29-08-2004, 04:07
"It is yet again time for out annual moon festival.",Announced Prime Minister Zachary Philips to TNN(Thrope National Network)"We in Parliment have decided that this year we shall open this celebration up to peoples of other nations. We have sent out word all over the globe. We are hoping for a wonderful festival. Lady Katsura will be in charge of our international guests since our minister of International Affairs is away at present."
The Prime Minister stepped down and was replaced by a beautiful young woman. She had long, silky, black hair and glowing hazel-green eyes. Akira Alexander was proud of her asian/scottish heritage, but more so about her heritage here in Thrope. She flashed the reporters a perfect smile.
"Okay everyone, this is going to be our best festival ever! The concerts, the plays, the rides, the games, the food, the...the....Well the everything! Is this going to be great?" Akira paused as the crowd cried yes. "Is this going to be fun?" Again she paused. "Will this be the best festival ever?!" The crowd erupted in shouts and hollars of joy and pride. "Then let's get out there and do this!" The crowd dispersed and Akira ran off stage. Her first job was to welcome everyone at the waterfront when they arrive.
The Prime Minister stepped down and was replaced by a beautiful young woman. She had long, silky, black hair and glowing hazel-green eyes. Akira Alexander was proud of her asian/scottish heritage, but more so about her heritage here in Thrope. She flashed the reporters a perfect smile.
"Okay everyone, this is going to be our best festival ever! The concerts, the plays, the rides, the games, the food, the...the....Well the everything! Is this going to be great?" Akira paused as the crowd cried yes. "Is this going to be fun?" Again she paused. "Will this be the best festival ever?!" The crowd erupted in shouts and hollars of joy and pride. "Then let's get out there and do this!" The crowd dispersed and Akira ran off stage. Her first job was to welcome everyone at the waterfront when they arrive.