The Martizar Internation Boarding School (Open to all) - Page 2
(OOC: Trust me, in Kooshball there are almost no limit to what contact there can be)
07-09-2004, 23:33
"Dudes...check out the big guy." say Brad to the others. The other three turned in time to see the new guy totally cream some other smaller guy. The four guys burst into laughter.
"Man...that was great." said David as he wiped the tears from his eyes. All four had stocked up on food. They had pancakes, bacon, eggs, grits, cold cereal, and about 4 pitchers of orange juice. These guys could eat!
Once they finished their food, they returned to the dorm to take showers. Since there is only one shower, there was a large "wrestling" match over who could get into the bathroom first. David lucked out and got in first. He jumped straight clear over the other three to get the covetted position. He now relaxed since he didn't have to fight for the next three spots. David was very relaxed in the hot shower. He could feel his muscles releasing their tention. He finally finished ten minutes later.
"Man...took you long enough." said Brad as he dashed past David and he was exiting.
Finally, all four had showered and dressed. The four then took off to find some people to talk to.
A Memory
08-09-2004, 00:04
The school had graciously supplied her with about six other dresses and nothing else to wear, brilliant administration at work. They also supplied her with all the required textbooks for the semester and an outdated laptop. A laptop was apparently what they called the small computers like the one Nathan had been using. She didn't understand the point of having the toy in an academic setting, it really had no real value. She hadn't even bothered to open it since she'd picked it up. The Senior that had helped her carry the load had called it a "Mac" and was a little scornful, she understood the scorn.
After she had finished that she spent a while in the library, not as long as she might have liked because she'd run into the kid she'd "rescued" earlier. "Tim" had been very thankful and after a few minutes she broke down and lied to get away. She wasn't proud of it, but the consequences were better then the alternative. Now she was back in the dorm, alone, fortunately. She picked up her book and put it on the shelf above her desk, then she pulled out the remainder of her still packed briefcase. A few more books, including a handwritten copy of "War and Peace," and a rock also went onto the shelf. Those were her possessions, everything else belonged to the school.
Sophie entered the room after a brief run before class, and collapsed on the bed. She rolled over, and looked at Angelica. "Oh, a Mac," she said, walking over, and looking at the lap top. "Since a Mac crash casued a huge traffice build up back home, about two years ago, I havent seen one of these in a long time. What kind is it?"
A Memory
08-09-2004, 01:48
"I don't really know. I just got it as a part of my scholarship. It probably says somewhere." She was way out of her league, she'd never even used a type-writer before and the only computers she'd had any real contact with were a few charity pocket calculators. The thing was a silver metallic color and just sat like a brick on the desk where the man had put it. She knew in theory that it was about the same as a calculator, but with more functions and a bigger screen. However, she didn't even know how to open it and she didn't think she'd need it.
Sophie reached down, and popped the laptop open. She ran through the start up, and began messing around. "Wow, it doesn't even have solitare." She played around with a bit, changing the background and getting it to beep whenever you clicked the single mouse button. She thought about pulling out her lap top, and decided to do it later.
"These things are great. You can play games, music, search the net, do work. They are so great." She looked over the desk quickly, then picked up the copy of War and Peace. "I like Anna Karanina better, but this one is pretty good. Milton? Decent read, up there with Blake. Ever read Burns?" she asked, while falling back on her bed. It was odd to thik that Sophie would know anything about 19th and early 20th century literature, considering that in her bag you would find a few Imitora Sport and Touring Bike magazines, her birth control pills, a cd case filled with punk and rap, and her small selection of hair care products.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-09-2004, 02:04
Salazar left the cafeteria having only drunk coffee. He hadn't felt like eating anything and the coffee hadn't tasted right. The teenager decided to head off to the dueling room to see if he could get some practice in.
A Memory
08-09-2004, 02:17
"I don't know anything about Burns. The only English book I have is 'Paradise Lost.'" She'd had to work four hours a day for three weeks with a traveling salesman, but she'd swallowed her pride for the book. It had been worth it. "It wasn't easy to get books back home, but books in English language were nearly impossible to find." She'd made some mistake and she knew it.
"Well, I'm a memebr of a book club, so if you want any more books, I can get them for ya. Where are you from, anyways?"
A Memory
08-09-2004, 02:39
"A village outside old-Russia." That question seemed to pop up pretty regularly, she'd better get used to it. "I really don't think I've even given you my name. I'm Angelica." Awkward entrance, transition and a slight mispronunciation of 'really.' She needed to keep her English under control, she knew how to speak well enough, she just needed to concentrate.
"Sophie Anderson," she replied, holding her hand out to shake Angelica's. "So, what brought you here to school?"
A Memory
08-09-2004, 02:51
"A bus." She replied as she shook Sophie Anderson's hand. She'd remember the name.
The WIck
08-09-2004, 02:55
OOC: Ahh my big oaf was ignored, kinda wanted to meet that salazar maybe later...he may be big but he likes other things besides violence like chess and videogames, anything sci-fi. And believe it or not dueling though a saber looks like a toy in his hands. He even has aspirations to join the WIckian Marines after school. So guess its koosh ball time no idea how to do that my guy a football player suppose he will pick it up quick enough.
Frank appeared at the edge of the kooshball field noticing the various members of the team on the field training. He hoped it would be like football...he was dressed only in a long pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt ready to learn a new and hopefully heavy contact sport. He was told to find this guy Murdock.
Sophie chuckled. "No, I mean, like, why did you decide to come here?"
A black dirt spattered SUV, with a small -Noir- emblem attached to the corner of the windsheild, pulled up to the front steps of the school. The SUV stood there, by the cobble stone steps of the school's front entrance, as birds chirped around it. As a mintue passes by, one of the passenger windows lowers, revealing the SUV's dark interior, a dark silhouette could be seen peering out the window, before the window quickly closes.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" was the only, but muffled, sound that could be heard coming from the sealed up SUV, as a young girl rushed out of the rear passenger door. She stood before the open SUV door for a few seconds, with tears dripping down her face and onto her skirt while maintaining an extremely angry face, as she angrily threw a magazine she was holding back inside at the driver. At that, she slammed the door shut and rushed into the school building and headed to the main desk, right when another identical SUV pulled up behind the parked SUV.
As the dust settled, two men exited the SUV from the rear passenger doors and started to unpack several large suit cases from the rear door which had just opened. Another man in a crisp black uniform stepped out from the front passenger door, while a young boy, clad in khaki cargo pants and a black polo stepped out from one of the open rear passenger doors.
"Shoot...And there she goes again..." said the man as he watched the girl run into the school.
"I told you she wouldn't like the move...School had already started when you pulled us out like that all of a sudden..." replied the boy impatiently while he dusted his pants off and adjusted his shades.
"*sigh* You're right...But we've got you guys registered already...It would be too much trouble to take you to back to -Noir-...But it's only just for a few months...Plus you guys have the privileged chance to..."
"To travel abroad...Yea...I know...They briefed us about this on the plane." interrupted the boy.
"Ok...Well...You better get going...I'm going to transfer to the other car and leave...The guys will finish unpacking your stuff and take them up to your room..."
"Mmmhmm...Four months shouldn't be that long...Right?"
"Yea...Not to long..." said the man as he walked over to the first SUV. "You take care of that girl...She's got a lot of adjusting to do..."
"Sure thing..."
As the man entered the SUV from which the girl exited from, and closed the door, the SUV made a U-turn and sped off towards the direction it came from.
"Looks like..." said the boy as he looked up at the castle like building. "Nevermind...It's going to be a long four months..."
Main Office
The girl stopped in the middle of the main office, panting from exhasution, tears quietly dripped from her eyes.
She was Makie Sasaki, age 16. She was wearing her brown Mahora Academy Miltia Branch blazer over a halter-top, which she had changed into while she was on the plane from -Noir-, and her school's uniform check pattered skirt. She had long light brown hair that almost reached down to the hem of her skirt, which is several inches above her knee.
She straightened up and looked around at the faculty and staff walking around her, oblivious to her presence, all too busy preparing for the start of classes in a few days.
"There you are!" yelled a voice. "Why'd you run off like that?"
The boy ran up to the girl and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Come on...It won't be that bad..."
"Oh yes it will! They forced us to leave our school and friends for...For this?"
"It's not that bad Makie...It's only for four months...We leave right after we take the finals here..."
"Four freakin months, Alex! Four months! I don't want to stay here four months! We'll miss a ton of stuff back at Miltia!"
"But atleast you get the chance to leave the country."
"Yea...Well...Why do we still have to go to school? Leaving the country should be like a vacation..."
"But it's not a vacation...We are required to go to school."
"But..." just as she was about to continue to complain, Alex wrapped his arms around Makie and started to speak to her softly in her ear in a kind comforting voice.
"Just make the most of it...The faster we get used to this place...The faster the classes will go and the faster we can get back home..."
Makie blushed at the sound of his voice, but shook her head as she elbowed him in the stomach, after feeling something crawling up her thigh.
"I still want to go home...But...I'll make the most of this place." said Makie as she turned around and looked at Alex with a smile. "And that was for trying to feel me up again..."
"Heheh..." She's good...Well...Atleast that's over with thought Alex.
"So you two must be the late comers...We've been expecting you..." said one of the school staff who had approached them.
"Yes we are...I am Alexander Akashi, and this is Makie Sasaki..."
"Good...Follow me...We'll have to ge you two your room...I think it was RD208..."
"Uhh...Excuse me, miss..." said Makie. "Is there like a dress code or uniform here?"
OOC: Techon...take it from here for me, with the school staff and faculty and not sure of the school rules...
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-09-2004, 14:01
Having found the dueling room empty, save for the teacher behind the counter, Salazar went with practicing his moves alone. Recalling what he had been taught back home, he aimed to improve his movement. With each step he moved his sword to a different position, usually a blocking position.
08-09-2004, 15:08
Seething, Flick stood outside the door to the room she'd invaded last night. But this time she had a pass key and the blessing, if you could call it that, of Admin: "The computer says there's a place there. Looks like it's yours."
She knocked loudly, called out, tried to make herself obvious -- she wouldn't want to intrude on the privacy of all these spoiled brats; who knew what they might be up to?
What they were up to, apparently, was talking. Two girls of about her own age looked up. One still had her hand on the book they must have been discussing (Omigod! Humans! Real people! Readers!). The other certainly wouldn't fit anyone's preconceptions about spoiled brats. The clothes she was wearing shrieked Chosen for me! almost as loudly as Flick's own.
Wonder if she had an idiot adult in her life, too? The Moron had insisted on overseeing the purchase of Flick's school wardrobe. As a result, a collection of overpriced designer tatt did its best to obscure the fact that she was young, female and not entirely hideous. But she'd managed to snaffle a pile of plain T-shirts (happily embarrassing him by explaining that she needed 'garments to wear next to the skin'). So with a few hours in the school's art rooms she'd soon have plenty of wearable stuff.
That wasn't the point right now, though. The point right now was survival.
"Umm, look, sorry about last night. They just dumped me on you and I felt awful about it, but I shouldn't have taken it out on everyone. Anyway, my name's Flick Henderson and that mob down at Admin reckon I'm supposed to stay here. So could you please point me to the spare bed?"
A Memory
08-09-2004, 16:50
Why had she come? She wasn't really sure, to make her hometown proud, to get away from their demands, to change, to learn. They were all good reasons, but she could have chosen any decent institute, but instead she'd chosen the most exclusive, the most elitist school that she could find. The whole institute radiated wealth and prosperity, but she was dreadfully out of place. She didn't have the easy manner that most of these children had, she didn't understand them or their culture. She had hardly even been working to learn their language for a year. Fortunately for her the arrival of another student diverted the question before she had paused too long.
"Hello Flick, I'm Angelica. There's a third bed in the big closet." She pointed toward the back corner of the room. "I don't think that the 'Admin' had any idea what was going on, so the just piled a few beds in corners and hoped that someone would fill them." As she turned she tripped a little on the hem of the dress and nearly cursed. She quickly stood up again but she was blushing ferociously. She didn't like showing any sign of weakness.
Sophie walked over to Flick and held out her hand. "Sophie Anderson. Yeah, the Admin really fubared the entire place. Tottal sanfu, but thats school for ya. Cant tell dirt from dog sh*t, even if you held it under there nose."
It was obvious to tell why Sophie had been removed from schools before. Not for the lack of brains, no, she had plenty, and in Imitora, even her style of punk dress was accepted. No, it was the fact that she had an attitude that could stop a drill instructer in his tracks, and the gutz to back it up.
Outer Heaven MK II
08-09-2004, 17:31
Nathan just lay there, hitting keys on his laptop...
A Memory
08-09-2004, 19:09
Flick and Sophie would probably get along fairly easily. Already they were chatting about the stupidity of the school and all that "important" stuff. She was out of place but it was easy enough to slip out of the room and into the common lounge area. She wasn't alone there either, Nathan was lying on a sofa clacking away on one of the toys, unfortunately her books were still in the other room and the halls were crowded with the noontime rush. Her options seemed hopelessly limited, she eventually decided to be "friendly" and sat down beside Nathan.
08-09-2004, 19:10
Joshua sighed quietly as he looked out the window nearest him. This is gona be dull I think, he thought as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. Out of boredom he began drawing on his arm in strange ruins that only he understood.
OCC:Is it me or am I being ignore here?
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-09-2004, 20:06
Once he had finished practicing his moves, Salazar reluctantly returned his sword to the teacher who promptly locked it away. Salazar then left the dueling room and headed back to his dorm.
Murdock raised his head, looking off he saw a very, big, teen at the edge of the feild. Some of the other players walked over beside Murdock, they all looked off at the other.
"Who the hell is that?" One, about a foot taller than Murdock, with short jelled curly hair.
"One hell of a big oaf," Another on Murdock's left, equally as tall the other, with blonde hair this time said, both of them appeared to me of soccer players, the blonde haired one was Jeff Kreig, the brown haired was Dustin Olman.
Murdock stepped forward, all of them were wearing the uniform, black and red armour, that appeared plastic but was actually a strong but light steel.
"I am Murdock," he said walking off towards the other. "Who are you?"
The lady looked at Makie, and shook her head.
"No miss, there are no dress codes, other than those at normal public schools," She replied. "We have been making motions to switch to uniforms though,thinking that public rules are easy, and everyone will dress up like slu... I mean, they will dress up in un apropriate ways. The headmaster's name is Ramfeil, you will adress him as Rumfeil, or Headmaster Rumfeil. If you also want to know, classes start tomorrow so you have today off."
Outer Heaven MK II
08-09-2004, 21:56
OOC: Night!
IC: Nathan turned to see Angelica sit down by him.
"Oh hey Angelica, what's up?" Nathan asked.
A Memory
08-09-2004, 22:08
"Nothing, that's why I'm not doing something. I don't like just sitting around." She was rather tired of the series of introductions as well, but she doubted that those would end for a few more days.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
08-09-2004, 22:32
Salazar's eyes crossed the drom room from the open doorway he was stood in. Evidently the school had placed him in a dorm by himself. He sighed, he really didn't like this school.
The lady looked at Makie, and shook her head.
"No miss, there are no dress codes, other than those at normal public schools," She replied. "We have been making motions to switch to uniforms though,thinking that public rules are easy, and everyone will dress up like slu... I mean, they will dress up in un apropriate ways. The headmaster's name is Ramfeil, you will adress him as Rumfeil, or Headmaster Rumfeil. If you also want to know, classes start tomorrow so you have today off."
"Oh...Thanks..." said Makie.
"So where is the dorms and our room? Can you help us get to it?" said Alex, while pointing to the group of men clad in dark suits carrying several large suit cases and boxes. "They need directions also..."
09-09-2004, 01:06
Jesus.. Joshua thought as he watched the people enter the school Looks like someone packed alot of stuff. At tha tpoint his slid the pen back in his pocket and rolled down his sleve voering his drawings.
"Oh...Thanks..." said Makie.
"So where is the dorms and our room? Can you help us get to it?" said Alex, while pointing to the group of men clad in dark suits carrying several large suit cases and boxes. "They need directions also..."
"Of course," The lady said. "Just go to the west side of the school, there are the dorms, there will be signs along the walls pointing where a certain number of dorms are, such as 2d3785-2d4715."
"Of course," The lady said. "Just go to the west side of the school, there are the dorms, there will be signs along the walls pointing where a certain number of dorms are, such as 2d3785-2d4715."
"Uhh...West side...2d3785-2d4715??" repeated Makie confusingly. "Ummm...Ok...So RD208 would be...What floor would it be on?"
Jesus.. Joshua thought as he watched the people enter the school Looks like someone packed alot of stuff. At tha tpoint his slid the pen back in his pocket and rolled down his sleve voering his drawings.
Alex had his hands in his pockets as he looked around at the walls which were covered with various plaques, medals, framed pictures of famous students and faculty members, and the various crests and flags of various foreign countries. As he walked from each object, he noticed that they were being watched by another student. Maybe I should go introduce myself...I have nothing better to do...
Alex moved over to where the boy appeared to be sketching something.
"Hi, m' name's Alex, pleased to meet you..." said Alex as he stretched out his hand.
"Uhh...West side...2d3785-2d4715??" repeated Makie confusingly. "Ummm...Ok...So RD208 would be...What floor would it be on?"
"Second floor," She replied smiling.
09-09-2004, 01:52
"Joshua. I'm Joshua Hastings," he replied as he shook Alex's hand, "Kinda dull place eh?" Ah ad the little accent. Real nice, he thought to himself.
"Second floor," She replied smiling.
"Oh...Ok...Thank you, miss..." Makie said politely with a bow, as the lady walked away.
"Alex-kun? Where are you? Alex? Geez..." Makie muttered impatiently, as she walked towards the men with the luggage. "So...Our room is on the second floor of the dorms section...Like...In the west part of the structure..."
"Yes, ma'am..." said one of the men in who was holding two large metal suit cases.
"And, miss...If you need anything, the cell phone in this bag will connect you with the -Noir- embassy here." said the other man who was pulling a cart with another metal suit case and two large white boxes, while holding out a small leather pouch to Makie, who took it hesitantly.
"So...If I want to go home..."
"No...We won't pick you up..." interrupted the man, since he had a feeling she was going to ask something like that. "Now we'll go drop your stuff off in your room."
"Ok..." said Makie, watching the two men bring the luggage to another part of the school/castle.
"Now...Where is Alex..."
The WIck
09-09-2004, 02:06
"Howdy Murdock!" Frank said smiling broadly "My name is Frank but by buddies call me Tank." He said offering his hand to murdock "Where I come from we play Football, people tell me this is the closest thing to it here, so how about yall show me how its done?"
OOC: If u want a rommie DN i still dont have one yet...if u will have the Tank.
Murdock turned around to the rest of the team, they all looked at him, waiting, he raised his eyebrows. "Your gonna need armour on."
He walked to a cart and pulled some off, tossing it to him. "Here."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-09-2004, 02:14
OOC: If u want a rommie DN i still dont have one yet...if u will have the Tank.
OOC: Yep I'll have the tank as a roomie.
Salazar slammed the door shut and went to lay down on his bed. He took a book from the bedside table and began reading.
The WIck
09-09-2004, 02:46
OOC: May be a bit got to show all these pardon the expression Soccer fags how to play a sport first :)
"Armor eh? Thought y’all made fun of football for wearing pads...well if u insist" Frank put the armor on the leggings barely fit, and there was no way he would be able to fasten the torso armor so he left its limp. Better then nothing he supposed.
"So how now what?" He asked with anticipation.
09-09-2004, 02:46
The four guys needed something to do. Suddenly, Brad had an idea.
"Dudes...let's go check out the koosh crew. I heard they had a match going on. Maybe they'll let us play."
all four agreed...seeing as how they weren't going to have anything else to do. They head out to the kooshball field.
Once there, they saw a group standing near the sidelines. The four walk over and join them.
"Hey guys...mind if we join in? Maybe play a pick up game?" asked Mike.
Jeff and Dustin walked forward, looking at the new guys.
"Sure get some armour on." Dustin said motioning to the cart.
Jeff turned to Frank. "Alright Tank listen up, here is the point to the game, all you have to do is get this ball from our end, through their goal."
He pointed down the feild at a conical figure, the open end pointing down the feild, with a tube running down the back and into the ground.
"Do anything to get it down there, just don't beat the shit out of the opponet, tackle them, throw them, but down hop on them and beat their face in. Once its in it will go through the ground, and eject in the middle ring, flying into the air, where it will be up for grabs again."
09-09-2004, 02:57
"Sweet." was Brad's reply.
The four grabbed some armour and put it on. Once they were ready, they walked back to the group of guys.
"So...where do you want us? Two on each team or all four on one team?" asked David.
"You see," Jeff said still talking to Frank. "Watch Dustin perform what you may do."
Dustin looked at Brad, and smirked, before charging, he grabbed onto Brad's legs, and lifted him off the ground, into the air, and then let go of the boy, who tumbled down Dustin's back onto the ground.
"What you cannot do is...well...we won't show that, its pretty simple," Jeff said.
Dustin walked over and helped Brad up. "Sorry dude, had to do it."
Jeff walked back over, the rest of the time followed over there, a total of forty of them.
"Alright here it is, twenty per team," Jeff said. "Lets go."
Murdock walked over to Frank. "Since your new to the game, come with I could use some cover." He added smiling.
09-09-2004, 03:05
Brad got creamed. Big time. Mike, David, and Kyle burst into laughter. Dustin helped him up.
"Sorry dude, had to do it."
"it's okay bro...just don't think I won't do the same thing to you out there."
The boys desided to split up and be on opposite teams. Brad and Mike went on one side while David and Kyle went on the other.
The WIck
09-09-2004, 03:37
OOC: Awww no tacklin :(
IC: "You the boss Docky, one end of the field to the other i got it. Grab that ball and stick 'hind me and no one will touch ya."
Deciding that life in the room was boring her, Sophie stood up, excused herself, and walked out, grabbing her bag as she went out the door. She walked outside, deciding to catch some sun, where she notice several of the males gatherd around what looked like a football field. She walked down, and saw that they were splitting up for teams. She moved over to the bleachers, and sat down, watching the game comence.
The WIck
09-09-2004, 03:48
Tank ever the guys guy noticed the girl watching from the bleachers...even Tank would turn into a jabbering buffoon around such beautiful specimens of the opposite sex...
"Alex! Where in the heck are you?" cried out Makie again. "I just leave him for one sec and he disappears on me..."
*sigh* Makie walks over to a nearby window and sees various students outside playing a variety of sports or just relaxing outside in the cool weather.
Sophie looked up and noticed one of the boys looking over at her. She winked and waved at him, and then looked back at the field, and pulled out her Mp3 player. She put the headphones on and then clicked on the player to watch the game.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-09-2004, 15:52
Having grown tired of reading, Salazar put the book down and looked out the window. From there he could see some students playing the sport he had heard about, to him it didn't look anything special. He turned away from the window and left the dorm, he made his way to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
A Memory
09-09-2004, 16:03
After a few words with Nathan, Angelica began to get restless again, maybe it would be best if she went and got something to eat. Her timing was slightly better this time, most people weren't ready for lunch and the halls were much less crowded.
09-09-2004, 18:09
Flick rather regretted the departure of the two girls. Sophie sounded like good ground for a decent argument about the stupidity of all elite schools (except elite, open-entry, State funded schools based on academic excellence, she added with homesick irony). And Angelica, now -- well, she was obviously a member of the same tribe as Flick herself: the people who read books even when they weren't on the syllabus.
Still, left to herself she could unpack and lay claim to the space that was, presumably, hers till one of three things happened. One (alluring): she got expelled. Two (unlikely): Mum came to her senses and dumped ol' Baldy AND his money AND his fundamentalism. Three (yeah!): She graduated with a stunningly good Baccalaureate. Heh, heh: Baldy paying for the education that would set her free of Baldy's clutches ...
Briefly happy -- almost -- Flick hunted out the old brown china teapot and the thick, cheap willow-pattern mug, set a jug to boil and measured out the Earl Grey. While the tea drew, she arranged the most hideous of her new "frocks" on the bed and planned the slaughter that would make it wearable.
The WIck
09-09-2004, 19:04
OOC: /me waits in anticpation of KooshBall!
(OOC: Actually you can tackle in kooshball)
"Alright," Jeff said as he walked among the other ninteen members of his side. "We are on offense, the others are on defense."
Murdock stood beside Frank as he watched Jeff walk past him, Jeff stopped and looked at him. "I heard you were quite a player, your going to get the ball and get it in."
"Alright," Murdock replied.
Jeff looked at Brad. "If he drops the ball its up to you to retrive it."
He finally turned towards Frank, who was at the end of the line. "You along with Hoffman, Georgi, and Talz are going to provide cover for Doc here." He said pointing at Murdock. "Keep him from dropping the ball."
Dustin was giving just the opposite talk.
"Make sure we get the ball," He said to his team (everyone who is left). "Then when we get it back, we make way for our goal."
He looked up into the stands, and nodded at Sophie, just as Murdock did the same from twenty feet away.
The WIck
09-09-2004, 20:36
Frank nodded his understanding of the game and awaited for the start of the play.
09-09-2004, 23:04
"Hey I think some one is calling you," Joshua says to Alex as he listens to Makie call for him.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-09-2004, 23:26
Salazar sat in the cafeteria absently stiring his coffee, he was slowly coming down with homesickness.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 00:03
The cafeteria was surprisingly empty, just the way she preferred it. She'd managed to avoid waiting in a line entirely and was able to snatch a few pieces of fruit, a couple slices of bread and a bowl of a strange looking pasta without even coming within four feet of another person. The sitting area was even more abandoned and she saw a nice little corner without anyone around, somewhere where the lights were obscured enough by the overhang that she'd be practically unnoticeable. She was already moving in that direction when she saw Salazar. She wasn't very empathetic, but she knew something was wrong. Her instincts still told her to go to the corner, if she did Salazar wouldn't have been able to see her, he was facing the wrong direction. It didn't matter, sometimes her nature beat out her instincts, she absolutely hated that.
She changed directions and walked towards him, sliding into the empty seat before he even noticed her approach. "I'm sorry about missing you at breakfast. I think we got separated in the crowd." He looked a little shocked, but that was probably just because of her abrupt arrival.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 01:36
Salazar just nodded. "It's Ok," he told her.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 01:42
Angelica nodded at his polite dismissal of her escape into the crowd, but she didn't know what to do next She really wasn't very much of a talker, but sitting in silence was possibly even more uncomfortable, so she gave it her best shot. "How are you liking our own private internment camp? I somehow got stuck in a mixed room and they have cameras everywhere."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 01:45
"I don't like it here," he admitted. "Everythings basic, low tech. I was told I'd be sharing a dorm but I appear to be alone in there at the moment."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 01:51
"Low tech? I'm not sure what you'd call where I'm from." Probably something along the lines of hellhole, or perhaps, if he was feeling generous, primitive. "I've got the opposite problem with roommates, I think we're up to four. I've hardly even met any of them, and I have the feeling the room will be too crowded to live in very soon."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 01:58
"It's just what I'm used to," he shrugged, finally taking a sip of coffee. "You're lucky, as it stands now I wouldn't mind being in an overcrowded dorm, better then being alone in strange place."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:04
She didn't know why she kept talking, she normally had enough restraint to keep her mouth shut, but perhaps she felt something of a taunt in his reply. "I find it easier to protect myself when I'm alone. Other people have to be watched over and fought respectively." She clamped her mouth shut before she could continue with her personal rant against humanity. She felt like an idiot.
The WIck
10-09-2004, 02:05
"I don't like it here," he admitted. "Everythings basic, low tech. I was told I'd be sharing a dorm but I appear to be alone in there at the moment.
OOC : Not for long Sal FRANK THE TANK is on the way soon he he
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:06
"Not a truster in strangers huh?" he asked. Salazar too was the same, especially since what had happened back home.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:10
"Well I guess everyones a stranger no matter how much you know about them," he remarked. "My father once told me that we are strangers even to ourselves."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:11
"Who isn't a stranger?" Not only was she revealing things other people shouldn't know, she was being downright rude. "Sorry, that was rather impolite." Not that it mattered, he already had the information. She could care less what he thought about her manners.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:12
OOC: Huh? that should be shown after your post not before.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:17
OOC: The clocks are screwing up the posting. It happened to me yesterday. I thought I just misread your post and edited mine anyway, oops... Anyway, carrying on...
"We can only trust ourselves. Everyone has their own interests in mind, and they don't care about anyone else." Now he was going to think she was paranoiac and insane. No, she didn't care what he thought. She just had to stop exposing herself.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:21
OOC: Grr, kicks board
Salazar took another sip of his coffee, no where near as good as the coffee he was used to at home. This was much too weak for his liking. "Sometimes we can't trust ourselves," he commented. "Sometimes we can jump to conclusions much too quickly. I know I have a tendancy to do that."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:29
"Perhaps." She would control herself, she had always been able to before, even if she was a little reflexive at times. "Sometimes our best interests don't lie with what we believe we should do, but to go against our best judgment is folly. I do what I must." That was better, a good rousing speech about trusting in yourself under any circumstances, intellectual enough to sound sincere, hollow enough to be completely unrevealing.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:30
Salazar nodded and finished his coffee. It would appear that he would have to drink alot should he have to do any allnight studying sessions. "Next I should rant about the weak coffee," he joked with a grin.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:36
She lifted her cup slowly. "That's what they call this?"
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:39
Salazar screwed up his face. "It's what they claim it is," he said.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:45
Apparently it wasn't very good, after a slight taste she had to agree. She hadn't even been able to hold back her grimace. She wondered if good coffee would taste any better. "At least it has a little more flavor then the food. Whatever they make seems to have less flavor then water and then as much salt as they can put on top."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:46
"Yeah," Salazar agreed with a sigh, he tapped his fingers on the counter. "I wish I was back home eating real food, drinking real coffee."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 02:52
"Sounds like it must be a nice place." He wanted to go back home, to the people who'd sent him to a place which he probably viewed like a prison. At least, that was the way everyone else seemed to view it. Not exactly clear thinking, but he could have been sent away for mysterious "political" reasons. She really shouldn't try to estimate the difficulty of his life.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 02:58
Salazar sighed and rubbed his eyes. "It was until Lord Azazel took over," he said.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 03:05
"Not really," Salazar sighed. "Just worried about my friends back there."
A Memory
10-09-2004, 03:06
Angelica's countenance changed slightly, almost unnoticeably at the mention. "I guess you probably don't want to talk about it." Sometimes people wanted things told, sometimes they wanted to mock others with less knowledge, occasionally they wanted to keep secrets, but she wanted the information no matter why it was told.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 03:07
OOC: Done it again,
A Memory
10-09-2004, 03:16
OOC: Thanks I didn't see it.
"Okay. I understand that." She did, the Russian raids, as such, had stopped before she was born, but that didn't stop the soldiers from coming to town to rape and loot every few years. If she had anyone she cared about back home she might be worried too. "It's hard to live in interesting times."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 03:17
"Yeah it is," Salazar said, staring at the empty cup in front of him.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 03:27
She didn't know what else she could say, so she started to eat slightly more in earnest. She'd eat anything, no matter how poorly it was prepared, but that didn't mean she had to like it.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 03:30
Salazar looked at his watch. "I'm so not looking forward to classes," he admitted.
A Memory
10-09-2004, 03:38
"I'll admit that I am. I don't like having nothing productive to do. Look what I've been reduced to, I'm socializing!" A joke at her own expense, but also partially true, if she'd been back on the farm she wouldn't have ever talked to the boys, or the girls. She probably could have made time, but the work was too important and someone needed to do it.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 03:39
Salazar just shrugged his shoulders as another cup of weak coffee was poured into the cup. "I just don't know what to expect," he said. "I just don't think I'll get on well with the technology they have here."
OOC: And with this post I'm off to bed. Right after I thump the boards
A Memory
10-09-2004, 03:44
"That's fine, I don't think I will either." She'd finally finished up her lunch. It took substantially longer to eat if you were talking as well. "Have a good day, Salazar. I hope to see you again soon." With that she put her tray back and left.
"Hey I think some one is calling you," Joshua says to Alex as he listens to Makie call for him.
"Oh, thanks...And uh...Your name is uh...Joshua right?" asked Alex. "Well...Thanks again...Nice meeting you..."
Alex ran over to Makie, who still looked out the window at the various people playing a game that she had heard to be called kooshball(sp).
OOC: no time...lots o' homework...
10-09-2004, 15:07
OCC: I know the feeling even though I got two bloody spares and my gym class is out for the day so I got a 3 and a half hour lunch!
"Ya nice meeting you to," he replied as Alex ran off. He quietly turned back to the window and just watched what was going on
Draconis Nightcrawlis
10-09-2004, 15:55
Salazar too left the cafeteria, he was sick of the weak coffee. He wandered over to where the others were playing kooshball.
11-09-2004, 01:30
It had rained in the night -- probably. Flick hadn't heard it. Obviously, nothing would be allowed to disturb the privileged sleep of the rich kiddies, not even the weather. But she missed the sound of rain on a corrugated iron roof. The only clues she had now were the few puddles beside the paths, and that could have been just because someone chose to water the Realgrass outside acceptable hours. Still, the campus looked a little less perfect than usual. There were even a few spridgies hopping about over there ...
Flick laughed at herself. To think she'd been reduced to moping over sparrows! She'd always thought of herself as the ultimate city girl, keeping Nature firmly in its place. Yet here she was missing things she'd never noticed before ... the magpies whose liquid calls curled through every Sydney morning, even in the heart of the CBD; the show-off sulphur-crested cockatoos and the strings of soft pink-and-grey galahs on the power-lines, driven into the city by the drought ...
Well, one thing she wouldn't miss was the magpie nesting season, she told herself, in a determined effort to lift her spirits. No need to wear an icecream-bucket helmet with eyes drawn on the back of it to keep the divebombing birds away. No worries about the painful thunk! on the back of the head when you forgot ...
Thunk! went something painful on the back of her head. It bounced slowly to rest a metre away. Omigod, Flick told herself, jocks! Of course I should have realised that this was the sort of place where the ability to catch a ball elevated you to the status of demigod. And naturally they'd all be out in force if there was the slightest chance of getting themselves filthy in some lovely gooey mud.
A Memory
11-09-2004, 01:47
She had to get away, she seemed to be unable to control her mouth or her emotions. She had always been able to keep perfectly controlled before, but there had always been work to do. Now she was essentially worthless, less then that. The entire school was filled with royalty being groomed for some leadership position or another, and she was a castaway. She was a poor girl who would never amount to anything, and they had been given the world on silver platters. They could do so much good with their money, their influence and their power they could have changed the world. They, however, were so full of their own glory that they only thought of themselves. Their little worthless love-lives, their petty jealousies and their shallow friendships.
As she walked outside ignorant of her surroundings she began to mumble rapidly in angry Russian. At one point she had considered talking to herself a worthless habit that needed to be outgrown, but this school was so full of worthless habits and worthless lives that she needed someone to talk with, and she was the only person with a spot of brains on the entire campus.
11-09-2004, 01:57
Joshua sighed again. "I'm just the black sheep as always," he muttered to himself. He quietly walked towards the front door and steped outside. "I'll never fit in," he muttered again.
A Memory
11-09-2004, 02:15
As self-absorbed as she was being she hardly noticed a boy coming out of the door, until she'd nearly run into him. She quickly cut off her monologue, it wasn't smart to give away emotions even if the words were incomprehensible. However, just because she hadn't run him over didn't mean she'd avoid having to talk to him, he was barely a foot in front of her and he looked a little bit startled. She didn't blame him, she had been walking very fast and muttering to herself something he couldn't understand. She'd need to apologize and she'd probably be forced to explain herself. "I'm sorry, I really need to watch where I'm going."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
11-09-2004, 02:16
OOC: What happened to the lot playing kooshball?
The WIck
11-09-2004, 02:31
Im waiting for techon to post...
11-09-2004, 04:00
OOC: Yeah? when's this match gonna start?
IC: Kyle and David were on the same team. Kyle was bouncing up and down, waiting for the "kickoff". He turns toward the bleachers and noticed that girl that he was trying to talk to earlier. He blushed and looked away. Of course David noticed. He looked out towards the stands and saw the girl. He waved and loudly said,
Kyle quickly turned and punched him in the arm.
"Why the HELL did you do that?!" asked Kyle, full of anger.
"What? I was just helpin' you out." said David with a smile. They both turned back to the game and waited.
11-09-2004, 04:22
Joshua was deep in thought as he muttered quietly and he didn't notice Angelica untill she spoke and he almost felt like jumping."No it's ok. I didn't see you aswell. I'm equaly at fault," he replied to the best of his abilitys at that moment.
(OOC: Sorry I was waiting for Davidoria to post before I started but now he has)
"Alright, ready, set, hike!" Jeff yelled.
His team shot forward, just as Dustin's team did as well, they met in the middle, tripping each other, tackling, and shoving the opposite teams onto the ground.
Murdock found himself with the ball in hand in no time at all, he ran around the main mesh, seeing two guys running for him.
"Tank!" He yelled.
The WIck
11-09-2004, 04:42
Tank rushed with his team as he closed with his opponents he picked his target a seemingly smaller player. They grappled and he easily through his opponent to the ground. He was on top of his opponent when he heard Murdock cry, luckily his mate was only 1o meters away. He pushed himself up and sprinted towards his pair of targets. He hurled himself at them contacting the first one in his shoulders he pushed with all his might and that player was thrown into his double, they were no longer the threat.
He saw Murdock run past in a blur that he could not hope to catch. So instead he help those two poor guys he knocked over up onto there feet.
A Memory
11-09-2004, 04:42
"Thanks." Awkward silences seemed to be her favorite thing these days, she wanted to just brush past him and take another run, but she didn't know if he would be offended. She didn't want to hurt anyone. She continued to stand in front of him awkwardly, unable to think of anything to say.
11-09-2004, 04:55
" your name?" Joshua asked finaly breaking the scilence. He was neve rmuch of a talker and seemed to blush slightly. Realy nice Josh. Go make yourself look like a fool when you're trying not to be a black sheep, he thought.
Murdock saw Frank help him out, and he continued along, he wasn't to far down the feild when Dustin rushed from the side, he was a speed demon, catching up. Dustin hurled at Murdock's legs and tripped him, Murdock did a flip forward, and hit the ground, the ball rolled ten feet, Murdock started to get up when a member of the other team grabbed it, and started running the other way.
Jeff was on him, he ran forward, and stuck out his arm at the last moment, closelining the other man, the ball flew up into the air, falling straight for Brad.
The WIck
11-09-2004, 05:10
"Aww shit" Frank said to himself as he saw Murdock get hit, apparently this was a continuous play game. He noticed the ball head for Brad (His teammate) and he sprinted in front of Brad to plow a path for him. (feel free to rp with frank as a sort of pulling guard in this next play...)
A Memory
11-09-2004, 05:11
She saw a slight blush when he asked the question and he spoke almost as if he were afraid of her. That was no matter, even a good thing overall. Shy ones were easier to handle and far easier to ignore even in the worst of circumstances, she relaxed slightly and controlled her voice enough to sound cheerful. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little confused. Forgetting to introduce myself. I'm Angelica, if you haven't guessed this is my first year here." She should probably follow it up with a few complaints, they seemed to be what everyone else started out with. Then again maybe he actually liked the school, doubtful, but it was always a possibility.
11-09-2004, 05:22
"I'm Joshua," he rplied slightly trying to controll his blush. "So you simply a black shee here as well?" he asked after a few seconds of scilence and he tried his best to look composed to the bes tof his ability.
A Memory
11-09-2004, 05:26
"Black sheep?" She'd heard that before and almost as soon as she questioned him she' already dug it up. To cover for her blunder she laughed lightly at herself, hopefully that would cover any oddness he noticed. "No, I really don't fit in very well, but I haven't noticed many other people doing much better." That much was true, everyone at this school was either an outcast or desperately trying not to be. There were probably some dominant personalities somewhere, but everyone she'd met was having a hard time. "Misery loves company, or something like that."
Sophie waved over to Kyle before the match started. She leaned back and watched the game, and found herself rather impressed
Draconis Nightcrawlis
11-09-2004, 14:15
Salazar sat and watched them play kooshball. It looked interesting, but still it didn't beat watching the gladiators fight at the Exetergrecia Colosseum.
11-09-2004, 14:58
Flick looked crossly at the ball. There didn't seem to be any apologetic players galloping up to reclaim it. She couldn't tell, from its shape, what sport it was associated with. Wonder if it was that weird footbally-sort of thing where everybody wore padding all over? Well, if it was, they certainly wouldn't be galloping up, would they. It must feel like trying to move with your head shoved through the middle of an innerspring mattress.
Shaking her head at the oddities of the sporting mind, Flick checked that there were no witnesses, then accurately hoicked the ball into the thorny heart of the central decorative rose-bed.
Deliberately, it was an underarm throw. Flick had a vague memory from some early primary school PE sessions that throwing underarm was generally disapproved of, BA-A-AD sportsmanship and possibly even very, very girly.
Murdock rushed down the feild, seeing everyone running for Brad, even if he could catch it, he wouldn't make it through the wall running for him.
"Brad over here!" He yelled.
"Hey, Alex...Take a look at that..." said Makie, as Alex walked towards her.
"I think it's called kooshball...A little like rugby...But it allows more contact..."
"Sounds fun...Man, I'm bored..."
"Same...Let's go find something to do...Maybe talk to some people and get to know this place better..."
Alex turned around and looked back at Joshua, who seems to be talking with another girl.
"Hey, why don't we go speak with them? I noticed you talking to them earlier..."
"Sure, why not..."
The two walked over to Joshua and the girl.
"Hey again..." said Alex, to Joshua, and he turned to the girl. "My name is Alex, nice to meet you. This is my friend Makie."
Outer Heaven MK II
11-09-2004, 22:22
Nathan awoke. Once again he'd fallen asleep, strange that. Shrugging, he got up off his bed, and sighed, everyone had left. But then he grinned.
"Heh heh, time tpo indulge myself with a little Slipknot..." he said happily. He picked up his guitar, and activated it. He carefully twiddled with some dials, and then switched the guitar to Electric mode. Taking a deep breath, he welled up the darkness in him and started to play...Slipknot: Before I forget (lyrics below). After a few seconds, he started to sing...
Stapled shut, inside and ouside would and I'm
Sealed in tight, but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catostrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's
Catch me upon all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle
Fray the stings
Throw the sheathes
Hold your breath
And listen!
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscrestions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles
Locked in flesh
Pushed in place
Hold your breath
And listen!
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
My end
It justifies my means
All I have to do is delay
I'm given time to evade
The end of the road is my end
It justifies my means
All I have to do is delay
I'm haven't time to evade
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
I! Am a world before I am a man
I! Was a creature before I could stand
I! Will remember before I forget
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH!!"
He finished with a strong last note, his pick in the air. Laughing, and shaking his head, he sat down on the bed.
Sophie watched the game with intrest. It was similar to football, but not quite the same. She noted the increased violence level, and chuckled. She put some headphones on, and hit the play button on an Mp3 player. The song "Take it Off" by teh Donnas began to play, and she fuond it fitting to the music. She made sure to keep her eye on the score, so she knew what side to hang out with after the game.
13-09-2004, 03:35
OOC: my post's late, but whatever
IC: David saw that Brad was going to get the ball. He took off at top speed right towards him. Kyle saw the same thing and took off right behind David. Only about ten feet from Brad now...
"Your ass is mine Bradly." said David to himself.
Brad caught the ball, he heard one of his team mates call out to him. He turns around...
Only 4 feet away now. David dives at Brad. Hard.
Brad, too late to do anything, turns to see David diving right at him.
He got him. He got him good. Brad was hit so hard that the ball flew right out of his hands. Kyle dove at the ball. He got it and quickly passed it back to another team mate.
The WIck
13-09-2004, 04:30
That poor sucker who caught the ball was literally driven into the ground by an arm tackle from Frank who stripped the ball from him as well.
Frank had the ball cradled in both his arms as he began to run up field at a pace few guys his size could reach. However he knew the other smaller soccer jerks would be able to catch him. He hoped Docks(Murdock) would be open for a pass/lateral before they swarmed him.
A Memory
14-09-2004, 01:26
OOC: I apologize in advance for this fully OOC post, but some work needs to be done. I hate to be the one to nitpick but the drawn out quality of the kooshball game is making it difficult for me, at least, to keep moving forward. Besides that it's a likely way to kill the thread due to boredom. I recommend that the three of you coordinate and write the rest of this game (and all future games) into a single post. It would make the game more interesting to read about, better connected and substantially more intriguing.
Alongside that we really need to get a plot of some kind going, whether as individuals or as a group. I'd like to recommend that we finish up the day we're presently on with some haste in order to get classes started, but that isn't necessary so long as something happens. Sorry for being a self-important n00b know-it-all, but I'm afraid this drawn out period of nothing might kill the RP.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 01:30
Salazar yawned, the kooshball game was losing its excitement for him.
OOC: I apologize in advance for this fully OOC post, but some work needs to be done. I hate to be the one to nitpick but the drawn out quality of the kooshball game is making it difficult for me, at least, to keep moving forward. Besides that it's a likely way to kill the thread due to boredom. I recommend that the three of you coordinate and write the rest of this game (and all future games) into a single post. It would make the game more interesting to read about, better connected and substantially more intriguing.
Alongside that we really need to get a plot of some, whether as individuals or as a group. I'd like to recommend that we finish up the day we're presently on with some haste in order to get classes started, but that isn't necessary so long as something happens. Sorry for being a self-important n00b know-it-all, but I'm afraid this drawn out period of nothing might kill the RP.
Comming from a well seasoned veteran...Uber agreed.
The WIck
14-09-2004, 03:00
OOC: i can see what u all mean it was fun for me thats casue i was in it i suppose but there is so much more i want to do in the school so i will wait for techon to wrap it all up and post my charector going to his room or something.
OOC: all the other people are outside...just waiting for people to get inside to start RPing...
"I'm soo bored, Alex...Let's go somewhere else...It seems they aren't noticing us..." whined Makie as she tugged at Alex's shirt. "I'm tired of that kooshball game thing they are playing outside...It's not going anywhere..."
"Uh...Ok...Why don't we go check out our room...Or pass by the library..." said Alex. "Do you think they are finished unpacking our stuff?"
"They are...They told me earlier, while you were still trying to talk to that two back there..."
14-09-2004, 04:23
The cries of the ball-players faded behind her as Flick focussed on her mission: the Library and a Concordance. The Bald One had insisted that she meditate daily on a Bible verse, and prove she'd done so by listing them in all her e-mails home. If she didn't, no doubt he'd whine at Mum, so Flick was going to try so hard to be a good little girl. Fortunately, she remembered lots about the Bible from her Lit classes. It positively bristled with topics that would make Baldy splutter. Perhaps she'd just stick to all those "and Thingo begat Whatsisname" verses first; she could move on to the juicy stuff later.
Besides, once she'd found the Library she'd be among friends, even if they were strangers. Anybody who was in the library when it was officially a free day had to have some smattering of sanity.
14-09-2004, 04:51
OOC: eh..I'm done too. I say we lose, you win. how's that sound tech?
So boring...This place is so blah...I wonder what kind of kids they interviewed who said this place was so spectacular...Mahora Academy is sooo much better... thought Makie as she and Alex walked through the corridors towards the library.
They passed several long dull corridors and empty classrooms until they came up to a large wooden door with ornate carvings bordering a small plaque in the center of the door. The plaque simply read "Library." Hmmm...They spent this much on a door? commented Makie as Alex opened the door for her.
"It's sort of big...Like the public library near my house." said Alex, as he looked up at the two story library room, while walking towards a nearby table. "Let's sit here."
OOC: time to sleep...
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 21:32
Salazar left the kooshball field and went back inside. Once in the hallway he thought about where to go, since he didn't feel like doing more sword practice he decided to return to his dorm. Hopefully things would pick up once classes started.
Sophie looked as the game continued on, and found herself bored with it. She stood up and grabbed her bag, and walked away from teh field. She would chat with the boys later. She made her way into the hallway, and looked around, wondering if their was a rifle range near by.
(OOC: I am getting sick of everyone telling how boring the school is, and how bad everything is in it, I am going to close this thing)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 22:39
(OOC: I am getting sick of everyone telling how boring the school is, and how bad everything is in it, I am going to close this thing)
OOC: I've only seen a couple saying it was boring IC, the rest of us are just waiting for the kooshball game to be wrapped up so we can start lessons.
(OOC: Trust me, everyone will be in their own classes and such and it will get even more hectic, you guys can take over if you want, I am out)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 22:52
OOC: So who wants to try and carry on?
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 23:45
OOC: How about something supernatural.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-09-2004, 23:46
OOC: Looks like the board timing is still screwed, better take this to the OOC thread.
A Memory
14-09-2004, 23:46
OOC: I'm willing to keep at it. I did join mainly because of Techon, but I don't like throwing a partially developed character away. I'd prefer it if he was going to stay (this is as close as I get to begging, I really want you to stay, however anti-social my character is). We probably will need a plot of some sort that effects everyone, but I'm not a good enough writer to think of one. Ideas?
easy, why not just have one where like the kids find out they were brought to the school because they have special powers, thats my idea for you guys
"It's not so bad...I kinda like this place...Not as crowded compared to my school..." said Alex, as he looked out the window at the kooschball players talking(
"Huh? How'd you hear me?" replied Makie, who looked up with a surprised face, from the magazine she picked up.
"Because I can see it in your expressions...I like this place...It's quiet...And I've visited Mahora Academy once before during a game we had there...And it's hella hectic and crazy...It's not really my type in a school."
"Oh...I see...You know...I haven't seen your school before...We only just met when we were taken from our classes."
"Mmmhmm...Well...It'll be better once we get to make some friends here...Then I bet when it is time to go back to -Noir-, you wouldn't want to go so soon."
"You might be right..." said Makie as she returned to her magazine.
Alex stood up from the large oak desk they were sitting at and started to walk around the silent library. He saw various other students, who he suspected to also be exchange students. Then he came across one girl who was reading a Bible. In Alex's mind, this seemed strange since almost everyone else was reading something not so serious or seriously. Alex pulled up a chair next to her and sat down.
"So...Got tired of all the leisure books in this library?" inquired Alex with a friendly smile. "Don't get me wrong, the Bible is an excellent piece of scripture...But it's the last day of break before school starts tomorrow."
OOC: yea...i think we really need a plot or something...or just need to start classes....
15-09-2004, 03:29
"I'm not reading it, I'm getting ammunition from it," Flick said darkly. Then, dammit, her natural friendliness pushed its way to the surface. "It's for my stepfather," she explained. "I'm trying to find quotes he'll really hate."
The guy looked puzzled. Flick felt sorry; it wasn't his fault she'd been exiled.
"Umm ... look. Let's start again. I'm Flick Henderson. I'm here because my mother got married again and the idiot she took up with finds me an embarrassment to have around. So I've been dumped at some rich people's glorified dog-pound for inconvenient kids. Okay. Who are you and what did you do to get sent here?"
(OOC: It's not the school Flick hates, not really; it's her stepfather's idea, so it has to be bad. As to plot: I'd go along with "special powers" if you want to, though I'll have to wrench Flick's history a bit. But we've already had some plot teasers: Angelica's plainly of some political interest to someone, likewise Alex and Makie. Is Angelica the last Romanov? Why will everything be okay for A and M in four months' time? Is one kid there to get rid of someone else (for back-home power reasons)? Is (X) Not What He/She Seems? Was something vital hidden in the school by a former pupil? Are the teachers all on the level? I'd like to play on -- start classes, meet teachers -- and find out.)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
15-09-2004, 23:55
OOC: I'm up for finding school secrets, would like something supernatural as well.
Once back in his dorm, Salazar lay down on his bed and closed his eyes.
OOC: WIck, pretend the kooshball game is over and bring Tank into it.
OOC: I'm up for finding school secrets, would like something supernatural as well.
OOC: sounds like a good idea
"I'm not reading it, I'm getting ammunition from it," Flick said darkly. Then, dammit, her natural friendliness pushed its way to the surface. "It's for my stepfather," she explained. "I'm trying to find quotes he'll really hate."
The guy looked puzzled. Flick felt sorry; it wasn't his fault she'd been exiled.
"Umm ... look. Let's start again. I'm Flick Henderson. I'm here because my mother got married again and the idiot she took up with finds me an embarrassment to have around. So I've been dumped at some rich people's glorified dog-pound for inconvenient kids. Okay. Who are you and what did you do to get sent here?"
(OOC: It's not the school Flick hates, not really; it's her stepfather's idea, so it has to be bad. As to plot: I'd go along with "special powers" if you want to, though I'll have to wrench Flick's history a bit. But we've already had some plot teasers: Angelica's plainly of some political interest to someone, likewise Alex and Makie. Is Angelica the last Romanov? Why will everything be okay for A and M in four months' time? Is one kid there to get rid of someone else (for back-home power reasons)? Is (X) Not What He/She Seems? Was something vital hidden in the school by a former pupil? Are the teachers all on the level? I'd like to play on -- start classes, meet teachers -- and find out.)
Alex looked at here curiously. What's her problem? Ammunition?
"Eh? Well, my name is Alex Akashi....I came here with my friend Makie Sasaki, from -Noir-...And..." said Alex. "We don't know exactly why we are here...We were just got taken from our classes and sent here..."
While Flick was busy registering what Alex was saying, he quickly snatched the Bible since she had relaxed her grip on it. He quickly glanced at what she was reading, then handed the Bible to her.
"Hmm...If you want quotes check in Maccabees or the Gospels or Revelation...Or well...That's all I know...I haven't read the Bible...Just hear it in church."
The WIck
16-09-2004, 02:09
Frank now was dressed in only a pair of PT shorts and a grey T-shirt that had the emblem of the WIckian Marine Corps upon it. He was still pumped from the Kooshball game, and hoped to see his new mate Murdock soon!(Shameless bump to get TECHON BACK). On his shoulder he carried a massive footlocker and in his other arm a large duffel carrying all the worldly possessions he would need as he opens the door and enters his new dorm.
"ELLO! Anyone else here?" he asked as he entered the room.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
16-09-2004, 02:31
Salazar awoke from his sleep as he'd felt another pressence in the room, followed by a voice. He looked around and saw someone stood in the doorway. Could it be? Could he finally be at last sharing the dorm?
"Just me," he said, sitting up.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
16-09-2004, 02:35
Better keep all OOC in this thread ( so we don't detract from this one.
16-09-2004, 06:17
"Not Revelation, that'd be right up his alley," Flick said. "He'd just love to think anyone who didn't think exactly the way he does was going to end up in a lake of burning pitch. Hang on, though, isn't there something somewhere about thy belly is like a heap of ripe wheat? I could tell him I'd meditated on that and decided to get my navel pierced, that'd send him spare ... "
She grabbed for the Bible; Alex, who had been in the act of handing it to her, tightened his grip. The pair were not-quite-tussling for it when a hand took it from them.
"That is a Book of Power," a voice announced. "Maybe not your power, but power nonetheless. Have a care."
Flick looked up. A silvery figure stood in front of them. Silver hair in, would you believe it, a genuine Prince Valiant cut. A silvery robe -- sort of shiny material, but not anything synthetic, she was sure; it somehow had its own light. And a robe; what was this place, a home for Mediaeval Re-enactment Society tragics?
"I'm Magister Llanwerin," the person said. "I'm one of the teachers." It smiled warmly at the bewildered duo.
16-09-2004, 06:43
Flick looked closely at the teacher. Silvery eyes gleamed back at her from a curiously androgynous face. The body, too, gave her no clues; the robe fell smoothly, concealingly.
"Ah, look, I don't mean to be rude, I just didn't hear you properly," she stammered. "Was that Magister or Magistra?"
"Tch-tch, Flick, don't you remember that Latin has neuter forms, as well?" smiled the newcomer. "I am whatever you need me to be. But, judging by what I can read from you and Alex -- and these others," he added, with a gesture encompassing the rest of the library, " -- I had best be male."
As Flick and Alex watched, the person changed subtly. Perhaps the planes of its face became sharper, its eyebrows slightly heavier, its skin a little darker; or did the shoulders widen slightly, the whole balance of the body change? They couldn't say; but suddenly there was no doubt that this was definitely a man standing before them.
"See, Flick? Not all men are as obnoxious as your stepfather," he said kindly. "And Alex, I am happy to stand as proof that not all academics are -- what's that term? Just think it again, please? -- ah, yes: wusses."
"Mmmmhmm...So...Your point is what? Sir?" asked he looks up from the Bible which he had stealthly taken from the magister's hand. "Triple gender nouns are annoying...Don't you agree?"
Alex quickly looked up, but then returned to reading the Bible. "Magister is originally nominative masculine...That's how I remember it was taught...Hmmm...Magister, magister, magister...I know I've heard that from somewhere else...I forgot where..."Id nescio"...Oh...And no offense...But can you please keep it down...This is a library...Oh...And here is the Bible back...I am sorry I couldn't think of any quotes that might help you." Alex handed the Bible back to Flick
At least Alex is having some fun...I prefer Mahora Academy much more than this... Makie looked down at her magazine again. Ugh...I forgot I read this a few days ago...
OOC: sleep time!
The WIck
16-09-2004, 11:34
Frank drops his load of cargo onto the dorm room floor,
"And who are ya? My name is Frank but most people just call me Tank" He said extending his hand to his new roomate.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
16-09-2004, 15:44
Salazar took Tanks hand. "I'm Salazar," he said. "So where you from?"
The WIck
17-09-2004, 01:14
"Far from here, I’m from the Commonwealth of the WIck, which is located in the Raumreich on the far side of the Alpha Centauri Wormhole. Here finish up my last year of school fore I go off and join the Marines full time." he said pointing to the shirt he wore.
A Memory
17-09-2004, 02:15
The chat seemed interminable, she knew she'd been here for several minutes but the small chat was pointless and uninformative. She needed to find a way out. "I'm sorry to talk and run, Joshua, but I need to buy my books soon. I don't know when the library sales department closes and I need them before classes tomorrow."
After that it was just a matter of a more formal goodbye. The boy had already bought his materials, probably from a cheaper store. She didn't have to pay and she was even allowed to keep the books. She was really beginning to wonder at this ideal scholarship. It seemed to perfect, the school did need some students to up the average grades they posted. They seemed to generally accept anyone with money, but she hadn't seen anyone else that was given nearly as substantial a scholarship and surely there were intelligent students who could pay at least part of the price. It seemed suspicious, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. She needed the resources here, she needed the teachers with phDs from Oxford and Harvard. This was her chance to earn a full University scholarship and escape from her tiny homeland. She would learn everything she could, and anyone who tried to control her would find that she was easily their superior.
The library was fairly full, one of Angelica's roomates, Flick, was talking to someone that Angelica couldn't see. Probably for the best, she could "buy" her books and find a secluded corner of the library to read something.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
17-09-2004, 14:51
"Ah, never been to that part of space," Salazar said. "I'm from Draconis Nightcrawlis which is located in the Alpha Einherjer system. Already met a girl here who didn't know people lived on other planets"
The WIck
17-09-2004, 16:31
"I have heard of DN before but not many have heard of my home. I suppose it is because we are so far from Sol, but I think the recent war in the region has made some people learn of my nation and of the region a bit more." Tank said.
"Well I wonder when the classes will begin sometime tomorrow I assume?"
Draconis Nightcrawlis
17-09-2004, 18:44
"9am," Salazar said. "At least that was what I was told."
A Memory
17-09-2004, 19:42
The book list had been mailed to most students, but since she didn't have an accessible mailing address she had to get it through one of the librarians working in the bookstore. The whole process was a pain, including nearly fifteen minutes of searching through an incredibly disorganized file drawer. The checkout cashier was just as irritating and getting proof that she was who she said without a "photo identification" was a nuisance. She managed eventually and all without being interrupted by anyone she'd met. She had yet to receive her schedule but she had been told that those were going to be delivered to the rooms in the rapidly-approaching evening.
After nearly an hour of hassle she managed to get her books as well as check out a few from the normal librarian. Then she went to the top level of the library, the view was wonderful with windows looking out of the massively wasteful towers, but she didn't want to be near those. Crowds always gathered there, and she didn't need the pleasure of "socialization." Instead she snuck between two bookshelves near a windowless wall and began to read "Dr. Faustus" in the dim light.
OOC: Please reply to the final post here. ( Roll call to see who's here and what classes everyone wants to take. Feel free to offer criticisms of my thoughts as well, I'm sure that someone else could improve upon my thoughts dramatically.
Makie sighed as she let the magazine she was reading drop down onto the table. "It's soo boring...*YAWN*!!! Hmmm..."
The library was filling up ever so slowly, but it was still aparent that the place had become very crowded, with the noise level skyrocketing. Voices bounced off the walls and the hard floor, the hum of computers eminate from the west side of the library, while the check-out scanners could be heard from the check-out counter at the other end of the library. The large shelves and book cases, which were planned out into a twisting maze pattern, hid silent conversations and the rustling of book pages.
With just that little increase in noise level, Makie had lost all interest in reading. Picking up the piece of paper, which someone had handed out to her, she headed towards the door, leaving Alex behind. Surely he remembers the room number... Makie thought. I'll just go up to the room...Check out what luxuries this places offers...Or what neccessities this place forgets to provide...
She took her time as she walked by each bookshelf on the way to the door, reading off the different topics in her mind: Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Chemistry...Physical Science, Physics...Eh?. While walking by the different shelves, she noticed a girl sitting alone at the end of the aisle, immersed in the book she was reading in the dim light. Feeling adventurous, Makie decide that it wouldn't hurt to talk to so people. Walking up to the girl, Makie put on her best smile and a friendly tone.
"Loud isn't it..." she said at a whisper. "What book are you reading?"
Finding her way back to her room, Sophie collapsed on her bed, and pulled a magazine out of her bag. It was the newest issue of Imitora Sport Bike, and on the cover was the decently attractive First Speaker Anna Frateli, along with her purple Yammaha YZF-R1. She had bought the magazine before comming, and that was three days ago. The magazine looked like it had been read a hundred times over. She slid on her headphones, and kept reading, waiting for someone to come back.
A Memory
18-09-2004, 16:56
My heart is harden'd, I cannot repent.
Scarce can I name salvation, faith or heaven:
Swords, poisons, halters and envenomed steel
Are laid before me to dispatch myself;
And long ere this should I have done the deed,
Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair.
"What book are you reading?"
She hadn't heard anyone approach, she'd been far to enveloped in her reading. Even worse then her poor observance she had actually jumped, a telling sign that she had been surprised, an obvious proof of her own weakness. "This?" She flipped to the cover and read off the title. "'The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.' Just something I found."
She had to get up where she could be level with her new opponent. Fortunately the 'handshaking' that she'd experienced several times since she got here would be the perfect excuse. She pushed of slightly the brick wall behind her and bounded to her feet, the book closed as she got up but her left index finger caught the page. "I'm Angelica." She politely brought forth her hand as she'd seen just about everyone she met do, hopefully this one had a similar culture, or at least was as good at hiding reality as Angelica was, otherwise she'd look like a fool.
My heart is harden'd, I cannot repent.
Scarce can I name salvation, faith or heaven:
Swords, poisons, halters and envenomed steel
Are laid before me to dispatch myself;
And long ere this should I have done the deed,
Had not sweet pleasure conquered deep despair.
"What book are you reading?"
She hadn't heard anyone approach, she'd been far to enveloped in her reading. Even worse then her poor observance she had actually jumped, a telling sign that she had been surprised, an obvious proof of her own weakness. "This?" She flipped to the cover and read off the title. "'The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.' Just something I found."
She had to get up where she could be level with her new opponent. Fortunately the 'handshaking' that she'd experienced several times since she got here would be the perfect excuse. She pushed of slightly the brick wall behind her and bounded to her feet, the book closed as she got up but her left index finger caught the page. "I'm Angelica." She politely brought forth her hand as she'd seen just about everyone she met do, hopefully this one had a similar culture, or at least was as good at hiding reality as Angelica was, otherwise she'd look like a fool.
Makie hesitated a bit, her hand halfway stretched out seemed strange, but in the end she took Angelica's hand in a handshake and bowed slightly, as she was accustomed to do. "My, name is Makie, nice to meet you." Makie released Angelica's hand slowly from the awkward handshake, and brought her own back to her sides. "Faust, Faustus right? Common literary name for anyone who makes a pact with the devil...Right?"
Makie carefully observed Angelica and thought to herself. Quiet, huh? She's not like the other girls, all loud and everything...
"You really shouldn't read in the dark like this, but seeing all the commotion outside, I can understand your motives for reading in a more secluded place...For me...It has become too loud and hard to concentrate."
Makie took another look at Angelica again, from head to toe. Her clothes are a bit different also...Not like all that fancy jewelery all the other girls are showing off...SO annoying...Just because there are boys around some people go crazy and try to show off as much as possible...But Angelica, she's different...Very different...Maybe it's because there isn't a dress code are uniforms here...But even at Mahora, some girls manage to find loopholes and end up showing off..."Like you?" said another voice in her head Eh? like me? No..."Yes...And show off too." Hey, I don't judge people by their looks alone..."Yes, you do...And make fun of them...Remember Yumi?" Well, uhh..."See...Now you better not start bringing your personality here too...Change yourself for a chance...Here you are starting with a clean slate...Don't go embarrasing yourself..."Yea...I know..."And you forgot that you're still wearing the Mahora Badge on your jacket, and don't you go embarassing your school." at that her conscience went back to observer mode. I totally forgot I was still wearing this jacket...Hey, I'm not a snob! "Yes you are." said the voice quickly and then disappeared.
"Well...Seems that you aren't like the other girls...All those rich snobs...It bothers me to no end...I hope this school will be good..." said, Makie. As she said this, Makie started her Mahora uniform blazer off, but remembered that she was wearing that halter top she had changed into on the plane. A cold gust of air swept through the area, from the nearby airconditioner, and Makie quickly pulled the blazer back to her shoulders, thinking that it would be better to leave it on.
"I was literarily kidnapped from my school and brought here...How 'bout you?" Makie said.
The eternal-dragons
18-09-2004, 23:44
(Out of curiousty is this rp still open to all :confused: )
(Out of curiousty is this rp still open to all :confused: )
OOC: i think so
19-09-2004, 00:57
Flick blinked. For a minute there she could have sworn this teacher had ... changed ... she sneaked a look at Alex. He seemed to be handling it okay. Must be jetlag, she decided, convincing herself that she hadn't seen what her eyes insisted she had. Hurriedly she scribbled down the reference she had found, gabbled something polite and made off, wondering. He called me Flick. How did he know my name? -- of course, it would be easy enough to memorise us from our application IDs -- His skin was silver! Nonsense, probably just pale, you know these academics; besides, the lighting in there isn't all that great ...
When in trouble, fear or doubt/Run in circles, scream and shout! Flick joked to herself. Nevertheless, this seemed like a good time to, well, hide for a bit. Like, get into bed and pull the covers over my head! All the same, maybe she should see if she could sleep for a while, just till dinner ...
Flick scuttled off to the despised, shoebox room and the inadequate bed that suddenly both seemed warm and welcoming.
A Memory
19-09-2004, 01:41
Strange, the other girl, Makie, seemed to pause far longer than necessary while attempting to measure Angelica. A few separate thoughts flashed obviously across her eyes, but that wasn't unusual. The fact that she hesitated so long probably meant that she had some kind of ulterior motive. Angelica had to be careful.
"Nice to meet you as well." She'd have to carefully pick how to answer each question, or whether she even should. The first commentary was easy to build up a response towards, that at least she could deal with easily. "I'm really not used to crowds like this." She waved her hand at the area around them, even though no one else was in sight, the point would probably come across in any case." She could probably wrap up the answer to the final question in the same context actually and avoid the potentially dangerous 'rich snob' commentary. "I guess I asked for it though, I tried for every chance to get away from home as I could. I had problems at my old school." She'd gotten to the point three years ago where she knew more then the the teacher did. Not that it was particularly difficult. The downtrodden town schoolhouse generally frowned upon girls attending after the first few years, but she'd bullied her way in through stupid determination. After she got kicked out she'd started jogging four miles to a missionary town, they'd been annoying but they'd started to teach her more. "This place will probably be an improvement when I think about it."
Draconis Nightcrawlis
19-09-2004, 02:26
Salazar stood up and headed to the door. "I really do hate this place," he told Tank. "I'm gonna go and double check my lessons for tomorrow."
Sophie left the room after finishing the magazine, but first she grabbed a case from under her bed. She walked outside, and looked at a map, and followed the directions given. She found the open range, sighed at the lack of a rangemaster, and opened the case. The weapon was a UMAC M5 Fielder, a UMAC 20ga version of the Benneli M2 shot gun. She put the weapon together, and loaded the weapon. With three rounds in the magazine, and one in the chamber, she set the weapon down, and looked around.
She found a switch, and pulled it close to her. She let her foot hover over it, and after slowing down her breath, she muttered "pull" and stepped on the switch. A bright orange clay shot across infront of her, and she squeezed the trigger. The clay exploded in a burst of orange dust, and the new rounds she had purchased cycling the weapon perfectly. She repeated the process, blasting another clay that came from another direction. She pressed it one more time, and this time two clays shot out, and she blasted both. She nodded, and reloaded, moving on to the next station.
Flick blinked. For a minute there she could have sworn this teacher had ... changed ... she sneaked a look at Alex. He seemed to be handling it okay. Must be jetlag, she decided, convincing herself that she hadn't seen what her eyes insisted she had. Hurriedly she scribbled down the reference she had found, gabbled something polite and made off, wondering. He called me Flick. How did he know my name? -- of course, it would be easy enough to memorise us from our application IDs -- His skin was silver! Nonsense, probably just pale, you know these academics; besides, the lighting in there isn't all that great ...
When in trouble, fear or doubt/Run in circles, scream and shout! Flick joked to herself. Nevertheless, this seemed like a good time to, well, hide for a bit. Like, get into bed and pull the covers over my head! All the same, maybe she should see if she could sleep for a while, just till dinner ...
Flick scuttled off to the despised, shoebox room and the inadequate bed that suddenly both seemed warm and welcoming.
Alex just stood there as Flick hurried off, out of the library. Man...There she goes...She looked cute...Nerdy...But in a cute sort of way... Alex then turned to face the Magister.
"Hmmm...You do a really good job at scaring away the girls..." said Alex, then he changed his tone to a more whisperlike level. "So...How'd you do it? Nanos?"
OOC: we really need some character does Flick look like?
Strange, the other girl, Makie, seemed to pause far longer than necessary while attempting to measure Angelica. A few separate thoughts flashed obviously across her eyes, but that wasn't unusual. The fact that she hesitated so long probably meant that she had some kind of ulterior motive. Angelica had to be careful.
"Nice to meet you as well." She'd have to carefully pick how to answer each question, or whether she even should. The first commentary was easy to build up a response towards, that at least she could deal with easily. "I'm really not used to crowds like this." She waved her hand at the area around them, even though no one else was in sight, the point would probably come across in any case." She could probably wrap up the answer to the final question in the same context actually and avoid the potentially dangerous 'rich snob' commentary. "I guess I asked for it though, I tried for every chance to get away from home as I could. I had problems at my old school." She'd gotten to the point three years ago where she knew more then the the teacher did. Not that it was particularly difficult. The downtrodden town schoolhouse generally frowned upon girls attending after the first few years, but she'd bullied her way in through stupid determination. After she got kicked out she'd started jogging four miles to a missionary town, they'd been annoying but they'd started to teach her more. "This place will probably be an improvement when I think about it."
Problems? What type of problems? Bullying? The teaching methods? School in general? Thought Makie.
"What kind of problems? You seem sort of down when you came to the part about your old school..." said Makie in a caring way, as she took the seat facing across Angelica, by the end of the bookshelf..
Usually, Makie isn't this caring towards complete strangers, but a gut feeling inside of her was telling her, urging her to give more thought to the person infront of her.
"So...How do you think of this place? It seems to me that you've been here longer than I have."
The eternal-dragons
19-09-2004, 10:21
(Me shall introduce my chara if thats ok with you all..)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
19-09-2004, 15:25
OOC: I think we've lost The WIck, there goes my room mate :(
Salazar headed off down the corridor to the front desk where upon asking he was given a slip of paper with his timetable on. As he headed back to his dorm, he tried memorising it and wasn't really taking care in where he was going.
The eternal-dragons
19-09-2004, 15:28
(I will be your roomate if you wish it...of course after i introduce the character)
A Memory
19-09-2004, 19:01
"What kind of problems? You seem sort of down when you came to the part about your old school..." said Makie in a caring way, as she took the seat facing across Angelica, by the end of the bookshelf..
"So...How do you think of this place? It seems to me that you've been here longer than I have."
"This place is... interesting. I've only been here for a day, but it's different from anything I'm used to." There really wasn't any way she could avoid the first question without showing both significant weakness and being impolite. She'd need to phrase the answer very carefully in any case. She took a slow deep breath and started to speak cautiously. "I was kicked out of my old school, for improper behavior." A nice catch-all, the improper behavior was technically true, but in all honestly it could mean anything, and most people would skirt the issue as if it were something sensitive. That answer should be able to get her off the hook.
She needed to get off the defensive, eventually she'd slip up against a barrage of questions. She needed to make Makie think about herself, but she didn't know what to say. "I'm not very familiar with schools like this, what do you think of it?" Damn, that left more holes open to attack then staying silent would have.
20-09-2004, 01:38
OOC: last time I checked, I was still at the kooshball field, so I'll go from there.
IC: The guys gathered their things and started to walk back to their room. Brad was bruised on the shoulder.
"Dude, that looks gross." said Kyle
"I know." was Brad's response.
"Is this where it is?" asked Mike as he roughly pocked the bruise.
"OOOOOOOOUUUUUCHHHHH! You Jerk!" said Brad angrly as he punched Mike in the arm.
"Stop it you dorks, your making too much noise." said David.
The boys decided to make a stop at the cafe for some food.
Sophie packed up the shotgun, and left a note for the range master to contact her. Still carying the case, she headed to the cafe for a bite to eat. She grabbed a bottle of water, and a sandwhich, and sat near the boys.
"So, gents, how was the game?"
Murdock felt very good as he, and Dustin, and Jeff walked into the cafeteria. Here he was with two of the most popular guys in the entire school, they walked through the line, then to a table.
"This place is... interesting. I've only been here for a day, but it's different from anything I'm used to." There really wasn't any way she could avoid the first question without showing both significant weakness and being impolite. She'd need to phrase the answer very carefully in any case. She took a slow deep breath and started to speak cautiously. "I was kicked out of my old school, for improper behavior." A nice catch-all, the improper behavior was technically true, but in all honestly it could mean anything, and most people would skirt the issue as if it were something sensitive. That answer should be able to get her off the hook.
She needed to get off the defensive, eventually she'd slip up against a barrage of questions. She needed to make Makie think about herself, but she didn't know what to say. "I'm not very familiar with schools like this, what do you think of it?" Damn, that left more holes open to attack then staying silent would have.
Improper behavior...She doesn't look like a person who would...Hmmm..."Almost what happened to you...Improper behavior...Or more like dress code violations..." said the voice in the back of her head. Hey! I told you to stop..."Ah...But I can't...I'm your conscience...My job is to be that little voice in the back of your head..." Well...Just take a back seat for now...I don't want to hear from you right now...
Makie lefted her right leg over left and put her hands on her knee. "That's unfortunate...Being kicked out...But it seems to me that you didn't like it there anyways...So it like justifies it..."
"No it doesn't..."Hey! I told you to be quiet!
"Ummm...About this school...I've only been here for a few hours...I haven't even been up to my room..." said Makie. "Well...My old school seems to be stricter actually...I'm used to boarding schools...All girls boarding school actually...We need to wear uniforms and everything..."
Makie pointed to her Mahora Academy ensignia on her blazer and her patterened skirt. "See...I just changed out of my blouse and tie on the plane here..."
Makie leaned closer to Angelica and started to whisper.
"Sooo...What'cha do? To get yourself kicked out and all?"
A Memory
20-09-2004, 03:56
She pushed off the brick wall behind her and started to walk away. Manners had gotten her into this damnable situation and they weren't going to get her out. It was late, she'd already read through dinner and classes were starting the next morning, she'd read in her room until everyone else was asleep, it would be best that way. Still, considering the pettiness behind Makie's school problems she was unable to resist a parting jab, an answer to her question. "I was a girl."
She pushed off the brick wall behind her and started to walk away. Manners had gotten her into this damnable situation and they weren't going to get her out. It was late, she'd already read through dinner and classes were starting the next morning, she'd read in her room until everyone else was asleep, it would be best that way. Still, considering the pettiness behind Makie's school problems she was unable to resist a parting jab, an answer to her question. "I was a girl."
Makie was left sitting at the chair and staring at Angelica, as she walked towards the door. Angelica's last words left Makie thinking.
'I was a girl.'
"Hmmm...Well...Looks like I'd better be off too...Maybe look for Alex..." muttered Makie, as she stood up from the chair.
"Good job...Scaring another person away..."Hey! I told you to be quiet...And I didn't scare her off..."Fine...Suit yourself..."
"Eh? What time is it?" she said to herself, outloud before checking her watch. "Ummm...8:04...Hmmm...Better go fetch Alex and go up to the room..."
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 12:02
A black spiky-haired 6ft 2 teenager begins to walk towards the front office, wearing his usual blue vest and blue and red trimmed tracksuit. He seemed to carry nothing else other then a small blue string bag, no doubt containing basic equipment for school. As he approached the main entrance to the office he started to briefly scan the area for people his age, before proceeding to enter the room and into the registration desk.
After a brief period of inactivity he approaches the desk he proceeded to speak, his face looking weary as he prepared for the upcoming Verbal battle.
"I’m sorry I’m a bit late......I thought we started today"
The women gazed deep into Hado's own, clearly not impressed by the current antics "Well...that is still unacceptable..what is your name"
"Hado Suzuki" Responded the teenager
After another lengthy period of ghostly silence, she begins to speak once again, whilst looking at the computer to check for rooms
"Well....since you are so late and there are no individual rooms, there’s one available with a fellow male."
Hado then nods intently as he takes the card from the women’s hands and proceeds to stride of again in search of the new room.
This indeed was going to be a interesting chapter in his life, and how it all panned out would all but impossible to tell from here.
(OOC: If you don’t want another chara just iggy the post)
A Memory
20-09-2004, 16:30
The hallways were pretty empty. The other students were most likely dealing with last minute administrative issues or something like that. It really didn't matter to her, it was their business.
When she reached the door she dealt with the whole rigamarole of getting it to open and walked inside what appeared to be an empty room. Nathan had been in his room earlier but she didn't see any sign of him. It didn't matter, she had the suite to herself and she'd be able to read in complete silence. She walked into the girls room and took a seat on her unmade bed. The sheets had been delivered with the rest of her supplies, but she hadn't taken the time to deal with it, she'd slept on worse. She set down the pile of books she'd accumulated during her trip beside her and pulled one out at random. It was in English, like all of the books she'd found in the library.
To Mrs. Saville,
England St. Petersburgh,
Dec. 11th, 17—
You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday...
Lets see how much great literature I can use, shall we?
The eternal-dragons: Welcome. Look here ( for our discussions on the topic and place your classes and bio.
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 17:49
Hado continued to stride down one of the many hallways located in this new school, his face rather anxious . He had been looking now for well over half and hour for his new dormetorie, but to no avail. He knew that if he was going to find this dorm, he had to find someone capable of giving him directions. So after another lengthy period of pondering his thoughts, Hado decided to continue down the hallway looking for the nearest person to address and ask for directions. After about 5 mins of slow walking his dreams were apperently aswered, as on the bed of one of the empty dormitories stood a rather pretty girl, most likely russian due to her stereotypical appearance.Again after another brief set of glancing he began to speak, his dark brown eyes still somewhat transfixed at the beauty of the girl.
"Hello......? you mind if i ask a question" He asked
A Memory
20-09-2004, 18:33
The vegetables in the gardens, the milk and cheese that I saw placed at the windows of some of the cottages, allured my appetite. One of the best of these I entered, but I had hardly placed my foot within the door before the children shrieked, and one of the women fainted. The whole village was roused; some fled, some attacked me, until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons
"Hello...?" She didn't recognize the voice and she looked up quickly. "You mind if I ask you a question?"
Damn, she must have left the door open. She brightened her countenance and gave a warm smile, she wasn't startled enough that she couldn't act. "That would be fine. What is it?" Her voice was calm and even though her Russian accent was easily audible she was still easy to understand.
Sophie finished her meal, and headed back to her room. She noticed a boy standing in the hallway, and leaned against the wall a few yards back. She watched him, and wondered who he was, and if they had any classes together. She held the case by her side tightly, and wondered if the range master was going to call her at all.
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 18:44
Upon this surprising action, Hado smiled back before proceeding to speak once again his voice now much calmer then before.
"Sorry for barging in here with no was rather rude of me....Well anyway my name is Hado Suzuki and i am pleased to meet you..."
A brief pause followed as he spoke once more, not bothering to give her the chance to reply
"Well anyway..would you kindly tell me where room 4b is(Draconis room) i am rather new to this place and all these hallways are the same to me"
He then smiled once again, whilst briefly scanning the body of the women from head to toe admiring her beauty while awaiting a reply..
A Memory
20-09-2004, 18:54
"Well, I just arrived yesterday, but I think the first number corresponds to the floor. So four dee would be probably be up two more floors. There's a staircase just down the hall to your right. With a room that high up you should get a pretty good view." He was enjoying the view far too much as it was. Sophie was out in the suite watching, just what she needed, spectators.
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 19:01
He nods intently, whilst speaking once more, his yes now transfixed on the girls own
"Thanks very much for helping i owe you one.....And i presume by your voice your Russian right..?.Sorry if im being intrusive im just curious.....?"
He quickly glances around the area again, spotting another pretty girl resting on one of the walls in the hallway. He faintly smiles at the girl, before proceeding to turn around again and wait for the other girls answer...
A Memory
20-09-2004, 19:11
She didn't think she showed any emotion. The question didn't exactly come as a surprise, but it was still loaded. She kept her body under control, her breathing unchanged and her voice as warm as she could manage. "Well, kind of. I come from that area anyways."
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 19:15
Hado nodded once more, although noticing a brief glimpse of anxiety coming from the girls’ expression, before she retained control once again. He then proceeded to reply to her, his eyebrows slightly perched with curiosity
"I see.....Well when I was young I was semi on the borderline between Russia and Asia....although i don’t know much about it as i moved very young as i said....Maybe you can teach me Russian one of these days"
He grinned very faintly, trying to lighten the situation he found himself in.
A Memory
20-09-2004, 19:31
He hadn't meant anything, she knew that very well. She was calm again and well under control, so she chuckled easily immediately after he was finished. "I wouldn't know where to begin, my grammar is probably so atrocious that it would do more harm then good." As far as she knew that was true, on her way here she'd stopped in Volgograd and she'd needed to stop talking in order to avoid calling attention to herself.
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 19:38
He smirked once more upon hearing the remark, taking it upon himself to respond, his expression much more lighter than before
"I sincerely doubt it.....I mean seriously you seem the smart and collective type...Your English is way better then mine and yet it is not your chosen i think you Russian grammar must be amazing.."
He pauses once more, removing a training schedule with his spare hands during the interval. After the brief action he speaks once again, his voice much calmer then last time.
"Well..Thanks for listening to me babble on....I imagine you would rather get on with your reading then listen to if that is the case shall I live"
The eternal-dragons
20-09-2004, 19:45
He nods one more,before making a swift exit out of the room and allowing the girl to continue her reading.
A Memory
20-09-2004, 19:46
"One can only learn what others have to teach." He had obviously just dismissed himself so she pulled out her book and began to read again.
OOC: RL Class now.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
20-09-2004, 21:21
OOC: If anyone wants me I'm off hunting The WIck :D
Salazar headed off to the cafeteria to see who was there and to drink the weak coffee.
The WIck
21-09-2004, 00:51
OOC: Busy weekend that’s all, English papers, parties, football games, i love college :)
IC: Frank saw Sal enter the cafeteria with his coffee he waved him over,
"YO Salereeno over here buddy!" he shouted across the cafeteria.
It was looking to be a good day for the Tank the start of classes, and a good hearty breakfast of half a dozen eggs, toast, a heaping pile of fried potatoes, corn beef hash, biscuits and gravy...and some yogurt for the crunchy side of his personality.
He nods one more,before making a swift exit out of the room and allowing the girl to continue her reading.
As Hado walked off, Sophie called out to him. "Hey, cutie, can I help ya with somethin?" She tossed her case on the bed and nodded at Angelica before heading off after him.
A Memory
21-09-2004, 01:54
She looked up from her book and smiled at Sophie. "Hello, I haven't seen you much." Poorly phrased as usual, English was a problematic language.
"Yeah," Sophie said, swinging back into the room, "been busy. God I cant wait for classes to start what about you?"
A Memory
21-09-2004, 02:11
"It certainly would make the time feel less wasteful. I don't like not doing anything."
"Yeah, I know what ya mean, thats why I try to stay busy all the time." Sophie walked over, and fell on the bed. "Reding, shooting, motorcycles, sex, anything to keep me from being bored. What about you, what do you do for fun?"
A Memory
21-09-2004, 02:31
Angelica shrugged her shoulders, interesting what this one did in her free-time but it probably wouldn't benefit her. "Never had much time to worry about it." She was used to being too busy to do anything. "All I've ever done is work and study, but I guess the studying period could be considered my free time."
"Ya, I used to be a big studier. I used to be like one of those straight A students, but I mean, I just got bored. Not enough excitment. So what you looking at after this? College, military?"
A Memory
21-09-2004, 02:43
"I don't know." She had to keep going for two more years first, she'd do whatever was most effective and beneficial. "I don't think I'll join a military, I don't even think my home country has one. It's probably out of the question anyway."
"Good deal," Sophie replied. She looked at teh book on thet table. "What ya readin there?"
A Memory
21-09-2004, 03:35
"Something called 'Frankenstein.'" The book was developing nicely, but she'd taken it because of a recommendation from one of the missionaries she'd actually liked, so it didn't surprise her.
"Ah yes, classic story of man plays God. Ya know, if Doc Frankinstien was a chick, I'm sure the book would have ended differently. But then again, with Shelly, I'm not sure. Well, it was better than the movie. 'Course I'm more of a fan of the theological books," she said. She removed a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince and the Discourses. "But thats just me."
A Memory
21-09-2004, 03:45
"It's interesting to see what other people believe and how they can twist others into following their beliefs out of self-interest. They probably represent human nature better then anything else."
Makie started to walk out of the secluded corner of the library she had stumbled in earlier. As she passed the end of the bookshelves, she saw that the once empty library, now bristled with hundreds of students trying to get a hold of books for classes, that started tomorrow morning. As she looked around, she saw Alex now talking to a silvery haired man, instead of the girl that was reading there earlier.
"Who's your friend, Alex?" Makie asked, as she put her hand on Alex's shoulder and leaned against his back.
OOC: where is findhorn!?!?!
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 13:11
As Hado walked off, Sophie called out to him. "Hey, cutie, can I help ya with somethin?" She tossed her case on the bed and nodded at Angelica before heading off after him.
OOC: (Sorry a bit out of sync)
Ic: As he briskly walked off, he glanced behind him to see who was calling him. Upon doing this he saw the same pretty girl he smiled at earlier, and as a sign of acknowledgement he shouted out sarcastically
"Depends what you mean by helping out..."
He then proceeded to chuckle away, as he started to walk down the hallway once more to his new room.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
21-09-2004, 14:12
OOC: Busy weekend that’s all, English papers, parties, football games, i love college :)
IC: Frank saw Sal enter the cafeteria with his coffee he waved him over,
"YO Salereeno over here buddy!" he shouted across the cafeteria.
It was looking to be a good day for the Tank the start of classes, and a good hearty breakfast of half a dozen eggs, toast, a heaping pile of fried potatoes, corn beef hash, biscuits and gravy...and some yogurt for the crunchy side of his personality.
Salazar nodded and walked over, stopping only to order a coffee, some cereal and bring them over. "Hey Tank, whats up?" he asked sitting down.
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 14:18
After a few minutes of brisk walking, Hado reach his destination, his face now of a much lighter outlook because he had found his temperory home. He proceeded to enter the rather large room, his eyebrows slightly perched because of the vast space of the room, something he was not used to. As he entered the room he saw a few bags and belongings, no douht belonging to the new roomates he would soon encounter. After a short period of pondering his thoughts about the surroundings, he proceeded to sit on one of the empty beds located in the room and dump his stuff there, weighing up whether to hunt down his roomates or not.
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 14:19
After a few minutes of brisk walking, Hado reach his destination, his face now of a much lighter outlook because he had found his temporary home. He proceeded to enter the rather large room, his eyebrows slightly perched because of the vast space of the room, something he was not used to. As he entered the room he saw a few bags and belongings, no doubt belonging to the new roommates he would soon encounter. After a short period of pondering his thoughts about the surroundings, he proceeded to sit on one of the empty beds located in the room and dump his stuff there, weighing up whether to hunt down his roommates or not.
The WIck
21-09-2004, 15:15
"Oh just waiting to go to class" Tank answered
(So whats the dealo about classes?)
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 15:49
OOC: (Ive forgotten the threads name....but you post your bio and classes advance calclus etc....It can be done in two formats i think ask memory)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
21-09-2004, 17:02
OOC: The classes are currently being sorted out in the OOC thread
"I just hope the classes aren't dull," Salazar remarked.
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 18:16
OOC: Dont speak to your other roomate then :upyours: Jk :D
21-09-2004, 19:21
Still drowsy, Flick lay unnoticed in her rumpled bed, lulled by the sound of the others' voices without actually taking in what they were saying. But her gentle drifting ended with a brisk knock at the door. Kicked back to consciousness, Flick sat bolt upright in time to see a cheeky little kid -- Year Seven, if that, she guessed, though they probably called it Second Form here -- announce, "Timetables, you guys!" and dump a sheaf of manila envelopes on the table just inside the door.
Dragging her doona with her, Flick stumbled over to sort through them for hers and carried it back to her bed. Cross-legged, she ripped open the envelope with an eagerness that surprised her; it wasn't as if she wanted to be here, after all. Hmmm, no surprises, on the whole, except -- "Ye gods and little fishes, I don't believe it!" she snorted.
Her room-mates looked up in surprise at the half-laughing, half-exasperated tone. "I guess you haven't got to this bit yet?" said Flick. "Would you believe, they want us all to attend a class in ..." -- she clasped her hands together under her chin and threw an exaggeratedly soulful glance at the ceiling -- "Creative Visualisation! And I suppose next week it'll be Meaningful Interaction, or Release Your Inner Child, or whatever! Wow! The New Age comes to Maritzar!"
Calming down a little, she read on. "He-e-ey, heav-y! Gather outside Room XIII promptly at 9am, no exceptions, no excuses, attendance is compulsory; aww, they forgot to add Jackboots will be worn."
Outside the room, Sophie leaned against the wall, looking at the door. She checked her cell phone, it was only 8:45 local. She toyed with a stray bang, and waited for this class to start. "Man," she mumbled to herself, "what kinda crap is this? This is some bull sh*t. Creative Visualization?"
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 19:46
After the brief sleep Hado had, he proceeded to change his clothes into his usual blue vest and black and red trimmed tracksuit, before making his way out of the door and climbing down the stairs, his face still physically tired. After the brief period of climbing down the stairs, he began to make his way across the vast hallway, his trainers making large rackets across the echoing hallway as he went.
(OOC: I am getting a kick out of the fact how the power of the RP flew from my hands into Memory's, of course I did try to leave it, anyways)
Murdock walked alone down the hallway, taking up the stairs, he got to the dorm, and lay on the bed, not asleep, but thinking.
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 20:42
OOC: Remind me why im doing rp school .........? :confused: Ah well this will be interesting....and techon whats your timetable out of curiousty?
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 20:46
OOC: Rp...School timetable :)
(OOC: Your right this is an RP, I was the one who created it)
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 20:49
OOC: All i asked was what classes you are taking in the rp.... :confused:
(OOC: I know but you shouldn't be making commands of me young nation, I am my own spirit I get around to things in my own time :p )
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 20:52
ooc:Lol never ask the wise one lol.... :D yoda ................ :p
A Memory
21-09-2004, 21:16
(OOC: I am getting a kick out of the fact how the power of the RP flew from my hands into Memory's, of course I did try to leave it, anyways).
OOC: You can have it back. I fear responsibility, take it away, take it away! That and stop teasing the new nations. Whippersnapper. :)
She simply hadn't done enough work, her body wasn't tired. She got out of bed and walked to the shared room with the toy the school had provided. If it was so powerful she'd surely be able to do something with it; she thought she remembered how Sophie opened it.
(OOC: Awww I like teasing... ok its mine once again, but I will let Findhorn make that decision making post, I don't want to screw her idea, and I will write a class sheet soon)
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 21:31
OOC: Extra planatery sign, when do we align..... :confused:
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 21:40
The tired Hado continued to walk down the hallway at a slow pace, occasionally stumbling due to him constantly drifting off. As he walked he came across the Russian girl, who appeared to be trying to open the door. Seeing the apparent struggle, Hado began to briskly stride over to the women, before proceeding to speak in his usual joyous tone
"You need any help there Miss.."
He then continued to stand there, waiting for a response.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
21-09-2004, 22:08
OOC: Dont speak to your other roomate then :upyours: Jk :D
I only have one
The eternal-dragons
21-09-2004, 22:10
I only have one
OOC: You got two now :D ......Or you got a stranger in your room ;)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
21-09-2004, 22:14
OOC: You got two now :D ......Or you got a stranger in your room ;)
Or rather just Salazar and Tank
Draconis Nightcrawlis
22-09-2004, 01:05
"Time for lessons," Salazar remarked and stood up to leave the cafeteria. "Creative Visualization, sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit."
He didn't wait for Tank as he expected he would catch up with him anyway.
A Memory
22-09-2004, 01:12
The tired Hado continued to walk down the hallway at a slow pace, occasionally stumbling due to him constantly drifting off. As he walked he came across the Russian girl, who appeared to be trying to open the door. Seeing the apparent struggle, Hado began to briskly stride over to the women, before proceeding to speak in his usual joyous tone
"You need any help there Miss.."
He then continued to stand there, waiting for a response.
Err, I'm not sure how to reply. She got a laptop as part of her scholarship and was sitting inside her room trying to figure out how to use it. She's never actually used a computer before, so what I do about it may be humorous. Yeah, sorry for the lack of clarity...
The sound of a digital alarm clock could be heard echoing inside the darkened room, while the hum of the two nearby computers droned on continuously, since the time they were first switched on. The distant sound of birds chirping could be heard through coming through the windows, the only part of the wall that wasn't at least 2 feet thick. Makie slowly turned in bed and tugged at the blankets in an attempt to roll them around herself. As she pulled at the blanket something brush up against her back. Still half asleep, she pulled up the strap of her tank top, which had fallen from her shoulder, and slowly turned her head to see what it was, and she knew it felt nothing like a pillow.
"Eh...What the!?!?" said Alex sleepily, as he rubbed the back of his head, which had hit the floor.
"GET OUT OF MY BED!!!!!" yelled Makie, who had wrapped the blanket around herself in a defensive manner. "WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING IN MY BED!!!!!!!"
"What!?!? Your bed!?!? What in the world are you talking about..." said Alex, as he began to stand up, his legs still 'asleep.' "Why are you in my bed?"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?" said Makie. "THIS IS...My......bed...Oh...Uh-oh..."
Makie looked around at the room with wide and observant eyes, for she had not really taken much time to look at the already darkened room because she had just changed into a tank top and short shorts and immediately went to bed.
The dorm room being about 20' long and 15' wide, Alex and Makie were lucky enough to receive one of the larger two person dorm rooms, usually reserved for upper class students and those who spent who spent an exceptional amount of money to rent out the room for their teens. The room lay littered with various articles of clothing which were thrown everywhere from the opened suit cases that used to be stacked neatly by the closet, but were now in the middle of the room. Upon entering the room, one could see the two twin beds set perpendicular to each other on the near left corner of the room; a small bookshelf against the left wall at the foot of the bed parallel to the wall. On the far wall, with the window and the radiator are two corner desks on either of the walls corners. On the right wall is a large armoire, against the right desk and a set of drawers that stretched from the side of the armoire to a few feet in front of the door in such a way that it did not inhibit the traffic of people coming and carrying large things in and out of the room. But,the room had other very unique objects that could be plainly seen placed in the room (by the men in the black suits that brought Alex and Makie's luggage up) that made it even more different and unique from anyone else's room. The mirror on top of the dresser had been replaced by a medium sized flat plasma WEGA TV; two Sony PCV-P101 Slimtop computers, one on each desk; a small portable communications satellite dish that had been set up next to a small potted plant that came with the room, a small refrigerator underneath the window; and a kotatsu, a small Japanese table with a heavy quilted cover that extends to the floor with a heavy dining surface holds the cover in place, and underneath the table sits an electric heater, that was folded up and propped up against the refridgerator.
The night before, Alex had stood awestriken as he had stared at the room at how much stuff had been packed in the metal luggages the men had brought up here. But he still did not get a very good view of the room because Makie had already turned the lights off and gone to bed.
(back to the story)
As she looked around, she could see all of her clothes she had changed out of and thown on her own bed, on the bed across from where she was sitting in.
"See...That...Is your bed..." said Alex, who sat next to her.
"I...I'm sorry...Must have slept walked...Hehe..." said Makie.
"No you didn't...*yawn*" said the voice in the back of her head. "You felt lonely." Oh great...Not you again...
"I'm really sorry, Alex...Are you hurt badly?" said Makie.
"No...Thank God for these low beds..." replied Alex. "Hmmm...What's that..."
Alex stood up from the bed and walked over to the door and picked up a set of manila envelops which had been slid underneath the door.
"I think these are our schedules...Here...Here's yours." said Alex as he threw one of the envelops onto the bed, by Makie.
OOC: i still need to post the schedules
22-09-2004, 02:11
Compulsory breakfasts, compulsory PE, compulsory stupid classes, Flick grumbled to herself. She'd just begun to enjoy the freedom senior students had at good ol' Baulkham Hills Selective, and now she'd been dragged away from it and hurled back practically to pre-school. Sulkily she parked herself next to Sophie, leaning as offensively as possible against the wall in the hope that someone in authority might come by and tell her to stand up straight.
"'Scuse me!" said a perky voice, and a little kid -- surely the bratling from last night, didn't they ever make them do any real work? -- posted a hand-lettered notice on the outside of the door to Room XIII.
"Enter room on the ninth stroke of the clock-tower bell," said the notice. "Proceed to work station. Use any of available media to create a clear description of the staff member or members inside. ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING while in the room. At the end of 15 minutes (as marked by first-quarter chimes), cease work and proceed SILENTLY to Refectory. Discuss this assignment with other participants for the next 15 minutes. Discussion is mandatory; no exceptions."
"Well, there's a nice example of planning," said Flick. " 'Staff member or members' ... like, even when they were writing this notice they hadn't decided how many of them were going to turn up for this circus."
Her tirade-to-be was interrupted by the musical beginning of the Westminster chimes and the breathless arrival of the remaining new students.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
22-09-2004, 02:26
"This is a joke right?" Salazar muttered, he had read the notice over Flicks shoulder
A Memory
22-09-2004, 02:30
OOC: Loved the post -Noir-
eternal-dragons: Maybe you could ask Techon if you could room with Murdock.
She heard a faint buzzing from one of the rooms, she must have stayed up all night. She'd given up on the thing they'd delivered her when it started complaining about a battery running out of power. Then she'd gone back to her books. Sometime during the night her schedule had been delivered through the drop slot in the external door. She'd opened it with a little interest and seen that she'd been signed up for eight classes and asked to visit the administrations office for information on electives. She'd never been asked about the classes she'd been taking but she'd guessed what most of them were by looking at the textbooks she'd needed to get. One class seemed out of place a certain "Creative Visualization," the very same class that Flick had been complaining about the previous night.
She got ready easily enough, everyone else was slow from sleeping so she got into the shower first and was out in under five-minutes. Then she dressed quickly and slipped out the door. She quickly grabbed some dry bread from the buffet line and left before the crowds came. Then she looked for her first class, "Creative Visualization."
After a few minutes of searching she finally found it and slipped quietly in with a group of students that looked incredibly confused. Then she took the seat next to Flick silently as the rest gazed around in confusion.
"Ya," Sophie responded, not turning back. "And could the notice be anymore Sieg Heil?" she joked. She too, was interupted by the chimes, and she sighed, audibly, and headed inside.
She proceded to her designated work station, and picked up a pen. She grabbed a sheet of paper, and observed the man standing in the corner. She had some basic drawing tallents, and began to sketch him out.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
22-09-2004, 02:45
Salazar silently went at sat down in the room. So far everything seemed a little strange, certainly not what he had been expecting. He was never much of a drawer, but still he knew what he had to do and took a bit of pen and paper and began drawing. Strangely the person he saw looked somewhat familiar.
A Memory
22-09-2004, 03:01
She had the pencils she'd gotten with her books, and the notebooks that had been provided as well. She didn't know how to describe the person in front of her. She looked so stereotypical that she could hardly have existed. She seemed to be about average height, average weight, with hair that couldn't quite classify as either blonde or brown. Just incredibly dull. Angelica jotted the physical description down and looked forward a little more closely. The woman would have any easy time blending in to crowds, she wouldn't have any unwanted attention. Angelica had to admit that she was somewhat jealous.
22-09-2004, 04:13
Jenna rushed in late, out of breath. She dumped her stationary on her desk and looked around, worried.
"I'm so sorry, father had some business to take care of and I only got here this morning, I've been busy getting the speed-tour - uh... what are we doing?"
"Nooo!!! We're late!!! Alex, you set the alarm clock wrong!!!" yelled Makie, who was searching for a shirt that matched her skirt.
"Like I said earlier...I didn't set that alarm clock...It isn't even mine, 'cause mine is in my suit case still..." said Alex cooly, as he put on a belt and a jacket.
Alex walked over to the refridgerator and took out two packets of convienently packaged in a dispenser on the fridge door. He opened one, and threw the other packet onto Makie's bed. "Here...Something to drink...It's pretty good actually."
Makie looked up, and smiled and returned back to her clothes. At the same time, Alex went back to his bed and laid down to rest his eyes for a bit, while Makie searched through her stuff.
Why in the world did I end up in Alex's bed?? thought Makie as she found the shirt she wanted to wear. "Because you were lonely..." said the voice again. I told you to stop saying that...I'm not..."Lonely...Oh yes you are...Admit it...You are." Fine...Just a little. Thought Makie as she took off her tank top and threw it onto the nearby bed, not knowing which one.
"Hey! Watch where you throw your stuff, Makie." said Alex, who swept the article of clothing off his face and turned to face the wall.
I don't just suddenly get up and walk to people's beds and sleep there..."Yes you do..." When I was a little girl, yes. But not anymore..."Remember the school camping trip? I know you do..." Aww, great...Don't bring that up..."You woke up and found yourself sleeping in Konoka's bed." And people started to make rumors...Argh...At least Konoka is my best friend and didn't get mad at me... Makie put on a bra, from one of the pockets in the suit case, and pulled the shirt she chose over it. I don't want to think about this anymore...I need to concentrate on school right now..."Sure...Think whatever you want...I'm just telling the truth." At this, Makie stood up and started for the door.
Noticing Makie heading towards the door, Alex grabbed Makie's orange juice. "Hey, here...Drink this...It'll give you some energy." He handed the juice to Makie and followed her out the door and to Room XIII.
After a few minutes, they had reached Room XIII, and had caught up to the last group of students who filed into the room. Makie and Alex both took the pair of empty seats near the side of the classroom and read the class's instructions that were posted on every table.
22-09-2004, 11:43
OOC: Um okay, I'm not entirely clear as per instructions, but I think they're fine, so if I screw up please inform me, because i am teh uber-n00b. :P
Jenna studied the woman at the front of the room. She frowned and wondered what the purpose of this excercise was. Oh well, she thought, they'll explain everything in good time.
She smiled as she examined the sleek laptop on the desk. State of the art. Better than the one she had at home even, although of course her country wasn't yet too big on technology. It was something she hoped to change when she entered the political field.
That gave her an idea. She opened a new document using the template of "Political dossier" which had been thoughtfully provided. She made a few modifications and then looked at the teacher with a critical eye trained by her preliminary lessons in diplomacy and politics.
She was dressed in a sharp business suit and her hair was neatly tied in a frugal bun, which, combined with the notepad and the pen clipped to her breast pocket, suggested a businesslike personality, and her rigid expression combined with the lines on her face to give her a strict appearance. Jenna made a note that this was not a teacher who would respond to pleadings when doling out detentions.
Jenna smiled, and began to type incessantly as the rest of her training kicked in.
OOC: Im not really sure where to go with this. Sophie has no secret past, no deeper meaning, nothing like that. She had a good childhood, and sure, she was rebelious, buy her parents still love her. So I guess she'll just be one of the few students who is uneffected by this.
Sophie looked at the man. HE was dressed in a polo shirt and slacks, nothing really special. He had one hand in his pocket, and the other by his side. He looked like any other teacher in any other school, and thats just how she drew him. Like anyone else.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
23-09-2004, 00:38
Salazar continued to study the person in front of him. The person, a boy that looked about his age, still looked so very familiar but yet he didn't know who. He finished drawing and looked down at the picture, it was then that he realised why the boy looked familiar. The boy looked like a human Prince Kurt.
Alex looked at the man standing in front of the room very carefully. The man appeared to be a short and very old, Alex estimated him to be around 80, and amazingly, the cane the man was holding appeared to be only for show for the old man somewhat manage to stand up seemingly straight. The man had a long white beard that had grown down his chest and wore a pair of spectacles, which Alex swore he only saw in old classical movies, and a set of clothing that Alex had only seen on old Chinese martial arts masters in some old martial arts movies. The old man had an aura of age and wisdom surrounding him, which Alex had instantly felt once he had laid his eyes on him.
Interesting...So are all the teachers like this? I thought this school was fairly new? Alex thought, in his head.
Taking a sheet of thick white paper, a small acrylic paint set, and a few paint brushes from the box in front of him and started paint, even though the old man's portrait looked more abstract than realistic.
OOC: i'll write Makie's later...
Murdock was sitting in his chair in the room, studying the person, just like all the others. He looked around at the others, and then would look back at the person. Person...could he really call it that?
The person was six feet tall, with long robes on. Black robes stretching down, with gold frays, a steady deep humming came from the person.
That was not the most interesting part though. The fact was, the person had no real skin. He could see the shape of the hands, and face, but there was no detail to it, there were no eyes, there was the shape of a nose, but nothing else.
The thing that was really interesting was that under the clear skin, was what appeared to be black, purple, red and blue oil, spinning and circling, in the direct center of the head, appeared to be a light, illuminating it all.
The oil ran throughout the body no doubt, he could only see the hands and head.
He turned back to his board, first he would do the scultping, then paint a picture of it.