NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebellion is overrated[closed RP]

El Sentiel
02-09-2004, 03:26
The transmission Bounced for what seemed like an infinity, from one beacon to another and so on and so on until it finally reached the end target.

After a few seconds of static the image cleared. Rrowl C'mef stared into the the camera his Eyes filled with distain. he leaned forward slowly his multipointed ears fanning out slowly.

"A job. . . . for a monkey such as yourself has arisen.." it was fairly noticable to all parties he did not enjoying asking this, but sometimes a subtle pounce is more effective then screaming and leaping.

" I want 3 feral monkies removed. Jerico Early, Herriette Early, and Henry Mullin. " he paused again " they are presistant in their efforts to opposed me" his ears twitched in the equivalent of a laugh

" you will be paided 500 million, half before half after, should you bring in more than ten survivors you will recive an additon 5 thousand, my cubs could use some practice.

The screen flickered for a moment before a scrolling file of Jerico Early with a picture at the side.

Jerico Edward Early

Age: 56
place of Birth: Serpent Swarm, asteriod base 0983 "Soya"
Previous Occupation: Miner/rockjack
Martial Statis: Married to Herrette Early
Physical Statis: Blind

The File scrolls downward showing more information on the Jerico, abiet mostly about his past.

Herriette Jane Early

Age: 43
place of Birth: Wunderland, Gallad Province
Previous Occupation: Engineer
Martial Statis: Married to Jerico Early
Physical Statis: N/a

The file continues to scroll down talking about her past, education, more pictures, and current infedelity with Henry Mullin

Henry Robert Mullin

Age: 32
place of Birth: Wunderland, Munchen Province
Previous Occupation: N/a
Martial Statis: N/A

The File scrolls downward showing more information on the Henry Mullin, abiet mostly about his past.

The screen flickers back to Rrowl C'mef for a moment "do not fail, the consequences will not be enjoyable. His Black lips pull back showcasing his razor sharp fangs in a deadly smile then the screen goes blank.
02-09-2004, 03:43
Central Surveillence And Communications Center, AgentComm, New Sapporo

Agent Four swiveled around from the holoscreen to look at the two soldiers before him, the pale grey cloak draped over his shoulders following the rapid movement. None of the three elite soldiers looked happy.

"Alright, we're going into business." Four – the senior member of the trio – remarked.

One of the others – Agent Two – glared behind Four at the screen. "We're going to help it? This is unlike you."

A smirk tugged at the other Agent's lips. "No...standard insurgency procedure. I want One to run recon," Agent One, the final member of the group, nodded, "before Two comes in with backup, should we deem it worth our time. Make contact, you know the rest."

The two Agents nodded curtly and spun about.

Four interrupted their exit. "And remember...he called us monkies."

The quip made no impact on the soldiers other than a sly grin.

"Yes, High Commander." They responded in unison before striding out of the room, identical grey cloaks billowing behind them.

((A few quick questions to make this go nice and smooth. How can I best infiltrate your nation? Do you have a lot of a certain form of traffic it would be easy to slip in amongst? Furthermore, would an Asian man stick out like a sore thumb in your nation?))