International Outcry At The Crimson Order!!!
The Silver Turtle
13-08-2004, 19:56
"This has gone far enough! The Crimson Order must be destroyed!"
"Sir, I'm unsure as to whether this is wise..."
"Damn wisdom to hell! The wisest man knows he is not wise at all!"
The Great Ineffable Bob seized the microphone on his desk, broadcasting his rant to world at large;
"Crimson Sparta, The Crimson Order, hear me! I am calling upon the world to bring you down! You are lyers, cheats, and altogether untrustworthy nations! You are a plague upon the world, upon the galaxy, upon the universe! The GDODAD shall not rest until you are wiped from existence! We and our allies shall destroy you! What say you?!?!"
New Genoa
13-08-2004, 19:59
What injustice(s) has The Crimson Order done to the GDODAD to justify a full-scale war?
Foreign Affairs
Allanea, as the Leader of the Ali'Staan Accord, pledges support to the Ineffable Empire.
The Silver Turtle
13-08-2004, 20:09
What injustice(s) has The Crimson Order done to the GDODAD to justify a full-scale war?
Foreign Affairs
You mean aside from existing?
13-08-2004, 20:11
What injustice(s) has The Crimson Order done to the GDODAD to justify a full-scale war?
Foreign Affairs
"Huh? What is going on? Lets watch TV to find out."
Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst (Knootian Intelligence)
"Well, that sure is sound reasoning. A solid casus belli if ever there was one."
~Galadriël, dripping with sarcasm.
"And the Allaneans are involved, of course. Its a war, after all. Wouldn't be a war without the Allaneans."
~Foreign Minister Hans van Mierlo.
Kedcre is neutral at this time.
13-08-2004, 20:42
We join The Ineffable Bob in this appeal to all nations to rise up and help us crush the so called "Crimson Order" and its treacherous bitch-leadership.
And to the Order we say: You are cowards and pathetic little maggots, all of you. You have hidden behind the coat tails of nations greater than you, and feeling quite safe there, spewed your arrogant, incollent shit everywhere you could. This time, you've jibbered your mouths in the wrong direction. Well, time to stop hiding behind others, buttercup. Come out from behind whatever daddy you think will protect you, and fight like men.
13-08-2004, 20:45
Does anyone know how to join the crimson order or woteva?
The Silver Turtle
13-08-2004, 20:47
"Thank you Natalya de Greif! I urge all nations to join us and crush the Crimson Order! Their time has come! Will they stand and fall? Or shall they flee and fall? Whichever way, the hour grows near! Crimson Sparta, I demand a response!"
13-08-2004, 21:12
ooc: Its Natalya Tzeentch now, TST. Okay?
Oh, and STOP HIJACKING THE THREAD FUCKERS! If you have nothing intelligent or IC to write here, then shove off.
13-08-2004, 21:17
"Thank you Natalya de Greif! I urge all nations to join us and crush the Crimson Order! Their time has come! Will they stand and fall? Or shall they flee and fall? Whichever way, the hour grows near! Crimson Sparta, I demand a response!"
My dear Ineffable Bob, waiting around for the half-elf maggot Kentaka to actually respond to what you are saying is, I'm afraid, an act in feutility. The coward has dug himself deep into a hole, and I doubt he will hardly even come up for air.
Do you here that maggot! There are bad people banging on your door! OPEN UP! One two, Naty's coming for you....
13-08-2004, 21:29
The Silver Turtle
13-08-2004, 21:43
OOC: I know, but I didn't know if I know that ICly yet or not which is why I stuck with De Greif.
Well then, perhaps he should be hunted down! You hear that? Respond, worm, or we shall come after you and grind you under our boots!
13-08-2004, 21:51
.....pull you out of your whole and break your shit, as it were...
Universalist Totality
13-08-2004, 23:26
Melkor Unchained
13-08-2004, 23:49
As per Clause One of the Arda/TCO treaty, which reads:
"No nation within the boundaries of either the Crimson Order or Arda shall allow any member of the Elven race any place in government, whether local or national. This includes law enforcement positions, school board seats, or any "elected" or appointed position as it pertains to direct governmental employment. Government is to be defined in its literal sense as ?governing? or carrying out tasks that facilitate the government's operation in the signatory or author state[s]. As such, no Elf of any age or gender may have any power or authority of any kind over any non-Elf of any age, rank or gender. The word 'Elven' refers to those beings and groups of beings whom the Kalessin Ministry of Love and the Imperial Medical Directorite defines as 'Elven,' and as such does not include the Drow of Arani, the Dark Eldar of Raem, or similar beings. Pending discovery of "new" races of Elves, the authors will study a subject for a period appropriate to determine its nature. The Authors retain the right to defer this particular function if no member of this race exists in any sort of governing capacity in either the Signatory or Author states. In addition, the signatory agrees to adopt basic domestic policy requisites as suggested by the authors in regards to keeping the signatories' nations staffed properly, particularly as it pertains to this article."
I am henceforth suspending Lord Kentaka from his post as ruler of Crimson Sparta, and in turn I summon him to Angband to confer with my generals and possibly myself. Do not so rashly deny my aid, for this is for the good of all. If I may be allowed to question Lord Kentaka and confer with my allies in the GDODAD, it may be the only way to defuse the situation. Lord Kentaka may, under the proovisions of the treaty, leave an interim ruler to command Crimson Sparta in his abscence.
Also, as per the latter portion, which reads:
...the signatory agrees to adopt basic domestic policy requisites as suggested by the authors in regards to keeping the signatories' nations staffed properly, particularly as it pertains to this article
I am also instituting a full media blackout for all nations in the Crimson Order, to prevent the spread of panic and discord. I am aware of Crimson Sparta's attempt so move to another system, and in the interests of maintaining and furthering our contacts abroad, we want to see it go as smoothly as possible.
Lord Kentaka has a week to report to Angband.
Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Five Kingdoms, Lord and Master of Arda
As lord Kentaka is temporarily relieved from command of the Order The Dark Masters shall step up to keep things running smoothly. As per Padmasa's position of VP of the Crimson Order and overseer of all day to day operations of the Order, we shall continue to do our jobs and keep the Order a functioning presence.
Of GDODAD The Order demands a reason for these accusations. We are unaware of any lies we have spread? And certianly we are not aware of cheating anyone out of anything. Moreover we have yet to find anything that warrants us being destroyed.
Mayhap our allies, prehaps former allies, in Presgrief and in GDODAD would like to be more specific.
OOC: I am well aware of why you want to destroy us Presgreif... That's not exactly an IC reason now is it?
IC: Lord Kentaka shall be there no matter what, possibly with a Padmasan stike team accompanying him. This slander to his name shall be erased, for we can assure you that unless one of his ancestors was raped by an elven invader there is no way he is of relation to a high elf.
Deep inside the Draconfort nine strike cruisers were readied and three entire companies of the Draconian Cult were preparing to move. Above New Sparta several "traders" that had been helping to bring over spartan citizens armed thier weapons while inquisitors began tracking Lord Kentaka. Within the Pegasi System the patrol routes changed suddenly, the Padmasan Flagship would be passing near New Sparta in two days...
14-08-2004, 03:37
To Padmasa, and Indeed All Who Care
First of all, I would like to draw everyone's attention to how quickly the rulers of Padmasa offer to replace their current master in governing the Crimson Order. Indeed, there is no honor amongst thieves, is there? As the deceitful man is ready to cut down the honest and good man for profit, so he is doubly ready to cut down his partners for a larger share of the spoils. You have proven that your Order is doomed, my friend, with or without our intervention.
As for your cheating us out of something, I do not recall making this accusation. These are your own words, and mayhap they reflect your deepest darkest thoughts. Interesting.
Yours is an Order of heretics and traitors, my good friend, and you know this well. Not every accord is public, not every agreement or promise made is known to all. A promise was made and an accord signed by you and yours long ago, that it was not a public affair does not mean it did not happen. Your Order has betrayed its Mistress, my friends, and that you thought there would be no consequences for your vile deeds only amplifies how very naive you all are. I feel no need to justify my actions to the outside world, for I care not for the support of outsiders. This is a private matter between two organizations, and I mean to see it through to the end. But please, do continue to question the credibility of my claims, if it gives you comfort. For indeed, in these dark times, you will need all the comfort you can get.
As for your Lord Kentaka, he is indeed a half-elf bastard. He is not the Kentaka I left to rule so many centuries ago, that good and noble man was murdered by your own foul agents. It hurt me deeply to see that you replaced him with the cretin who now reigns, for he destroyed a good and powerful thing by his incompetence, and you stood by idely and watched. My son, Uesugi Kentaka, was a fine man indeed. This Usuengi you've replaced him with will feel the pain which accompanies the impersonation of a Greif.
Be well, dear friends. Soon, I shall be at your doorstep, to greet you with a mother's loving care.
OOC: Interesting, very interesting. So tell me, are you an elf or was your lover? You see, by calling lord Kentaka a half elf, and him your son you must realize that you have effectively told us you are an elf or you love thier kind.
Also, could you link us to the thread where there was an assassination by Order agents, against Lord Kentaka (Whom as (he is) leader of the Order I am sworn to protect) that I stood by and watched? Actually, just link us to the assassination... Because I don't believe I ever saw one.
IC: Interesting, laughable, but interesting none the less. To quote the original accusation against the Order "You are lyers, cheats, and altogether untrustworthy nations!" To be cheats we wouldnt we have had to have cheated someone?
A private matter, a broken accord, two organizations... I am unaware of any of this. Esepcially how your "organization" fits into it. Prehaps you could explain this to me.
Lord Kentaka is the same Lord Kentaka that has ruled the order since its birth. He was never killed, and if he is your son as you claim then mayhap you should explain who his father is? If he is half elven, then either you or his father is an elf... Meaning he is either half a dark elf (which is perfectly fine in everyone's book) or you (or prehaps your lover) is a high elf.
A mother's loving care is it? It does not sound as such to us. Normally mothers do not lead hostile armies to try and kill thier children. Of course you may have been raised differently than the rest of us.
Oh it seems I have not adressed your first point, it is a very laughable point you know. The Vice President stepping in when the leader is temporarily relived is not something unusual, and that it was done quickly is only to ensure that there is no panic and that the Order continues to function. Again you call us thieves, yet what have we stolen?
We may be doomed, but I don't believe so, and I don't think anyone else believes so either.
14-08-2004, 05:56
ooc: Read my post again, because I don't think you understood it very well. I wrote that the original Kentaka was my character's son, that he was assassinated, and that he was replaced with a half-elf puppet. If you don't understand that, too bad for you.
Also, my character is obviously using propaganda. How much of what she says is true is left to question. That is the point of propaganda, you're not supposed to know if its truth or lie, its at once justification (whether true or not) and provocation. Questioning IC propaganda OOCly is irrational.
This is the last OOC post I will grace with an answer.
Natalya read the transmission from Padmasa as it processed, and smirked. "We have made our position clear," she said to her secretary.
"These individuals seem to have gotten the particulars of my transmission muddled, which is just fine. I feel no need to justify myself to the enemy. It would not be fitting. Do not even grace this rubbish with an answer. Let them boil in their own stew."
14-08-2004, 06:56
Fredrick Barbarosea III picked up the memo from Presgrief. Oh, so it is starting... He started typing up a transmission...
To the simplistic nation of Padmasa, and all cowards in Crimson Order
Greetings to you, I hope you are not afraid of the onslaugh that will follow these threats, unless you abide and restore the pride and honor The Crimson Order once had. It is truly a sad day when a region of 14 nations can anger the best leaders into downright vile threats. I would advise you comply with Natalya's every wish, or face what will not be a bloody, long, war, but rather a quick, decisive, attack that will wipe you clean of the planet. Have a nice day.
Crimson Sparta
14-08-2004, 06:56
OOC: Presgrief, I don't dictate your history to you, and I'd appreciate if you would show me the same respect.
IC: "What is this madness? Half-elf? Now I'm summoned to Angband? And what is this Presgrief? I've never heard of the country before!" Kentaka was surely aware of the accusations being thrown at him, but he knew they weren't true at all. Kentaka remembered his parents, both human, both who forged Crimson Sparta’s beginnings with their own hands, and eventually blood. This whole situation is completely ridiculous. Who are these people calling for my death? I've never heard of any of them before, he thought. "Do they really think I would have entered in an agreement with Melkor if I was any kind of elf?"
"No, my lord, that would be stupid," his aide said as he helped Kentaka finish dressing.
"Oh well, ready my Archangel. We'll meet up with the escort and be on our way."
Kentaka's shuttle lifted off from the underground hangar, along with a few others. Joining the Padmasan ships were four of the Visigoth Class ships, with their normal complement of Crimson Guard soldiers. Kentaka's Archangel made its way towards the nearest strike cruiser, and the Visigoth's asked that they wait until more troop transports arrived from the surface. The Spartan ships were also sending Crimson Guardsmen to some of the Padmasan ships as a sign of this joint mission.
The captain of the Lancer got the clearance for departure and set course accordingly. He sent a message to all of the ships that would make the voyage. "Clear for departure. Best speed to Angband."
14-08-2004, 06:59
Fredrick Barbarosea III picked up the memo from Presgrief. Oh, so it is starting... He started typing up a transmission...
To the simplistic nation of Padmasa, and all cowards in Crimson Order
Greetings to you, I hope you are not afraid of the onslaugh that will follow these threats, unless you abide and restore the pride and honor The Crimson Order once had. It is truly a sad day when a region of 14 nations can anger the best leaders into downright vile threats. I would advise you comply with Natalya's every wish, or face what will not be a bloody, long, war, but rather a quick, decisive, attack that will wipe you clean of the planet. Have a nice day.
Natalya sends out a short transmission:
"We thank the government and people of Barbarosea for their unwavering support. The Greifan Empire salutes you, dear friends."
14-08-2004, 07:07
Loyalty, courage, pride, we have them all...
Really...actions speak louder the words, so right now, you be contradicting yourself(s).
The second victory The Order has attained was 'gainst the cowardly forces of Nautonnier. It turns out that Nautonnier did not even have the guts to send a single soldier against us and instead claimed to stop playing Nationstates
Quite the confusion of OOC and IC information, don't ya think?
Crimson Sparta
14-08-2004, 07:13
Fredrick Barbarosea III picked up the memo from Presgrief. Oh, so it is starting... He started typing up a transmission...
To the simplistic nation of Padmasa, and all cowards in Crimson Order
Greetings to you, I hope you are not afraid of the onslaugh that will follow these threats, unless you abide and restore the pride and honor The Crimson Order once had. It is truly a sad day when a region of 14 nations can anger the best leaders into downright vile threats. I would advise you comply with Natalya's every wish, or face what will not be a bloody, long, war, but rather a quick, decisive, attack that will wipe you clean of the planet. Have a nice day.
To whoever is in charge of Barbarosea:
We are more than willing to listen to Natalya, if she would stop spitting vitriol at us and instead give us a wish with which we could consider complying. Until then, we will go about our business and follow any previous obligations we have pursued.
With complete and utmost sincerity,
Minister Abakum
First Minister of Crimson Sparta
14-08-2004, 07:21
Fredrick eyes the message that was sent to the general Barbarosea sorter.
To the greatly misguided nation of Crimson Sparta,
It seems you need a lesson on diplomacy. Some basic rules inclue always knowing the name of the nation's leader, or if for some reason that is not avaible, refer to the nation as a whole. Now, about those threats. Don't expect me to spell it out for you, it's right here...
Crimson Sparta
14-08-2004, 07:24
Fredrick eyes the message that was sent to the general Barbarosea sorter.
To the greatly misguided nation of Crimson Sparta,
It seems you need a lesson on diplomacy. Some basic rules inclue always knowing the name of the nation's leader, or if for some reason that is not avaible, refer to the nation as a whole. Now, about those threats. Don't expect me to spell it out for you, it's right here...
To TGI Bob, (ooc: intentional)
I missed that day in Diplomacy class. I was busy getting laid. Please spell out all of Natalya's wishes, and we will see where things go from there. Also please remind her about diplomacy.
Minister Abakum
Melkor Unchained
14-08-2004, 08:13
Natalya's wishes will be made apparent upon Lord Kentaka's arrival to Angband. Due to my treaty obligations with both parties, I must now discuss the matter with them.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Five Kingdoms, Lord and Master of Arda
Kentaka found himself stuck in a rather cramped briefing room, the thirteen armoured giants of the doomguard standing back and watching for anything. As if by some unseen signal all but one headed out into the hallway.
"Lord Kentaka, at this point we need to go over some things. Firstly, any of us are willing to die for you, and we will, but you had better be careful anyway. We can protect you as long as you stick with us and do exactly as I say. If they make a move to capture us, try and get to the Transport, myself and two others will follow. That ship is the fastest ship in all the Order and has enough weapons to keep most things at bay... just get to it and fly home. The rest of us... we'll take a enough of them with us to make it worthwhile. Now come on, we have to head planetside."
The man opened the door and Kentaka strode into the hall, which he lost all view of as the men of the doomguard surrounded him. "There'll be plenty of time to see the ship when we are on our way home, but for now we take no chances," Their leader boomed from behind him. Within moments they were inside a silver spectre class transport and headed down toward Angband.
"Does the colour of the ship mean anything, I've only seen black Padmasan ships before?" He asked as he strapped himself into a chair for the ride down.
"Aye, silver represents the Diplomatic Korps, black is military, deep blue is for traders, crimson is for civvies, and a deep purple is for the Inquisition. Military orders get black but must display thier crest," one of the doomguard boomed from across the chamber. They were nearly impossible to tell apart, Kentaka found himself wondering how Typhus knew who was who. Across the chamber he heard barely supressed snickers...
The Silver Turtle
14-08-2004, 13:41
To: Minister Abakum of Crimson Sparta
From: A random hobo picked out of the gutter by the lowliest grunt in the military for the sole reason of sending this message to you since you're not worth the time of any ranking Ineffable Government official
*sigh* Only a nation such as yours would require such a class...
Her wishes will be made clear in time. For now, I would reccomend a little more grovelling...if worms can grovel, that is.
The Silver Turtle
14-08-2004, 22:49
I find your lack of comment an outrage. Every offence you cause shall be repaid tenfold, I promise you that!
15-08-2004, 10:38
ooc: What is it that we are waiting for, exactly?
Melkor Unchained
25-08-2004, 07:59
Kentaka found himself stuck in a rather cramped briefing room, the thirteen armoured giants of the doomguard standing back and watching for anything. As if by some unseen signal all but one headed out into the hallway.
"Lord Kentaka, at this point we need to go over some things. Firstly, any of us are willing to die for you, and we will, but you had better be careful anyway. We can protect you as long as you stick with us and do exactly as I say. If they make a move to capture us, try and get to the Transport, myself and two others will follow. That ship is the fastest ship in all the Order and has enough weapons to keep most things at bay... just get to it and fly home. The rest of us... we'll take a enough of them with us to make it worthwhile. Now come on, we have to head planetside."
The man opened the door and Kentaka strode into the hall, which he lost all view of as the men of the doomguard surrounded him. "There'll be plenty of time to see the ship when we are on our way home, but for now we take no chances," Their leader boomed from behind him. Within moments they were inside a silver spectre class transport and headed down toward Angband.
"Does the colour of the ship mean anything, I've only seen black Padmasan ships before?" He asked as he strapped himself into a chair for the ride down.
"Aye, silver represents the Diplomatic Korps, black is military, deep blue is for traders, crimson is for civvies, and a deep purple is for the Inquisition. Military orders get black but must display thier crest," one of the doomguard boomed from across the chamber. They were nearly impossible to tell apart, Kentaka found himself wondering how Typhus knew who was who. Across the chamber he heard barely supressed snickers...
[OOC: I'm going to take this to mean that Kentaka's left for Angband, in which case I will now proceed to recieve him. Padmasa, if you wanted to RP a little somethin'-somethin' while en route feel free to do so; this is just what happens when you get to Angband.]
Imperator Marshals Janos and Marius Hasek stood on the wind-swept tarmac of the executive launch pad in Angband--one of the few surface installations in the city. Snow and ash drifted by, covering the landing pad with a splotchy blanket of white and gray.
Marius jabbed his brother in the ribs with his elbow, not wanting to draw his hand from his pocket. It was far too cold for that, at any rate. "Here they come," notes the Dunlending.
Janos braves the cold to lift a flask to his lips, draining a small amount of liquor from it before nodding to the silent phalynx of men arrayed on either side of them. As the ship is brought down, the party slowly begins their approach, aiming to time their arrival at the craft with some sort of hatch opening. Janos squeezes the cherry off his cigarette and absently flicks the butt off to his right. "You ready?" queried the younger sibling, cocking a brow at his companion.
Marius grinned. "Oh but of course. This should prove to be a very interesting meeting. Gotta keep 'em on their toes," he answers with a wink. "But don't overdo the whole intimidation thing. This is for the common good," assers Marius with a nod.
Patiently, they wait for Kentaka to reveal himself. The guards--some dozen of them--array themselves neatly in formation on either side of the Marshals as before, their weapons lowered.
25-08-2004, 10:55
The Valient lands on the outskirts of Angband, and a short message is sent to out:
My Lord Melkor,
In answer to your summons, I have come here, to Angband, with a small entourage for my own company. Due to my currently weakened state, I shall remain within my vessel, under the care of my Techmags, until such time as you deem it appropriate to summon me. I await word.