Esth opens diplomatic relations (The International Community)
After obtaining indipendence from the Dutch in 2002,Esth was diplomatically isolated from the rest of the world.
In 2003 after rebuilding the nation and joining in the UN,the Emperor,with the Imperial Council, decided that a creation of an International Community/District was the solution to Esth's isolation problems.
Constructions were completed in 2004 and thus the Celestia International Municipality was born.
above the Celestia International Municipality Flag
Situated in the North-West part of the capital,this District has a beautiful Touristic port (situated up north),moreover it has three skyscrapers of 53 floors each,built to contain the embassy offices (all of them have a wonderful view of the city,were you can see the 12 towers of The Holy Light surrounding the governments buildings and the Imperial Palace).
Buildings (situated in the South West of the district) are also available to accomodate the Ambassadors and the Soldiers families;Sport Facilities, Schools and Malls can be found near these residences.
Also,a Congress Hall and a Heliport will be available of use.
The Esthian state will give the Community the opportunity to create its own laws for:
-The safety of its people (Driving and Sailing laws,ecc.)
-School,Sports and other activities.
50 floors are available for the Embassies,if you are interested in sending a delegation you are invited to choose which floor you want to occupy.
OOC: phew!i've finally made it;i hope i have done everything correctly (this is one of my first RP's,if you want to call it that way :D) and forgive me if i have made grammatical errors.
Anyway my objective here was to make some sort of international community whre Esth (myself) would interact and make treaties/resolve diplomatic incidents and such with the Community (the other players).
The players of the Community would eventually make reunions by themselfs,arguing/deciding what should be done/what laws should be made ecc.
So if you are interested join up and let's see what we can do! :D
Chilan Kahn
12-08-2004, 00:46
The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn recognized the importance of such an involvement in outside politics, for while there position in the region of Juxtaposition X was a good sign of friendship, and there new adoption of foreign currency cemented there friendship with the greater military power of their region, they needed one more outlet for internation cooperation.
Sending a delagate, along with a handful of elite soldiers, all with m4a1 assault rifles, in a military class Huey (slightly used, and slightly damaged) to the Esth International Community building, they decided to accept the open invitation, and await what was to come...
OOC: I saw this hadn't been responded to and thought it had a lot of potential :D hope you don't mind.
Eastern Aotra
12-08-2004, 02:09
Greetings Esth,
It is with a warm heart, that we, the People of Eastern Aotra, extend our hand in friendship. We have long been looking for a fellow nation that could share our history with. Presently we have an abandoned, former Dukes' mansion for your delegate to move into. We request that we have on of the upper floors of the tower nearest to the sea. We will be sending a detachment of Security Team IV to protect our diplomat while your nation continues it's struggle. We as a breakaway nation understand the need for strengthing diplomatic ties with other nations, so as to keep our opperssors from trying to regain control of our new nation. We would like you send a TG to us to confirm that all is well.
Deepest Regards,
Lux Aotra
President of Eastern Aotra
((OOC: good to see someone put the thought into asking for diplomatic relations...good to have you aboard. go to and register there and set up shop under "Diplamtic Row...look forward to RPing with ya :) ))
12-08-2004, 09:45
Independence from the Dutch in 2002? You know, I am sorta generally accepted as replacing 'the Dutch' for all purposes here on NS. Are you Dutch yourself? We (a bunch of players) all have tied in histories, and if you would want to have declared independence from us somehow that would fit you right in. You wouldn't be the first player to get independence from Knootoss somehow ;) (Netox, Tanah Burung, parts of Alcona and Hubris, New York and Jersey have Knootian "origins")
If you want to pursue this you can telegram me (or respond here, but this thread is meant for RP I believe.)
To whom it may concern,
Enripta is interested in opening diplomatic relations with the state of Esth. We would be sending a delegation of 50 diplomats and 50 military personnel. We would like to hear more from you in the future.
Foreign Minister
The Emperor stood in front of his desk,analyzing various laws proposed from the Imperial Council.
Dionysios Marsolais,one of the Emperor's Advisors,entered the room.
"Your Highness,i have news regarding the International Municipality;4 nations have showed their interest in sending a delegation"
"only four? I expected more,maybe others will come later,anyway whom are they?"
"The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn,Eastern Aotra,Enripta and New Zambuda Your Highness;they all said that they will reach the city in 2 weeks"
"Excellent,start make preparations for their arrival right away,prepare the apartments and the offices,the Inauguration ceremony and the Evening Ball".
Marsolais replied with a bow "Yes Your Highness" and left the room.
New Zambuda
12-08-2004, 15:57
We would like to open a Embassy Esth.
Thank you,
Sheik Mon
Prime Minister
12-08-2004, 22:41
The Empire of Kraknokistan is interested in sending a delegation of forty diplomats and twenty guards to Esth and would like Esth to know it is welcome to open an embassy in Kraknokistan.
Chilan Kahn
13-08-2004, 02:50
*the chopper lands, the first delagate from the Rogue nation of Chilan Kahn steps off, followed by a crack team of Spec Op bodyguards. walking up to the Esth main diplomatic building, Trevor Re, brother of Chilan's UN delegate Gregor Re, simply knocks on the front door, awaiting an answer.*
Ab-shalom and greetings,
It is the desire of the Sultanate of Vastiva to open and maintain strong diplomatic and economic relations with all nations desirous of such. We therefore offer an exchange of embassies and ambassadors, and a beginning of free trade between our nations.
If this meets with your approval, please communicate by any means.
Go in Peace,
Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
Chilan Kahn
14-08-2004, 02:39
*with no answer, Trevor simply opened the door, his spec ops body guards securing the perimeters* "Package you weapons men, this is supposed to be an internation community not a war council." *he looks around, curious as to where he is supposed to go once he arrived here, or indeed, weither he was the first to arrive.*
Wolfric Hertz,Head of the Community Security came in and saw the Chilan Kahn delegation already making themself at home,unpacking stuff and organizing on how they should work.
He thought "Haven't I ordered my troops to lead the delegation to their residences first before taking them here?I'll deal with them later,now let's find the Head of this delegation,i have to deliver him this letter".
While walking through the embassies corridors in search of the Head of the delegation,he looked at the Elite soldiers and their equipment;the first thing that came into his mind was "You surely don't want to mess with these guys".
He arrived at a door with a golden plate on it,there were two different writings on it,one in Esthian language and the other in the Chilan Kahn language,which he could not understand.
"-Chief Ambassador of the Chilan Kahn Embassy- He must be here" and knocked at the door.
Someone replied in a language unknown to him,"he must have said "come in" " and opened the door.
He entered the room and saw many unpackaged boxes and empty shelves.
Behind the desk he saw a man wrting something on some sheets of paper;Hertz came in front to him,bowed and said :"Good evening sir,are you the Chief Ambassador of this delegation?"
After a brief moment of silence he replied:
"Yes,I am;and whom am i be speaking to?"
"Colonel Wolfric Hertz,Head of the Celestia International Community Security sir,I came here to deliver you this letter."
He handed over the letter and said "i hope you will enjoy your stay here in Esth sir" and left the room,he grabbed his radio and ordered "send some troops as surveillance to the entrance of the 1° skyscraper ASAP and assist the Chilan Kahn delegation if necessary"
A radioed voice replied "Roger,we are on our way"
The Ambassador opened the letter,the paper used was of the finest quality and the calligraphy was elegant and neat.
he read the following:
To the Ambassador of the Chilan Kahn
I am (as well as the entire Esthian population) honored and pleased to host you and the entire delegation in our country.
As you well know the project of the Celestia Community is just more than a simple place to host delegations;our goal is to create a district where people from all over the world would meet for any peaceful purposes.
Next week all delegations present are invited to the Inauguration ceremony which will be held in the Square of the three International Skyscrapers in the morning and to the Imperial Ball held in the Imperial Palace in the evening.
We look forward to establish a friendly and everlasting friendship with your country.
The Emperor of the Holy Empire of Esth
OOC:sorry if i kept you guys waiting,i was a little bit busy so i couldn't reply soon (i'm also having some difficulties in Rping, due to my language knowledge,trying to keep the whole text understandable is really tough;if there's something wrong in anything i have wrote,please feel free to tell me :) ).
To Chilan Kahn and others: i will post soon an article which will describe a bit the situation of this event and then RP the opening ceremony,before this meanwhile you may RP your experience in Esth,the ambassadors/soldiers thoughts or anything else you think it's interesting ecc.
sse ya guyz :D
OOC: To help you guys with the RP i'm gonna post some photos which will represent the city of Celestia (maybe someone will understand where these RL photos have been taken :D)
Celestia should approx. look like this: (this last one just imagine it without the Korea peninsula in the middle)
if you don't like all this pics posted here tell me,i'll edit the post and post only the links to the images.
Chilan Kahn
15-08-2004, 01:38
*nods, the delegate reading over the note* Well.. I suppose we should get acquainted with our new surroundings... *at that moment the phone rang*
Phone Call Person:
"Gregor, I'm here at the capitol.. I have some bad news. Were on the brink of revolution here, and Chilan has been shot."
"WHAT?! Shot?! Why?! Is he alive?!"
Phone Call Person:
"He's alive, but barely. I then Wentin has something to do with it, and tensions are running high here... so far nothings happened... although apparently there was some sort of terrorist operation on our colony island."
*Gregor was speechless... he didn't know what to do.*
"Alright... thank you, and keep me in touch on the situation, I'll have to either talk to the Esth or perhaps address the delegation on this... I do hope that we have some allies?"
Phone Call Person:
"Yes, Mackistahn has decided to keep their forces here... someone else did too, but I forgot whom. The Secretary of Defense has taken control of the goverment... I don't know if the government is going to live Gregor... but I sure hope so. I for one am going to support Chilan."
"Good... I'll see what I can do here."
*he hangs up, and tells the men the predictament*
"alright men... stay here, I'm going to go see what can be done."
*at that he walks out, looking around the hall for anyone to talk too*
Western Aotra
15-08-2004, 05:50
((OOC: This is the nation that Easter Aotra broke away from...I us it to add an element of tension to my Rping. Also..what tech level are we dealing with(low tech:swords and clubs, modern tech:tanks and automatic weapons, or future tech:spaceships and ray guns)so I can change my weaponery appropriatly?))
To the Empire of Esth;
We of Western Aotra, after seeing our traitorious, former brothers joining yourcause and requesting dilpomatic relations with you, feel it's nessecary to inform you that you are now to considered a rogue nation and we shall look to dealing with you accordingly. If you wish to end this scutiny, I would suggest that end ties with Eastern Aotra end at once. If this is not done immedatly, we see no other choice but to send our delegation consisting of 2 Platoons of Popili Troopers to your land and order you set them up next to those trecherous dogs of Eastern Aotra. Think of this as the only warning you will have on this issue.
Until Heaven is returned to us,
Pax Aorta IV
OOC: wohooo things are getting spicier in here :D
To W.Aotra:Tech level will be Modern Level,this RP is set in 2004,so i guess any tech available at this time will be ok. ;)
Anyway let's just make a tension situation here (like the ones in Tom Clancy's books,or something like that),i'd like to avoid doing a War RP right now (if that's possible :P )
1° Intnl. Skyscraper 4.00 P.M. local time
Bjorn was a young man,he joined the Esthian Army at the age of 18 and he was satisfied with the job he was assigned: Guard at the main entrance of the First Intnl. Skyscraper.
He was proud of himself by being there,"no one easily gets a chance at guarding very important places like this" he thought by himself.
Also,the idea of being part of the first Esthians to be in contact with foreigners excited him.
He heard lot's of rumors regarding some nations who entered the district,especially the ones regarding the Chilan Kahn.
He heard lot's of stories about their toughness:like that they can "eat bullets for breakfast" or "eat your guts and ask for seconds";but he didin't gave them much importance,he only knew that Chilan Kahn was a politically unstable nation.
He was guarding the main hall while a man,followed by bodyguards,came out of the elevator.
"That must be the Head Ambassador of the Chilan Kahn,Trevor Re",he thought by himself "he somehow looks pertubed,something must have gone wrong".
He was right.
He was sure he was right when Re came towards him asking if he could arrange a Limo that could take him and his escort to the Foreign Affairs Building ASAP.
"I will call a limo right away,it'll be ready in 5 minutes",after that he warned the guys at the F.A. Building that the Chilan Kahn ambassador was coming.
Foreign Affairs Building - Press Room 4.10 P.M. local time
The secretary of Minister Hayami waited the end of the Press Interview before warning her of the arrival of the Chilanians: "Minister Hayami,we have just received a called from the 1° Intnl. Skyscraper,Ambassador Re is coming here,they said it's urgent".
Maemi Hayami was the first woman to reach a governmental position in the history of Esth existence.
In her 30ies;Bright and Intelligent,highly respected by the Emperor,she was the main promoter of the Celestia Municipality.
"Why,what happened?"
"We do not know,they only said it was urgent"
"Alright,prepare my office and tell them to reach it as soon as they arrive"
The secretary replied "Yes Minister" and left the Press Room.
OOC:W.Aotra i will RP your situation soon,just give me some time to think/write it ;)
Chilan Kahn
15-08-2004, 15:11
*the Limo arrives at the foreign affairs building, and Trevor gets out, his heart pumping hard in his chest. He hadn't felt so afraid of his future since he had been doing anti-drug operations back in Chilan Kahn. He walked up to the front door of the office, simply walking in, modern formalities can wait... this was quite urgent.*
Secretary at front Desk:
"Yes, can I help you?"
Trevor Re:
"Yes... I'm the delegate from Chilan Kahn, I was here to see if I could talk to the Esth board of Foreign Affairs."
"Oh right! Yes... their waiting for you. Just go down the hall, take the elevator on your left up to the third floor, it should be the second door on your left; and I hope you enjoy your stay in Esth!
*at that the secretary smiles, her last sentence was so ironic to Trevor, he couldn't help but give off a smirk, walking over to the elevator, he hopped in, pressing the button for the third floor, and arrived there a few moments later.
Following the secretaries instructions, he found the door, knocked, and waited...*
((Ooc: by the way, to see exactly what is happening in Chilan Kahn go Here ( or, while this thread isn't in use yet I hope it will be, go Here ( ))
OOC: oh,didn't know about the Drug War,i'll read it right away and then continue with the RP. ;)
Anyway why everytime i use the tag to post images i always see the links instead of the pictures? (i only see them when i'm logged out)
Last thing:
To all nations reading this Thread
Join up the Community,Send a Delegation in! :)
You're not obliged to RP,so if you just want your nation here just write here your request :D.
[i]Nations who have joined the Celestia International Municipality:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda
-The Empire of Kraknokistan
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn
-The Sultanate of Vastiva
Esthian Embassies in the Community Member Countries:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda: None/No action taken so far
-The Empire of Kraknokistan: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta: None/No action taken so far
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn: Preparation of Delegation/Possible Government Aid
-The Sultanate of Vastiva: A Delegation is being prepared
Minister Hayami's Office 5.00 P.M
He Heard a voice saying "Come in" and he opened the door.
Re found himself in a room filled with expensive and exquisite furniture,Esthian carpets that covered most of the floor,vases of asian origins,shelves made of valuable wood and many other things that he didn't care to look.
Minister Hayami was standing behind her desk,next to her a translator.
She welcomed the Ambassador with a smile most similar to the one of the painting of the Mona Lisa.
After they both sat down she asked the reason of this urgent visit.
"I won't be wasting your time so i will get right to the point,our Head of State has been shot,fortunately he is still alive but our nation is in a state of chaos.
We cannot handle this situation all by ourselves and we are asking all nations to give us military support if possible.
We know that we have just started diplomatic relations with you but the Chilan Kahn would be very grateful with you if you would help us out"
She was a little surprised by the request,she then thought "This could be a great opportunity for Esth to make tighter relations with this country and maybe show it's military power,i have to warn the Emperor immediately"
Hayami's enigmatic smile suddenly changed,her face expression became more serious.
"I didn't knew about the assasination attempt.I am,as well as all Esth, sorry for this event.
Anyway you do know that all decision regarding Military actions must go through the Imperial Council,it will take 2 or 3 days before they make a decision........."
Foreign Relations HQ,inside the Foreign Affairs Building 5.00 P.M
Vice Minister Vamberti was sipping his cup of coffe while one of the F.R. employees rushed to him,holding a telegram into his hand.
"Sir,you'd better check this"
He began to choke his coffee and swearing in Pana Dis dialect.
"Does Hayami know about this???"
"No sir,she is busy with the Chilan Kahn delegation and i'm afraid she can't receive nobody right now"
Vamberti stood up from his chair "Then what the hell are you waiting for??Prepare my limo and take me to the Imperial Palace,His Highness must know about this"
Imperial Palace,the room of the Divine Knowledge (Study Room) 5.23 P.M.
The Emperor during his free time liked to read books and enlarging his knowledge,lately he got interested in the Islamic Culture and everything relate to it.
He didn't liked to be disturbed during his "relaxing time",for him it was something sacred,like a prayer in one of Esth's many temples.
Vamberti entered the room looking pretty worried "Your Highness,we have just recieved a Telegram from Western Aorta"
The divine son of the sun and the sea gave a quick read "So,apparently someone wants to crash our international party"
"Looks like it Your Highness,what shall we do now?"
"Hayami has enough knowledge and experience to handle this sort of things" - he was still 19,he surely could not handle this sort of situations alone - "I'll call her right away".
Vamberti knew that Hayami was already handling with the Chilan Kahn delegation but he was too scared to stop even the simpliest move of his emperor,he was surely young but he knew that it wasn't convenient to mess/disagree with the most powerful man of the country.
The Emperor and Hayami talked to each other for 20 minutes,each other explaining and discussing on what should be done.
"Fine,i'll gather the Imperial Council and discuss about the Chilan Kahn Aid;the W.Aorta incident will be handed to you,i beg you,avoid military conflict as much as possible,may the blessing of the Sun protect you during this delicate situation".
She replied faintly:
"Yes,Your Highness,I shall not fail"
Minister Hayami's Office 6.02 P.M
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Mr.Ra,but it was an important call from the Imperial Palace;anyway the Council will meet up tomorrow,like I said before it will take a few days before they decide,I will make sure you will receive a telegram if any news comes up"
"Yes,Thank you so much for your help,i hope to hear out good news very soon",he shaked hands with the Minister and left the room.
Hayami's breathing started to change more and more quickly.
She handled many difficult problems in her past with extreme calm but this was something different than a banal bureaucratic problem,this international incident could change the destiny of her country,a burden which she didn't knew if she could handle it.
For the first time she felt insecure and worried,she knew that the Emperor totally relied on her on the success of this "mission",she knew that failure was not an option.
Hayami eventually managed to calm down for a bit,grabbed the TG faxed from the Imperial Palace and started reading it.
After that before making any actions she thought by herself "I shall not fail".
OOC:made it! :) Sorry guys if i kept you waiting but it was hard trying to put 2 different stories together.
Since i'm new i'd like to know from the vets how i'm doing,what is good and what is wrong in my RP,improvements and such Ecc.
We would like to send a delegation of 40 diplomats and 20 military escorts to your country. Amb. Andrea Moore will head the delegation. They will arrive in two days.
Infinite Hoarding
18-08-2004, 06:31
LOG ~2000 hours
Yorgi Schleiser, Infinite Hoarding's supposed envoy to the Dutch, arrived at the airport. Since international law stated that a plane was considered to have the same laws as the country it left from, so basking in "Infinite Hoarding's" loose legal system, was inhaling cannibus like Rubben Studdard at an all-you-can-eat outlet. Because Infinite Hoarding also spends basically no money on defense, the calming air drifted to the cockpit of the 747 Infinite Hoarding leased from "Colortyme". Its autopilot coordinates were still set to the Dutch's old airport, and the pilot was as high as the legal fees to hire Johnny Cochran to defend your murdering self.
The rough landing did not start until after the airplane's computer had touched ground, though.
Armed young adults boarded the plane, ready to enforce their benevolent dictator's stringent laws. Although Yorgi was as out of it as the pilot, luckily, the only drugs left unsmoked were stuffed where Esth's religion forbids other people to check.
Hunger struck, though, and as Yorgi emmersed from the smog of mental undoing, natural tendencies forced Yorgi to wander about, looking for some food. Yorgi saw a monolith of a building, and attracted to the architecture, eventually wandered into the Esth Foreign Affairs Department (they had donuts).
Yorgi, in all the professionalism he could muster, casually asked the secretary where the Dutch embassy was, and she responded, with great curiosity in the tone of her voice, that this was Esth and to just go down the hall, take the elevator on your left up to the third floor, it should be the second door on your left if you wanted to see the Esth board of Foreign Affairs. "I hope you enjoy your stay in Esth!", was her final remark. She, apparently, had never seen anyone so messed up in their lives before.
Since that fateful incident, as of 2300 hours, the "Infinite Hoarding" govornment has issued an apology to Esth for the incident, but finds itself rather interrested in the prospect of joining the Celestia International Municipality community. "Infinite Hoarding" plans to send a small envoy and hopes to begin working with fellow nations in the Celestia International Municipality community, Esth permitting.
The military C-71 arrived at the gate, its two escorts landing some distance away to await refueling and return home.
The ambassador - Sarah Lehr al-Din - was escorted by a troupe of six who would make up her diplomatic staff, and a contingent of twelve VAS members who would make up security detail for the time being.
Being diplomats had a few perks. One was the absence of Customs. Another was a rather quick ride to the foreign affairs building.
She did not wait for an announcement, but arrived in full regailia.
"Ab-shalom and greetings. We are the Vastivan embassy, here to make the 35th floor our home for this project. Please to indicate the fastest way there. And do make yourself useful in informing those in command of this project that we have arrived, and will greet them upon completing housemaking."
Esthian Congress Hall 11.00 A.M
The Great Chambelain started his speech when everyone went quiet.
Many ministers and politicians were there,still asking themselfs why they have been summoned so urgently.
"My fellow brothers,we are gathered here today ,under the will of the Holy Emperor, to discuss about an important issue.
Yesterday at 5.00 P.M. the Head of State of the Chilan Kahn,one of the members of the Celestia Municipality,has been shot and the entire country has been brought in chaos.
Their government has requested military help to suppress the rebellion."
Murmurs suddenly became louder.
A member of the Yioniko party stood up and said "What benefits shall we obtain if we help them?"
From the other side of the congress hall the leftist party of Numidea stood up and began to shout very loudly "You damn bastards always think about gaining money out of other peoples problems!".
In seconds the Congress Hall was filled with the shouts of all parties.
These situations were pretty usual in Esth's parliament,most assemblies would end up in a "let's see who screams louder" contest and in the end the Emperor would have to cancel the reunion and make the decisions all by himself.
The Emperor who was observing the assembly/brawl called the Minister of Defence,General Tsarin,and asked "Theoretically speaking how many troops could whe send there?"
"About 500 your Highness,we don't have many experienced soldiers and sending militiamen would do more harm than good".
The Assembly continued for two hours,with the Great Chamberlain uselessly trying to maintan order.
"I've had enough of this",the Emperor stood up and suddenly all the noise vanished "I am ordering to send a contingent of 500 troops in Chilan Kahn,General Tsarin will organize the troops;saying this I'm closing the assembly"
Everyone inside the Hall bowed and said "Yes,Your Highness" and left the building.
Foreign Affairs Building 2.30 P.M.
Vice Minister Vamberti was taking his usual after-lunch nap but got disturbed by his secretary who rushed into his office.
"Minister,the Vastiva delegation has arrived,Infinite Hoarding has requested to enter the Municipality and the Enripta delegation will arrive in two days."
"And what are you waiting for?? Damn it do I have always have to tell you what you must do? Send someone to greet the Vastivians,make preparations for the arrival of the Enripta delegation and tell Infinite Hoarding that we accept their request,move it!"
Meanwhile Hayami was locked inside her office trying to resolve the W.Aorta situation.
Nations who have joined the Celestia International Municipality:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda
-The Empire of Kraknokistan
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn
-The Sultanate of Vastiva
-The Republic of Infinite Hoarding
-The Kingdom of Japitaly
-The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados
-The Sultanate of Khatania
Esthian Embassies in the Community Member Countries:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda: None/No action taken so far
-The Empire of Kraknokistan: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta: None/No action taken so far
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn: None/Contingent of troops being prepared
-The Sultanate of Vastiva: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Republic of Infinite Hoarding: None/No action taken so far
-The Kingdom of Japitaly: Embassy present
-The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados: Embassy present
-The Sultanate of Khatania: A Delegation is being prepared
Floor plans of the 3 International Skyscrapers - Celestia International Municipality
1° International Skyscraper "θείος χρυσός" :
Ground Floor: -Reception,Security Quarters
1° Floor: -Piano Bar "The Ambassador's Whiskey",Conference Rooms
2° Floor: -
3° Floor: -
4° Floor: -
5° Floor: -The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados
6° Floor: -
7° Floor: -
8° Floor: -
9° Floor: -
10° Floor: -The Republic of Infinite Hoarding
11° Floor: -
12° Floor: -
13° Floor: -
14° Floor: -
15° Floor: -The Emirate of New Zambuda
16° Floor: -
17° Floor: -
18° Floor: -
19° Floor: -
20° Floor: -The Free Land of Eastern Aotra
21° Floor: -
22° Floor: -
23° Floor: -
24° Floor: -
25° Floor: -Piano Bar "25th Floor",Conference Rooms
26° Floor: -Medical Centre
27° Floor: -The Empire of Kraknokistan
28° Floor: -
29° Floor: -
30° Floor: -
31° Floor: -
32° Floor: -The Sultanate of Khatania
33° Floor: -
34° Floor: -
35° Floor: -The Sultanate of Vastiva
36° Floor: -
37° Floor: -
38° Floor: -
39° Floor: -The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn
40° Floor: -
41° Floor: -
42° Floor: -
43° Floor: -The Kingdom of Japitaly
44° Floor: -
45° Floor: -The Federal Democratic States of Enripta
46° Floor: -
47° Floor: -
48° Floor: -
49° Floor: -
50° Floor: -Piano Bar "Affinity",Conference Rooms
51° Floor: -
52° Floor: -
53° Floor: -
2° Intenational Skyscraper "神の空" :
3° International Skyscraper "De Goddelijke Aarde" :
Foreign Affairs Building - Vice Minister Vamberti's Office 10.30 A.M.
Vamberti was compiling some papers when the telephone rang.
"Minister,our diplomats have just arrived in Kraknokistan,E.Aorta and Vastiva"
He replied "Good,tell them not to make trouble over there" and hung up the phone.
Celestia Imperial Palace - Emperor's Grand Apartment 3.00 P.M
"Your Higness,General Tsarin has prepared the military contingent for Chilan Kahn. He askes your permission to send them."
The Emperor looked at him and said "Send them. May the blessing of the stars be with them",then he sat down on his sofa,drinking his favourite cocktail.
Infinite Hoarding
20-08-2004, 19:19
The Republic of Infinite Hoarding's representitive entourage looked longingly out of the 10th floor window. Wary of terrorist attack, for no apparently good reason, Johann (Why there's a German dude in the Rubublic of Infininte Hoarding, we are left to speculate) Smith had his "Executive parachute" on. Its been a year, and Johann wondered "Hey, what of that war about the umm civil uprising?", "Chilan Khan or something?". Memories swashed through his head like the ice in his margarita. "500 or so troops, eh?" "General Tsarin, eh?"
After reflecting on the circumstances, Johann thought "Well, if he can take a country with 500 soldiers, I gots to get me some of those General Tsarins"
Chilan Kahn
08-09-2004, 02:32
OOC: Sorry for the incredibly long wait, its been Vacation after school after spontaneous messes for the past few weeks. Anywhom.
*Re paced back and forth in his room. Suddenly the cell phone turned on, but "hello" is definitely not what came out... this is what he heard (*hint, this is originally from here (
*even with the massive support of so many members of the international community, Chilan Kahn the country was in complete anarchy, and the actual Chilan Kahn military personel were starting to plan a coup in aid of the truly communist, albeit slightly curropt, Wentin Kahn revolutionaries. The main island seems to be broken apart into many different factions. Chilan Kahn loyalists still rule the populace close to the palace, albeit loosely. Wentin Kahn controls the small outer island completely, already establishing his main regime there. Anarchists, revolutionaries, and Chilan Kahn loyalists fight in the other towns, while most of the foreign mercenary forces aid in any way they can.
There was also another development. Apparently Wentin Kahn was getting help from an outside group, albeit whom, and what their motives are is still a complete mystery.
Hans Re starts to pace, back, and forth. Finally his military advisor walks in, Commander Wer, the two men not in sight, and his face is bloodied.
Hans Re: "Oh my... what happened to you Commander."
The commander didn't say anything, he simply rose his tandard issue colt .45 to Re's head.
"You back stabbing prick... you set us up!"
Hans Re:
"S-set you up?! What?"
"You knew that the rebels were in here already... and you made us go in anyway! And now, after all these years of serving Chilan Kahn... I hate to see that the secretary of defense, possibly the new Head of State, stoop to such a low..."
Hans Re:
"No! You don't understand I-..."
At that, one shot, Hans was done. Just then, Commander Wer realized his cell phone was on, and guessed who it was.
"Hello Gregor. Your brother is dead, and so is the Chilan government. you might as well stay there, will be a better life for you then that."
At that, the cell went dead, and Gregor stood shocked.
Imperial Residence,Pana Dis 7.00 P.M
The emperor was handling some issues,nothing out of the ordinary.
Even on vacation he couldn't help stopping giving orders for the sake of his nation.
The Chamberlains,the servant and even most of the Esthian population was worried that,although working so hard for the nation, he still dindn't have at least a fiancee.
"Great Chamberlain,news from the Foreign Affairs?" while he was writing something in Esthian.
"Yes your Highness,Minister hayami reports that Western Aorta has simply ignored our request to solve our international incident.
She believes that ,from this time on, W.Aorta will simply ignore us."
"Anything else?"
"Yes,our soldiers in Chilan Kahn are having a hard time bringing peace in their assigned region,fortunately there have been no casualties yes.
...ah,the Chilan Kahn embassy has been quite quiet over the last two months;they even haven't participated at the last Embassies ball."
"Weird,try to send someone to their embassy and see what's going on".
"Yes your Highness I will"
after that the emperor stood up
"I'm Hungry,what's for dinner?"
OOC: Chilan Kahn,good to have you back ;)
Chilan Kahn
11-09-2004, 03:54
It was going to be a long day trying to explain the current situation. Chilan Kahn as a nation was in complete anarchy, and Wentin Kahn was slowly rising as a budding nation. Soon, Chilan Kahn would have to split in two, or win, either one would be a hard sell for the massive international support. Well... suppose we could start with explaining it to the Esthian International commitee. He walked down the hall, and with a few questions to some of the native guards, found his way to the front door, where, to his surprise, an Esthian emissary appeared to be looking for him.
Esthian Emissary:
"Delagate to Chilan Kahn um.... Gregan Ren?"
Gregor Re:
"Thats Gregor Re, but yes, I'm the delagate.
Esthian Emissary:
"Is anything wrong? you and the entire Chilan Kahn representative board haven't shown at many of the public meetings."
Gregor sighed.
"I...I need to talk to the Esthian Foreign office, or the Emperor himself if possible, I have a matter most urgent... so if you would lead on?"
12-09-2004, 20:03
The Sultanate of Khatania is sending seven delegates and seven military escorts...They will arrive within a week or two.
We are interested in establishing diplomatic entendre with Esth and the other Members of the Celestia Municipality.
Sultana Celestine
Nations who have joined the Celestia International Municipality:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda
-The Empire of Kraknokistan
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn
-The Sultanate of Vastiva
-The Republic of Infinite Hoarding
-The Kingdom of Japitaly
-The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados
-The Sultanate of Khatania
Esthian Embassies in the Community Member Countries:
-The Emirate of New Zambuda: None/No action taken so far
-The Empire of Kraknokistan: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Federal Democratic States of Enripta: None/No action taken so far
-The Free Land of Eastern Aotra: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn: None/Contingent of troops being prepared
-The Sultanate of Vastiva: A Delegation is being prepared
-The Republic of Infinite Hoarding: None/No action taken so far
-The Kingdom of Japitaly: Embassy present
-The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados: Embassy present
-The Sultanate of Khatania: A Delegation is being prepared
Floor plans of the 3 International Skyscrapers - Celestia International Municipality
1° International Skyscraper "θείος χρυσός" :
Ground Floor: -Reception,Security Quarters
1° Floor: -Piano Bar "The Ambassador's Whiskey",Conference Rooms
2° Floor: -
3° Floor: -
4° Floor: -
5° Floor: -The Armed Republic of Havana de Sbarbados
6° Floor: -
7° Floor: -
8° Floor: -
9° Floor: -
10° Floor: -The Republic of Infinite Hoarding
11° Floor: -
12° Floor: -
13° Floor: -
14° Floor: -
15° Floor: -The Emirate of New Zambuda
16° Floor: -
17° Floor: -
18° Floor: -
19° Floor: -
20° Floor: -The Free Land of Eastern Aotra
21° Floor: -
22° Floor: -
23° Floor: -
24° Floor: -
25° Floor: -Piano Bar "25th Floor",Conference Rooms
26° Floor: -Medical Centre
27° Floor: -The Empire of Kraknokistan
28° Floor: -
29° Floor: -
30° Floor: -
31° Floor: -
32° Floor: -The Sultanate of Khatania
33° Floor: -
34° Floor: -
35° Floor: -The Sultanate of Vastiva
36° Floor: -
37° Floor: -
38° Floor: -
39° Floor: -The Rogue Nation of Chilan Kahn
40° Floor: -
41° Floor: -
42° Floor: -
43° Floor: -The Kingdom of Japitaly
44° Floor: -
45° Floor: -The Federal Democratic States of Enripta
46° Floor: -
47° Floor: -
48° Floor: -
49° Floor: -
50° Floor: -Piano Bar "Affinity",Conference Rooms
51° Floor: -
52° Floor: -
53° Floor: -
2° Intenational Skyscraper "神の空" :
3° International Skyscraper "De Goddelijke Aarde" :
Chilan Kahn
30-09-2004, 03:32
So this was it then. He had recently gotten a message from the front line saying that Chilan Kahn had been split in two parts. Wentin Kahn had taken control of the small offshore island, and the half the forests he so dearly needed. Chilan Kahn lost a lot of good men, a lot of laws had been enacted in haste that had made the country look quite foolish... and their military was in shambles.
"Gregor? We might as well go and tell them..."
OOC: sorry for the abrupt ending of that... but It seems that no one really cared about the whole situation enough to respond anymore (go figure) so I just decided to split it in two, which I will soon...
OOC: No request for aid was made by either side, so there was no idea of who to support.
OCC: sorry guys if I didn't reply,had so much stuff to do and no time to make up anything.
Since now nobody else is signing up we might as well organize something togever.
Please post here if you are still interested,then we will see what to do.
31-07-2005, 00:55
The Sultanate of Gruenberg would be very keen to exchange embassies with Esth. We await your reply eagerly.