Running the Gauntlet: Part II (Independent Space Combat RP)
OOC: Okay, by 'Independent' I mean this RP will be 'out of phase' (to use common Sci-Fi terminology) with the rest of your IC activities. Whatever happens here wont effect anything else. So, you could lose 300 ships and have your entire civilisation wiped out, then you could act like nothing had happened.
The point of this RP will be to provide those of us who enjoy combat RP's, but do not wish to merely have war after war without any other form of RP, a place where we may engage other Space Nations in combat without it ruining any other stuff we have going at the same time. It will mostly be Ship to Ship combat, but there is room for infantry and ground combat as well (Sometime's it's fun to have a couple dozen Marine's rip into each other).
This RP will occur in the system Uezaushue'Ooguy (A random name for a non-existent system, so that we don't accidently attack somebodys capital system). There are 5 planets. The first is a desert world, the second all water, the third is completely covered in jungle and rainforest like foliage, the fourth is similar to Earth (hot in some spots, cold in some others, etc.), the fifth is all ice (think Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back).
There is an asteroid field surrounding the entire system (out side the orbit of the fifth planet) which is infested with pirates (I'll RP both as myself, and as the pirates) operating from a secret base.
Just jump in and start shooting! Try to conquer and hold one of the planets, go after the pirates (or join the pirates), work on complete system domination, go nuts! The point of this thread is combat, so let's have a go!
A fleet of Triton class freighters, tended by a smaller group of Poseidon class freighters, leap into the system, moving into a stellar orbit between the third and fourth planet. No sooner had they stopped than a much larger Jump-Node opened, a Ganymede class Mobile Dock appearing next to the freighters. As soon as the Mobile Dock had achieved a stable orbit the fleet begins to appear, taking up position next to the quickly constructed military base.
Mjolnir RBC's are set up around the perimeter, two Alastor Sentry Guns placed next to each RBC. Dozens of Interceptor fighters scream out of the capital ships docking bays, moving into a patrol around the clustered ships. As soon as the larger Warships were docked with the Mobile Dock the smaller Capitals, the Corvettes and Cruisers, begin to move after the fighters, adding more firepower to the patrols.
Within 7 hours after the first freighter had appeared in system the setup was complete, from nothing had appeared a fully operational and heavily guarded military base and construction shipyard. All they had to do was wait for the enemy.
For info on Klonor ships and technologies, and if you'd like to purchase any, visit the many excellent branches of the Klonor Ship Store. ( ( ( (
*NOTE* The main branch of the Klonor Ship Store is CLOSED until further notice. Questions and comments are welcome, but no new orders shall be taken. The Young Nation Store, Weaponry Store, and the Klonor Defence Force are currently open and available for use.
This thread was posted several months and was going quite well. Unfortunately, it suddenly died a horrible agonzing death. Before it died, however, things were really getting good and I thought it might be nice if we started it up again. So, we have 'Running the Gauntlet: Part II'
Have Fun!
27-08-2004, 19:13
[tag, let me go over my ship list and decide what to deploy]
Lunatic Retard Robots
27-08-2004, 19:28
Let's see...I think I'll send a dreadnaught squadron. That's 1 dread, 10 cruisers, and a few hundred frigates.
27-08-2004, 20:35
OCC: I'll be deploying two fleets in a bid to take the system. The first, under Rear Admiral Bolton will consist of:
1 Legion carrier
-2 squadrons of Morder bombers
-1 squadron of Snakmes interceptors
-6 squadrons of Legionnaires fighters
6 Nidhogg battlecruisers
20 Teutonic frigates
20 Draco Kai corvettes
3 Ladron corvettes
8 Onager transports
-20,000 troops
-2 panzer divisions
Three of the Nidhoggs are equipped with one squadron (21 craft) of Legionnaire fighters, the others carry Morder torpedo-bombers.
The second, larger group is the heavy striking force under Grand Admiral Van Cleef. Its composed of:
1 Typhon grand cruiser (not to be confused with the Typhon carrier)
18 Nidhogg battlecruisers
30 Teutonic frigates
60 Draco Kai corvettes
The Typhon carries three squadrons of Snakmes interceptors. None of the other ships carry a fighter complament.
Skeelzanian ship status and other info (
Outer edge of the Uezaushue'Ooguy syste
The Skeelzanian fleet burst into real space in typical style, giving little regard to hiding their presence. Small pinpricks of light had rapidly expanded into holes staring into the depths of hyperspace, disgorging dozens and dozens of warships. Ranging from corvettes to massive cruisers, the full spectrum of the Skeelzanian navy was represented.
Onboard the SKZ-GC01 Typhon, Grand Admiral Van Cleef left the task of getting the fleet into formation to his subordinates. Hyperspace travel was inherently chaotic, and it wasn’t rare to lose a ship en route. As he watched the various ships flash signals to one another, a junior officer climbed up from the Control Pit with a report. “All ships are accounted for, sir. Admiral Bolton reports the same from his group. However, the Ladons are having trouble penetrating the asteroid field, so we cannot determine which planet is closest at this time.”
Van Cleef turned from the vidscreen, mentally going over his resources in his head. “Very well. Call up the launch bays and have a flight of Snakmes find us a path through that field. Once we’re in the midst of it we will begun clearing a channel. Dismissed.” The ensign saluted and retreated, sliding down the ladder into the Control Pit. Within a few minutes, seven Snakmes fighters flew from the back of the ship, curving around towards the asteroid field. The Typhon slowly followed, its prow batteries firing on any rocks in range. Skeelzanian hard shields were effective against energy weapons and small projectiles, but large objects still posed a problem.
BUMP for more participants
The WIck
27-08-2004, 23:40
hmmm Mind if i RP as my nations Navy and have another Character play along with the Pirate faction perhaps a fugitive my navy is hunting?
Any who
The Klonor base continues to expand, ignoring the new arrival. The Mjolnir RBC's are drawn inside, replaced by a detatchment of Harbinger Cannons (Dun dun dun!) to give the base a more powerful punch. The Corvettes which had previously been on patrol move outward, heading towards the asteroid fields to stake out a mining sector.
OOC: Oh, I forgot to say what's here. In the system is the Fourth Heavy Combat Fleet and a squad of the Klonor Defence Force. That comes to:
The Colossus
2 Megingjard class Heavy Fire Destroyers
3 Battleships (1 Achilles, 2 Iroquois)
5 Destroyers (2 Hecate, 3 Orion)
20 Cruisers (5 Leviathon, 15 Fenris)
35 Corvettes (15 Mercury, 20 Dreadnoughts)
100 Mobile Mjolnir Remote Beam Cannons
1 Odin class Anti-Fighter/Command Ship
3 Volition class Pirate Ships
20 Harbinger Cannons
40 Mjolnir Remote Beam Cannons
80 Alastor Sentry Guns
You can find the information on all my ships and technology at the following locations. ( ( ( (
*NOTE* The main branch of the Klonor Ship Store is CLOSED until further notice. Questions and comments are welcome, but no new orders shall be taken. The Young Nation Store, Weaponry Store, and the Klonor Defence Force are currently open and available for use.
hmmm Mind if i RP as my nations Navy and have another Character play along with the Pirate faction perhaps a fugitive my navy is hunting?
Any who
OOC: I'm RP'ing the pirates themselves, but feel free to have your Character try to join up with them.
The WIck
27-08-2004, 23:56
OOC: cool that all i needed will post IC sometime tonight then.
28-08-2004, 00:51
By now the Typhon had squarely positioned itself within the asteroid field. With a signal from the bridge both broadsides opened fire, incerating countless asteroids and cutting a swath through the field. The fire abated as an eight-strong flight of Teutonics zipped through the gap and into the inner system. Following behind them was a single Ladon corvette, its hull packed with sensor equipment. Soon it began transmitting back to the flagship.
"Report! Klonor craft in system, patrol approaching our position. Cruisers and corvettes of indeterminate class. Requesting orders. Over."
The Typhon, now clearing a path for the larger battlecruisers, responded quickly.
"Orders are as follows: engage enemy ships, destroy if possibile. Must delay for the MBF. Request reinforcements as needed. Over."
The orders were quickly distributed to the Teutonics. Moving into loose formation, targets were identified and aquired. Without warning the forward turrets swung around and fired.
The WIck
28-08-2004, 00:52
b] System Uezaushue'Ooguy
Just outside the Hyper Limit
A long ways from home [/b]
Oh how life had been sweet for Shamus Digoirty. Priate-ing in the Northern March of the Raumreich had been sweat. Oh it was true, many freighters traveled in hyperspace to a fro the various planet of the Gregor Sector Alliance. Yaltan, Madras, Stocur, Vaku, from these system juice targets came from. Yea times used to be good plunder, rum, sex slaves, hey a pirates life suited him just fine. Then the Man came, when he uses the word man to include any Planetary government that is not based on Anarchy, like his beloved "Kerezin.
It was this damnable War and the order which followed it. Of all the governments it was the Boroglins that came to occupy his port of call. They brought order to it, oh some of the less wise opposed the Boroglin fleet, but they died quickly, no he ran from them he ran to Uezaushue'Oogu. The only thing was as he ran he ambushed a fleeing WIckian refugee convoy and that made him a wanted man. So he continued to run, to this far away system of Uezaushue'Ooguy where he heard that in the asteroid lie others of his Ilk, a new safe haven and a new home perhaps.
Ships of the Digoirty Collection Inc. ;
1 Battle Cruiser
2 light Cruisers
All of these ships are old by WIckian standards and were most likely built at the "Kerezin yards or were plundered.
There were at this time dropping from the beta wave of hyper to alpha, just about to enter normal space.
It was a strange twist of fate the Commonwealth Navy would appear in Uezaushue'Oogu before the Pirates of the Digoirty Collection Inc. For these pirates were not their mission’s objective, they were to move into orbit of the second planet and claim it for the Commonwealth. The flotilla did not even try to conceal there entrance into the system.
With a blinding flash the flotilla appeared in Normal space.
“Have all commands reconfigure to wedges, proceed to the second planet at 300 gravities. Also launch the recon drones have them proceed to the other planets lets get a read on what’s here.” Commodore Vincent Argyles ordered.
With that the flotilla proceeded to the second planet.
Ships of the Uezaushue'Oogu Flotilla:
4 Constitution class DN(VC)
8 Triumphant-A class BB
4 Wasp Class CVE
8 Arduous class BC(P)
4 Light Cruisers
12 Destroyers
6 Freighters
OOC: the site i had with my ships stats well died, they are of HH tech though.
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-08-2004, 04:16
I think I'll actually have to withdraw from this RP...sorry.
The First Battle Group of the Fourth Combat Fleet approached the asteroids, the various ships spreading out so that the sudden maneuvers around the large rocks wouldn't cause any unwanted collisions. Composed of two Leviathon class Heavy Cruisers, four Fenris class Cruisers, and five Dreadnought class Corvettes, it would be more than capable of staking out a claim and holding it from alien incursions. Of course, they never actually wanted to test that theory.........
Warning..........warning.........warning.......Alien ships have been detected. Alien ships have been detected. Threat level is substantial. Repeat, threat level is substantial. Immediet contact is required.
The Captain of the ASC Bell, Forship of the First Battle Group, groaned to himself.
"Why the hell do we always need to meet new people when we go to some random uncharted system and set up a very large military base for almost no reason?"
"Because God hates us?"
"Oh, right. I forgot about that. Anyway, try to open a communications channel. Maybe we k------Holy shit!"
The last was in response to the sudden barrage that emerges from the Skeelzanian ships, slashing through space at his forces. Luckily, the first barrage wasn't powerful enough to cause any lasting damage.
"Bring the group up to Tactical Alert Epsilon, send a message to the base that we have engaged hostile targets. Then turn us around and get us back to the base!"
"Yes, sir!"
The Fleet, in an almost comic maneuver, turns around and zips away like the Road Runner of old.
In the asteroid field surrounding the system there is some bizarre movement. One of the asteroids seems to have sprung a leak, water and gas erupting from one side and pushing it to the side and towards the newly arrived Skeelzanian fleet. As it approaches the fleet several chunks of the asteroid break off, revealing hidden weapons in shocking numbers.
The chunks which had broken off, rock and ice ranging in size from a few meters to almost a kilometer in diameter, begin to move seemingly under their own power (it's actually a tractor beam from the asteroid). Suddenly, all the rocks accelerate to a startling velocity, moving on a course that would collide them head on with the lead ship. One of the first rules of fighting: Knock your enemy over the head before the fight starts. This would be a glorious catch.
(For those who don't posess a fully formed brain stem, the second part of the post was the pirates)
28-08-2004, 08:17
Cheers went up from the bridge crews as the Klonor vessels fled. Despite the frigates light armaments, it was obvious the Klonor had no stomach for fighting.
A few smug smiles also passed around the Typhon control pit, though no one wanted to irritate the Admiral. Suddenly klaxons began blaring, the sensors homing in on the incoming asteroids. "Admiral! Unidentified craft approaching on a collision course! Energy surge also detected within the asteroid field; possibily a base!"
If Van Cleef was frightened, he didn't show it. "Starboard broadside, target incoming debris. Railgun and missile decks, lock onto that energy surge and fire! All decks, brace for impact."
The seemingly random shots from the Typhon rapidly collected into a huge barrage directed at the largest peices. Towards the bow several armor plates slid back to reveal missile rails, which wasted no time firing multi-megaton warheads at the asteroid base. The three railgun turrets also swung about, each firing 1 ton shells at a substantial fraction of the speed of light.
The WIck
28-08-2004, 14:16
"Sir sensor data from the recon drones is being received...Plotting the data now." The vague readouts the fleets long range sensors had been plotting now was clarified by the data the RD drones brought. The skirmish in the asteroid field became evident, and the dispositions of both fleet became clearer.
"Ahh so the Klonor and the Skeelzania are here already...Great, just great. We all here know how vital this system is to out fleet we must secure the second planet for Obvious reasons." Argyles Stated. In fact the real reason that the second planet needed to be claimed by the WIckians was that the PM heard the fishing on it was awesome, and if the WIckian liked anything it was fish and fish related products. “Fleet Orders: Beat to Quarters, all ships increase speed to 375 gravities. Have all LAC squadrons move at their best speed to the orbit of the Second Planet" With those orders the WIckian fleet readied for battle and the 150 LACs of the 3 Wasp class CVE speed towards the planet at over 640gravities.
28-08-2004, 18:40
Still room for one more blood thirsty, serpent worshipping race?
29-08-2004, 08:23
OCC: I was going to wait for Klonor to say how many 'roids survived my counterfire before posting damage, but to keep the thread moving I'll just post my damages.
The Typhon's counter fire slammed into the asteroid barrage, incinerating many of the smaller rocks; larger peices broke up under the bombardment but kept hurtling towards the Grand Cruiser. Propelled by its own momentum, a huge 'roid at least 200 meters wide slammed into rear-starboard weapons battery. Flattening two turrets outright, the projectile skidded along the hull, unable to peirce the thick endor armor. The rearmost railgun turret was torn away completly, exposing the below decks to the vacuum of space.
Several more rocks impacted on various parts of the hull. One tore straight through the ventral fin, while another knocked out long-range scanners. The 24 meters of armor kept her in good stead though, ensuring the ship wasn't destroyed outright.
By now the lead Nidhogg had come into range, leveling its own guns against the pirate base.
29-08-2004, 18:16
OOC a good place to test tactics and new tech, I'll be rotating combat groups in and out of here.
The Al-Imvad fleet dropped out of hyperspace, approaching the asteroid field. The battlecruisers and carriers deployed their fighters in defensive postures. They were here to take vengance on the pirates that had raided shipping earlier that month. However, they had a secondary objective of establishing and defending a supply base on one of the moons.
1st Pirate Hunter Fleet
27 large craft:
2 Superior Class Battlecruisers
4 Invincible Class Carriers
2 Archangel heavy cruisers
4 Angel class Cruiers
6 Bounty Class medium attack
6 Mule class destroyer
3 Missionary EW craft
42 small craft / transports
10 T-1 transoprts
2 Manatee resupply
8 Sea Lion resupply
4 Pirahna frigate
4 Duckhunt frigates
2 Pike frigates
2 Northern frigates
5 Pummelor surface bombardment
3 Nighthawk fast attack
2 Disrupter frigates
mixed fighters
OOC: Hey dudes! I'm at college! w00t!
Anyway, I won't have much time on-line for a while. Try to keep this moving without me. Somebody else RP the pirates. I'll try pop in every once in a while.
The WIck
30-08-2004, 02:20
Same here Klonor i hear yuh!
Capsule Corporation
30-08-2004, 03:01
The ZDF will soon enter the competition with the following fleet, consisting of 12 Battlegroups (the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th):
5th-8th battlegroups [Assault Groups] each have:
1 Kryptonite Mk III Assault Cruiser
1 Moroni Mk II Assault Cruiser
108 Thunders
72 Ammons
24 TrickFighters
48 Legolas Mecha
48 Samson Mecha
108 Mahonri Moriancumer Gunships
4 Tachyon Corvettes
2 Reflex Corvettes
2 Omni Frigates
13th-16th battlegroups [Reserve Assault Groups] each have:
1 Kryptonite Mk III Assault Cruiser
1 Moroni Mk II Assault Cruiser
108 Thunders
72 Ammons
24 TrickFighters
48 Legolas Mecha
48 Samson Mecha
108 Mahonri Moriancumer Gunships
4 Tachyon Corvettes
2 Reflex Corvettes
2 Omni Frigates
25th-28th battlegroups [Heavy Combat Assault Groups] each have:
1 Kryptonite Mk IV Assault Cruiser
1 Moroni Mk II Assault Cruiser
1 Firebird Assault Cruiser
108 Thunders
72 Ammons
24 TrickFighters
168 Legolas Mecha
64 Samson Mecha
144 Mahonri Moriancumer Gunships
12 Tachyon Corvettes
9 Reflex Corvettes
4 Omni Frigates ( (
01-09-2004, 10:17
Milintica, Jade Lord of the Jaguar Warrior caste, sat high on his command throne, towering over the circular bridge area of the Kulcucan War Cruiser, Mixcoatl, the Wind Serpent. Life had been good, the Gods obviously had cheered on his daring plan to strike out far from the home, hitting this system that the god of fortune had rendered accessible, easy pickings for his fleet.
Cruiser Squadron (
His fellow Jade Lord, Ahuitzotl, who commanded the other War Cruiser that drifted alongside the portside of Milintica’s own ship, had commented on the accuracy of the Winged serpent that had borne them through God Space, depositing them directly within the outer rim of the last planets orbit. Milintica idly played with the jewelled chest plate that denoted his rank, his mind was drifting over the past week or so, how his high priest, Tizoc had stated that to get back home, the great serpent demanded a sacrifice of no less than a prince or other high ranking official. As yet, non had been captured, the Jade Lord was worried that his men would start to loose their glory lust, but as yet, that had not happened, thankfully it seemed that the fighting within this system was rampant, the sensor operators were still reeling of a list of the vessels and fleets in system, as well as weapons fire and the like. Milintica drummed his fingers on his command throne in anticipation, this, he thought, will be glorious. He looked up at the main screen.
”Have the Kopetl scout pilots report to their vessels, I want them to form a lens to our front.”
He turns to the main communications bay, his feathered headdress bobbing in the draft.
”And tell the other cruiser squadrons to form on us..”
Quickly several squadrons of scouts left their bays, like glittering raindrops, the dagger shaped vessels sped ahead of the squadrons.
Kopetl Scout (
There are five Cruiser Squadrons, consisting of two cruisers each and nine destroyers, (consider Quetzecal ships to be a size larger than they are stated, they build big.) They have appeared on the outer rim of the system, and if you want anymore info on them you’ll have to get a scout close to them!
07-09-2004, 12:07
Milintica drums his fingers impatiently on his command throne.
07-09-2004, 16:54
After a moments thought, Milintica sends to the galley for a cheese toasty.
07-09-2004, 19:24
OOC The Al-Imvad fleet has arrived and is waiting for a reply from the pirates.
OOC: Hey dudes! I'm at college! w00t!
Anyway, I won't have much time on-line for a while. Try to keep this moving without me. Somebody else RP the pirates. I'll try pop in every once in a while.
08-09-2004, 02:49
It'd be no fun to rp them myself. I need an actual thinking human as an opponent.