Nationstates Cartographic Vademecum
Technocratic Republics
08-08-2004, 22:21
In order to have a better understanding on how well cartographed is this universe/multiverse of ours, we need to have a good place to find maps. Therefore, I believe we should generate an easy to use compendium of all the maps we have, no matter how general or specific they are.
General Maps: These maps range from entire continents to galaxy-spanning. Generaly, these maps include more than one region, or nations that are located in different regions together.
IMSA, star system (
Regional Maps: Maps of one region in particular, that include one or more nations on it.
Aperin, region (
Forlon Hope, region (
Haven, region (
IMSA, region (
New York, region (
October Alliance, region (
Sisgardia, region (
The Heartland, region (
Urbanites, region (
National Maps: Maps of one nation in particular, or areas of it.
Hattia (
New Genoa (
The Zoogie People (
Local Maps: Maps that show specific parts of nations, such as cities, states and provinces.
08-08-2004, 22:25
The following are regional maps
New York
The October Alliance
Technocratic Republics
08-08-2004, 22:34
New maps added.
08-08-2004, 22:50
New maps added.
Cool thanks.
Technocratic Republics
08-08-2004, 23:17
New entry added.
New Genoa
08-08-2004, 23:38
The Heartland -
Aperin -
New Genoa -
Allied Powers map coming probably maybe
The Evil Overlord
08-08-2004, 23:44
Here is the regional map of Forlorn Hope. It's the cheesy electronic version, but it ought to work.
-Map of Haven
-Map of Hattia
Technocratic Republics
09-08-2004, 00:21
New entries added.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-08-2004, 00:30
The Heartland -
What did you use to make that map?
New Genoa
09-08-2004, 00:37
I didn't make the heartland map
09-08-2004, 00:52
My region currently spans over its own planet, and will eventually expand into the entire star system that the planet is a part of. (Some of us are currently in the process of building a space elevator.) In my site, I have the political and physical maps of the IMSA planet, as well as a diagram of the IMSA Star System. I know the edges aren't as curvy and detailed as on the other maps, but I like to keep some mathematical niceness so that the proportions, which are based on nation ages, don't get out of hand.
Edit: By the way, I think this thread would do well as a sticky.
May I please correct the information for the Aperin map?
The current map is here: (
This link is updated whenever there are changes to the Aperin map, and should remain current for the forseeable future. We would request that anyone wanting to know how Aperin is laid out refer to this one, as NS is a place of flux, and changes are bound to happen.
Also, if I may clarify as to the nature of Aperin, the continent: while there is an Aperin region, its membership only partly reflects the Aperin continental map. Aperin the continent is more of a collective of nations RPing together. Just in case that little discrepancy boggled anyone.
-X, Keeper of the Map, Aperin
Draconis Nightcrawlis
09-08-2004, 01:14
I didn't make the heartland map
Oh right, sorry.
09-08-2004, 01:47
Oh right, sorry.
So then whoever made it, what did they use because that is a great map!
The Zoogie People
09-08-2004, 01:57
It's rough and incomplete, but it's all I have. My nation.
Magnus Valerius
09-08-2004, 02:01
I'll post up the maps in a while. I need to update a couple of them.
Technocratic Republics
12-08-2004, 17:12
New entries added.
Maps of the North Pacific can be found |here| (
All NP maps are courtesy of Thel D'Ran.
Ultimate Madness
12-08-2004, 18:48
The Dales Regional Maps
Keep in mind that these are only rough drafts. Over the course of the next month or two, they will be decorated - so to speak.
What did you use to make that map?
I made the maps for The Heartland. They were hand-drawn using Paint Shop Pro, a great paint program I bought years ago. It took many tries and different versions before they took the form they have now....
Here are some views of the maps at different resolutions:
Regional Overview:
District Detail Maps:
Draconis Nightcrawlis
26-08-2004, 00:52
I made the maps for The Heartland. They were drawn by hand using Paint Shop Pro, a great paint program I bought years ago.
Very well done then, I suck at PSP :(
I found the key is to decide on a style, then keep it consistent throughout. My original maps had different colors for every nation, and it ended up looking like confetti.
26-08-2004, 01:00
My map. (
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
Draconis Nightcrawlis
26-08-2004, 01:01
I'm better at drawing maps by hand and then scanning it onto the computer. At least I would if I had a scanner.
26-08-2004, 01:02
I'm better at drawing maps by hand and then scanning it onto the computer. At least I would if I had a scanner.
Me too. Now if one of you nice people would buy me a scanner....
Wazzu and Bedou (national):
The Planet Mars (region):
Click on "The Map of Mars"
Draconis Nightcrawlis
26-08-2004, 01:06
Me too. Now if one of you nice people would buy me a scanner....
Hehe, time to use puppy dog eyes I think :D
26-08-2004, 01:08
I found the key is to decide on a style, then keep it consistent throughout. My original maps had different colors for every nation, and it ended up looking like confetti.
You made all those maps in PSP? That's awesome. I love that program.
The map of the region 'The Planet Mars' has changed locations. It is now here:
The map is maintained by Kajal, and is made using Photoshop with a source image of the Blue Mars graphic that used to be on
Ancient Order of Hibernian Regional Map: The Hibernian Continent (
With Allied Military Reservations Shown.
a quite point, the map of Aperin belongs in General, not Region, since it includes a whole lot of nations not in Aperin.
12-09-2004, 08:13
Callisdrun and the surrounding lands:
The FKC atlas
Although different folks have had their hand at map making, SW Benji (formally known as Fasta Benj) and Alcona are the main mapmakers. The map on the site is not the most current one though.
The FKC site is maintained by SW Benj.
The urbanites URL is broken because I've had to move the picture... so here is the new URL