NationStates Jolt Archive

Intelligence report ready on Rampageina

10-08-2004, 17:35
This report has been prepared by reporters of the independent news organ "World intelligence", and has been compiled from government, private and other undisclosed sources.

Diverse population of mixed races and beliefs. Most however are christian protestants. But they only make up 30% of the population. 20% are muslim and the remaining 50% are mixes of beliefs or minor fragments of other international religions.

This cocktail has been created as the island state once was a busy puppet alliance state with the great colonizing nations. And it's ruler in these historic times had to accept anyone the new masters brought along.

Fragile, mostly concentrated on energy production on environment friendly manner. It's economy is very dependent on the price of energy.
Recent years of cheap electricity from some of its competitors have forced the government, despite large corporation lobbying, to divert some government funding to alternative industries; mostly fish farming offshore.
The economy develops under free market liberalism with some government interventions.

Three party system, majority of people vote for the "Neutral Environment Alliance". There seems to be few extreeme opinion voiced in public debates in this country, and they always have a unified front outwards. However, internal affairs and polite debates seems strained in later years as new hope of prosperity and political ideals on how to manage it may divide the people.

The other two pary is "The Free" who are firm believers in market capitalism. The last party is "Brothers", in the early fifties they were greatly inspired by communist idols from other parts of the world, but have always due to the quiet nature of the people been socialist democrats.

For many years a kingdom under a loved but strict ruler the country had no real legal system. Developed over the last 40 years of democracy (since the father of the curent monarc died), is a liberal law system granting equal rights to anyone accross gender, ethnisity, religion, sexual preference and any other attribute. The true strenght of this countrys law system has yet to be tested as the people is a quite homogenous mass, and there are small differences between people in demographic surveys.

Conscription is only a formality, only 15% of the eligible young do they service. But the 20.000 man Royal Infatry is one of the proud professional core is the cornerstone of how Rampageina moulds its future military. The men are well paid and has some international experience from international peacekeeping operations in cooperation with other nations. Only when invited is the motto of the Rampagenian Department of Military Matters (DMM)
The complete composition of the resources available to DMM is difficult to assert due to variously successfull attempts on modernizing the branches. The Royal Infantry(RI) is to the government the Hallmark on how they all should be organized, the cost however is greater than what they can bite given the current economic strength of the nation, and it's peoples willingness to fund the military budget (39% known, unknown secret funding).
The airforce has 20 top modern fighter jets and trained pilots with experience, but Rampageinas ability to deploy the jets with ground support and sufficient personell to service and maintain remains untested, and by many international experts highly doubtfull.
The Rampageinan navy, once some 30.000 proud men and 4 battle cruisers with complementary MTBs and support ships are now only 2 cruisers in bad need of service and upgrades. Many of the navy men serving are also young men serving their conscription and with no real intresst in a carrer in the Rampeagian Navy. The recent focus on technology and state of the art systems has not reached this disgruntled branch of the military.
The army is made up of a core of 50.000 men who rotate on training and patrol the borders of Rampageina. In addition to this another 120.000 men can be called in on short notice of men and women (Rampageina was the first nation world wide to also conscribe women) who have served their conscription and still train on a bi yearly basis to maintain their capability as sufficient army men and women.
The total military man power of Rampageina is according to the CIA fact book 1.6M men and women. This purely based on the number of people fit for conscription.

International disputes and Issues:
Rampageina has been a target in the past for international animal activists. The strong tradition fur has in garments in the nation has several times spiked diplomatic strifes with other nations attempting to gain political currency at their cost.

Rampageina was also for weeks on end in the news three years ago when they forcefully deported a family of animal activists who had discaged and freed 10.000 lamu(local furry animal with great international sympathy, only found here), the all the lamu died when they could not survive in the wild. And the family was procecuted and found guilty on cruelty to animals. The family was deported to a neighbouring country after heavy international diplomatic preassure.

Furthermore Rampageina claim sovereingship of parts of international waters, claiming that they are natural parts of theyr coastline. Most shrug of these claims and doesn't care. But this is an issue of outmost importance to the pride and prestige in international matters to the government and King of Rampageina.

A lot of transportation is done by water in this nation. Only in the recent decade when energy prices have been good has the country been able to invest heavily in roads and airports. Five medium airports, and one major airport has been built. The major airport "Souverign Asalmak" serves as the international airport, and is the only world wide international airport of its size who due to lack of traffic doesn't operate 24h a day.

Due to the late development of modern communications in the country most (78%) of the people can access modern tv, radio, telephone and internet services.
Most of the infrastructure are based on radio and sattelite which works well for this flat land.

Report conclusion:
Rampageina is promising as a free haven and paradise. Trade is encouraged by local government, and personal freedoms have a strong place in all it's peoples heart due to years as a colony.
The country faces many exciting challenges ahead as it has to stabelize it's economy to attract investors. Though the cool heads of these quiet people has the aspiration to be a recognized voice in international politics. Their ruler has only one issue which he disputes with his people; it's on entering the UN. The people believe that this will give them a voice and an opportunity to change the world in their image. The King however is afraid that they will not be able to have their voice heard in such a uniformed organ, and that they are best served with having an indipendent politics.