St. Gregory's Catholic Seminary
Cherry Ridge
16-08-2004, 15:20
Yar. Seems you care enough about me to actually check back this far.
16-08-2004, 15:43
We are happy to send the overflow from our priest training programme at the Cathedral of Jerusalem to your nation as our other government funded programmes are fully enrolled.
God bless
Cherry Ridge
17-08-2004, 01:07
ok jereselem, i will accept all of your priest canidates without filling out the application because they have already begun training and i know your nation. This is the first, last,and only time ANYONE will get in without filling out application.
17-08-2004, 02:12
Interesting...sounds kinduv like the Idea I had...hrmmm...interesting...the similarities are shocking.
Cherry Ridge
17-08-2004, 03:28
ooc- yours is protestant reichskamphen
Cherry Ridge
17-08-2004, 03:41
17-08-2004, 04:50
No, my school is open to Catholics as well. It is open to anyone interested in learning about Christianity. Universalist just recognized that he and I were protestants. We have differing views on a number of things though, he is a more modern liberal Protestant while I am the "Old School" fundamentalist.
17-08-2004, 05:42
Name- Benedikt Gorkiewicz
Nation- Wieliczka
Name of current parish- St. Benedikt
Fathers name- Bartlomiej
Mothers name- Cecylia
Mothers maiden name-Zawadzki
Criminal record- None.
Short bio- Born the third son of seven to a prosperous soda salesman in the Wieliczka capital of Prorznia, Benedikt grew up with an appreciation for business and a good education. With his father's business going to his older brothers and his mother's attention showered on his younger brothers, Benedikt decided to strike out on his own. Several times he tried to set up a successful business. Each venture was planned meticulously, executed flawlessly, and yet somehow bankrupt within the first year. Benedikt turned to prayer for help and, since he had a sense of shame, sought to be closer to God in all parts of his life. While volunteering his business acumen to getting a poorly funded parish back on its feet, Benedikt felt called to serve God's people more fully than just accounting and investments.
Reason why you want to be a priest- I feel called to serve God as a priest.
Cherry Ridge
17-08-2004, 20:35
ooc-reichkamphenstan mine is a seminary to become apriest yours is pre seminary
Cherry Ridge
18-08-2004, 00:20
18-08-2004, 00:36
Cherry Ridge, a situation has arisen that requires both of our attention. It will be necessary to put aside our many and various doctrinal differances to save lives. I will telle you the link or put it here. The same goes for you Jerusalem. It is time to do some work to save fellow Christians from oppression.
18-08-2004, 05:20
Nevermind, the situation has been resolved. Thankyou anyway. God Bless and good luck on your thread. It seems you are having about as much luck as I am eh? haha.