01-09-2004, 02:20
Jamesministan is a neutral and pacifist nation. Curiousty must ask, who also is a neutral and/or pacifist nation.
We had 1 war in our past, but Temme is now a peaceful nation.
OOC: I didn't when I started my nation, but I now believe that violence never solves anything.
I am pacifist. I only have people to guard my nation until better defensive ways are created.
We had 1 war in our past, but Temme is now a peaceful nation.
OOC: I didn't when I started my nation, but I now believe that violence never solves anything.
Whoa...Temme went to war?
The Kingdom of Weyr has a simple policy, which is best summed up by: "Leave us alone, or else..." The "else" implies numerous skyships glassing your nation/military from a thousand kilometers away.
OOC: It was a very very long time ago, like when my nation was new. It never went anywhere.