NationStates Jolt Archive

Sisgardian Craftworld, Phase 2

Technocratic Republics
13-09-2004, 01:01
The resent burst of events back home certainly delayed the progress. Civil wars, revolutions, mass death... but it passed. The wizards now held control of the Federation, and have, surprisingly, decided to continue, if not improve, some of the policies implemented by the previous government. Among them was this project, the Craftworld Project.

It kept developing even during the incidents. Thanks to the relative Independence of the organism in charge, the first phase of the project could be completed. Delayed by a span of a few years, yes, but completed nonetheless. Now, the wizards at motherland have sent overseers. Apparently, they *are* interested in the project, not just merely continuing what was previously started. I am starting to believe that they have important plans in mind, that include this project.

I should not care much, however. My duty is to keep this going, and I should be thankful that it is. Although these new overseers are, to be honest, quite annoying, with their strange monitoring magic, I must admit that these new abilities might happen to be useful for the future development of things around here. They tell me more is going to come. I shall wait for it then.

-Ferdhard Gunterhastch, Log N 117


Phase 1 of the Craftworld Project had been completed. The central and main part of the superstructure, the so called Corpus, had now reached it's final mass. The sentient giga-mecanorganism, one hundred kilometers in diameter, grown around a massive skeletal structure of neutronia and embedded with powerful psy conductors, was now ready to be constructed upon.
The terrible events that struck Der Angst not long ago did had their repercussions on the Corpus system. Control of it was nearly lost, as it became crazed by the unusual situation. For moments, it almost seemed as if it was ready to run amok. Gladly, the new *management* brought in radical systems to control it. Now, held within the grasp of a magical incantation, it remains semi dormant, awake enough for it to be useful, but lethargic enough that it could be easily manipulated, and most of it's psychic powers suppressed.

Phase 2 was commencing. The rest of the superstructure would have to be done now. From the 100-km wide core, it would have to grow to reach the 1000-km size it was projected to. Parts of it were already under construction at the orbital docks of Chasma Dominia, in Mars, and in the construction sites of Muthmag, in the Asteroid Belt, and Barbagh, in the Kuiper Belt.
14-09-2004, 12:01
a hyperspace ripple stirred momentarally a small distance away from the structure. from it the form of the Stormcaller emerge, its sails glowing a dark blue from the power drain of the jump, from beneath the hull a much smaller ship detached, identified electronically as the Phoenix - the first tarran space-worthy vessel, as the Stormcaller took up a slow orbit, the Phoenix approached the structure. Inside Phoenix, Isthus Treeson and several aides from the central tarran university of eolaĆ­ocht observed the giant structure... Isthus as ever was in high spirits

Ship, send a message to there science adviser mark subject as RE:Gravity Well

This is Isthus Treeson of Cairn Tarra, seeker in the high council minister for yadda yadda etc.. listen.. we were reeding over the brief for the Craftworld project and wanted to lend out two nones worth.. we spotted you were using a neutron core for gravity well generation.... we may have another idea....
For a little extra power overhead and a bit more R+D we could set up an effectoral core to create the gravity well for the system... this would allow much more accurate controls over the systems, and should the core be compromised it has the advantage of failing safe.. unlike nutronium and other superdense bad news.. which would just sit there and cause trouble.
well thats the official line for the visit... apart from that i just wanted an excuse to come up here and sight see.
Der Angst
14-09-2004, 12:56
Sisgardian Craftworld, Kuiper Belt

Of course, the Cataclysm had destroyed a lot, and DA was (still) in chaos... And the personnel near the craftworld had suffered with it.

There had been a brief period of fighting between a few insane vessels, and quite a few specialists were dead...

Yet, a few survived, and lacking something better to do, they continued... And to be honest... There was no need not to continue, and with the new entities spreading... No, it was better to stay here.

Professor Franz Xavier was seemingly annoyed. Not only wasn't he the kind of person who liked the new leadership in the Technocratic Republics, but...

Suppressing its psychic capabilities... No. It simply went against all his believes.

Of course, even he understood that it needed to be suppressed. The risks were just... Too high.

Yet, it was... Well, for now, he would have to live with it.

And there were other problems. DA's industrial capabilities weren't backing him anymore. He needed the support of MFTR. And, as annoying as it was... Well, for now, he would have to continue like this.

"Ok, status?"

"All stable. Of course, I don't understand a thing of this magic suppression... It's just... Weird."

"Who would have guessed that. Anyway..." Prof. Xavier hesitated. He knew some things... Experiments. Of course, it was more than likely that they had been abandoned, by now, due to... Domestic problems. Yet, if not... Well, the future could be interesting.

The River of Knives floated around, together with her sister vessel, the Fjord of Forks orbiting the craftworld. Slowly, the project continued. Quite successful, too. Well, relatively successful, considering the circumstances.

Looking at a holodisplay nearby, watching the outside, Prof. Xavier eventually continued. "Anyway... We can now go to phase two, I guess. I hope you talked it over?"

"Yes. Timing seems to be ok. I just hope we don't..."

"We wont." Prof. Xavier answered, without actually thinking it, being busy to figure out just how he could get a nice 'lil upskirt of his secretary. "There isn't much that could happen, no? Just... Well, the equivalent of puberty... For a planet." He giggled a little, liking the comparison.

"Well, lets get it on."
25-09-2004, 14:56
ooc: *bump* are we going to do anything with this?