What do I look for in a Region?
Any advice on what I should look for in choosing a new region for my nation? I have gotten some invites but I'm new and could use some help.
25-08-2004, 04:55
It depends on what you are.
If you are a pothead, there is 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT.
If you are a Vampire or Half-Blood, Vampirica is my region, and I'm looking for some fresh blood (Not literally, it is a joke.. haha: vampress).
That's the extent of my input, however. I can also suggest looking for random regions in the list of all regions. [click The World, List All Regions]
I guess it depends on YOU...many regions are warlike and will commit you to battles you may not want to fight. Others just hang around (like mine) not fdooing a heck of a lot, but enjoying the RP experience. Of course, you can always create your own region...or join a big one if you like politics.
Lots of choices, all of them yours.
For someone new like you, I'd recommend asking around to find a newbie-friendly region so that you can learn some of the basics of NS. After you've been there awhile, you'll find your favourite parts of NS, and then find a region that matches that.
BTW, welcome to NS, try not to get addicted.
The Horned Rat
25-08-2004, 19:40
Have you decided on a tech level yet? If so, find a corresponding region, maybe an alliance or something like that.
25-08-2004, 20:46
If you're looking for an interesting region to join, which is newbie friendly and experienced friendly, then join New Earth. There's many projects and plans being done for this new region. So at least check it out.
If you are a pothead, there is 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT.
Actually, there's another pro-pot region: the newly founded RFCSN (The Regional Federation of Cannabis Supporting Nations), which was founded by me and another member of the Cannabis Culture Forums (http://www.cannabisculture.com/forums/ubbthreads.php) (The Republic of Cannabias).
We may be a smaller (so far) region than 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT, but we plan to be more high-profile in the UN. Also, after visiting their regional page, I dare to say that the RFCSN is more comitted to legalization than 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT, which tends to be more of a purely "let's smoke and have fun" region.
25-08-2004, 22:59
Actually, there's another pro-pot region: the newly founded RFCSN (The Regional Federation of Cannabis Supporting Nations), which was founded by me and another member of the Cannabis Culture Forums (http://www.cannabisculture.com/forums/ubbthreads.php) (The Republic of Cannabias).
We may be a smaller (so far) region than 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT, but we plan to be more high-profile in the UN. Also, after visiting their regional page, I dare to say that the RFCSN is more comitted to legalization than 000000000 A PLACE TO POKE SMOT, which tends to be more of a purely "let's smoke and have fun" region.
yes, I only heard about that as of.. about 30 minutes ago. i may move a puppet there..
25-08-2004, 23:02
there are people here thinking theyre vampires ah Ah!
25-08-2004, 23:24
I'll advise you to a region that is specifically for nations (people) who rather do individual character RPs with others. If you're interested, check out my region, 'Fatal Terrain'. We enjoy doing fictious rp's (ie: vampires, other random species, etc) and some of us probably also enjoy doing actual nation rps, though I can't speak for the rest of the nations in my region. I don't because I find the individual character RPs more fun.
If you find 'Fatal Terrain' the one for you, then telegram me and I'll give you the password to enter.