Curullo Prime declared a prison planet
House Curullo
03-08-2004, 22:32
Count Palangon nos Curullo sat with his chief adviser watching from his table next to a balcony. Wearing well tailored, expensive fabrics from off-world, he sipped his Curullan Tea with relish as he watched the desolate winds of that desolate world; Curullo Prime pass around his citadel.
The sight stirred up feelings of emptyness.
He turned to his adviser.
"My dear Adviser, if only we could find a proper use for this damnable planet we have called home for the past 100 centuries or so. This abyss is maddening."
The adviser; a short, wiry and slimy man was looking at his datapad, reading the reports of his offworld agents and the business of state. He stroked his pointy ears and spoke, his voice silky and exotic yet one that never refrained from chilling his master.
"My Lord, that wish may come true quite soon as a matter of necessity. Our economic reports have shown a significant decline in mining profits and industrial manufacturing as of late and it is time we put more of the almost barren landmass of Curullo Prime to better use. My suggestion would be to convert this place to a prison planet, where foriegn states can deposit their criminals and enemies with impunity. They would provide House Curullo with an endless labour force, one we would not have to pay. In our glorious wisdom, we could charge a small fee per prisoner thus ensuring a great flow of Curulaure for the coffers of your Curullo family
With our current advances in Grav Ship technology acquired by our agents in the Terran system in conjunction with our monopoly over the use of the Light Gate to Earth, transportation of our 'guests' should be relatively simple."
The Count considered his words carefully and saw potential wisdom. As despicable his adviser seemed and perhaps was, he was useful.
"Very well, begin the preparations. You have my leave to begin negotiations at once."
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 07:41
Transmission Sent; Destination Solar System
Greetings from Curullo Prime.
This is Suldal, chief adviser to the ancient Elven House of Curullo.
The Count Palangon nos Curullo, the head of the family has decided it would be in the best interest of Curullo holdings to convert Curullo Prime into a prison planet.
We are willing and looking forward to beginning negotiations at once for the transfer of prisoners to our planet.
Access to our planet is through an ancient subspace catapult located in the asteroid belt of your star system. It will propel a ship to our system 7 light years away almost instantaneously.
We look forward to doing business with you.
High Adviser to the Curullo Family
The Amalgamated Holdings of House Curullo
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 09:12
OOC: This is my first RP and I would not like it to be a dead thread. I think I have done well.....
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 09:23
Official Communique to House Curullo from Alitsia Viennois, Directoress of the D.U.T.:
Dear sirs,
though we find your proposition intriguing in a sickening sort of way, I regret to inform you that we are loath to abandon the misguided citizens of our nation to slave labor. Furthermore, we feel that the expectation that we should pay you hard currency to provide you with a free and expendable labor force is absolutely preposterous. We would like to advise you that you will most probably be hard pressed to find a nation interested in your bizarre proposition. We suggest that you abandon this folly, as it surely will gain you nothing more than a bad reputation.
Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress of The Universalist Totality
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 09:48
"Get out!"
Boomed the voice of Count Curullo.
"But my Lord Count...."
But the Count was evidently not in the mood for more of Suldal's 'advice'.
Two elaborately dressed Curullan Elites stepped behind Suldal and dragged him off. He would see the effect of Curullo as a prison planet first hand.
The Count's thoughts began to wander.
That damnable Suldal! Giving me dreadful advice. Humiliating me in front of the entire universe! But I cannot think of such hate now!
Transmission Sent; Destination Solar System
Greetings from Curullo Prime.
This is Count Palangon nos Curullo, the head of the ancient Elven House of Curullo.
I still believe it is in the interests of the House Curullo to convert Curullo Prime into a prison planet.
Suldal, my previous adviser was in error and he has gone into an early retirement. The logic he endorsed that sounded sweet in my ear has become clear to me as nothing more than manure.
I hearby alter our offer immediately. No fee is needed. The labour that is provided by the prisoners should pay for the cost of their living on Curullo Prime. Prisoners shall be treated fairly (if that is your wish).
We are willing and looking forward to beginning negotiations at once for the transfer of prisoners to our planet.
Access to our planet is through an ancient subspace catapult located in the asteroid belt of your star system. It will propel a ship to our system 7 light years away almost instantaneously.
We look forward to doing business with you.
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 15:05
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 17:01
I am intrigued by this. I have some...dissidets that I wish to get rid off. This is confidential you realize. If other nation knew that I was sending my dissidents to prision then there would be negative actions taken against myself. I am willing to pay you a silence fee.
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 19:11
I am intrigued by this. I have some...dissidets that I wish to get rid off. This is confidential you realize. If other nation knew that I was sending my dissidents to prision then there would be negative actions taken against myself. I am willing to pay you a silence fee.
We of House Curullo are intrigued and we would never do anything to put you in a compromising position.
We will accept a silence fee of 10 million Curulaure annually (approx 10074000 USD) for the duration of their 'visit' to Curullo Prime.
We are curious, how many are you planning to send to our barren and inhospitable planet?
You may send as many as you like, there is plenty of space but we are also curious as to whether this is a one-off shipment or a contract to send many over time.....
It is a bi-monthly contract. Every two months we will send a shipment of them. For the first one we have around 287 prisoners. We are agreed on the fee.
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 20:37
Then we are in agreement.
To: Count Palangon nos Curullo
From: Alyson Kreegsbrock, Padmasan Ambassador to all Foreign Powers
Subject: Interesting
Padmasa is less interested in your offer of prison space than in your people and nation. Is it possible you are a fallen house? A nation of Dark Elves? Please send what information you can.
Alyson Kreegsbrock
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 20:57
The Subspace Catapult, Curullo Prime Orbit, 7 Light Years from Earth
At incredible speed, the Curullan Transport ship hurtled ever faster to the Curullo Prime. It had picked up its secret cargo of 287 political dissidents from a Celack vessel in the Mars-Jupiter Asteroid Belt and had entered the Subspace Catapult, a device that sent the ship into Subspace and propelled the vessel at incredible speeds on a linear course without the need to worry about crashing into stellar objects.
Then the vessel stopped, held in place by gravitic holding forces that slowed the vessel and returned it to real space.
It emerged through the Curullo Prime Ending; the planet of Curullo Prime lay below them as they descended into the atmosphere of that near-dead world.
Curullo Citadel, Curullo Prime
Count Curullo looked down from his balcony at the transport ship as it disembarked his 'guests' from the transport ship.
Curullan Elites, the crack shock troops of the Count; escorted them to their homes in the underground. Life on Curullo Prime would be harsh with the powerful windstorms, polluted air and scarcity of living materials.
Statistics showed a 40% chance of death within one year. He thought about those statistics, those probabilities.
A disciplined and strong workforce perhaps?
Crushed into submission by my legions of Curullan Elites?
A tough feed of breeding born on a planet where survival techniques aloud only the strongest and smartest to survive, one could build a powerful army out of such a force. Could he not fatten the ranks of his Elite guard?
He pondered what other nations might think. But he knew that no matter how fair, democratic and loving a contracted nation was; as long as the problems of society, the scum of the known universe dwelt under his stewardship on Curullo Prime, should they really care?
Is it not best to have ''undesirables' out of the sight of potential voters and any who would question their regime?
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 21:33
A Simple Early History of House Curullo
The House Curullo was a family of Noldorin Elves that came to Middle-Earth with Feanor and his 'crusade' against Morgoth.
We were bound by oath to his family and had little choice but to follow him to war.
Feanor stranded us with Fingolfin at Losgar when he burnt the Teleri ships; we therefore followed Fingolfin across the Helcaraxe to Middle-Earth where for several hundred years we assisted him in the Siege of Angband.
At the Dagor Bragollach, the Battle of Sudden Flame where the legions of Morgoth swarmed out of Angband and broke the siege; the Great Great Grandfather of Count Palangon nos Curullo, the Count Heruglin nos Curullo pulled back his house and his supporters from the battle and fled into the east of Middle-Earth into exile. However, his wife and all but his eldest son, all great warriors like he was, stayed and fought with Fingolfin against Morgoth. His wife died saving Fingolfin from a stray Orc arrow while his sons were slaughtered soon after.
Heruglin went into a bitter madness of despair and swore revenge against the Sons of Feanor, the House of Fingolfin and all other Elves who stood against him. He confessed at his deathbed that it was not the Orcs he blamed for his family's death but the wretched family of Finwe who had drove his own family into the foolish crusade for the Silmarils.
From that day, House Curullo have been plotting against the Noldor and have moved their exile home from Earth to Curullo Prime in order to work in greater secrecy.
Most have forgotten House Curullo's existence.
The House Curullo would appreciate that Padmasa keep this history secret for now until the day we strike out against the descendants and allies of the House of Finwe.
You will secretly have Padmasa's support. Naturally we will not become involved in anything but we are free to help you with funds and weapons.
OOC: You just handed a lot of information(which could be used to hurt you) to one of the most anti-elven nations around... but we always support elves killing elves. Good luck. Of course, your war would pit you against Siri so it would be less a war than a slaughter.
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 22:41
You will secretly have Padmasa's support. Naturally we will not become involved in anything but we are free to help you with funds and weapons.
OOC: You just handed a lot of information(which could be used to hurt you) to one of the most anti-elven nations around... but we always support elves killing elves. Good luck. Of course, your war would pit you against Siri so it would be less a war than a slaughter.
House Curullo is honoured and pleased to recieve covert support from Padmasa.
OOC: We have no intention of going against Siri overtly. Covert means are often far more subtle and interesting.
The Ctan
04-08-2004, 22:43
OOC: We have no intention of going against Siri overtly. Covert means are often far more subtle and interesting.
OOC: Oh indeed... *notes that she's aware of you* ;)
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 22:46
OOC: Oh indeed... *notes that she's aware of you* ;)
OOC: Well...
I do hope she does not choose to smite me. It would lack fun. I desire to keep this nation alive in RP for a long time.
04-08-2004, 23:09
The House of Curullo-
You take away the dredges of society, correct? Good. We would like to arrange a deal with you to transport 'prisoners' from our location to yours every primary lunar month, which would be equivilant to every 720 hours. We really don't give a damn what you do with them once they arrive, we just want them gone.
The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
Ministry of Sweeping Things Under the Carpet
Minister Everbdyluvs Raymond
From: The Ministry of Fodmodmadtol
Montelukast, Epsilon Eridani
To: The House of Curullo
Curullo Prime, Undisclosed
House Curullo
04-08-2004, 23:18
The House of Curullo-
You take away the dredges of society, correct? Good. We would like to arrange a deal with you to transport 'prisoners' from our location to yours every primary lunar month, which would be equivilant to every 720 hours. We really don't give a damn what you do with them once they arrive, we just want them gone.
The Holy Republic of Fodmodmadtol
Ministry of Sweeping Things Under the Carpet
Minister Everbdyluvs Raymond
From: The Ministry of Fodmodmadtol
Montelukast, Epsilon Eridani
To: The House of Curullo
Curullo Prime, Undisclosed
So agreed.
05-08-2004, 01:48
"That's interesting."
In the MISSION (Menelmacari Imperial Secret Service Intelligence Operations Network) intel analysis facility, this phrase was, almost inevitably, the kickoff of an international incident. The facility was, to put it mildly, vast... hundreds of technicians and analysts, watching sensor buoys and reconsats and communications interceptions from all over the empire and known space. With few exceptions, if something could be seen, Menelmacar would see it.
What was 'interesting' today, was a growing stream of ships - military transports, usually, of several nations that had almost no ties with one another - out to a point out in the Belt, well away from most colonies in the region. The point was constant, but the ships' sensor traces would appear and disappear at this location. The most likely theory was an FTL gate of one sort or another. It was... interesting indeed.
It wasn't considered overly urgent, though, and the report eventually found its way to a patrol ship out of Ceres, which would go take a look while on her usual rounds.
House Curullo
05-08-2004, 08:46
The Command Centre aboard the Subspace Catapult was busy coordinating the parking of ships into a queue and calculating jump mathematics necessary to ensure accurate movement to Curullo Prime.
Colonel Elhini; a tall soldier at 6'5, clean shaven, well groomed studied the latest sensor reports a subordinate had just handed him. He had detected a craft our near Ceres closing on the station.
He walked over to one of his soldiers operating the sensor console.
"Can you identify it?"
Asked the commander, intrigued by the possibility of battle.
"Not at this distance. If it were friendly though it would have sent its identification codes."
The commander thought for a second and then sprung into action.
"Condition Yellow: All crewmen to stations. Possible enemy ship approaching."
House Curullo
05-08-2004, 17:27
05-08-2004, 19:45
The vessel, a small frigate but a mere hundred and seventy-five meters in length, passed on by, practically drifting... she never came within a million kilometers of the jumpgate, and it was anyone's guess whether her sensors had enough range to detect the gate and its queued ships. If she noticed the gate, she gave no sign, and passed on uneventfully along her patrol route.
There was no immediate report back to Ceres; rather, it was packaged with the regular report, that was sent out every few hours. The interval came about three hours after passing the gate, and the log entry was a simple one.
"Gate facility confirmed extant and active. Several vessels queued for entry. Entering second investigation phase now."
Once well out of sensor range, the ship took a wide arc insystem, towards Earth, looping around behind their course... a Celackan vessel was spotted heading towards the gate, and the frigate launched several Leech probes... very small devices, probably the size of a basketball at most, the Leeches were heavy mods of devices purchased from the Somtaaw. Very nearly undetectable, unless someone was actively looking for them, they rode artificial gravitational fields towards the Celackan vessels, and carefully, harmlessly, attached themselves to the hull. Where the ship went... so would they.
Her job done, the frigate resumed her patrol, before returning to Ceres about the same time the following day.
Universalist Totality
05-08-2004, 19:56
ooc: Menelmacar, I just wanted to note that I am baffled by your ability to turn an otherwise mundane thread into something more interesting, something intriguing. I very much enjoy reading the threads which you participate in, you truly have a unique writing style and excellent roleplaying skills. Sorry, I don't mean to spam. I just wanted to make it known. I'll go away now...
05-08-2004, 20:37
Thanks. \^_^/
Universalist Totality
05-08-2004, 20:40
Hey, no problem. ;)
o.o.c. Siri if you can turn this mundane rp intriguing than i can turn it into a rescue/action rp.
The men wandered around the hold of the ship. Officially they were not affiliated with the Celackian government. They were terrorists rescuing some of their friends. Un-officially they were Celack's 15th spec-op unit who were being sent in to test the security of the prison and too recue some people who were mistakenly sent to the planet. They knew that there was a good chance most fo them would not survive but it mattered not. They would complete the mission.
o.o.c This idea came to me last night in a dream so...
i.c. communication
To: Count Palangon nos Curullo
From: Jim F. Tuesat, prime minister of Celack
Subject: new idea.
Several countries have run out of training spaces. You have a devoid planettoid with many mountains which would be suitable for such things. How much would you liek for an area the size of 100 km sqaure?
House Curullo
05-08-2004, 21:31
Curullo Citadel
Curullo Prime
7 Light Years from Earth
To: Count Palangon nos Curullo
From: Jim F. Tuesat, prime minister of Celack
Subject: new idea.
Several countries have run out of training spaces. You have a devoid planettoid with many mountains which would be suitable for such things. How much would you liek for an area the size of 100 km sqaure?
The Count read the message his Elite Captain just handed to him. He turned to his new adviser, or perhaps old adviser, Suldal. He had been taken for an experimental procedure off-world where his brain was 'reengineered'.
Still, the adviser was as chilling, slimy and as cunning as ever...
"An interesting proposal they hand to us..."
Suldal stroked his pointy ears as his malevolent cerebrum contemplated some new plot or scheme.
"Indeed, we must be cautious of any possible Celackian treachery. We have no knowledge as to their relations with our blood enemies."
The Count drew his conclusion...
"Then we should deny them access to Curullo Prime for all accept prison traffic?"
Suldal had another idea in mind...
"We must not insult our Celackian friends, Count, with such an open refusal of their proposal."
His silky tongue moved in for the kill...
"Rather, my dear Count, we should accept their proposal on our terms. We should grant them leave over 50 Square Kilometres of our Southern Mountain Range. We should charge a rent of 50 million Curulaure per annum and we should deploy an orbital high resolution sensor platform in geosynchranous orbit over the area in question. Traffic to the area would also be supervised and rigorously inspected. That is how we shall test there resolve. If they are treacherous, we would know and we would be able to deploy the Elite at a moments notice."
The Count was impressed, his adviser had not filled his mind with such a foolish endeavor. The reeducation had sharpened Suldal's cunning.
"Make the preparations, say to them that this agreement will by our terms or by none at all."
House Curullo
05-08-2004, 21:41
Colonel Elhini on-board the station watched as the Menelmacari vessel left sensor range.
"Maintain alert status for the next 24 hours. Just to be safe!
He activated the internal communicator.
"Grant jump clearance to the Celackian vessel."
House Curullo
05-08-2004, 21:47
OOC: I am pleased, this has a lot of potential. I just hope it does not go inactive. I want my first to finish.....
.....I did a lot of research for this nation amongst the forums, I thought a new adversary for Menelmacar would be a good idea.
The Ctan
05-08-2004, 22:58
Transmission Sent; Destination Solar System
Greetings from Curullo Prime.
This is Count Palangon nos Curullo, the head of the ancient Elven House of Curullo.
I still believe it is in the interests of the House Curullo to convert Curullo Prime into a prison planet.
Suldal, my previous adviser was in error and he has gone into an early retirement. The logic he endorsed that sounded sweet in my ear has become clear to me as nothing more than manure.
I hearby alter our offer immediately. No fee is needed. The labour that is provided by the prisoners should pay for the cost of their living on Curullo Prime. Prisoners shall be treated fairly (if that is your wish).
We are willing and looking forward to beginning negotiations at once for the transfer of prisoners to our planet.
Access to our planet is through an ancient subspace catapult located in the asteroid belt of your star system. It will propel a ship to our system 7 light years away almost instantaneously.
We look forward to doing business with you.
These things often reach places one would least expect them to, and so, upon Mars, this message ended up on the desk-screen of Samara Neja, Imperial Vicereigne of Mars. The woman regarded it with curiosity, as she read through it. Unfortunately, the Empire already had a prison world, Netu, named for the lake of boiling water the Egyptian God Seker threw his enemies into in the afterlife, quite an appropriate name, considering the conditions there, that were rightfully feared in certain circles, such as Knootian smugglers.
However, this letter aroused her curiosity nonetheless. Where did it come from? Who had sent it? It wasn’t from Menelmacar, or Taurenor, nor any of the other noldorin nations out there that she knew of, then she considered other elves, but this gelled with none of them. She mulled it over for a moment, before passing up the line to the Foreign Ministry, the domain of Sntr. John Adams. She’d never liked that man, he worried her a little, a classical example of a petty tyrant if ever there was one.
To: Count Palangon nos Curullo
From: Jim F. Tuesat.
50 square km? That will do i guess. I'll just have to make the expected personel smaller than planned. At the rate of 0.5 million draggas per square km, I will accpet. The first load of troops are one their way. Also it seems as though my nephew accidently got put on one of the shipments to your planet. If he is returned to me unharmed there will be a decnt rewrd.
After the communication was sent he openned a communication line with the transport in space. He sent exactly two words. Plan B.
House Curullo
06-08-2004, 07:40
We must understand the value of a 'draggra'.
Your nephew will be returned in all due course. We found he did not match the criminal profiles you sent us and so we decided to keep him safe and well treated within the Curullo Citadel.
Good Day.
House Curullo
06-08-2004, 18:49
A dragga is roughly equilvilatn to 4 USD or 2 Curulaure
(A Frightening economy will do taht for you.)
House Curullo
07-08-2004, 07:32
Then we accept your offer.
08-08-2004, 11:19
A couple hours after the Celackian ship had passed through the gate, the Leeches lifted off the hull again and moved well clear. They scanned their surroundings, particularly the positions of stars in the sky, using this information to compute their position. This took a few minutes, since there were several variables that were unknown, like distance, direction, and the orientation of this system's orbital plane. Once their position had been computed, QEC comm-bursts were sent back to MISSION, reporting their position.
Tor Yvresse
08-08-2004, 11:48
Transmission Sent; Destination Solar System
Greetings from Curullo Prime.
This is Count Palangon nos Curullo, the head of the ancient Elven House of Curullo.
I still believe it is in the interests of the House Curullo to convert Curullo Prime into a prison planet.
Suldal, my previous adviser was in error and he has gone into an early retirement. The logic he endorsed that sounded sweet in my ear has become clear to me as nothing more than manure.
I hearby alter our offer immediately. No fee is needed. The labour that is provided by the prisoners should pay for the cost of their living on Curullo Prime. Prisoners shall be treated fairly (if that is your wish).
We are willing and looking forward to beginning negotiations at once for the transfer of prisoners to our planet.
Access to our planet is through an ancient subspace catapult located in the asteroid belt of your star system. It will propel a ship to our system 7 light years away almost instantaneously.
We look forward to doing business with you.
Interesting that would explain the traffic in the Asteroid belt... it was strange to see so many vessels in one area from our sensor logs. Slowly an idea ticked over in the mind of Darvins in either case at the very least it never hurt for them to meet unknown Elves early on and establish themselves in their minds as Kin, it made them so much easier to deal with.
So we shall make first contact.
Later that day it left Martian Orbit just another freighter from some Civilian Shipyard. It was exactly as it appeared in this case. The finace of the Yvresse having bought a few such vessels for the Mon-Keigh Intellagence Services it's credentials had been logged with various companies, it even had insurance. Onboard however sat a very different crew, Galdern and one Pilot soon the ship would join the que of Prisoner transports, claiming to be a merchent vessel seeking to establish a new trade route.
The need for secrecy was simply that the Council had no desire to be seen dealing with what bordered on slave trade publicly until they had met the leadership of this house first hand.