CES: Capitalist Economic Summit [Peaceful Open RP]
Austar Union
11-08-2004, 05:01
This was a major event for the Austar Union, and even possibly the global and universal stage. Planned for some time, President Edward Grove opened the economic summit officially with a powerful speech;
"The freedom of trade, is held sacred, in many nations globally, and is enjoyed by billions, possibly even trillions in the global economy. Everyday, trillions of trillions of dollars circulate the world electronically, and most, if not all of that circulation can be accreditted to the stimuli of the world economy known as Capitalism.
Without Capitalism, there is no trade. Without Capitalism, there is no private endeavour. Without Capitalism, there is no private ownership of the things which are valued, whether they be economic goods or not. Without Capitalism a person has nothing, is nothing, and can only become nothing.
Under the system of Communism, people are encouraged to act as mindless ants, working all day to suit the production of many. Under the system of Capitalism, people are encouraged to Education of their liking, so that they may swim in their own lives. Capitalist Economies enourage achievement, and Communist Economies do not. Without achievement, there is no gratification. Without gratification, there is no sense of worth. Where there is no worth, there is only death.
Therefore, Communism represents the death of the person, whether it be on the inside, or not. Communism represents the lack of freedom to choose, the lack of freedom to be all you want to be. Communism represents the lack of achievement, and so people are forced to down to a level which suits everyone, rather than themselves.
It is this reason, that on behalf of the Greater Prussia Empire, that I am calling for a world conference on Capitalist Economies, to discuss how together we can work together to stimulate and grow together. Working united, we can have the most powerful economies of the world, and so once we have the capabilities, we can stimulate even the nations around us. And while we grow, it gives us only more capacity to help others grow also. It is time that nations stood up and said No to the recessions, and the depressions which reak havoc in the global world.
Only 10% of nations in the world control the world economy. I think it is time friends, that as that 10%, we work together so that we can achieve all which is possible, so that in effect, we can help the other 90% who lag behind. As we get richer, so will they, and so the cycle continues. Therefore, here, today, on behalf of the empire known as Greater Prussia, I declare the CE Summit, officially open!"
President Grove stepped back as the crowd erupted into cheer of ecstasy. This summit was set to be one of the worlds greatest, hopefully achieving what it had been intended. To grow, and harvest the world economy....
OOC: Instead of signing up, lets just roleplay as if everyone is already there. To be involved, you simply have to have the merits of being a capitalist nation, that believes in the benefiting, and growth of yourself, so that you can help farm other economies. Have fun! :)
11-08-2004, 05:20
OOC: I will RP my entrance
The Imperial Limousine pulled up as the Rev. Dr. Ian R.K. Paisley, Emperor of Greater Prussia arrived at the conference in Anatoba City, Austar Union.
The Press surrounded him as he walked up the stairs:
"Your highness, what are you planning to do about the latest terrorist strike in Katrineburg?" One asked.
"Your highness, why are you so intollerant?" Another shouted
"Your highness..." a third of the mass of reporters began before Paisley shouted, "BE QUIET!" the press fell deathly silent. "First of all, don't call me your highness. Do you see me wearing a crown? I keep the crown in a box. It is not mine, it is God's. God is the only one who is high. God is the only one who deserves the crowns. I simply do his work here on earth for a time like those that came before me." he paused, "To answer your question about what I plan to do about the terrorists...I plan to kill them. As for why I am intollerant...some may say I am...I say because I have to be. I say I am intollerant of evil. I am intollerant of oppression. I am intollerant of injustice, but I am tollerant of every race, creed, and colour. Because I disagree with someone, doesn't mean I hate them. Disagreement is NOT intollerance. Now that is all." the Emperor brushed past the reporters and walked inside the building where he waited for his turn to speak.
The Foreign Minister, General (retired) Franz von Papen got out of the helocoptor and walked in, escorted by ten Imperial Guardsmen. Franz ignored the reporters and just walked in to the building.
Austar Union
11-08-2004, 12:44
The delegate from the Austar Union speaks up;
"Thankyou to everyone who is in attendance. It is obvious in the growing left leaning world, that us capitalist nations are far and few, therefore I am calling for a union of somesort, or capitalist nations, in some form of mutual economic benefit. I would suggest some joint trade agreement would help, perhaps even a free trade treaty itself. I would like to hear from the other nations about any ideas they have."
Timothy Akimbo
11-08-2004, 13:01
The Democratic Dictator Sir Timothy Akimbo IV Ruler Of All Hero Of The Free is intriuged by the CES and takes his place in a nondescript table at the back, clapping appropriately. Coming from a socialist state he wishes to bring in Capitalism and wishes to learn of the wonders of it, which, due to CES he does with ease. Capitalism has never been more appealing and in the turbulence of The Socialist States Of Timothy Akimbo a new force is needed to crush the left-leaning colleges that plague the land. And so he waits patiently at the back waiting for the next statement to be made by the gracious hosts...
12-08-2004, 07:16
Emperor Paisley walked up to the podium very slowly, due to his great age. It was now his turn to speak. "Ladies and Gentlemen, thankyou for coming." he said in his rolling Northern Irish accent. "We are here to discuss the benefits of Capitalism versus Communism. Now, I want to tell you all that don't know anything about Ian Paisley, I am the founder of the Free Presbyterian Church and a Reverend myself. I have a doctorate in theology and...I say this not to brag...but to show you that I know what I am speaking of. Communism is anti-Christian. It tells men they are nothign but a part of the whole...it tells them that their highest duty is to the state." he leaned out towards the crowd as if to tell them a secret, "I will tell you friends, a man's highest duty is to GOD ALMIGHTY!" he took a pause to allow it to sink in. "Karl Marx, wrote in his Communist Manifesto, the book they all seem to go by...that religion is the opiate of the people. He claims that religion is just some farce played upon the peasants to keep the rich in power! Why don't you tell that to the Apostles! They SAW WITH THEIR OWN EYES the ressurection of our Lord! And that ladies and gentleman WAS NO FARCE! They stand against all family values...they say that the traditional family structure is corrupt. I say that the family structure is corrupt to." he could tell the crowd was quite shocked at what he'd said. "Now let me explain myself...the family structure was not originally corrupt. The concept is pure...it is their EVIL Communist FILTH which has corrupted the very hearts and minds of our new generations and coaxed them into being comfortable with Communism...coaxed them into believing that it was a good thing. Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again...this is yet another example of what is the truth, being made the lie, and the lie being made out to be the truth! There can be NO COMPROMISE with Communism. It seeks, on its very principle to destroy our society as we know it. IT IS AGAINST US! Now are we to simply sit back and let them attack, or let them slowly weedle their way in through subversion. The answer is not only no, but LORD NO! We will NOT ALLOW IT! Instead, we will fight this subversion! They are drilling into the hearts and minds of OUR CHILDREN! We must not beat our swords into plowshares now; for now is not the time for peace. We must take our swords, and beat our plowshares into swords also that we may smite those who would destroy us! No surrender! NO COMPROMISE!" he finished, now yelling at the top of his lungs, as is his trademark style.
The crowd cheered wildly and he waved to them as he stepped down from the podium and shook hands with the people. "One message down, one more to go." he thought to himself.
12-08-2004, 09:37
((I will, of course, attend. Post later))
12-08-2004, 09:45
James Shrugged, Rep. from the Utopia Of Greed, speaks up, "Such an agreement already exists for those Free nations. The "United Capitalist States."
12-08-2004, 12:49
...while we applaud the initiative taken by the Austar Union to unify capitalist nations under a free trade agreement, perhaps they should first examine the terms of the treaties which they have already signed.
Had President Grove done his homework, he would find that the primary threat to his nation's economic freedom comes not from CACE, who are off in their own little world of delusion, but rather from the association his nation and region have signed with Metus: a treaty whose terms forbid trade with Menelmacar or her allies. It surprises the Menelmacari government that peoples as supposedly proud as those of the Austar Union and her allies in Greater Prussia would willingly sign away their economic sovereignty to Morgoth.
In a world where Communism remains a clear and present threat to free peoples everywhere, it is nothing short of hypocrisy that Greater Prussia would set up a summit for capitalist nations while remaining party to a treaty with terms such as those enshrined in the Metus Pact.
Thusly, the Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar sees no value in attendance.
12-08-2004, 12:56
OOC: Forgive my ignorance, but how does this conference fit with Russian Forces announcement that they're hosting a conference to decide Austar Union's future after having, so they claim, defeated you?
I've been out of the NS loop a little but stumbling accross these two threads made me wonder.
Austar Union
12-08-2004, 13:13
OOC: Forgive my ignorance, but how does this conference fit with Russian Forces announcement that they're hosting a conference to decide Austar Union's future after having, so they claim, defeated you?
I've been out of the NS loop a little but stumbling accross these two threads made me wonder.
OOC: *sigh*
If you had read further, you would have read that it ended in an ignorefest, and not the defeat of the Austar Union. This so called victory on the part of Russian Forces was little more than a n00bish tantrum when the actual war turned into the ignorefest.
President Grove went to the podium, "Of course sir, I really do not think that we are anti-communist as such. I mean, communism and socialism brings many benefits to a society, like Capitalism does. I think we arent in the ancient cold war days with no offense, but in a greater, more peaceful age of acceptance of both doctorines being valid."
In the meantime, while President Grove was at the conference, his personal staff was drafting a reply to Lady Sirithil of Menelmacar;
"We can understand that you view that with a negative light. However, we will state that although we may be a member of Metus, we have not been presented with any documents to sign, therefore we do not enact the Metus-like, anti-Menelmacar policies. In fact, we view such an accord to be only the Melkor Unchained attitudes, and so we do not need to adopt his attitudes. With due respect to both parties, Melkor Unchained is not our lord, nor is he our enemy. In fact, I wouldnt name such a nation as an ally too, since we have not had proper contact with those people. Therefore, we view ourselves to at peace, both in the physical, and mental realm when it comes to you and your allies.
We hope this at least clears some of the diplomatic cloudlyness...."
12-08-2004, 13:20
OOC: *sigh*
If you had read further, you would have read that it ended in an ignorefest, and not the defeat of the Austar Union. This so called victory on the part of Russian Forces was little more than a n00bish tantrum when the actual war turned into the ignorefest.
OOC: Ok, thanks. I missed the war because, as I mentioned, I've not been on the NS forums much of late. The post I cited only had one entry though so I missed the ignore.
And with that I shall leave you to your conference.
Austar Union
12-08-2004, 13:34
President Grove was called aside for a moment by several of his assistants. Authorising the signing of the KIST treaty, he stood back up;
"As the host of this conference, I am now announcing the Austar Union as a proud signatory of the KIST Treaty. We encourage all nations who take notice of this summit, to in fact become a signatory of the treaty, which promotes exactly the goals and aims of this conference."
12-08-2004, 19:39
… along with our Menelmacari friends we are very positive about the Austar Union initiative and a delegation will attend the summit and hopefully we will come to some very positive results.
I am also proud to announce that the Austar Union has signed the Knootian International Stabilisation Treaty, after its decision to leave Greater Prussia. This last decision we respect and we are glad to see that this opens up more possibilities for trade.
We agree completely with our Menelmacari friends that the METUS treaty places undue restrictions on trade and economic contact with a significant group of nations. We call on METUS and Greater Prussia for these restrictions to be eased or abolished as soon as possible; in the interest of common prosperity. It is especially sour that good protestant nations choose to accept such restrictions in their trade with other capitalist nations while there are no fundamental economic or ideological barriers that separate these nations from the Eternal Noldorin Empire and her allies. It is, according to our ministry, important that the free world stands united against the Aperinian danger however dormant it may seem. Only with a focussed determination to free trade principles is economic coherence possible in a globalising world...
Austar Union
The Knootian delegation beamed, and their leader spoke:
“We very much welcome the words of President Grove and the decision of his government to sign the KIST treaty. I personally extend his invitation to other delegates here assembled. I think the KIST treaty is an important institution that can provide more stability in the chaotic world economy.
With the anticapitalist criminals and murderers organising themselves around conferences and treaties, we must organise ourselves as well and provide a common front. A network of nations where competition and trade and prosperity can flourish.
While KIST is not exclusively limited to free trading nations, and instead aiming for a broad scope of nations, it is a treaty that no capitalist nation can afford not to sign. It is an institution that will improve your economies, but it is also a statement that you stand against poisonous initiatives such as IFTA that seek to enslave humanity and beyond.”
12-08-2004, 20:43
Forums : http://s7.invisionfree.com/KIST/index.php
Original reqruitment thread text (http://s7.invisionfree.com/KIST/index.php?showtopic=7)
Treaty text (http://s7.invisionfree.com/KIST/index.php?showtopic=1)
Signatories (http://s7.invisionfree.com/KIST/index.php?showtopic=6)
Santa Barbara
12-08-2004, 20:52
Marcos Fernando, representing the CoFedCo, stood and addressed the other delegates, aiming in a general sort of way at the Austar Union delegate.
"Indeed, I am forced to agree with regards to the natural superiority of capitalist systems, as well as the plentiful benefits of joining the Knootian International Stability Treaty.
"However, I am wondering what the general objectives of this conference are."
12-08-2004, 22:12
OOC: Am I allowed to join this as well even though Helms is at the Friendship Banquet?
Sheila Dolbanutaya, the Allanean Acting President in Absence of President Kazansky, got out of her hummerzine. She was simply dressed – wearing jeans, a pair of high boots (called ‘combat boots’ anywhere but in Allanea), a white T-shirt with the slogan “Free minds, free markets”, and an empty holster for a Desert Eagle. She walked, smiling, through the blaze of dozens of camera flashes and into the conference hall. She smiled at the representatives in attendance and began her speech:
“Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
We in Allanea understand the value of a free market. During years of occupation, we have experienced on our own hides, that where the right to property is violated, no other freedom can breathe. This, ladies and gentelemen, is why we care so much about our freedom.
Today, for reasons that the esteemed delegates have already mentioned, it is necessary for us to work out a set of policies foreign and economic that will help us build a world safe for free markets – and for freedom in general. This will require effort - but the effort will pay off. I am here to suggest several practical measures that might help.
The first measure might seem outlandish for you, but, in fact, such experts as F.A. Hayek have already spoken out in favour of it – and so has the Allanean banking system. Namely, we are talking about moving away from fiat currency and on to gold-backed currency (such as the Allanean dollar) and even plain gold currency (such as the Golden Dollar issued by the Allanean Province of Aissur). This will stabilise our economies – and stable economies are richer economies.
The second, while more conventional, is probably harder to do. It is necessary for us to develop a common policy for introducing free-market policies in non-market economies such as Edolia. We believe that peaceful means, such as propaganda, boycotts, and sanctions should be used – and that military action should be the last resort – but that doesn’t mean that we should stand by calmly, waiting for the Kim Ir Sens and Clintons of the modern era to massacre, starve, and oppress more and more innocent millions. Remember Truman’s words: “If we wish only to remain where we are, we will be driven back.” The policy need not be an aggressive one – but we need a common policy – so that we can work together as brothers, instead of futilely throwing babies out of the sled as the communist wolves follow.
. Ladies and Gentlemen! You might not agree with what I said. You might decide differently. But whatever you do, remember the words of Richard Pipes: “While the right to property can exist, in some mangled form, under regimes where personal freedom is non-existent, where the right to property does not exist, other freedoms die, too.”
Santa Barbara
13-08-2004, 23:37
Marcos Fernando stares at the Allanean acting President for a few moments, clearly at a loss for words. Truman? Clinton? He shakes his head and then redirects his gaze at the rest of the delegation, but says nothing and sits down.
15-08-2004, 07:27
Finally arriving at the conference, Chancellor of the Treasury (Treasury/Economic Minister) Dame Dianne Volkssen lost no time in addressing the assembled group. Reaching into her jacket, she pulled out a statement prepared by the Foreign and Treasury Ministries.
"The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire is in all ways supportive of the concept of this alliance. It is a sad fact that in the world today the dual blights of Communism and Socialism run unchecked, spreading destruction and dispair over a majority of the world.
As a nation borne into and sustained by free market laisez-faire capitalism, the Grand Duchy has taken it upon itself to show to the rest of the world the benefits of a free market system free of government planning and control. History has proven that people and business do better and produce more when left to their own devices.
It is the hope of the Grand Duchy that this 'Capitalist Economic Summit' was extol to the world that only by deregulation, privatization, and the ending of anti-business legislation can humanity reach its full potential. It is human nature to be Capitalist, to be Communist or Socialist isn't just a poor economic choice; it's unnatural. The greatest technological acheivements of our time did not happen in communist nations, they were borne of the fruits of Capitalist Systems. Only when people are rewarded or punished according to their performance can true innovation become reality.
For too long left wing economies and nations have stolen the world stage, now it's time for Capitalism to speak again."
After reading the prepared statement, Dame Dianne takes a seat and begins to prepare a rebuttal to the statement by Allanean Acting President Sheila Dolbanutaya.
15-08-2004, 08:17
Dr. Paisley stand and applauds both Allanea and Hamptonshire.
Reporters move over and ask him why he is applauding
"Applauding? No, I'm just having a seizure!" He yells sarcastically. "Come back when you have a real question!"
The Water Cooler
15-08-2004, 08:37
With the anticapitalist criminals and murderers organising themselves around conferences and treaties, we must organise ourselves as well and provide a common front. A network of nations where competition and trade and prosperity can flourish.
"Here, Here" Boomed the reccently arrived Water Coolian Rep, the Minister of Economics, Lord Georgene Homrighaus.
15-08-2004, 10:32
The Knootian representative nods to the Water Coolian Minister of Economics. “Thank you, Lord Homrighaus.
I fear that I must divert some time to respond to the Allanean proposals. The DDR is not in favour of going back to gold-backed currency or plain gold currency. In this world trust has become a more important commodity then gold, and we feel it is more important that a government has a decent credit rating and fulfils its contracts. In this area, the Allanean government is unfortunately sorely lacking. This is why we, together with many others, have called for an economic boycott (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=348716) of Allanea and we would trust other wise governments take similar measures.
Neither does the DDR desire to develop a common policy for introducing free-market policies in specifically targeted non-market economies against the will of their peoples using non-peaceful means. The DDR promotes free market policies and, contrary to some of our friends here, we actually have a record of assisting in the introduction of more capitalistic policies in the nations of Zvarinograd and Lietuveska and of course our own dependencies in Ale-Yarok and Colombia. In general, we have found a positive, businesslike approach to be more effective. That is not to say that we do not welcome cooperation, but I find a policy such as the speaker proposed unduly hostile and provocative.”
Dolbanutaya lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, I think you misunderstood me a bit. In fact, you misunderstood me entirely!
While, certainly, military intervention is a very efficient method (used successfully by Allanea in such nations as Aoogah, Communist Aissur (now the Allanean Province of Aissur), and Yurka, it is only a last resort. Many times Allanea has acted to introduce free-market policies through negotiation (in nations such as Ancient and Holy Terra, for example). We believe that it is the economic and peaceful method that is the first method of freedom.
As per gold-backed currency, we believe that it is currency that is dependent on a true value - not a fake fiat standard - that is most stable. Any currency can become devaluated when dishonest merchants such as Zero One are around - but no merchant on a planet will refuse a golden coin. If he doesn't like the portrait on the coin or the language of the nation that minted it, he can melt it down and it'll still be worth it's weight. Gold cannot be effectively banned, traced, or boycotted. Gold is the essence of economic freedom. It is the brick on which markets stand."
I am unsure if ANY pact whatsoever can be made with Alleana due to Derscon's affiliation with Metus.
Franz von Papen stood up to address the crowd.
"With the threat of Communism shadowing down upon our Capitalist brothers, we need to address the fact that people are beginning to believe the lies of the New World Order brought about by Communism.
Communism refuses to recognize the individual's right to be an individual. It refuses to allow a person to succeed in life. Instead, it promotes that the collective is important, and you yourself are worthless.
Capitalism promotes individualism. It allows people to succeed at their own merits.
Communism will counter that in saying that 'well, in a capitalist society, it only benifits the rich, and everyone else is left to fall through the cracks.' That is not true. The reason it benifits the rich is because they WORKED HARDER THAN MOST to obtain their wealth, and so they get to reap their rewards. The only ones in a capitalist society that fall through the cracks are those that do not work. Those that do not work do not deserve to stay above.
Communism then counters that claim saying that The Darwinism is immoral. In a communist society, everyone gets what they need.
Well, even IF the Darwinism is immoral, it is HOW LIFE WORKS. Period.
Also, addressing the statement of everyone gets what they need. Well, this is because the government's welfare programs. Lazyness becomes a factor. "Hell, I don't do anything, and I still get a house, food, etc., so I'll just sit here and look busy." This plays in to factor. Also, many people do not want to support those too lazy to support themselves.
Now, some communists say that Well, if you don't work, the government will imprison you/send you to a camp/kill you/etc.. Well, in that case, THE PEOPLE ARE BEING HELD AS SLAVES TO THE GOVERNMENT!!! And, in fact, they are WORSE off, because they get nothing extra in return for hard work. In a communist society, if you don't work, you die, and if you work hard, you will just always be on par with everyone else. But in a capitalist society, if you dont' work, you fall through the cracks, like communism of sorts, but if you work HARD, you get rewards. I'd rather work hard and be better than have the government take it all away.
Now, for those that just put those that do not work on welfare instead -- that would bankrupt your nation.
Here's a senario:
Bob lives in a communist society. Bob is lazy, and does not want to work. Bob knows that even if you don't work, he'll get welfare, and be able to get everything everyone else has -- so Bob leaves his job and goes to his house and just sits around. Joe sees Bob loafing around and still making the same amount that Joe makes for Joe's hard work, so Joe quits his job to. And it just keeps falling that way.
OOC: GDODAD is allied to the Ali'Staan Accord.
15-08-2004, 19:57
The Knootian delegation collectively flinched as Franz von Papen began to yell.
Sheesh.. the room isn't that big, the point man thought. All were silent.
OOC: GDODAD is allied to the Ali'Staan Accord.
OOC: Oh, that's right, I remember.
The Rt. Hon Jaoren Kalore, His Majesty's Minister of Commerce, arrived at the conference in his Bentley Arnage RL (luxury touring sedan). His driver, dressed in a traditional driver's uniform with cap, walked around to allow the Minister out. Minister Jaoren stepped out wearing a black three piece designer made suit with white shirt, and blue tie. In one hand he carried a black gold capped cane with imbedded diamond, in the other a titanium briefcase. He was an elderly gentleman, perhaps in his sixties, with short white cropped hair. He stepped into the conference, and silently took a seat at one of the tables.
17-08-2004, 19:19