NationStates Jolt Archive

Coronation, Carnivale & Chicanery: Open RP (OOC Info/Guidelines)

Dread Lady Nathicana
05-09-2004, 01:45
First Off:
This is not a sign-up thread or sign-up rp. This thread is designed to offer up information for players to reference if needed for more clear interaction in the ic thread to follow in the next while, and to carry on any planning, ooc coordination, arguments, etc that pop up on account of the ic thread.

Once the ic thread gets started, please lets keep the rp clean as we can. There is no need with this extra thread to make ooc notations in the other if you can possibly avoid it. If you feel such need, please try and copy the post from the ic, quote it here and add your ooc clarification.

Next line of business – what’s the story?
We’re having a bit of a celebration in the Dominion. One thing that is going to be accomplished is the coronation which has been in the works for some time, but which I’ve not had the time to rp out, ever since the announcement of restoring the nobility ( Other events may be carried out as well, but I’m waiting to see what happens in a couple other areas.

When the ic thread starts, we won’t be needing the usual ‘request for arrival’ and long drawn-out landing, walking in, etc. posts. I’ll try and just write out the coronation ceremony, get it wrapped up in one post, and we’ll go to it from there. I expect a few hours time in between that, and the evening activities planned later, so there will be the opportunity for interaction with anyone wishing to be there for that.

Important things to note here: This is going to be an OPEN INVITE RP. What exactly do I mean by open invite? Let me clarify.

Everyone is invited to participate on some level or other. Yes, everyone. There are however guidelines within this for obvious reasons.

If your government is not recognized by the Dominion officially (this does not mean ‘has not been introduced or has not had previous contact of course) then Official Delegates would not make a whole helluva lot of sense. I’ll note that there are very, very few who fall into that particular category. I don’t want to be elitist or anything here, but I am trying to keep my ic plot lines intact. If there is any doubt in your mind where your nation stands with mine, please TG me for clarification, and we’ll work something else out.

You do not need to play a government official or delegate or representative in this rp. This is a city-wide setting, and will not be limited to what is going on at the Piazza San Bernardi where the diplomats and official guests party will be held. There are plenty of angles on this, all things considered. We tend to promote tourism. We are big on business and trade. We have a lovely little mob faction that is rather big in our culture, though we tend to understate it in the extreme. (Everyone knows about it. We just do not try to openly discuss it. You know how it goes.) Corruption exists to some degree at nearly every level of society, from the ground on up. This does not mean everyone is corrupt, mind, just that it exists in plenty.

You can play multiple characters for multiple plot lines within the thread if you like. No need to limit yourself. After all, different aspects of rp can be fun. If you can keep your characters straight, more power to you.

Can’t think of a way to interact? Here’s some suggestions:
* Diplomatically
* Tourist
* Businessman/woman
* Espionage
* Dominion citizen – please clear it with me before trying to claim some high government position or big visible businessman or mafia leaderor the like, thanks. Other than that, gee – what sorts of folks live in a city? The possibilities are endless, and it’s a big city.
* Mob presence – local or outside here to cut some deals or interact
* Smuggler – doesn’t need to be mob, after all.
* Assassin – as noted, if you’re actually going to attempt such activities, please make sure both yourself, your target, and me agree that it’s ok to rp it out. I will not deny nor guarantee any successes that way, just want to avoid any bitching and unfairness that way if possible
* Courtesan – Oh come on now. We all know folks like to have a pretty woman or handsome man on their arm. If you know someone willing to bring you as their ‘date’, go for it. Also, prostitution is not illegal in the Dominion. While this could be said to fall under the ‘Dominion Citizen’ category, it is worth pointing out here as well.
* Mercenary – there could be any number of reasons to be here. Devras is a great place for meeting, making some contacts.

What much of the above means, of course, is that your sub-plots need not have anything more to do with what’s going on than acknowledging it in the background, and using the city for your backdrop. All within the guidelines of the rp being set out here.

If you want for one of your reps to be there but don’t have a lot of time for writing, no worries! It’s a big place, and there is no possible way you’d be able to talk to everyone with that considered – yes, even at the Piazza. If this is the case, put in some little ic post illustrating your attendance, note ‘Not available for rp right now’ in your post topic, or something along those lines, and call it good. You can claim full benefits from having come, seen, and gone home happy as far as I’m concerned. I realize such extra threads can be hard for folks, given time restraints and schedules and all. The idea here is to promote rp, open up some new avenues for people, perhaps provide a backdrop for some fun things they want to do, and offer a base for new interactions. In this case, say there’s someone attending you would like future contact with, but you don’t have time to play it out. In a future thread, you can write “I remember seeing you in the Dominion that time when ...” Voila.

Did I mention, the overall theme for the night party (after the coronation) will be a Masquerade? Yes, you read correctly. Those wishing to participate may. Those not wishing to dress up, do not have to. And yes, many of the general populace will be dressed appropriately and having fun. This is, as I said, a big city-wide celebration, and folks, the Dominion does like a good party. So, start thinking costumes and all. One thing that is traditional with this is the masks – so bear that in mind. Masks will be removed at midnight, not before if you can avoid it. Please try to respect fellow rp’ers abilities to hide their identities unless they are blatantly not trying to do so – it will keep things just that much more interesting. If they arrive in costume and masked, and there is no painfully obvious indicators of who they are (tattoos that you know about and are shown boldly, identifying marks that could not possibly be anyone else and the like), and they do not introduce themselves directly … consider them incognito.

I will be trying to keep the night moving on at a relatively reasonable pace. Watch for occasional notations of time estimates in post titles to help folks judge. Bear in mind, time is fluid, and I don’t expect characters in the middle of a negotiation or fight or the like to be jumping in and out of the timestream just to keep with that – this is more geared for those actually at the Piazza and participating directly in the Masquerade for the removal of masks time. I don’t want times to interfere with rp, simple be available for ‘enhancement’ of it so that all sense of time passage doesn’t get lost. Don’t let that screw with your sub-plots if they glaringly conflict – go with the flow, finish your interactions before moving forward. As rp’ers, we understand how such things can go.

As noted, I am trying to keep this as open as humanly possible for people. Promoting good rp and having fun are the goals of this thread. My ic agenda consists of but a couple of things, most of which will be taken care of in the opening ic post, and at this point, a second one towards the end. Other than that, I have no plan, no set way things need to go. There are some hard rules that I’m going to stick to all the same:

* No blowing up/bombing/wiping out the city.
* No mass extinction of large portions of the populace or foreign dignitaries.
* No bio/chemical/nuclear weapons unleashed here, in case the previous two were not clear enough
* Any political assassination attempts (or non-political come to think of it) need to be cleared with both myself, and the players involved in it. Ooc courtesy is encouraged here.
* Other dirty dealings including black ops and the like need to be cleared with both myself, and the players involved in it. See above.
* Weapons will be allowed – to an extent. Personal arms, bladed weapons, standard issue or traditional regalia for your nation fall under this rule. We respect the need for leaders to feel safe, and will not deny them their bodyguards. All legally-imported weapons of this sort will be registered with Dominion Security. This factor comes into play with later rules governing violent conflicts. It can also be used for some intrigue if folks find a way to ‘frame’ someone else – which is a situation requiring mutual agreement from both parties. Private citizens, spec ops, illegal activities will require other arrangements. Clear it with me here in the ooc thread – there’s all sorts of possible ways to manage it.
* Please keep such bladed weapons peace-bonded, and guns and such put away, whether out of sight, or in their holsters. Obviously, ceremonial/traditional weapons such as glaives or axes and all are a bit harder to manage – if you don’t mind, capping the blades to avoid any ‘accidents’. These rules are for party-goers, in the Piazza or out. I’d think anyone operating more shady deals wouldn’t be so obvious in their weapons choice after all. Again, with those, please clear such actions ahead of time here oocly.
* Subtlety is encouraged. Obvious actions will have consequences. You start shooting out in the open, it will attract attention. Keep this fact in mind – security tends to be tight in the best of times. Security is going to be insane for this event given the potential for Bad Things ™ to happen.
* If you happen to run afoul of the Law, all my enforcers will be using weapons designed for stunning – in other words, non-lethal force will be used first. My advice – if you get shot, stay down. All that will happen to your character, diplomatic or otherwise, unless we cannot find out your nation of origin, will be a speedy deportation and some words with your government over the issue. If you get caught in something bigger, say, an assassination attempt on a foreign diplomat on our soil, you will be detained and your nation contacted. This sort of situation would be something for a later rp. For clarification, I will not be trying to outright kill your characters without prior ooc discussion with you. If you insist on continuing to cause problems (I’m thinking the Winter Ball incident with flying God-Emperors and the like springs to mind) then my soldati will shoot to kill, no more questions asked, if the situation warrants it. This only after clear warnings – word to the wise.
* If you run into trouble with Dominion characters not enforcing the law, no such guarantees are offered, though as noted, this thread is for working out those little problems. I still insist I will not be ‘gunning’ for people’s characters – that isn’t my goal for this thread. Screw up badly enough, and the likelihood of survival or evading damage drops significantly. Play it smart, and you’ll be surprised what you can get away with.
* As thread originator, I reserve the right to eject troublemakers, to have offensive or inappropriate posts removed, to be the final arbiter in any conflicts that players cannot take care of themselves (no bitchfesting, please – with something this open obviously I prefer you settle your differences without my involvement, unless it’s me you’re arguing with, in which case I hope we can come to an accord with minimum snarkiness). In other words, oocly I’m taking the place of GM here, house rules apply, and all decisions are final. I’m not a hard core game nazi, and I want to encourage players to have fun with this and be creative, but some sense of order has to be maintained. That is, after all, the whole point of doing this.

Reference and Resource Materials:
I will be posting some maps for reference – use them as you see fit to coordinate movements and all if you like. I will also be posting images and descriptions of the city to give you an idea of what things look like to help you get a feel for Devras, should you have any questions that way. It’s a big city – there’s lots of room for interpretation. I hope to offer a base to work from while leaving things as open as possible to individual interpretation. I will also be posting some links to great images of more traditional Masquerade costumes, for those needing inspiration. It should also help get a feel for the overall ambiance. This post however, is long as is, with a lot of info, so … others will be shorter and more concerned with more defined details, ie: Setting, Culture, Maps, etc.

Some notes on Ignores:
If someone ignores you - don't force your character into interaction with them - it's rude. If you ignore someone - ignore them, don't make snide remarks ic to be snarky about it. Ignoring after all, means to you - they do not exist. Please act in accordance with that. Please don’t choose not to participate just because you see a nation playing that you do not acknowledge. Again, it is a big place. There is no reason many people cannot participate and realistically never even see one another.

In Closing:
I’m trying to provide as much information as possible to let folks do whatever they’d like (within reason) and have as much fun as we can with this. It should be a great opportunity for involvement with folks that don’t usually associate in a place not usually accessed by many, with a backdrop I hope offers a lot of choices for plots to take.

I will not be starting the ic thread immediately, which gives folks time to ponder whether or not they’d like to participate, and plan for themselves, and with others, what they’d like to accomplish with it.

If you feel you can’t generally get along with folks, stick to the guidelines as much as possible, and have an agenda just for stirring up as much trouble as possible, this probably isn’t the thread for you – nothing personal. I’m looking to have this be as much of a cooperative rp effort as I can, and such attitudes generally do not lend themselves to that sort of thing.

By taking part in the rp, it will be assumed that you have read and accepted the rules and guidelines set forth here - I don't want anyone starting a ruckus with the usual 'but I didn't know' sorts of things we so often see. Yes, hence the detail and length of this and subsequent posts.

If you have any questions, post them here or TG me with them and we’ll go from there. Hope this turns out to be fun for whoever decides to take advantage of it. Thanks!

--Nathi’s Player
05-09-2004, 03:17
Interested, most certianly. If not just because the forces within Valinon opposing Gustav II would think you might possible be against him because of recent actions around Jupiter.
05-09-2004, 03:43
Can I join? Pretty please? *bats eyelashes coyly*
05-09-2004, 04:00
I can't wait. Sounds like a blast, though hopefully not literally...

*Hands a large basket of cookies* Yaaaay.
05-09-2004, 05:46
Heh, me neither... I see a few oportunities already, maybe one of them being an official coming on business maybe a few people coming for the party.

[tag] + "Woo!"
Liverpool England
05-09-2004, 06:08
-Enter something creative with the letters tag hidden here-
05-09-2004, 06:18
Looks really good.

Quick questions though:

Does your nation have an(y) official language(s)?
I doubt that you would force anyone to have to type there RP's in Italian, but I think it could be interesting to RP from one Italian nation to another, as some confidential things, or small Italian references could help endear one of my characters to someone else more easily, and hopefully make things a little more interesting.

Now, I will probably be working the Mob angle, as in: someone ran afoul the Agrigentian Mafia and is hiding out, or something of that nature. Maybe a former member of la cosa nostra is looking for a safe place in your country. In case I decide to use that, I was wondering if you could provide, when you have the time and/or the desire to, some names of their most likely hang-outs and fronts. That would be immensely helpful.

Thanks, and I am really looking forward to this.

- Mike, the player of Agrigento
05-09-2004, 08:57
OOC: Oooh, party! I'll definitely be sending Rene Seingult, and maybe Ksravi Ekina as well. Plus Rukine Knights and possibly an Ea or two. 'Twill be funfunfun!
05-09-2004, 09:28
Oooh Carlos, Yvonne and Lidric will be there! Lidric needs some people's skills :P

yay family wank with the Quil'raya family!
Dread Lady Nathicana
05-09-2004, 11:49
Costumes and Masks

For those who have no idea what to expect, would like to know what the Dominion folks will likely be doing for their outfits and such, or would like some inspiration for your own costumes, take a gander at some of these photo albums. And no – you do not have to do the exact same thing, obviously. Just going for our parts with a more traditional feel - to anyone else, feel free to borrow, be inspired by, or get as creative as you like. Anything goes, so long as it isn't harmful to your fellow revelers.

Example 1 ( -- Example 2 ( -- Example 3 ( -- Example 4 ( -- Example 5 ( -- Example 6 ( -- Example 7 ( -- Example 8 ( -- Example 9 ( -- Example 10 ( -- Example 11 ( -- Example 12 ( -- Example 13 ( -- Example 14 ( -- Example 15 ( -- Example 16 ( -- Example 17 ( -- Example 18 ( -- Example 19 ( -- Example 20 ( -- Example 21 ( -- Example 22 (

Devras: The Look and Feel

Old and New Devras, interiors, architecture, etc. (

Devras at night, early evening – old city. (

Some things are easier to show than others I suppose, and me, I always like to have some visuals when I can. As you can see, I’ve borrowed heavily from Italy, and for Devras – Old City – very much from Venice. I won’t even try to make any excuses for how I’ve blatantly ganked stuff that way. When I began, I was of the impression that we weren’t playing rl nations, and so, thought nothing of borrowing things I liked. I have had the good taste to change names, and anyone familiar with these places will know immediately that while ‘borrowing heavily’ has been a constant, things don’t always match up perfectly … which for rp and creativity in my book, is just fine.

Old City is out on the water, jutting into the bay. Canals, old buildings, lots of bridges and crazy turns, blind alleys, dead ends, plazas and the like. New City is on solid ground, streets still often twist, areas of industry, high-rise buildings, and residential areas mixed. You’ll find all sorts of architecture in the city, echoing the styles of Italian Gothic mingling with high Renaissance, which flow seamlessly into Byzantine and Romanesque. No few areas show a strong Muslim influence, especially about the windows and doorways. Walkways paved in red or grey paving stones and brick seem to be the norm, though the colors of the buildings vary wildly. Old mixes with new, though there is a decided jump in new to old ratios once you hit the New City, obviously. One thing that doesn’t change – people like their gardens, trees are in abundance where they can be, there are parks and small spots of green throughout, and hanging baskets or planters are not uncommon everywhere but the most industrialized sectors.

Culture, Language, etc.

As mentioned before, I’ve borrowed heavily from the Italian, and a smattering of other influences. Italian is of course the official language, and no, I don’t expect anyone to rp using it. If you’d like to note your character speaks it, feel free to use some flavour words, or better yet, use the color codes along with an indicator to show that you’re speaking a language other than ‘common’ whatever that happens to be (English, for all intents and purposes, as that seems to be what most of us write in here). Yes, that goes for any language – well aware folks can carry on convos in their native tongue and unless others know it, they’re s.o.l. for understanding overheard conversation.

The history of the Dominion is a mixed one as well, and in many points (surprise) it mirrors early Italy. City states, Doges, heavy Catholic influence and all. There was a period of unification during the Renaissance, and the Dominion saw a huge leap in advancement then in culture, as with many other nations of the day. We've always prided ourselves in our culture, our arts, our wines (oh my yes, big on wines) and the like. As one goes through Devras one is able to pick out many of the various influences that shaped the country over the years. Invaders, settlers, trade and the like - all have had a hand.

Given our colorful and varied past, that is the very reason the Dominion was chosen for a name, to encompass all the many groups and heritages that made up the nation. (That and the fact that when I first created it, it was not my main nation, and I used a character name just for pure fun to test out other issues. It simply became the most entertaining to play – had to come up with some sort of valid continuity there. *grins*). Power was gained by those able to take it, and those unable to hold onto it, were thrown down. It has been that way for the past hundred and fifty years or so. As for the church, it grew weak, and was rife with corruption. It was simple enough to topple. Each new leader has either taken or been given a title at their ascendance to power, and that title has in some way been connected with the Dominion for the length of their rule

As for how it all works, well, it is not in our best interest to shake up the entire nation if we can avoid it. History has shown the problems with that sort of thing. We rule here by strength, intimidation, and no small amount of awe where it can be managed. Those in positions of power are all working both to keep the nation prosperous and stable, and to get themselves a bigger share of the power. Given that, there isn't a lot of trust among the various 'factions'. We work keep our citizens employed, happy, and successful. Those who involve themselves in politcs know the score. Those who don't tend to be working other angles. There are many, many aspects of this nation that are difficult to lay out properly, as has been noted in different rp’s. Ordered chaos, I’ve referred to it on occasion. Imperfect but we manage to make it work for us.

The Mafia is a big influence in the Dominion, though it is subtly downplayed. Everyone knows it exists. Many are a part of it. The Dons and the Government have an ‘understanding’ and the Government gets a cut of the action while the mob keeps their trouble internal and prevents it from spilling over into the general populace as best they can manage. They each serve a purpose to the other, and it goes right along with the Dominion mindset of spin, corruption, and gain.

Dominion folks value subtlety, the ability to truly be a smooth operator, diplomatic skills, politeness, a backbone, and intelligence. (Granted, being individuals, there are all sorts out there – this is a general overview.) Insults are not taken lightly, but don’t expect there to be an instant reaction. These folks know the value of patience, and grudges have been known to last for generations. Trez has often talked about ‘not letting your morals get in the way of doing the right thing’ – not an uncommon mindset. Replace ‘morals’ with ‘emotions’, ‘relationships’, or any other such intangible, and it works as well. It wouldn’t be surprising for someone to embrace another with true honest to god love, while driving the knife through their heart – just because it was the right thing to do at the time. Vengeance and Vendetta are alive and well, and while not easily offended at the least slights, once damage is done, it takes a bit to undo.

We’re big on hospitality here. Shared meals tend to be big ones, with plenty for all – better an overabundance than to have a guest go away hungry. Wine is a big part of the culture, though it isn’t an ‘alcoholic’ sort of excess perse. Serious business is traditionally carried out over dinner and sealed with a glass of fine wine. Read what you will into it – Dominion folk have several reasons. And no, they are not insulted if you refuse to drink – live and let live, after all. Can’t force a person to enjoy the finer things in life after all.

Xenophobia is not a cultural phenomenon in the Dominion – however, it is not unknown. We are used to seeing a good number of 'odd-looking' folk, especially in Devras, given our alliances and trade partners. More rural or out of the way areas, not so much. Not everyone is pleased with some of our allies and the people that visit our nation, but they tend to be more the minority. That, and the government keeps things fairly tightly controlled – something the populace is all too aware of.


The Dominion uses it’s armed forces to police the nation as well as defend it militarily. There are different branches under different Ministries, but the majority get the same training. What matters here is that being a dictatorship, however friendly, we keep a tight reign on the nation. The illusion of freedoms, rather than true freedom itself is the rule of the day. Give the people enough that they don’t complain overmuch, and let those that do make too much noise, disappear. It isn’t emphasized, except in times of trouble, and then it becomes clear just how things are handled – efficiently and without mercy where such is called for.

Soldati who will be on patrol are armed with Treznor rifles that are adjustable from stun levels all the way up to ‘killdeath’. As mentioned previously, stun will be what they are set on, and no guest who misbehaves will be shot at a higher level without ample warning. Since we’ve established the what and why on that, I won’t go into it further here.

Suffice it to say – between the different elements working together here, the usual surveillance, the increased security especially around the Piazza, it’s going to be tight. (Which is why, for other activities, I prefer to know what you’ve got in mind so I can either say ‘no’ or give you the go ahead and quietly look the other way. See ‘corruption’.)

I hope this gives enough background info and details for folks to work with. I’ll be making a couple more posts with some info and maps in them later. Any other questions, feel free to post them here. I'm sure I'm forgetting something or other, but hey - it's late.

--Nathi’s Player

PS - I dunno, Trez ... I hear you're a troublemaker. ;)

PPS - Agrigento: Maps and names and such will be forthcoming once I finish pulling them together - no worries.

PPPS - Thanks folks! I'm looking forward to this.
05-09-2004, 16:06
I envision owning a little pub near the Piazza San Bernardi, where tourists, locals, politicians and the like, all go for a cold beer and a hearty but inexpensive meal, on neutral ground. No violence will ever be permitted in this establishment, an unwritten but heavily enforced rule. Plotting, planning and rabble-rousing are all tolerated. A great place to grab an aperitif before the party...or after.
New Genoa
05-09-2004, 21:54
Are drugs legal in the Dominion?

And would any player wish to take part in making a drug deal with some of NG's prominent dealers?
05-09-2004, 23:55
Any chance some Syskeyian college students could be in the Dominion during a "semester abroad?" :)

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
Dread Lady Nathicana
06-09-2004, 04:36
Piazza San Bernardi: The Map

S <------> N for direction ref.

1: Prigioni Scura – Old Jail. First floor open for tours and a look at how prisoners were handled back in the day. Upper areas are closed to visitors. One more gruesome area of interest is the section showing old torture implements and detailing the history of the Inquisition in Devras.

2: Giardini Ex Genovese – Large garden area with a view of the Canale Grande, located between it and the government offices. Trees, flowers, bowers, grass, statues, and fountains in a beautifully groomed setting. An excellent place for a quiet rendezvous, and large enough with enough little tucked-away corners to accommodate whoever needs it.

3: Gianfigliazi Building – Dominion Government Offices. All but the ground floor common areas will be closed to visitors.

4: Procuratie Giustinian – Old Magistrates Apartments. The main floor of this building is a grand ballroom, oddly enough, where the formal ballroom dancing will be taking place. The second floor contains private ‘boxes’ not unlike those at a theater, open to the ballroom below, where guests can retire for quiet conversation while not having to leave the party. The third floor, containing the preserved portions of the apartments, is closed for the evening.

5: Shops, Ristorantes, etc. – Here is where visitors can find a plethora of items from clothing to trinkets to jewelry to blown glass to food, all in the Dominion tradition. Most of the ristorantes have tables and chairs out front where guests can enjoy their meals under the stars, many with a view of the Canale Grande on the far side of the Piazza. The most famous of these is the Caffè Rialto, a favorite gathering place of poets, artists, and philosophers in the Dominion over the past two hundred years.

6: Libreria Sansovino – This is, obviously, the Devras Library, one of the older buildings on the Piazza. This building will actually be open to those wishing to look through the rows and rows of old and current books, though the more ancient manuscripts and such are available only by appointment or special dispensation.

7: Campanile di San Bernardi – This is the old bell tower, rising over the Piazza and the surrounding areas at a height of 100 meters, fallen and rebuilt in the early despot years of the Dominion. The bell, while damaged in the fall, has been restored as best as could be managed, and is heard only at times of high celebration. This tower will be closed to visitors.

8: Palazzo Ducale – The Doges Palace, old seat of power for Devras dating back to the times of city-states and warring factions. The sumptuously appointed suites in this three-storied building will be where diplomatic guestrooms will be available for those wishing to stay the night, or for those who may have come early. (Yes, this is allowed, no problem – will just be picking things up all at the same point.) As such, the entire building is ‘open’. The inner courtyard has a fountain, and greenery, and there are columned, arched balconies around both the outside and inside of the structure.

9: Bascillica di San Bernardi – The main Catholic cathedral in Devras, and among the most old and opulent in the Dominion. The cathedral itself is open both to the faithful and those wishing to visit for the historical significance and yes, the usual draw for tourists. The out buildings belong to the Church, and will be closed to the public for this event, unless by appointment, or of course, to members of the clergy.

10: Torretta delle Ore – The Clock Tower. Built during the high Renaissance, this tower (now set in the middle of accompanying buildings) is a masterpiece of clockwork mechanisms, showing the time, the phases of the moon, the seasons, and the movement of the sun from one sign of the zodiac to the next. The tower itself reaches a height of 5 stories, the buildings it is now a part of, 4. Said buildings contain some apartments and smaller businesses – all private, and doubtless, closed to the general public.

11: Ale Tagliate – Broken Wings. This is a rather popular club, and the only one of its kind to be situated on the Piazza, even if it is at the back corner. One of the old buildings, formerly housing the moneychangers offices, this place has been redesigned on the inside, using what old architecture they could, and adding to it to keep the gothic feel and dark brooding ambiance. Several dance floors, copious amounts of alcohol, and yes, small private rooms that can be rented by the hour, can be found here with music covering a broad range of interests – from modern to a little retro – all of it pretty damn good. (In other words, feel free to have fun with it.)

12: Gardini Ex Spero – A smaller garden, named for Hope, just outside the club. While not nearly so spacious as the other, this one lends itself a bit more to privacy, with close-growing groves of shady trees that work almost like a natural maze, scattered with occasional floral accents.

A: This is the area where the bar and appetizer tables will be set up, just outside the ballroom. First two drinks there are free, after that, it’s a matter of payment. Tips are, as always, appreciated. The food on hand will as noted, be more of a light fare, with finger food, antipasti, and delicate desserts. No limit there.

B: This corner of the Piazza has a dance area set up for more casual music, much of which is the vibrant ‘Gypsy’ styles of a more rustic Dominion. The sort of music that makes the blood run hot, titillates the senses, and inspires a sense of … naughtiness in the revelers. (No, nothing forced – just setting the mood.) Musicians are, as with all the officially sponsored areas, live.

C: Gambling tables will be set up in this area, with ample chairs and comforts for those simply wishing to observe. You know a card or dice or spinning game of chance that’s fairly well-known, you can play it here. Going to leave this one a bit open as well, for obvious reasons. Those people running the tables will, for the record, not be actively trying to cheat the guests – just in case anyone wonders that. Nor am I going to let you just arbitrarily walk off with all the money. ;) If it’s a game several players can figure out how to play among themselves, find and well. Otherwise, we’ll work something amicable out.

D: This is the area where stages will be set up for live entertainment, and where most of the wandering performers will be plying their trade. Firebreathers, jugglers, acrobats, small animal acts (no, no elephants, large horses or the like), wandering troubadours … you get the idea. Another place open for a lot of interpretation.

E: As mentioned along this area are outdoor tables and chairs from the eateries in the buildings. A nice place to sit back, have a quiet glass of wine, a cup of cappuccino or toss back a shot of sambuca (mind you don’t choke on the coffee beans) while you watch the festivities and visit with folks. The food is great too – enjoy.

F: In the paving stone courtyard of the Doges Palace, a small live orchestra will be playing selections of classical music. Nothing usually quite so robust as at the ballroom, but more suitable to soothing, pleasant, background music. Yes, you would be surprised how much noise those tall, thick walls can keep out. Not everything, but enough to remain pleasant.

All seven bridges leading from the Piazza will be heavily guarded - checkpoints at each. Every diplomatic guest and their entourage will have the proper papers, so no worries there. If you leave, not a problem - just present them again coming back. The Canale Grande, the big open place on this map where the water is (to the left) is also closely watched, and is where the main landing for the gondoliers is located - yet another fun way to travel in Old Devras. The belltower will be occupied by Dominion forces as well, overseeing the Piazza.

Security Cameras are common in the Dominion for most public places - don't be surprised if antics in the open are caught on tape. (And no, not everywhere is covered, and yes there are ways around - just a heads up there.)

City maps and points of interest coming up.

--Nathi's Player

Sysk - it's possible, however as we've never had formal relations, doubtful that a whole 'semester abroad' thing would be going on. If you'd like to have students visiting on an extended school-sponsored trip, that's acceptable.

NG - Drugs are a special case in the Dominion. They aren't technically 'legal', but the government doesn't go out of its way to enforce the laws. Why? Mafia. Government gets a cut of the action. So long as the Families take care of things themselves, and keep the money coming in, and it doesn't get to be a huge social problem, the government stays out of it.

You want to be a dealer, be aware of the local heirarchy and how that works. Foreigners encroaching on their business might 'upset' the Dons.

Gawdly - I think I can work with you on that one. I'll note the location on the upcoming city map. Now, bear in mind, this doesn't give you foreign'ownership' in my nation and all. This is for rp purposes, and you'd be a citizen - local or naturalized - and as such, subject to the laws in all respects. Be sure to keep your papers in order.
The Atheists Reality
06-09-2004, 05:50
I will be sending my head of education to the library, and as such, i need the appropriate information. Ta.
The Most Glorious Hack
06-09-2004, 08:27
Well, I was gonna come, but I wanted to OMG N00K TEH PALAEC!!!!1
06-09-2004, 14:17
Oh, I'll be a very loyal citizen, paying taxes and the appropriate bribes. The owner/bartender, Pesto Grandelli, will be a font of information to anyone who passes through, as long as they have coin to spend. You need to find something or someone in the Piazza or in "Old Town", talk to Pesto. Let me know when you want your first RP in which I describe the bar and some of the regular denizens who inhabit it.
06-09-2004, 15:53
I would be interested in Rping a normal tourist, one of those idle Aelosian nobles who dedicate their lives to travel through the known universe gathering information and experiences. Probably the rich and spoiled son/daughter of one of the Noble Houses, glad to see that there is a place that try to reinstate the nobility as in his/her homeland.

Maybe that kind of character would be an hybrid between the tourist type and the courtier and diplomat types too, as both the behavior and the status of any Aelosian of the High Noble Houses create an interesting mixtures between those.

However, I see the lack of previous interaction between the Dominion and Aelosia as probably an obstacle for the presence of that kind of character in Devras. Yet, I suppose that if his/her status is the one of a tourist, anyway you can travel through the entire world, isn't it?, even an unknown and exotic country, fabled by the defenders of the "human fashion".

Anyway, just tell me what you think and we'll see...
Dread Lady Nathicana
06-09-2004, 20:59
More Info

The Dominion does not recognize ‘Diplomatic Immunity’. A little something I forgot to mention earlier, though it was perhaps implied. For anyone with any question of that whatsoever, there you have it. We are no respecters of persons or status if you muck with things in our nation. (That being said, I stand by my original statements that it is not my intention to mess with anyone’s characters unless by their actions they make it all but impossible to do otherwise. We do have a national reputation to uphold, after all.)

Citizens and the general populace – We are a human nation. And a mundane human nation at that. We do not have active psions, nor magic users, nor anything like that. Cybernetic enhancements are curently something only a fraction of a percentage have, and those are all military and limited in nature, with the exception of Nathi herself – a different matter entirely there.

Additional Languages and Ethnicities – While Italian is the main spoken language, ‘English’ close following, there are others commonly understood and spoken in the Dominion, depending where you are.
Latin – mostly used or understood by the more educated, historians, clergy, though by no means limited to those groups.
Greek –A smattering primarily in the northeast portion of the nation, and thus, Devras itself.
Arabic – A very small percentage, descendants of historical invasions. Small sectors with strong Arabic influence can be found in Devras, and in those areas, these dialects would be common
Teutonic languages – Mainly to the north, in the mountains and along the land border. The usual blending due to historical boundaries shifting.

Given the size of our nation, the varied peoples and races in our alliances, trade partners, and contacts, it is understood that we have more than natives living in the Dominion, on a temporary or somewhat permanent basis. Given that, especially in the capital, it would not be amiss to see the occasional non-human race from any of those nations. Along with that I suppose, comes their native languages, but they are far from a ‘common’ sort of thing outside their groups.

Gawdly: A few things. You’re wanting to play a bartender/owner in a really, really big city ic’ly. Ooc’ly, you’ve never had the slightest interaction with my nation before now. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, just how do you figure you can be a ‘font of information’ if you don’t know anything? This isn’t a medieval setup, in case you’re wondering – thought I’d clear that up. We started as a cutting-edge modern nation, and through rp and a HUGE boost from allies, we’ve come a long ways, and are now in possession of 3 space fleets – one of which we recently built ourselves. We’re an odd mix of ‘modern’ and ‘higher’ tech overall due to limitations originally imposed on what the general populace was exposed to. Had to let things trickle down slower than what we at the top had been granted militarily.

While I can accept some amount of making free with some info and all, remember, subtlety and ‘what can I get out of it’ are fairly common traits. Natives, while not being against foreigners perse, are less likely to cough up info for them than they are their fellow citizens. If it’s a harmless bit, no big. If it’s something that could shake up the status quo … unless they have a damn good reason, which I doubt a bartender would, they’d likely not do it.

I’d hate for this to turn into one of those ‘one-liner rp bar’ threads like goes on in a lot of places, just as a heads up. No, I don’t by any stretch expect everyone to be posting novels (gods forbid), but the sort of thing you see in some of those …
* walks in * Yo.
This (followed by scads of the same) I’d like to try and avoid, though I don’t want to limit folk’s interaction, if that makes any sense. At any rate, this bevy of characters you want to bring in as ‘regular denizens’ and all, I’d like to take a look at first if that’s ok. Given where it seems you’re wanting to go with it, I’d prefer a review first. Feel free to post it here.

Aliria: As I mentioned on IRC, considering this thread comes after your Mentors one, it’s all sorts of good.

To anyone else with questions about minor nobles or the like coming but not officially representing your nation as a diplomat, merely a visitor, it’s all good – you can hobnob with the leaders/politicians/diplomats/nobility etc over at the Piazza as well.

As for concerns of 'unfamiliarity', as I've said - we promote tourism, so don't let the fact that we don't know you stop you from playing if that's your only concern. I'm hoping this thread will encourage people looking for an opportunity to rp, to make contacts, and to just have fun to do so. Yes people, even if you're new and unestablished. Like I said - promoting some fun rp is what this is all about.

Hack: OMFG NOES! Look. If Carlos has to leave his n00kz home, so do you. Sorry, that’s just the way it goes. :D

TAR: Righto then. Minister of Education is Niccolo Ugurgieri. Head Archivist is an ancient (by human standards), withered old man who goes by the name Pasquale De Michelis. Arrangements would need to be made ahead of time – feel free to post your requests here.

--Nathi’s Player
New Genoa
06-09-2004, 21:27
Who are the most powerful mobs/gangs in Devras?
06-09-2004, 21:41
I think I can make it... and just to keep everyone else in suspense, I'll just leave off the bit where I say what I'm doing.

(And clearing it with the Nathi, of course.)
The Ctan
07-09-2004, 18:18
As a bit of a declaration in advance, I plan to be fairly heavily represented, so, in a rather particular order, these shall likely be, the , whom I plan to have already be there, courtesy of a [url=]pervious thread (]Emperor of the C’tan[/url), which took him to Devras, (via a rather nifty shuttlecraft, parked up in an airport {relatively} nearby, should anyone feel like trying to steal it) I feel that he’s not above just sticking around for a few days (or longer) until the party.

Similarly, he rarely travels alone, and at the moment he has with him Ilene Vashon, one of the numerous ‘Officers of the Emperor’ – which generally means fixer of some description. She’ll be the one doing most of the interesting things, given that the Emperor is likely to be somewhat restrained in his activities. And indeed, preoccupied. In terms of weapons and so forth, anyone familiar with me, will probably know what the former’s capable of, not that I plan on using such abilities, and indeed, unless either himself, and probably not even then, or those he’s most attached to are threatened, it is unlikely they’ll appear. (please!) The latter is an unarmed human, though with some fairly significant modifications to her body, in terms of strength, about triple what you’d expect, and in resilience, somewhat more, though not by any means bulletproof.
07-09-2004, 22:14
Have discussed beforehand via IRC.
Will participate on diplomatic level.
Dread Lady Nathicana
07-09-2004, 23:33
Passports/Customs expectations/Security

As stated before, all weapons must be registered with Customs. This includes augmented bits, which we realize can’t easily be removed and all. We have and use face recognition tech, as well as hand/fingerprint and retinal scans – such information is recorded on arrival in a painless and quick manner. (Simply place your hand on the pad and look straight ahead – over in a flash, no big.) All visitors receive sturdy laminated cards containing all their personal/passport information and the like, barcoded and marked appropriately depending on who and what they are, and where they are from. Small color dots are indicators for internal information on ‘potential threat levels’ and the like. Those from ‘friendly’ nations have certain colors, those from ‘unfriendly’ or ‘risk’ nations have others. And no, I’m not listing them here.

Having said that – yes, I’m aware there are ways around it. Having given basic layouts of how things work, I leave it up to you to find them, if you so choose. Just know the above is the standard.

Exceptions: I’m sure you’ll note I haven’t made leaders and dignitaries on government business where they are in direct contact with Nathi or her officers for a short period of time. This is considered somewhat different from the usual travel arrangements and all. As a courtesy between agreeable governments/leaders invitations such as those are extended, along with similar id cards ahead of time, sans the extra bits like scans and all. Think of them as simple identifiers. Nevermind the fact that such folks tend to be pointed out to Intel/Security for other special considerations. How they’re handled and what those considerations are depend entirely on the relationship between the two nations/leaders. It has never needed to be rp’ed out until now, when things are so open. Consider such arrangements to have been made ahead of time via the proper government agencies for any diplomats and/or leaders attending. Don’t worry – we’ll be keeping an eye on you.

Map Coordinates and Points of Interest:

Grid Version (big) (
Non-Grid Version (clearer) (

Anything beyond (to the right of) the canale in S-14 thru S-18 and the lower arm of the city in T-18 & T-19 is closed to automobile type traffic. Bikes, small scooters, rickshaws, boats, yer own feet, skateboards, rollerblades – all such things are used to get around.

Obvious should be the docks and warehouse districts along the waterline – not going to outline each one. Also along the waterline are various marinas for personal and rental craft. Though not shown on these maps, there are various islands of differing sizes out in the bay, several with hotels or other developments on them, others kept as natural as possible, still others as maintained park areas, and some too small to bother with doing much.

RS-14&15: Devras International Airport. Yes, those with aerospace shuttles and the like can be easily accommodated here. Diplomats and dignitaries and the like have a small out-of-the-way section of the airport where they are taken care of and given what they need. All commercial traffic is handled through the rest.

S-21: Docks and warehouses held by the mob. Not common knowledge, controlled by the Genovese.

U-19: Piazza san Bernardi – where the party’s at.

QR-13: Giardini Ex Toscano - Historical site. Rallying point for the first official Dictator of the Dominion - public starting point for his bloody rebellion.

KL-13: Devras Recreational Park – it is what it sounds. Pools, waterslides, even a skate park (half-pipe, ramps, you name it) and grass and trees on the premises. Arcade, DDR machines … you get the picture. (closes at 2am for the party, usually closes at midnight)

X-27: Zoo & Marine Center (pretty self-explanatory, closes at 10)

TU-18: Embassy Row (for lack of a better term) Nice palazzos and such along the canale. Assorted sizes and types, all with their own lil compounds and security, obviously.

D-15: Granny Slag’s Regional Headquarters

J thru N, 10-17: City Center – New Devras

K-11: Dante’s Inferno (you knew there had to be one somewhere). Nine levels of Hell for your dancing pleasure. One of the preferred spots for local nightlife, some private rooms for secure meetings and the like. Younger mafioso types have been known to frequent it. Always open.

O-23: Eidolon Technologies Inc. Headquarters. Frontrunners in aerospace design and off-world shipping. Government and mob connections.

G-18: Genovese Security Headquarters. A front for the Genovese Family (see Mafia), and one that enjoys a healthy stipend from the government.

S-17: Benvito’s – Nathi & Devon’s fave lil ristorante, scene of many an interesting event, the latest of which was a fistfight between the Emperor and Alkanphel. Treznor mob connections. Open all night for the occasion.

X-18: Giacomo’s – Another ristorante, old established one frequented by the more mature Mafia folks, and indeed, Family owned and operated, very traditional in look, service, food, and style. Neutral ground – violence and bad behavior very much frowned on. Secure room in the back set up for meetings, though not the only location for such. Open all night for the occasion.

P-2: Marchetti Living History Museum – think big, let your imaginations take you, though bear in mind, our history is sans magic and other humanoids and such. (closes at 11)

S-18: Ponte del Galetto - One of the rare wooden bridges, and the largest of its kind, in the Old City.

O-8: The Straw Ibis – coffeehouse and weekend karaoke club. Open all night for the party.

D-3: The Della Corte Equestrian School – Home to some of the finest horses and breeding programs in the Dominion, and the premier riding school of the region. Longstanding history, centuries old. Public areas close at 8.

V-16: Ca’ Valenti - Valenti Family holdings, palace. Old City.

T-14: Ca’ De Negri - De Negri Family holdings, palace. Old City.

V-17: Palazzo di Gonzaga - Gonzaga Family holdings, palace. Old City.

Y-18: Campo delle Alessi - Historical site. Square where the last of the Doges, Agostino di Alessi, was chased down, and executed by an angry mob, stirred up by the dissatisfied militia.

R-18: Scuola di Brunellesci – Architectural College.

U-15: Ponte del Orisino - one of the larger bridges in the Old City, rebuilt in stone 100 years before to replace the previous iron version.

V-18: Ponte del Vidali - the largest of Old City's bridges, rebuilt several times over the years, the last being in the early renaissance period, in stone. Its span measures 29 meters, and at its highest is 7.8 meters above the water. Several shops have been built along its length, with pedestrian areas to either side of them.

L-15: Gallerie delle Arti – Museum collections of famous works of art, both native and from around the world, from a number of ages. Closes at 11.

CDEF-24 thru 26: Cambria Academy – Millitary school and campus, named after a famous general from back in the times of city-states, known for his tenacity and tactics.

T-15, Q-24, F-20, E-8, M-6, P-12, K-16: Police Station – main hubs.

X-15, C-12, L-23, I-6, N13: Major Hospitals

Q-14: Teatro di San Fernado – Oldest Opera House in Devras. Showing for the night is Tosca ( by Giacomo Puccini. Floria Tosca played by Maria Castellani ( ), Mario Cavaradossi by Allesandro Bonelli, and Scarpia by Pietro Sabato. Opera ends at 10, doors close at 11.

I-11: Scuola della Arti – School for the Arts

KM 1-2: Academia di Medici – University campus

K-14: Galetto Shopping Center/Mall. Closes at 1am for tonight only. Usual hours 10am-10pm.

X-1: Devras Maximum Security Prison

V-19: Gawdly’s Pub – name to come out in rp, so long as he runs it past me. If not, just assume it to be another pub.

As you may have well guessed, along with these highlights are many other such places, and the usual things needed in a city – grocery stores, car dealerships, fast food, mini-marts, movie rental places, clubs, dancehalls, theaters, parks, you name it. If you can find it in a city, you can find it here. I’m not gonna label every little thing – feel free to have fun with it. Especially in the New city, I’m just not gonna fuss over some of that.

I also have government sites tucked here and there all over the place, but no, not about to just offer up all that on the map. Can come out in rp if/when called for.

Also, yes, especially in the Old city, there are NUMEROUS palazzos (palaces), campos (courtyards/squares), giardini (gardens/parks), more old churches than I can imagine and historical sites, but damned if I can think of naming every little last one. I’m hoping what’s given here can at least offer an idea, maybe get some thoughts going.

Mafia Families

The Genovese hold the controlling share of Devras. In addtion, the following control various sectors or have some local interest in the business, last name only for now:

La Rocca

--Nathi's Player

PS - let me know if I missed anything/wasn't clear/etc.

Scolo & Ctan: Glad to have you aboard.

Mikhail: Not a problem. Will read up on the links, should be interesting.
Drakonian Imperium
09-09-2004, 21:13
I am definitely interested. This sounds like it will be big and fun, as well I think it would be likely that the Imperium would want to increase relations diplomatic (toward the Dominion and others). Beside, Drakonians love Carnival!

So hurricanes permitting, the Imperium will likely make a high (Praetor and Queen, themselves) or medium (Director of the Diplomatic Corps or other high ranking official) visit. There would be security issues, the Praetorian Guard is a highly paranoid about foriegn visits after the Lavenrunzian Winter Ball incident. I do not think this would be problem to work out though. All background information and armaments would be declared before arrival and subject to inspection upon arrival.

Might also just do a tourists or other innocent civilian just for kicks. Or might not, I've got my own diplomatic event in the works. Anyway, you can be assured I will follow all guidelines and that the Drakonians will be, as ever, on their best behavior.

*Gets about to reading up on the Dominion*
Dread Lady Nathicana
10-09-2004, 22:00
Apologies for the delay on the ic thread and all. If I can beg your patience for a bit here, I've had some fairly serious things come up rl and all that have both prevented me from writing as I'd like, and frankly, sapped the will to do so for the most part.

No worries, will get it kicked off here soon enough - just need some time to get it together and 'regroup' so to speak.

Look forward to the play, and I appreciate the enthusiasm I've seen for it. I'll do my best not to disappoint.

--Nathi's Player
10-09-2004, 22:35
I don't know about everyone else Nathi, but I'm glad for a little delay so I can think some more about it.
10-09-2004, 23:54
Look forward to the play, and I appreciate the enthusiasm I've seen for it. I'll do my best not to disappoint.

--Nathi's Player

So will we!
Austar Union
11-09-2004, 00:18
OOC: Hey understandable on the delays. Real life comes first, and I hope everything gets sorted out. I will be praying for you. Anyhow, I will probably contact you via IRC anyways about it, but I thought I would post here anyway.

I have been thinking for a while how I could get involved in this, because to be honest this looks set to become possibly one of the greatest in the history of nationstates; that I know of. I didnt really want to do the normal get diplomatically involved or anything, simply because thats kind of a bore; the normal thing everyone does in every social roleplay, so I was considering sending two or three people; of course with your consent.

Mark Etherton
Mark Etherton is the leader of the Assemblies of God (Austarian). Basically he is there to represent the true nature of his beliefs, which are quite misunderstood. He isnt there to push his beliefs however, simply to represent the Austarian Church. OOCly I come from the same type of church, and I figured it would be interesting to RP greater understanding of my own personal beliefs. Of course, I would understand if you didnt want this in your RP, so we would have to talk it over via IRC or something.

Richard Henderson
Richard Henderson is the head of the major political player; the United Corporate Voice, which is basically an organisation which represents Corporate Austar Union in domestic politics. The UCV has been a major political player in domestic politics, hence the reason the nation's parties are more right-wing focused. There are a few left-wing parties, but due to lack of support from the UCV, they have very little representation if any.

Mike Prodestan
Mike Prodestan is the head of Presidential Security in the Austar Union. He has been advised from the President himself to attend this event, so that he may watch what kinds of security they have in the Dominion of Dread Lady Nathicana, so he may approach the board of directors with more ideas to adopt in furthering his own department at home. With a diplomatic credit card, he has also been instructed to have a good time whilst staying in the Dominion, and to also make contacts with others to discuss any possible joint security ventures.

Let me know Nathicana if you want any adjustments made on those characters. Note that the church leader guy wasnt intended to push any beliefs I have, just to RP someone with similar views as my own, and for a character with at least some difference from a diplomat. Like I said, contact me via IRC if there are any problems with this.
Alcona and Hubris
11-09-2004, 01:12
Would you mind an unoffical visit from say the new Minister of State for the Federated Klatchian Coast? (I wasn't quite clear on the rules for diplomats beyound no diplomatic immunity.)
Dread Lady Nathicana
11-09-2004, 01:30
AU: I can't see any problems at all with the characters you'd like to play. Sounds like it could introduce some interesting dynamics.

For the record, to anyone concerned that way - one point I haven't really covered is religion in the Dominion, so I'll try and remedy that here.

We have *gasp* no restriction on the faiths our citizens choose to follow. Religious tolerance extends as far as the organizations themselves do not encourage their followers to 'rock the boat' so to speak, politically. We do, naturally, have very strong historical ties to the Catholic Church, and this is the predominant faith of the nation, however, no one religion is recognized by the government as 'the official' faith for the Dominion.

Simply put, we don't care what our people believe, so long as the know, beyond simple belief, that we are in control, and that should they take this particular freedom for granted, we will remove it.

I haven't rp'ed banning any religions from the nation, so I shan't be making any up on the fly here. Nor am I set to break it all down into percentages right now or anything. Predominant Catholic, assorted other christian faiths for the most part, smattering of Islamic and other Eastern faiths, a surprising following of 'New Age' and Pagan religions ... and it goes from there.

No, we aren't in a habit of keeping religious representatives/leaders out, unless their group has a history of 'trouble'.

Drak: I think we covered it on IRC. Still, yeah. Sounds fine, just keep in mind the guidelines, and the ever-popular word 'subtlety'. Yes, folks - your actions can and will have results, and obviously, I won't be the only one reacting to them. *smiles*

--Nathi's Player
(pardon any rambling)
Dread Lady Nathicana
19-09-2004, 00:19
Quick note - I am trying to wrap up an ic post here soon which is designed to get the initial stuff out of the way, then turn you folks loose for a few hours before sunset when the evening's activities will begin.

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to coordinate with folks and you don't have a ready means otherwise, feel free to post here.

Gawdly: I'm still waiting to see your proposal stuff on that tavern idea of yours. Not gonna fly til I do, capice?

Anyways - thanks for the patience. Hope to have this up sometime tonight, will link it here when it's up, just in case.

--Nathi's Player
Sir Peter the sage
19-09-2004, 00:42
OOC: The mercenary angle (along with other civilian occupations) that you suggested for people that don't know you sounds interesting. I might just do that when it actually starts.
Dread Lady Nathicana
19-09-2004, 09:47
Game on (, folks - enjoy. Sorry for the wait, hope that first post works ok. I admit I'm not at my best right now, but hey - no time like the present, neh?

--Nathi's Player

Oh - due to questions asked, no, costume isn't until sundown. Y'all have time to mingle, sightsee, meet with folks, get ready for the party, eat, etc, etc, etc for a few hours.

Once I put up the official 'masquerade has begun' post, unless you choose to go change early and walk around (which is of course allowed, and plenty of natives will be doing so for the fun of it, so you won't be standing out too much), that'll be the time for the big grand 'entrance in full regalia' posts and what not. I didn't want to rush folks and thought letting y'all toy with things a bit and react to stuff first would be appropriate.
Dread Lady Nathicana
20-09-2004, 05:42
Woah! Quite the response already!

Alrighties - a quick note here for those who've already posted:

I promise I'm not ignoring, just haven't had a chance to pull a proper post together. Please don't feel you've been brushed off - working as best as I can on this end. Looking fabulous, folks - seriously. s' gonna be fun. :D Feel free to mingle!

Also, in thinking I've well ... kinda rethought things, all things considered. Just consider the Piazza to be more heavily guarded/monitored than the rest of the place - bag the 'diplomats only' thing. The more I've thought about it, the sillier it seemed. So yeah - s' all open. Checkpoints on entering/exiting is all.

Any questions, again, feel free and post here, or catch me on IRC or whatever works. Will see if I can get anything out tonight, if not, tomorrow morning sometime.


--Nathi's Player
20-09-2004, 07:25
Bedtime for the spacedy ants.
20-09-2004, 19:51
For anyone interacting with said spacedy ants:

A Blue ( stands about two meters from head to gaster with four manipulator claws to a hand. This is what the AdminCoordinator looks like.
AdminCoordinator 67521 of the Blue Mother of Us All

A Red Warrior ( is a bit bigger, around 2.2 meters from head to gaster, also with four manipulator claws to a hand. This is what the Soldier Red with the AdminCoordinator looks like; the LandCoordinator has the same coloration yet lacks all the spikes, which is standard for Engineer Reds.
LandCoordinator 86920 of the Red Mother of Us All

Minis, usually averaging around ten centimeters long, have smooth carapaces with smallish heads, like Engineer Reds, but their colors vary along the whole ant spectrum. The TechCoordinator is mostly an off-white light gray with brownish spots here and there.
TechCoordinator 41899 of the Mini Mothers of Us All


Ah, ya, a bit more. The colored italics are indicative of the spacedy ants communicating amongst themselves--this is actually a very ornate and broad language with aural, visual, olfactory, and even electromagnetic elements. The panNorm are capable of a sort of complex radio telepathy, which allows them to pretend to be a hive mind even though they essentially are not. Language elements can be discerned from their networked transmissions, but only generally basic ones; it is usually a far more direct transfer rather than resorting to the abstraction of language. It can be jammed, but it is difficult as the spectrum utilized is quite broad and they've been doing this for at least fifteen million years.

Red text indicates the Soldier Red meatshielding "speaking."
Dark red text indicates that the LandCoordinator is "speaking."
Navy blue text indicates that the AdminCoordinator is "speaking."
Dark gray text indicates that the TechCoordinator is "speaking."

Speech with just quotation marks is easily intelligible International Standard English produced by translator boxes.
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-09-2004, 15:56
For a nice picture ref, should anyone be interested:

Giancarlo Torino - Minister of Defense

Antonio Pellegrino - Minister of Central Intelligence

Evangelista Ravanelli - Minister of Public Relations

Bernardo di Medici - Minister of Trade

Donatello Calfa - Minister of Finance

Niccolo Giraldi - Minister of Religion

Archbishop Giovanni Battista

(yes, I know I'm a rip-off artist. so what of it. *grins*)
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-09-2004, 15:58
Part two:

Fabian Mancuso - Diplomatic Envoy to Unity Island

Leandro Pacci - Minister of Science

Cesare Calabrese - Chancellor

Jacobian Sanguinus--merc Commander of the Black Companies

Angelus Massetti - Head of personal security for Nathi

Pascalli - personal security agent
21-09-2004, 17:33
Just a little precision as of the language used.
My nation has two national languages - the Taraskath (native Taraskovyan) and Russian.

Purple text is one spoken in Taraskath.
Blue text is one spoken in Russian.

I do not deny that each nation has great speakers of Russian. However, the Taraskath is pretty much rare even inside of Tarasovka, as such I would be rather surprised if someone should claim to know the language. I do not deny you the right to do so, of course, I just do not want well versed speakers of Taraskath at every corner.

Now, an other issue is that the Taraskath is actually based on a language I made up for a fantasy world I was making up during boring school hours during the last several years and I have a bit lost the blocknote with the basic grammatics and vocabulary... As such, I will not be able to truly make you appreicate the 'beauty'(designed to break one's ears but be very majestic and soft nonetheless) of the language.
So expect it to be typed in purple English...

I did however ressurect some memories of it and you can see what's it like in the IC thread.

Those who want a translation, here it is:

- I think that she liked the gift.
- Yes, what now?
- Now... I need to see other people. And you, Ithun?
- I don't know... I think I will go find myself a lady.
Syskeyian Mars
21-09-2004, 17:53
Oi, I skimmed the thread, and can understand why everyone is overwhelmed. :)

Anyway, I was thinking about having a journalist in Devras covering the event, but I don't know if it's too late to have her in the middle of the discussion.

On that note, what would be most appropriate for a woman to wear at the festivites? I can have her wear either a Western (As in European/American "Western" not as in "Wild West") evening gown, or an Indian sari. (The sari she'd wear would be the one shown here (|Party+Wear&section_id=2&sn=Saree+and+blouses&SearchType=SEARCH_ALL)- go down to SHEL-5021 and you'll see what she'd wear.) I'd prefer the sari, but if that's too "out of place" in Devras, then, well...

Also, I always seem to "get lost" in "social threads" like this one, as my character just arrives on the seen and is ignored by everyone, as everyone is in their own conversation and such and, therefore, my being there is of no consequence. COuld someone please sum up what's been going on so I can sorta "get into" the thread, as it were?

I dunno, just thinking about stuff.

That's all for now. :)

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
Scandavian States
21-09-2004, 18:15
Hmm. What's with Alkanphel and Nathi, I thought they were chummy? I might send someone along, although I want to read through the thread first and find out just what's going on. I think this is going to be fun and that's just from reading the OOC post.
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-09-2004, 18:18
Sysk: It's Devras. We're not xenophobic. Have them wear whatever you would like your characters to wear, and do what's in character for them - it's all good. We don't expect people to act or dress like we do in the least - diversity is something that's celebrated in the Dominion that way, on account of the beauty and artistry of it all. Given our own varied cultures that have blended ... yes, it's a good thing.

Be aware of what was posted concerning the press - no annoying the guests, no images taken or transmitted without their permission. Visiting and all is of course, fine, just don't be shoving mics or recorders in people's faces or what not. *grins*

As for what's going on, lemme 'splain.

Coronation has gone off without a hitch (yay), and right now, people are just socializing, no more, no less. Pick a post, and go with it - there' s no need (and realistically, no way) for any of us other than my security team overall, to see everything that's going on (yay again for surveilance and techy toys). Nathi is speaking to some folks in private, Calabrese is helping organize those il meets so that they can have a moment of privacy and all, and me - I'm just trying to catch up with everything one bit at a time. ^__^

A note on Pacci: For those wondering, if at all - he's my only character with what I call an 'awakened' mind. In other words, he's capable of doing some tweaky lil things, all on account of THIS ( thread here. Paradoxical talent, he calls it. Like being able to mold stone, or change the chance of something happening like that glass not breaking. It's a physical thing, and he doesn't fully understand it himself, just that by concentrating and practicing, there are things he can manipulate, move, and manage. It's not something he tends to show off.

Scandavian States: They're a lil more than 'chummy' but there's a lot going on you might not be aware of. THIS ( rather lengthy piece might help 'splain some of that, should you be interested in skimming.
Scandavian States
21-09-2004, 19:06
Well yeah, they're lovers, but I was being understated. I'll probably skim over that thread once I get my initial post out of the way and it's time to start interacting with the Dread Lady herself.
Scandavian States
21-09-2004, 20:15
Just a note on the people attending.

Stefan Larsen: Son of the current Emperor, Alexander I Larsen. However, because of the fact that he was born after his sister, he is not the direct heir. As a result he is often stuck with diplomatic duties that none of the other three member of his family would normally take or he's in the field learning the trade of war with the Prince's Guards Army. He currently hold the rank of Major General of the Crown, which is a rank that is held in reserve for direct descendants of the Royal Family.

Imogen Fox: Daughter of a Marquess from the Dublin Duchy, she is a highly decorated Colonel in the Imperial Marines. Throughout her career as an officer she has almost exclusively been assigned to one Cavalry division or another, which puts her in a very select group of officers, both past and present.

The two guards: They shall remain background characters unless something serious happens that involves either Stefan or Imogen. They are both soldiers in the Imperial Army, specifically the 135th Sarskilda SkyddsGrupp Regiment, a special operations regiment responsible for the protection of the Royal Family and allied dignitaries both at home and abroad. Needless to say their training is extensive and they know their business.

A note on uniforms: For dress uniforms I use this ( as a base. For Stefan's uniforms substitute the red for gold, the black for cobalt blue, and the white of a cream color llike in my flag. For Imogen's uniform substitute the red for emerald green, the blue for black, and her hat is black. On the two guards' uniforms substitute the red for cream, the black for gold, and the white for cobolt blue.

They all have sidearms in black dress holsters and as per Nathi's directive they've been registered. It would be stupid to do otherwise, no?
United Indiastan
21-09-2004, 20:51
Arg. I'd planned on joining the thread, but now that I'm so far behind and my computer is falling apart, I think I'll have to rethink my plans. Oh well. Have fun everybody.
Alcona and Hubris
21-09-2004, 22:02
We...alright before anyone starts making horrid mistakes I should throw out some definitions for reference:

Adel-German word for noble, in A+H it means a noble who is not a Peer

Landgrave-German word meaining Land Count. Note A+H has also Stradtgraves (City Counts), and Markgraves (Military Governors for all intents and purposes)

-Wittelbach (Major German noble family that Ruled Bavaria for 700 odd years plus at time Greece, The Palinatate, Bohemia, and the Holy Roman Empire)
The leading cadet branch founded the city and Parish of Wittelbach and became Landgraves in the United Duchies

United Duchies-A+H

Peer a nobleman with the right to sit in the College of Peers (English definition of noblity actualy.)

Note: My Duke, Alexander III, is not here, he sent his brother-in-law.
His assistant is adel, rather than a Peer, or basicly a second-class noble.

Nathi- my last statement to the Archbishop was mainly so the Landgrave would have some IC reason to know who your charcters are...(obvious but sometimes I have to hit people over the head with these things)

William Wittelbach
Description: One of those nice gentlemen from the South you would find just before the civil war. Charming, Aristocratic, and has a problem marrying strong-willed women. (presently he is widowed once, divorced once) He is also the primary shareholder in several investment firms specializing in commodities trading. All of which are fairly secretive in nature, but he is well respected...on par with someone like Warren Buffet.

Lord Windmere, Thomas Marhigh Beldrake
Description: A young, athletic youth who happens to be a sex addict and a very good hacker. Unfortunatly, he happened to hack into a notorious auction and then did something very, very foolish. (Like sending the Dread Lady a peice of furniture which was illegal to ship out of the country.) Suffice to say, he was forced to transfer from a comfortable life screwing the maids to having to work for the International Investigative Service, where he started to get a taste for more exotic women.
(note I've had to resurrect the name since I lost those posts...)
21-09-2004, 22:11
Well, as usual I will be more or less hiding in the shadows and stuff, as such, my both delegates are there and free to communicate. :rolleyes:

Ithun will be most likely hunting a bit every handsome skirt ( :fluffle: ) coming his way while Vladimir will be walking around getting to know the place ( :eek: )...

Or something.

So if anybody wants to 'establish contact' - feel more than free. Otherwise, I will not be walking around hunting people :P

Not my style.

Dread Lady Nathicana
21-09-2004, 23:55
OMG OMG OMG!!! THAT's why it was familiar! *laughs* Thanks A&H - I'll be sure and remember that when we get you in there to meet with Nathi. Ought to be a hoot. And, no worries on the asking - I'm still working on that post. Fam and all, yasee.

Thanks for the patience, folks - hope I'm keeping up enough and all. If you need anything, or I need to be responding to something I'm not, give me a nudge here to remind me - much appreciated.

Thanks to those adding reference bits here, it really helps, especially considering how many of us don't get the opportunity to interact regularly.

I'm amazed at the great posts and quality interaction going on there - thanks to everyone for making this such a great story. I had no idea it was going to take off like this.

to those wondering about taking part and are holding off, or feeling overwhelmed - don't be. Just jump in, and have fun. It's the whole purpose of this anyways. To those who would like to but can't *hugs Indy* I'm sorry, and hope things improve on your end, taking part or not.

--Nathi's Player
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 00:01
If anyone interacting with Agwene or the satyrs has cold iron (iron made with iron age tech or an intentional replication thereof, should be rare outside primitive nations and fairy hunter) or wrought iron (the kind normally used in crow bars or park benches) let me know. Iron alloy or raw iron ore, I don't need to know about.
22-09-2004, 00:53
We don't even technically IC'ly acknowledge magicky stuffs, so we've no reason to carry about cast iron. :) Doesn't mean that magicky stuffs don't exist, we just don't admit it...
22-09-2004, 00:55
We don't even technically IC'ly acknowledge magicky stuffs, so we've no reason to carry about cast iron. :) Doesn't mean that magicky stuffs don't exist, we just don't admit it...

Well, for some folks out there, big walking talking ants is magikz 'nuf already :P :D

Oh, and since I've noticed that I am about the only guy to use italics to describe action and stuff, I will try to drop them for this thread, to keep the texts more or less similar :)
22-09-2004, 01:12
Ya, I know the square-cube law as well as anyone else. More of a relatively thinm hard exoskeleton connected to a strong endoskeleton via internal members, like bird bones except built bigger. It works out in the end.
22-09-2004, 01:14
Ya, I know the square-cube law as well as anyone else. More of a relatively thinm hard exoskeleton connected to a strong endoskeleton via internal members, like bird bones except built bigger. It works out in the end.

Lies! Lies I tell yah! Them insect critters are here ta eat owr brains, aye!

Okey, I am tired, off to bed I go. :headbang:
Reploid Productions
22-09-2004, 02:59
I suppose I ought to post a quick character description, since not everybody knows about reploids =p

Tsume Dragonis
Description: Reploid (robotic) dragon from the Dragonis model line. (Most reploids take their surnames from their model line.) Black armor with purple trim, Tsume is about six feet long nose to tail-tip. Despite his predatory appearance, he is remarkably social and easygoing, with a good sense of diplomacy and tact, and a surprising depth of patience, given he was originally built for combat, hence his talons, fangs, and other mounted tidbits of inflicting bodily harm.

He's filled the role of foreign affairs minister since Firefury took control of the Shogunate, and has on more than one occasion filled Firefury's position of supreme executive power over the nation. In essence, he is the second in command of the country, and often the more diplomatic, as he has often had to 'translate' Firefury's commentary into 'diplospeak'. ("Tell so-and-so that they can go eff off! Them and the steel dick they flew in on!" turns into "Firefury-sama regretfully must decline your offer.", for example.)

Fitting for a dragon, he moves with a sort of serpentine grace, with just a dash of debonair thrown in for good measure- his extremely formal "wingspread bow" is a common bit when he greets someone.

For refernce, here's some pics of Tsume:
22-09-2004, 04:55
Sorry Nathicana, but who is your foreign affairs person? I can't seem to locate that person in the thread. Is he currently talking to someone?

Our action at the moment.

Jur nodded towards one of his bodyguards and said,

-Karlo. Find out where the newly crowned Queen has went so I can pay my respects. Or at least find out from one of her ministers as to the proper diplomatic channels to do so as well as who to leave gifts with. I tire of crowds and would like to retire to my room.
-Yes, Ambassador.

With suprising ease, the six foot six tall bodyguard made his way through the crowd, looking for one of the Dominion higher-ups. Meanwhile, the walrus, Tronj, and the woman gingerly navigated towards a nearby wall and hopefully near the bar.
Dread Lady Nathicana
22-09-2004, 06:42
Vrak: sorry man - have been trying to gather some of those bits (that one in particular) for another post. Chancellor Cesare Calabrese is the one coordinating the lil meetings with Nathi. He's currently talking to the Alcona & Hubris' Lord Windmere.

PR is Evangelista Ravanelli, for ref. Pics and all listed in previous posts in this thread if yas need a quicklist of who's who.
22-09-2004, 08:19
Vrak: sorry man - have been trying to gather some of those bits (that one in particular) for another post. Chancellor Cesare Calabrese is the one coordinating the lil meetings with Nathi. He's currently talking to the Alcona & Hubris' Lord Windmere.

PR is Evangelista Ravanelli, for ref. Pics and all listed in previous posts in this thread if yas need a quicklist of who's who.

OOC: That would work well, since we'd rather intrude on a conversation, however brief, when another Klatchian is present. If you want, you can say that Karlo has found the Chancellor and is inquiring as to how the Vrakian ambassador should properly approach Nathicana to pay his respects and to leave a gift. Then, he will retire to his room for a bit. I think we have a room somewhere. I'll have to check. Feel free to put words in Karlo's mouth if that will help your post.

As for Karlo, he's a rather large caucausian fellow, being about 6'6" tall with a powerful build. He has closely shaved black/brown hair (military cut) with blue eyes. He has a rather large scar running down his left cheek. He's quite easy-going however yet protective of his boss. He's quite adept at a couple martial arts and not much escapes his glance. Still, though, he's only human and doesn't have any kind of augments. He's slightly smaller than Tronj, who is about 6'9" and hails from an Inuit-like background.

Both Karlo and Tronj are squeezed into tuxedos while the woman is dressed in a simple black (though not too revealing) dress. Jur, for his part, is wearing a multi-coloured vest and Shriner-like hat, complete with tassel. His vest and hat are richly embroidered and the patterns look like a Fauvist painted them.
22-09-2004, 08:34
The Resurgent Dream: Is steel included in your iron category? It's pretty much just iron and carbon and vanadium and a few other stuffs, on the elemental level.

If so, then I'd better point out that Rene Seingult is currently carrying the Clan Seingult klrsukali (peace-bonded, of course)... good cold steel.
Dread Lady Nathicana
22-09-2004, 09:00
beg pardon for shifting order, but ... well, Karma was up and awake and all, and FSP wasn't nor, I think, A&H so I thought I'd take care of this lil bit first and all. Just don't want anyone to get offended in the like on account - it's just that right now I think we have 32 different posting nations and I'm having a devil of a time keeping everything straight, so simplifying a lil seems to make sense, where it ic would work (such as here).

Vrak: let me know if I screwed anything up.


--Nathi's Player
22-09-2004, 10:16
beg pardon for shifting order, but ... well, Karma was up and awake and all, and FSP wasn't nor, I think, A&H so I thought I'd take care of this lil bit first and all. Just don't want anyone to get offended in the like on account - it's just that right now I think we have 32 different posting nations and I'm having a devil of a time keeping everything straight, so simplifying a lil seems to make sense, where it ic would work (such as here).

--Nathi's Player

May I suggest something?

Everybody should make a post title with the names of the names of those the writer wants to interact with in the post. As such, you'll immediately see who wants to bug Nathi and who is there to hook with some foreign gal :confused:

Just my two five swiss centimes into the matter (we don't have 1centime coins no longer, 5 is the smallest :P )
22-09-2004, 10:18
Could Serconija (the spelling of my country's name in Serconean) TV send a film crew to cover the event and interview some people?

There will be three people:
Andreja Lucas, 29, a reporter. She'll be wearing traditional Serconean costume, like this: She'll wear a mask, but she'll take it off for her pieces to camera.
Ciril Johnson, 43, cameraman
Drago Reid, 35, soundman and director.

My people can speak English and Italian, but I'll use Cyan for Serconean (a cross between Czech and Slovene).

We'll be hanging around the square, but we'd like to visit the cathedral, both for filming purposes.

There's also Edvard Smith, a clergyman from Serconea. He's here to see the cathedral and talk to the local bishops (Serconea too is a Catholic country).
Dread Lady Nathicana
22-09-2004, 14:01
Mikhail: It's ok. I've got it all laid out in a spreadsheet. Just takes a lil doin' now and then to keep it worked out. (I should have been utilizing such a list from the start, but stupidly got wrapped up in it and forgot.)

Serconea: Well, since you decided to go along with it, I'm gong to see how D'ron reacts then take things from there. You do realize he's standing speaking with one of the Dominion Ministers, yes? And you do realize that whether or not your organization tends to 'ignore media directives' they exist here nonetheless (as mentioned in the first post and here to other people enquiring about press), yes? And, as a final point ... you do realize how I run security here, how seriously the Dominion takes their hospitality, and that whatever fancy titles one slaps on it on account of this 'coronation' business, it is still, and will remain, a dictatorship run rather tightly by Nathicana, who has never yet been keen on the press to begin with - especially press she doesn't personally control?

Right then - game on. *grins*

--Nathi's Player
22-09-2004, 15:01
May I suggest something?

Everybody should make a post title with the names of the names of those the writer wants to interact with in the post. As such, you'll immediately see who wants to bug Nathi and who is there to hook with some foreign gal :confused:

Just my two five swiss centimes into the matter (we don't have 1centime coins no longer, 5 is the smallest :P )

That's a pretty damn good idea.
Syskeyian Mars
22-09-2004, 15:41
Just introduced my character. What do you think? :)

Also, would it be OK for her to have a sidearm? I'm thinking of a Colt M1911-series pistol with a lot of engravings on it. Of course, it would be fashionably holstered and previously registered with the Dominion government. Not that I intend to kill anyone or anything of that sort, but given all the Mafiosi and corruption around she'd probably want to keep a sidearm for self-defense. Not to mention the fact that an engraved Colt .45 would also be quite stylish. :)

Would it be OK if she had an apartment in Devras' Old City? Just wondering.

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
Dread Lady Nathicana
22-09-2004, 17:33
Sysk: Nicely done, there. Good on the subtlety and all. Looks fine from this end - have fun with it, if you have a question about whether someone is gonna take offense, read their previous posts carefully and tg/leave a message here/contact 'em on IRC or something before proceeding and all. Word of the day for reporters is just be polite and non-invasive.

I think the apartment thing would be fine - lots of space after all.
Scandavian States
22-09-2004, 18:54
Just some physical characteristics for my characters

Prince Stefan Larsen
Age: 28
Height: 6'6"
Weight: ~270 pounds, almost all of it muscle. He is, after all, a soldier
Hair: White-blonde hair (think your average blonde Swede) cut into a high-and-tight
Intelligence: Fairly intelligent by Scandavian standards. He did well in school, like most Scandavians he knows a multitude of languages (English, Danish, Swedish, Chinese, and is learning Irish Gaelic), and has a couple martial arts under his belt (which is as mentally demanding as it is physically, and the pun wasn't intended.)

Colonel Imogen Fox
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 pounds, not quite so built as Stefan, so she still has a female figure
Hair: Red, curly, shoulder-length hair that is usually tied back as an occupational habit.
Intelligence: Above average intelligence (again, by Scandavian standards.) She was a consistent "B" student and outside of growing up bilingual (English and Irish Gaelic), she has only learned Danish from her fiancé. Her personal hand-to-hand training was learned in the Imperial Army and her occupation keeps her from learning more.

I'm not going to get into the guards, if it becomes necessary to put in details on them I'll find some way to do it in the IC post.
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 19:22
Ok. This is just a totally self conscious, how am I doing post. I know everyone else in this thread has a lot more experience and all.
22-09-2004, 19:28
Ok. This is just a totally self conscious, how am I doing post. I know everyone else in this thread has a lot more experience and all.

Rather fine, yes, but you seem to forget to...

Two boring hours later.

And this will increase your writing skills by 177,5794%!

Oh, hello guys, are you here for a lecture, too? Wha-? Hey! Let go me! Let go me!

In short: you're good.
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 19:32
Thanks. *Blush*
22-09-2004, 19:49
Ok. This is just a totally self conscious, how am I doing post. I know everyone else in this thread has a lot more experience and all.
Nothing but high praise on behalf of the spacedy ants. *taps mandibles together*
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 20:00
Even if I do have organs outside my bones? *Grins*
The Ctan
22-09-2004, 20:09
Ok. This is just a totally self conscious, how am I doing post. I know everyone else in this thread has a lot more experience and all.

OOC: Nothing but approval from this corner.
Dread Lady Nathicana
22-09-2004, 20:37
Resurgent Dream: It's been a pleaure having you participate. I realize we have a lot of extremely varied nations in this thread, and I think you, and everyone has been doing a simply FABULOUS job of taking it in stride and adapting. I couldn't possibly be more pleased (with the exception of my own posts, which I'm working on).

I'm glad you chose to just jump in - it's that sort of thing I originally hoped to encourage. The whole idea of this is to have fun, do some character development, reach out a little and interact with people you might not normally, and have enough freedom to be creative in a relatively safe environment.

I'm simply amazed at the quality (and ye gods, the quantity!) of posts we've seen, and I truly hope that if there are other people still wanting to participate that aren't, or are feeling intimidated or unsure, that they just toss all that garbage and just pile in and have fun with it.


--Nathi's Player

ps - omg, what is with all the pressies you sweet silly peoples! Not why I did this! *laughs*

pps - Suggestions on how to handle all these meetings folks would like with Nathi? I'm open to whatever, and don't want to put anyone off, while letting the thread progress.

ppps - *facepalms* YES! the idea about noting in the title about who the post is about is a great one and I'm sorry I was so tired as to read that wrong earlier. Thanks!
22-09-2004, 20:42
ps - omg, what is with all the pressies you sweet silly peoples! Not why I did this! *laughs*

Well, if you complain, then it means you didn't get enough. :confused:
*takes out an assault rifle and goes around poking people*

ppps - *facepalms* YES! the idea about noting in the title about who the post is about is a great one and I'm sorry I was so tired as to read that wrong earlier. Thanks!

I know, I am a genious. :cool: [/larger than universe ego]
The Resurgent Dream
22-09-2004, 21:00
Nathi: Maybe you could just telegram people when you're ready for them. That way no one posts going before you're ready and just has to wait while you finish up other meetings.
Alcona and Hubris
22-09-2004, 21:19
Considering that from now on you have to give out presents on your birthday now...get them while you can.
Scandavian States
22-09-2004, 21:23
In the Imperium it's tradition to give gift to a new Emperor/Empress or Duke/Duchess on the day of their coronation. I had a bear of a time thinking of an original gift, most everything has been covered.

/me snickers as he realizes he left a horrible pun in there that will become obvious once the gift is presented.
23-09-2004, 03:37
Uh, hi! I hope nobody minds me chucking a few characters in... (I'll admit I made this nation just to do that, but it should be fun). Kaenei, Slutbum Wallah, if you don't want to interact I can just have Ingrid and/or Sandrine go talk to someone else.

Hee, that poor bond-Knight. Here's ( a picture of her, by the by - I stole it from a hairspray ad in a magazine. :)
Dread Lady Nathicana
23-09-2004, 03:56
No complaints on this end - the more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned. Welcome aboard, hope you have fun with it.

--Nathi's Player

ps - yes, trying desperately to catch up.
Reploid Productions
23-09-2004, 05:12
Okay, since I tossed another of my characters into the fray, time to give a short description for folks ^_~

Rihdadw, Keeper of the "Holy Blade of the Morn", Jneht ev Nubadw
Like all of the "Keepers", he was originally either a human, Drakonic tribesmen, Nekoite tribesman, or Pegasii tribesmen (all four are basically human, with some minor differences). He came to possess one of the "Goddess Blades", and over time was changed by the weapon's inherent power to the half-dragon form of the Keepers. ( for an example). In short, he is quite old (2,300 years, give or take a couple of decades), and quite powerful in 'magic' (the Keepers refer to magic as "the Arts"). His scaley bits are mottled brown and grey, his hair cropped short and black, and his eyes a sort of crystal blue.

As for his attitude, he's not the most sociable- in my notes for the character, he's listed as the tempermental one, so he may get a bit short with people at the party. He's not antisocial... he's just a little out of place at the party =p
23-09-2004, 05:21
He winks at Pat, and hikes his chin towards the street. "It shouldn't take long."
Heehee... I didn't think that was something one would normally be proud about. I guess it could be classified as efficiency... :D

All in good fun. ;)
The Resurgent Dream
23-09-2004, 05:30
When you rule billions, you get chicks anyway. Go power!
23-09-2004, 05:49
Ah, yes, efficiency--not ony does one get the dames, one also runs through them quickly. While this may be more pleasant for the one than the dames in question, they're still excited by the power and whatnot, so I suppose it may balance out...
Melkor Unchained
23-09-2004, 06:03
Heehee... I didn't think that was something one would normally be proud about. I guess it could be classified as efficiency... :D

All in good fun. ;)

Goddamn it dont take my words out of context! Oy!


At any rate; The Resurgent Dream: a few notes on Alkanphel. I noticed in your last post there's some sort of [dant dant DAAAAA] 'sinister intent' [perhaps] with regards to the current situation. Not sure how familiar you are with Maiar and the properties thereof, but any use of illusion [not sure whether or not any is being used here] is more or less pointless; Ainur tend to see right through them. Also, Alkanphel's a pretty sharp guy nonetheless so if that other character of yours is going to be doing a lot of stalking/spying/ etc etc from a relatively short distance, don't be surprised if he picks up on it after a post or two.

EDIT: also, he's exhibited an ability to tamper with the psyche of a person, influence their emotions, read their thoughts, etc etc but generally only after prolonged contact and also generally only with much effort. This is something I try not to wank up, but if you notice him fall [mostly] silent for a few posts and start knotting his brows and looking all concentrated and stuff, he's probably attempting a mindhack. He's very liable to do this at the first sign of something going awry. I dont know if Maile's just a pawn here, or what, but I just want to lay all of this on the table before it even becomes an issue.

Further character traits are availible upon request. Any questions, just ask. Promise not to use it ICly :)
The Resurgent Dream
23-09-2004, 06:39
Nope. No illussions being used on the Maia. Beyond that...well, I'll telegram you.
Melkor Unchained
23-09-2004, 06:41
Fair enough. I just wanted to post this somewhere so I didnt get accused of pulling it outta my arse :eek:
24-09-2004, 11:09
Has anyone replied to Andreja Lucas's question?
24-09-2004, 11:16
Fair enough. I just wanted to post this somewhere so I didnt get accused of pulling it outta my arse :eek:

No, please, don't pull anything outta your arse. Spare our eyes and noses.
24-09-2004, 14:57
Has anyone replied to Andreja Lucas's question?
Er... no. I dunno if you were paying attention, but the fact you snuck in a camera without registering it with the authorities led SP's security to think it was a bomb. Then the reporter got buttonholed, Dominion security showed up, and I think she's been hauled off.

Lessee...She found D'Ron.

"Excuse me, what's your name?"D’ron was about to turn at the interruption to his discussion with everyone to answer the rude question, when the voice in his head said, Don’t turn around, Mister President. The voice was commanding, from his Guardsman. She’s not in my database, and I’ve got an unexplained EM power signature on her. Which of course screamed out ‘bomb’ to the Guardsman.

<snip snip>

“Who are you, what do you want with the President, and what in hell is that power signature around your neck?”Security had noted the reporter accosting D'ron, and the brief hand signal Pacci gave to one of the servers only clinched it. However, his guard seemed to have the situation well in hand at present, and subtlety in a crowd like this, was a must.

One of the obvious security agents made his way slowly towards the Guardsman, from the front, maintaining a casual demeanor.

"Can I be of assistance, President?" he quietly asks D'ron, his eyes on the reporter and Andrew.He smiled tightly at the guard, still speaking quietly to not disturb the leaders. “This nice lady here has got some sort of EM device in her necklace. When she just approached the President out of no where, I thought I would take action.” His gaze shifted to look at her out of the corner of his eye. “I’ve still not found out anything about her.” The Guardsman’s gaze shifted back to the guard. “Perhaps you can do better.” He took a step away, letting the security man in, to do whatever it was he did.

Yup. Totally shanghaied.
Dread Lady Nathicana
24-09-2004, 16:02
Serconea: Your rep is in the process of being led off, to be precise. Wanted to give you the opportunity to respond - I realize the thread is moving awfully fast. In fact, I was trying to answer some things last night when I lost 'net connection.

At any rate, your reporter is currently with a Dominion security officer, being led off toward the govt building methinks.

Thanks to Scolo for doing the legwork there - I'm sorry, but I missed Serconea's short post in here entirely in all the other bits. My bad.
Alcona and Hubris
24-09-2004, 21:33
item: Oh, my title on my post "Vrak...waiting for Nathi's guests..." is actually ment to be a reminder to myself more than anything...that and make note that I am paying attention.

I realized after the fact someone might take in the wrong way...
Dread Lady Nathicana
24-09-2004, 21:56
Alcona: Not a problem in the least. Both FSP and Trez have had some other things going on, hence the slow movement of that part is all. If there's anything I can help with in the meantime, please let me know. I realize I probably miss things here and there, with so many people posting. I don't mind reminders or requests in the least - helps keep me on top of things. :)

And yes, that goes for anyone. If there is any way my characters can be of assistance - whether they've been named or not - in helping get you involved, or creating a situation you can work with, or anything of the like, let me know and I'll get on it.

Appreciate all the patience from folks - it's been a helluva past few weeks especially. Also appreciate all the great rp going on. Even the bits I'm not directly involved in (which truth, is a GREAT thing, because half the point of this was to let folks interact that don't usually if possible) have been a damn fine read - and a truly welcome distraction from my own problems.

Thanks, all - hope everyone is having fun with it.

--Nathi's Player
24-09-2004, 23:34
Okey, me and Gehenna will keep Ithun and Angelina busy over IRC. Watch for posts about their escapade appearing on a rather regular basis.

In the meantime, Vladimir, the guy who is there for the politic and diplomatic talking and such, continues to diminish the local food supplies over at the Piazza :rolleyes:
Scandavian States
25-09-2004, 01:11
Okay, I've kinda-sorta changed my mind on what the uniforms look like. When something needs ironed out in my mind I tend to get obsessed with detail, which explains my shiny new military uniform thread:

Imogen's an Imperial Marine, but the others are all in the Imperial Army. All of them are wearing their respective Formal Mess Dress uniforms. Just a tidbit that I had to get out after hours of work.
25-09-2004, 09:19
So the masquerade has now started?
25-09-2004, 10:54
I can't find the post about that, where is it?
Scandavian States
25-09-2004, 17:04
I don't think it has. I believe people are just getting into the spirit of the thing early.
25-09-2004, 17:43
Well, if anyone's ever been to Mardi Gras or Carnivale in various places, think about how it starts. There isn't a set time that suddenly the clock chimes five times and BOOM everyone's suddenly nuts in the street, it sorta slowly builds until everyone's into it. The masquerade ball, which is a planned event, probably hasn't happened yet.

The traditional festivities, on the other hand, look like they are beginning to swing into action.
Dread Lady Nathicana
25-09-2004, 19:18
Scolo's got the right of it there. Dominion folks love a good party, and as such, several have been enjoying the mask/costume part of that and all. In one of my last posts in there I described how the party atmosphere around the city was building as the day goes on. The ball itself, planned for the formal hall in that building I pointed out on the map of the Piazza, officially starts at sundown. Well aware not everyone will be wanting to participate there, hence, all the other entertainments going on there. I'll try and be more descriptive with it in a following post.

I wanted to give folks ample time to do what they wanted, and to try and wrap up these meetings with Nathi - sorry that's lagged a bit there. I also apologize for lack of posts on my part the past couple of days. Things have been a tad rough on my end outside of NS, and I've been afk rather a lot, and probably will be out a bit today as well.

I'm going to try and catch up here, and move things along as best I can, as soon as I can. In the meantime, I'm amazed at the great posts everyone has been putting up. It's been a pleasure having the opportunity to participate in the same thread as so many talented rp'ers, and I just wanted to thank you for it.

Hope folks are having fun, feel free to be as, well, free with things as you can without toppling the nation into chaos (and staying true to the simple guidelines of respecting your fellow rp'ers, not that we've had even a whiff of that sort of trouble), and I'll get my act together asap.

--Nathi's Player
Dread Lady Nathicana
27-09-2004, 03:03
Alrighty - a suggestion has been made to fluid time the lil meetings and all, so folks aren't having to wait around and all. Which, in hindsight, I probably should have done to begin with. My bad.

So, for those not familiar with fluid time and how it works, here's the deal:

Those wanting to post a meeting with Nathi can go right ahead and do so - just note it in the title, and if you can, who you're following after. No worries, I'll list what I have so far here for easy ref.

We'll just assume it all flows as it should, I'll answer as best I can to each in turn, and y'all won't have to wait around like you've been doing. Sound good? I hate to see a thread lag out due to that sort of thing when we could solve it otherwise, so ... here we go.

What I have so far is this:

Tarasovka - done
Tsaraine - done
Karmabaijan - done
Sentient Peoples - done
Trez - has made his entrance, and will be out for a couple more days, so ... will let him wrap up as he sees fit when he gets back.
Vrak - mostly done

Alcona and Hubris - on deck

Scandavian States
The Resurgent Dream
Austar Union

Please let me know if I've missed anyone or something, or if you'd prefer to work something out over IRC. Thanks!

--Nathi's Player
Scandavian States
27-09-2004, 17:11
Nathi, if you don't mind I would like you to start off our meetin at your conveniance. I'm still not entirely comfortable with character RP.
27-09-2004, 17:15
Tarasovka - done
Tsaraine - done
Karmabaijan - done
Sentient Peoples - done

It's funny how spooky this line is taken out of context

Oh, and Alcona.

Are you sure its Landgrave and not Landgraf? :confused:
Because that's how you say Count in German - Graf. We Russian folks even borrowed it :rolleyes:
The Resurgent Dream
27-09-2004, 19:26
Ok. I posted my fluid time post. It's already buried a couple pages back.
Scandavian States
27-09-2004, 21:08
Tarasovka, it's Landgrave (land-grav-a) for males and Landgravine (land-grav-een-a) for females.
27-09-2004, 21:09
Tarasovka, it's Landgrave (land-grav-a) for males and Landgravine (land-grav-een-a) for females.

Then what the hell does 'graf' stand for? :confused:
I am sure it stands for Count. And I never saw 'grave' in German nobility titles.
Hmmm... :(
Scandavian States
27-09-2004, 21:15
Wait, I screwed up my pronunciation. Grave would be pronounced graf-a, when the title was borrowed a close presentation of the phonetic pronounciation was probably used.
Alcona and Hubris
27-09-2004, 23:29
Ah, it is the english spelling of the German word.

Graf is the German for count True

But in English this becomes grave...Or the english would refer to a Landgraf as a Landgrave.

\Land"grave`\, n. [G. landgraf; land land + graf earl,
count; cf. D. landgraaf, F. landgrave.]
A German nobleman of a rank corresponding to that of an earl
in England and of a count in France.


In reality the only R.L. titles that were actually 'Landgraves' were six nobles of North Carolina (and raised up by a German Prince)

So you are correct, but so am I...I just deviated to the english spelling of the word for my own reasons.

I should point out that my statement about Landgraves ealier was more about the fact that it was a noble title rather than some other oddity like a first name.

It is not a normal noble title around here (N.S.) and people get confused if I don't use english words they know.
Such as
Lord, Baron, Earl...

But I like grave as a title or really...


Depending on what they ruled.

Hell, most people around here have no idea what level of the Peerage a Count is...let alone understand that a Markgrave (Or Markgraf) is equivilant to a Marquis (S.P.)

In the end I was being breif for the sake of clarity, but wouldn't you know I would wind up with one person in the RP who knows something about german titles, but not how they varied in english...
27-09-2004, 23:46
Actually, I had thought that the feminine form of Landgrave was Landgravine - I gave that title to one of my characters. Sandrine White is Landgravine Qumenat.
Alcona and Hubris
28-09-2004, 00:19
Yes, Landgravine is the modern feminine version of Landgrave

(That dictionary refrence is about 90 years old...)
Dread Lady Nathicana
28-09-2004, 00:57
As a note of interest given the discussion, though there are many, many different resources out there, here's a link I've found useful at times, probably with more information than you might want on it actually.

All the same, if you scroll down, you'll see various titles used for nobility in Europe at least.

28-09-2004, 01:49
*ponders throwing in Japanese military ranks in just to confuse things further*
Dread Lady Nathicana
28-09-2004, 05:21
Go for it, Scolo - Knowledge is a Good Thing (TM).

A bit of an announcement:

I'm ... gonna be heading out here come Thursday morning til next Tuesday late. Unavoidable trip and all - fam wedding and the like. I probably won't have the access I'd like given our location, but I'll try and get on when I can (which will hopefully be more than just Sunday night, which I'm pretty sure I can swing), so ... asking your patience that way. I'll try and wrap up as much as I can on my end before heading out. I figure we can fluid time things as needed, and it seems most folks have got plenty of interaction going with other players as is, which is excellent.

I'll also be sure and officially kick off the start to the Ball and what not with a nice post before heading out, so perhaps that will free things up a bit more as well.

Apologies for the inconvenience and all ... truth, I hadn't expected such an awesome response here. :eek: Thanks again, and have fun!

--Nathi's Player
Dread Lady Nathicana
28-09-2004, 13:40

I take it you didn't read the description of this particular jail at all. Which I laid out in detail in a previous post. Here - let me help you.

He leads her across a closed bridge over the canale at the western side of the Piazza - the Bridge of Tears, as it was known historically. It is darker inside, save for the stoneworked lattice openings situated at regular intervals along its length where the light of the fast-fading day leaks in. Through those small windows many a condemned man had caught his last glimpse of the outside world before entering the old prison beyond. Their footsteps echo as they walk along the floor, worn with the crossing of many feet over the years.

Other than some structural fixes, little had changed in the prison over the years. The lower level in fact, had been somewhat restored, and used for the tourism industry. But here, in the back, away from the busy Piazza and the crowds, hidden from the view of curious passersby, it was cold, worn, and gloomy. Old stone pavers made up the floor, in many places split or chipped. The stucco walls might once have been white, but from time, dirt, and the constant burning of candles, now replaced by dim electric lights, had greyed their color and streaked them in centuries old grime.

The guardsman, who has yet to offer a name or anything of the like, leads Andreja to the first of six cells along the hallway they enter - an oddly shaped room covered in ancient wooden planking, stained from the nails that held them in place, rotted through in spots. A small short footstool sat in a corner, as did a bucket in another.

"I'm afraid we don't have the staff to spare transporting you to a more modern holding cell, so please accept the appologies of the Dominion for so invonveniencing you with such dreary accommodations for now." He pauses, tilting his head slightly as he listens to a message over his small headset, then he smiles.

"It would seem you won't lack for company at least. We will of course send up a tray of food, and ample drink in the meantime."

Kindly show me in there where there is -any- phone system whatsoever? OH that's right. There isn't one. Nor is there any bloody way your president would have a direct line to the jail in any case, even if it were one of the modern ones until we'd contacted your nation - which we haven't.

Another thing. I'm not sure you took the time to read the pertinent details in this ooc thread, or you'd likely not be acting the way you have been. Let me point out some bits that might help you - and anyone else wondering - understand this nation and the situation a little better:

The Dominion is, and remains, in spite of the Imperial title change, a dictatorship. We're not terribly keen on the press even in the best of times. Instructions were given that you chose not to follow. Had you been more subtle, and chosen a better target, you'd likely not be in trouble right now.

There is no such thing as 'diplomatic immunity' here - and even if there were, the press does not fall under that heading.

My soldati, the guards, are all part of my military, and are not used to taking any lip from anyone. Were you not a guest, you'd have likely been shot by now. Dominion Law, as you put it, is whatever we say it is - simple as that. You did cross the line in harrassing a diplomatic guest - at least that's how the guest felt - and given that it is a nation with whom we have comfortable dealings, and your nation is a complete unknown to us, who do you think we're more likely to defer to? Nevermind the fact that you are press, and here by our good graces alone, and the diplomatic guests and tourists are the ones whom we quite frankly give a damn about, in that order.

So, to sum up - no phone, resisting arrest such as you're doing now is a clear violation of Dominion Law, your reporter was taken in after a respected guest felt threatened which is good enough reason for us, and the others were taken because they were threatening guards and causing a ruckus. Clear enough?

I'll give you an opportunity to rethink your post a bit, then get to answering later. If not, we'll consider your folks on ice til morning, at which point they'll be shipped back to Serconea. Even with all your missteps, there could be a way for you to salvage something here, but it's slim given your previous actions.

--Nathi's Player
29-09-2004, 10:32
I'm sorry about that. I've altered the post to make more sense.
29-09-2004, 17:34
So here we are, and we're gonna start getting to know the folks about us. heh.

Nathi, after a bit of carousing. my happy little group will make it to the audience hall. Just a heads-up there.
Dread Lady Nathicana
30-09-2004, 08:06
Hokay. So, here's the thread. s' chilling. Damn, that is a sweet thread (thanks to you folks) you might say. Wow!

Alright. Ruling out the ice caps melting and flooding the midwest, meteors becoming crashed into the Jolt server, my service provider leaving, the sun flaring and screwing up communication lines ... we're definitely going to be finishing this up.

Hokay. So basically we've got Aelosia, Scandavian States, Trez, Sakkra who just joined, the folks at Dante's, and likely to some extent, everyone else needing me to probably post. We've got roughly 40 nations, about twice as many nations involved in this one thread than anyone else ... whatever.

Anyway, one day I decide to pack up those Dominion sons of a'bitches and hit the road for a week. So I puts up this ooc post. While I'm on my way, some players are like "Shit shit! What the f*** is she doing? I need her characters for rp! Oh well, fire off a post!" And others are like "Shit, guys, you still have a few hours before you have to leave, write some shit!"

Me: "But I am le tired."

Others: "Well, have a nap. ZEN FIRE OFF ZE POSTS!"

Meanwhile, Carlos is down there like "WTF mate?", a bunch of other folks are still typing up posts left right and center while I struggle to answer. So now we've got posts flying back and forth, passing each other, Tarasovka is all like "Ah, Motherland!" Then Slutbum Wallah is like "'Bout that time, eh chaps? ... Righto."

So now Nathi is like "F***, I'm a dumbass to forget I had to take this trip so soon." Folks are like "What's going on, eh?" Carlos still like "WTF, mate?" More than one are laughing at me, and some people are like "Well f*** that."

So, now we've got the masquerade, everyone's waiting for it to start except Carlos and he's still like "WTF?" ... but he'll be taken care of soon. F***in' Aussie psycho. ;)

But assuming we don't all just give up, we'll just have to work on fluid timing it and hope for the best. I'll post if I get a chance.

You folks can keep posting too.



Ok. Basically, all jesting and parody aside, I've run out of time, and had things get a little crazy on this end while trying to prep for this trip. The intro post to kicking off the ball isn't going to be near what I'd like, but please bear with me. We'll fluid time any meetings and assume them to have all been managed before the ball started for all intents and purposes. I apologize to any I didn't get to before now, and hope that y'all can take things and run with 'em without me for a few - which a good many of you have been doing beautifully anyways.

Just remember the guidelines, and other than that, feel free to use some of the locals and all if you need to for flavour. Dante's - get as out of hand as y'all like, but be mindful that the consequences for one may not be the same as for another - no, we don't play fair - and yes, eventually, da cops will show up. Eventually.

I'm hoping this doesn't mess folks up too much, and allows y'all to play on just fine and enjoy the interaction with other folks (which was a good part of the motivation to get this going to begin with) and all.

Will check in when I can - thanks for the patience, will see y'all in a week. Ciao!

--Nathi's player (who really isn't feeling up to driving 16 hours straight in around oh ... 5 from now)
30-09-2004, 11:48
So now we've got posts flying back and forth, passing each other, Tarasovka is all like "Ah, Motherland!"


Euh... right.

I will be absent from Monday to Friday, going to some scuba diving in Nizza. Five days, five dives, w00t! :D
At any rate, unless I drown, I should be back safely by Saturday. Tsaraine and Gehenna have been already briefed into the matter, since they are the ones interacting with my characters, and as of others - well, you have nothing to worry about ;)
Dread Lady Nathicana
02-10-2004, 07:05
Hey, whaddya know - have access after all, albeit limited. (We's awful busy with family stuffs, and havin' a good time. Yay!)

I've been taking some notes tonight and hopefully will be able to put up something or other sometime ... we'll see how it all goes.

At any rate, Sakkra - sorry not 'splaining more there. Noticed you were wanting a meet, and I was leaving 'bout the same time and all. Feel free to post an intro to it and I'll pick it up soon as I can. Oh the joys of fluid time, confuzzling as it may get.

Scandavian: Know you requested a lead-in, just with all the other prep hadn't got to it yet. If you still want to do it that way, s' all good. If not, just post an intro however you'd want to walking in, and will go from there. It's all good.

Sorry again for all the confusion. Mikhail ... you are a nut. Hope your trip is a good one. Until later then folks, sorry if I'm rambling a bit, but ... ciao!

--Nathi's Player
02-10-2004, 07:40
Duly noted. I'll see if I can carouse around a bit before I try to initiate a meet. This should give you time to not only complete your trip, but give you some time to recoup from familial horrors. Si?
The Resurgent Dream
02-10-2004, 07:44
Have a good trip, Nathi!
02-10-2004, 09:36
Mikhail ... you are a nut. Hope your trip is a good one.

1. Never said I wasn't :confused:
2. Thanks! :D
02-10-2004, 18:19
Just so folks know, name pronunciation for Sakkrans should be covered. For instance, we have Shaar. When two like vowels are in close quarters with each other, it makes for a hyphenated-sounding name with e emphasis. Shaar is pronounced 'Shae-eear'. Phooush would be pronounced 'Phoe-eeoush'. Kraah would be pronounced 'Krae-eeah'. Nothing special for when two like consanats are in the same proximity. And so on and so forth etcetera ad nauseum unum probiscum.
04-10-2004, 06:02
Speeks' "wolfy thing" looks something like this (, just with shaggier hair, no lower jaw, and carrying lots of plastic skulls and bones meticulously drybrushed to look real.

Razak's ninja costume is a very traditional... well... black night-camouflage ninja shinobi shozoku. The fact that he's about 180cm tall (call it 6' 2") makes it a little incongruous.
Dread Lady Nathicana
07-10-2004, 01:08
Ok, back. Struggling to catch up, likely going to miss things so give me a smack here if I do and I'll get on it. Lots to respond to here and there, and lots still going on here at home what with unpacking and kids and all manner of things, so s' gonna be a lil slow going til I can get my game on.

Sorry for the break on my end, AWESOME to see how things have continued, thanks for your patience, and ... yeah. Game on. Or continued, as the case may be.

--Nathi's Player
08-10-2004, 05:58
Before anyone brings it up... yes, I do know the portrait I labeled as a description of the "geisha" is really a senior maiko. Just imagine the red covers most of the lips and the black eye highlights would be hidden by the mask anyway, so they may as well not be there... if anyone cared...
11-10-2004, 14:18
How would I go about telephoning the Dread Lady Nathanica or a Dominion Representative from abroad?
The Most Glorious Hack
11-10-2004, 15:49
How would I go about telephoning the Dread Lady Nathanica or a Dominion Representative from abroad?
Um... standard diplomatic channels, just like for any other nation. Of course, I wager the Lady herself is rather busy, all things considered.

And, personally, I'm still kinda mystified as to how important these reporters are that their President is waiting with bated breath to hear from them. It's not like they're diplomats or anything.

Now, an editor being concerned would make sense. A president? Not likely.
11-10-2004, 15:55
Now, an editor being concerned would make sense. A president? Not likely.

Maybe the president is the editor?
Austar Union
11-10-2004, 16:18
For reference, you might want to note that lately I have been rather unable to get to a computer, due to an increasing social life, particularly with my girlfriend :D :D :D. In retrospect, I am unable to continue taking part. This kinda happened naturally, but I figured a little note wouldnt hurt just as a respect thing.
Dread Lady Nathicana
11-10-2004, 17:55
Nathi doesn't give her personal contact information out to just anyone, so getting her directly, especially right now, is right out. If you insist on calling, here's what will happen. Especially given we have zero diplomatic contact, other than the horrendous showing by your reporters - which will get passed on up the line, mind you - I wouldn't expect an immediate response. Calls get routed through a call center, and from there, depending on importance, who it's from and who it's directed to, on up the line, direct or otherwise. So, if your president chooses to do more than pick up a phone, which last I saw was incapable of psychically knowing what he wanted it to do, let me know.

Since you've chosen not to react to anything with your reporters, I'll assume they're out like a light and we can handle them as we choose. Which at this point, consists of exactly what the guards told them would happen - stripped down, left with some water, and kept in the cell til sometime the next morning.

Never a problem, boyo. There's been several who started and didn't continue for various reasons. It's just a game, after all. No big whatsoever.
12-10-2004, 08:28
In case anyone missed it, the big walrus needs to be carried out very soon via forklift. Else, it won't be easy to move him. :)
13-10-2004, 08:46
A brief explanation.

The reporters are employees of Serconija TV, the state-owned broadcaster, which is editorally independent. Technically, they are employees of the government and under Serconean law are therefore entitled to diplomatic protection if the PM or President wishes to give it to them.

Also, President Tuomas is a bit crazy, wants to get good gossip for the papers, so uses his power to grant someone diplomatic entry to get the gossip.

It's a good thing his power is largely ceremonial- the main business of Serconean government is run by Prime Minister Hunter.
13-10-2004, 09:09
and under Serconean law are therefore entitled to diplomatic protection if the PM or President wishes to give it to them.

You're foriegn advisers shouldn't be so ignorant as to assume your laws apply in other nations. Nathicana has already pointed out quite clearly here that diplomats do not automatically recieve diplomatic immunity, something which nations grant you, not something you can demand. This information is assumed to be available to you IC so your nation should have known that anyone it sends into Nathicana are subject to Dominion law... ignorance isn't an excuse here.

Legally your nation has no ground to stand on seeing as there is no international law on diplomatic immunity and so the only way you are going to force your laws on to their nation is with some kind of leverage, be it military, economic or whatever... none of which you have. So she can do as she wishes with your people including just killing them and sending the pieces back to your nation one peice at a time. Some members of the international community would concider this rude... but mostly we would laugh at your governements ignorance on this matter.

Of course, you're leader could complain to the authorities in Nathicana... but without that leverage I mentioned you won't get anything unless they want to give it you. This is the cold hard truth of the world, personally I would enjoy it if Nathicana displayed this point even more clearly by making an example of your people... but I think she's trying to be civil about this and I respect her restraint. In Iuthia they would probably be exiled via catapult.
GMC Military Arms
13-10-2004, 09:38
I'd say he'll have to settle for the gossip that can be heard inside a jail cell, personally.
13-10-2004, 11:54
Honestly, I think this could've all been avoided if:

The reporters were more willing to listen to people carrying (and, more importantly, pointing) guns about while said people were still trying to be civil.
The overall post content wasn't two lines per week. Shows something of a lack of dedication/real interest. Character control is every individual's responsibility, after all...
The Resurgent Dream
13-10-2004, 15:14
Also, there's no real reason for Nathi to treat your people with even diplomatic courtesy. They're not diplomats by normal international standards. The fact that your government considers journalists diplomats doesn't really matter to other nations. The thing is Nathi is trying very hard to be nice. She talked civilly to them first. She still hasn't sentenced them to more than an overnight stay in jail.
Dread Lady Nathicana
13-10-2004, 19:51
Not a problem. Just have to get the writing done on it. Silly walrus. *grins*

Well, I would elaborate, but everyone else seems to have done a beautiful job of it so ... there you have it.
14-10-2004, 00:15
Ah, I just thought of something. You may want to strap him on the palette as well so he doesn't roll off.

I can't believe I wrote that with a straight face.
Dread Lady Nathicana
15-10-2004, 20:03
Out for the weekend. Have fun, folks. Sorry I'm likely still behind on this and other places. Hope to catch up on return.


--Nathi's Player, who oddly enough on occasion sometimes does have a life outside the game. Sometimes. ;)
16-10-2004, 12:48
And, I take my leave. Have fun.
GMC Military Arms
16-10-2004, 12:57
--Nathi's Player, who oddly enough on occasion sometimes does have a life outside the game. Sometimes. ;)

17-10-2004, 18:04
How quickly do you think one could fly from Serconea to the Dominion?

Name the time and I'll accept it.

We're in the NE of the 10000 Islands.
17-10-2004, 18:58
How quickly do you think one could fly from Serconea to the Dominion?

Name the time and I'll accept it.

We're in the NE of the 10000 Islands.

Considering this:

"Get the plane ready. I'm going to the Dominion of Nathianca."

I'd say... Either 0 or eternity? :confused:
17-10-2004, 21:44
Given the fractal nature of reality, it could take as much time as is appropriate. Of course, you wouldn't want to go too fast. Not only would the offices be closed when you got there, but I bet DLN Air Traffic Control wouldn't like a supersonic or suborbital craft heading for Devras without prior authrorization. You wouldn't want some paranoid gunnery officer manning air defense or on a friendly starship working as traffic police to blow you out of the sky, now would you?
18-10-2004, 01:29

Israeli tank commanders are considered some of the best of the world because they make tanks more efficient. They do this by sticking out the top of the tank while in firefights.

Serconea's presidents seem like dedicated individuals. They immediately run over to a country they know nothing about simply because a few reporters haven't called home to mother.

Is there any possibility that the attrition rate of Israeli tank commanders (which is quite high indeed) and Serconean presidents are related?
Dread Lady Nathicana
18-10-2004, 04:56
Ok look, I'ma gonna put this plain.

I have no idea how many hours it would take for your guy to fly from your nation to mine. I'm located in what would be considered the Mediterranean were this real Earth. Now where that is in comparison to you, I couldn't say. What I will say is that it takes time to get the plane ready, and get him packed and on it ... and then, boyo, you've got some negotiating to do because we have NO FORMAL TIES with your nation, and damned if my folks are about to let some private plane from god knows where to just land in the capital, especially after you've been told you have a group of your peeps in lockup already.

I mean yeesh, boyo. THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF flying to an UNKNOWN NATION to get 'em? What in hell do you think I'm gonna do with them, hmm? Did you even bother reading the first posts in this thread where I explained things, or subsequent answers?

I tell you what. I've gotten little to no response from you on anything, even after putting in what I'd hope is an honest amount of effort to answer and work with what little you've thrown me. It's a little hard to react to "picks up the phone" or "Get me a plane" or the like, after all. Your people are fine, if a bit less comfortable than they would have been had they chosen to act like diplomats rather than spoiled misbehaving children on holiday somewhere.

You'll get your peeps back, in the morning - ic morning, whenever I can catch up and what not - not before. You insist on sending your Pres out there, fine. I'm going to wait and see how you approach it, because you've given me nothing in that last post. One to two lines, you'll find, do not always suffice.

Anyways, had a great weekend, I'm bushed, gonna try and get some rest, and tackle all this tomorrow.

--Nathi's Player
18-10-2004, 09:25
I'm sorry I haven't been posting that much and for any inconvenience I've caused.

I've altered the post to add more. The President doesn't know they'll be released in the morning, Ciril's his cousin and he wants the publicity of a dramatic rescue.
Dread Lady Nathicana
18-10-2004, 16:05

Also, see? This is what the ooc thread was designed for. If you'd given me some of that sort of info previous, and made that sort of post first, would have helped immensely ... anyways. Will wait for a response on the tg bit before doing anything.

--Nathi's Player
Man or Astroman
20-10-2004, 18:15
While the thread does seem to be winding down, I just wanted to toss out that I'll be leaving for a week's vacation tomorrow morning, so my posting will be... well... largely non-existant. I'm not blowing anyone off (ie: Resurgent Dream), but don't expect much postinating. I probably won't even log into the Hack, and be doing what little reading/posting I'll manage through this puppet.

Anyway, just thought I'd let y'all know, as this is the other steady thread I'm involved in.

Oh, and just to clear up, yes Eric did record what he saw through the telescope, and yes there are pictures available for sale to various tabloids who'd likely be interested. Also, while he does have a tape of the "event", he's holding back on that, as he's in no mood to be on anyone's hit list, let alone the hit lists of the people involved (yes, I'm being purposefully vague in case someone hasn't read it yet). Also, Nathi knew what I was doing when I did it, and the linked thread establishes that I've been doing that surveliance for quite a while now.

Oh, a few people mentioned on IRC that they liked the "Pictures! We Got Pictures!" line in the post. In intrest of full disclosure, I swiped that from an old Bloom County comic where the local muckraking rag tricked the much-abused Senator into "accepting" a bribe from an Arab. The headline on the paper had the Pictures! line in it. God bless you, Berkley Breathed.

I think that about covers it. Game on.

- Hack's Player
20-10-2004, 18:51
Oh, and just to clear up, yes Eric did record what he saw through the telescope, and yes there are pictures available for sale to various tabloids who'd likely be interested.

I guess there will be quite a few that will quite soon spread the news all over the world :confused:
And I guess that with the number of interested nations, your fingers will fall off before you RP the purchase by even half of them :p
20-10-2004, 21:30
Bah. Where is the blackmail value if everyone knows about it? Shoddy buisness skills.
21-10-2004, 13:34
I've withdrawn from the RP.

I started this off as a bit of fun, sneaking into a party with a camera, but perhaps we both overreacted to events.

I'm sorry. It was fun, but it went a bit too far. I'm a relative novice at RPing, perhaps I'll do better next time.
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-10-2004, 13:46

I think perhaps, knowing when to quit while you're ahead would be helpful, as well as learning at least the basics of diplomacy and barring that, 'what not to say to authority figures in other nations', or some such. That and coordinating with others sometimes can be useful.

Could have all worked out fine had you stopped and thought, rather than always resorted to making threats - which you did from the start, pre-emptively.

Best of luck with it - sorry this one didn't work out for you.
21-10-2004, 14:54
No need to reply to Rico and the saga of the Lost Little F-15E... just a matter of insurance, and to indicate yeah, we've got aerospace covered.
The Most Glorious Hack
23-10-2004, 19:37
Bah. Where is the blackmail value if everyone knows about it? Shoddy buisness skills.
Ah, but so far there's just pictures of them kissing... the tape's where the value's at. And, if nothing else, it'll make a fun "care package" to Mr. Tall Dark and Metal.