NationStates Jolt Archive

A Day For The President Of Quintero

26-08-2004, 05:00
Normal Font- Alexander III
Italic- High Advisor
Underline- Demestic Advisor
Bold- Foreign Advisor

On a beautiful day full of, nice skys, light rain, overcast and snow, the President and advisors have a talk...

In The Morning---

"Lets Play Golf"
"We have work to do, and look at this some nation attacked Jarridia"
"So, that's far away from here, nothings going on here we should play around, look everyone's happy here in Quintero"
"Golf!, i'm so tired of working"
"You never work Bill"
"Shut up!, I have to listen to you all day"
"Look at this, Jews are dieing in Chellis"
"See, that's so far away, who cares? I don't i wanna go and play"
"Hey, we should go ask Maybury *Stifled laughs from the advisors and agents* if he would like to play golf with us."
"Oh my god, him? He sucks at golf, it'd be no fun."
"Hey, He's better than you, even though he is from ViZion. :rolleyes: "
"Fine whatever maybe he'll play tomorrow"


"I'll have a steak well done"
"I'll have a steak too, make it bloody."
"Dude, You all are gonna get fat, my wife put me on a diet *laughter from everyone at the table and the waiter*, i'll have a salad.
"Haha" *President gets up and walks to the restroom*
"Haha, I'll, Oh my god man that's sad, i'll have a BLT."
*Laughter coming from the restroom*
"Okay, I'm back"
"Wha? why are you pants w-"
"Shut up, it's not funny, I have a problem" :mad:
"YOU PISSED YOU PANTS! HAHAHA *snort* *cough* *hack hack*

Later. At the hopital---

"How long was i out?"
"Only a few hours"
"This was stuck in your windpipe" *Holding up a piece of tomato*
"That got stuck in my friggin windpipe?"
"That's what you get for laughing at me"
"You know though, that was pretty funny"
"Oh, I thought of a new bill to pass"

New Bill---
The People Of Quintero now have the right to choose that if in any case of food getting stuck in your windpipe you do not have to pay the restaraunt for that piece of food...

"That's Crap Alex"
"Why?" :confused:
"That's not a law, your just drunk, you need to go to bed"
"But i dont wanna"
"Go Now!"
*tear* "Night, bully"

ViZion, The people of Quintero have great repect for your people. Please become our cherished ally.
26-08-2004, 05:03
OOC: What's your friggin point Quintero??? Your the biggest dork ever... Funny though, but your a dork.

And why do you always laugh at ViZion? haha