08-09-2004, 15:31
The newly elected Minister of Foreign Affairs sat in his office contemplating his victory and how best to repair the damage of the VLP and his own actions to remove the VLP from power. He very thoughtfully and deliberately pens a letter to the Knootian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hans Van Mierlo, Democratic Dutch Republic,
Minister Van Mierlo, I have recently won the supplemental election in the Free Republic and I thought my first step should be to contact the friends of the Free Republic to make my introduction and to explain things where necessary. I know that relations have been strained recently between our two nations but I still believe in the friendship that was forged previously between our two nations. I will attempt to explain as clearly as possible why I believe our relationship has become so bad so that we may try and find a way to improve it.
I believe that relations were at an all time high when following your nations recommendation that we attend the talks to form the IMC and when our nation joined KIST, and we sent The Nachxa to Columbia along with the IMC delegation. This point in the histories of our nations it appeared as though we trusted each implicitly and worked together on a series of common goals. Unfortunately things did not go as smoothly as could have been hoped. The rift, I believe started in Columbia.
The Nachxa was welcomed by your nation to Columbia and I believe that your nation believed his work there would be constructive to your policies. I believe The Nachxa felt the same way. I know from talking with The Nachxa’s aids that The Nachxa believed that as a representative from Ilek-Vaad , great friends of Knootoss, he would be allowed as unrestricted access as possible so that he may best explain and endorse your policies and actions in Columbia. Much to his chagrin he was denied the access he felt he required and worst of all his questions of what exactly the ‘operations’ in Columbia were. In Ilek-Vaad our Honoured Statesmen co-authored a book with The Nachxa called the ‘Politics of the People.' In it there is a memorable quote from Themirin Ilek-Vaad
“There are no grey areas if things are explained properly. Politicians that cannot explain a ‘grey area’ with clarity either lack the knowledge to do so, or are purposely deceiving you.”
This fine book is required reading fro eighth graders. A politician , in this case your esteemed representative in Columbia, publicly admitting to and refusing to explain a ‘grey-area’ in operations and in scope to The Nachxa was seen by most common Vaadians as nothing short of insulting. It was made worse when the Chimeans contradicted the Knootian claim and stated that they were indeed on a war footing and all people they had captured were in fact prisoners of war. I know that you have no control over the Chimeans, but you are both operating in the same nation and carrying out what appears to a joint operation and these appearances are very important to the common man. This matter is worsened by the fact that The Nachxa is a Tlatloni of the Tolteca people, the most important Tlatloni. His decisions and recommendations are supported by a billion Tolteca people. Explaining why this is so would take a great deal of time and I’m not sure that I have the full understanding to explain it.
Incidentally Yash Chuk-Mul and Jonathon Tocatl are both Tolteca and both have taken the perceived ‘insults’ to The Nachxa very personally and deeply. The Tolteca are a people that are quick to anger and they rarely forgive.This incident, taken by itself is not terribly important. But becomes more important when we take a look at KIST and the IMC.
The KIST question becomes a bit tricky as it led to an immediate political weakness in the VLP that me and my party were quick to exploit. I’m sure that your party and Prime Minister would take any opportunity they could to oust an irresponsible and dangerous government , when the economic numbers from KIST began to come it, it was something we had to exploit. Previous to joining KIST thhe Free Republic had a 100 billion DR trade deficit *, after joining KIST this ballooned to 500 billion DR and was steadily increasing. KIST was the only reason for increased foreign trade and it doesen’t take much for local businesses to place blame as their share of the Vaadian market steadily decreases. The VLP had touted the KIST treaty as a major accomplishment and attributed it directly to their close relations with Knootoss, with the economic data we had , you can see how it became easy to exploit this. It was also helped by the unfortunate comment by your Prime Minister when she implied that Knootian peace keepers in Columbia where somehow spreading the blessings of her chosen deity, I know that is not what she meant, but in Ilek-Vaad the law expressly punishes politicians that even mention their personal religious views or leanings. Incidentally now that we have left KIST we now have a trade surplus of 500 billion DR. The Minister of Economics has his theories on this.
It is also worth pointing out that every ‘peace-keeping mission’ and ‘police action’ experienced by the Free Republic or it’s closest friends has been a ploy by imperialist nations. It is common wisdom in Ilek-Vaad for the people to assume that such actions are an excuse for territorial gain. I can give you a history of such actions that we have had personal experiences with that go back nearly two thousand years, Our nation has never seen a police action or peace keeping force that did not invariably lead to naked grabs for territory or resources. The fact that your nation openly flouted the IMC clause that states that member states MUST submit disputes to arbitration BEFORE taking military action angered another large section of our populace. If you remember the Right Honorable Ilem Arden defended the IMC charter, signed it and heartily endorsed it. The Arden family is hugely powerful in the Republic of Coventry, by ignoring a document you helped write and Sir Ilem endorsed I feel you may very well have offended the people of Coventry, who take honor and honestly extremely seriously.
Your nation has also inadvertently given fuel to Mr. Tocatl by not answering his questions in the IMC chambers, he was already deeply insulted by the entire incident with The Nachxa, but now he has confided in me that he believes your evidence for action in Tanah Burung is wholly fabricated and untrustworthy. I am not of that opinion but I have gone over the evidence forwarded to the Republican Council and I will simply point out two things.
One, the images of the Burungi youths that were caught smuggling weapons make it look as though they have been drugged and possibly mistreated, which is why I suspect The Nachxa wanted to see them. In Ilek-Vaad evidence such as confessions MUST be verified independently, especially if questionable methods are insinuated. I am certain that The Nachxa thought that your government would be pleased to show him how well treated the young men were and that the photographs of them were misleading, his personal independent verification of your fair treatment and honest gathering of information would have dispelled all doubts about any action you were taking in Columbia. I do not know for sure, but I believe his intention was to simply ‘prove your case’ in the best manner he could, which is personally.
Two, I have the reports of a single attack upon your men by citizens of a nation yet to be named that led to fatalities. This is regrettable , however I see no evidence that these terrorist from another nation are part of the Rumbiak Brigade or that their actions are being co ordinated by any entity in Tanah Burung. You also highlight several Rumbiak Brigade ‘targets’ such as dykes, roads etc. but you offer no proof as to why you believe these are targets or how you know these are targets of the Rumbiak Brigade. I do not understand how you expect to support your operations in Tanah Burung with this little amount of evidence that is mostly unverifiable and circumstantial.
These circumstances have led our Supreme Republican Commander to deploy himself. I have spoken with him and is as usual very vague as to what and why he is carrying on his operations, after all that is his right under our constitution, he is solely responsible for military action. The Republican Council can recall him with a unanimous vote, but as you may have heard the Minister of Defence will not vote to recall the Supreme Republican Commander unless he specifically requests it. We need to find some way to convince either the Supreme Republican Commander or the Minister of Defence that your actions are indeed justified, or that you are willing to use negotiations instead of military force, otherwise my hands are tied to prevent a widening of the conflict. With the number of nations quickly lining up behind Tanah Burung, it could escalate very easily into a war of signifigant proportions and I am certain that is not your goal.
It looks as though our two nations have had a series of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings seem to be based , on my opinion, by a change in the openness that your nation once showed us. Your former government was very open , very up front and very willing to keep intelligence channels open. It looks as though our representatives were caught off guard by a drop off in access that they once had and expected from your governments representatives. I regret that our nations no longer seem to communicate as well as we once did . I believe that we can resolve this crisis with a return to our former state of communication and cooperation , I hope that you hold the same opinion.
Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
P.S. Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Chuk-Mul has been replaced. He only gained his post through VLP cronyism. I will, as soon as he can get out of Tanah Burung, be placing Sir Alec Connover back in his post as Assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs. I know that Sir Alec has your confidence and that we both recognize his superior qualifications to Mr. Chuk-Mul.
OOC: notes, IC only Knootoss and Ilek-Vaad are aware of this letter. This staes all of the IC interactions and reasons for the Vaadians recent actions and bad attitude towards Knootoss.
* the economic numbers quoted come from the Third Geek GDP calculator and do track actual factual changes both pre-KIST, KIST and post-KIST. I know there isn't any real IC correlation, but it's just a weird coincidence, and of course the Minister of Economics has an IC explanation to cover it ;)
Hans Van Mierlo, Democratic Dutch Republic,
Minister Van Mierlo, I have recently won the supplemental election in the Free Republic and I thought my first step should be to contact the friends of the Free Republic to make my introduction and to explain things where necessary. I know that relations have been strained recently between our two nations but I still believe in the friendship that was forged previously between our two nations. I will attempt to explain as clearly as possible why I believe our relationship has become so bad so that we may try and find a way to improve it.
I believe that relations were at an all time high when following your nations recommendation that we attend the talks to form the IMC and when our nation joined KIST, and we sent The Nachxa to Columbia along with the IMC delegation. This point in the histories of our nations it appeared as though we trusted each implicitly and worked together on a series of common goals. Unfortunately things did not go as smoothly as could have been hoped. The rift, I believe started in Columbia.
The Nachxa was welcomed by your nation to Columbia and I believe that your nation believed his work there would be constructive to your policies. I believe The Nachxa felt the same way. I know from talking with The Nachxa’s aids that The Nachxa believed that as a representative from Ilek-Vaad , great friends of Knootoss, he would be allowed as unrestricted access as possible so that he may best explain and endorse your policies and actions in Columbia. Much to his chagrin he was denied the access he felt he required and worst of all his questions of what exactly the ‘operations’ in Columbia were. In Ilek-Vaad our Honoured Statesmen co-authored a book with The Nachxa called the ‘Politics of the People.' In it there is a memorable quote from Themirin Ilek-Vaad
“There are no grey areas if things are explained properly. Politicians that cannot explain a ‘grey area’ with clarity either lack the knowledge to do so, or are purposely deceiving you.”
This fine book is required reading fro eighth graders. A politician , in this case your esteemed representative in Columbia, publicly admitting to and refusing to explain a ‘grey-area’ in operations and in scope to The Nachxa was seen by most common Vaadians as nothing short of insulting. It was made worse when the Chimeans contradicted the Knootian claim and stated that they were indeed on a war footing and all people they had captured were in fact prisoners of war. I know that you have no control over the Chimeans, but you are both operating in the same nation and carrying out what appears to a joint operation and these appearances are very important to the common man. This matter is worsened by the fact that The Nachxa is a Tlatloni of the Tolteca people, the most important Tlatloni. His decisions and recommendations are supported by a billion Tolteca people. Explaining why this is so would take a great deal of time and I’m not sure that I have the full understanding to explain it.
Incidentally Yash Chuk-Mul and Jonathon Tocatl are both Tolteca and both have taken the perceived ‘insults’ to The Nachxa very personally and deeply. The Tolteca are a people that are quick to anger and they rarely forgive.This incident, taken by itself is not terribly important. But becomes more important when we take a look at KIST and the IMC.
The KIST question becomes a bit tricky as it led to an immediate political weakness in the VLP that me and my party were quick to exploit. I’m sure that your party and Prime Minister would take any opportunity they could to oust an irresponsible and dangerous government , when the economic numbers from KIST began to come it, it was something we had to exploit. Previous to joining KIST thhe Free Republic had a 100 billion DR trade deficit *, after joining KIST this ballooned to 500 billion DR and was steadily increasing. KIST was the only reason for increased foreign trade and it doesen’t take much for local businesses to place blame as their share of the Vaadian market steadily decreases. The VLP had touted the KIST treaty as a major accomplishment and attributed it directly to their close relations with Knootoss, with the economic data we had , you can see how it became easy to exploit this. It was also helped by the unfortunate comment by your Prime Minister when she implied that Knootian peace keepers in Columbia where somehow spreading the blessings of her chosen deity, I know that is not what she meant, but in Ilek-Vaad the law expressly punishes politicians that even mention their personal religious views or leanings. Incidentally now that we have left KIST we now have a trade surplus of 500 billion DR. The Minister of Economics has his theories on this.
It is also worth pointing out that every ‘peace-keeping mission’ and ‘police action’ experienced by the Free Republic or it’s closest friends has been a ploy by imperialist nations. It is common wisdom in Ilek-Vaad for the people to assume that such actions are an excuse for territorial gain. I can give you a history of such actions that we have had personal experiences with that go back nearly two thousand years, Our nation has never seen a police action or peace keeping force that did not invariably lead to naked grabs for territory or resources. The fact that your nation openly flouted the IMC clause that states that member states MUST submit disputes to arbitration BEFORE taking military action angered another large section of our populace. If you remember the Right Honorable Ilem Arden defended the IMC charter, signed it and heartily endorsed it. The Arden family is hugely powerful in the Republic of Coventry, by ignoring a document you helped write and Sir Ilem endorsed I feel you may very well have offended the people of Coventry, who take honor and honestly extremely seriously.
Your nation has also inadvertently given fuel to Mr. Tocatl by not answering his questions in the IMC chambers, he was already deeply insulted by the entire incident with The Nachxa, but now he has confided in me that he believes your evidence for action in Tanah Burung is wholly fabricated and untrustworthy. I am not of that opinion but I have gone over the evidence forwarded to the Republican Council and I will simply point out two things.
One, the images of the Burungi youths that were caught smuggling weapons make it look as though they have been drugged and possibly mistreated, which is why I suspect The Nachxa wanted to see them. In Ilek-Vaad evidence such as confessions MUST be verified independently, especially if questionable methods are insinuated. I am certain that The Nachxa thought that your government would be pleased to show him how well treated the young men were and that the photographs of them were misleading, his personal independent verification of your fair treatment and honest gathering of information would have dispelled all doubts about any action you were taking in Columbia. I do not know for sure, but I believe his intention was to simply ‘prove your case’ in the best manner he could, which is personally.
Two, I have the reports of a single attack upon your men by citizens of a nation yet to be named that led to fatalities. This is regrettable , however I see no evidence that these terrorist from another nation are part of the Rumbiak Brigade or that their actions are being co ordinated by any entity in Tanah Burung. You also highlight several Rumbiak Brigade ‘targets’ such as dykes, roads etc. but you offer no proof as to why you believe these are targets or how you know these are targets of the Rumbiak Brigade. I do not understand how you expect to support your operations in Tanah Burung with this little amount of evidence that is mostly unverifiable and circumstantial.
These circumstances have led our Supreme Republican Commander to deploy himself. I have spoken with him and is as usual very vague as to what and why he is carrying on his operations, after all that is his right under our constitution, he is solely responsible for military action. The Republican Council can recall him with a unanimous vote, but as you may have heard the Minister of Defence will not vote to recall the Supreme Republican Commander unless he specifically requests it. We need to find some way to convince either the Supreme Republican Commander or the Minister of Defence that your actions are indeed justified, or that you are willing to use negotiations instead of military force, otherwise my hands are tied to prevent a widening of the conflict. With the number of nations quickly lining up behind Tanah Burung, it could escalate very easily into a war of signifigant proportions and I am certain that is not your goal.
It looks as though our two nations have had a series of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings seem to be based , on my opinion, by a change in the openness that your nation once showed us. Your former government was very open , very up front and very willing to keep intelligence channels open. It looks as though our representatives were caught off guard by a drop off in access that they once had and expected from your governments representatives. I regret that our nations no longer seem to communicate as well as we once did . I believe that we can resolve this crisis with a return to our former state of communication and cooperation , I hope that you hold the same opinion.
Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
P.S. Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Chuk-Mul has been replaced. He only gained his post through VLP cronyism. I will, as soon as he can get out of Tanah Burung, be placing Sir Alec Connover back in his post as Assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs. I know that Sir Alec has your confidence and that we both recognize his superior qualifications to Mr. Chuk-Mul.
OOC: notes, IC only Knootoss and Ilek-Vaad are aware of this letter. This staes all of the IC interactions and reasons for the Vaadians recent actions and bad attitude towards Knootoss.
* the economic numbers quoted come from the Third Geek GDP calculator and do track actual factual changes both pre-KIST, KIST and post-KIST. I know there isn't any real IC correlation, but it's just a weird coincidence, and of course the Minister of Economics has an IC explanation to cover it ;)