Dregruk VS Danneland: When Worlds Collide
(OOC: The exact post: Clicky (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=6701156&postcount=60))
The situation had arisen from a fight at a party. The delegate from Dregruk had gotten into a brawl with the Dictator of Slutbum Wallah, but in his anger he struck the delegate from Danneland in the face.
Now, the two nations' war machines have begun moving on a collision course. Talks are scattered and unsuccessful. It seems that both superpowers are equally determined for a fight.
All that remains is a formal declaration of war, which is yet to surface.
--Office of Warchief Grimzag Deathjaw, 1300 hours--
"We need to delcare war, Hrrachen. The talks have all failed, just like I said they would. For once, would you listen to my advice and just let as attack?"
The Dictator looked weary from having this conversation for the 36th time. "Grimzag, we have to respect International Etiquette! The recent incidents with the communists haven't exactly made us the most popular nation in the world, you know..."
"Who cares if they don't like us?! Not me. And you shouldn't either, Hrrachen. In case you haven't noticed, we've become one of the largest nations in the world. Our armed forces have the funding to keep them to a very high level. Don't you see that a war is what this country needs? The people have been losing faith in our military strength, which I may remind you is not good, considering the damn country revolves around it..."
"Fine, we'll have one more talk to try and negotiate a truce. Then it's war."
08-08-2004, 21:55
"I WANT HIS HEAD ON A PLATE!" Daniel roared in his office at the generals who stood in a row.
His secretary cleared her throat.
Daniel turned his head towards her with an angry face. "what?!"
"Mabye you should try to ta--
"Sir, francly.. you should try to talk first" this time it was Veers who spoke.
"I understand that you feel.. well, a little irritated. But may I remind you that this may come at the cost of our own people? I urge to to make a final communication."
Daniel took a deep breath, "very well.. one.. last.. conversation.. Secretary! type!"
From: The Great Great, GREAT Dictator Daniel of Danneland
To: That bastard Hrrachen and his henchman
We.. no, I demand a formal excuse and his head on a PLATE. Or face the goddamned consequenses!
Veers picked up the letter and smiled, I'll mail it at once.
Daniel nodded.
Veers made his way to his office, tared the letter in two and threw it out the window. He sat down and wrote a new one.
From: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
To: The Great Dictator of Dregruk
It seems as if your delegate made a somewhat foolish act. I urge to get an excuse and him being sent to Dannelandian prison. This might lead to war, either we discuss the matter face to face, or we wage a war that can very well cost the lives of millions.
-Dictator Daniel of Danneland.
Hattia wonders why thousands of people will have to die because some dictators got into a fight at a diplomatic event. We request that both nations try to settle this diplomatically...
The WIck
09-08-2004, 01:58
OOC : An excellent pretense for a war, wishes both side luck in their campaigns
o.o.c humour and war....Sound likes fun. TAG
We feel the same way as Hattia on this matter. We fail to see the point of the deaths of possibly millions becuase somebody got hit. If wars got started this way then every bar in the world would be constantly filled with soldiers...wait, that's already happened....I mean every bar would be a smoking crater that is radioactive from the nuclear warhead that went off in it to win the war. Won't you two please think of all the innocent bars that will be destroyed. Think off the loss of all that precious alcohol! Won't somebody please think of the booze
Jim F. Tuesat
PM of Celack
and 100% alcoholic!
Sigma Octavus
09-08-2004, 04:12
(OOC: Heh, "Won't somebody please think of the booze!?" Nice.)
The Island of Rose
09-08-2004, 04:29
Just settle this over X-Box Live.
OOC: Yes that was an IC post.
"Now do you see that we have to go to war?!" Yelled the Warchief over the phone to a slightly drunk Dictator. "If you tell me we have to send one more envoy to those morons asking for a diplomatic solution, I think I'll have to blow up something big. Such as your mansion. Or your car."
"Hey, leave Betty out of this! Write a letter to Danneland yourself, if you think you can do any better."
So he did.
To: Dictator Dimwit-features of Danneland
From: Warchief Grimzag Deathjaw of Dregruk (AKA the stronger guys)
We declare war on you. So there. Expect a large number of troops to start attacking you. Ha ha ha.
The Silver Turtle
09-08-2004, 11:23
Official Ineffable Response, Transmitted to Everyone:
We agree with Celack and Hattia. Think of the booze!
Transmission, Metus Level 2 Encryption
From: The Great Ineffable Bob
To: Dictator Daniel
Subject: Dregruk
Yell if ya need help. We have new toys we wish to try out. If those damned Dregrukians try to invade our region and our allies then they shall die in the boats the come in! Or the planes if they happen to come in them. Or I suppose if they try to walk then we'll shoot them where they stand...Or if they get in some other way then we'll shoot them wherever they are...
Anyway, the Ineffable military is behind you, whichever direction it needs to shoot in to defend you...
09-08-2004, 13:57
From: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
To: The pothead Grimzag FleshBrah
You declare war on US?! WELL COME GET SOME!
Repsectfully yours, Daniel.
From: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
To: Bob
No, we shall deal with this moron ourselves. He will be no match for us, ha! We are invincible!"
-Daniel, dictator of Danneland.
To Celak and Hattia
My people agree with me on this matter, Dregrukians deserve to die.
OOC: No allies on either side, this concerns my 'n Dregruk only.
OOC: Great stuff.
IC: "Looks like some real nations are going to war, Emperor."
"Oh yeah, this isn't some crapfight between third world countries."
"So who's your money on?"
"Oh, I don't like to bet. But see here. I have constructed a mat with the names Danneland and Dregruk on it. Over each name I have placed a glazed doughnut. As the war goes, I will take a bite of the corresponding doughnut for the state of each military. The one who's doughnut is the last one standing is the winner. I'll give what's left of the winning doughnut to you."
"Nice plan."
Personal Diary of Captain George Lumwick
Monday 9th August
War was declared on Danneland this morning. Rumour has it the 'Chief was allowed to send the message rather than Hrrachen. Something about car bomb threats being made or somesuch.
Anyways, it's good to have a real war to get our teeth into. Attacking the border of Slutbum Wallah was always fun, but somehow attacking a McDonalds restaurant isn't as thrilling as an actual military complex.
Our regiment is being sent straight to the front. As I write this, the APCs are starting to slow down. I think we're about to set up HQ. Apparantly the Warchief himself is going to be fighting with us.
That should be sweet..
George Lumwick, 33rd Assault Regiment
The Silver Turtle
09-08-2004, 22:31
Official Ineffable Response, Transmitted to Everyone:
We agree with Celack and Hattia. Think of the booze!
Transmission, Metus Level 2 Encryption
From: The Great Ineffable Bob
To: Dictator Daniel
Subject: Dregruk
"Gotcha. Bob out.
Repositioning spysats for the best view. Popcorn Dave?
What do you mean the transmitter's still on?
Dammit, I keep doing this!"
The Brotherhood of Nod
09-08-2004, 22:51
The Brotherhood is highly concerned with this matter and hopes, as was our Lord Kane heard saying, that "that idiot Dregruk gets his ass handed to him in a plastic bag". However, because we are a peace-loving nation we propose a one-on-one duel between Dictator Daniel and whatshisname from Dregruk. If this is to be done the Brotherhood wishes to buy the movie and/or broadcasting rights for C50.000.000.
Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 22:58
Hattia wonders why thousands of people will have to die because some dictators got into a fight at a diplomatic event. We request that both nations try to settle this diplomatically...
We of The Universalist Totality would like to second this, though we're quite sure, drawing from our brief contact with Danneland, that this advise falls on deaf ears.
10-08-2004, 00:12
We...um...commend -- er...condemn this. Yeah, why not, we have to keep up our reputation of condemning things! (i.e. we condemn air! We condemn food!) Right...
((Pulls up comfy chair and popcorn.))
10-08-2004, 00:48
The evacuation of the city sectors wich layed close towards the boarder between Danneland and Dregruk had allready begun and went smothly, as the artillery shells had not appeard in the sky yet.
Captain Olofsson stood on a parkinglot overlookin the procedures below him, it felt real spooky to see the streets empty. Not a soul, it felt very strange. And the worst part was the he knew that it would all be destroyed.
He turned toward his sergeant, "Set up those temporary bomb shelters and get troops into those fortifications. I want heavy machine guns overlooking every major street when the shit starts to happend.."
The Captain turned back, looking down. "When those shells start falling, I dont want anyone out on the street.. not a single soul"
The sergeant saluted, "yes sir!", he took the stairs down to ground level and gave out the orders, he peered at the sky, now so friendly. But soon.. it would be the most hostile thing in the world.
Air commander Jensen overlooked the map infront of him, "Set up patrols here, here and here" he pointed with a stick on the map. "And have constant patrols around the boarder, even if the radar would pick it up.. theres always some new damn technology that'll make it a pain in the ass."
The men around him nodded.
When they all had left with their orders Jensen sat down in his chair, picking a cigarr from a box on the wodden table. This was the silence before the storm, around the nation all defences were prepared. Dregruk soldiers would have a hell invading, but he was glad that he didnt have to invade. He figured that it would be the same to invade Dregruk. The fight would take place on the streets of the massive city in Danneland.
He took a deep breath, the smoke from the cigarr entered his lungs and poisoned them even more. Jensen knew he wasnt supoes to take the smoke into his lungs, however, he found it to taste alot better when he did.
I wonder if I'll get any cigarrs when they invade.. the thought flashed his mind, dissapeard just as fast as it had appeard. A young caddet bowed and gave him a letter. "to you sir"
Jensen nodded and opened up the letter.
We figure they'll strike within a week, I dont know if we'll last this time.. Daniel is.. strange.. well, I know that you can take care of your own. Get out of here if it all goes to hell
Jensen burned the letter in his trashbin. Fingering the lighter his thoughts ventured into the future. What would the future hold.. what..
Slutbum Wallah
10-08-2004, 01:16
Dregruk/Slutbum Wallah Border Town of Eden
Meeting of Slutbum Wallah Military High Command
Turasco Bar, 0930 Hours
General Carville raised the brim of his Stetson and sat forwards, the old chair creaking under his weight. He squinted out the dust-stained window, still nothing. Usually they'd have dealt with a patrol of Dregruk troopers by this time on a Saturday. He sighed and leaned back, signalled the bored-looking bartender for another three whiskies. "Quiet mornin'." he slurred, it was too damn hot to talk straight.
"I reckon'." Replied General De'Sousa evasively, he was busy concentrating on the cards in his hands. Carville didn't see the point, none of the men in the bar could beat Commander-In-Chief Hackenslash at poker, yet De'Sousa always tried.
"It's too quiet. I got a bad feelin' 'bout this." Carville looked out the window again. Still nothing.
Hackenslash grinned widely as the round of drinks arrived, "I do believe that is the eighteenth time this mornin' you've looked out that window, General. We do got sentries y'know."
"Y'mean we got Old Jeb in the church tower. He's probly hung over anyway. Godammit, Dregruk should've attacked by now." Carville fingered his holstered revolver nervously.
Hackenslash snapped his fingers, "I remember now. We got a transmission last night, the Dregruk army's gone and left. Headed off to some damn backwater fer a little war. Which means they won't be huntin' our sorry hides for the next few weeks at least."
De'Sousa, licked his lips nervously, "Think we should try and round up a posse? Take the opportunity to raid North of the border?"
"Hell no." Hackenslash replied, laying out a winning hand. "We got all we need right here. Why waste a holiday?"
Official message from Celack to Danneland and Dreguk.
Since diplomacy failed I'll guess I'll just have to sit back and watch. Be warned, however. If either of you destroys a bar, pub, brewery, home-made still or any thing relating to booze, then my army will swoop down on you and revenge the destoryed alcohol!!!HIC!!!!
Jim. F. Tushat- Tusashes- What ever the F*** my name is!
PM or something of where-ever the F*** I am.
Where did I put that bottle of whiskey!
Wednesday, 11th August, 0600 hours
The HQ is all set up. Our regiment spent the last few days getting the bunkers ready in case those Danneland folks decided to launch a preemptive on us. Nothing came. Weird.
Still, it looks like all hell's about to break loose. About an hour and a half ago, the artillery pulled up. Those brainiacs at Dreg-tech have been fiddling around again with the "Punisher" heavy siege cannon, so everyone's hopeful.
We just got our orders as I write this. We've to be part of the first assault upon the city. The cannon have opened up, and they're making one hell of a racket.
George Lumwick, 33rd Assault Regiment
11-08-2004, 00:33
Olofsson strode down the empty street, random rubish roled around in the wind. Even though it was like a ghost town, it was the first time in many years that he'd heard.. absolutly nothing. He came to the edge of the city, not many people in Danneland had actually been at the edge of the city, but here it was. Infront of him layed a barren wasteland. The land between Danneland and Dregruk, it wasnt more than a few miles, but still enough for him not to see the other side of the wasteland.
Decpite the things that was about to come, he was quite happy. Olofsson couldnt understand why, but he figured that it was better to be happy now and feel bad later, rather than to feel bad now and be happy when the nation was attacked.
Olofsson started to wistle as he walked back to the fortification wich had been built in the middle of four major streets crossing one another. Above him fighters roamed the sky as they made sure that no one would enter the airspace. Frequent dropships brought supplies to the front line.
Troops were deplyed by the minute. He closed his eyes, for each step he took towards the fortification, the sounds grew stronger. The silence wasnt his thing, what he wanted.. was a good ol' noice.
"Sector four ready sir!" a soldier yelled from the other side of the street.
"Good, get the rest of the sectors ready and then place yourself in a building, behind a rifle and get as many of those Dregruk scums as possible."
"Right away sir!"
The cannon began blamming out a deafening cacophony of bangs and whistles as they set about their explosive duty. The military was doing their typical tactic: Smash as much of the fortifications as possible (In this case, the city), send in the tanks with the infantry behind.
However, due to the Danneland air-superiority in the area, a large group of AAA trucks were being sent along with the tanks, to knock out as many planes as possible, thus allowing reinforcements to be dropped directly into the area, along with vital supplies of food, water and ammunition to keep the war moving.
Captain George Lumwick's regiment was among the troops who were part of the first assault. He and the men were all ready to go into battle, each man cleaning their rifles with care, sliding fresh magasines into them and checking the firing mechanism worked perfectly.
20 minutes later, the order to begin the assault was made, and the armour started rolling forward, the troops behind.
The fight was about to start.
"MOVE MOVE MOVE! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Yelled George to the men behind him, as the tanks began moving forwards. The tanks accelerated forwards, the troops following suit behind them.
From all around the city in front of them, gunfire suddenly opened up on them. Bullets flew into the tanks, some ricocheting into the troops behind.
"COVER! GET DOWN!!" Yelled a soldier, just before a stray bullet sliced through his neck. Whatever he was going to add to it became a noisy gurgle.
The tanks began returning fire with their heavy cannon and machine guns. Some began tearing chunks out of the cityscape, whilst others simply saturated the entire area in front with suppressing fire from their MGs.
The tank in front of Lumwick's troops suddenly burst into flames as an anti-tank rocket smacked into its side armour. Lumwick's men had lost their cover and had no choice but to open fire on where the deadly missle had roughly come from. The snipers began firing off with sadistic accuracy, whilst the machine-gunners set up their LMGs and opened up upon the Danneland positions.
16-08-2004, 00:02
OOC: Sorry for the delay..
Olofsson ran across the street as another shell crashed down into the fortification behind him. Along with him some three other men escaped death. Though, 20 of their friends lives ended that day. The sound from another shell could be heard and the four of them looked up in the sky. A blast was heard in the distance.
Damn this.. to hell with it! Olofsson though as he made his way back to his command post.
Shells exploded in the tall buildings and tared them apart, large holes, burning holes told the tale of war. What man had built, was now being systematicly destroyed. The Dannelandian soldiers watched as what they were defending, their homeland got deep wounds. With blood the buildings had been built, and with blood they would sieze to exist.
The ground shook as Dregruks artillery fire continued to wreck havoc in Danneland.
Jenkins, an ordinary soldier did what he did best. He sat behind a soldier and gave him ammo when he wanted it. The sound from the machinegun felt as a neverending drum, who played to loud and to damn fast.
He turned around to see how much ammo there was left. Turning back he could see a large shell comming towards them. Jenkins knew that it travelled with a serious ammount of speed. But somehow, it felt like as if it took all day for that shell to reach its goal.
In his mind memories flashed by. Father..mother...sister..brother..girlfriend.. Otto the dog.. He knew he wanted to live to see another day, in an act of desperacy he grabbed his fellow soldier infront of him and put him as a shield infront of him. The man didnt realise what happend untill it was to late. The shell hit the wall and all hell broke loose. The explotion tared the mans body apart, the wals crashed down with the roof over the two men.
After the dust cleared away, nothing moved.
Olofsson stood a the seventh floor, overlooking the battlefield infront of him.
The enemy troops was stuck in the wasteland, and he knew that they would do anything to get even a small foothold in the outskirt of the city. It would be mutch safer there than out there.
atleast the artillery fire has stopped
But the defences would hold forever, it was only a matter of time untill the first defences would fall. Infact, it was allready happening, the defence was falling. Fear spread among the troops and he could feel their horror.
Another wave of anti-tank rockets was fired, it was a pretty sight to see them deliver their deadly load. But it was only a matter of time.
Olofsson pulled up the radio. "Fire control"
"This if fire control"
"This is captain Olofsson. I want a fire load delivered at: Beta-6, Alpha-1 and Roger-10"
"Affermative, fire load on its way"
Four jet fighters screamed across the sky towards the attacking Dregruk troops, heavy AAA fire followed them as they droped their napalm over the troops. And just when they thought they were home safe, three of the jets got hit and exploded into large balls of fire.
Olofsson just nodded and turned around, he took the elevator down to the forward command post.
Obscure Nation
16-08-2004, 04:05
Oh, stop acting like children. You pompus fools need to stop acting like siblings in the back of a car.
'He hit me!'
'He started it!'
Or I'll have to turn this car around.
-Pyro Dread
Realm Leader, Obscure Nation
OOC: Obscure Nation, stay on topic or shut up.
"Holy hell, they're napalming us!" Yelled one of Lumwick's soldiers, as the men behind the tank next to them were engulfed in flames.
"WE HAVE TO ASSAULT THEM NOW!" Yelled George, over the screams of the burning soldiers. "ALL SOLDIERS THAT CAN HEAR ME, MOVE OUT!"
Without waiting for a response, George got to his feet, kept his head down and charged straight at the Danneland defences. Motivated by the courage of their Captain, his entire regiment followed shortly after him. Soon, every soldier on the battlefield was charging headlong into the Danneland stronghold, some firing their rifles as they ran.
16-08-2004, 10:38
The assaulting Dregrukian troops was greeted by heavy machinegun fire and anti tank rockets. If one had been around back then, they would recognize the scéne as it looked mutch as Normandy on D-Day. Troops fell to the left and the right as they slowly proceeded towards the Dannelandian defence line.
Olofsson scratched his head, there wasnt mutch he could do at this moment, he pointed at the map infront of them.
"Withdraw our troops from this sector and have them create a defence line around that sector. Let them think that they've got a foothold, when they got enough troops there we'll send in the armoured divisions to cut of their supplies, hopefully they'll surrender."
"What if Dregruk sends in more troops, this cant be the only invasion force"
Olofsson nodded, ha was getting old, how could he forget that.. but, this was still his plan.
"Just do as I say and let me worry about reinforcements.. but leave a few soldiers equiped with snipers, have them to stay low and aim for officers only"
"Yes sir!"
A small sector slowly was cleared of troops and Dregrukian soldiers who managed to not get killed found themselves in a moment of peace.
The sight that met them was an bombed city sector, scrapes reached far to the sky with big holes in them. Some deserted defence posts, a forgotten machine gun. And the only sound that could be heard was the firefight in the distance. It had costed them their friends lives to reach the abandoned sector, the question was if it was worth it. But they were there now, they had reached the outskirt of the city.
The majority of Lumwick's regiment had been torn apart, but a few had survived the carnage and had begun setting up a rudimentary defensive position, while reinforcements were summoned.
"Sir, we've established a foothold in enemy territory, but our numbers are too small to hold it for long. Any large offensive made by Danneland will knock us out of action." Said Lumwick to his CO at Staff HQ.
"Your orders are as follows: Hold your position for the next 4 hours. We are scrambling a unit of Dregruk Elites to aid in your defence. Expect heavy reinforcements to follow."
That was the best news Lumwick had had all day. A unit of Dregruk Elites would not only help them massively in the defence, but the troops morale would skyrocket with their mere presence.
16-08-2004, 11:48
"plans proceeds as you said, they are securing the area as we speak. I figure they'll be waiting for reinforcements."
Olofsson nodded, "keep those snipers hidden, have them to wait untill.. well, more troops come. And reinforce the other defence lines, They might not do the obvious and send troops into that sector, this is war. where the obvious dont count. The problem is, that once they get inside the city. Armoured vechicles other than small agile cars and such, are pretty useless. But still, the Dregrukians are sending in loads of it.. I wonder what they plan to do with it.. keep monitoring and try to hold the defence lines. Dont have them to fight to their last breath, if the troops notice that there are to mutch troops for them to fend of. Have them to withdraw and regroup at the next defence post. That is all"
"Yes sir!"
Lumwick dashed around the defences that had been set up, checking that the men manning them were OK, that ammo was sufficient and that they were in good positions.
"How're you guys doing?" He asked two men, manning a heavy machine gun in the rubble of a destroyed building.
"Just fine sir. Everything's been really quiet since we set up."
"Keep it up, lads." He said, before sprinting to another position, where an anti-personnel rocket launcher was in position, snugly hidden on a damaged window frame.
The defence were reasonably secure. A team had already moved out and placed land mines around the estimated points of entry by the enemy, and plenty of weaponry was positioned around the area. The few troops that weren't manning heavy weaponry were in hiding, their rifles ready for attack.
The Elites would arrive soon.
16-08-2004, 13:12
"they are doing what?!" Olofsson looked at the officer who stod infront of him.
"Well, one of the snipers reporst that he has seen Dregrukian troops planting out mines in the area"
He looked down on the city map. what the hell.. the mines will prevent his own tanks to move forward.. yes.. it meant that Dannelandian tanks couldnt move in. but they didnt have to.. they could just sit and wait.. change of plans.
"Move out the tank brigades, have them to move towards the Dregruk boarders. their main goal is supply vechicles and troop transports. have a infantry brigade to join them.. lets confuse them a bit"
Two tank brigades with a infantry brigade as a support began to move behind the front line, some hour later they left the massive city and began to move towards the Dregruk boarder, they moved fast and hoped to avoid any enemy troops. Well, atleast untill the reached the boarder.
"You're joking, right?" Said Commander Frondorf incredulously over the phone. "But we've set up a foothold in their nation! Why the hell are they launching an offensive on our borders?"
"I guess they want to cause some trouble, maybe force our troops to fall back to hit them before they reach us."
"Do we have any spare paratrooper units at this moment?"
"I believe so, sir. The entire 59th is ready to go."
"Drop them behind the incoming offensive, get them to tear it apart."
A few phone calls later, and the 59th Airborne was flying out.
17-08-2004, 11:16
"Radar indicates para-troops being deployed behind our assaulting force. Orders?" An officer said.
Olofsson replied. "Proceed with the operation, I'd like to see a bunch of paratroopers catch up with two tank brigades. Have the infantry brigade stop, turn around and engage the paratroopers. It'll hold them long enough. Any news regarding the sector?"
"Nothing mutch, Dregrukian surviving forces keep comming in, they are building up defences.."
"How many snipers do we have in the area?"
"Four sir"
Olofsson nodded, "good.. good..."
Sector B1, abandoned house
The debris began to move, some caughing and then a sound like someone was in the bathroom, doing their dirtywork.
The big piece of cement fell over, along with it a body. Jenkins sat up at once and took a deep breath.
Im alive.. Im alive!
His army clothes had holes everywhere, he was bleeding from his right arm and he had a terribel headache.
Jenkins tried to stand up, he managed to do that. He walked up to the big hole in the wall and looked outside. The fighting was still going on, Dregrukian troops were still pinned down in the wasteland. Though it seemed as if some of the managed to get into a sector further away.
"Woops" Jenkins slowly backed away from the hole as he noticed that someone had noticed him.
He heard footsteps in the stairs, fast footsteps.. two pair of footsteps.
shit he quickly grabbed his assault rifle wich hadn't been damaged.
He then ran over to the stairs just as two dregrukian soldiers was about to take the last few steps to enter the room.
Jenkins finger pulled the trigger, the machinegun spit out bullets, the sound echoed down the stair as the two men fell down dead.
Jenkins had never killed a man before, and now.. two. He sank down against the wall, tears came out of his eyes. Now he didnt know if he was alive or dead, taking another mans life was not the first thing he thought of when he discovered that he was still alive.
Slowly he got up on his feet and dragged the two men into the room, placing them beside his dead comrade. He picked up one of their grenades, pulled the pin, moments later the room exploded once again.
Wasteland between Danneland and Dregruk
"INCOMMING!" sergeant Wane yelled. His brigade got down on the ground, it was only 30 min since they were ordered to hold. They had managed to build a small trench some 20 meters. But it wasnt enough to protect more than 15 men. The others just layed flat on the ground.
"Hold your fire untill you get a clear shot, dont waste your ammot. We wont get no extra!"
They were in the middle, in the middle of where you absolutley didnt want to be. The two tank brigades had left and they were on their own. And paratroopers wasnt the easiest enemy one could meet. The faqt that they landed was a victory for them and raised their moral.
Wanes brigade was ordinary infantries, his order was to "keep them buissy at all cost"
at all cost.. damnit.. we're gonna die here..
"Come one people, I'd like to get home to my miss's before noon!"
His voice spread some hope to the men,
"Or atleast to reinforcements!"
Wich he knew wouldnt come, but it was better that they believed that they would come.
30 min from there
The two tank brigades came closer to the Dregrukian boarder, at the horizon they could see the outlines of.. well.. something, they continued to move forward. It was a dead cause, but hopefully they wouldnt die for nothing.
The Water Cooler
17-08-2004, 11:46
However, because we are a peace-loving nation....
((My god! Had the Brotherhood gone ... soft? No, heaven forbid. There must be another reason!))
The HEWC pledges to cosy up the the winner, in an blatant effort of brown-nosery.
The 59th Paratroop Division went immediately into offensive action the moment they landed. Their weapons were held at shoulder height, moving forward carefully.
After moving for about 3 minutes, the division came under fire. They immediately dropped to the ground and began throwing grenades. Most of them were normal frag ones, but a handful were smoke loaded, giving the division a smoke screen of protection.
With the screen still down, the soldiers began creeping around the trenched positions, trying to get to the side of it, then lacerate everyone in it with a hail of rapid fire.
21-08-2004, 11:19
Wane threw a grenade, ducked and it went "bom". As he looked over the trench his sight was covered by smoke, and out of it came bullets.
not good.. not good!
"Watch those flanks soldiers! Hold them at all cost!"
An hour went by and the trench seemed to get more crowded as more and more soldiers fell back from their possitions.
"We are getting pushed back here more and more Sir!" A soldier yelled over a pile of dead bodies.
bad...just bad..
"There isnt mutch we can do, keep that flank!"
Another hour passed by with heavy casulties on both sides, though heavier on Wanes side. He could see soldiers falling dead to the ground by the second..
Im not dying here.. and Im not going to order my men to die..
He looked around, there was only about 35 of them left..
Dregrukan soldiers ran up to the trench, looking down they met a horrific sight, 34 men stood on their knees with their hands on their heads. Around them were houndreds of dead bodies, their clothes were drechned with blood and gut. The trench had been won, and they had gained POWs.
A few of the newer soldiers in the regiment had to turn away from the sight, while the veterans marched away the POWs. Their mission was a success, albeit one with large amounts of casualties. The soldiers raised their rifles and force marched the Danneland survivors out of the trench.
Meanwhile, on the Dregruk border...
"Sir, I've got movement. Somethings coming towards us."
"Any idea what it is?"
The soldier raised his binoculars and tried to identify the mass coming towards their positions.
"Looks like armour, sir. Most likely Danneland stuff."
"How long will it take before we get the 'guns online?"
"If we start right now... half an hour."
"Go. And get some men up here. We need to hold this position."
22-08-2004, 23:37
"Divisions one through 12 advance on the left flank, thirteen through eighteen straight forward. The rest go on the right flank, first objective is to take out any defence positions you may encounter, main objective is to destroy any supply vechicles you see. Dont underestemate the enemy, keep yourselves moving at all times, never stand still. Go into spread formation and move forward in a random zick-zack movement"
Sergeant BlueBerry said through the comlink. He to, like Wane understood that this mission only had one outcome. A certain death, he hoped that he was able to do as much damage as possible.
No feelings, no sorrow and no pain. To server with honor is our life, we were forged by the battlefield and we shall be burried there.
He said quietly to himselfe, the one sentence all soldiers learened in Danneland.
The two tank divisions was devided into three groups and they proceeded forward, ten minutes later they were in fireing range, the silence was broken by the sound of a houndreds of cannons that fired, and later on the explotions that wrecked havock amonst men and women.
"So.. what is our progress?" Olofsson asked.
"Well, our infantry has delayed the enemy.. though.. satelite images indicate that they have surrendered."
Olofsson shook his head, "Well.. Daniel wont be to happy when he hears that.. but.. that we will deal with when this war is over. the tank divisions then?"
"They have engaged the Dregrukian boarder, no reports of any supply vechicles to have been destroyed."
Olofsson nodded. "good.. and the abandoned sector?"
"Nothing new, it seems as if our attack did cause some confusion"
"You are all dissmissed, report back when something new happends."
"Yes sir!" The officers replied and exited the room.
Olofsson closed the door behind them and sat down.
Can we win this?.. is it possible?...I dont want to do this anymore.. to send people into battle.. to die..
He though and shook his head slowly, above him a fan slowly turned in a blueish light.
The defences came under heavy shelling from the Danneland tank divisions. Men and vehicles were blown apart by several well placed cannon shots.
"HOLD POSITION! RETURN FIRE!" Yelled the Commanding officer in the area.
All the weaponry in the area that was available was opened up on the tanks, a steady stream of shells, missiles and bullets.
2 men, in a sheltered position set up a very odd looking rifle. "You're certain we're in cover?" Asked one.
"Absolutely. Now get started."
The rifle fired with a ridiculously loud clap, followed by a louder one from the tank it hit.
Back in the thick of the action, a runner made it to the CO. "Sir, the guns are almost ready. We'll have them online in a few minutes."
24-08-2004, 15:33
It had all started good, they had opened up fire and caused som pretty good damage. Light fire from their enemies and it all just seemed to go well, but that was just to good to be true. Soon Dregrukian defences began retaliating and tank after tank got destroyed, men died, either by the direct hit or by the fire that came afterwards.
Blueberry sat beside his navigations officer in his tank.
and then there is that.. clap gun.. its just.. wierd
"What is our progress?"
"We are soon very close to Dregrukian defences, are we going to proceed through them?"
"Yes.. yes we are.. just smash right through and go as far in as possible, and do as mutch damage as possible.. you all hear that?"
A number of "yes sir" came back as replies from the other tank commanders.
we wont be remember as the great soldiers who fought on the battlefield.. no, we will be remember as.. nothing
One third of the tank had been destroyed, the rest of them proceeded to assault Dregrukian defences.
"Sir! The enemy is getting more and more accurate with their shots! We're losing a large number of supply vehicles by the minute!" As if to emphasise his words, a shell smashed into the ground next to a truck, sending it flying several metres away.
"We've got to hold this position! If we can't, then our troops in Danneland will be cut off completely! Are those goddamned railguns online yet?!"
A pause, as the messenger radioed something and then got a reply. "Yes sir."
"Open fire."
A few hundred metres away, a battery of railguns began rising slightly. In a bunker, men used the targeting systems to identify the enemy tanks, then pressed the big red button when they had the red dot on them.
Out side the bunker, the massive guns made a electrical sound, followed by a deafening *FASSSSHHHOOOOOOM*.
25-08-2004, 23:51
Blueberry turned his head slowly as a tank beside his just flew away suddenly in a ball of fire.
"What.. the..hell?"
Another three tanks got hit shortly.
"Fuck.. me" he said when he saw the big rail guns. "ALL FIRE ON THOSE DAMN GUNS...CANNONS.. OR WHATEVER THEY ARE.. HIT THEM HARD! HIT THEM NOW!"
All of the remaining tanks turned towards the rail guns and began to fire at it, tank after tank got hit by the railguns and it all seemed as a lost cause.
Atleast those damn Dregrukian soldiers wont get two pieces of bread to their morning meal
Blueberry thought, just as his tank burst into flames. His life passed by him in a few secconds, after that there wasnt mutch left of the tank but a big hole in the ground.
"I... think we've got 'em, sir." Said a soldier with a sigh.
"I want a casualty report, a list of everything we've lost and I want the HQ to know that we're going to send some heavy reinforcements to our lads in Danneland.
"Yes sir!"
The CO jogged across to the unit of men that had been stationed at the border during the fight. "I want you to head into Danneland right away. We've got some men pinned down there who need reinforcements fast. Get moving. Take the APCs."
The troops saluted, and soon a number of APCs were tearing off towards the enemy territory.