The Resi Corporation
27-08-2004, 08:33
8:00 AM
A beautiful day, a gorgious day in Market Square. The sun was out, the clouds were few, and Jai Resi was just about to make good on his promise to AMF, and then some. This was a good day for him, no, a great day. He couldn't imagine a better day business-wise in a LONG time.
Did that mean he was actually going to attend the event himself? Hell no.
But that DID mean he was going to send his most convincing robotic double, one of the few robots in the Resi Corporation that complied with the three laws as Asimov wrote them. That ment the robot was completely 100% sentient, and completely 100% safe*. With the flip of a switch, it was activated, and reported as promptly as mechanically possible from its holding bay to Jai's office. It sped through the halls and corridors of Resi Tower, running full-bore from the basement, up the 500-odd flights of stairs, past Dawn Kradii, and into Jai's office. To any newcomer to Resi Tower, this could've come as a shock, but anyone who had been working this close to the center of Resi Corp for over a week was quite used to this.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" The robot asked, proceeding forward from the doorway to Jai's desk.
"Of course I did, 001," Jai said, watching the robot with crossed arms. This robot was a Homonculus model, a prototype artificial human, supposedly indistinguishable from the real thing. The manerisms it had were all wrong though, Jai noted with dismay, which were signs of a faulty motion capture. He'd have to cut someone's pay for that, but it would come later. Now was a time for business that would actually make him money.
"Then, sir, can I ask you why you decided to call upon me?" the robot asked, apparently a little put off by Jai's speculation of him.
"Ah, but of course," Jai begain, snapping back to his usual self, "You will be presenting seven new products in my place. That's right, seven."
"I understand the number seven."
"That better not have been sarcasm," Jai shot an eye at the robot. He wondered who gave it the ability to be sarcastic, or what function such a trait could possibly serve. If it was for realism's sake, this thing was too damn realistic.
"Anyway," Jai continued, "the complete data for these products, as well as basic speach instructions can be found on this disk right here."
Reaching into his desk drawer, he drew out a DVD and slid it across the desk to the robot, which in turn caught it.
"Upload the data, and present the speach at Market Square and 1:00 today. Simple enough for you?"
"Yessir," the robot said. Holding the DVD in one hand, the robot used the other to begin to lift its shirt.
"What the HELL are you doing?!" Jai blurted out, stopping the robot.
"I'm digesting the data, just as you asked," the robot replied, "my CD tray is placed at approximately the same place as the human liver."
"So you're sticking the DVD in your stomach..."
"Well, there's no other use for such a biological device on a robot like myself."
"Just... please, do it in private. It's weird enough to talk to myself, without having to whitness something like... that."
"Yessir," the robot said, re-securing its shirt and moving out of the office.
"Note to self:" Jai muttered to himself as the robot left, "Fire whoever the hell thought up that..."
1:00 PM
The crowd had been assembled at Market Square. And by crowd, we mean every single person who could physically make it to the presentation. The throngs of people and catpeople could be likened to the turnouts of major civil rights marches or gatherings for historic declarations in other nations. But this was not a nation, it was a corporation. As such, new product releases were among the greatest of events, signifying a major change in lifestyle in the corporation. If a product took off, people would gain money, get raises, and the standard of living would improve. Should a product bomb, Resi Corp would be forced to make cuts in more places than the avarage person would care to think about to make up for the loss. In the immeadiate present, though, it signified one thing: the corporation was still alive. A release of a new product was like the corporation taking a breath, drawing in new investors into its bloodstream and proving to the world that it was still capible of competing in this modern age.
For such an event, presentation was everything. This is ment quite literally, as the whole event is merely a visual aid for the world.
Jai was up to the task, and by extension his droid was, too. It was ready and waiting under the stage in Market Square, waiting for its cue.
In an instant, sail-like canvas cloth shot out along rails running in between the towers that surrounded Market Square, drowning out the sun and providing the proper "mood lighting" for what was about to unfold. As was expected, the crowd ooohed and ahhhhed appropriately. News cameras of CNN and RNN panned over the crowd, taking in their expressions in several sweeps, before focusing on the stage as they were told to do.
"Several decades ago," a voice boomed from all directions into the square from some invisible yet powerful sensurround sound system, "We at the Resi Corporation established a colony on the planet of Mars with help from several investors. This colony was set apart from the rest of Mars by one major difference: it was on a chunk of land that had been terraformed by Resian mechinery. This was the Green Mars region of Mars, a region that has sense spread throughout all of Mars, making us single-handedly responsable for the start of Martian terriformation. However, incredible feats require incredible technology, and now that technology is available for sale to the nations of the world, updated to current standards, of course.
"And now, we give you the creation that single-handedly changed the face of Mars, the LABOR RAVEN!"
Fog machines blasted fog over the stage as an enormous hatch opened, and a gigantic elevator carrying an equally gigantic mech began to whir to life, pushing its immense cargo through the surface of the fog and up, up, up towards the canvas cloth. Sparks shot out of the elevator shaft as it penetrated the fog layer, and the laser lights engaged in a flurry of brilliance as the first quarter of the mech emerged. Soft yet tastefully mild techno music pumped from the second the elevator began, and slowly faded out as the elevator reached level with the stage, and the mech was exposed to its towering height of 60 feet. It took a step foward on the stage towards the crowd, then stopped while the elevator retreated behind it.
In a split second, the fog dissipated, the canvas cloth snapped back off the rooftops, and the laser lights vanished as if the spectacle was but a passing dream.
Naturally, the crowd was a bit on the blinded side because of the rush of bright sunlight, but there was time given in the schedule for their eyes to adjust. As soon as vision returned to the masses, the gigantic mech was revealed in all its glory.
The crowd continued their rutine of ooohs and ahhhhs, much to the pleasure of the news crews. However, the cameras didn't have much time to pan over the crowds here, as the chest of the Raven unit split open, dropping out what looked like a conveir belt at an extremely steep angle. On the end of this stood what appeared to be Jai. The flawless replica traveled down towards the ground, and stepped off at the exact second the track connected with the stage.
"The Labor Raven," it began, motioning backwards to the Raven while still facing the crowd, "Ain't she a beaut? I mean, look at her size, her complexity. The very heart and soul of thousands of mechanics and engineers was poured into this beauty, and it shows. Oh, does it ever show. This is the machine that sculpted Mars into a habitable planet for human life, this is what made traveling to Mars such a profitable endevor. This is also the machine that built Hectate and Lenthis cities down in Bandonia. We owe so much to the ingenuity of this Raven, which is why we will now share it with the world, so that mankind can profit from the same machine that has given us so much."
"But creation is not all that we are delivering unto the masses, oh no," the Jaibot continued, removing a gun it had teathered to its back in what seemed to be a reverse tactical sling, "this baby here is a Gauss gun, which can fire completely silently. Quite an acomplishment, and great for spec ops, this gun will... PULL!"
At once a clay frisbee shot out of nowhere, flying over the crowd, and then exploding spontaneously with only the sound of shattering pottery. The news cameras, which had been following the frisbee's flight straight to its abrupt end, then panned over to where Jai was standing, aiming the Gauss gun at where the frisbee had been.
"Also notice the lack of gunsmoke," it said, pointing to the barrel of the gun, "No smoke, no noise, no nothing. The evolution of shell weapons has finally gotten past the need for gunpowder. Quite amazing, don't you think?"
Securing the gun in the tactical sling behind him, Jai moved over to a rather large gun that had just appeared on stage, most likely from an elevator during the clay disk spectacle. This gun was mounted to the stage, and was simply immense, the size of the Jaibot.
"Now this little puppy is the Rail Driver," the Jaibot said, patting its immense girth with the palm of one hand, "and its essentially the tank equivalent of the Gauss gun. It has a high firing rate, very low cooldown times, and it shoots supermassive depleted uranium shells. Unfortunately, that fact is the reason we won't be aiming it at any targets in this square, but rest assured it is still a devestating military weapon.
"Moving right along, we have two new pieces of military hardware for our humans in the feild, and for those in other nations. For the very tactical purpose of flying troops, we have the Wingsuit!"
With this a blue suit came soaring out of the sky, stopping a good five feet above the stage, hovering for all the crowd and the cameras to see.
"More stable than any conventional rocket belt and with more features all around, the Wingsuit fits one standard human, elf, or catperson, and is made out of silksteel rigidified with Carbon-60, making an inpenatrable wall for all but the very best weaponry. And speaking of the very best weaponry, let's take a peak at the Wingsuit's earthbound cousin, the Gunsuit! Come on out!"
A heavily-laden bluegreen suit stepped onto the stage, and walked almost naturally towards the crowd. It was covered in four guns, a frightening yet tactical display of power.
"The Gunsuit, equipped with four medium plasma cannons, two pulse rifles mounted on the back of the arm cannons, and..."
The Gunsuit knelt on the stage, and off of its back a giant cannon began to unfold and assemble. The barrel folded onto the mount, which locked into the suit, which ran lines back into the mount.
" heavy plasma cannon. This, ladies and gentlemen, could cut a swaith of distruction straight through Resi City or any city of its size, causing fire, distruction, and mass panic. Nothing can stop the decimation that this perticular item may bring.
"But back to the subject of creation! All this destruction stuff is a downer, don't you think?"
The Jaibot moved onto the ramp that had extended down from the Labor Raven earlier, which quickly retracted into its massive metal frame. The two suits retreated as this was going on, as did the Rail Driver, which quickly disappeared under the stage. The Raven's shell closed shut, and with a loud roar it blasted into the air, shooting off a gust of wind that knocked several of the patrons at the event off their feet. Of course, all cameras were focused on the Raven in flight, so no one noticed this little detail. It was this old magician's trick that so often saved the corporation from a PR fiasco.
Off the Raven flew, away from Market Square, but as it did a giant plasma screen monitor lowered onto the stage, illuminating the people of the Resi corporation with an angled top-down view of the Raven in flight, most likely taken from a satellite. The Raven slowed to a halt, obviously reaching its destination, and decended to the ground.
"Here we are a bit inland on Janus island, right inside the Great Resian Bay," the Jaibot's voice crackled over the loudspeakers back in the square, "We're in an empty lot right between the cities of Jain and Unus, and we're about to give this place a dose of civilization."
The satellite camera zoomed in on the Raven's hand, which launched a giant silver cube at a fairly high velocity at the lot. The thing touched down, shooting up a large cloud of dust. The Raven then knelt down next to the cube, placing its hands on it, and slowly the cube began to morph into a different shape. At first it streatched up towards the heavens in a tall spire, but then the spire began to form bulbs off the center. After a few minutes the transformation was apparently finished, as the Labor Raven stood back up and admired its handywork.
"A new Orb Condos manufactured by us at Resi Corp. Made of Smart Steel, it's compressed into a cube for ease in shipping. This new structure made in just an instant can house 20,000, as well as provide thousands of jobs. But wait, there's one more thing!"
The Raven blasted off again, kicking up clouds of dust and leaving the newly-made Orb Condos behind. It exited the Earth's atmosphere, and the camera actually tilted upwards as the Raven passed the satellite, and proceeded towards a massive shape that eclipsed the sun.
"This, my friends, is the GodHand."
Another camera, probably mounted on another Raven, showed the Labor slowly approach one of the GodHand's three massive docking bays and slip inside.
"The GodHand is our first venture into space in massive ships. In case you haven't guessed, its a heavily fortified Raven carrier, which can also be modified to carry our and our competitor's ships. Quite the sizable creation, don't you think?"
Back on Earth, the screen's contents were replaced with a giant Resi Corp logo.
"And that's the end of our new line of products! Keep in touch, we'll have much more for you soon."
((OOC: Feel free to critique my work OOCly or respond ICly on this thread. Also, *the movie "I, Robot" was bull for a number of reasons.))
8:00 AM
A beautiful day, a gorgious day in Market Square. The sun was out, the clouds were few, and Jai Resi was just about to make good on his promise to AMF, and then some. This was a good day for him, no, a great day. He couldn't imagine a better day business-wise in a LONG time.
Did that mean he was actually going to attend the event himself? Hell no.
But that DID mean he was going to send his most convincing robotic double, one of the few robots in the Resi Corporation that complied with the three laws as Asimov wrote them. That ment the robot was completely 100% sentient, and completely 100% safe*. With the flip of a switch, it was activated, and reported as promptly as mechanically possible from its holding bay to Jai's office. It sped through the halls and corridors of Resi Tower, running full-bore from the basement, up the 500-odd flights of stairs, past Dawn Kradii, and into Jai's office. To any newcomer to Resi Tower, this could've come as a shock, but anyone who had been working this close to the center of Resi Corp for over a week was quite used to this.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" The robot asked, proceeding forward from the doorway to Jai's desk.
"Of course I did, 001," Jai said, watching the robot with crossed arms. This robot was a Homonculus model, a prototype artificial human, supposedly indistinguishable from the real thing. The manerisms it had were all wrong though, Jai noted with dismay, which were signs of a faulty motion capture. He'd have to cut someone's pay for that, but it would come later. Now was a time for business that would actually make him money.
"Then, sir, can I ask you why you decided to call upon me?" the robot asked, apparently a little put off by Jai's speculation of him.
"Ah, but of course," Jai begain, snapping back to his usual self, "You will be presenting seven new products in my place. That's right, seven."
"I understand the number seven."
"That better not have been sarcasm," Jai shot an eye at the robot. He wondered who gave it the ability to be sarcastic, or what function such a trait could possibly serve. If it was for realism's sake, this thing was too damn realistic.
"Anyway," Jai continued, "the complete data for these products, as well as basic speach instructions can be found on this disk right here."
Reaching into his desk drawer, he drew out a DVD and slid it across the desk to the robot, which in turn caught it.
"Upload the data, and present the speach at Market Square and 1:00 today. Simple enough for you?"
"Yessir," the robot said. Holding the DVD in one hand, the robot used the other to begin to lift its shirt.
"What the HELL are you doing?!" Jai blurted out, stopping the robot.
"I'm digesting the data, just as you asked," the robot replied, "my CD tray is placed at approximately the same place as the human liver."
"So you're sticking the DVD in your stomach..."
"Well, there's no other use for such a biological device on a robot like myself."
"Just... please, do it in private. It's weird enough to talk to myself, without having to whitness something like... that."
"Yessir," the robot said, re-securing its shirt and moving out of the office.
"Note to self:" Jai muttered to himself as the robot left, "Fire whoever the hell thought up that..."
1:00 PM
The crowd had been assembled at Market Square. And by crowd, we mean every single person who could physically make it to the presentation. The throngs of people and catpeople could be likened to the turnouts of major civil rights marches or gatherings for historic declarations in other nations. But this was not a nation, it was a corporation. As such, new product releases were among the greatest of events, signifying a major change in lifestyle in the corporation. If a product took off, people would gain money, get raises, and the standard of living would improve. Should a product bomb, Resi Corp would be forced to make cuts in more places than the avarage person would care to think about to make up for the loss. In the immeadiate present, though, it signified one thing: the corporation was still alive. A release of a new product was like the corporation taking a breath, drawing in new investors into its bloodstream and proving to the world that it was still capible of competing in this modern age.
For such an event, presentation was everything. This is ment quite literally, as the whole event is merely a visual aid for the world.
Jai was up to the task, and by extension his droid was, too. It was ready and waiting under the stage in Market Square, waiting for its cue.
In an instant, sail-like canvas cloth shot out along rails running in between the towers that surrounded Market Square, drowning out the sun and providing the proper "mood lighting" for what was about to unfold. As was expected, the crowd ooohed and ahhhhed appropriately. News cameras of CNN and RNN panned over the crowd, taking in their expressions in several sweeps, before focusing on the stage as they were told to do.
"Several decades ago," a voice boomed from all directions into the square from some invisible yet powerful sensurround sound system, "We at the Resi Corporation established a colony on the planet of Mars with help from several investors. This colony was set apart from the rest of Mars by one major difference: it was on a chunk of land that had been terraformed by Resian mechinery. This was the Green Mars region of Mars, a region that has sense spread throughout all of Mars, making us single-handedly responsable for the start of Martian terriformation. However, incredible feats require incredible technology, and now that technology is available for sale to the nations of the world, updated to current standards, of course.
"And now, we give you the creation that single-handedly changed the face of Mars, the LABOR RAVEN!"
Fog machines blasted fog over the stage as an enormous hatch opened, and a gigantic elevator carrying an equally gigantic mech began to whir to life, pushing its immense cargo through the surface of the fog and up, up, up towards the canvas cloth. Sparks shot out of the elevator shaft as it penetrated the fog layer, and the laser lights engaged in a flurry of brilliance as the first quarter of the mech emerged. Soft yet tastefully mild techno music pumped from the second the elevator began, and slowly faded out as the elevator reached level with the stage, and the mech was exposed to its towering height of 60 feet. It took a step foward on the stage towards the crowd, then stopped while the elevator retreated behind it.
In a split second, the fog dissipated, the canvas cloth snapped back off the rooftops, and the laser lights vanished as if the spectacle was but a passing dream.
Naturally, the crowd was a bit on the blinded side because of the rush of bright sunlight, but there was time given in the schedule for their eyes to adjust. As soon as vision returned to the masses, the gigantic mech was revealed in all its glory.
The crowd continued their rutine of ooohs and ahhhhs, much to the pleasure of the news crews. However, the cameras didn't have much time to pan over the crowds here, as the chest of the Raven unit split open, dropping out what looked like a conveir belt at an extremely steep angle. On the end of this stood what appeared to be Jai. The flawless replica traveled down towards the ground, and stepped off at the exact second the track connected with the stage.
"The Labor Raven," it began, motioning backwards to the Raven while still facing the crowd, "Ain't she a beaut? I mean, look at her size, her complexity. The very heart and soul of thousands of mechanics and engineers was poured into this beauty, and it shows. Oh, does it ever show. This is the machine that sculpted Mars into a habitable planet for human life, this is what made traveling to Mars such a profitable endevor. This is also the machine that built Hectate and Lenthis cities down in Bandonia. We owe so much to the ingenuity of this Raven, which is why we will now share it with the world, so that mankind can profit from the same machine that has given us so much."
"But creation is not all that we are delivering unto the masses, oh no," the Jaibot continued, removing a gun it had teathered to its back in what seemed to be a reverse tactical sling, "this baby here is a Gauss gun, which can fire completely silently. Quite an acomplishment, and great for spec ops, this gun will... PULL!"
At once a clay frisbee shot out of nowhere, flying over the crowd, and then exploding spontaneously with only the sound of shattering pottery. The news cameras, which had been following the frisbee's flight straight to its abrupt end, then panned over to where Jai was standing, aiming the Gauss gun at where the frisbee had been.
"Also notice the lack of gunsmoke," it said, pointing to the barrel of the gun, "No smoke, no noise, no nothing. The evolution of shell weapons has finally gotten past the need for gunpowder. Quite amazing, don't you think?"
Securing the gun in the tactical sling behind him, Jai moved over to a rather large gun that had just appeared on stage, most likely from an elevator during the clay disk spectacle. This gun was mounted to the stage, and was simply immense, the size of the Jaibot.
"Now this little puppy is the Rail Driver," the Jaibot said, patting its immense girth with the palm of one hand, "and its essentially the tank equivalent of the Gauss gun. It has a high firing rate, very low cooldown times, and it shoots supermassive depleted uranium shells. Unfortunately, that fact is the reason we won't be aiming it at any targets in this square, but rest assured it is still a devestating military weapon.
"Moving right along, we have two new pieces of military hardware for our humans in the feild, and for those in other nations. For the very tactical purpose of flying troops, we have the Wingsuit!"
With this a blue suit came soaring out of the sky, stopping a good five feet above the stage, hovering for all the crowd and the cameras to see.
"More stable than any conventional rocket belt and with more features all around, the Wingsuit fits one standard human, elf, or catperson, and is made out of silksteel rigidified with Carbon-60, making an inpenatrable wall for all but the very best weaponry. And speaking of the very best weaponry, let's take a peak at the Wingsuit's earthbound cousin, the Gunsuit! Come on out!"
A heavily-laden bluegreen suit stepped onto the stage, and walked almost naturally towards the crowd. It was covered in four guns, a frightening yet tactical display of power.
"The Gunsuit, equipped with four medium plasma cannons, two pulse rifles mounted on the back of the arm cannons, and..."
The Gunsuit knelt on the stage, and off of its back a giant cannon began to unfold and assemble. The barrel folded onto the mount, which locked into the suit, which ran lines back into the mount.
" heavy plasma cannon. This, ladies and gentlemen, could cut a swaith of distruction straight through Resi City or any city of its size, causing fire, distruction, and mass panic. Nothing can stop the decimation that this perticular item may bring.
"But back to the subject of creation! All this destruction stuff is a downer, don't you think?"
The Jaibot moved onto the ramp that had extended down from the Labor Raven earlier, which quickly retracted into its massive metal frame. The two suits retreated as this was going on, as did the Rail Driver, which quickly disappeared under the stage. The Raven's shell closed shut, and with a loud roar it blasted into the air, shooting off a gust of wind that knocked several of the patrons at the event off their feet. Of course, all cameras were focused on the Raven in flight, so no one noticed this little detail. It was this old magician's trick that so often saved the corporation from a PR fiasco.
Off the Raven flew, away from Market Square, but as it did a giant plasma screen monitor lowered onto the stage, illuminating the people of the Resi corporation with an angled top-down view of the Raven in flight, most likely taken from a satellite. The Raven slowed to a halt, obviously reaching its destination, and decended to the ground.
"Here we are a bit inland on Janus island, right inside the Great Resian Bay," the Jaibot's voice crackled over the loudspeakers back in the square, "We're in an empty lot right between the cities of Jain and Unus, and we're about to give this place a dose of civilization."
The satellite camera zoomed in on the Raven's hand, which launched a giant silver cube at a fairly high velocity at the lot. The thing touched down, shooting up a large cloud of dust. The Raven then knelt down next to the cube, placing its hands on it, and slowly the cube began to morph into a different shape. At first it streatched up towards the heavens in a tall spire, but then the spire began to form bulbs off the center. After a few minutes the transformation was apparently finished, as the Labor Raven stood back up and admired its handywork.
"A new Orb Condos manufactured by us at Resi Corp. Made of Smart Steel, it's compressed into a cube for ease in shipping. This new structure made in just an instant can house 20,000, as well as provide thousands of jobs. But wait, there's one more thing!"
The Raven blasted off again, kicking up clouds of dust and leaving the newly-made Orb Condos behind. It exited the Earth's atmosphere, and the camera actually tilted upwards as the Raven passed the satellite, and proceeded towards a massive shape that eclipsed the sun.
"This, my friends, is the GodHand."
Another camera, probably mounted on another Raven, showed the Labor slowly approach one of the GodHand's three massive docking bays and slip inside.
"The GodHand is our first venture into space in massive ships. In case you haven't guessed, its a heavily fortified Raven carrier, which can also be modified to carry our and our competitor's ships. Quite the sizable creation, don't you think?"
Back on Earth, the screen's contents were replaced with a giant Resi Corp logo.
"And that's the end of our new line of products! Keep in touch, we'll have much more for you soon."
((OOC: Feel free to critique my work OOCly or respond ICly on this thread. Also, *the movie "I, Robot" was bull for a number of reasons.))