08-09-2004, 16:56
On JDN News...
This just in The VP of Jackdonia has been assasinated in Jadzfar while reviewing a parade.The police now think Hag Van Gogh isthe muderer and will detain him until trial where he might recive the death penelty.
More Coverage of ths shocking event next..
Texas and Colorado
08-09-2004, 17:00
To whome it may concern:
We are sorry to hear about your loss, many regrets great person, ect yada yada.
08-09-2004, 17:40
Thanks for the sympathy.We have apponited a new VP.
08-09-2004, 18:40
You should flesh out your posts more, both of you. It'll make for a more interesting read and will generate better chances of someone replying IC-wise. For example, instead of what you put, try something like this:
The news waves across the nation sparkled with excitement as the assassination caught more and more attention.
This just in...the Vice President of Jackadonia had been assassinated in [insert city name here] during the [insert name of parade here] Parade. Police have quickly responded and have detained several suspects, including HAg VAn Gogh, the highest suspect on the list. More to come at five tonight on WEEP news.
Something like that...good luck on the forums.