What's your countries language?
09-08-2004, 17:03
What is your countries main language? I'm just curious to know
The Mindset
09-08-2004, 17:06
My country speaks Mindsettian, a modified Germanic-styled variation of Gaelic.
09-08-2004, 17:09
I guess I should say my country speaks mainly German and some English.
09-08-2004, 17:13
my nation mainly speaks Indian, though multiple variants of Arabic languages are spoken, as well as Tibetan, and Indonesian languages.
09-08-2004, 17:16
Dutch and English
The official languages of the College State are Welsh and English. Latin is also official, technically, but it's not exactly the sort of thing used in everyday conversation.
09-08-2004, 19:24
'Laogrea' (lowgreen) is the language my people speak. It is basically a mixture of Spanish, French, Italian, and English. It is very confusing to learn, but not many people use it these days (they use Italian and English, mostly).
09-08-2004, 19:40
Most Crossmanians speak English. The largest minorities are Japanese and German, and we do have a small amount that speak Spanish and Arabic.
Soviet Trasa
09-08-2004, 19:49
Mines a German/Russian hybred... called 'Trasian'
We have three official languages, ancient variation of norwegian(main language), Germanic(minorities) and ofcourse English.
For writing we mainly use our own runical alphabeth similar to norwegian runes, but it has been modernised. However, we use standard modern standard latin alphabeth often too.
Modern runical alphabeth and older runes can be seen on our national flag ( http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/torsg.jpg ).
Writings on the flag
Upside down : Tor sg
Left to right : Torsg God is great
Ancient runes on the flag
Upper left : Earth
Upper right : Fire
Lower left : Water
Lower right : Air
Yes, it is the eye of Horus.
The main Esthian language is a mix of Latin and Ancient Byzantine. (lately some words of japanese origin are introduced in the Esthian lexicon)
Official Minor languages are Dutch (which is spoken mostly in the city of New Hollandia) and Japanese (spoken in the Japanese district on Nakigoa)
Greater Perolijk
09-08-2004, 21:08
Several languages are used in my country, The most used language is obviously Perolijkan, it is a west nordic language for those interrested in linguistics. In the east and north other languages of different origins are spoken among ethnic minorities.
Most of the humans in Akaton speak English. However, the leaders of Akaton speak a hybrid of Latin and Elvish as well as English.
The Parthians
09-08-2004, 21:15
Most People in Parthia speak Farsi, English, and Avestan.
The official languages of Hattia are: Russian, English, Hatti, and Edoliani (Just recently)
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-08-2004, 21:28
The official language of Draconis Nightcrawlis is Draconian which evolved from English.
Cherry Ridge
09-08-2004, 21:48
English and Latin
09-08-2004, 21:56
Marimaia's official languages are Marimaian (evolved from Chinese, Japanese and Korean which has evolved over the centuries) and English. In addition to that, most Marimaians usually learn either Chinese, Japanese or Korean simply because:
a) they find them relatively easy to pick up since their first language is an evolution of them, so many terms are very similar;
b) most of the nations we deal with speak one or more of those three.
The Steel Legions
09-08-2004, 22:43
The people of the Steel Legions speak the language of the Imperium of man which is High Gothic it is a mix of Latin and German.
Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 22:49
High English, the international language of all Universalists.
09-08-2004, 22:50
The official languages are Endolantrean and Hegazth, although English, Kazetan, and Terran may soon be added as people originating from Futurus, Kazete, and other nations commonly speak them.
English and French are our two official languages. English is spoken throughout much of Temme, except in the north-east, where French is the dominant language. I also selected Chinese, for while it is not an official language, there are many who speak it. Some people speak First Nations dialects. Children learn about 5 languages in school.
09-08-2004, 23:58
Our official language is English, but there are three other widely spoken languages in the nation: Spanish, which has always been our second most popular language; Noterelenda, something of a Spanish-English hybrid that is more popular in our former colonies; and the newest trend, Greek.
We in the Illuvauromeni Commonality of Everlasting Light are brought up to speak several languages. Generally, we are all taught to speak Illuvauromeni, which is also known as Common Nenyan; High Nenyan we are always taught to read, but not always to speak; Dth'garic is taught to all children, whether Human, Nenyan, or Quendi; Sindarin and Quenya are taught to the Elves, and those others who wish to learn, or who have parents who desire them to learn.
Our diplomats are expected to fluently speak at least seven languages, and have a basic grasp of another four. If they are to rise to a high rank, they must be excellent linguists, understanding and fluent in at least fifteen languages.
~ 12th Ambassador J'reka, Commonality Diplomatic Corps, Cultural Exchange Department
10-08-2004, 01:52
British English and over 20 minority languages brought in by the refugees.
10-08-2004, 02:29
The Colony of Homocracy is split into regions with their own devolved Parliaments. These regions are split mostly on language, the main languages being English, German and Polari, though our position as a homocratic nation has lead to a large influx of refugees.
The Golden Simatar
10-08-2004, 02:31
My nation speaks mostly English with some Afrikaans mixed in.
10-08-2004, 02:32
Oops, I should've chosen Other and Chinese. I'm currently calling Nianacio's primary language Lanio. My current view on it is that it started as something like Western Dani.
BTW, what would have become Japanese and Korean were swallowed up by Lanio. [:twisted: smiley goes here]
10-08-2004, 02:37
The Ancient, traditional language of Palladia was similar to Japanese, making frequent use of syllabaries and pictograms. Later on, a Germanic language was brought and forced on the people. Today, Modern Palladian language is very much like English in structure and style, and similar to Japanese in vocabulary. The Japanese katakana character set is used for the written language (kanji and hiragana are NOT used).
10-08-2004, 02:45
The national language of Castillanos is Spanish, while in the south Portugese is widely spoken. Also, Children are taught English and French in School.
Mainly Japanese, and a small percentage of French and Arabic.
Drizzts Army
10-08-2004, 04:00
Most speak either English or Undercommon which is the language of the drow(dark elves) in my nation.
Petoht Al Rayn
10-08-2004, 04:15
11-08-2004, 00:08
Our official language in Selene2u is Greek.
Due to tourism most speak english and many other languages as education has a high priority in our country. :)
11-08-2004, 00:18
94% of our people speak English, while an additional 5% speak Italian.
The old Aquil dialect, very similar to Latin, is now used only for proper names.
11-08-2004, 00:24
English and Rastabite are spoken in Rastaban.
Northwestern Liang
11-08-2004, 00:48
In ancient times, the Eight Kingdom's spoke various Asian, Germanic, Celtic, and Baltic languages, depending on which kingdom they hailed from. With the unification of the country under Lord Dao Yorinaga of Northwestern Liang, the NWern language, similar to Japanese, was imposed as the 'official' language for some time.
However, practicality soon dictated that this be changed. As such, languages were mixed, matched, and fused, and eventually evolved into the Low, Middle, and High Liangite languages that are now official. Each 'level' has elements of the other two, and cannot in any way be assumed to be fully Asian, Baltic, or Germanic in character.
The 'High' variant is the closest to original Northwestern speech, with it's Japanese feel. This is Yorinaga's language, and is the language of government and business.
The 'Middle' variant is characterized by the Baltic speech of Southern and Northeastern Liang. It is the most ancient of the tongues, and it's most prominent speaker is Lord Vytautas Karyu, High Admiral of the Imperial Liangite Navy, Sky Marshal of the Liangite Naval Air Force, and Viceory of Liangite Magdha. Others include Lord Casimir Kausras, Vice-Lord of the Domain.
The 'Low' variant is characterized by the Germanic feel of Eastern Liang. Not many Low Liangite speakers are in the government, but they maintain a sizable population in the former Eastern territories. Low Liangite is often looked down upon as a language fit only for peasants and dwarves. When a dwarf ventures to learn a Liangite tongue, it is usually Low Liangite.
The massive dwarven population of the Domain speaks a variant of the ancient Khuzdul tongue, with it's complexity. It is a guarded secret of the dwarven community, and none but dwarves know how to speak it. Perhaps the only Khuzdul term widespread is Baruk-dûm, which means rougly 'Hall of Axes', the name of the dwarven fortress-capital beneath the ground of the Eastern mountain ranges.
As is dwarven custom, they rarely share their Khuzdul names, and most dwarven kings are known by their Low Liangite 'outer' names.
OOC: Whew, and there is my very long and unnecessary essay on Liangite languages.
11-08-2004, 01:33
The main language in my country is Italian
The Dohme
11-08-2004, 02:16
The Non-Relion of the Dohme's National language is Dwomemish. It is a language created to be easy to use, with letters and sounds based on natural sounds and shapes.
Vastiva's population speak several arabic languages, most commonly Moorish variants, and several archaic; Russian, Urdu, Laap, German, Tlingit, Hebrew, Finnish, Sami, and English are also spoken, with English being the "lingua franca".
"Vastivan" is more of a trade tongue then anything else. You might call it a mutual pidgin of all the others, but it has taken on a slight life of it's own.
All citizens learn literacy by age 6 in their "native" tongue and Vastivan, with fluency and literacy in English required by age 13, and usually a fourth language by 16.
Rhacyn's native language is a variant of Chinese, yet most speak English as their primary language. Every educated citizen has more or less a strong grasp of both languages.
Taiwan's citizens speak mainly English and Chinese. There are still some old men from the pre-WWII times speaking Japanese from the occupation.
11-08-2004, 09:27
Technologia's only official language is English, but as it is mandatory to learn at least one other language, all Technologians are at least bilingual, and many know three or more languages. The most commonly spoken language besides English is Japanese.
Liverpool England
11-08-2004, 09:49
Liverpool England's citizens all speak English. Minorities in the desert speak Spanish, while some people in the ancient capital speak German. However, English and German are two of the official languages of the nation, with Chinese (Mandarin) being the other, being spoken in the south.
11-08-2004, 17:10
carlemnarians speak a seemlessly intigrated amalgum of lananaran and localy indiginous terms and phraises words.
perceptualy in their basic world view both are nearly indistinguishable, though that of the several indiginous cultures differ from one another, largely as to their origen
the resaulting tongue is rich, colorful and diverse, yet capable of great and unambiguous accuracy where such is required. the latter being in sharp contrast to the majority of earth languages, many of which evolved drivin by
a perceived need to pervaricate. this is not to say the
average carlimnarian is incapable of dissembly but rather
that culturaly our shaired perceptions are not based upon
mythilogical perceptions of the nontangable but are rather
intimately ingrained in the complexities of natural cycles
and interrelationships.
the resault is that translating carlemnarian thought into
more typical languages of planet earth may resault in
seemingly bombastic literalism and a fondness for large and
often unfamiliar sounding words, while the same thought, in
its origeonal expression can be spoken unambiguously in
less then five words of modest length and vocal complexity.
Alejandro Rey
11-08-2004, 20:30
Alejandro Rey's citizens mostly speak Spanish and English, but there is a small Italian Speaking population around Empire City and the Northeastern Coast.