03-09-2004, 16:58
The Ruskkie controlled subcontinent of Garrack was attacked today with a mass Artian invasion force, intent on capturing the subcontinent for the Industrial States of Artia.
At the moment in the Ruskkie military port of Saltaire is a scene of total chaos as half of the Ruskkie Imperial Army, including penal legions and artillery companies, and elements of the Imperial Air Corps swamp the town. The Imperial Navy has reportedly began a mass 'press gang' recruiment drive, support of course by the Ruskkie Interior Guard.
Newly promoted Lord General Chales W. Cringu 3rd is rumoured to be commander-in-chief of the campain to reclaim Garrack.
We'll bring more as the war progresses.
Ruskkie Imperial Times, government controlled as always...
At the moment in the Ruskkie military port of Saltaire is a scene of total chaos as half of the Ruskkie Imperial Army, including penal legions and artillery companies, and elements of the Imperial Air Corps swamp the town. The Imperial Navy has reportedly began a mass 'press gang' recruiment drive, support of course by the Ruskkie Interior Guard.
Newly promoted Lord General Chales W. Cringu 3rd is rumoured to be commander-in-chief of the campain to reclaim Garrack.
We'll bring more as the war progresses.
Ruskkie Imperial Times, government controlled as always...