mount if you want to stay with us."

His metal horse trodded up to the Lieutenant, its bulk bathed in the last rays of sunset. It was not a pretty thing, covered as it was in grime and blood and lacking even the simplest ornaments. The man vaulted onto it, his blade an azure blur. It appeared that he was speaking to his small platoon when he was not talking to Iyanna.
02-10-2004, 07:31
Iyanna listened to the Weyrian as he mounted his mechanical horse. Looking across the street at the flaming wreck of her own vehicle, she decides to accept the Lieutenant's offer.

"Well, I'm assigned to support your squad, so I'll be coming with you."

Iyanna heads towards a mount belonging to a fallen Weyrian soldier (assuming a soldier has died during in the combat). As she was about to get onto the mechanical mount, a mid-sized demon charged from behind the elf. A moment before it would have struck her, Iyanna spins on the spot, her glowing sword meeting its claws with a flash of electric flame. With her free hand Iyanna pulled out a razor sharp knife, slashing the demon across its chest. The creature steps back in pain, an instant later its head is severed by a swift strike of Iyanna's sword.

Aboard the sky cruiser Iron Fist, a radar operator was running a scan for airborne demons. The officer noticed an odd pattern of contacts on the display screen. He increased power to the radar array, zooming in on the unknown contacts. Turning to the Captain, the radar operator addressed his superior officer,
"Sir, I'm picking up an unusual signal."

The Captain replies, turning away from a strategic report he was preparing,
"What have you detected?"

The radar officer confirms his readout, calling to the Captain again,
"Well sir, I think you should see this for yourself."

He walks over to the sensor readouts, surprised by what he sees
"Are those dragons?"

The radar officer replies,
"Yes, sir. Their current flight path takes them directly towards the capital."

The Captain was sounded slightly concerned,
"Hmm, place us on an intercept course with the dragons and signal the Imperial Sky Navy. See if they know what this is about."
The Resurgent Dream
02-10-2004, 07:55
Lord Niles waits for a long moment to see if the Weyrians (though he does not know they're Weyrians) reply. He holds his hand up to his men, forbidding further advancement. A pointed ear perks, listening.

Meanwhile, the dragons move towards the capital. An airborn small demon flies below, glancing up and spotting the group. Now, demons are both vicious and stupid, but a lone, small one is not about to attack five dragons acting in concert. The creature screeches, diving. Dame Canditta ni Beaumayn, the queen's seer smirks. The woman doesn't bother to dive. She did not grow to be the most powerful sorceress in a whole kingdom by having to rely on flesh or steel or even dragonfire. The woman simply draws a small bag of runes from her pouch. Her eyes flash as she examined the demon, dropping the runes on her dragon's back. By every law of physics, they should fall, but they don't. A long series of runes falls in a line and it is this line where Candi focuses her attention. She removes runes, adds runes, turns them, switches them, and generally rewrites the name her magic had produced. The woman then lays her hand over the entire series, sealing the new arrangement. The demon simply...becomes a turnip.
03-10-2004, 06:18
Aboard the Iron Fist, the crew manned battle stations, still unaware of the dragons' intentions. The large scaley beasts were closing on their position with remarkable speed, becoming visable through the bridge windows. The Captain walked over to the communications officer.
"Officer, have we received any information regarding these dragons?"

The comm officer shook his head,
"No sir, the communication channels are flooded with reports from around the city. The Imperial Sky Navy probably haven't even noticed our message yet."

The Captain gave the problem a moment's thought. The nature of the dragons presented a unique problem, as they clearly didn't possess advanced technology. Though he couldn't contact the dragons with the etheric radio, there were other means of communication. Turning and walking from the bridge, he spoke to an officer busy plotting target corrdinates on a tactical display.
"Lieutenant, you have the bridge until I return."

The Captain made his way to an equipment locker, grabbing a megaphone. After a few minutes walking through the corridors of his ship, the Captain reached his destination. Entering a security code, a maintinence hatch opened onto the exterior top deck. He stepped out onto the cruiser's hull, mindful to stand clear of the railgun turrets towering behind him. Pressing a red button on the megaphone, a mechanical sounding voice rang out at the dragons.
"This is the Akatani sky cruiser Iron Fist, identify yourself as friend or foe. I repeat, please identify yourselves immediately."
The Resurgent Dream
03-10-2004, 08:06
Elaine frowns a little. She knew dragons were rare here but she had told the messenger where she was going and by what means. Sighing lightly, she calls back. "This is Queen Elaine ni Fiona of Falarin!"
04-10-2004, 00:26
The Captain was greatly relieved at the name given by the dragon's rider. He had been informed that a certain Queen Elaine would be coming, but the messenger had failed to mention the means by which she wouldd be arriving. He called back to her quickly and in a much more polite tone.

"You are cleared to enter our airspace. Welcome to Akaton, your highness."
The Resurgent Dream
04-10-2004, 00:52
The queen's dragon bows its head in acknowledgement as the five dragons swoop down into the capital. When they land, it's quiet. Elaine frowns as the five alight from their dragons. Elaine ponders. "We think they might be hesitant to attack the dragons. If we wait here, they will likely attack in mass, in mass enough to take us and our mounts. However, we are here to gather information only. We will leave our mounts and seek to encounter demons before they are ready to fight the dragons and to leave without a full battle."
04-10-2004, 06:42
I've made a picture for the sky cruiser. The Iron Fist is a Maleus class sky cruiser (, as are most of the sky cruisers that I use. Also, the Captain has become a major enough character that I decided to give him a name. He's now Captain Alexander Sark.

Captain Sark watched as the dragons dove into the cityscape below. The smaller demons fled like vermin, darting into nearby buildings or running down alleys. He wondered for a second whether they understood the danger. Shrugging, he walked back inside the armored hull of his sky cruiser. He was content not to interfere in the affairs of the newly arrived fae.

Sark walked to a nearby comm panel, broadcasting across the ship.
"Stand down red alert. The dragons were carrying allied royalty."

He slowly walked back to the bridge, savoring a moment of peace and quiet in the empty corridors of the sky cruiser.
05-10-2004, 06:04
Sorry for the short posts, but until Weyr or Dronios post, there is very little to post about (inventing another story line could make the thread too confusing). Also, Harmonia Mortus might be joining this thread at some point.

As dinner came to an end, another servant entered the hall. Hurrying towards Draconis, the servant bowed briefly, handing the elf a message. Reading it, Draconis gave a subtle smile.
"A patrolling sky cruiser has reported encountering a group of dragons. It seems as though Queen Elaine accepted that request for aid. Quite punctual, don't you think?"
The Resurgent Dream
05-10-2004, 06:21
Aiwyn nodded. "And quite personal. Elaine would never just send troops when she could fight herself."

Meanwhile, Maxwell's people travelled through the blighted spirit realm. Strange sounds could be heard on every side. There was a battle going on but it cannot truly be described in terms that one could easily understand. The magics and spiritual knowledge of the newcomers struggled to ward off evil beings wishing to attack, while the powers of the spirits struggled to break through the wards. To an outside observer, it would seem as though Maxwell and his group walked along the spiritscape with evil sprites darting harmlessly around the group without truly approaching.
05-10-2004, 19:31
OOC: Apologetics. Last week before the SAT IIs is slowly eating me. GO SENIOR YEAR! *dies* Is it still night?

Lord Niles moves his men through the streets, blade at the ready. He hears the engine of the troops from Weyr and calls out to avoid a mistake. "I am Lord Niles ap Fiona of the Resurgent Dream, here to honor our alliance with Akaton!"

It took the Weyreans some time to respond to the call of Lord Niles, mainly because of a few smaller demons who took out the time to jump the diminished platoon.

Lord Niles waits for a long moment to see if the Weyrians (though he does not know they're Weyrians) reply. He holds his hand up to his men, forbidding further advancement. A pointed ear perks, listening.

Weyrean ghosts were not strictly ghosts. They were not the pearly, translucent things that hovered a few feet in the air and had a tendency to shout "Boo!". The Lieutenant's Ghost was almost a sentient being, save that it was directly interfaced with his mind and with virtually every electronic system around it.

This is the Third Platoon of the Second Cavalry of the Kingdom of Weyr. Now that we've attracted every demon in the area, would you mind showing yourself? The deep bass came out of the resonator in the chevaline (mechanical horse) ridden by the lieutenant. The system was meant to be used as a minor sonic weapon, but in this case it sufficed as a megaphone.

The last part was unnecessary -- the pseudo-intelligence of the power armor of the platoon's soldiers already estimated the origin of the sound waves -- but it raised fewer questions if the people were to simply reveal their location. Meanwhile, the platoon continued its retreat towards the general location of Lord Niles.
06-10-2004, 05:43
Major Iyanna followed slightly behind the Weyrians, barely able to control the strange mechanical horse they provided. The elf had never even seen a horse, mechanical or otherwise. The bumpy ride and lack of obvious integrated weaponry left much to be desired. Still, it was much better than walking and allowed Iyanna to keep up with the Weyrians. She listened to the conversation between the Weyrian Lieutenant and Lord Niles, her pointed ears not missing a word.

Draconis noted with interest that Queen Elaine would fight alongside her troops.
"I have a great respect for leaders who fight with their troops, a trait that sadly seems much less common now than it once was."

As a servant came to clear the remains of their meal, Draconis continued.
"I hope the Queen will be able to attend the Imperial Assembly tomorrow, it sounds as though she has much experience in conducting warfare."
The Resurgent Dream
06-10-2004, 19:11
Niles and his men stepped forward, keeping to the center of the street.

Aiwyn smiles. "It is normally required of our nobles."
08-10-2004, 01:04
Draconis returned Aiwyn's smile. However, his eyes gave off a feeling of deep regret.
"Ah, I see. My so-called advisors are constantly telling me that it's irresponsible for the leader of a nation to risk his life in battle. Really takes the fun out of being Emperor, doesn't it?"

It seems we have all gathered our troops together. This looks like a good time for one of those really huge demons to appear. Expect that to happen soon.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of posts. School's been hell this last week.
The Resurgent Dream
08-10-2004, 01:07
Aiwyn laughs lightly. "Well, Draconis, we hardly have to obey our advisors, do we? You're the Emperor, they the vassals."
08-10-2004, 01:22
Draconis considered Aiwyn's comment, unable to hide a slight grin.

"Quite true, love, though the advisors seem to have forgotten that fact over the years. I'm sure that you'll be a wonderful influence on them."
08-10-2004, 01:35
"Nice to see someone who's not trying to kill us," the Lieutenant commented, while his ghost assigned each member of Lord Niles' team a 'friendly' status. In the near-dark, he could still see them quite well through a combination of various scanners. "Never heard of the Resurgent Dream, though."
The Resurgent Dream
08-10-2004, 01:58
Aiwyn smiles gently, finishing up her meal. A slight smirk touches her lips. "We will. We are sure of it. A ruler knows when to take advice but...certain matters of honor are not open to pragmatic debates."

Lord Niles shrugs. "Nor have I heard of Weyr. If you are allies of Akaton, however, that is like to change. Our crown princess is the Emperor's bride. But that's neither here nor there. What is your situation? We saw a strange aura from across the water and came by ship to investigate. We were attacked by beasts of some type. So far, we have managed to defend ourselves, albeit with some casualties."

Meanwhile, Maxwell and his party came closer and closer to the portal. The passage became more and more difficult. Eventually, all but the Speaker halted. She approached the sealed portal itself, kneeling to examine it with glowing eyes. The largest foul spirit present smirked lightly at her. "Your magical wards are no good this far in. Your lineage protects you, but only so long as you strike me not."

The Speaker nods a little. "It is not exactly my goal to smite you. You are...nothing."
08-10-2004, 02:42
Strange aura? Interesting..."We're here....because we're paid to fight," the Lieutenant replied. "For now we're just getting some civilians. But you say you've fought through demons with only swords?"
The Resurgent Dream
08-10-2004, 02:46
Niles shakes his head. "Sword and spell, wielded by troll and sidhe, not by mortal man. A troll's might is as supernatural as a demons and oft times as great." He gestures back towards the surviving trolls, bristling with muscle, seven to nine feet tall, with hard blue skin and horns jutting from pronounced foreheads.
08-10-2004, 03:15
A few minutes after the Weyrians met up with Lord Niles, Iyanna arrives at their location. She dismounts from the mechanical horse in a manner much less graceful than she is accustomed to. As she walks towards the group, she takes note of the sidhe nobleman. Trying to remember some diplomatic courtesy, she speaks to Lord Niles,

"Welcome, Lord, it is an honor to have you here in Akaton. I am Major Iyanna Fayde, special agent for the Ministry of the Occult. I am assigned to coordinate efforts against the demons. I understand you have already encountered some of them on your way here."
The Resurgent Dream
08-10-2004, 03:23
Niles nods. "One or two that we dealt with, Major. They are rather formidable foes. If you are here to coordinate, then we are at your disposal."
08-10-2004, 06:40
Iyanna quickly examined the troops Lord Niles had brought, trying to estimate their effectiveness in combat. The elf spoke with a confidence that came only from centuries of experience.

"Yes, they are rather dangerous creatures, aren't they? I'm just glad you made it here in one piece. The Akatani Imperial Army has had very little success against the demons, so we're happy for any help we can get."

Checking a small data display built into the wrist of her power armor, Iyanna continued.

"The most recent estimate shows several hundred demons still present in the city. Though most of them seem to be of the small variety, there are about two dozen of the mid-sized winged demons. Also, there is at least one extremely large demon that remains unaccounted for. Given the threat posed by these larger demons, it would be wise to remain concentrated in one area to provide mutual support in the event of a large scale attack."
The Resurgent Dream
08-10-2004, 06:47
Niles just nods. "Of course, Major." His men gather in closer as he speaks with the elf.
09-10-2004, 01:21
Iyanna pauses, carefully analyzing the tactical information being presented by her data display. A few minutes later, a wicked grin crossed her face.

"Gentlemen, I do believe I have found a strategy to defeat the demons."

Pressing a few buttons on the data display, a 3-D holographic image of the inner city was projected in the air in front of Iyanna.

"As you can see, most of the demons are still within the city. However, they have split off into small groups too widely scattered for effective aerial bombardment. If they were to be concentrated into a smaller area, perhaps one square mile or so, they could be destroyed with massed sky-ship fire and artillery."

Pointing an armored finger at a series of symbols along the outer edge of the image, she continued.

"This icon represents the 5th Imperial infantry division, available for deployment into the west side of the city within roughly six hours. On the north side, these symbols represent the tanks under the command of General Maximillian Valens. Though it is unlikely that they will be able to destroy the demons, it is unlikely that the demons would be willing to challenge a full division."

Pressing a few more buttons, Iyanna zoomed the image out to include the entire city.

"Upon encountering the tank squadrons, the demons will probably flee south-east into the most heavily damaged portions of the city. In this area there few buildings left to provide cover, and little chance of further civilian casualties. All we have to do is prevent them from escaping the city long enough for the sky cruisers to completely annihilate the demons."
09-10-2004, 03:18
"So we get to act as a meat shield and hope the flyboys don't pound us into dust. Alright," the Lieutenant nodded. His last few words were greeted by not a few chuckles from the rest of the Weyrean platoon. He abscently checked the munition status of his command. Everyone were down to at least half of their original arsenal. This would be.....interesting.
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 05:34
Niles nods tersely. "So be it."

Meanwhile, Queen Elaine and her company find themselves surrounded by demons on all sides. Fatimah, the satyr seer of the royal court, bears a simple smirk on her face as she surveys the situation. Blowing lightly on her hands, the satyress produces a small ball of fire. A flick of her wrist and flame seeks demon flesh, a creature going down with a vicious roar. A magical incantation and another demon is encased in ice. Of course, even seers, perhaps especially seers, can be too confident. For all her powers, the satyress was up against demons. The charge broke like a wave. Fire, ice, wind, and even raw force flew from Fatimah's hands, felling a dozen small and a few medium demons. The woman was as mighty as many a tank just with her own magic. Of course, those would be the tanks that failed to stop the demons. A claw finally finds Fatimah's throat, cutting the soft flesh and spilling her life's blood upon the ground. The other two commoners went down just as swiftly as Elaine swung her blade around. Steel sliced at the wing of one demon, fended off another, but they kept coming. "Catherine!"
09-10-2004, 05:49
Iyanna looked to the Weyrian lieutenant,

"Meat shield? Perhaps not. If all goes according to plans (OOC: things will probably not go according to Iyanna's plans), the demons we'll encounter will be disorganized and weakened. The only ones who should fear being slaughtered are the demons."
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 06:13
Niles shrugs, seemingly indifferent to the level of danger.

Elaine plunges through the demons, seeking her lover. Her blade slashed swiftly through the air, the Dragon's ire coming forth to aid her. She moved faster than any human could, aided by an ancient pact with the most ferocious of dragons, her body surrounded by a nimbus of flame. Still...she was fighting demons with a blade. Her armor split like paper before a claw, blood dripping down her form. Another blow sliced her shoulder, sending her toppling to the ground. Elaine closed her eyes, awaiting death. Instead, she felt a hand grasp hers.

Catherine ran towards Fatimah when she saw the seer go down. A demon struck Catherine from behind, sending her to the ground as blood poured down her head, over her eyes. Still, the countess scrambled forward, delicate hands searching Fatimah's lifeless form until...the cloak. Fatimah hadn't been using it because she thought she could fight her way through the demons. Catherine merely sought to hide. Taking the cloak from Fatimah's pack, Catherine draped it around herself, running for Elaine. Grabbing her lover's hand, Catherine fell to her knees, pulling the cloak over both of them.

Meanwhile, suspicious and angered when their mistress does not return, the five great dragons take to the sky, wheeling and roaring above the capital as they search the streets below.
09-10-2004, 08:38
On Tuesday, I'm going to be heading on vacation for a week. As such, it would be good to get this thread mostly completed by then. Time will be moving a bit strangely in the thread in order to avoid long periods of nothing happening. Assume that the Imperial Army is ready to begin the attack.

In the outskirts of the capital city, a vast army was deploying itself. The full force of the 5th Imperial Infantry division was assembled here, a force of some forty thousand humans. Slowly but surely, columns of troops divided into their individual squads, spreading out to cover an area several kilometers across.

An officer addressed his squad of twenty soldiers as they marched through the otherwise deserted streets of the city.

"This is a great day in our history, men! Today we will see the final defeat of our demonic foes and the rise of a glorious new age for our empire. Remember that these demons have no pity or compassion. They are heartless killers. You are expected to show them no mercy, for they have none for you."

The troops marched onwards, the sense of fear and anticipation almost seemed to have a physical presence. All that broke the silence was the sound of footfalls and the distant roar of dragons. Suddenly, a roar was heard much nearer to the squad's position, barely ten meters away. The commander shouted a warning to his men, but it was already too late.

Before the soldiers could even remove the safeties on their guns, the first of a group of demons had reached the squad. The weak body armor worn by the average soldier was effective against bullets, but the razor sharp claws of a demon made short work of it. Within seconds, five soldiers were dead, torn limb from limb by a clawed demon. In such close quarters fighting, the bulky assault rifles carried by the soldiers were all but useless. The battle was over in a few minutes, all that remained of the squad was a street covered in bloody corpses.

However, another squad followed close behind, opening fire as the first squad fell to the demons. By sheer weight of numbers, the demons were pushed back, a few being cut down with well-placed shots. For the time being, Iyanna's strategy seemed to be working.
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 10:08
The dragons, whose huge masses still wheel in the sky above the capital, roar loudly in anguish, on the verge of giving up. Pausing, the largest dragon spots a somewhat familiar sight, Lord Niles and his men. The creature dives immediately, followed by his four companions. The dragons alight a little ways off, so as not to crush any of the tiny beings accompanying the baron. Lord Niles blinks, holding a hand up to the others. "I have to see to this." He sets off towards the creatures.
09-10-2004, 18:13
"Dragons. . .it's been a while," the Lieutenant chuckled softly. "Everyone ready? Major, if you plan to ride, the chevaline responds to verbal commands."
The Resurgent Dream
09-10-2004, 19:55
Niles spends a few moments stroking the dragon. After awhile, he sighs, turning back towards the others. "I am going to the center of the city." He gestures, and his three surviving knights move to his side.
10-10-2004, 01:56
Iyanna found herself staring at the huge dragon sitting only a few meters from her. The only dragon she had ever seen before was a three thousand year old skeleton preserved in the Ministry's archives. She spoke to Lord Niles,

"Where you go, I will follow. It is my duty to assist our allies, and I must not fail."

The 5th infantry division continued their advance into the city, encountering scattered resistance along the way. Though a dozen squads had been completely destroyed within the first hour of combat, the vast scale of the attack was having a noticeable effect. After all, the loss a dozen squads is nothing compared to the hundreds that continued the battle.

Within the shadow realm between the material universe and the spirit world, a demon of truly horrible power observed the battle in the streets. One of its kin had led the initial invasion, vanquished by the Weyrian magi (a reference to the first half of this story for those who didn't read that thread). Now, as the demons began suffering defeat after defeat, the foul creature decided it was time to act.

Fueled by hatred and evil, the demon lord manifested itself upon the streets. Larger than a battle tank, it towered over the infantry arrayed before it. Machinegun fire bounced harmlessly off its thick hide, even rockets barely slowed the creature. Reaching down, it grabbed a soldier with a massive claw. The demon laughed mercilessly as it crushed the struggling soldier, throwing his corpse into the remaining troops. The squad scattered, retreating in total chaos.
The Resurgent Dream
10-10-2004, 04:13
Niles simply nods, leaping onto his dragon. The three surviving knights also mount, leaving one for Iyana.

The Speaker shudders, running towards where the great demon broke through. The others start to rush after her, though they do not know why she's running. She pauses. "You wait here. The demon will kill you."

Maxwell shakes his head. "It could kill you just as easily."

The Speaker arches a brow. "I am sure that such a being would be able to recognize a servant of fate. Any being, short of a god, that slays a moirae cuts its own thread."

Maxwell shrugs. "Fate's protection only holds so long as you do not attack. If you fight it, it can kill you easily and without consequence."

The Speaker nods. "I am aware. I wish to speak with it, merely." The other wait as she proceeds to the place where the rupture took place.
10-10-2004, 06:58
Iyanna looked quite surprised as Lord Niles motioned for her to ride the spare dragon. She watched carefully as he mounted the creature, wondering exactly how one rides a dragon. Deciding it was best to ask, Iyanna called to Niles,

"I'm sorry, but I know not how to ride such a creature. Does it follow vocal commands, or something completely different?"

Several kilometers away the great demon slaughtered squad after squad, tearing a hole in the center of the 5th infantry division. The creature paused its vile work, reveling in its own glory as the streets around it flowed with blood. As the demon-lord sent a plume of black flame into yet another squad, it sensed the presence of a great power in the spirit world. Seeking the being it had sensed, the creature sent its dark spirit back across the dimensional boundary, the demon's physical form temporarily fading from sight.
The Resurgent Dream
10-10-2004, 07:49
Niles laughs. "She doesn't need orders. She's sentient. Just trust her."

The Speaker crosses her arms as the demon's form returns. She approaches calmly. "There is no need to view me as a threat, so long as you harm me not. The power you sense is Fate's protection for her servants, beings such as I, but it is not mine to use in attack."
10-10-2004, 16:42
Upon hearing the dragon was sentient, Iyanna was quite relieved. After all, a sentient was much less likely to look upon an elf as a potential food source, a possibility Iyanna had been rather concerned by. Quickly jumping onto the dragon, she spoke to Niles,

"Lord Niles, I am rather confused about why we are hurrying to the city center. Since I doubt we're heading there to go sightseeing, I assume something has gone wrong."

The demon lord considred the Speaker's statement for a moment before responding. He viewed the being before him as an equal, deciding that it was worth his time to hear what the Speaker had to say. When the demon spoke, his voice was an intentionally menacing cross between a growl and a hiss.

"Do not fear me, I respect the servants of fate. I will not harm you unless you give me a reason to. What have you come to me for?"
The Resurgent Dream
10-10-2004, 20:49
Niles nods. "Indeed we are not. My queen is there."

The Speaker begins quite bluntly, "You are wasting your time here." After a dramatic pause, she explains herself. "All this carnage in Akaton serves no end. You might have gained access to earth but you will never bring back the days of your rule before the coming of the light, at least not through simple attacks upon the modern races."
11-10-2004, 01:50
Iyanna was shocked by Nile's statement, her voice giving away her sense of alarm.

"Your queen is here, in a combat zone?! She is directly in the path of the infantry advance. The attack must be canceled immediately."

Activating a radio comm. system, she sent an urgent message to the military command center.

"This Major Iyanna Fayde, priority one clearance. Patch me through to General Valens.

The radio buzzed with static for a moment while the connection was made. The static subsided and Iyanna continued.

"Call off the attack, there are friendlies in the area. I repeat, call off the attack."

A few seconds later, a response came through, the sounds of shouting and explosions in the background.

"This is General Valens, the attack is already over. A demon of immense power has devastated a full half of the 5th Infantry Division, with another two thousand soldiers unaccounted for. The front lines are in full retreat, it's all I can do to keep the rest from abandoning the perimeter defenses."

The demon lord looked down on the Speaker with disdain. The foul beast would have laughed out loud if it was capable of such emotions.

"Wasting my time, I think not. Look what I have already accomplished. Already, a million helpless humans have perished at the claws of the demonic horde. I seek not to rule this land, my kind gave up the hope of victory millennia ago. I seek only vengeance against my foes."
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 01:57
Niles frowns a little as the dragons take off into the air. The great beasts wheel and circle, looking at the streets below with no luck. The lead dragon gives out a disconsolate wail before Niles pauses. "Look for the bodies of Her Majesty's advisors."

The Speaker doesn't change her expression in the slightest. His disdain means nothing to her. "A million dead humans is a waste of time. Their lives are but moments to such as us, in any event. You are as a child tormenting ants. Are there no ancient powers of good in the spirit realms, to whom you could bring war worthy of the name?"
11-10-2004, 02:02
The Lieutenant was only paying half of his attention to Iyanna and Lord Niles. The major's last statement, however, threw him back into the here and now. He went through the comm nets of the local Weyreanc ommand, overriding several protocols in the process, before plugging into the centComm.

"General, are there any platoons available?"

"None, ser. Is there a problem?"

"I need half a company, at least, with full gear. You have the coordinates?"

"Ah, yes, ser. I'll do my best."

"Thank you." the Lieutenant shut off the connection. There were benefits to an integrated comm net for someone with full priveleges.

"Major? Is there a problem?" the Lieutenant inquired.
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 03:25
The five dragons continue to fly high over the city, carrying Major Iyana, Lord Niles, and three knights. Spotting the corpses they were looking for, one of the dragons dives towards the streets in the middle of the city. The others follow.
11-10-2004, 05:57
OOC: Sorry for not posting anything in a long time but my computer had some downtime (*hides axe*) and then i kinda fell of RPing. But i´ll post really soon. I´ll finish it with the ritual. :D
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 06:11
A small crow alights on Aiwyn's shoulder. The Emperess arches a brow until she notes a small sheet of paper. She takes it off the bird and reads it, looking over to Draconis. " love, it seems my homeland is also under attack, albeit by a naval force more mundane than demons."

The bird flies out of sight, around a corner. A moment later, a quite naked young man with feathers for hair and a beak peeks back around the corner, waving. it's a pooka. Aiwyn shakes her head, speaking. "Go get some clothes on. I'm sure there's a spare somewhere. Then we'll talk." Turning back to her husband, she explains. "He didn't mean to be lewd. It is merely that pooka are unable to take their clothing with them when they chance shapes."
11-10-2004, 06:41
As the dragon she is on takes off to follow the others, Iyanna shouts back to the Weyrian.

"There is indeed a problem, Lieutenant. The queen of Farinor is here, in the middle of this battle. I do not know whether she still lives, but we must try to save her if possible."

The Demon Lord considered the Speaker's words for several minutes before speaking again, sounding much less confident.

"I admit, there is something to your argument. Though I have personally slain many thousands of the humans, I feel no fulfillment in their deaths. Those who perpetrated the great crimes upon which I seek vengeance are gone from this place. Perhaps twenty thousand years is too long for creatures in the mortal plane of existence."

Listening to Aiwyn, Draconis sighed, thinking to himself how warlike the world had become. It seemed that hardly a day passed without a war springing up somewhere. Turning to the Emperess, he replied,

"Well, that simply will not do. I suppose the Imperial Navy can spare a sky cruiser squadron."

A few seconds later, the creature in the corner attracted his attention. Draconis was confused by what he saw, never having seen a bird headed man before. Aiwyn's explanation of it being a pooka left as many questions as it answered. Pressing a button on the intercom, he summoned a servant.

"Servant, get this... pooka something to wear, we can't have it running around in the nude."

Turning back to Aiwyn, he spoke to her in an inquisitive tone,

"Though there are several species to be found in Akaton, the pooka is not one of them."
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 06:45
Niles shouts back. No, the Queen of Farinor!"

The Speaker nods. "Fate has not abandoned the demons. All have a destiny. But yours is no longer HERE."

Aiwyn nods. "Thank you, my love. I assume that should scare them off." She smiles coyly when he asks about the pooka. "Nor were sidhe until recently, but I do hope you're glad to have me?" She winks, before moving on to a more serious answer. "Pooka are shapeshifting pranksters with an affinity for an animal."
11-10-2004, 08:05
Sorry about the mistake about Elaine's title. I was slightly confused by the multiple kingdoms in Resurgent Dream. The error has been corrected.

The Demon Lord understood the Speaker's point, realizing that its next decision would either condemn millions to horrible death or end an age of horror. Weighing the possibilities in its mind, the demon chose.

"I shall leave this world to the mortals, my grudge lies not with them. To blindly continue this slaughter would be to follow in the footsteps of my great enemy. I regret that my minions will not, or can not leave the physical plane. It is too late for them."

Draconis grinned at Aiwyn,

"Well, there is no doubt that I am glad to have you here, dearest. While I can't imagine anyone that wouldn't welcome a beautiful sidhe such as yourself, I suppose the pooka deserves a chance just as any sentient does."
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 08:16
The Speaker simply bows her head. "No soul, yet, demon or otherwise, has ever ceased to be, not truly. Yet, more than that, I am forbidden to say."

Aiwyn laughs lightly and kisses him. "Pooka can be annoying...but in an endearing way. They make up one tenth of your future empire, anyway, so get used to them."
11-10-2004, 16:38
As the dragon she is on takes off to follow the others, Iyanna shouts back to the Weyrian.

"There is indeed a problem, Lieutenant. The queen of Farinor is here, in the middle of this battle. I do not know whether she still lives, but we must try to save her if possible."

The Lieutenant sighed, watching the dragons fly higher and higher. Something clicked within the bowels of his mount; it surged forward. Windows not broken by the fighting exploded. A cone of dust, rubble, and death developed behind the two dozen soldier as they streaked through Akaton's streets, following the dragons, or where they guessed the dragons were.

There was a regulation somewhere that soldiers were not allowed to go hypersonic through urban areas.
The Resurgent Dream
11-10-2004, 18:22
Spotting something, the lead dragon dives towards the streets, the four others following quickly. The very earth seems to rumble as the great beasts land, scattering a swarm of small demons. The first dragon lets loose a burst of fire from her maw, consuming two or three demons who are not fleeing quite fast enough.

"Hold!" Niles yells as he leaps from the beast's back, followed by his knights. The baron lands on his feet, surveying the area where he is.

A long moment passes uneventfully. Then another. Finally, a cloak seems to appear from nowhere, being pushed aside. Elaine and Catherine come into view, bloody, broken, yet still with that uncanny air of noble beauty. The two are holding each other tightly but they smile a little when they look up to see the new arrivals. Elaine manages to speak. "Lord Niles...we..." then she coughs, blood spitting from her mouth.

Niles frowns and looks helplessly to Iyana. He and his knights slowly begin to approach the couple. Niles starts to speak. "Your Majesty...." Then he just trails off.
11-10-2004, 22:43
Iyanna was shocked by the Queen's sudden appearance as well as the severity of her wounds. She knew the Queen needed immediate medical attention. Noticing a pack of small demons approaching, she spoke quickly,

"Lord Niles, this area isn't safe. The Queen cannot remain here in this condition."

Gesturing to the dragons, Iyanna continued,

"Get the Queen out of here! I can hold off the demons long enough for her to escape."

The Demon Lord spoke to the Speaker one final time before dematerializing.

"I will now depart this world. My crusade of vengeance shall continue elsewhere. I hope for your sake that if our paths cross again that it is on friendlier terms."

On the streets of Akaton's capital, the demonic horde sensed their master leaving the world. Some of the larger demons fled back into the spirit world, though most lacked the power to follow their master. As they began to scatter, retreating infantry squads rallied and began to advance once again.
12-10-2004, 02:31
Draconis smiled, returning Aiwyn's kiss with a kiss of his own. Gesturing towards the pooka (a servant has given it a pair of clothes), he says

"I'm not the only one who will need to get used to strange creatures, love. I hope you have nothing against vampires, as they make up about five percent of Akaton's citizens."

News had begun filtering back to General Valens that the large demonic creature was no longer present in the city. An officer entered the forward command post, saluting the general before speaking.
"You ordered me to report to you the status of the demons did you not?"

Valens looked up from a tactical display,
"Are you the officer that personally witnessed the large demonic entity?"

The officer nodded,
"Yes, sir."

Valens replied,
"Please present your report, officer."

The officer paused a moment to collect his thoughts before he began,
"At 23:00 hours, a large demon manifested itself in the middle of the planned attack upon the city. We estimate losses from this creature of at least five thousand soldiers. At 03:00 hours, a large energy surge was detected on etheric scanners. The creature faded from view, presumably returning to the underworld. Since then, the demons have been in total retreat, providing no organized resistance to our infantry."
The Resurgent Dream
12-10-2004, 04:10
Aiwyn smiles a little. "We can get used to anything for you, Draconis."

The pooka wanders off, starting to explore, unless stopped.

Niles rushes towards Elaine. "Your Majesty!" He bends down, gently starting to help her up.

Elaine narrows her eyes, coughing blood. "See to the Countess first, Lord Niles."

Niles shakes his head, continuing to try and move the queen. "Your Majesty you need medical..."

Elaine frowns. "That was an order."

Niles pauses a moment and simply nods. He gently takes Catherine up in his arms and moves back towards the others. "Someone see to the Queen!"
12-10-2004, 06:21
As the demons approached, Iyanna drew her auto pistols, preparing for their attack. Taking aim, she opened fire, sending a hail of glowing tracers towards the demons. Instead of attacking her, they scattered, jumping into alleyways or running in terror around the elf. Watching the demons dart away, Iyanna was talking more to herself than anyone else,

"What in the hell are those demons doing?"

Turning to Lord Niles, Iyanna spoke with a happier tone. Already the sounds of gunfire could be heard in the distance.

"It seems as though someone has had more success than ourselves against the demons. They're in full retreat."

Iyanna walks to the Queen, bowing slightly as a show of respect.

"Is there anything I can do for you, your Majesty."
The Resurgent Dream
12-10-2004, 06:30
Elaine opens her mouth a little but no words come out. Niles barks, a bit more abruptly than he should, "You can get her pff the pavement and to a hospital!" If anything, the sidhe seems more distraught than when we were losing.

Meanwhile, the group in the spirit dimensions begin their long trek home, not bothering to inform anyone that they were ever there.

The pooka, for his part, is creating mischief. Air cushions that make embarassing noises have been placed beneath seats. Cups have had tiny holes pokes in their bottoms to cause slow leakage when their left on tables. He's doing what pookas do best.
12-10-2004, 07:18
My family's going on vacation, so I won't be posting until Saturday.


Iyanna helped the Queen to her feet, half dragging her to a dragon. Hoping the dragon knew what she was saying, Iyanna spoke quickly as she helped Elaine onto the large creature's back.

"Dragon, your Queen is grievously wounded, she needs medical help. If we are to save her, you must listen carefully. Take her four kilometers directly northwest of here, to the Imperial Hospital. It is a large structure with a cross mounted on a tall gothic arch, it can't be missed. Do not worry, they will know what to do with the Queen."

Draconis looked around the room for a moment, searching for the pooka.

"Hmm, it would seem that the pooka has wandered off. I doubt it could cause too much trouble, but we ought to keep it from going too far. With several hundred rooms, it could easily get lost. About a century ago a servant got lost for so long that he starved to death, a fate most unpleasant."
The Resurgent Dream
12-10-2004, 08:03
Niles puts Catherine on the same dragon, patting it's flanks. The great beast takes off, heading calmly and gently towards the hospital. He lands in the parking lot, the two women on his back.

Aiwyn smirks faintly. "We are sure it will be interesting. However, we do need to go meet with this President Roth. We will see you soon." She kisses him and heads off to deal with the matter.
17-10-2004, 07:32
I'm back.

In the parking lot of the Imperial Hospital, terrified crowds scattered as the dragon carrying Queen Elaine and Catherine landed. Inside, a team of emergency surgeons had been alerted via radio, and was busy preparing. Though the hospital was overcrowded with victims of the demons, certain sacrifices had to be made for royalty.

A doctor rushed through the front doors, pushing a screaming human off a stretcher to make room for the Queen. He hurried the sidhe inside, another doctor bringing Catherine a few seconds later. Turning to a passing assistant, he asked

"Has all the iron been removed from the emergency room? An iron scalpel could be deadly to a sidhe, you know."

The young assistant replied briefly,

"Yes sir, of course it has. All has been prepared according to specifications transmitted by the Imperial Archives."

Draconis watches as Aiwyn gracefully walks away, noting to himself that he really ought to meet President Roth at some point. However, for the time being, he had more immediate concerns. Pressing a switch concealed in the table surface, a computer screen folded out. The elf began to scroll through a long series of reports regarding the final state of Akaton's capital following the demonic invasion.
The Resurgent Dream
17-10-2004, 07:57
Were the Queen or the Countess awake, they might protest the humans being handled so roughtly on their account. Unfortunately, both are quite passed out by now.

((P.S. Aiwyn's going home for Samhain. Her husband would be strongly encouraged to come with her. The event doesn't take place icly until October 31st but the thread's started already because it takes weeks to roleplay a really good, intense night of activity.))
17-10-2004, 08:24
An ancient Akatani law states that elves and all fae are superior to humans. As such, they receive priority medical treatment as well as many less important considerations. The poor human citizens of Akaton ( :( ) have been like this so long they don't know any other way of living.

Draconis will attend the Samhain festivities. I hadn't noticed that thread yet, so thanx for telling me.
The Resurgent Dream
17-10-2004, 08:29
((It's because she's superior that she'd object. Noblesse oblige and all.))
17-10-2004, 09:01
Oh well, Akaton hasn't completely recovered from being an "evil nation", so some cruelty towards humans is inevitable. As a side note, for medical purposes, I assume a sidhe is internally similar to other humanoids.

The doctors examined Queen Elaine's wounds with a low power etheric scope, much more accurate than the now obsolete X-ray. Speaking amongst one another, the doctors used a system of medical jargon making little sense to anyone other than a medical specialist.A rough translation of their discussion revealed that the Queen was suffering from extreme blood loss, as well as minor penetration of a lung. Recording the planned procedure, the doctor wrote in a small notebook.

Once any claw fragments are removed, a relatively simple surgery and a good deal of replicated blood should suffice to heal her injury. Fortunately, for a sidhe, such wounds won't require nearly as long a recovery period as a human patient.
The Resurgent Dream
17-10-2004, 09:05
((Unless you get down to the cellular level, yes.))

Elaine's eyes flutter open slightly as she forces words from her mouth. "Where's Catherine?"
17-10-2004, 15:56
OOC: Welcome know, for an incredible amount of money, Weyr could literally regrow your capital.

"Looks like we're late," the Lieutenant chuckled, watching the dragons take off.
17-10-2004, 17:06
OOC @ Weyr:
Regrow the capital, eh? This will be the subject of the third and final thread concerning the demonic invasion in a week or two. I'll try to remember to telegram you when that thread starts.

The doctor looked down just in time to notice Elaine regain consciousness. He turned to a nearby medical assistant, speaking quickly.

"We're gonna need some anesthesia over here before we operate."

Tuning back to Elaine, the doctor replied,

"Don't worry your majesty, everything is being taken care of. Catherine is in another room of the hospital being prepared for surgery. Both of you should be fine, but you're fortunate that you arrived when you did. Another hour and you could have bled to death."

Iyanna looked over as the Weyrians arrived,

"I suppose you are a bit late, but it hardly matters in the end. The demons seem to have scattered in chaos, they aren't much of a danger to anyone now. That Queen from the Resurgent Dream will probably survive. Looked like some simple stab wounds, nothing our doctors can’t handle."
The Resurgent Dream
17-10-2004, 17:47
Elaine nods a little. "Alright."
17-10-2004, 17:54
OOC: Yes. It's quite expensive, mainly because of the alchymical work required in monitoring a SEED so it doesn't go critical and either (1) grow out of control, or (2) explode in a runaway exothermic reaction. Still, quite nice to watch a tower two hundred floors high and a hundred floors deep grow out of generic goo in a matter of days.

"That's nice to hear," the Lieutenant replied. The queen of the Resurgent Dream? Why would -she- be here? "What -were- your people trying to do here?" he inquired, reffering to the release of demons.
17-10-2004, 19:00
Upon hearing the Weyrian's question, Iyanna moved closer, speaking in barely more than a whisper to avoid being overheard.

"I'll answer that question as long as you promise to tell no one. You see, it's classified. The Ministry of the Occult has been working for decades to decipher a series of ancient designs. Once they did, they discovered the plans were for a construct known only as the Hell Gate.
Legend tells of such a device that was capable of summoning demons and binding them to serve whoever controls the Hell Gate. If it had been successful, this project would have created a power source beyond all others, a force of unimaginable destruction or perfect creation.
However, something went very wrong. Whatever the cause, once the portal to the underworld opened, it couldn't be contained. The rest of the story you already know, the demons escaped and annihilated most of the capital city."
22-10-2004, 01:50
After about a week without new posts, it seems as though that this thread's time has come. Though death is the inevitable fate of all threads, it is sad to see such a well Rp'd thread die. Oh well, this portion story has ended with the defeat of the demons.

I officially declare this RP to be over. Anyone who feels a need to wrap-up their role in the thread, feel free to make a final post.