NationStates Jolt Archive

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Reaches out to Knootoss (ATTN: Knootos)

08-09-2004, 15:31
The newly elected Minister of Foreign Affairs sat in his office contemplating his victory and how best to repair the damage of the VLP and his own actions to remove the VLP from power. He very thoughtfully and deliberately pens a letter to the Knootian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Hans Van Mierlo, Democratic Dutch Republic,

Minister Van Mierlo, I have recently won the supplemental election in the Free Republic and I thought my first step should be to contact the friends of the Free Republic to make my introduction and to explain things where necessary. I know that relations have been strained recently between our two nations but I still believe in the friendship that was forged previously between our two nations. I will attempt to explain as clearly as possible why I believe our relationship has become so bad so that we may try and find a way to improve it.

I believe that relations were at an all time high when following your nations recommendation that we attend the talks to form the IMC and when our nation joined KIST, and we sent The Nachxa to Columbia along with the IMC delegation. This point in the histories of our nations it appeared as though we trusted each implicitly and worked together on a series of common goals. Unfortunately things did not go as smoothly as could have been hoped. The rift, I believe started in Columbia.

The Nachxa was welcomed by your nation to Columbia and I believe that your nation believed his work there would be constructive to your policies. I believe The Nachxa felt the same way. I know from talking with The Nachxa’s aids that The Nachxa believed that as a representative from Ilek-Vaad , great friends of Knootoss, he would be allowed as unrestricted access as possible so that he may best explain and endorse your policies and actions in Columbia. Much to his chagrin he was denied the access he felt he required and worst of all his questions of what exactly the ‘operations’ in Columbia were. In Ilek-Vaad our Honoured Statesmen co-authored a book with The Nachxa called the ‘Politics of the People.' In it there is a memorable quote from Themirin Ilek-Vaad

“There are no grey areas if things are explained properly. Politicians that cannot explain a ‘grey area’ with clarity either lack the knowledge to do so, or are purposely deceiving you.”

This fine book is required reading fro eighth graders. A politician , in this case your esteemed representative in Columbia, publicly admitting to and refusing to explain a ‘grey-area’ in operations and in scope to The Nachxa was seen by most common Vaadians as nothing short of insulting. It was made worse when the Chimeans contradicted the Knootian claim and stated that they were indeed on a war footing and all people they had captured were in fact prisoners of war. I know that you have no control over the Chimeans, but you are both operating in the same nation and carrying out what appears to a joint operation and these appearances are very important to the common man. This matter is worsened by the fact that The Nachxa is a Tlatloni of the Tolteca people, the most important Tlatloni. His decisions and recommendations are supported by a billion Tolteca people. Explaining why this is so would take a great deal of time and I’m not sure that I have the full understanding to explain it.

Incidentally Yash Chuk-Mul and Jonathon Tocatl are both Tolteca and both have taken the perceived ‘insults’ to The Nachxa very personally and deeply. The Tolteca are a people that are quick to anger and they rarely forgive.This incident, taken by itself is not terribly important. But becomes more important when we take a look at KIST and the IMC.

The KIST question becomes a bit tricky as it led to an immediate political weakness in the VLP that me and my party were quick to exploit. I’m sure that your party and Prime Minister would take any opportunity they could to oust an irresponsible and dangerous government , when the economic numbers from KIST began to come it, it was something we had to exploit. Previous to joining KIST thhe Free Republic had a 100 billion DR trade deficit *, after joining KIST this ballooned to 500 billion DR and was steadily increasing. KIST was the only reason for increased foreign trade and it doesen’t take much for local businesses to place blame as their share of the Vaadian market steadily decreases. The VLP had touted the KIST treaty as a major accomplishment and attributed it directly to their close relations with Knootoss, with the economic data we had , you can see how it became easy to exploit this. It was also helped by the unfortunate comment by your Prime Minister when she implied that Knootian peace keepers in Columbia where somehow spreading the blessings of her chosen deity, I know that is not what she meant, but in Ilek-Vaad the law expressly punishes politicians that even mention their personal religious views or leanings. Incidentally now that we have left KIST we now have a trade surplus of 500 billion DR. The Minister of Economics has his theories on this.

It is also worth pointing out that every ‘peace-keeping mission’ and ‘police action’ experienced by the Free Republic or it’s closest friends has been a ploy by imperialist nations. It is common wisdom in Ilek-Vaad for the people to assume that such actions are an excuse for territorial gain. I can give you a history of such actions that we have had personal experiences with that go back nearly two thousand years, Our nation has never seen a police action or peace keeping force that did not invariably lead to naked grabs for territory or resources. The fact that your nation openly flouted the IMC clause that states that member states MUST submit disputes to arbitration BEFORE taking military action angered another large section of our populace. If you remember the Right Honorable Ilem Arden defended the IMC charter, signed it and heartily endorsed it. The Arden family is hugely powerful in the Republic of Coventry, by ignoring a document you helped write and Sir Ilem endorsed I feel you may very well have offended the people of Coventry, who take honor and honestly extremely seriously.

Your nation has also inadvertently given fuel to Mr. Tocatl by not answering his questions in the IMC chambers, he was already deeply insulted by the entire incident with The Nachxa, but now he has confided in me that he believes your evidence for action in Tanah Burung is wholly fabricated and untrustworthy. I am not of that opinion but I have gone over the evidence forwarded to the Republican Council and I will simply point out two things.

One, the images of the Burungi youths that were caught smuggling weapons make it look as though they have been drugged and possibly mistreated, which is why I suspect The Nachxa wanted to see them. In Ilek-Vaad evidence such as confessions MUST be verified independently, especially if questionable methods are insinuated. I am certain that The Nachxa thought that your government would be pleased to show him how well treated the young men were and that the photographs of them were misleading, his personal independent verification of your fair treatment and honest gathering of information would have dispelled all doubts about any action you were taking in Columbia. I do not know for sure, but I believe his intention was to simply ‘prove your case’ in the best manner he could, which is personally.

Two, I have the reports of a single attack upon your men by citizens of a nation yet to be named that led to fatalities. This is regrettable , however I see no evidence that these terrorist from another nation are part of the Rumbiak Brigade or that their actions are being co ordinated by any entity in Tanah Burung. You also highlight several Rumbiak Brigade ‘targets’ such as dykes, roads etc. but you offer no proof as to why you believe these are targets or how you know these are targets of the Rumbiak Brigade. I do not understand how you expect to support your operations in Tanah Burung with this little amount of evidence that is mostly unverifiable and circumstantial.

These circumstances have led our Supreme Republican Commander to deploy himself. I have spoken with him and is as usual very vague as to what and why he is carrying on his operations, after all that is his right under our constitution, he is solely responsible for military action. The Republican Council can recall him with a unanimous vote, but as you may have heard the Minister of Defence will not vote to recall the Supreme Republican Commander unless he specifically requests it. We need to find some way to convince either the Supreme Republican Commander or the Minister of Defence that your actions are indeed justified, or that you are willing to use negotiations instead of military force, otherwise my hands are tied to prevent a widening of the conflict. With the number of nations quickly lining up behind Tanah Burung, it could escalate very easily into a war of signifigant proportions and I am certain that is not your goal.

It looks as though our two nations have had a series of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings seem to be based , on my opinion, by a change in the openness that your nation once showed us. Your former government was very open , very up front and very willing to keep intelligence channels open. It looks as though our representatives were caught off guard by a drop off in access that they once had and expected from your governments representatives. I regret that our nations no longer seem to communicate as well as we once did . I believe that we can resolve this crisis with a return to our former state of communication and cooperation , I hope that you hold the same opinion.

Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

P.S. Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Chuk-Mul has been replaced. He only gained his post through VLP cronyism. I will, as soon as he can get out of Tanah Burung, be placing Sir Alec Connover back in his post as Assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs. I know that Sir Alec has your confidence and that we both recognize his superior qualifications to Mr. Chuk-Mul.

OOC: notes, IC only Knootoss and Ilek-Vaad are aware of this letter. This staes all of the IC interactions and reasons for the Vaadians recent actions and bad attitude towards Knootoss.

* the economic numbers quoted come from the Third Geek GDP calculator and do track actual factual changes both pre-KIST, KIST and post-KIST. I know there isn't any real IC correlation, but it's just a weird coincidence, and of course the Minister of Economics has an IC explanation to cover it ;)
Tanah Burung
08-09-2004, 16:48
Fly-on-the-wall tag.
08-09-2004, 17:04
08-09-2004, 21:28
#tag# for later postage
08-09-2004, 21:41
OOC:is that how far our relations have fallen? just a tag? That hurts ;)
08-09-2004, 22:08
Yeah, Hans van Mierlo sent you an empty sheet with the word "tag" on it ;)
I´ll reply soonishly.
10-09-2004, 02:49
OOC: and everyone wonders why Vaadians don't reach out ;)
10-09-2004, 15:17
Letter one

To: Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Knootoss

Dear Mr Kanaan,

First of all, please allow me to personally extend my congratulations with your election victory. I was pleasantly surprised by your letter and I hope that things can be cleared up to such an extent that normalised relations become possible again. In this letter I hope to discuss your analysis of events as well as share some thoughts on the immediate future.

As you pointed out, the Nachxa was welcomed by us to visit Columbia as part of the IMC delegation in the hope that he would play a constructive part in the fact-finding mission. As you are no doubt aware, the situation in Colombia is complicated with various groups of citizens working in intricate networks engaging in more- and less- illegal activities. The vast majority of the population is not involved in such networks but I am talking about this to explain the situation as Mr. Metusen explained it to me.

In Colombia, there is a democratic minority opposition to Knootian involvement in the nation which we take very seriously. There are also extra-parlementarian groups which are listened to as long as they act within the law. On the other side of the spectrum there are foreign fighters such as the Rumbiak Brigade who are engaging in military actions, there are drug lords who refuse to operate within the legal system and the rule of law, etc. In-between there are those figures engaging in crime, black-market activities, resistance to Knootian presence or a combination of these activities suitable to their goals. This is what Metusen referred to as the “grey area”. It also prescribed tailored responses that are sometimes military and sometimes civilian in nature. (Chimaean policies clearly favour the military approach while the DDR considers police action to be more effective in dealing with its local problems – also due to the fact that we have different policies in the area of drugs which, in turn, creates a different network dynamic in our two respective territories) Nevertheless, Chimaea and Knootoss have been much more successful in the fight against these forces then the FARC (who were themselves reliant of these corrupt networks) ever were.

Chimaean strategies are different from Knootian strategies but this is warranted by a different situation in the separate territories as described above, different cultural and political attributes especially with regards to military force and sharing different priorities and resources within the joint operations framework.

As a foreigner, I can only respect your deep-rooted cultural traditions. However, we too have our own deep-rooted cultural traditions, and accepting ambiguities is just part of this. I have tried above to explain the situation to you and I hope it will be sufficient. I can assure you that Mr. Metusen had no intention to insult the Nachxa or your people. As I understand it, the point he was trying to convey was that one cannot divide Colombians into clearly separable ‘good guy’ peaceful, lawful, pro-Knootian, centrist civilians and ‘bad guy’ terrorist foreigners hiding in the jungle and running illegal drug networks while blowing up the occasional railway. If only there were such evil people somewhere, insidiously committing evil deeds! It would only be necessary to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every sentient being, and who is willing to destroy his own heart?

I can assure you that our strikes against the Rumbiak Brigade have no relation whatsoever to obtaining territorial gain. Again, while I respect Vaadian cultural traditions, this is simply untrue. Likewise, I can only make defend my nation with regards to the integrity of our evidence for action in Tanah Burung. It is your choice, and the choice of your people, to either base all your beliefs on past experiences with other nations, or to make a leap of faith and trust those you considered your friends. If basic faith in the words of the other, in the integrity of the other, and the willingness to attain mutual understanding are still absent after years of close relations, then friendship becomes difficult if not impossible. We have presented our evidence, and for a multitude of reasons cannot disclose all our sources with complete openness. There are legal reasons such as the protection of the privacy of suspects, and intelligence sources within the United Provinces that we cannot reveal. I am sure those in your intelligence agencies would appreciate trouble. Nevertheless, many nations have chosen to trust us as they have trusted us in the past, to believe us as we have believed them in the past and to stand together as we stood together in the past.

We are still willing to go ahead with the IMC; we were one of the warmest proponents of the IMC, as you well remember. If you are willing to believe our words on the Rumbiak Brigade threat, then you should recognise how we consider it to be an immediate, clear and present threat which had to be acted on immediately. The Tanah Burung government, which we hold in deep respect, ignored our pleas to act so and some of its leaders were actively campaigning against a ban on the Rumbiak Brigade, citing complete agreement with the goals of these terrorists. Again, we have deep respect for the Tanah Burung government, and our quarrel is not with them, but we cannot allow terrorists to take advantage of the inability of a foreign government to act against those hiding in their borders and waiting to strike against us.

Contrary to this attitude, but rather under the influence of incidents as you analysed them, the Supreme Republican Commander has now deployed his forces for goals unknown to us but with presumed hostile intent. Your internal political situation must be difficult, and I can only hope for some breakthrough to be made. If there is anything within reason that I can do or say to convince the minister of defence or the Supreme Republican Commander of our intention, please tell me.

I ask you, as a man of peace, what difference it will make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction that would follow military intervention is wrought under the name of fighting terrorism, or the name of protecting liberty, or the sovereignty of another nation? Vaadian military intervention will only serve to extenuate the suffering and to bring it to your families as well as ours. Tanah Burung is a peaceful nation, its military virtually nonexistent. You know this from your intelligence reports as we do. If events are allowed to unfold as they would unfold without intervention, the Knootian Defence Force will overcome any military resistance within a matter of days, the Rumbiak Brigade can be hunted down by us and our allies in a matter of weeks or perhaps months, and peace will be restored with a minimum of casualties. However, should Ilek-Vaad choose to interfere it will spark a long, bloody war between many nations. It will split former alliances and pit allies against eachother. It will mean war the Emerald Heights and war in Haven and war in Europe. My people are determined to defend themselves, and Knootoss is determined to pull through this, even at high cost to itself. I beg of you, in the name of friendship, and peace, and justice do not allow your people to let us have peace in Haven, and peace in Europe, and to let us have a war in the Emerald Heights that will be so short and insignificant that it is but an inconsequential flickering of the candle shedding light on the history books of all NationStates.

The nations supporting Tanah Burung now do so only weakly, and they cannot be expected to interfere militarily. The interest of other nations in fighting are too weak, and their interest in not fighting is too strong. Their anticapitalist allies have turned inside to rot on their totalitarian continent. They lack the capabilities to deploy their forces because they are as unwilling as we are to fight a war of ideology and nuclear destructions, in short they do not wish for a struggle to the death. Neither side desires this. Yet still, Vaadian interference could serve to destabilise this balance. A third party engaging the Knootian fleet in the Emerald Heights may destroy the balance of power, it may destroy the détente. Allowing events to unfold as they unfold, without meddling in the path of history, will be the best guarantee for a limiting of the suffering.

As leaders in great nations, we should not let misunderstandings and cultural difference lead to the ultimate consequences. I am open to communicate with you at any time and hope that any differences can be duly resolved.


Hans van Mierlo

Letter two

To: Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans van Mierlo (bearing the mark of a personal assistant)

With regards to KIST economic developments, I must recognise that I personally do not know the situation within the Free Republic as well as your theorists do. However, what your theorists are suggesting is part of a familiar pattern according to some in Economic Affairs here. I have attached their technical analysis with this letter but this is how they explained it to me in layman’s terms: from experience with other nations joining we know that there is a discernable effect that occurs if nations engage in trade relations or deepen their trade relations to a large extent (for example bestowing MFN status on another nation) there is an increase in economic growth in both economic areas. For the smaller economic block (Which, compared to the entire KIST market, would be Ilek-Vaad) this effect is stronger. This surge of economic growth will slowly top off and lead to an increased economic standard. Compensated for domestic trends, we saw that both Vaadian and KIST economies were already experiencing such economic growth.

Your concern, however, was in the area of the trade deficit (balance) and not the size. The DDR runs a small trade deficit at this moment, and in the past there have been periods of small surpluses and deficits in successive periods. It is our belief that a trade deficit is not something to be worried about as long as there are still comparative advantages. After all, a deficit means you get things more from abroad then you have to give away. The only worry is, after all, running out of capital if a deficit becomes unsustainable. In the end, the sum of all deficits and surpluses is zero and we have always considered a balanced trade balanced with a wide margin of non-interference to be the best possible polcy.

As I understand from the data you sent me (as well as from my contacts with the appropriate officials at the time) I understand that even the 500 billion trade deficit was only 1,7% of the trade volume of over 28 trillion, and that, in terms of capital shift, it only amounted to a yearly 0,43% of GDP. This still places it well outside the danger zone for most Knootian and KIST economies if you consider that the Vaadian economy was still in the transitory infant stage of opening up to the outside world. Predictions of Vaadian ‘fair trade’ products growing popular abroad were very good indeed, but the problem was perhaps more cultural then economic. Yes, KIST companies had started to settle in the Free Republic but contrarily there were opening Markets abroad for the Free Republic. A relatively isolationalist attitude and a relatively closed economy required, perhaps, a bit more time to find the inroads into these markets whereas Knootian, Dominion and Lietuv multinationals could simply set up another branch in an already well-embedded international framework. This would not have been a permanent disadvantage, however, nor would a temporary deficit have done anything to lower the standard of living in the Free Republic As a representative of the DDR government, I can still only regret that you have made the choice that you made. However, with the Free Republic currently boycotting the DDR this has become a moot point.

~Ministry of Foreign Affairs
10-09-2004, 16:48
The Minister of Foreign Affairs made a brief reply, as did the Minister of Economics.

Minister Hans Van Mierlo,

I am very greatful at your reply. It did clear up a great many things and it provides even greater insight as to where our breakdown in relations occurred. Your explanation of the Columbia situation was very clear, if only Mr. Metusen had explained it in that that manner to The Nachxa I doubt there would have been any offence taken. I still do not believe The Nachxa himself was offended, though we haven't heard from him in some time, but the Tolteca people are easy to offend.

I also have a suggestion that may end our Uncle Istvan's involvement in Tanah Burung, from what you have explained I think I have a workable solution.

First, it would be imperative that you move ahead with mediation in the IMC, diplomatic movement always slows Uncle Istvan, he is very practical about applying violence and if the political situation changes rapidly so does his reaction.

Second, your forces should immediately do what they can to contact Uncle Istvan and if at all possible suggest joint action, he rarely kills those that actively try and help him bring a speedy end to conflict.

The outcome of these two steps could vastly improve the situation and give me the grounds I need to pressure the Minister of Defence.

I know that you and many other nations do not understand our Uncle Istvan, but we cannot argue with his string of impeccable results. Yes he does use brutal unreasoning violence, yes he does 'eliminate' all armed parties that he can get at, yes he does move quickly and heedlessly of other miltary forces involved. BUT let's look at the Haven conflict, it dragged on for months until Uncle Istvan deployed, within two weeks an armistice was called, in that conflict he almost came to blows with our friends in Feline, but he ended a conflict that had claimed millions. We also may look at the Phyrric civil war, Antiachus' reign lasted barely a week after Uncle Istvan landed in Corcyra, it was a tragedy that Antiarchus' forces used civilians as living shields, but the Red Jaguar philosophy of ignoring casualties , civilian or otherwise, ended abruptly the reign of a tyrant that would have killed untold millions, at the expense of a few thousand.

In the Haven conflict Uncle Istvan did not inflict damage on Feline because they did precisely as I suggested above, they immediately contacted him and made it clear that his goal was theirs and agreed to work with him. It was a very prudent move that benefitted both sides.

In the Free Republic, war itself, is an atrocity. The Retaliatory Guard seek to make war so damaging and unpleasent that the enemy can simply fight no more and must negotiate or be utterly destroyed. This has been the philosophy of the armed forces of Ilek-Vaad for over two thousand years and it has worked. Uncle Istvan will kill if necessary, but despite his tough stance and talk, he will negotiate if it means that war can be averted in a suitable fashion.

I hope you will take my advice, my hands are tied to act until the Military Mandate is removed, until then it is soley in the hands of Uncle Istvan.

I know that by keeping an open dialogue that we can remain friends and end the current crisis.

Theleb Kanaan , Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

From: Minister of Economics, Ilek-Vaad
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DDR

I have reviewed you analysis of the KIST treaty and it's effect on our economy. First I must say that I find it quite odd that you would find an economic defecit of sort to economically acceptable. We enjoy nearly a 10% economic growth per year and run on average 9 Trillion DR budget surpluses and have a minimum income of 28,800 DR for every citizen employed. Our umemployment rate has been blow 1% for over a decade.

Having been the assistant to my predecessor I was able to continue a program that was very efective and very basic. My goal is to retain capital within the Free Republic. I analyze trade very closely to make sure that the benefits of any economic plan directly benefit Vaadian businesses and Vaadian investment. Even minor disturbances are taken very seriously, what you see as a 1.7% shift in trade is seen by my reviewers as several thousand jobs lost and a direct impact to the People.

The Vaadian economy is not abut free trade or pooling the profits to coporations or rich individuals it is about creating a fair, stable economy with even wealth distribution. The KIST treaty, does not I believe, contribute to our economic goals.

I have also had a chance to speak with several new trade partners that came to us after we left KIST as well as old partners whose trade had trailed off while we were in KIST. I have found that the international community believes that like IFTA, KIST members may only trade with KIST members, and that it is an exclusive trade treaty and partnership. I know that they are obviously misinformed, but it is something you should be aware of.
10-09-2004, 20:26
To: Theleb Kanaan , Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Knootoss

These two steps are most acceptable and we will proceed as you reccomended. Our representative had already called for reconvening the IMC tomorrow, but with permission of the GMC chairman we have pushed this meeting forward to this afternoon.

We are currently unaware of the whereabouts of your "Uncle Istvan " nor do we know how to contact him. Any information you could provide in this regard would be much appreciated.

~Hans van Mierlo

((OOC: I'm sure those economics people will want to bitch about stuff but meh. No time. Anyway, new trade partners? Did you sign IFTA?))
10-09-2004, 20:40
Minister Hans Van Mierlo,

Uncle Istvan can be contacted always through his Staff Seargent Mirai Assad. Have your men hail any Revenge Battleship and their Fire Control can connect you directly.

I will make sure that Mr. Tocatl is available for the IMC meeting.

Thank you,
Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

OOC: No I did not join that pack of commies :P I recently sold 122 Billion DR's worth of Naval Combat Vessels to Vrak (they had nothing bad to say about KIST, but I think they're biased.) Terra Malus is talking about equipping their entire 500,000 man expeditionary force exactly like my Retaliatory Guard, with my equipment of course. FN-ILEK has received licensing rights to manufacture Kelanis' new machine is booming. No one actually said those things about KIST, but I had to find IC reason for the post KIST OOC trade surplus.
10-09-2004, 20:58
Interesting. (

Vrak = KIST
Terra Malus = KIST (but did say some stuff about ratifying, which is something I should check back on)

Anyway, I would think that non-government trade (the kind that is not roleplayed) would be a much more important part of the economy. *shrugs*
10-09-2004, 21:18
OOC: well, it was apparently the part not RP'ed that was affected negatively by KIST, but I couldn't find an IC reason, that's why I made it up :)
16-09-2004, 15:02
The Minister of Foreign Affairs received a message from the Burungi Ambassador while at his desk composing messages back and forth with Mr. Van Mierlo.

Esteemed and honourable Minister,

Please accept my congratulations on your election. I trust that the voice of Ilek-Vaad will be exerted for humanitarian values in foreign policy, as is your country's tradition, and look forward to continued good relations.

I have noted your country's trade requirements and find them much in keeping with our own. Some time back our representatives discussed trade relations. We are interested in moving forward with this possibility. As you know we are members of the IFTA which is normally a closed trade bloc, but in light of your trade policies just announced we are interested in encouraging this direction and feel that you would meet all IFTA standards. Therefore, and if you are interested, we would like to request an exemption from the IFTA allowing us to trade with Ilek-Vaad. If you agree, we will apply to the IFTA body to give us permission.

One project we are intending to use to boost our tourism sector is an Indigenous Cultures theme park in Tiga Burung. One of the cultures we hope to spotlight is the Tolteca culture. If you are agreeable, we would like to host some cultural authorities from the Tolteca. This will be done at our expense, of course. We expect that the profits from the theme park will be extensive.

Finally, we wish to express our thanks for the gesture of solidarity you have made in boycotting Knootoss. Obviously, the projects i have outlined above will be able to take place only after Knootian troops are out of our country. We trust this will be soon. I note that you have raised your voice for mediation, and repeat my government's willingness to submit to mediation at any time. We have proposed before the IMC a three-country committee and nominated The Weegies to serve on the committee. Knootoss has nominated Chimea. We feel that Ilek-Vaad is a fair-minded and even-handed country which would suit eminently well the third, neutral position on this committee.

Anto Samangi

He smiled as he read it and penned a quick reply

Ambassador Samangi,

Thank you very much for message. I am certain that we will continue to work towards bettering humanitarian causes the world over, as can be reasonably done.

My current top priority is resolving the issue in your great nation. While I would like to see the DDR's troops out ASAP, I would also like to see the IMC act even quicker. I have been in contact with representatives from the DDR and have pressed my concern that good faith negotiations MUST begin immediately. I will not put any stipulations on what must be negotiated, or what must occur for them to begin, with the military mandate in place those things will actually be in the hands of our Supreme Republican Commander.

I am pleased that you also wish to see greater trade and cultural exchange. I know that Avery Frost Aeronautics and Costa-Tula Shipyards were looking for foreign nations to expand facilities into. The Nachxa would be the best person to find out about the Tolteca culture and ideas for cultural exchange, as soon as he turns up, I will discuss it with him.

When we both have the time, I would be pleased to discuss all of these things in greater detail.

Theleb Kanaan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
16-09-2004, 15:19
OOC: Chimaea leaving NS sorta complicates matters though. :/
16-09-2004, 18:17
OOC: it sure does
27-09-2004, 21:51
Minister of Foreign Affairs Theleb Kanaan was becoming increasingly distressed by the escalation in Tanah Burung as well as the DDR's apparent ability to say on thing and then do the exact opposite, he sends a quick missive to his oposite number in the DDR.

Mr. Van Mierlo,

After our last communication I was very pleased with the progress that we had made and assumed that your government was prepared to work work with the Free Republic in ending the crisis in Tanah Burung.

You had mentioned that your forces would work with our Supreme Republican Commander to end hostilities quickly, however I have seen no indication of this. You also mentioned that it was not your nations intent to expand this conflict and that if it were to expand that it would be our doing. I was then shocked to see the forces that the UHRP put at your disposal heading for the United Provinces.

To date all our Supreme Republican Commander has done is re-inforce our Embassy, the Tactical Group Sir William Issem, is not even in Tanah Burung as of yet. You asked me to give you assurances that the Supreme Republican Commander wished you no hostilities and I mapped out quite clearly how you can be assured of this.

I had assumed that we had understood each other, but apparently we did not. I will restate what was previously said and clarify for you and your government.

First, in order to assure that your forces , who are illegally operating within the United Provinces, are not targetted by the Supreme Republican Commander you must CONTACT him and CO-ORDINATE your efforts.

Secondly, we will not expand the conflict so long as it remains limited in scope and your government seeks to end it quickly.

Third, your government MUST agree to negotiate and to arbitration.

I will state for the record that I will not support any of the above statements so long as Lietuv armed forces are rushing to increase military assests in Tanah Burung and expand the conflict.

I hope that the recent actions taken by your government that contradict the assurrances you gave me previously are only a misunderstanding and I await clarification.

Just as a heads up, the Minister of Defence is pushing to take a vote on re-affirming the Supreme Republican Commander's Mandate that was originally given under the Emergency Powers Act. I cannot vote against her with your government calling in your Lietuv allies to stand at our backs.

Theleb Kanaan
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
27-09-2004, 22:06
((OOC: *wave* uh, hello. I contacted him. (well, that guy speaking for him) and also started the TB thingy. I'm just waiting with my post to reply when matters with RevTerr have been resolved. If RevTerr persists in the bombing thingy then the conversation will be rapidly broken off by a fleet engagement, that is why. So, uh, this does not really make sense.))
27-09-2004, 22:11
OOC: just an IC nudge to get the Lietuv fleet back to port.
27-09-2004, 22:48
30-09-2004, 22:37
Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

The Republican Council met for an informal brunch to hear the developments in the entire Burungi affair, Scipion Nemaraan the First Republican, took charge of the meeting and quickly got things underway, he was never a man to waste time.

"Theleb, what news do we have from the diplomatic front? I know we discussed reaching out to the Knootians to find exactly what is up, so, what IS up?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs looks thoughtful "That's the twenty four thousand dollar question. I sent a very detailed, very friendly letter to Mr. Van Mierlo. I received a very promising reply and laid the ground work for defusing tensions and ending the Burungi crisis and then....."

Scipio looked up "And then.............?"

"Then the Lietuv's who had stated they would deploy if asked by the DDR, deployed and there is still no confirmation that the DDR's forces are even attempting to co-ordinate actions with Uncle Istvan. I laid out in black and white what needs to be done. Mr. Van Mierlo agreed, but nothing turned out like we discussed." The Minister shrugged again.

The Minister of Defence snarled "Now the Lietuv's are rushing at Uncle Istvan's back, the DDR is ignoring our proposals for mediation .............they don't want this to end quickly or peacefully. I say we take a vote, expand the Militay Mandate and let Uncle Istvan call up the entire Retaliatory Guard. If Lieutuveska intervenes, invade them too. The only nations in Haven that don't support us are the Imperium and Lietuveska, the rest will stand by and let us pound sand up their asses all we like!"

There was a suprising murmur of agreement, the Knootians inactions in the face of the diplomatic leads was seen at least as an insult by most of the Council.

Sir Valdemar frowned "I don't think we should even BE in Tanah Burung, how does it serve our interests?"

The First Republican leaned back "We have an Embassy there. We have fewer than twenty of them worldwide. It is in our interests to protect nations that we have good relations with. We don't open up embassies for no reason."

The Minister of Defence jabbed "Except in Knootoss, what good has that Embassy done?"

There were a couple of snickers from the Council , it was clear to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that animosity against the DDR was rising steadily, he sighed.

"Let's just wait until I hear from Van Mierlo again before we take any votes on any Military Mandate."

Scipio nodded "We'll at least wait another day or two, then we'll table the Military Mandate discussion."

Everyone nodded in general agreement and continued with their brunch.
08-10-2004, 17:58
*BUMP* Unless of course there is nothing left to discuss?
08-10-2004, 20:50
Yes there is. I have just not been posting. I will come back to it... some day. Soon.