NationStates Jolt Archive

A thread of Population

01-09-2004, 16:09
Ok, I was wondering how you guys would use your population if you annexed a nation.

Ok example, You are a 500 million nation, you succesfully annex a 100 million nation. so, do you use your extra 100 million, as your own RPing population, or do you just exclude, but have the bragging rights of annexing.

If you do use the population for your RP population, then do you use it towards your military percentage or do you use just as population, incase you get in a war, it will effect your losses.

I just wondered what other people thought about this, personally I would just add to my population, military percent and all. Because if you are running their government, than I would think that would be feasible.
Neo England
01-09-2004, 23:53
There is no ruling preventing it, but using two nations in a RP allied together is frowned upon.
Der Angst
02-09-2004, 08:10
As far as I am concerned, there is exactly one option.

The player of the annexed nation remains, and has the choice to either cooperate, or do some resistance... Or both (Most likely option).

For the record, I (As well as Tarasovka, and a couple others) did exactly that after the ADK Mars camapign. The nation ADK Mars might have dissipated into refugees, a few semi- sovereign entities etc, but it is still the original player controlling it. Sometimes to the advantage of the occupying nations, sometimes to their disadvantage. So, yes, I am doing what my principles say I should do.

Adding the population of an annexed nation to your own has the following problem:

1. Simulated population bug. Both nations grow, not only one.

2. More importantly, a nation you JUST annexed, with a completely different culture, probably hating, or at least disliking the foreigners, JUST turns überpatriotic 'yay, we love you', uses the same equipment etc. just so? Yeah, right.

Or in other words, bullshit.

Hence, the only kind of people using annexed populations in the numberwanking 'I R TEH BIGZ0R I R PWN YUO!11' kind.

Which are, incidentally, people no one ought to care about.

PS: of course, this thread doesn't belong to gameplay...