On the Ruins (character RP in Allanea, all invited)
The old track car sped up as it crossed the border into Allanea. It was carrying a load that was more precious than any gold or diamonds could ever possibly be – it was carrying Dagny Taggart, the person who owned the road that now carried the car. A narrow single-track line was nearly all that remained of the former glory of Taggart Transcontrinental. In the ditch next to the railroad she saw the half-burned remains of a locomotive. When the mechanoids have attempted destruction of all railroads in Allanea, they fired three times at this line, and missed every single time. The blast waves of the two-kiloton expllosions were enough to to throw five freight trains off the tracks like children’s toys – but the track survived. The chromed letters TT glinted proudly on it’s front, as some form of twisted defiance.
Dagny shivered. Defiance. Liberty. Independence. What was where these against a gang of looters to whom the five hundred megaton cannon was the final moral argument and who were shameless enough to claim that legal authority was derived from force? As long as the entire population of Allanea – two and a half billion men – was held hostage at the point of that five hundred megaton cannon, what defiance could there be? Anybody who even thought of picking up a weapon would be risking becoming an unwilling accomplice to the murder of his own people. There would be no defiance. Only the endless, pointless, mind-numbing pain of slavery.
But Dagny Taggart had work to do. The mechanoids have apparently possessed only the most minimal necessary intelligence – they have not thought that reducing Allanea to rubble would not only harm it’s ability to wage war, but also it’s ability to produce food. To feed twenty-five hundred million people, Iron Age technology was not enough. One needed tractors. Tools Trains. And if the trains don’t start running soon, she thought, people will start dying.
Getting the trains to start running was exactly Dagny’s job. She smiled bitterly as she saw the mess the S.H.O.D.A.N. bombardment made of Allanea – and she thought of the transports Kazansky had prepared – ten billion dollars worth of food, agricultural tools, tractors, and building equipment. It would be a drop in the ocean, but at least something would start getting done.
The name the ‘ruler’ of the mechanoids gave itself apparently fit, thought Dagnu. Their weapons were apparently slightly, well, shoddy, and so was their chosen tactic. Sometimes – rarely, though – she could see a Rolling Fortreess truck, a piece of road, or even an antenna, that proved that they were not as thorough as they were rumoured to be. When she saw a survivng factory chimney far, far away from the track, she smiled, knowing that the enemy’s plan has not fully succeeded.
As she approached Heston-city, after a long, and tiring journey – she began laughing. The mechanoids have avoided firing at population centers – to avoid harming the population. And so, those factories located in the cities were intact – mostly intact. Of course, with no rail or road grid, no steel or oil production, they were useless – and would deteriorate beyond use soon. But at least there was something to rebuild.
Cecil B Demented, the man standing next to her, followed the landscape with his camera, and spoke incessantly. “While the damage may seem superficial, it is far from so. While the factories and resources of secondary producers such as Allanean Arms are largely intact, they are useless – for the raw material production of the nation has been reduced by about ninety-five percent. There is no traffic between the main cities, and if it were not for the much maligned SUV and international donations, the cities would be starving right now. For all intents and purpose, the nation has been reduced to the Iron Age .”
She hated Cecil. Everybody hated Cecil – except people who only saw him in newspapers – and the ability to talk incessantly for hours was only one of his features. But despire the fact the man’s surname fit him properly, Cecil B Demented was one of the most efficient men in the Allanean cabinet. Now, trusted with another ten billion, he was on his way to start a chain of private schools under the ABF banner – simply to avoid having children enrolled into the education programs that the federation was trying to force upon Allanea.
Still, the man was annoying, and, Dagny has, almost started praying for the moment they reached their destination – which was about to happen in about twenty minutes.
26-08-2004, 23:02
(OOC: Okay... one little problem I can see already.
I mentioned several times that I have a circular radius-of-error of five meters--compare this to the radius-of-error of 16 meters for a JDAM bomb system. This means that my strikes were ten times more accurate (because CRoE indicates an area, not a distance) than the current state-of-the-art precision-guided munition.
Now, we all have seen from recent events that with the JDAM the USAF has come very very close to the ideal of one bomb-one target destroyed. They rather frequently destroyed command bunkers in the middle of populated Baghdad without any harm to surrounding buildings minus a few scuffs. Now, imagine that with ten times the accuracy and a thousand times the scope. Your argument of "avoided population centers" is a crock, plain and simple.
Over eight thousand lineguns were depositing 150 kilograms of pig iron per shot at varying velocities (and thus varying kinetic-impact yields depending on the target) at, say, once every ten seconds for "a few hours" (as long as it took). Some simple math indicates that to be 1,200 tons and over 8,000 targets engaged per salvo. For a single hour of fire, that becomes over 432,000 tons and over 2,880,000 targets engaged, not counting any additional bombardment from energy weapons which, yes, can reach that far and could make up any slack.
Compare with the recent Iraq war where only 27,000 bombs were dropped with one-tenth the accuracy.
Now, the human effect of the elimination of infrastructure can't be argued. That's just A Fact Of Life. I've offered to assist with that and have never heard a response concerning it--which isn't overly surprising, coming from one who accepts terms of surrender before hearing them. I've also discussed the situation with everyone else I know and they're in general agreement that there certainly shouldn't be any factories or bridges left but your fields should be just hunky-dory.
Now, it's your country so you do get to define it. If you want it to be a giant humanitarian disaster, that's fine. I know that I, for one, and a lot of other people are not going to accept this "the factories and resources of secondary producers such as Allanean Arms are largely intact" idea.
A more accurate statement would be that your cities are still nice and pretty, but with multiple well-defined holes where any form of modern manufacturing industry used to be. That seems to hold the most agreement with those I've conferred with.)
OOC: It is largely irrelevant. While the factories are physically intact, they are useless. Remember that misused factory equipment deteriorates. Let a furnace cool down for two hours, and the metal within hardens and renders it useless. Leave a factory unused for six months and machinery is stolen, broken, whatever. Roofs collapse. Doors are ripped off and taken away.
I would also note you claimed that when these things hit, they cause the equivalent of a 2-5kt explosion. You can't use that in a city if you 'reduce civilian losses')
At any rate, while the cosmetic effects may be varied, Allanea is Iron Age. You won. What more?
OOC: Is Allanea still under blockade, or can I now begin to ship in the eighty billion Weyrs that have been stockpiled in various Weyrean banks for the last few years? My gov't is still reaping the interest rates, and such...^-^...or do I have to displace several tons of gold into Allanea. I -can- do that, although gold is kind of worthless in Weyr due to the advent of patterning machines. *cackles*
John D. Murrow wondered how any nation could be stupid enough to get itself glassed so completely. His bike sped over cracked streets, dodging potholes and ground cars that did not have fuel enough to run. it was not a normal vehicle by most standards. The wheels, for one, sometimes completely left the ground, without any loss of velocity. The bike was actualy based on repulsolift, but the Board of Estimates preffered that its emmisaries look as normal as possible.
The Weyrean insignia -- an ideograph of a mountain, crowned by the sun and three stars, with a tower beneath it, was Murrow's only visible badge of office, although other diplomatic papers could also be found upon him. Hopefully, it would be enough to allow him to avoid any curfews or restrictions. Other precautions included a pair of semi-automatic 10mm pistols.
"Dagny Taggart," Murrow muttered, his voice muffled by the polarized helm. His mission here was to assess the capabilities of Allanean industry and agriculture, before any heavy investments could be made. Taggart would probably be key in anything Weyrean industries did here. Also in question was the fate of the eighty billion dollars stored in Weyrean banks, which Allanea has thus far not claimed.
From what Murrow had seen so far, it looked like Allanea would need a lot of work. This meant future profits for industries devastated by the Weyrean Civil War, of course. Federation government would be contacted before anything would commence, naturally, but a preliminary survey was a requirement.
The Weyrean swung his bike to follow the railroad tracks, arriving at the train destanation some fifteen minutes before time. A black trench coat concealed his mechanical arm, the result of the Civil War.
Lunatic Retard Robots
27-08-2004, 01:50
Official message to the Allanean government (or the equivalent thereof):
We can send humanitarian assistance and construction teams for the reconstruction of basic infrastructure very quickly. However, it is necessary to first send in survey teams to take stock of the damage. They will arrive soon.
-LRR government
A large RGF earth detachment dropship, bearing a frighteningly real resemblance to an An-12, sets down on the barren Allanean landscape. In its cargo hold, several jeeps and trucks painted in the colors of the Robotic Galactic Flotilla are manned, and prepare to roll out.
Of course, they would need to wait for the Allanean representative...
No Regret. No Remorse. No Reason.
What could do this? Only something with no emotion, decided Klande.
Leigh Klande had been an offical bodygaurd to the Ravean representitive to
Allanea before this disaister. Now he was stuck in Allanea for good, or at least until anything started working again. He now found himself placed in almost a barbaric time.
He wandered Heston-city aimlessley, wondering how he was going to get back to Ravea, but he thought that the possibility of that was slim. He wore a dark blue jacket and black slacks. A long Buster Sword hung on his back, his only defence, besides a small knife on his belt. His pistol was either lost or destroyed.
Klande continued walking the city until he reached the train tracks. He could see a man peadeling a bike up ahead of him, following the tracks. Klande could just make out what he though was the Weyrean insignia. He decided to follow the man to wherever he was going. Not like Klande had anything better to do, anyways.
OOC: it's a motor bike, that's actually a hoverbike with wheels attached. *kicks self for not making it clear* Ah, well.
Murrow's ghost was possibly the most annoying thing ever created by Weyrean hands. Unfortunately, it was too also useful to be removed. So the pale crystal stayed right above the corpus collosum, sending snide remarks at Murrow whether he wanted them or not.
There's someone following you, it commented as Murrow eased off the acceleration, conserving the Firien energy stored in the bike's cells. He might be here for a while, and even Firien energy ran out after a time. The bike Murrow rode was not a proper motorbike, but rather a disguised hoverbike with wheels. The Board of Estimates preffered that its members not attract attention.
I know, Murrow replied, watching his follower in the bike's mirror.
Dagny smiled faintly as she looked at the Weyr representative. Oh, if those help-offerers where there several months ago, when Allanea got attacked! But one did not look a gift horse in the eye. Allanea needed the help, now more than ever.
“It is arguable whether the damage to Allanea will ever be repaired…” continued Cecil. “Aww, shut up.” replied Dagny. He did not, continuing to rant about the cruelty of the Martians, but she did not listen. She knew it was true, anyway.
“Good day, Mr. Murrow.” She said as she got off the train. “We have heard of your donations. We suggest you get them to our bank account in Menelmacar. Tell me, will your government be also able to send us some gold, as well? I hear it’s of little value in Weyr.”
Encrypted Response from Allaneans for A Better Future to LRR
Currently, Allanea is under control of the invaders of FSP. However, we, Allaneans of A Better Future, an organisation composed from ex-members of the Allanean government are cooperating with the FSP to the end of the reconstruction of Allanean civilian infrastructure. The main priorities should be, in our opinion, the urgent reconstruction of the railways in Allanea, and the re-seeding of our hemp and cotton fields, to prevent hunger and unemployment, respectively.”
"When will they ever fraggin' learn?" Darius Steele slammed his massive fist onto his desk, shattering his coffee cup and causing his cigar to flip into the air, where he snatched it with lightning quickness. Stuffing the cheroot into his mouth, Steele took a few puffs to calm himself.
He had watched the...murder...of Allanea from afar, hoping beyond hope that cooler minds would prevail. Of course, people with power loved to flex their muscles, and show the universe who had the biggest balls. Steele was never in any position to stop the rape of this small colony, but he was very much prepared to help them seek retribution.
Calling up Berry, his semi-sentient database, Steele searched the population rolls of Allanea to determine his best chance of success. Names scrolled down in front of him, and he chose the one with the highest rating: Dagny Taggart. He directed Berry to create an action plan based on the current situation in Allanea, and the goals of Steel's mission. A moment later, Berry spit out all the information Steele needed to begin his quest.
Pounding his intercom, Steele growled at his secretary: "Julia, get Rafe to fire up Stealth 1, plotting a course to Allanea. Tell him to use Berry's star-chart...we don't want the FSP to see us coming." The big man paused, savoring the bitter smoke of his cheroot.
"This is a solo mission, honey...let the boys down easy."
<<OOC: Alright. I'm going to make a post here in a moment. I'll talk to you on AIM first though.>>
Lunatic Retard Robots
27-08-2004, 17:38
Encrypted Response from Allaneans for A Better Future to LRR
Currently, Allanea is under control of the invaders of FSP. However, we, Allaneans of A Better Future, an organisation composed from ex-members of the Allanean government are cooperating with the FSP to the end of the reconstruction of Allanean civilian infrastructure. The main priorities should be, in our opinion, the urgent reconstruction of the railways in Allanea, and the re-seeding of our hemp and cotton fields, to prevent hunger and unemployment, respectively.”
With the Allanean transmission, the survey teams begin to get to work.
"Alright, let's get moving!"
The dropship's crew chief lowers the cargo ramp, and out roll two UAZ jeeps, followed by three heavy hovertrucks. They head for the railways, not too far away. Other survey teams head for cotton and hemp fields, while others drive towards the sites of major water supplies.
Once they took stock of the damage, they would be able to better inform the reconstruction teams as to what kind of equipment they would need.
Encrypted Message from Allaneans for A Better Future to LRR
We are extremely thankful to you for your support. Will it be possible to receive updates on the proceeding of the repairs?
27-08-2004, 22:01
[ooc: How are these transports getting into Allanea?
Map (http://koti.mbnet.fi/crimmer/erb/img/haven_new.png)]
The Island States
27-08-2004, 23:22
Supreme Boss Harry Qwerty of TIS State Industries sat at his desk, reviewing the newspaper that had been placed on his desk by an aide. He read through the news, noting the turmoil going on in Allanea.
"Mr. Kilgore, could you come in here for a second?" Kilgore was TIS State Industry's accountant. Kilgore entered the office, and stood at the desk. "How much money do you think we could invest in Allanea's reconstruction?"
"About 750 million SUMUs, sir," Kilgore replied. "Why would you want to invest in that country?"
"Because we can invest in something that could have a positive return for us. Wire the money immediately."
"Yes, sir."
(Encrypted Transmission To Allaneans for a Better Future)
The Crown of Aerion is willing to help a portion of your people, and restore them to rule under the following conditions:
1. The Grand Kingdom of Aerion shall be allowed to establish a colony in Alleanean, and be granted independent rule of 260,000 square miles of Alannean territory (Approximately the size of Texas). The Crown will move 10 million Aerion people into this territory, and any Alleaneans within this territory shall come under the jurisdiction of the Crown. This area will be brought up to restored technoligical standards.
2. Aerion corporations shall have the sole monopoly upon providing certain goods to the Allanean people, and employing them. These Royally Chartered corporations shall establish a number of factories throughout Allanea, and in the Aerion colony. Allanean citizens will start out working at 2.00 Aerion Gold Leafs ($2.00 USD) an hour. Aerion corporations will build massive apartment blocs that will provide standardized housing to these employees, as they have in Aerion.
3. The Royal Aerion Colony shall have a large representation within the new Allanean government, as well as the Aerion corporations.
4. Aerion shall manage the central bank of Allanea, and have full control thereof.
OOC: One ques; is Allanea on Terra (Earth), or on another planet? Also, what happened to those bugs that destroyed the Allanean hemp industry?
Murrow's ghost began bringing up relevant information as Dagny spoke -- donations, bank, gold. His eyes seemed to grow distant for a second, as Murrow absorbed the information.
Relief fund, Allanean :: After the blockade of the nation of Allanea by coalition forces, monetary assets totaling at forty billion dollars, were transferred into Wye Central Bank. PAyments in order of four billion dollars per year will continue to be transferred...
Gold, currency :: The monetary value of gold currency plummeted in the year 561BL, when a team under the direction of Alchemist Johans Syl successfully preformed and explained the transmutation reaction transforming a series of metals into gold. With the advent of the patterning assembler in the year 38AL, hard currency, as gold bullion is widely known, lost all value within Weyrean prefectures outside of industrial markets, where it is still employed in the construction of crude connections.
"I can authorize the transfer of funds directly into your bank account," Murrow nodded after a second of silence. A communication was already sent to the Weyrean Board of Estimates office via his ghost. "Gold has to be shipped from the Rocheta prefecture's mines, and we are legally bound to charge you its market value. I can't just give it to you.
"Now, Weyrean industry is looking to make some heavy investments in Allanea. We feel that a strong trading partner is better than nothing. We can give you 3128 locomotives, 82,987 various train cars, and 362 track generators. There are also several hundred million dollars worth of machine tools. Weyrik Genome Productions has several hemp and cotton stocks that have an increased yield of fifty percent when coupled with proper crop rotation and climate. The cost will be deducted automatically from your relief funds, if you accept. It's mainly for shipping, storage, and maintenance costs."
The world had ended for Allanea: Steele looked around the virtually deserted city, his trained eye picking up (and even admiring) the precision in which the FSP laid waste to this once proud people...and in the end, the damage to the city could be repaired, eventually...but the damage to the PEOPLE would live on for generations. To live without any chance of changing your destiny is hard, to exist without the ability to dance with the stars...this would break an already beaten people. Anger coursed through the large frame of Darius Steele, and with renewed energy he continued his search.
He was looking for Dagny Taggart, and the few humans in the streets were very forthcoming with their limited information, once Steele had shown them some gold, or his rather massive fist. The Taggart train system had taken some hard hits during the war, but some of the lines were still intact. Steeles information was that if you wanted to find Taggart, you listened for the train.
As he walked, Steele reviewed what he knew, what he assumed and what had to be done: it wasn't a long list.
What he knew was that the Allanean people had been bombed back into the Iron Age by a coalition of forces, spearheaded by the FSP. What he knew is that the FSP, while respected by many, was feared by even more. What he knew was that the Allaneans, victims of an internal power-struggle, signed a treaty under great duress to spare their people further harm.
What he assumed was that many nations and planets would be feeling the same sense of outrage as Steele himself, and were taking actions to help the Allaneans in their own way. What he assumed was that the FSP and their allies may take exception to the influx of foreign aid. What he assumed was that the FSP may react in a military way to prevent this aid.
What had to be done was something that Darius Steele did incredibly well - it was time to make things right.
OOC: They were gengineered to die within two weeks.
Dagny Taggart, Chief Executive Officer of Taggart Transcontinent and the ABF’s Executive Officer in charge of Transpontation, smiled. This was getting better.
“Thank you, Sir. When will the equipment be delivered and will you help set it up? I believe it is of the utmost importance to set the Trans-Continental Taggart line again. We must make it possible to ship food and basic products to the big cities as soon as humanly possible. We must prevent hunger. As per the hemp production, it’s resumption is necessary simply to preven massive employment of that economic sector. You understand, there are – were - millions of Allaneans employed directly and in directly – in the hemp business. We must re-commence growing – or the entire South of Allanea will become the biggest Hooverville in history.
But I digress. As I said, the rail system is our first priority. What is your plan?”
(Encrypted Response to the Aerion government)
We are in no position to discuss such a plan.
* Allanean Anthem initial tunes *
Alexander Kazansky appears on screen. Behind him, you can see the Allanean flag.
Friends, citizens, Allaneans!
I have good news for you and bad ones. The good news are that we are making some progress with the rebuilding process. We will soon complete the rebuilding of the electric grid – so I assume there’s more of you that are watching me right now than the last time. Officials and members of Allaneans for a Better Future are working on the ground as I speak to rebuild the rail infrastructure and to recommece hemp farming. Prosperity might not be around the corner, but it’s just over the horizon.
This ends the good news. The bad news is that the jackbooted stormtroopers of the Federation of Sentient Peoples are now after what is our most precious. They are after your children. Those mindless thugs are intending to replace our educational program with their values, and to replace the Allanean educational system with their own ‘code’. Do you want your children be obedient slaves to the Federation? Well, I know your answer. Today, I will be asking you to resist. Not by guns or violence. Not by blood and bullets. But by using the strongest weapon you have: your mind.
Today, I have sent the Secetary for Culture of Education, Mr. Demented, into Allanea. His mission is to establish a chain of private schools. We don’t have enough money for all of your children –but we do have money to educate about 900,00 kids at about five hundred fifty Allanean dollars a year – or about 1,100 comon dollars. We ask those who can afford the modest price to apply. If you don’t have any money, need-based scholarship is available.
Further more, if you are capable of it and you can’t get your child into the ABF for some reason, home-school your children. The more children we can get out of the viciouus circle of oppression, the better. That is difficult But we must remembe that this is better than the alternative. If you are indeed so happy to fight and die for Allanea as you claim, why not tech for it?
Protest. Organize. Work. That is how one will gain liberty today. Your G-36 rfles w M-700 carbines are poweless against a nuclear cannon in orbit. What is useful is such a situiation is diplmoacy and your mind. And it is to the purpose to protect Allaeans from complete cultural subdual that you must work today. That is what we’re helping you do.
May God Bless Allanea!
Steele watched the the ex-Admiral, ex-traitor, ex-Elf lover and now self-appointed leader of Allanea, give his education speech with mounting concern and anger. He had found a small cafe, and the battered vid-screen above the bar blared out at the patrons. Steele finished his drink, tossed some local currency on the table and left. He needed to find Taggart NOW, before Kazansky pissed off the FSP even more with his obvious show of defiance. All this talk of "protest" and "resisting" sounds alot like "revolution" to a paranoid jailer.
Dagny Taggart was the key that would unlock the future for Allanea.
"Hooverville?" Murrow asked, blankly, then shrugged it off. "Nevermind. The Board of Estimates has a three-stage plan. First, we get you the basic transportation equipment. Second, we get you the machinery to start making your own machines. Third, we make sure that machinery is used productively." The Weyrean's eyes unfocused for a moment.
Integrated Auto says they want us to get their tools out of Weyr one week. Paradigm is sending the first cars by skyship, they'll be here in a week. It's amazing how big the Pacific Ocean is," the ghost chuckled.
"So," Murrow's eyes snapped back to focus. "Train equipment will begin arriving in two days, provided the Federation does not stop us. The specifications are on this crystal," he extended a small azure crystal the size of a wallnut. "Poke it to activate the trideo, poke it again to turn it off. We will need detailed maps of where you want track laid before anything starts on the ground. Now, can we talk somewhere more private?"
The crystal contained detailed projections of the thousands upon thousands of units of train equipment that would be shipped in over the next several weeks.
Track generators were behemoth machines, twenty meters tall and twoce as wide, capable of laying six individual tracks, complete with third rails, junctions, and other such things, while moving at sixty kilometers per day. They were on loan only, not permament gifts, and would be operated exclusively by Weyrean personnel. Patterning machines, no matter how crude, did not get exported for long periods of time.
The locomotives and cars were somewhat old, habing been in service for fifty years. They still worked, however, and would continue to work, for some time.
The Freethinkers
28-08-2004, 03:55
Official Announcement
The Government of the Sensible Commonwealth of the Freethinkers has always been an enemy of the Allanean Government since its unprovoked and costly wars against the state of Edolia, our ally within the UnAPS organisation. However, even we, who took great joy from Allanea's downfall, are saddened now by what the people must endure in that former country.
Although popular opinion and protocol would not allow direct aid, we are going to end our embargo on Allanean agricultural goods, in place since the end of the Fifth Axackali War, will be lifted. As the Freethinkers is a rapidly growing country with little agriculturally exploitable land, the market for imported foodstuffs will provide a long-term, highly profitable market in which the now primary-based economy of Allanea can rely on for funds.
We feel this solution allows both nations to benefit, providing Allanean workers with a solution that garuantees stable incomes and does not involve the humiliation of recieving handouts from former enemies. This solution will allow the Allaneans themselves to be proactive in their own recovery, which we hope will see the rise of a new, democratic, peaceful and co-operative nation which can once again be admired in the world.
We hope that the Allanean people take advantage of this gesture, and we hope relations between our too peoples improve in the future.
Theodor Barham, PM
Officice of the Prime Minister, Government House, Navarre, The Freethinkers
Sentient Peoples
28-08-2004, 05:52
OOC: A few problems I’ve spotted, and have just now had time to address.
Firstly, Weyr. FSP seized the bank accounts in the last thread as a consequence of the Allanean surrender. Well, 44 billion of it, anyway. Seen here.
Secondly, anyone else attempting to arrive in Allanea without permission will be shot down, no questions asked. I hope that’s clear enough for you.
Third, Gawdly, your character is dead or arrested. A stealthed craft in atmosphere is easy to target, and would be either forced down or destroyed. FSP is a bit on the Paranoid side at the moment. Also, Allanea is on Earth, and is 2.6 billion people. Not a ‘small colony’.
Office of the Imperial President, Imperial House, Griffin, Commonwealth of Sentient Peoples, FSP
D’ron looked across his desk at the two ministers, and frowned. “Where the hell is all this money coming from, Cortana?” he snarled, indicating the report on his desk.
The head of Federation Intelligence shook her head. “We don’t know, and you don’t let us tap allied banking lines without permission from the involved government.”
He nodded. “I know. Get permission. I want this money cut off, the flow of cash to them stopped. I don’t care if they literally starve to death in Menelmacar, just eliminate their funding whatever it takes.”
The purple haired EI avatar nodded. “It’ll be done within the week, Mister President.”
The Imperial President then turned to his Minister for Territorial Affairs. “Belinda, do you think we could get away with declaring the ABF an anti-Federation terrorist organization?”
“Publicly, sir? Probably not. Their stated goal is to help us rebuild Allanea.” The older woman sighed softly. “Though it might work some places.”
“Okay, Minister, tell me what you need to keep Allanea under control and the rebuilding on track?”
Minister Ranwell looked down at her electronic note pad. Even with implants, many people still liked to have something in their hands. “Well, simply put, I need more of the troops we don’t have. We’ve only got three armies over there, I need ten more.”
Cortana grimaced and D’ron looked like he was about to throw up. “We don’t have that many troops in the entire Federation.”
“I know we don’t, and I’m stumped as to what to do.”
Cortana smiled at this point. “I think I do, assuming we can afford it.”
“We can afford most of what we need, Cortana. If I have to, I’ll pull money from the military budget. We can’t let Allanea descend any further into anarchy.”
DataNets, C-space, Everywhere
<TRANSMISSION Opens, Diplomatic (Trade) Encrypt>
<TO: QUEEN S.H.O.D.A.N., Q01>
Queen S.H.O.D.A.N.,
We’ve slowly been coming to realize over the last few weeks that our current forces are not anywhere near enough to completely police the Federation Territory of Allanea. And we thought that you might be able to provide a solution in the form of two million Sec-2 ‘bots, equipped for heavy policing duties.
Furthermore, we would like to open negotiations for corporations in Zero-One helping with the reconstruction of Allanea.
I look forward to seeing your representative at the conference.
<TRANSMISSION Opens, Heavy ENEM-FSP Alliance Encrypt>
<TO: LADY Sirithil, ENEM>
<RE: ALLANEANS for a Better Future>
Lady Sirithil,
While I am still not particular pleased with your decision to house the Allanean Expatriate Government-In-Exile, whatever they style themselves to be, I do have a request for you regarding them.
Seeing as how they are your responsibility, I would like permission to either conduct operations to figure out where their funding is coming from, have your own intelligence agencies discover this and inform us, or have permission to conduct special operations and remove their scourge from your great nation.
Your friend and ally,
~D’ron Smith, Imperial President
LRR Landing Zone, Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
Private Gary Denault rushed over the ground back towards where his helmet display showed the his IFV to be sitting motionless, along with the rest of his squad. The robots were moving, which meant so was the observation post. They were not to interfere, after all. Anyone willing to deal with the Allaneans could be dangerous, after all, and anything that the Federation did not have to rebuild.
The platoon was going to have to split up, it appeared, as the LLR group was splitting as well. The four Hydora Mark II Infantry Fighting Vehicles slithered away from their observation area, moving under a full array of multi-spectral active camouflage, shadowing the robots.
Near Dagny Taggert’s Conference Area, Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
Cloaked in her armor, her active camouflage activated, Lance Corporal Catherine Stewart lay on her stomach watching and record the conference through sound pick ups and visual aids.
It was not Taggert’s fault she had been tracked the second she had set foot back in Allanea, of course. But while the Federation could not do everything, it could do this. Adjusting the angle on her visual scope, Catherine got a slightly better view of Taggert’s face, and smiled. The aiming points were lined up just above the woman’s right eyebrow. Now, since this happened to be a military operation and now a police one, the fact that the AV Spyscope happened to be attached to a sniper rifle had nothing to do with anything.
But Catherine would be more than happy to spray Taggert’s brain, if there was one, all over everything behind her. Of course, her mission to was to protect Taggert at the moment. Which was why PFC Eddie Adelson was lying next to her a spotter.
Coast of the Inland Sea, Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
Daniel Glovart watched carefully as his massive construction robots slowly lumbered away from their tasks, this being the last of seven desalinization plants to be constructed along the coast of the inland sea here in Allanea. Seven more were planned along the primary coastline, and would be completed in a few weeks. But more now, the massive plants would provide, barely, enough water for the Allanean population. His other construction ‘bots had been tying the new trunk pipelines into the basically undamaged pipe system throughout the cities, and another leaflet bombing would be taking place tonight, telling people without water to got to certain places where their names would be collected so that water could be restored as soon as possible.
It had been six weeks since the surrender, and quite a few people had probably died from no water, and in the hospitals, quite a few people had undoubtedly died from a lack of fresh water and from no power. But that was what happened when idiots managed to get your country flattened from orbit.
Daniel began pressing buttons, bringing the fusion generators online deep inside the hearts of his project. Additionally, those generators, as one was capable of running all seven plants at minimal capacity, would start providing power to hospitals as the first priority.
He grinned as, for the first time in six weeks, lights came up on the horizon. A job well done.
Somewhere in the Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
WLR-0034 moved in a straight line. That was all it knew how to do, all it could do, at least in terms of movement.
But then, straight lines were good for wire laying robots. It was moving towards a nearby farming village, cutting up the ground in front of it, spooling out its power cables, and then replacing the dirt as it went by.
A week ago it had left the power plant that Capsule Corp had installed, and would reach its destination by morning, and a few hundred more people would have power restored to them. If there had been an ability for WLR-0034 to smile, it might have.
Instead, it merely reported its progress.
28-08-2004, 07:52
The world had ended for Allanea: Steele looked around the virtually deserted city, his trained eye picking up (and even admiring) the precision in which the FSP laid waste to this once proud people
OOC: The "battle" was spearheaded by Zero-One, and most of the smiting and laying to waste was done by Zero-One, with some help and threats from others.
OOC: That money is getting sent to AFB's bank account in menelmacar.
Gawdly, Kazasnky has been the elected President of Allanea before the war. :)
<<OOC: apologies for the historical screw-ups, there is LOTS of history here and I did try to read as much as I could before getting involved. Steeles confusion on the true facts can be attributed to many things, such as poor reporting and intel.>>
<<OOC 2: FSP, I am neither dead nor captured. I believe that would be for Allanea to decide, as it IS his thread. BUT, as usual, the FSP decides the future of others, in character and out. There are many ways to bypass blockades, and I never wrote that my ship had come anywhere near your forces. I never indicated HOW I got on the planet.>>
<<OOC 3: Allanea, if you would prefer I withdraw from this thread, it will be my pleasure. Anyone else that it isn't happy really has no say in the matter.>>
The Island States
28-08-2004, 13:46
OOC: Just to clarify where TIS State Industry money is going, it's going to the ABF.
<<3. Gawdly, thank you. In no way do I have a problem with you. I am sorry if you took any of my comments personally. >>
<<OOC: No problemo, Allanea: I'm just tired of people deciding your future. As you can see from the many offers of aid, so do many others.>>
The large security expert watched the watchers. Their camoflage was excellent, top-notch as most of the FSP technology was. Unluckily for them, Steele's own gear was just as good. He chuckled to himself, thinking that they must shop at the same store as he did.
He had tracked the movements of Taggart fairly closely, and knew that she was nearby. As he was about to make his final move to approach her, Steele had almost stumbled upon the sniper team, and thankfully detected them before they saw him. He now had them lined up in his sights, and a simple squeeze would be all it would take to turn the pair into ground beef.
<<OOC: FSP, I could've trashed 'em. I didn't. Play nice.>>
Dagny Taggart smiles at the Weyr representative. “I believe there’s a Taggart office nearby.” She turns towards the men on the station. “I am Dagny Taggart.”
The crowd cheers. Unlike in many countries, Allaneans like businessmen, and Dagny was especially popular – probably due to her feminine appeal. And today, her ABF badges have made her even more so. “Does anybody know whether the local Taggart office is still around?”
“Yes, Miss Taggart!” – multiple voices shout out.
“Good. I am going there with this Weyrian. In Axackal, we have several trains ready with supplies the ABF bought. As you know, the world hates the big dog and loves the underdog. Now that we’re the underdog, more people are helping us. The Edolians have allowed us to send ten billion dollars in food and agricultural supplies through Axackal. They did not send anything of their own yet”
Chuckles are heard in the crowd.
“In several hours, one hundred train cars full of food will be here. I want you to help unload them.”
The crowd cheers.
“Now, let’s go.” She nods to the Weyrian.
OOC: Beautiful.
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-08-2004, 16:52
[size=1]OOC: A few problems I’ve spotted, and have just now had time to address.
Firstly, Weyr. FSP seized the bank accounts in the last thread as a consequence of the Allanean surrender. Well, 44 billion of it, anyway. Seen here.
Secondly, anyone else attempting to arrive in Allanea without permission will be shot down, no questions asked. I hope that’s clear enough for you.
Ok...just forget about my involvement if you would.
LRR: FSP probably will let you in, he lets in all aid transports.
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-08-2004, 16:57
LRR: FSP probably will let you in, he lets in all aid transports.
OCC: Oh. Well...I'd like to hear it from him first. One time I really screwed up someone's RP by coming in willy-nilly.
Due to the request for aid, we have earmarked $2 billion for Allanea for use in any operations that may need funding.
If there is any more need for funding or additional support, please let us know.
With regards from the Emperor,
Alex Hamilton
Treasury Secretary
He was still grumbling even as the beauty of the Earth spun gracefully below him; even as the fire of the atmosphere ignited as his vessel cut through it without touching the roiling gases that were thrown away in his wake; even as he checked his course back, heading towards his target.
The X# handled like a dream, as usual. The lithe little fighter with no wings was the stealthiest vessel to hand - and it was cramped, tiny. Small enough to hide in the countryside.
For the first time, S-29 broke into the tiniest of little itty bitty smiles. That had rhymed.
He knew, however, that - if things stayed as they were - FSP sensors would detect him in... twenty-six seconds.
Now this was the tricky bit; FSP would not pin him as an ICEL fighter, as he was not transmitting FOF ack codes.
He wasn't carrying weapons.
He flicked the switch at twenty-four seconds and hoped.
The lights immediately went out inside the fighter; his displays went dead, and the X# became a rock-glider.
It interacted with the air - something it didn't usually do. But this also meant that there wasn't the doppler-effect: the method by which the craft would be detected, even with her MI cores running cool. The intense EM fields around the vessel, no matter how 'slowly' she was 'thrusting', tended to gnarl the radar signal in a particular way. Although the return was similar in stature to a sparrow - due to the shape and smoothness of the skin of the X#, rather than due to the vacuum-effect of the MI fields - if the equipment was properly set up, the so-called doppler-effect would allow the radar operative to pinpoint the X#.
Which wasn't good.
S-23 hated the fact that he couldn't see a damned thing. For all he knew, he was about to plunge into... whatever was beneath him right now. Hopefully his velocity had been high enough to carry him on for some way - although the X# wasn't designed to fly, ironically enough for an aircraft.
He counted. Five... four... three... two... one.
Flicked the switch again; he was alarmed to note that his altitude was now just 1,200 feet, but, assuming that the system actually came online fully...
He heaved a sigh of relief as he was buffeted wildly for a moment - the MI cores had fired up properly, and atmosphere had been forced away from the skin of the ship. He noted that hull temperature was relatively high as a result of the maneuver, and hoped it had been worth it; they'd probably still noted his signature at range, but it would've vanished briefly at the border point. He wasn't sure if they'd shoot at him - but he was sure that the people below-
-he was passing over a small village at the moment-
-would most definitely be looking up at the bright white light flashing across the sky and wondering. The X# was in 'disguise' mode, now; they had used this method elsewhere, making the populace and the local military - whatever form it took - believe that they were being visited by 'UFOs'. For some reason, the word implied 'aliens' to foreigners - but S-23 was almost certain the letters stood for 'Unidentified Flying Object'. That's what his foreign jargon type book said, anyway. It had some long-winded title in English, but he couldn't remember it offhand.
Language was always difficult when on a mission in a foreign country, he reflected. This mission required intimate knowledge of two languages: English and Russian. S-23 spoke and thought in perfect Russian - the language seemed a little similar to Nenyan in some ways - but he could only speak English. That had almost lost him the mission - but his willingness to do insane things had got him through.
And that little stunt several minutes back had certainly been a major stunt. He didn't seem to have been painted by Federation targeting systems, he noted as he glanced at the display - which was good. Nor were they contacting him.
There had always been the hope that FSP would note the solitary fighter but decide to quietly contact the ICEL government - or just ignore it and assume it was friendly.
The latter was of course preferable - the former far more likely. ICEL would explain that an IDFI agent had been dispatched to Allanea on 'anti-intel' operations - which was true enough. He was here to ensure other nations didn't exploit the situation: he was to uncover and eliminate all and any other foreign intel groups.
If this proved difficult, he was authorized to request further assistance; there were four more agents sitting pretty in fighters in orbit, just waiting. In fact, there were sixteen agents assigned to this - the largest expenditure of RISE resources in some time.
RISE, Ruthen Iant Serke Esgal - the 'angry bridge of hidden blood' - had originally been a highly-trained revolutionary unit working out of Barad Aelin. Not much had really changed; Barad Aelin was still the center of operations for RISE, and still nobody had even noticed its existance. It was in an extremely obvious place - but only one individual had ever stumbled inside unwittingly... and he had been recruited.
S-23 was not that man. S-23 had been recruited nearly thirty years ago - he had been one of the first. He had never held high rank in the organisation, and had never wanted to - not even after they had become a legitimate government organisation (albeit one that almost nobody in the government knew existed - and those who did were actually members anyway). Technically, RISE ran under a different operational name, and was a Nenyan Intelligence Organisational Umbrella Agency setup. NIOUA was responsible for overseeing all intel operations outside IDFI; they generally worked with regards to external intelligence, not internal operations - which was Imperial Defence Force Intelligence's prime concern.
S-23 still believed in the cause; the cause was harmony and stability, and the ends justified the means. He had killed several persons, but felt no remorse regarding their deaths; they had all caused the deaths of many others, and, although their deaths were regrettable - and had been unavoidable - he did not find he minded overmuch. There was the possibility that they ought not to have died when they had, but he could not help that now.
He set down the X# carefully at the site discovered before the MISATmk1b had been removed and replaced with the m1a; nestled between two hills several kilometres outside Heston-City, there was a small depression near the hill wall to the north. There the X# fitted snugly, until he could find a safer place to stow it.
Popping the cockpit open - in fact, as it was not transparent but metallic and carefully scored, the inner segment folded down into a special compartment, and the now-thinner outer segment followed suit. The score lines were in different places on each segment, with reinforcements behind to ensure that, should the X# interact with atmosphere, the cockpit visor doesn't tear.
It had worked, thankfully. This once, a small voice warned from the back of his mind.
He set to work unpacking his gear from the small modified weapons bay that now served as a small cargo holder; he removed his few sets of clothes - some looked exceptionally smart, as far as Allanean eyes went, but most of these clothes were quite tatty and wouldn't have been out of place on a rag doll.
Indeed, the Nenyan wore rags now, pretty much, by his own nation's standards: a tattered old t-shirt that had probably once been white but was now quite grey-brown with dirt, and flannel trousers that were ripped at one knee and at his backside.
The clothes gave the impression that he had nothing else - or if he did, it was worse than this.
The smell would further serve to keep people from coming too close - at first. Firstly, he had to reach the city, however. Activating the defence system on board the X# - it would let off peals of ultrasound designed to knock nearby individuals unconscious - he set out for the city at a brisk pace; hopefully, by the time he arrived, he'd be hobbling a little.
[OOC: Allanea, FSP, please let me know via IRC if there are any errors/things to be corrected, and I'll do so straightaway pronto etc. :)]
28-08-2004, 18:47
<TRANSMISSION Opens, Diplomatic (Trade) Encrypt>
<TO: QUEEN S.H.O.D.A.N., Q01>
Queen S.H.O.D.A.N.,
We’ve slowly been coming to realize over the last few weeks that our current forces are not anywhere near enough to completely police the Federation Territory of Allanea. And we thought that you might be able to provide a solution in the form of two million Sec-2 ‘bots, equipped for heavy policing duties.
Furthermore, we would like to open negotiations for corporations in Zero-One helping with the reconstruction of Allanea.
I look forward to seeing your representative at the conference.
<Communications to Cortana>
<< Easily done. A lease agreement of ten thousand standard Universal Standard Dollars per robot per year will do quite nicely; this price is up to debate and emergency reduction if the situation calls for it. Our production lines will also remain open just in case the size of the order needs to be increased. They will be delivered in FSP livery immediately.
<< 01MC is willing to assist in the reconstruction efforts; that can be a further issue for the upcoming conference.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
Sentient Peoples
28-08-2004, 22:14
LRR: I was trying to point out by saying anyone else before that I was letting everyone in stay in. So feel free to wander about fixing stuff. My troops are only going to shadow you unless you start building weapons or something silly.
Gawdly: Since you posted nothing about actually entering the country, I am forced to make the assumption that you attempted a landing directly in Allanea. Personally, I’ll let you off this time and won’t ignore your uber-spy-specops guy who’s interfering in a situation you had no previous interest in.
Perimeter around Dagny Taggert, Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
Lance Corporal Stewart cursed softly as the crowd began to speak all at once, the volume not toning down fast enough to compensate and hurting her ears slightly. She watched as they moved into the building, and sighed softly, flipping to another enhanced mode of view, letting the sound sensors pick up the conversation inside, along with the movements on the visual.
It was a very nice piece of equipment, but unfortunately, her focus on the meeting meant that she missed quite a few things going on around her.
* * * * *
Unfortunately for Mister Steele, Lance Corporal Stewart was not the only member of the Federation Ground Forces deployed to the immediate area. There were, in fact, four such teams spread around the area, all the best marksmen and women in the platoon. And, of course, the rest of the platoon was only moments away in the ubiquitous Hydora IFVs.
And so, Steele’s focus on Stewart would be his downfall, if he focused too much, since the active camouflaged vehicles were patrolling the perimeter, and their sensors would see right through the active camouflage. Assuming they did not miss him completely and run over him. The gravity distortion fields did bad things to human anatomy if they happened to run over one.
You see, the Federation did its best to keep itself abreast of the developments in Allanea, and to protect resources that might be useful. Dagny Taggert was one such resource.
And Steele, should he be caught with the weapon he was carrying, was a dead man. And if he remained where he was, it was only a matter of time. Of course, if he moved, he would be even easier to detect and track.
Zero-One Landing Area, Federation Territory of Allanea, FSP
A sea of black stretched out across the flat, barren plain. Hundreds of acres of hemp fields this had been at one point, now it was something else. Now it was a staging area.
Two million Zero-One Security-2 Combat Robots stood in perfectly straight lines, painted the midnight black of the Federation’s Field Uniform, the Sword and Stars painted on the right shoulder, an Allanean Territory Security Patch painted on the left.
Two million emotionless killing machines. If Kazansky had been worried about jackbooted stormtroopers before, he had no reason to worry now. Sec-2’s did not wear clothing. Two thousand ground force personnel surrounded the Sec-2’s with lists, or more specifically, with two numbers. Those two numbers were the starting and ending designation of the unit of ‘bots they would take with them to distribute throughout the country.
General Carolyn Croft, Commanding Officer, Allanean Occupation Forces, Commanding Officer, Sixth Army, wandered down the front of the ranks of robots, looking over those she could see, then turned to the single robot with any other insignia at all. A single star on its neck indicated that it was the SIDE, with the courtesy rank of Brigadier General. “So, Brigadier R-Just Scapel, your troops are very impressive.”
“My friends call me Howe, ma’am. And we do our best.” The reply came back softly from the two meter tall robot towering over Croft.
Croft smiled. “Very well, Brigadier Howe. I must say the paint jobs look impressive.” She handed the towering ‘bot an electronic note pad. “That should contain all the information you need to distribute the troops.”
The robot looked down and ran through all the information faster than even an enhanced human such as Croft could not have comprehended it, and as it handed the note pad back, it looked at her. “We’re ready when you are, General.”
“Very well, Brigadier. Move out.” As she finished the words, the bots surged into motion, each moving towards its designated commander for the time being, ready to deploy throughout Allanea. “And Brigadier, if you’d be so kind as to accompany me to headquarters, we can monitor the deployment.”
“Of course, ma’am.”
“Howe, call me Carolyn.”
“Of course, Carolyn.”
DataNets, C-space, Everywhere
<TRANMISSION Opens, ICEL-FSP Alliance Military Encrypt>
<TO: ICEL Defense Command, ICEL>
<FROM: ANGLACHEL, Command EI, S.P.S.S. Anglachel, FSP>
<RE: ATMOSPHERIC Disturbance>
To those it concerns,
I monitored in the last few moments the presence of an X# interceptor craft entering the airspace of the Federation Allanean Territory. This is routine query regarding its intentions and purpose.
Thank you,
@FSP: Thank you. I got horribly confused after wading through the simultaneous postage....so...you got forty billion, and I got Another forty billion (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6840981&postcount=17). Interesting...
Weyrean machinery operated smoothly only when private corporations were involved. Both Paradigm prefecture and the Integrated Automotive Consortium wanted to get rid of old equipment, and were willing to pay for it.
To: Commonwealth Federation of Sentient Peoples
From: the Weyrean Board of Estimates, Wye City
Re: Seizure of funds, et cetera
It has recently come to our attention that a net sum of forty-four billion universal standard dollars have been seized by your government while en route to Allanea from a private organization that has refused to specify its reasons for moving the said amount of money. We request that the said funding not be returned to that organization, and that any attempts by the said organization to reclaim those funds be forwarded to the Weyrean Board of Estimates.
Since you are now leading the reconstruction of the entity of Allanea, the Board of Estimates would like to donate several hundred thousand pieces of railroad equipment and manufactory machinery for the rebuilding of Allanean industry.
Murrow shrugged, decided to follow Taggart.
Cash transferred to Menelmacari bank account belonging to Allaneans for a Better Future. The Federation appears to be clamping down on travel, so it looks like we are stuck here.
The Paradigm Prefecture Associated Mining Alliance (PPAMA)’s nulltropy rail yard was filled with useless machinery that would have to be removed, one way or another. Scores of automated track generators, hulking machines that could lay miles of rail tracks and support lines ranging from maglev to standard gauge, loomed forlornly over smaller locomotives and rail cars. In thirty years, Paradigm’s mining and construction industries had brought enough money into the prefecture that the entire transportation network was scrapped in favor of leyline steamers and skycraft. The old machines would either be dumped in another nation, or used as raw fuel for patterning machines.
The old Taggart office was still standing, despite the bombardment. Like a legendary hero of old, it has withstood even the worst calamity to continue serving the Taggart family. And when the power system died, Taggart Transcontinental’s own, underground backup reactor kicked into life, powering the office. It had enough power in it to feed the enire line – but there was no line to feed, and the reactor was only being used to one per cent of its capacity.
On the fifth floor of that office, a large screen lit up. Taggart and a few surviving employees turned on a large screen, showing the network of old Taggart lines.
“I believe our first priority is restoring rail traffic and food supply between the major cities. Second is support of the big industries.Further, we need to deploy one of these track generators to restart the big East-West railroad, which crosses Allanea from the Corrheian border to the South-Western Shore. Any other suggestions?”
Heston-city, Allanea
The massive mettalic snake of the train ran into the city. The silver letters TT glinted on the front of the train. Hundreds of men, starved and ragged, cheered. Once the doors of the large cargo cars were flung open, people dressed in what was recognisable as Allanean military camo began giving out bread. Off the flatcars of the back of the train, several tractors were taken off and into the nearest farms. Even before they finished unloading the train, a second one spent past the terminal and onwards into Allanea. And then someone noticed the large banner on the side of the locomotive: “This transport arranged by Allaneans for a Better Future”. And somenone in the crowd shouted:
‘The President sent it! Long live the President!’
And the crowd cheered.
Port Allanea
[I]Dagny shuddered as she looked at the great city. It was hit far harder than other parts of Allanea, and many of it’s famous skyscrapers were now nothing more then ruins.
“God thank Weyr for those track-building machines!” – said Jonathan Reznik, her assistant.
“No, Reznik. We should thank them ourselves.” – smiled Dagny.
Weyr’s ultra-fast track generators were making short work of the transportation problem. At a speed of sixty kilometers per hourt, they crossed all of Allanea from east to west in sixty hours. Now, almost all of Allanea’s major population centers were linked to the railroad.
And Taggart did more than that. Taggart transcontinentals private reactors linked Heston-city and Port-Allanea to the electric grid, too. Bread, tractors, repair crews were rushing on the railroad in all directions.
“The right direction,” smiled Dagny. “The right direction”
Another train rushed into Heston-city. Another load of food. Medicine. Resources. ABF was receiving donations all the time, but since the Federation – posing as the lawful ruler of the land – made no effort to rebuild past stringing some wires to reactors supplied by the efforts of, again, ABF, rebuilding was going to be difficult.
OOC: The old thread seems to have died.
<<OOC: Sentient Peoples: Allanea told me that you wouldn’t have any problem with this. If you do, either tell me what’s wrong or TG me. I don’t want to get into any technical issues, since I play postmodern tech (the same as Allanea did until just before this… incident. Since I mostly want to RP economically in Allanea, I don’t think there should be any technology disparities. Hope all this is acceptable.>>
Decree of the Impërator 9964
Approved by Parliament by a vote of 261-212 on June 26, 20??
The East Allanea Company
The Impërator of the Socialist Empire of Edölia, on behalf of the People and of Parliament, hereby authorizes the creation the East Allanea Company (EAC), owned by the Edolian government, but run as an independent and semi-autonomous corporation. The Deputy Minister of Economics Jön von Erburg will serve as the Company’s acting President and liaison between the government and the EAC. He will have all the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Company Charter but all major financial decisions will be subject to the approval of the Impërator. The government of the Socialist Empire reserves the right to access funds belonging to the EAC.
Upon the creation of the EAC, the government of the Socialist Empire of Edölia awards the company the equivalent of $52.5 billion (USD standard) in operating funds. It also gives the EAC the right to purchase recreational narcotics from the Edolian Ministry of Narcotics at base production price and grants the EAC full authority to sell these narcotics on the Allanean market. Furthermore, the Ministry of Economics is authorized and required to oversee the formation of the company and is authorized to spend $1.5 billion (USD standard) for the oversight of this formation. If found to be profitable, the Parliament of the Socialist Empire is granted the authority to designate more funds to the EAC for use in continuing its operations.
The EAC is also granted the right to purchase any and all Edolian-produced agricultural goods from the government at base production cost for use in operations. More similar rights will be granted based on the need as the EAC expands operations.
Goals of the East Allanea Company
The main goal of the EAC is to facilitate Edölia’ s investment and aid in the Federation Territory of Allanea (FTA). The EAC is required to be a profitable corporation, while at the same time, investment in Allanea is key to its success. The sale of narcotics into the FTA will be solely used as a way of increasing the investment money of the EAC and to facilitate the purchase of farmland in South Allanean Axackal (SAA). As the vast majority of farmland in this area was growing cannabis, it is economically unviable to switch over completely to a completely produce-based economy. Nevertheless, to fulfil the responsibility of the EAC, the company is required to run 70% of all SAA land to grow consumable vegetables and fruit. The remaining 30% of the land can be used for the growth of cannabis and other narcotics for sale into Allanea.
The EAC is required to cooperate with the Federation of Sentient Peoples (FSP) in order to more easily facilitate the development and reconstruction of SAA and obey all the laws enforced by the FSP. Further endeavors within Allanea should be discussed with FSP authorities to guarantee their legitimacy.
The list of faces at the East Allanea Company’s first business meeting was impressive. Most of Edölia’s top economic minds were in attendance. Art von Fraust scanned the room. At the head of the table sat Jön von Erburg, the EAC’s president and one of Edölia’s most successful Deputy Ministers of Economics. He was almost certainly slated to replace Wang Xiaoping at the top of the ministry once the venerable economist retired. To his right sat Gerard von Eflöt, who, among other things, had engaged in the negotiations that had won Edölia exclusive pornography distribution rights to the Iuthian military. Liu Yundi was one of Edölia’s most successful semi-private entrepreneurs and had made some $45 million –a massive fortune in classless Edölia- in Axackal as it transitioned into a free market zone. Since it’s return to the normal Edolian economic structure after the UnAPS-Allanean War, his businesses had mostly been absorbed by the state, although he still managed most of them and it was well-known that he was one of Edölia’s richest men. The list went on and on. Von Fraust himself was one of the relatively minor characters. A young man, he had attended the Blätterschplitt Academy of Economics and was considered something of a prodigy in taking advantage of the Allanean free-market system, working for foreign companies distributing Edolian goods into the country in technical violation of the Edolian trade embargo. Although technically illegal, his actions were not unusual and generally the Edolian government looked the other way. Especially successful entrepreneurs like him generally got cushy government contracts, a position of the EAC board of directors being one of them –they were all expected to make a cool two million bucks in this venture. Art von Fraust was brought back to reality by the sound of the president clearing his throat.
“Comrades.” He smiled ironically. “Capitalists.” The board laughed ironically. Art wasn’t sure if the president was serious or not. He was a major government deputy minister, so he wasn’t likely to be a radical capitalist. “We have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. Allanea, our patria’s mortal enemy, lies open to us. Our economic prospects are unlimited. We can take advantage of Allanea to our heart’s content, reaping profits for the Scarlet Empire and for ourselves.” The board members exchanged smiled. “Unfortunately, comrades, we cannot quite take that opportunity.” All eyes were on him. “For a number of reasons, our esteemed lord and sovereign, the Impërator Erik von Blätterschplitt has decreed that besides making money hand over foot, we are to help the Allanean people. Although I do not fully agree with him, I obey, and it is necessary that we maintain our humanitarian program, helping to rebuild Eastern Allanea.” Liu Yundi raised his hand and the president nodded to him.
“So what should I take this policy to mean? No exploitation of Allanean workers? What?”
“Listen, Liu,” von Erburg said, his voice neutral, “our mission is threefold: help the Allaneans, bring money to the Scarlet Empire and enrich ourselves. Those goals can and should be accomplished together. However…” he winked at Liu, “perhaps some of these goals are a bit more important than the others and in order to accomplish one of them, some of the others have to go on the wayside. It’s all a matter of seeing what we can do here. You’re all the experts in capitalism. I trust that you’ll make the right judgments. Anyway…” he stood up in his seat, “you’ll all be in charge of different sectors of the business. At the start, we’ll mostly be working with narcotics, dealing into Allanea in order to get up enough funds to work into other industries, but I expect that we will be able to do well with pornography. We should also be able to take advantage of Allanea’s previous industries in the region. They’ve got a lot of factories going to waste that we can buy up. Southern Allanean Axackal really doesn’t have much besides their agriculture, but they have a reasonably significant automotive industry. That’s where you, Liu, come in. You” –he turned to Gerard von Eflöt- “will be managing our buy-up of Allanea automotive industry. You’ll also be dealing with our relations with the FSP government. We want to keep everything friendly. We want to make it very clear that we have no intention on crashing on their turf. The Impërator has expressed to me that he’s pretty sure that they can keep Allanea under their thumb for a while and there’s no need for us to help them out. In that regard, we shouldn’t have any trouble.” He turned to some of the other members. “I’m going to keep this brief, so you’ll all be receiving your orders over e-mail. The only other person I want to address in this meeting is Comrade von Fraust.” Art raised his head in surprise. “I’ve read about what you’ve done, distributing goods around, selling to one country, buying up other goods and distributing to Allanea. I’ve got to say that’s it’s damn impressive. A man like you can sell pretty much whatever he likes. That’s why I want you to head up a team of sales agents going into the rest of Allanea. You’ll be making connections, keeping things tight with the locals. Your knowledge of English will come in handy as well. You should be able to pass yourself off as a local and distribute to the dealers, who, at this time, should be pretty damn desperate to get their hands on the real stuff. You’ll get a more detailed description of your job in the mail. Well,” he smiled, “any general questions?”
To: The relevant Federation of Sentient Peoples Allanean authorities
From: Vice-President of the East Allanea Company Liu Yundi
Subject: Economic Coöperation
“On behalf of the Impërator Erik von Blätterschplitt and the president of the newly-formed East Allanea Company, I wish to meet with a relevant FSP trade minister to discuss economic coöperation between our two nations in respect to the Federation Territory of Allanea. As one of Allanea’s geographic neighbors, we see it in our economic interest that they are returned to economic strength, but also that they are kept under the dominion of the Federation. To that aim, my employers have expressed interest in investing in Southeastern Allanea, and rebuilding that sector. While I will not disguise that our aim is also to make money, I believe that we could be of great use in developing Allanea back into an economically viable part of the Federation. As it is, the country is wracked with unemployment and economic depression. Their once-impressive industry is now in massive disrepair, and to be honest, the funds flowing in from other countries are not anywhere near enough to repair Allanea any time in the near future. Edölia is willing to invest massive funds in the long run, both for humanitarian work and for our own financial interest. Of course it would be impossible for us to successfully complete the task at hand without the blessing and approval of the government in control of Allanea, namely the Federation of Sentient Peoples. I hope that we will be able to come to an agreement in our upcoming meeting.
Liu Yundi; Vice President of the East Allanea Company of Edölia
Sentient Peoples
30-08-2004, 06:53
Allanea, I’ve had it with your crap.
It has been seven days since this started. Seven DAYS.
I don’t care what time scale you bloody well play at. That’s not enough to rebuild a country, even a little bit. I’ve posted, not counting this post, exactly 14 times in the last seven days. Of those, 7 have been about Allanea, and the majority of those are those are composed of direct answers to people’s posts or IC messages.
You have posted 29 times. All have been about Allanea and your rebuilding. That’s four times as often as I have. Rebuilding you don’t actually have the money for, whatever you seem to think.
So let’s go from the assumption that it has been seven days. Weyr’s laid one track across your country. Power is on in half the country, and 95+% has running water again. A few hundred civilians are dead, maybe a couple thousand.
We go with seven weeks. It took me six weeks to get the water running again. That’s half million dead in a country the size of Allanea.
We up it to seven years. Seven Years without power or water. In a country twice the size of modern China, and as technologically acclimatized as the modern day US, at middle class levels. Do you know how many dead that is? That’s 100 MILLION dead, conservatively.
You clue me in, and let me catch my posting up to your time scale. Or you can keep losing ten or fifteen million people a day, including no new population growth, or at least, negligible.
I can play this however you want, though. It’s your choice.
But you either need to think through everything, or give me time to post what I’m doing, since unlike some people I don’t spout out posts like a SPAM Factory produces filled cans, before you keep repeating your mantra of the Federation is doing nothing.
If you want me to, and you want to play a year to a day, I’ll make a timeline of what would have been repaired when, what events occurred when in the last seven ‘years’. Or we can do this my way. I don’t care which, but I need a clue in on what it is you think you’re doing.
I hope I’ve been clear enough for you.
So I didn't have the money... Interesting... Interesting... Apart from the 100 billion donated by Iron blood, 40 Billion donated by Weyr in form of trains and money, 1 billion donated by Feline, 750 million donated by one of the UNAPS nations, all of which went to the AFB budget.
Assuming the six-week scale.
Weyr sent in several dozens rail generator which he says lay rail at 60 kilometers per hour. That means one rail generator can lay 4,000 kilometers of rail in 66 hours - 3 days (slightly less, but I account for delays). That means, assuming they've been working for 3 days, that 40 rail generators could have laid 100,000 miles - one hundred thousand miles of rail. Allanea is 4,000 kilometers wide, east to west. Thank you.
Also, if the water and power where restored in the first 6 weeks, why do death from lack of water continue after that.
Further, I would estimate the amount of deaths from startvation at about 400,000, only so low because of the survivalist/militia crap that is so common in Allanea - and the resulting propensity of Allaneans to keep emergency supplies of ammunition, MRE's, fuel, and other necessities. Heck, the FEMA of Allanea generally instructs them to do it.
Furthr, my posts about how the Federation is doing nothing are IC. What do you expect IC Allaneans to be saying, anyway?
P,S. Waiting for you on IRC.
P.S.S. Can we use 1 day = 1 month? Seems good to me.
Official Transmission from AFB to the Weyr Government
Would you be so kind as to help us with some form of highway/road reconstruction?
Steele was in trouble.
Despite the fact that the troops around him were top-notch and with training and expertise that rivalled his own Razor squad, Steele had noticed at least two other rover-teams floating around the periphery of his vision. He assumed there had to be others as well. He could not risk taking down the sniper team in front of him, simply because it would draw too much firepower from the others. Steele had to move, to get somewhere safe and re-evaluate his plan, and even the whole mission.
From the beginning, the big security man had harboured doubts about his mission to Allanea. Intel had been sketchy at best, yet his sense of honor had caused him to take actions nonetheless. One of his personal weaknesses, Steele often acted before thinking. He needed to get somewhere safe and get more answers, and he needed to talk to the elusive Ms.Taggart.
Quickly and efficiently, Steele stripped off most of his weaponry, disabling the power sources to render them useless. For the next few minutes, he quietly scraped a hole beneath him, large enough to take his gear and deep enough not to be noticed by the less-than-casual observer. He covered the hole, and pushed some rocks and dirt around it for camoflage. He kept only a standard hunting knife with him, as well as his paperwork.
For all intents and purposes, Darius Steele was on Allenea purely for diplomatic purposes, as the representative for Gawdly in charge of trade. His paperwork and identification were flawless, and indicated that he had been on the planet before the war with Zero-One, FSP and the alliance broke out. If caught or questioned by any of the occupying forces, Darius would simply be yet another foreign paper-pusher, trapped in Allanea through no fault of his own, looking for a way home.
Steele crawled away slowly, keeping low to the ground. He did so for a long time, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the soldiers he had been watching. When he felt a safe distance had been reached, he stood up and began walking towards the city proper.
OCC:Yaug! I went on vacation! I'll guess i'll have my character arrive at the Taggart office and have him help unload the train. I'll post later.
Lunatic Retard Robots
30-08-2004, 21:46
The inspection teams first head for agricultural fields. The large trucks extend tall antennas, which make 3-D maps of the area, showing the large craters.
The land is covered with dead plants, uprooted by shock waves. Hopefully, within the year they would decompose and fertilize the land. The inspectors get out maps of the area, looking for any rivers that they could divert to flood the fields.
Back in LRR, environmental physicists go about designing an irrigation system for Allanea's crops.
To the Allanean government
The Imperium of Ruskkia has steam locomotives and rolling stock to spare, plus is willing to build more if the demand is high enough. We'll talk about pay when your contry is back on its feet, besides we'll accept five Ruskkie Pounds for each item of rolling stock and each locomotive.
One other thing, the locomotives and rolling stock have the Ruskkie Imperial Eagle on them. Do you wish for them to be painted over?
Regent Edmund Vermillion
Imperium of Ruskkia
Foe Hammer
30-08-2004, 22:57
Dagny smiled faintly as she looked at the Weyr representative. Oh, if those help-offerers where there several months ago, when Allanea got attacked! But one did not look a gift horse in the eye. Allanea needed the help, now more than ever.
“It is arguable whether the damage to Allanea will ever be repaired…” continued Cecil. “Aww, shut up.” replied Dagny. He did not, continuing to rant about the cruelty of the Martians, but she did not listen. She knew it was true, anyway.
“Good day, Mr. Murrow.” She said as she got off the train. “We have heard of your donations. We suggest you get them to our bank account in Menelmacar. Tell me, will your government be also able to send us some gold, as well? I hear it’s of little value in Weyr.”
Encrypted Response from Allaneans for A Better Future to LRR
Currently, Allanea is under control of the invaders of FSP. However, we, Allaneans of A Better Future, an organisation composed from ex-members of the Allanean government are cooperating with the FSP to the end of the reconstruction of Allanean civilian infrastructure. The main priorities should be, in our opinion, the urgent reconstruction of the railways in Allanea, and the re-seeding of our hemp and cotton fields, to prevent hunger and unemployment, respectively.”
I'll modify this rant a bit for the younger folk.
This rant has been approved for all audiences.
http://www.mpaa.org/images/movieratings/G(small)-01.gif (http://www.mpaa.org)
{Censoring System Online. Censoring streaming data...}
Allanea, would you just shut the (front door) already? No body seems to give a flying (front door) about the Martians shooing you off of Liang's territory.
Sitting there and moping, whining, crying and generally feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to rebuild Allanea, and certainly won't return you to sovereignty any sooner. Show that you're a big boy and just shove it aside and focus on the tasks at hand.
I don't believe you've seen what happened to young (one-RL-month old) Foe Hammer. Foe Hammer ended up prematurely striking a larger nation in a conflict, and we lost the priviledge of sovereignty. Did I decide to fight the occupation and whine and (female dog) and moan? (Heck) no.
Show that you're responsible and mature enough to handle things on your own.
OOC: The same thing happened to me in 2003. I fought the occupation (edolia). I won. And, no, it wasn't Liang's land. It was MY land. Now get the front door off my thread. :)
Foe Hammer
30-08-2004, 23:14
Well, still, taking into account the amount of people who'd like to see you tethered down in a room with padded walls, trying to make them feel bad is the least of your worries. My friendly advice is, just focus on rebuilding your nation and people will respect you alot more for your ability to just move on. :)
Alrighty, I'll get the front door out, but I need a screwdriver to take off the hinges first.
31-08-2004, 00:52
OOC: The same thing happened to me in 2003. I fought the occupation (edolia). I won. And, no, it wasn't Liang's land. It was MY land. Now get the front door off my thread. :)
No, it was land that belonged to the Martian people, and it's that kind of attitude that got you beat down in the first place.
Now, I suggest you follow the restrictions on your military that were put in place, no sense having a repeat.
Sentient Peoples
31-08-2004, 06:16
OOC: Since there is no possible way I can catch up by trying to write IC posts to deal with an eight month discrepancy in the timeline, I’m going to have to do this OOC. This will have a slightly in character slant to it, just so that my positions are obvious.
Day Zero:
Attempted land grab results in annihilation of Allanean Martian Colony, followed by obliteration of the Allanean Space Navy, and then the bombardment of Allanea and all territories and world wide units by Zero-One Forces. This results in the complete and utter elimination of the Allanean Economic-Political-Military Infrastructure, while leaving intact civilian areas and food agriculture. Allanean Government runs out of the country to hide in Menelmacar and highest ranking remaining national official surrenders Allanea to both the Queendom of Zero-One and the Federation of Sentient Peoples.
Also, The Federation begins its occupation with a Presidential Address.
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=1
Day One:
Federation Troops begin to land in unoccupied areas of Allanea, quickly setting up base camps. Leaflet drops to inform Allanean population of the situation. Both of these begin in the early hours of the morning.
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=1
Attempts by UnAPS to claim Allanean Territory and other nations are denied.
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=37
Kazansky’s First Public Statement since the surrender and the Queendom of Zero-One Press Conference.
Day Two:
Formation of the Federation of Sentient Peoples Territorial Affairs Directorate, and establishment of opening Federation policies towards Allanea. Beginning of reconstruction efforts with robotic construction facilities deployed to Allanea. International Conference on Allanea opens.
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=55
Allanea Government in Exile changes name to Allaneans for a Better Future.
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=57
Days Three to Eight:
Kazansky and the ABF arrange for the purchase of two primary power generators from Capsule Corporation. These are delivered on Day 11 (31 August Game time).
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=63
Food shipments and relocation begin by Military Air Transports.
Conference on the Future of the Allanean Territory begins.
Game Time September (Month One):
Steadily dawning Federation realization that the project of occupying and rebuilding Allanea is larger than considered possible. Construction of replacement power and water grid continues.
Some thousands most likely perish, especially those in hospitals or the elderly, due to lack of electricity and running water. Death toll is lower than expected due to Allanean habit of stockpiling emergency supplies in house.
Civilian administration structure is organized in the Federation and prepared for deployment to Allanea, those portions that are going, of course.
Month Two:
Water and Power are restored to Allanea, and the Federation rents two million Security-2 Combat Robots from Zero-One to help with the occupation and policing effort.
School reform is initiated. Offers are extended to retrain Allanea teachers so that they can teach in the new school system. School reconstruction and remodeling to Federation standard is begun. This includes instructional EI and built in networked computers for all learning areas (desk or table).
http http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6842491&postcount=64
First elements of Local Territorial Government begin arriving.
Kazansky negotiates the donation of the Jericho system from TAR.
Month Three
Allanean Territorial Public School System reopens, two month later than its regular Federation counterpart. Much of the next summer break will be eliminated to make up for the lost time.
Local Federation Government completes arrival. Setup is as follows.
Secretary for the Affairs of the Federation Territory of Allanea – Clarence Burrow
Undersecretary for Allanea Economics and Transportation – Jennifer Darcy
Undersecretary for Security and Policing – General Carolyn Croft
Undersecretary for Education and Healthcare – Angelina Scott
Further, a local area official or LAO is assigned to each area of a million people. Other personnel are of course also included as required. (Secretaries, mail boys, etc.)
Authorization is given for the Allanean local postal service to restart.
Federation companies begin tentative investments in Allanea, mostly related to heavy industry, mining and metals production. Local workers are hired and paid in Federation Credits. Furthermore, Federation Banking Institutions begin investment in Allanea, as banks designed to help deal with the old Allanean gold currency and the electronic Federation Currency are opened.
Month Four:
Further Federation Industry investment in Allanea, including the establishment of a new petroleum processing industry. Again, locals are employed. Oil is imported from Menelmacar on the order of what could become a trillion USD a year.
Further, due to the fuel shortage, Federation designed cheap electrical ground cars are introduced to Allanea. Option is expected to become popular due to the heavy abundance of electricity due to the heavy duty reactor system now operational thanks to the Federation facilities being linked into the main grid, primarily as back ups should something go wrong. Federation imposes a 5% tax on ABF provided power.
Cecil B Demented and Dagny Taggert arrive in Allanea. Under Federation law, they cannot again leave the territory except to travel to the Federation proper. They are assigned military protection details.
Demented is in place to set up ABF funded private schools. The private schools will receive no government funding unless they teach a Federation approved curriculum.
Taggert is responsible for mass transportation reconstruction and arranges the donation of the Weyrian Track Generators for the reconstruction of 1.4 million kilometers of rail lines, plus another 1 million kilometers of depot and track yards. (This number is based off the rail kilometers per capita in the United States and upped to deal with the 9 times larger Allanean population.) Based on the claimed speed of track production, this will take three months.
Month Five:
Jericho System is completed. Somehow. The Federation is uninvolved.
Construction of railways continue. Federation imposes internal movement restrictions to help conserve resources. Continued construction of heavy industrial infrastructure by Federation companies employing Allaneans.
Federation restores primary wireless (radio/television) communications grid throughout the territory. Only Federation based channels and allied networks are broadcast for the time being. Telecommunications companies begin investing in Allanea Territory.
First Allanean private business licenses restored to small business owners, primarily those in transportation and small construction companies. Loans are made to these companies so they can purchase new equipment as needed.
Month Six:
The first of Cecil’s private schools open.
Allanea is opened to foreign investment as opposed to relief aid.
Rail construction is completed approximately two thirds of the way through the month.
Month Seven:
Continued Reconstruction of industrial and transportation infrastructures. Authorization granted for limited major roadway reconstruction.
Further private business licenses are granted to minor corporations, mainly in service industries.
Month Eight:
Federation Agro Corporations authorize hiring of record number of Allaneans to restore the Allanean non-food agricultural economy due to government obstructionism in allowing purchase of agricultural equipment. Production of industrial grade hemp is encouraged to help offset the fuel crisis.
ABF owned television goes on the air through the Jericho system and the Federation rebuilt airwave systems.
Rebuilding of cable communications networks is given a priority in Federation reconstruction efforts, to increase information dissemination.
* * * * *
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I will try to respond to all the IC things as soon as possible, but it might be a day or two.
*sound of the Allanean Anthem*
*a newscaster appears, with the Allanean flag in the background*
'Good day, coming to you from a galaxy far, far away, is the Allanean News Network. Just kidding, actually. This is Jenna Thompson, coming to you straight from Port-Allanea. Today’s news:
As the Federation forces continue their gun-confiscation campaign, violent crime sky-rockets in Allanea, reaching unknown heights. While before the One-Day War, the country was awash in property crime, modern-day Allanea is awash with violent crime, where gun control and poverty mix together to form a deadly concoction. Interestingly, the Federal authorities have only collected about 10,000 firearms so far.
In other news, Cecil B Demented, the Secretary for Education and Culture of Allaneans for a Better future has declared the AFB school system will soon be filled to it’s capacity and has called on Allaneans to home-school their children and avoid having their children, quote, ‘subjected to the brainwashing of the Federation’, unquote. Before the war, one out of every ten children in Allanea was homeschooled.
Allaneans for a Better Future have offered to reduce hunger and unemployment by allowing willing Allaneans to be subjected for a procedure of cryonic suspension for the duration of the emergency situation, while whatever funds they have will be put in savings programs in off-shore banks to allow them a standard of living when they are ‘unfrozen.’ Some of the participants may actually wake up rich, claimed the AFB Secretary for Science. Federation authorities have been unavailable for comment.’
Rumours that President Kazansky is developing an emotional attachment to a citizen of Menelmacar are spread by the yellow press, but as far as we know, he denies the statements vigorously.
”Good day. Today, talking to you from a galaxy far, far away, is Allanean News Network. President Alexander Kazansky has today filed an official request with FSP to begin something known to the public only as Operation Rip Van Winkle. It is yet unknown what that means. Further, the ABF has decided to invest forty more billion dollars to open schools sufficient to house about 3,600,000 children.
Crime is still on the rise in Allanea, as the Federal de-facto firearm ban is taking a heavy toll in human lives.
{DipComComICELDipCorp->FSPFG unenc squirt}
"We could provide assistance regarding the prevention of the proliferation of firearms in Allanea, as we have extensive experience with said, as we are sure the Federation is aware."
~ DipCorps
{end squirt}