NationStates Jolt Archive

The D.U.T.'s Address to All Nations

Universalist Totality
03-08-2004, 21:52
An Address From The Directoress of The Universalist Totality to The Governing Institutions and Peoples of All Nations

Greetings neighbors and future associates. It is with great joy that I would like to declare the recent foundation of our state, a dream which we have chased for so long, The Dominion of The Universalist Totality. We have come together here on the currently secluded planet of Forge, idealists, romantics, and refugees all of us, in an attempt at governing ourselves according to a vision of government and society which has been generations in the making. It is with hopeful hearts that we look now to the stars for nations which we may call friend, and perhaps even for nations which may share our ideals. We, the people of Forge, extend the hand of friendship to all nations, and do make it known that our doors are now open to embassies, defensive agreements, and trade.
We have decided to make more known about our nation by attaching to this communication our constitution. It is our hope that this most important testimony of that which unites us will give the nations of the universe a clearer outlook on our young nations, and inspire at least some to make contact with our young and fragile state. We eagerly await your replies.

Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress

The Unchangeable and Eternal Constitution of The Dominion of Universalist Totality

The Universalist Program

1)The primary responsibility of all citizens is to maintain the sovereignty of our free state by any means necessary. It is only through state sovereignty that a people may become a nation, and nation may evolve to become a great civilization.

2)We do declare the values that unite us as a people, values that we shall live and die by, dignity, honor, honesty, responsibility, freedom and security. We also declare that the government of a state should work for its people, and that each individual should have a true influence on this government, its decisions, and the paths it choses to follow. We do not believe in the paralysis of government, but the participation of all citizens in government. Technology has long made this ideal possible, and we swear to make it a reality. We do also reject the concept of communalism, and do declare that the right to private wealth and its free distribution must be protected by federal law.

3)The spiritual evolution and economic growth of the state can only be achieved through the creation of the New Man- one who is aware of his responsibilities to his state and his people, one who is creative, dynamic, and constantly evolving both as an individual and a member of society. Therefore our main priority is the proper education of our youth, to teach our young generations love for their new nation and the ways in which they may help to make it both powerful and prestigious.

4)Work, being the source of our nation’s well being, should also act as a factor in the spiritual evolution of the individual. We strive to create a work atmosphere for all people which will allow them to find fulfillment and satisfaction in their everyday duties. As initial steps in this direction we will do our best to limit the process of urbanization and favor the establishment of smaller local workshops and manufacturies as opposed to the industrial monstrosities which dominate the landscapes of today’s cities and the lives of their people. We hope that by limiting as much as is feasible the centers of production to small “family” shops we will create a situation where the so called working class man will develop a stronger spiritual link with his place of work and will get a greater joy and satisfaction from his work. We believe that such a situation will increase production and stimulate the economy.

5)We shall strive to create an education system which will help to find out and develop the particular talents and natural tendencies of each individual. The education of all citizens will last throughout their lifetimes. They shall first receive an overall education, and then later in life continue to learn about their particular field of interest. Continuess learning leads to excellence, and we would give our people the opportunity to be excellent at whatever they chose to do in their lives.

6)One of the main columns of a strong nation is strong and healthy families. We shall strive to assure the family unit prosperity and sovereignty by keeping the weight of taxes and fees at an absolute minimum and by encouraging traditional moral values. We will fight social pathology and deviation in all its forms. We shall also adhear to the concept of healthy body- healthy mind- healthy spirit, and limit our peoples’ contact with elements which could damage any of these fields. By raising our children to be healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually, we believe that we are giving them the basis to one day become good parents to their children.

7)The environment, divine nature in all its forms, shall be regarded as a part of our national inheritance. We have a responsibility to pass this inheritance on to future generations in an unaltered state. Therefore we shall strive toward a positive relationship between man and his environment. We must establish a harmony between technological evolution and natural ecosystems, and assure the purity of our planet’s environment. We believe that a healthy environment is the basis for a healthy people.

An Outline of the Universalist Ideology

We, Universalists all, brought together within this new state, The Dominion of Universalist Totality, wish to work toward the growth of our state and the development of a new and unique national identity. We shall base our work on the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Universal Church of Jesus Christ as follows:

1)We declare that the life of every man should be lived for the realization of a specific goal, a goal composed by the values and ambitions of the individual, within a system of mutual ties and dependencies, a total goal by which each man will measure his success or failure in life.

2)The absolute goal, which unites all people in one Universalist society, is God. He is the constant ideal, unchanged by time or place. He is the source of the norms and laws which will shape the life of both the individual and of society.

3)Man, created in the image of God, has been given as His testimony the Divine Law, according to which we must all live.
4)The Divine Law dictates four basic rights of Man:
A: The right to life
B: The right to freedom
C: The right to form a family
D: The right to property

5)Man is a social entity, and cannot evolve outside of society.

6) Society is not a sum of individuals, but a whole within which man brings to fruitation his absolute goal and enriches his life through the achievements of others.

7) For one to live within a society he must respect the rights of others.

8) Society therefore exists both for the enrichment of the life of the individual as well as for the protection of his rights and the execution of his responsibilities.

9) The highest form of society is the nation.

10) A nation is a voluntary organization built upon both a psychological and moral feeling of unity amongst people.

11) Amongst the structures brought into existence by the will of the nation, the highest of structures is the state.

12) The state exists to assure the rights of the individual and the nation as are defined by the Divine Law.

13) The means by which the state is to assure these rights is state law, which cannot be contradictory to the Divine Law.

14) The nation will control the activities of the state through a National Assembly which it itself will elect.

The Manifesto of The Universalist Assembly of Nations

Universalism is a spiritually motivated ideology, which denies contemporary political wisdom by which all the peoples of the Universe are condemned to choose between the left and the right, communism and capitalism. Universalism also denies the feeble attempts at reconciliation characteristic of today’s centralist movements. Ours is a unique mission, for we seek a new way of thinking and performing, a way which will lead us into the next step of the evolution of mankind.

1: The Soul

It is an integral part of our political tradition that man consists of two halves, the body and the soul, and that the welfare of the soul has priority. If our people do not participate in the great spiritual revolution which is already at hand, if they do not engage themselves in the long and arduous process of self purification and self perfection, we will be no different from the degenerates who created the great social and political monstrosities which oppress billions throughout our universe in the name of a materialist conception of life and history.
We Universalists believe that we can hope for a universal renewal and spiritual rebirth only through the creation of a New Man, one who will practice that which he preaches. The New Man will be the physical manifestation of our ideology, and through his own day to day life will be the highest form of propaganda for our movement, for he will show that that which we believe is good, and true, and possible.

2: The Moral Order

As the source of degredation throughout the universe is amorality, the natural conclusion is that a new reality can only be built on the basis of a Moral Order. We Universalists believe that it is necessary for people to understand that all things in life can be divided into clear categories of Good and Evil, truth and deception. Life is not a series of subjective choices as the materialists would have us believe. The family is the basis and the center of society, its strength and unity is the source of all healthy nations. Universalism is an ardent enemy of population control in all its forms. There is one privileged class in the Universalist reality, and that is the children.
Universalists believe that abortion and homosexuality are absolute evils, contradictory to the Divine Law given us by God, as they negate the giving of life.
Furthermore we believe that in order to maintain our Moral Order, we must raise future generations in an atmosphere of unending spiritual education and development, so that they may grow to become good and noble men and women.

3: Opposition to Materialism

The French Revolution of 1789 was an event of pivotal signifigance, an event which introduced man to the philosophy of materialism. Over the next several hundred years the strength of organized materialism in all its forms grew to such a point that it managed to replace all other values in the hearts of almost all men, and turned life into a mundane chase for material wealth. Materialism is no longer an ideology or a way of life, it has become a faith of itself. It is a faith unique amongst all others, as it is a faith which denies the existence of the soul. The many faces of materialism; liberalism, nihilism, capitalism, imperialism, anarchism, socialism, Marxism are all philosophical evils which have been discredited in practice. Uncompromising opposition to materialism in all its forms is one of the basis of Universalist thought.

4: The Ideal of Government

We deeply believe that harmony and peace within nations and amongst them can be achieved if each nation governs itself as a whole, for the good of the whole, as such a situation would eliminate egotistical interests which lead to instability and war. The fate of nations has been dependant on the machinations of unrepresentative parties, cliques, and tyrants for too long.
Universalists believe that unity and harmony within nations can only be achieved through a program of total political decentralization. We believe in a system of self government which begins at the most basic level of society and stretches out through connected structures to encompass the whole of the nation. We believe in the direct participation of all people in the decision making process on the local, regional, and national levels, and in rule by concensus, not rule by majority.
Finally, we state that all healthy societies exist according to The Divine Law, not according to egotistical interests or relativist philosophies.

5: Universalism On Property

There is a model for property in industry, agriculture, and trade which exists beyond the inhumane concentration of capital, and it appears naturally within both the capitalist and communist systems. This model is superior to the two others because it is absolutely natural. It is characterized by decentralization, which leads to a great wealth of production and service networks consisting of small companies, workshops, forges, manufacturies and farms.
This alternative to the concentrationist tendencies of capitalism and communism is known as distributionism or corporationism. It is a model which encourages individual initiative and creativity within the boundaries of the common good. It is a natural blend of private property and and social justice. The spirit of decentralization and the adaptation of this natural system is one of the basis of Universalist thought.

6: The Universalist Revolution

We Universalists yearn for the creation of a new universal order, and believe that all nations which share this, our above outlined ideology, should work together to make this dream a reality. The victory of Universalism in one nation is a victory for all Universalists. We must therefore to give moral, financial, technical, and military support to our brothers and sisters everywhere and anywhere a Universalist revolution is brewing.
Universalist Totality
03-08-2004, 22:46
Universalist Totality
03-08-2004, 23:56
Would I get a better response if I posted this in international incidents? Opinions? I really want to get into this game...
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 05:05
Would someone be kind enough to humor me with a response? I put alot of work into this thread...
The South Islands
04-08-2004, 05:14
Dang, foo, that was looooooooooooooong
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 05:16
Thanks for the spam, I really appreciate it. :rolleyes:
04-08-2004, 05:16
pretty good but i'd have to agree its too long
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 05:18
I was hoping for kind of like an IC response...what's happened to this game.
The Eastern Bloc
04-08-2004, 06:42
A paper made its way to Emperor Traiden’s desk, and he looked over it carefully. Flanking him stood Lord Protector Samson, who also read the rather long note. The further he read, the further his brows furrowed. Samson chuckled. “Strange ones, aren’t they?

Tradien nodded. “Indeed. Although, they have firm beliefs, and for that I respect them.”

“But their ideals are so far fetched and different from our own.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Traiden said, “If that’s what they believe, then so be it. Who are we to call their ideas far fetched?”

Samson thought for a moment. He rubbed the sandpaper like hair on his face with a calloused hand. “I guess you’re right. What type of response do we wish to send?”

“Leave it to me, Samson. I’ll respond personally.”

To: Directoress Viennois

From: Alexander Tradien, Emperor of the Eurydian Republic

Subject: Greetings

I have received your transmission and am intrigued by it. Your beliefs are very different from our own. If you wish to open some sort of permanent diplomatic channel, then that can be arranged. Your nation may be young, but you express views stronger than that of most nations.
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 08:19
To: Alexander Tradien, Emperor of the Eurydian Republic
From: Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress of The Universalist Totality

Dear sir,
first and foremost I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for replying to our transmission. It seems that there is little room left in this universe for a nation as small and insignificant as my own to establish itself as a part of the international community. Of the great powers, only you have taken the time to acknowledge our call, and for this we are truly thankful. We hope that this exchange will mark the begining of a lasting friendship between our two nations. We acknowledge the fact that as no man can be an island seperate and independant of society, so no nation can stand alone, isolated from the international community. Bearing this truth in mind, we extend the hand of friendship to you and your people.

I am ignorant of the beliefs and values which your nation may uphold, and I would dearly love to learn of it. I would also like to state that though our views may differ, it does not mean that our two nations cannot maintain friendly relations. We are firm in our own beliefs, but at once we are not intolerant of the beliefs of others. We believe that dialogue between nations of opposing views does not have to lead to conflict. If conducted properly, it can lead to the growth and enrichment of both sides. I would humbly request that you provide me with a history of your nation and an overview of its ideology and system of government, should you have such information on hand. As I have said before, I would truly love to learn of your nation, its history, culture, and philosophies, both because it would help me understand your nation better, and because I have a great passion for such things.

I invite you to an exchange of ambassadors, so that we may establish official diplomatic ties between our two nations. Also, if it pleases you, I would like to arrange a meeting between us, so that we may know each other, and perhaps discuss our relations more concretely. It is with a soreing heart that I await your reply.

Your friend,

A. Viennois
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 22:03
A year had passed since Alitsia had sent out her message to all the nations of the universe. A year had passed, and only one nation had answered her nation's call for companionship. Her advisors were of the opinion that the initial message was too long, that the leaders of the great powers of this universe were too busy to take the time to read such a long document. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps a more subtle approach would have worked better. Still, she could not give up hope. Of the tens of thousands of nations spread across the universe, she hoped at least a few would take interest in her fledgling nation. If the Universalist Totality remained isolated, it would stagnate, and then fade away. She knew this too well. And so she could not give up. She had to try again. Alitsia sat down infront of her laptop, and began to type.

Second Communique to All Nations
Topic: Contact

My neighbors,
I write you once again, and do wonder if you can recall my initial transmission. A year has passed, and but one nation has taken the time to answer our call. We are all deeply sorrowed by this fact, as we know we have so much to learn from you all, so much to explore. The D.U.T cannot remain an isolated nation. We wish very much to become an active member of this great galactic community which surrounds us. Perhaps my initial dignified request has become a desperate plea. Unfortunatly, we are becoming desperate for contact. I would like to repeat my initial offer. We, the people of the Dominion of Universalist Totality, are ready and willing to open diplomatic channels with any and all nations interested in an exchange with us. We are prepared to discuss cultural exchanges, trade agreements, and perhaps even defensive alliances. We await word.

Written in Forge,

Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress
04-08-2004, 22:36
A message arrived at the desk of the People's Representative, and he scanned it rapidly. It was dated for over a year ago. Yet it seemed interesting enough, so he then read it in detail before setting out to compose a reply. One that would, hopefully, arrive at this new nation's leader sooner than their message had come to his attention.

Communique to Universalist Totality

I humbly apologize for the lateness my reply will surely reach you; your message had settled at the bottom of a stack of old papers before I unearthed it. Despite this, I must say it is certainly impressive compared to most of the younger nations' debuts. While our beliefs are as opposite as they could be, we – along with many other nations – have learned the advantages of tolerance. I would like nothing better than to open relations with such a coherent nation. There seems to be less and less of them, sadly.

People's Representative Duo Migashi
Universalist Totality
04-08-2004, 23:13
To The People's Representative of Cyberutopia, Duo Migashi, Greetings and Salutations:

I am overjoyed to hear from you, good sir. News of your transmission has once again filled my people's hearts with hope and enthusiasm, and for this alone I am deeply indebted to you. There is no need for you to apologize to me, indeed, it would be an act of unsurmounted arrogance on my part to expect an apology from the leader of a nation as great as your own. Your courtious tone in addressing one such as myself only amplifies the undeniable fact that you are a giant amongst men. And so I am glad to know you, dear sir, and revel in the knowledge that such nobility can be found amongst the great leaders of our universe.

I would also like to thank you for your compliments, which again I was completely unprepared for. I must admit to you, my dear sir, that I am blushing as I write this, and do feel mightly privileged to make your aquaintence.I am aware of the fact that the ideals which my people uphold are....unique, to say the least. I must however stress that one of the main tenents of our philosophy is to constantly enrich ourselves through contact with others. We do not feel ourselves to be infalable. If in time your own philosophy were to prove itself more sound than our own, we would surely adopt those elements which make it so. We are a people who seek enlightenment, and do trust in God that He will lead us to ever higher truths.

I have three propositions which I humbly ask that you consider.
First, I would ask that you make available to me documents that would allow me to learn your nation's history, philosophy, and system of government. I would dearly love to learn all that I can about your nation, so that we may understand you, our new friends, better.
Secondly, I invite you to a formal exchange of ambassadors, so that we may establish a permanent diplomatic link between us.
Finally, I would propose that we meet, so that we may discuss the strengthening of ties between our two nations, as well as any agreements which may be benefitial to us both.
I await your verdict.

Your friend,
Alitsia de Viennois
Universalist Totality
05-08-2004, 06:36
The Eastern Bloc
05-08-2004, 17:57

The link provided should give you everything you need to know for the moment. Eurydian society and history is a complicated thing, and this massive piece of data is relatively compressed, considering what's covered. Enjoy it, and once you are finished you will have a better understanding of Eurydian culture.

Anything and Everything: A look at the Republic (

Anything more -- Such as our religious beliefs and technological advances-- can be discussed in person, when that time comes.

--Alexander Traiden
Universalist Totality
05-08-2004, 19:48
Communique to Alexander Traiden, Emperor of The Eurydian Republic

Dear sir,
I have received the document which you have lately sent me, and am pleased to inform you that I studied it thoroughly and with great relish. I would like to thank you for this opportunity to learn a little about your nation. Yours is a long, rich, and facinating history, though I know not what else I could have expected of so great a nation.

One thing puzzles me, however. In the document I received, it states that the position of Emperor is currently vacant within the Eurydian Republic. Is it safe to assume that you have been hence restored to your former position of authority? Or do you continue on as an advisor? I would dearly like to know. Perhaps this document is simply an aged account of your nation, and an update is due...

I would dearly like to meet with you, my good benefactor, so that we may discuss at length the strengthening of ties between our two states. I am currently not engaged in any sort of diversions, things have been going quite well within my state over these past two year. Due to this, I am free to solidify my nation's international relations. Peace within, growth without, as they say. Should it be agreeable to you to meet with me, you need only inform me of the time and place which would best suite you. I've arranged my routines so that I am preparred to depart on a moments notice. I await your word, dear friend, and hope to hear from you soon. God be with you.


Alitsia de Viennois
Universalist Totality
05-08-2004, 23:11
I'm just going to bump, for the reason that I'm online right now, and if there might be someone out there who this might interest, I can respond to them immediatly. Hope that's ok.
05-08-2004, 23:21
To: The D.U.T

From: The Republic of Larogera, Deputy of Intelligence Gordon A. Fischer

We enjoy that the D.U.T. has given us good information about their country.
06-08-2004, 06:01
To The People's Representative of Cyberutopia, Duo Migashi, Greetings and Salutations:

I am overjoyed to hear from you, good sir. News of your transmission has once again filled my people's hearts with hope and enthusiasm, and for this alone I am deeply indebted to you. There is no need for you to apologize to me, indeed, it would be an act of unsurmounted arrogance on my part to expect an apology from the leader of a nation as great as your own. Your courtious tone in addressing one such as myself only amplifies the undeniable fact that you are a giant amongst men. And so I am glad to know you, dear sir, and revel in the knowledge that such nobility can be found amongst the great leaders of our universe.

I would also like to thank you for your compliments, which again I was completely unprepared for. I must admit to you, my dear sir, that I am blushing as I write this, and do feel mightly privileged to make your aquaintence.I am aware of the fact that the ideals which my people uphold are....unique, to say the least. I must however stress that one of the main tenents of our philosophy is to constantly enrich ourselves through contact with others. We do not feel ourselves to be infalable. If in time your own philosophy were to prove itself more sound than our own, we would surely adopt those elements which make it so. We are a people who seek enlightenment, and do trust in God that He will lead us to ever higher truths.

I have three propositions which I humbly ask that you consider.
First, I would ask that you make available to me documents that would allow me to learn your nation's history, philosophy, and system of government. I would dearly love to learn all that I can about your nation, so that we may understand you, our new friends, better.
Secondly, I invite you to a formal exchange of ambassadors, so that we may establish a permanent diplomatic link between us.
Finally, I would propose that we meet, so that we may discuss the strengthening of ties between our two nations, as well as any agreements which may be benefitial to us both.
I await your verdict.

Your friend,
Alitsia de Viennois

'Unsurmounted arrogance?' Ha! My dear friend, we are all ultimately bound by the mortal coil, why not treat each other as the equals we are? Courtesy is the simplest of favors one can do for another, and always garners the best inital results. And you flatter me so! Me, a great leader? Hardly, compared to the juggernaughts that stand guardian over the universe. But I digress. Your three requests I shall gladly fufill. Let's see what I can dig up here...

The beginnings of Cyberutopia date to the Feudal Ages of Japan. During the Era of the Warring Clans, Hokkaido, seeking it's independence and looking to follow the lead of the many daimyos of the larger islands, broke off from the empire to pursue it's own future. Seeing no current importance in the desolate island, it's rebellion was largely ignored. Hokkaido wrapped itself in isolation for the next 500 years.

The nation now known as Cyberutopia arose in the year 2009, and quickly rose in the ranks of technological might. According to Cyberutopian clocks, it is now 2099. Many nations and individuals consider Cyberutopia their allies. The nation excels in education and all forms of freedoms, along with medical technology, military hardware, and information technologies. The current population is 2.799 billion and growing. Cyberutopia retains a strong economy which is heavily controlled by the government. The government is presided over by the People's Representative, who has little power and serves mainly as a spokesperson for the nation. All issues are presented to the public, and are decided upon by them. A council of Arbiters make up the judicial and legislative branch, elected by the people of each region.

One event defines recent Cyberutopia history, known mainly as the Cyberutopian Incident. An unknown aggressor incited dissenters within the nation to stage a takeover. These rebels assassinated the People's Representative and the High Admiral of the Fleets. After taking power, they imposed a strict authoritarian regime over the nation with a certain Overlord Cortez as their figurehead, but their influence reached no farther than the capital outskirts. Beyond was pure anarchy. Several nations stepped in to halt the chaos, and Cortez retaliated in full force. A nuclear device was detonated within the capital, anihillating an Aelosian army and turning most of the capital into slag. Belem is believed to be behind the nuke, but to this day denies any involvement in the crisis other than "peacekeeping purposes". Eventually the rebels and the loyalists met en masse and a massive battle ensued on the outskirts of the capital. In the confusion, the Head Commander of the Agents, Agent Four, along with the Aelosian Colonel-Commander Elfira D'nan and a Thelasian General penetrated the enemy lines and succeded in subduing Cortez, but not before he turned his own army into scrap along with the rest of the city, and threatening the entire western portion of Cyberutopia with a large quantity of fusion explosives. Cortez was taken in, and has not been heard from since. The former Head of Defense, Duo Migashi, took the office of People's Representative, and Cyberutopia has flourished in a Golden Age henceforth.

Hopefully that short bit satisfies your inital thirst for knowledge, though I will gladly answer any questions you might have. On your other requests, I will gladly make an exchange of ambassadors, and would be glad to meet with you to discuss further relations. Please, ask me any question you might have, or need that I can fufill.

People's Representative Duo Migashi
06-08-2004, 08:09
Raahmid considered the tome on his desk again. Some rather interesting idea within indeed. Perhaps some would be worth exploring in more depth...

He began to dictate a missive to be immediately dispatched to the D.U.T.


Ab-shalom and greetings,

It is the desire of the Sultanate of Vastiva to open and maintain strong diplomatic and economic relations with all nations desirous of such.

We therefore offer an exchange of embassies and ambassadors, and a beginning of free trade between our nations.

If this meets with your approval, please communicate by any means.

Go in Peace,

Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
06-08-2004, 09:31
To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: The Office of the Exterior, Kanuckistan


On behalf of my government and it's people, welcome to the interstellar community; from what little I have come to learn, you are a people of conviction and ideals all too rare, despite our differences, and I suspect my government would be only too happy to enter into formal relations in time.

About ourselves; we are a nation of seemingly infinite diversity of thought and form, posessed of a great tollerance and respect for the diversity inherent in the universe and it's peoples. Common values include sovereignty, family, and the value of sentient life. Our history is long, but, barring a few isolated incidents, relativly uneventful; I mixed blessing, I think. Politicly, we are a representitive democracy at most levels of government, with a representitive's political weight directly proportional to the portion of the electorate that supports them, which persons are free to change at any time. Federally, power is dominatly held by the God Emperor, a former Prime Minister who's current position is the result of what you would likly describe as a cult gaining sway over the majority, and imposing it upon him, despite his own objections.

I must inquior as to your opinions of non-hunam sentients, and the application of technologies biological and technological to one's person, however; to say the point may prove pivital to our future relations would be an understatment.


Bob McBob,
Minister of the Exterior,
The Water Cooler
06-08-2004, 11:01
Imperial Gardens, Imperial Palace, Sohi City, The Water Cooler

Emperor Sohi sat crossed legged drinking from steaming cup of Tea. In the background a small fountain trickled in a rather Zen way. Looking around he tried to think of a word that rhymed with Orange.

The soft pit-pat-pit sound of footsteps alerted him to someone’s presence.

“Ah Lord Hizen – to what do I owe this honour to? I trust someone hasn’t declared war on us in the last few minutes?”

“Ah, No Sir.”

Cue Obligatory Chuckle, then switch to serious face predicted Sohi.

“Haha.” On cue, Hizen’s face switched to serious mode.

“It’s concerning a rather long transmission we received from Universalist Totality. We received it sometime, but for some reason we have not replied. I suggest that perhaps we might want to consider replying.”

“Of course. Send them a greeting; hope for diplomatic exchange, and so on, so forth.”

“Very well.”

Cue half bow; five steps backward slowly, another half bow, then quick walk out of the garden Sohi though. He was not wrong.

Dear Sir,

Firstly, we would like to express our abject terror at failing to reply until thus far. Upon closer inspections, it appears a technical problem had somehow redirected the message. However, this has now been rectified and we expect all communications to arrive unimpeded.

Although we do find several of your tenets to be disagreeable, we find your overall attitude to be exceedingly positive, and we look forward to dealing with your country.

To that end we are formally inviting you to set up a small embassy in our mighty country.

The Emperor would be most honoured by you sending a permeant ambassador, and would take it to be a sign that a friendship between our nations would be amiable to you. Unfortunately, we are not capable of interstellar flight, and as such would not be able to send an ambassador to your country. However, we hope one day that this may be changed.

In the meantime, please find attached to this message a crate of Water Cooler Valley 1980 Port. We hope that this gift will be most enjoyed by your people.


Lord Hizen Barden,
Foreign Minister,
The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler
Universalist Totality
06-08-2004, 18:28
To The People's Representative of Cyberutopia, Duo Migashi

Dear friend,
I have carefully studied the short account of your nation you have sent me, and must say that I am thoroughly satisfied. Though the ideologies of our nations may differ in certain areas, I see that there are also elements we have in common. Perhaps the most important of these is that both our nations have made an attempt at what has been called "direct democracy". A truly accountable and representative government is, in our own view, the basis of a healthy society. We citizens of the D.U.T. have ourselves adopted a system by which all citizens vote on pending legislation through a system of federal electronic polls which may be accessed from registered home computers. I would imagine that your own system is similar to this model. I feel that though the basis of our ideologies may by dynamicly different, we seem to strive toward the same end result. I am highly pleased by this discovery.

I was at once facinated and horrified by your account of the short civil war which shook your nation. Has your fallen capital been rebuilt? Have your people recovered from this shocking event? My condolences go out to you, and all the people who have lost loved ones in this horrid struggle. I hope your nation will have time to heal its wounds, for I know that the injuries of civil war run long and deep. Our prayers are with you, dear friend.

From what I understand, our own Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already begun the initial arrangements for an exchange of ambassadors between our two nations. I am confident that we need not speak of this matter further, as I am sure that both our MFA and whatever counterpart you may have are more than capable of dealing with the formalities of this exchange.

Finally, concerning our own meeting, I do crave it very much. I feel we have much to discuss, and would like very much to set aside two days or even a week to spend in your company. Over the past few weeks, many pressing internal issues have been brought to my attention. Fortunatly, I have managed to arrange for a council to attend to these issues during my absence. I am ready to depart at a moments notice. You need only inform me of a specific time and place, and I shall arrive as soon as possible.

I await your input, my good sir. Until then, may God's good light guide you.

Universalist Totality
06-08-2004, 18:35
To The Grand Vizier of Vastiva, Raahmid Javani, Greetings and Salutations

Dear sir,
We would be honored to exchange ambassadors with your nation, and open a regular channel of trade between us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The last patriots
06-08-2004, 18:47
Greetings DUT,

The CLP sends its greetings and the wholehearted wish to begin a diplomatic accord with your nationstate, for the purposes of further positive realations with the Universalist Totality. We belive many of the same things though implementation may varry and we feel that the exchange of diplomatic entities may prove beneficial to the total credit of both nationstates. Please feel free to reply to this communique by sending responses to:

*Begin trinary codeblok*
1011011210201101010110001010202010101010202101002020202020101202201012012020201210220202010010102022 0101012020220101020201010101010202010201201101010102021010102012101010021020210211201012012202020210 10102020101010201002010102012012012120001011...(continues in that vein for about 1000 symbols)
*end trinary codeblok*

We thank you for your time Directoress,

*begin sigblok*
(a collection of 100 characters)
*end sigblok*

-The Last Patriot
Universalist Totality
06-08-2004, 19:06
Communique to The Minister of The Exterior to Kanuckistan, Bob McBob

Dear sir,
I sincerely thank you for replying to our transmission, and for welcoming us so cordialy to the interstelar community. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to give a short account of your nation, it helps me immensely in judging whether you may be considered a potential friend. You seem to be an honest and direct individual, and these I do consider to be high virtues. Therefore, I extend my hand in friendship, and am pleased to make your aquaintance.

It seems that we share many values in common; sovereignty, family, the right to life, representative and accountable self-government, these are all sacred concepts within the Dominion, and basic tenents of our ideology. I dare say that our nations should have little difficulty building a close and long lasting friendship.

You have asked our opinion on certain issues, and I will do my best to answer fully and honestly. Concerning your question about non-human sentients, it is our belief as enlightened Christians that all life throughout the Universe is God's creation, and therefore all sentients are His witnesses, equal in every way. Our people come from many cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and though the majority are human, we have millions of nonhuman citizens as well. It has been often questioned that nonhumans can actually be Chrisitians, but we feel that we have ample evidence of Christ living various lives in various places throughout the Universe. We are not of the conservative branch of Chrisitianity which feels that humanity is somehow privileged or more divine than the other races. Our Christianity is universal, we believe in one creator, and therefore one, united creation, which can be understood only as a whole.

As for the application of technology to ones' person, I am afraid I would be hard pressed to answer this question. We currently do not enjoy such technology, and therefore have not had a chance to discuss it. As a first opinion, I would say that I see nothing wrong with self-enhancement. If we have the technology to make ourselves better than we once were, then is this not the will of God and a proof of his glory? I would dearly like to know your opinion on this issue, as perhaps I am viewing it in a wrong light. Still, you asked an opinion, and so I have given one to the best of my ability.

I look forward to hearing from you, good sir. God be with you.

Universalist Totality
06-08-2004, 19:09
ooc: Water Cooler and Last Patriots, I will have to answer your messages later, as have to go see my registrar. CU. ;)
06-08-2004, 21:01
Communique to The Universalist Totality

I am glad we have found a common ideal. A government is nothing without it's people. Your system of voting sounds as if it would be very convienient and, being the highly computerized nation we are, suitable for our adoption.

As for our civil war, horrific as it was, we have risen from that ten times the people we once were. However, I sadly doubt that our capital, Sapporo, will ever be recover from the nuclear onslaught there, but we have adapted and erected a new shining capital that our people can look upon with pride. I cannot speak all praise about the aftermath, though. There are many, myself included, who will never forget and never recover from that anarchy. I cannot thank you enough for your understanding.

Our own Committee of External Affairs has begun it's work, and an ambassador shall soon be dispatched to your land.

As soon as you wish, I will gladly receive you at the Representative's House in Rememberance Square, located dead center in New Sapporo. There will be a convoy to escort you to the Square. I eagerly await your arrival, Directoress.

People's Representative Duo Migashi
Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 00:07
As Alitsia tended to packing for her trip to Cyberutopia, an orderly interrupted the small ritual to inform her that a package had lately arrived from the nation known strangely enough as The Water Cooler. Slightly intrigued, and perhaps a little annoyed by the disturbance, she briskly made her way down stairs and to the front portal, where the package awaited her. There, to her surprise, was a crate full of bottles, with an official transcript attached. She removed the transcript from the crate and put it into her pants pocket. She then crouched down, tenderly opened the latch on the crate, and removed one of the bottles from it. She crouched there for a short while, holding the bottle upright before her in the palm of her hand, tilted her head, and observed it inquisitively, as if it were to perform some sort of trick. She then brushed the hair out of her eyes, and turned back to look at the orderly.

"What do you think it is, Malcolm?"
"I would guess that it is water, ma'am."
"Water, Malcolm?"
"Well ma'am, it is a fitting gesture...considering the nation of origin."

Alitsia chuckled a little, then with one gesture placed the bottle back in the crate, swept it up, and stood upright. "A curious folk." she said, more to herself than to her orderly, and began to walk back into the house.

"Yes, Malcolm?"
"The transcript, ma'am."
"Ah yes, I had clear forgoten it."

She pulled the note out of her pocket, broke the seal, and read it, the crate still dangeling from her delicate fingers. She read it through twice, and then broke out into open, appreciative laughter.

"Truly a curious folk....Malcolm, do you have a pen and paper handy?"
"As always ma'am."
"Then note this down, and send it out on my code. Ready?"
"Yes ma'am."

To Lord Hizen Barden, Foreign Minister of The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler

Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for your transmission, as well as for the excellent water you have presented me with. We would be more than happy to arrange an exchange of ambassadors with your nation, and begin the development of friendly and profitable ties between us. I shall begin the arrangements immediatly. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Be well.

Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 00:39
To The Last Patriot

Dear sir,
Of course we welcome the opportunity to exchange ambassadors with your nation and establish diplomatic ties between us. My temporary council has already begun the work necessary to make this so. Please contact me with any observations you may have.

07-08-2004, 06:56
To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: The Office of the Exterior, Kanuckistan


In regaurds to my question regaurding your opinions of personal augmentation, it is, shall we say, a practice of some contriversy in certain circles, particularly those religous; as such procedures are exceedingly common amoung our populace, I felt it best to ascertain your people's opinions thereof befor further attempting to enter relations.

As for my query regaurding species, we can count over one hundred thousand geneticly distinct species amoungst our populace, ranging from hunams to dragons to sentient mold; excluding the innumerible 'species' resulting from personal genome-level biomodifications, which are rapidly rendering the definition of 'species' meaningless within our boarders. Hunams, in their varrious flavors, make up roughly 9% of our population; by far our largest minority.

At this point, I am afraid that my tone must turn grave, but it is necessary; you must know that the number of hostile powers amoungst the stars is no fewer than those upon terra, and their weapons and methods are frightening in scope and power. As an elder nation, we are well armed and our defences thick, but the recent Shivan war has seen whole worlds literily destroyed with soul chilling ease. I do not ask for your people's help; indeed, I must insist that you keep your heads down and do not draw undue attention to yourselves, but you must realise that a strong military presence in space is vital to your survival. You do not want to know what horrors lurk in the blackness.

I know I am sounding like an alarmist, and, prehaps, that is what I am being, but there has been too much death in recent times; it, would be a crime to leave you ignorant, and I worry that in your idealism that you may not be prepared for the harsher aspects of membership in the interstellar community.

On a lighter note, I can now say that we are officaly interested in formalising relations, and perliminary arrangments are being made in that regaurd to meeting that end; a diplomatic expidition to your world, if you would allow us. I'm afraid that granting your people access to the Home Cluster is impossible in these dark times.


Bob McBob,
Minister of the Exterior,
Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 07:31
To The Minister of the Exterior of Kanuckistan, Bob McBob

Dear sir,
It pleases me greatly that you have found my answers to the issues you addressed satisfactory. I do concur that our like-mindedness on such delicate matters will make the development of relations between our two nations that much easier, and more pleasant. It is a privilege to call the people of Kanuckistan friends.

I am at once intrigued and disturbed by your warning of interstellar conflict. I have not before heard anything of the Shivan war which you speak of, and would press you to educate me further on this matter. Who is the aggressor? What can we expect of them? How may we best prepare ourselves for eventual conflict? These questions burn in my mind, and I pray you do tell me more of this imposing menace.

We are prepared to receive a diplomatic party from your nation on our homeworld of Forge. You need only inform us of your arrival in our space. Will you be leading this group yourself, or will you be absent? I should dearly like to discuss many things with you in person.

I await further word. God be with you.

07-08-2004, 08:07
To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: The Office of the Exterior, Kanuckistan


The Shivans are an extragalactic threat that, as far as we can tell, seeks to destroy all life not their own. For years now, they struck from the shadows of their native realm, a form of subspace, their flagships sheathed by then-impenitrible sheilds; sense then, our alliance, the Extra Solar Union of Systems(ESUS), has learned ways to defeat their subspace sheilds, and ambushed and crippled a major Shivan fleet, but even recently they have managed to strike down worlds, and are ever-rebuilding their losses. However, not all is as bad as it seems; recently, their newest nanite toy backfired, and drove them out of their native relm. Alliance members are presently debating how best to attack their massed fleet.

Kanuckistan itself, however, has been fortunate to have avoided loss in this bloodiest of wars; the enemy seems to lack the tactical grace to properly bring the needed force to bear upon our great Battleplates and Superfortresses, and with our worlds safe within a massivly deep FTL inhibitor feild, they have choosen easier targets.

You, however, should stay out of this fight; they are focused upon our alliance, and the last nation to independently declare war upon them lost their homeworld shortly thereafter, despite the efforts of fleets their own and allied.

There are many other threats upon the horizon, however, much like as can be found upon terra; the Shivans are simply the cheif opponent that Kanuckistan presently faces. What defences, if you don't mind me asking, does your nation currently posess? If you are interested, I'm sure that my government would be willing to help you bolster your defences.

I will try to be present with the convoy, but that may not be possible with my current duties; we shall have to see what strings I can pull, neh?


Bob McBob,
Minister of the Exterior,
Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 08:48
To Bob McBob, Minister of the Exterior, Kanuckistan

I've been sifting through the galactic archives, which I have only today learned to use to their full potential, and I have found much on this Shivan menace. After some study, I have come to the conclusion that they have little chance against the combined forces of ESUS and your other allies. Of course, I may be incorrect in my assessment of the situation, but it seems to me that they are both outnumbered, and for the time being, outwitted. I wish you the best of luck in your struggle, and a swift victory indeed. The prayers of my people will be with you.

I shall head your advice and avoid conflict, if only for the simple reason that mine is still a weak nation. Other than some 100,000 space marines and five civilian class interstellar vessels, we are utterly defenseless. I doubt that we could last longer than a few days if faced with a full scale invasion. This worries me, but we have been too busy providing ourselves with the essential facilities over these past five years to even think about military production. And so I openly welcome any donations of equipment or other forms of aid your government would be willing to provide us with to help bolster the defenses of our homeworld. We would be forever indebted to you for such generosity.

I also wanted to ask whether you think it would be advisable for us to join this defensive organization you are part of, ESUS. I'm not sure if a nation as small and insignificant as ours would be welcome in such an organization, nor whether it is advisable for us to join at this point. I ask your council in this matter.

We are currently awaiting the arrival of your diplomatic party. I await your input.

07-08-2004, 09:24
To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: The Office of the Exterior, Kanuckistan


There is little doubt that you would be welcome in the ESUS, but I can't recomend you join for the simple fact that you would become a very easy target; prehaps in the futture, when your defences are stronger, or when tensions are lower. I have done some asking around, however, and I belive we can arrange to bolster your defences to some degree. A mutual defence agreement between our nations is also not out of the question; I'll have to look into it, however.


Bob McBob,
Minister of the Exterior,

What kind/level/flavor of tech do you use?

*revises some old ship stats*
Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 09:28
ooc: K, I was about to respond, but I just realized that I'm very tired. Its 2:30 in the morning here, and I need to get some sleep. Would you mind if I respond tomorrow?
07-08-2004, 09:36
ooc: K, I was about to respond, but I just realized that I'm very tired. Its 2:30 in the morning here, and I need to get some sleep. Would you mind if I respond tomorrow?

Actually, I'm used to a one-post-per-day RP speed. Catching the other person online at the same time is exceedingly rare.
Universalist Totality
07-08-2004, 09:37
Ok, cool. I'll catch you tomorrow then. ;)
(stumbles away from computer, arms stretched out, zombie style. "Must....sleep....must....sleep")
07-08-2004, 11:11
IC: Khaled's personal office in the Presidential Palace had a magnificent view over the capital. Built on Dragon Hill, the palace oversaw most of downtown Kusair and the large commercial harbor, where enormous barge carriers and oil tankes were moored against the quay and would receive their loads at daylight, preparing their trip to outside countries. Downtown was almost a bright star between the outer suburbs, where it was almost completely dark. Massive skycrapers, towering giants of steel and glass, were surrounded by the smaller restaurants, eating-places, cinemas and theatres of the entertainment district.

Khaled sighed, as 7th President of Al-Sabir, he was proud of what he had accomplished, turning the slums of Kusair into a true metropolis. He yawned, it was way too late to be up and still working, but he had a few minor issues to deal with, before he could really enjoy his weekend. He quickly signed, and thereby ratified, a proposal of removing every third trafficlight in every city but Kusair, his pride and joy, so they could cut the funds for those corrupt bastards at the Transportation Ministry, pouring the money down the drain. He folded the document, stashed it in a manila evelope and put it aside. Beneath it lay something that caught his attention. Universalist Totality. The document was crumpled, folded many times and old, he could barely read what it said, but in the upperleft corner was a date of receival, exactly one year ago. He began to read it, his face expression changing from utter borebom to growing curiosity.

After reading it he quickly grabbed a scribble-pad and began putting down a message, which he, after he finished ordered to be sent out as a top priority.

To: Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress of The Universalist Totality.
From: Khaled Rashid Brahim, 7th President of The Desert Republic of Al-Sabir.


I apologize for the delay of sending this response to your earlier message, received a year ago, but give me a chance to explain this.

Due to our vast amount of work and responsibility I have, my secretary transferred your message, received by our outer ring of SETI satellites, to the Foreign Affairs archive, as she thought my priorities were somewhere else at the time, definitely not addressing another space nation who send threatening intergalactic messages all the time, which she thought it was, not having read it. A vast clean up of the archive revealed the document your transmission was printed on and my new secretary thought I should read it. I'm very grateful to her, as else would've never discovered this. I was astounded by your kindness and eagerness to live in peace and prosperity with all nations. I therefore decided to sent this communique and tell you the The Desert Republic is more than willing to open diplomatic, cultural and economical channels, something that would be mutually beneficial to our two nations.

I eagerly await your reply,


Khaled Rashid Brahim.
President of The Desert Republic of Al-Sabir.

OOC: I know you're off to sleep, but I thought I should do this right now. I'm off for a week, so don't expect more messages soon, but when I'm back, this thread is certainly the first one I'll check.
07-08-2004, 14:27
We wish to establish a diplomatic relationshop with the Christian-like state Universalist Totality although we have ruled out a embassy exchange due to difficulties with transport between Earth and Forge. As the birthplace of the Holy Prophet Jesus Christ, son of God, a linkage between our two nations would be advantageous.

God bless
Cardinal Augustus Brown (Roman Catholic Church)
Minister for Culture and Religion
07-08-2004, 20:43
((DUT, you can find the visit thread here: ))
08-08-2004, 01:26
To: Whoever rules Universalist Totality
From: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
Subject: Wellcome?

I have no idea if I should wellcome or grief your newfound existance. For me this is just another democratic nation who in the end, decpite what their lying toungs tell me, will interfeer with national issues within Danneland.
Democrats have prooven themselves to be Warmongering Lunatics, not one time, but so many times I've lost count. Not only are they warmongering, they are not afraid of leveling nations with nuclear warheads when they se fit.

More to it you embrace a god, wich we, I, believe is a madeup fictionary being. A being who has resulted in more wars than the democrats have been able to wage. You have the two things wich I, and my people fear the most.

But be not afraid, I, unlike the democrats have no wish to spend billions of Gold on waging war with a tiny nation of minor important (yet I might add). Wich in the end would result in another genocide on Dannelandian people.
I tell you know, as long as you stay where you belong and understands that Danneland has its own way of dealing with things, more to it. I have a different way of dealing with things.

I wellcome Universalist Totality to the international community, but I warn you, do not, ever, try to force your believs on others.

-Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.
08-08-2004, 01:46
To: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
From: Deputy of Intelligence Gordon A. Fischer


It seems that you have some doubts about democracy. Democracy is a very powerful thing. Democracy has worked for our country because we believe that the Larogeran way: just the people works.

Democracy can work as long as you have the power to let the citizens run the country. Dictatorship countries anger me because of their control over the world. 'Forcing beliefs', as you've mentioned at the end of your post to Universalist Totality is not the right thing to do.

But, dictatorships are horrible because of a few things
1) The people fell oppressed, because of your strict rules.
2) Being the people have no power over their government, they are 'FORCED' into your beliefs rather than theirs.

Take this in mind. As people shouldn't be forced into beliefs, neither shall your people. There is no exception.
08-08-2004, 04:20
Ab-shalom and greetings,

As pressing matters have been properly seen to, it is my pleasure to discuss this document at length, and compare and contrast it to our native beliefs. It is hoped this will begin a dialogue between our nations, in the pursuit of understanding.

An Address From The Directoress of The Universalist Totality to The Governing Institutions and Peoples of All Nations

Greetings neighbors and future associates. It is with great joy that I would like to declare the recent foundation of our state, a dream which we have chased for so long, The Dominion of The Universalist Totality. We have come together here on the currently secluded planet of Forge, idealists, romantics, and refugees all of us, in an attempt at governing ourselves according to a vision of government and society which has been generations in the making. It is with hopeful hearts that we look now to the stars for nations which we may call friend, and perhaps even for nations which may share our ideals. We, the people of Forge, extend the hand of friendship to all nations, and do make it known that our doors are now open to embassies, defensive agreements, and trade.
We have decided to make more known about our nation by attaching to this communication our constitution. It is our hope that this most important testimony of that which unites us will give the nations of the universe a clearer outlook on our young nations, and inspire at least some to make contact with our young and fragile state. We eagerly await your replies.

Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress

Our apologies, but our space program is, at best, fledgling in nature. That long and definite strides are being made due greatly to the aid and assistance of our allies still does not allow us to state any great ability in extraterrestrial exploration.

The Unchangeable and Eternal Constitution of The Dominion of Universalist Totality

The Universalist Program

1)The primary responsibility of all citizens is to maintain the sovereignty of our free state by any means necessary. It is only through state sovereignty that a people may become a nation, and nation may evolve to become a great civilization.

2)We do declare the values that unite us as a people, values that we shall live and die by, dignity, honor, honesty, responsibility, freedom and security. We also declare that the government of a state should work for its people, and that each individual should have a true influence on this government, its decisions, and the paths it choses to follow. We do not believe in the paralysis of government, but the participation of all citizens in government. Technology has long made this ideal possible, and we swear to make it a reality. We do also reject the concept of communalism, and do declare that the right to private wealth and its free distribution must be protected by federal law.

This appears to be well in hand with our beliefs, though in some ways the Sultanate is indeed a socialist state.

3)The spiritual evolution and economic growth of the state can only be achieved through the creation of the New Man- one who is aware of his responsibilities to his state and his people, one who is creative, dynamic, and constantly evolving both as an individual and a member of society. Therefore our main priority is the proper education of our youth, to teach our young generations love for their new nation and the ways in which they may help to make it both powerful and prestigious.


4)Work, being the source of our nation’s well being, should also act as a factor in the spiritual evolution of the individual. We strive to create a work atmosphere for all people which will allow them to find fulfillment and satisfaction in their everyday duties. As initial steps in this direction we will do our best to limit the process of urbanization and favor the establishment of smaller local workshops and manufacturies as opposed to the industrial monstrosities which dominate the landscapes of today’s cities and the lives of their people. We hope that by limiting as much as is feasible the centers of production to small “family” shops we will create a situation where the so called working class man will develop a stronger spiritual link with his place of work and will get a greater joy and satisfaction from his work. We believe that such a situation will increase production and stimulate the economy.

This is agreed, though we do wonder how the D.U.T. supports it’s arts. Art being, by it’s nature, creative, it would appear an emphasis on expression in all forms would lead to an overall increase in spiritual evolution.

5)We shall strive to create an education system which will help to find out and develop the particular talents and natural tendencies of each individual. The education of all citizens will last throughout their lifetimes. They shall first receive an overall education, and then later in life continue to learn about their particular field of interest. Continues learning leads to excellence, and we would give our people the opportunity to be excellent at whatever they chose to do in their lives.

The goal is well-chosen, but the methods would appear to be inverted. Our population is given a battery of psychological and spiritual tests upon their entry into primary classes (about age four), at which time their chosen path in life becomes evident. Teaching is then given, both in classroom and in what would be called apprenticeships, with each mingling with each other such that the student may not be completely aware of all that is learned. In this manner, each student’s curriculum is somewhat individualized, and somewhat standardized. Our population gains literacy in their first language by age six, with most knowing a minimum of three by age 16, when they receive suffrage benefits. At this point, they are conscripted to the military for the next five years, during which time they are taught further lessons in citizenship, and the work on finalizing career choice and education needed is undergone. By the time they are mustered out of their mandatory service at age 21 – if such is requested – they are well trained to proceed in the career of their choice. Should such a choice be seen as not satisfactory, another enlistment can be chosen, with more training taking place during this tour. As such, all members serve the interest of the population at all times.

6)One of the main columns of a strong nation is strong and healthy families. We shall strive to assure the family unit prosperity and sovereignty by keeping the weight of taxes and fees at an absolute minimum and by encouraging traditional moral values. We will fight social pathology and deviation in all its forms. We shall also adhear to the concept of healthy body- healthy mind- healthy spirit, and limit our peoples’ contact with elements which could damage any of these fields. By raising our children to be healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually, we believe that we are giving them the basis to one day become good parents to their children.

We agree, hence our adaptation of universal healthcare and the presence of our Hammams and Health Centers in all populated areas, with nothing more then citizenship required for entry. This has also removed the burden of needing to purchase insurance coverage for their workers from our business leaders.

7)The environment, divine nature in all its forms, shall be regarded as a part of our national inheritance. We have a responsibility to pass this inheritance on to future generations in an unaltered state. Therefore we shall strive toward a positive relationship between man and his environment. We must establish a harmony between technological evolution and natural ecosystems, and assure the purity of our planet’s environment. We believe that a healthy environment is the basis for a healthy people.

Most definitely agreed.

An Outline of the Universalist Ideology

We, Universalists all, brought together within this new state, The Dominion of Universalist Totality, wish to work toward the growth of our state and the development of a new and unique national identity. We shall base our work on the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Universal Church of Jesus Christ as follows:

1)We declare that the life of every man should be lived for the realization of a specific goal, a goal composed by the values and ambitions of the individual, within a system of mutual ties and dependencies, a total goal by which each man will measure his success or failure in life.

2)The absolute goal, which unites all people in one Universalist society, is God. He is the constant ideal, unchanged by time or place. He is the source of the norms and laws which will shape the life of both the individual and of society.

Here we must politely disagree. The source of norms and laws is the people who decide upon those norms and laws. We do not perceive a “universal standard”, nor any form of “universal morality”. We do subscribe to personal ethics, but to see a deity as a goal is quite beyond our conception. Our goal is the achievement of the perfect self, not the reinvention of a spiritual wheel.

3)Man, created in the image of God, has been given as His testimony the Divine Law, according to which we must all live.

Again, disagreement. Man exists – to say we are embodied in an image of a thing divine is to minimize that which is divine. As such, it is our perspective that man is a soul within a body – which is to say, the soul may be a reflection of the divine, but the body is but a vehicle, a method by which things may be learned, and not a mirror image of that which cannot be conceived by man.

4)The Divine Law dictates four basic rights of Man:
A: The right to life
B: The right to freedom
C: The right to form a family
D: The right to property

Perhaps the word “right” could be defined?

5)Man is a social entity, and cannot evolve outside of society.

6) Society is not a sum of individuals, but a whole within which man brings to fruitation his absolute goal and enriches his life through the achievements of others.

7) For one to live within a society he must respect the rights of others.

Perhaps, he may choose to respect others, such that society may enhance his motion towards the individual’s goal of self-evolution?

8) Society therefore exists both for the enrichment of the life of the individual as well as for the protection of his rights and the execution of his responsibilities.

9) The highest form of society is the nation.

10) A nation is a voluntary organization built upon both a psychological and moral feeling of unity amongst people.

11) Amongst the structures brought into existence by the will of the nation, the highest of structures is the state.

12) The state exists to assure the rights of the individual and the nation as are defined by the Divine Law.

Again, disagree. Ultimately, the State exists to serve the populace.

13) The means by which the state is to assure these rights is state law, which cannot be contradictory to the Divine Law.

14) The nation will control the activities of the state through a National Assembly which it itself will elect.

Our politics differ here, and understandably so. Our Sultan is chosen, and serves his term for life. Those who choose are outside the manipulation of the population. Beneath the Sultan is the Emirate, which is made up of the many Viziers who have earned their place through their works. Below them are many Pashas and Beys, the former who are their by their own works, the latter who are elected. It is not the intent of the Sultan to make rulership on any level a popularity contest, which we have seen occur too often. At the same time, it cannot be “rule of the strongest”, which we have again seen occur too often. As such, we allow them to form a natural set of checks and balances, balanced ultimately by one who is meant to rule.

The Manifesto of The Universalist Assembly of Nations

Universalism is a spiritually motivated ideology, which denies contemporary political wisdom by which all the peoples of the Universe are condemned to choose between the left and the right, communism and capitalism. Universalism also denies the feeble attempts at reconciliation characteristic of today’s centralist movements. Ours is a unique mission, for we seek a new way of thinking and performing, a way which will lead us into the next step of the evolution of mankind.

1: The Soul

It is an integral part of our political tradition that man consists of two halves, the body and the soul, and that the welfare of the soul has priority. If our people do not participate in the great spiritual revolution which is already at hand, if they do not engage themselves in the long and arduous process of self purification and self perfection, we will be no different from the degenerates who created the great social and political monstrosities which oppress billions throughout our universe in the name of a materialist conception of life and history.
We Universalists believe that we can hope for a universal renewal and spiritual rebirth only through the creation of a New Man, one who will practice that which he preaches. The New Man will be the physical manifestation of our ideology, and through his own day to day life will be the highest form of propaganda for our movement, for he will show that that which we believe is good, and true, and possible.

We agree, though we do not see the process as necessarily arduous, we would agree that man appears to often choose the path of suffering over the path of Joy. We would also state that all men – regardless of their seeming evolution or lack thereof, are all part of the same evolutionary ideal, and must be accepted as such. Truly, if the matter at hand is universal, does it not by it’s very nature apply to all, including those we do not agree with or do not like?

2: The Moral Order

As the source of degredation throughout the universe is amorality, the natural conclusion is that a new reality can only be built on the basis of a Moral Order. We Universalists believe that it is necessary for people to understand that all things in life can be divided into clear categories of Good and Evil, truth and deception. Life is not a series of subjective choices as the materialists would have us believe. The family is the basis and the center of society, its strength and unity is the source of all healthy nations. Universalism is an ardent enemy of population control in all its forms. There is one privileged class in the Universalist reality, and that is the children.
Universalists believe that abortion and homosexuality are absolute evils, contradictory to the Divine Law given us by God, as they negate the giving of life.
Furthermore we believe that in order to maintain our Moral Order, we must raise future generations in an atmosphere of unending spiritual education and development, so that they may grow to become good and noble men and women.

Here again, we must disagree. We believe the basis of life is to learn to choose, though the ramifications of those choices be death, it will become evident during review and into the lives to come that certain choices have certain conclusions. Eventually, man will learn to choose – that is “destiny”, as much as that term applies.

We do not believe in “Good” or “Evil”, but only the ramifications of choice as applied to the world. We do not believe there are any “clear categories”, save the knowledge that the source is either Love or Fear. As such, we cannot endorse your “absolute evils”, and do in fact embrace both as choices left to the individual. We do not see the purpose of the State to be to tell someone a choice is right or wrong, but to give them the education and knowledge – for indeed, such are different – to choose for themselves.

Further, it is our conclusion that the sexual preference is fixed by the age of two, before linguistics enters consciousness. As such, we cannot state that such a choice is against any form of divine law – such exists, within the class you state is privileged. As such, it must be part of the way we are made, and as such, some part of the choices we can choose to make, for whatever reason.

We do not see procreation as a spiritual imperative, but as biologically necessary for persistence of the race, nothing else. We do not perceive pregnancy or childbirth as anything more then biology at work.

Finally, we believe the greatest spiritual work one can accomplish is to be entirely one’s self, which is indeed the most difficult work of all.

3: Opposition to Materialism

The French Revolution of 1789 was an event of pivotal signifigance, an event which introduced man to the philosophy of materialism. Over the next several hundred years the strength of organized materialism in all its forms grew to such a point that it managed to replace all other values in the hearts of almost all men, and turned life into a mundane chase for material wealth. Materialism is no longer an ideology or a way of life, it has become a faith of itself. It is a faith unique amongst all others, as it is a faith which denies the existence of the soul. The many faces of materialism; liberalism, nihilism, capitalism, imperialism, anarchism, socialism, Marxism are all philosophical evils which have been discredited in practice. Uncompromising opposition to materialism in all its forms is one of the basis of Universalist thought.

We agree to an extent. It is the nature of certain individuals towards what others would define as a “gross materialism”. We have found these persons to require a certain external proof of the value of self. As this is part and parcel of becoming one’s self, we do not actively oppose such choices, but neither do we encourage them.

And again – we do not believe in evil.

4: The Ideal of Government

We deeply believe that harmony and peace within nations and amongst them can be achieved if each nation governs itself as a whole, for the good of the whole, as such a situation would eliminate egotistical interests which lead to instability and war. The fate of nations has been dependant on the machinations of unrepresentative parties, cliques, and tyrants for too long.
Universalists believe that unity and harmony within nations can only be achieved through a program of total political decentralization. We believe in a system of self government which begins at the most basic level of society and stretches out through connected structures to encompass the whole of the nation. We believe in the direct participation of all people in the decision making process on the local, regional, and national levels, and in rule by consensus, not rule by majority.
Finally, we state that all healthy societies exist according to The Divine Law, not according to egotistical interests or relativist philosophies.

Again, to an extent, we agree.

5: Universalism On Property

There is a model for property in industry, agriculture, and trade which exists beyond the inhumane concentration of capital, and it appears naturally within both the capitalist and communist systems. This model is superior to the two others because it is absolutely natural. It is characterized by decentralization, which leads to a great wealth of production and service networks consisting of small companies, workshops, forges, manufacturies and farms.
This alternative to the concentrationist tendencies of capitalism and communism is known as distributionism or corporationism. It is a model which encourages individual initiative and creativity within the boundaries of the common good. It is a natural blend of private property and and social justice. The spirit of decentralization and the adaptation of this natural system is one of the basis of Universalism thought.

Here, we believe in “moderation in all things”. Some events are best communal, some individual. Some undertakings require individuality, some communality, and some a mixture of the two. As such, all methods of production have their place.

6: The Universalist Revolution

We Universalists yearn for the creation of a new universal order, and believe that all nations which share this, our above outlined ideology, should work together to make this dream a reality. The victory of Universalism in one nation is a victory for all Universalists. We must therefore to give moral, financial, technical, and military support to our brothers and sisters everywhere and anywhere a Universalist revolution is brewing.

We would accept you as an ally, and would gladly continue such dialogues to increase our interaction, and perhaps mutual understanding. We would also request that a contingent of our artists be allowed time in your nation, perhaps as part of an exchange program? We have found the art of a nation often belies it's character.

Go in Peace,

Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
08-08-2004, 09:57
To: Dictator Daniel of Danneland
From: Deputy of Intelligence Gordon A. Fischer


It seems that you have some doubts about democracy. Democracy is a very powerful thing. Democracy has worked for our country because we believe that the Larogeran way: just the people works.

Democracy can work as long as you have the power to let the citizens run the country. Dictatorship countries anger me because of their control over the world. 'Forcing beliefs', as you've mentioned at the end of your post to Universalist Totality is not the right thing to do.

But, dictatorships are horrible because of a few things
1) The people fell oppressed, because of your strict rules.
2) Being the people have no power over their government, they are 'FORCED' into your beliefs rather than theirs.

Take this in mind. As people shouldn't be forced into beliefs, neither shall your people. There is no exception.

To: Deputy of Intelligence Gordon A. Fischer
From: Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.
Subject: No no no!

Again I see these unjust accusations about my people being oppressed. I tell you, my people are fine, in fact, my people have a better social situation than most democratic nations, put togeather.
The mod dosent always know what is right, and I tell you, you do not have a democrasy, you have a parliamentic democrasy where the people elect who they want to be ruled by. Wich in the end means they elect a dictator for X ammount of years. My people cannot elect another dictator, simply because I know what is right for my country, I have built up this country from countless nuclear attacks on Danneland. Tell me, Intelligence Deputy Gordon, where should my peoples trust lay? With those who over and over again invades, pillage, destroy, kill and finaly commits genocide against my people? Or me, I who still is here, despite all the atempts to kill me, to get ridd of me, and I am always here to make sure that the nation will prosper once again.

Democrasy is a warmongering solution, Danneland has been in many wars yes. World Wars, national disputes, but only one. Only one! war have we started.
You say that I force my believs on my people, well, you are correct, but now they are my peoples believs. And who are you to say that they are wrong? That I am wrong? Despite the countless attacks from Democrats, Danneland as a Dictatorship has worked extremly exelent.

Democrasy? I shiver as I hear the word, for one does not know what evil plan they have thought up next to 'free' a population that does not wish to be set free. To save those who do not need to be saved.

Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.
Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 07:34
To Bob McBob, Minister of the Exterior of Kanuckistan

Dear sir,
I shall take your trusted council and refrain from joining ESUS until my nation has grown in strength and is capable of making a worthy contribution. I am also glad to hear that you are willing and able to provide us with equipment which will help strengthen the defensive capabilities of my nation. I believe that we are witnessing the begining of a long and fruitful friendship between our two nations. I would be more than thrilled to come to terms with your government concerning a mutual defense agreement. Though I can assure you that the D.U.T. would do all it could to help defend its friends in Kanuckistan should the need arise, regardless, it is always prudent to formalize such an understanding. I hope to hear from you soon, and eagerly await the arrival of your diplomatic party.

Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 07:44
To Khaled Rashid Brahim, President of The Desert Republic of Al-Sabir, Greetings and Salutations

Dear sir,
I apologize if my reply is a bit short, and do hope you will not feel slighted by this. Please understand that I have had so much work of late, both within my nation and without, that I must quicken my pace if I am to keep up to my duties.
I am extremely pleased that you find my nation and our ideals agreeable. I would consider it a great honor to initiate diplomatic relations with Al-Sabir. To this end, I encourage you to establish an official embassy within our nation, and to continue our correspondence, so that we may hammer out the particulars of our newfound partnership. I look forward to hearing from you. God be with you.

Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 07:48
To Cardinal Augustus Brown, Minister for Culture and Religion of Jeruselem, Greetings and Salutations

Your grace,
We would be more than honored to establish diplomatic ties with your nation, and are open to any and all propositions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you again. Until then, God Bless You.

Semper Fidelis

Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 07:50
((DUT, you can find the visit thread here: ))

ooc: Thanks, I'll get to posting in it as soon as I can. I'm sorry its taking me so long to respond, I've been really busy this past couple of days, and now have alot of catching up to do. I hope that's okay. Anyway, back to the grindstone. ;)
Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 07:57
To Whoever Rules Danneland

I find your tone to be condecending, arrogant, and ignorant. If this is your way of addressing all nations, I do not find it at all surprising that your nation has been subject to so many wars. I have nothing more to say to you, and will ignore any further transmissions from your nation. Good day.

Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 08:05
To Raahmid Javani, Grand Vizier of Vastiva

Dear sir,
I would like to express my appreciation for you detailed, if lengthy, analysis of our constitution. I read it through thoroughly, and do believe that I now have a clear understanding of both the things which unite us, as well as the things which we disagree on. I welcome further correspondence with you, and do hope that we can strengthen the bond between our two nations despite our differences. You are welcome to send a team on a cultural mission to our homeworld of Forge. I assure you that they will be well received, and we shall do all in our power to help them learn of our customs and our artistic heritage. I hope to hear from you soon.


09-08-2004, 11:31
To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: The Office of the Exterior, Kanuckistan


That is good to hear, and I'm glad to report that things are proceeding well on this end. As of this moment, it even looks like I should be able to join the diplomatic expidition, tho there has arisen a matter of possible contension within the ESUS which may still prove a hinderence to that, tho I won't bother you with the details.

Enclosed is a preliminary manifest of the proposed military aid package for your review; the equipment is being aquiored from Uniphase Armouries Interversal, a Kanuckistani company with a long standing reputation and a cheif government contractor. We will, of course, assist your personel in training crews to operate and maintain the vessels, and provide any spare parts you cannot produce domesticly at aas near-cost as possible.


Bob McBob,
Minister of the Exterior,


Proposed Universalist Totality Military Aid Package(details avalible here (

2x Athens-Class Combat Carrier
1x Zenith-Class Battlecruiser
20x Kobold-Class Patrol/Combatant(PatCom)

2500x ACX-1 Daemon's Bane Class Interceptor(Unmanned Space Vechicle; USV)

5000x Mallice 3c Thermonuclear Missile
5000x IronBreaker-VI Bomb-Pumped X-Ray 'stovepipe' Missile
1000x Archer-XIV Advanced Bomb-Pumped Precision X-Ray Laserhead Missile

Personel Requiorments:
1070 Crew(excluding possible USV pilots or Capship marines)
720 Marines(PatComs only)

Retail Cost:
$251.5 billion Universal Standard Dollars(USD)

Cost to Universalist Totality:
$0.00 USD

BTW, you probally won't be able to produce many, if any, of the needed spare parts; there's a fair bit of unique tech involved. Luckily, they're rather low-maintaince.
09-08-2004, 22:04
ooc: Thanks, I'll get to posting in it as soon as I can. I'm sorry its taking me so long to respond, I've been really busy this past couple of days, and now have alot of catching up to do. I hope that's okay. Anyway, back to the grindstone. ;)

((That's no problem, take your time replying to the thread.))
Universalist Totality
09-08-2004, 22:42
To Bob McBob, Minister of the Exterior of Kanuckistan

Dear sir,
I must regretfully report that I will not be available to recieve your diplomatic party on Forge, as I have recently departed for Cyberutopia, in order to further relations with that nation. I am transmitting this message from my personal transport, the Valkyrie, and do expect to arrive in Cyberutopia within an hours time. I have, however, briefed my Vice-Director as to the nature of our correspondence, and he stands ready to recieve your party in my stead. Furthermore, I have arranged for an Etherlink between my network on Forge and the Valkyrie. Therefore, we will be able to continue direct correspondence between us despite my absence. I hope you find this situation agreeable.

Pertaining to the military aid package which you have proposed, I must state that your generosity knows no bounds. The equipment your nation is prepared to provide us with far exceeds my greatest expectations, I am truly at a loss for words. I accept your proposed donation with wholehearted gratitude, truly, we are forever indebted to you, our closest of friends and benefactors. Will this equipment be arriving with your diplomatic party, or are we to expect it at later date? Please advise.

God be with you my dear friend

14-08-2004, 00:58
Just thought I'd let you know that I haven't forgottren about this; just been preoccupied with varrious tangents.
Universalist Totality
14-08-2004, 02:42
Just thought I'd let you know that I haven't forgottren about this; just been preoccupied with varrious tangents.

ooc: Don't worry about, I got a full workload myself. ;)
The Water Cooler
15-08-2004, 10:15
To Lord Hizen Barden, Foreign Minister of The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler

Dear sir,
I would like to thank you for your transmission, as well as for the excellent water you have presented me with. We would be more than happy to arrange an exchange of ambassadors with your nation, and begin the development of friendly and profitable ties between us. I shall begin the arrangements immediatly. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Be well.


Imperial Tea Room, Imperial Palace, Sohi City, The Water Cooler
Sunday, 15 August, 20xx

“Oh – how nice” Sohi exclaimed as he read the reply from U.T.

An aide smiled uneasily. “No - really it is.” The aide sighed and visibly relaxed. “I know – let’s hold a dinner for them! Yes, wouldn’t that be grand.” Sohi said.

“It would Sir. And you can use that nice new set of China you got from those nice Ineptians last month.”

“Oh yes. Wouldn’t that be nice.” He said somewhat sarcastically.

“Ah, yes.” The aide said obliviously, while refilling the Emperors tea thimble.

The Emperor drank the tea and sat looking out the window for a while.

“Bring me my writing implements; I shall craft the invitation myself.” The aide bowed and quickly gathered a roll of parchment, a pot of fine blue ink, and a fine brush. Five hours of painstakingly precise brush strokes later the invitation was complete.

Dear Directoress Alitsia de Viennois,

I humble request your presence at a private Dinner to be held within my palace, early next week.

The dinner shall allow us not only to celebrate our recent diplomatic couplings, but allow us to discuss future plans between our two countries.

Should you be regrettably be unable to attend, I would also delight in the company of another senior member of your government.

Mostly Sincerely,

The message was rolled up and a silver and blue ribbon bearing the seal of the Emperor wrapped around it. The message was then sent, along with several boxes of expensive Water Coolian Candy, and a tooth brush for good measure.
Universalist Totality
15-08-2004, 12:30
To Sohi of The Water Cooler

I thank you for the invitation, as well as the excellent presents. You never fail to make me laugh and put me in a good humor. A toothbrush? What are you suggesting? Ha, ha, ha.

I must regretfully inform you that I will be unable to attend the aforementioned dinner, as I am currently on a diplomatic mission to Cyberutopia. However, I will send my Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antoinette Dauphine, in my stead. I am sure that she will be able to represent my nation competently and responsibly. I do hope that you find this arrangement agreeable. I hope to hear from you soon, my good friend.



I've attached a photograph of Miss Dauphine with this letter, for no better reason than so you will know who to expect, I suppose.
15-08-2004, 14:35
One of Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich's assistants bursts into the room.

"Whats the meaning of this, can't you see i'm very busy looking at reports Krygjik?"replied the GC.
"I'm sorry your highness but this looks to be a very important letter." says Krygjik
"O.K. hand it over and give me an hour to look at it." commands Suddriech
"Yes Sir"

Suddriech thumbs over it then reads it carefully. He pulls out his pipe and sits and contemplates what he should do. He pulls out a piece of parchment and his favorite quill which comes from a condor and starts to write.

Dear Directoress,

Your consititution is very intrieging. Our nations share alot of common with a few diffrences. I admire how you have, it seems, succesfully mixed in religion with a persons daily lives. Hopefully this will serve nothing but a positive in your citizens lives. I would like to open diplomatic channels and maybe be allies even though we are diffrent. If you would like to know more about us that is fine. Really though, I want to learn more about your nation. While your constitution is a great overview you cannot learn everything through it. I would like to know about your flag, whats your currency, what do you do about crime, etc. I would be most gracius if you could share more information with us.

Grand Chancellor
Suddriech Seddadoich

The Grand Chancellor steps out of his room and hands the letter to Krygjik. He tells him to send the letter to Universalist Totility. He then steps back into his dimly lit office going over reports of the output of the corporations.
Universalist Totality
16-08-2004, 05:37
To The Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov, Greetings and Salutations

I am most pleased that you have chosen to contact us, and that you find our beliefs agreeable. We of the Dominion would be honored to establish diplomatic relations with Aelov, and do hope that this first contact between us will prove to be the beginning of a long and mutualy benefitial friendship between our two nations.

I would be thrilled to learn more about your fine nation, its history and culture, for these things are of great interest to us. In the meanwhile, I will try to answer your initial questions about our nation, and assure you that I am open to any other questions you may have.

Our flag is a romantisized scene from our history. It depicts the Dragoon Xessa Tir-Valla rallying a fleet of Universalists during the First Exodus. We, as you may know, are a nation of refugees. Our people have come to Forge in a series of exoduses from various planets throughout the galaxy. The First Exodus occured after a failed Universalist coupe in P4lladia. Hundreds of thousands of Universalists hijacked P4lladian vessels, and made a desperate attempt to flee the retribution of that nation's government. The P4lladian Interstellar Navy gave chase, and in a short period of time managed to down many of our vessels, including our flagship. Our people panicked, the vessels dispersed in all directions. Xessa, seeing this, doned her spacesuit and ejected herself from her ship into the vaccum of space. She threw up a bright becone, and rallied our ships, leading them away from the danger. If it wasn't for her, the First Exodus most probably would not have happened. Unfortunatly, our hero did not survive the experience. Our flag commemorates this event, and honors her memory.

We have no hard currency, all our transactions are done through electronic account.

As for crime, we have a very simple solution. The D.U.T. was from the offset a gathering of idealists. For us, it is unacceptable that a Universalist break the law of the Universalist state. We do all we can to provide our people with all they may need, in this it can be said that we are quite left leaning. There is no excuse for crime in the Dominion. Therefore, we have only one punishment for crime of any sort, and that is death. Fortunalty, we can boast a highly enlightened and orderly society. It is a punishment we have rarely been forced to exercise in the three years since our foundation.

I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. If you would like to know more about us, you need only ask. I look forward to hearing from you again. Until then, may God's good light guide you, my friend.


The Water Cooler
16-08-2004, 09:28
To Sohi of The Water Cooler

I thank you for the invitation, as well as the excellent presents. You never fail to make me laugh and put me in a good humor. A toothbrush? What are you suggesting? Ha, ha, ha.

I must regretfully inform you that I will be unable to attend the aforementioned dinner, as I am currently on a diplomatic mission to Cyberutopia. However, I will send my Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antoinette Dauphine, in my stead. I am sure that she will be able to represent my nation competently and responsibly. I do hope that you find this arrangement agreeable. I hope to hear from you soon, my good friend.



I've attached a photograph of Miss Dauphine with this letter, for no better reason than so you will know who to expect, I suppose.

I look forward to Ms. Dauphine's company.

I also thank you for the picture. If only more visitors did this, then perhaps we wouldn't pick up as many homeless people for dinner, when we are meant to be picking up important state officals!

Enjoy the candy, and the tooth brush. Please find attached to this letter a engima wrapped in mystery surrounded by well, more mystey.

I know it kept me amused for some time! So hopefully you will find it perhaps amusing.

Universalist Totality
17-08-2004, 12:41
ooc: Whenever you're ready to roleplay the meeting, just send me the link, ok. :)
Social Progressionists
17-08-2004, 16:34
Message to Alitsia de Viennois

We, the movement of Social Progressionists and I, their First Minister deem it prudent to apply for membership in the Universalist Assembly.
We deem our goals and your goals to be shared and we wish to consumate the union of our ideas by joining your order.
But know, that we will not sacrifice our soveriegn rights as a people nor shall we bow before any other nation, yours included. The assembly is not to be restrictive on Social Progressive policy.
We will support you when we deem appropriate.
17-08-2004, 22:46
To The Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov, Greetings and Salutations

I am most pleased that you have chosen to contact us, and that you find our beliefs agreeable. We of the Dominion would be honored to establish diplomatic relations with Aelov, and do hope that this first contact between us will prove to be the beginning of a long and mutualy benefitial friendship between our two nations.

I would be thrilled to learn more about your fine nation, its history and culture, for these things are of great interest to us. In the meanwhile, I will try to answer your initial questions about our nation, and assure you that I am open to any other questions you may have.

Our flag is a romantisized scene from our history. It depicts the Dragoon Xessa Tir-Valla rallying a fleet of Universalists during the First Exodus. We, as you may know, are a nation of refugees. Our people have come to Forge in a series of exoduses from various planets throughout the galaxy. The First Exodus occured after a failed Universalist coupe in P4lladia. Hundreds of thousands of Universalists hijacked P4lladian vessels, and made a desperate attempt to flee the retribution of that nation's government. The P4lladian Interstellar Navy gave chase, and in a short period of time managed to down many of our vessels, including our flagship. Our people panicked, the vessels dispersed in all directions. Xessa, seeing this, doned her spacesuit and ejected herself from her ship into the vaccum of space. She threw up a bright becone, and rallied our ships, leading them away from the danger. If it wasn't for her, the First Exodus most probably would not have happened. Unfortunatly, our hero did not survive the experience. Our flag commemorates this event, and honors her memory.

We have no hard currency, all our transactions are done through electronic account.

As for crime, we have a very simple solution. The D.U.T. was from the offset a gathering of idealists. For us, it is unacceptable that a Universalist break the law of the Universalist state. We do all we can to provide our people with all they may need, in this it can be said that we are quite left leaning. There is no excuse for crime in the Dominion. Therefore, we have only one punishment for crime of any sort, and that is death. Fortunalty, we can boast a highly enlightened and orderly society. It is a punishment we have rarely been forced to exercise in the three years since our foundation.

I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. If you would like to know more about us, you need only ask. I look forward to hearing from you again. Until then, may God's good light guide you, my friend.



Krygjik: Sir we have a reply from Universalist Totality
Suddriech: Well give it over and give me some time to answer this one and i don't need your help this time
Krygjik: As you wish sir

A grin comes over Suddriech's face after reading the letter. He picks up his quill again and starts to right

Dear Directoress,

First and formost i am glad you replied. I am happy to say we find ourselves on common ground in our beggining and our existence of coarse with a few minor and major diffrences which will be explained. You wanted to know our nations history, of coarse it will be shortened. Here it is:
Aelov started out as a democratic nation. Its people were very free and they enjoyed the elections that took place every 2 years. The people had a say in what happens in the government and what laws are passed. They elected everyone from president to judge. As we all know though democracies are inerently weak, allowing their competition to fester unhampered. From this sprung the Corporationist Revolution. You see the grand Aelov you see today is relativly new in the whole of Aelovian history. That is how we got started. We share some commonality as we also attempted at a Coup de Tat, but we succeded. Now its time for everyday life.
In Aelov we also have very few crimes, but unlike you we have variuse security measures which ensures that no crimes happen. This is where we just about hit polar opposites. There is a camera in every street, a bar code on every human. At birth you are givin an ID number and a card and a bar code on a plastic strip is burned onto your skin. It goes just below the palm of the hand. Also you have to scan that code everywhere you go and if your a crimanal put on the database an alarm sounds. When an alarm sounds every citizen will try to detain you and police will come. You will have no trial and will be executed.
Now our government we have a dictoator. He is the Grand Chancellor, he is also the religiose figure of our nation. He has a Watch Council which ensures that he commits no atrocities like Hitler, Stalin, or Tao. The GC and WC are both democratically elected by the people so its not an unfair system. The GC will rule until he is dead or unfit to rule the nation.
The food and products of our nation are all made by giant Agencies or 'corporations'. They are government owned and controlled. There is NO free market in Aelov. All products go on a database and citizens can order the peoducts from a computer. The three things you instantly get isa computer, house, and car. All other things have a waiting list. Aelov is a very economically powerfull nation and can sustain this system.
The flag of aelov has Aelovian colors which is red, white, and black. The crown is the nations seal The Crown of Aelov which represents the Grand Chancellor. The eye represents his all knowingness and the fact that the police can see your every move in public. You can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home.
We don't have a currency as we have a 100% tax rate. All foods you buy are rationed and scanned on the bar code. All uneeded products have a waiting line. All medication and education is free.

I hoped you enjoyed a brief explanation about the nation and how it works and the citizens under this system are very happy and relativly free. They can protest, but nor riot. They don't have to agree with the government. Thats why i constantly have paperwork trying to make things better
Grand Chancellor
Suddriech Seddadoich

send this immediatly to Universalist Totality.
Universalist Totality
18-08-2004, 18:55
To Alexander Mangan of The Colony of Social Progressionists

My good sir,
It is an honor to welcome you into The Universalist Assembly, as a pear and an equal. Today is a glorious day for both our nations. Today, we begin a new era in our history. From this day forth, our two nations will travel toward their destinies hand-in-hand, Universalists united by a common ideal and purpose. I salute you, Alexander Mangan, for this monumental step you have taken in your nation's name. God be with you!

Universalist Totality
18-08-2004, 19:20
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

Dear sir,
I very much enjoyed the short account of the workings of your nation which you provided me with. I agree that though we have much in common, there are many things which our two governments would disagree on. It is my sincere hope that we will be able to look past our difference and develop a friendship between our two nations based upon mutual respect and our common interests. If there are any issues you would like to bring to my attention, please do not hesitate to contact me. Until that time, God be with you.

18-08-2004, 21:21
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

Dear sir,
I very much enjoyed the short account of the workings of your nation which you provided me with. I agree that though we have much in common, there are many things which our two governments would disagree on. It is my sincere hope that we will be able to look past our difference and develop a friendship between our two nations based upon mutual respect and our common interests. If there are any issues you would like to bring to my attention, please do not hesitate to contact me. Until that time, God be with you.


actually there is. I was wondering how big of a military you have and how you plan to use it. Especially since you stated you would help out Universalist revolutions. We don't have a military here as we need money especially now that we are in another economic slum, just so you know our take on things. Thats all i'd like to know.
Universalist Totality
19-08-2004, 18:51
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

My good sir,
The information you are asking me for is obviously highly classified, and I would not consider it to be prudent at this time to share it with you. Indeed, I find it surprising that you would ask such a thing, and am inclined to question your motives. Good day.

19-08-2004, 22:11
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

My good sir,
The information you are asking me for is obviously highly classified, and I would not consider it to be prudent at this time to share it with you. Indeed, I find it surprising that you would ask such a thing, and am inclined to question your motives. Good day.


well now you ask my motives. Well here they are. As i have already stated we don't have a military here and we really don't want to devolop one. Now i'm sure that you would respect our status as a neutral country but the statement you made is very disturbing to us actually. The fact that if a Universalist uprising were to occur and you would support it is a very dangerous statement. Now if you were to send support if this were to happen to the partisens, then we can never be allies. You see I want to be allies. I think it would be benificial to us all. I just want to be re-assured that by allowing you to be our freind you won't turn around and stab us in the back if a revolution starts brewing, that you wouldn't take military action on us. You'r people and my people are very diffrent. We have diffrent ways of doing things. You take the good way we take the more stern approach. We are like communism and democracy back in the 1970's. Communism wanted to spread and the democracies were scared that it may spread to their countries. To me you are the communists (metaphorically speaking) and i am the democracies. Now we can be freinds and work together past our diffrences, or we can be enemies. All i wanted to know really is that you won't take military force against Aelov. Also i want to know that you will not be a global threat trying to coerce starting nations militiristicly into being Universalist. Sorry for being so blunt before and sorry for not giving any reason. But my question still stands.
Universalist Totality
20-08-2004, 16:56
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

I understand your concerns fully, and will therefore enlighten you as to how we deal with such situations. First of all let it be said that we have missionaries in many nations. I do not know if there are any Universalist missionaries in Aelov, but it is possible. Our people don't operate convertly, they try to stay within the legal system of their host nation, and remain in public view. Therefore, if there are any Universalists within Aelov's borders, it is not something that would be difficult for you to find out.

If it did come to a Universalist uprising within your nation, we would of course respect your nations sovereignty, and invite you to participate in the Exodus Program. By this program, which is the basis of almost all migration to our nation, we would ask you to gather up the insurgents and their families, and allow them to come to Forge, to live within the Universalist society which they so crave. This would be a win-win-win situation. You would be rid of a rebelious faction within your nation. The Universalist rebels would finally have the opportunity to live within a Universalist society, within our nation. Lastly, our own numbers would be bolstered by people who share our ideals. No one loses on such an arrangement.

I must warn, however, that should you refuse to participate in this most logical course of action, we would be forced to take armed action against you. Our foremost loyalty is to the members of our own faith, and we would not stand by idely and watch Universalist blood spilled.

This is our position on the matter. I leave it to you whether to consider us friends or enemies.

20-08-2004, 22:13
President Kyle Biedinger sat in his tall chair smoking a cigar and over looking Kylesburgh City as the morning sun shined brightly through the tall glass window. He was startled when he heard the oakwood doors to his office creak open and saw the secetary of Foriegn Affiars John Pomerantz rush in.

(John) Mr. President i have just encovered a letter dated a quite while ago that must have been lost in the mail and never made it to you!

(Kyle) Why do u make such a scene barging in here like that would'nt a knock do you any good?

(John) But Mr. President-

(Kyle) Yes I heard you the first time something about the mail, just give me the letter you have there.

As it was handed to the president he slowly observed it.

(Kyle) I cant believe this this letter is dated back almost 2 years. You know how I dont like to reply to a letter this late. Oh well might as well I'm bored to tears anyway.

To: The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From: President Kyle Biedinger I

My Fellow Nation,

First off I would like to apolagize for this extremely late letter and I feel like an idiot writing it so late.

I believe in many of the points you touched on in the letter you sent me I think all countries should have a well thout out democracy where the people take part and form the nation, I also think the education of each individual is important and that is one of the main factors that shapes a nation.

I wish to create a strong bond of friendship between us and abassador exchanges. I would first off like to offer you a spot in my nation by offering free land for you to build an embassy right here in Kylesburgh City. I must be on my way now so i hope to hear from you soon.

Truly Yours,

-President Kyle Biedinger I-
Kylesburgh City, Kyleraia
Universalist Totality
21-08-2004, 02:56
To President Kyle Biedinger I of Kyleraia, Greetings and Salutations

Dear sir,
I must admit that I was quite surprised by your transmission, as I was sure that any who would chose to contact us had done so already. I must admit however, that this made reading your letter ever the more sweet, as I do have a weakness for pleasant surprises. I am happy to hear that you find our ideology agreeable. Perhaps, if our views are truly so similar, you will one day decide to join our fledgling alliance, the Universalist Assembly. Regardless, it is an honor and a great pleasure to make your aquaintance, and I do hope that this will mark the begining of a long friendship between our two nations. I agree to the exchange of ambassadors which you have proposed, and am open to any other proposals you may have which will lead to the strengthening of ties between us. I await further word. Until then, may God's good light guide you, my friend.


21-08-2004, 03:14
To Grand Chancellor Suddriech Seddadoich of Aelov

I understand your concerns fully, and will therefore enlighten you as to how we deal with such situations. First of all let it be said that we have missionaries in many nations. I do not know if there are any Universalist missionaries in Aelov, but it is possible. Our people don't operate convertly, they try to stay within the legal system of their host nation, and remain in public view. Therefore, if there are any Universalists within Aelov's borders, it is not something that would be difficult for you to find out.

If it did come to a Universalist uprising within your nation, we would of course respect your nations sovereignty, and invite you to participate in the Exodus Program. By this program, which is the basis of almost all migration to our nation, we would ask you to gather up the insurgents and their families, and allow them to come to Forge, to live within the Universalist society which they so crave. This would be a win-win-win situation. You would be rid of a rebelious faction within your nation. The Universalist rebels would finally have the opportunity to live within a Universalist society, within our nation. Lastly, our own numbers would be bolstered by people who share our ideals. No one loses on such an arrangement.

I must warn, however, that should you refuse to participate in this most logical course of action, we would be forced to take armed action against you. Our foremost loyalty is to the members of our own faith, and we would not stand by idely and watch Universalist blood spilled.

This is our position on the matter. I leave it to you whether to consider us friends or enemies.


yes, i do consider us freinds. I am sorry for being so paranoid and i do agree on the coarse of action that would be taken. And if you do have missionaries in Aelov let me just tell you this. You might want to not send more because everyone in Aelov is barcoded. It is pretty permanent with it being melted unto your skin. It is a very painfull procedure to take it off, and it leaves a very nasty burn scar underneath.
I am relieved you bielieve in a nations soverign right to govern their own country, unlike the U.N. hippies. I would never massacre any of your people, or commit any atrocities as such. The GWC makes sure of that. Well thankyou for allieviating my fears.
21-08-2004, 19:01
To:The Directoress of The Universalist Totality
From:President Kyle Biedinger I

Dear Friend,

Upon receiving your reply I was overjoyed that you responded so quickly, unlike my tardiness. I am glad you believe we can have a strong friendship and thank you for the invitation to your alliance. I hope to soon build an embassy in your country, with your approval of course, as you will mine. I was thinking we could maybe get together some time and truly get to know each other. Once again I thank you for the acceptance of this friendship.


President Kyle Biedinger I
Kylesburgh City, Kyleralia
22-08-2004, 02:08
Just wondering if you'd like to forego RPing the diplomatic expidition and just assume that you've got the ships, that we've set up an embasy on your world, and work out any details OOCly?

As much as I'd perfer to RP it, I'd rather summarise things than keep putting it off.

Eh, I need to check E-Bay; see if they've got another time-warp facilitaror for sale....
The Green Lion
22-08-2004, 09:13
OOC: Interestingly, I was thinking of writing something similar for my own nation, but was going to keep it under wraps (locally stored) unless someone requested it.

IC: The planet Sergera, capital city and planet of the Borderlands of the Green Lion, bid your fledgeling yet growing nation into the overall scheme of things. Your Constitution has been reviewed by our board of Advisors and seen to be not conflicting with the inherent truths of this Universe of which you are a part, and thus I, Chief Director Josef Hanson, bid you welcome.

However, we in The Green Lion are shamed to reveal that we know not where Forge lies. It is not on any of our extensive starmaps, nor those of our neighboring colony Omega Destiny. Our system is located 34,000 light-years away from Sol, lying almost directly on a hypothetical line drawn from the centers of Sol through the center of Sskiss [, scale 1 box = 200LY, The Green Lion not shown]. If your system lies along a route near that line or near our own worlds, I welcome you to open trade between our two nations pending tariff adjustments and the signing of a treaty. If your system lies within one thousand light years of The Green Lion and Omega Destiny, you are also invited to join our coalition and enjoy unrestricted low-tariff trade between The Green Lion's agricultural powerhouse, Omega Destiny's budding, yet highly advanced manufacturing centers, and your own undoubtedly resource-rich lands. Serf status is also an option if you lie within this zone, which would involve your nation paying reasonable taxes to The Green Lion Directorate in return for The Green Lion's military protection and sanctuary.

If the D.U.T. is not within one thousand light years of The Green Lion (not likely, I assure you), or if you do not fall along a major trade route, the Chief Director still bids you welcome and hopes to enjoy solid trading and perhaps an allegiance with Alitsia de Viennois and her budding nation.
Universalist Totality
22-08-2004, 20:43
To President Kyle Biedinger I of Kyleralia

From what I understand, the official exchange of ambassadors between us is well underway. I would like very much to meet with you. Unfortunatly, this is presently not possible, as I am currently on a diplomatic mission to Cyberutopia. Still, if you like, I will contact you upon my return, and we can arrange a meeting at that time. I await word.

Universalist Totality
22-08-2004, 20:48
Kanuckistan (ooc: )

That's really up to you. If we're stalling because Alitsia is currently unavailable, we can always send another representative of the government to Kanuckistan, no problem.

However, if you're just too busy to commit yourself to a meeting thread, then of course I totaly understand, and we can, as you said, simply assume the exchange of ambassadors and weapons. Soooo, what do you think?
Universalist Totality
22-08-2004, 21:09
To Chief Director Josef Hanson of The Green Lion

Dear sir,
We are well pleased that you find our constitution agreeable, and thank you very much for your warm welcome to the interstellar community. Indeed, these transmissions of ours seem to take strange routes, the message you have replied to was sent out six years ago, and still we continue to receive initial replies from new nations.

I am pleased to see that we use the same stellar map, compiled by the good astronomists of Mindset. Forge is located in sector 2405, not far from the Skeelzanian-Kyzl-Ordan neutral zone.

Though I must reject your offer of becoming a vassal state to your nation, and do find such an offer highly peculiar, I do welcome open trade with The Green Lion, if you deem such relations agreeable. I would also offer you an exchange of ambassadors, so that we may establish official diplomatic ties between us. I await your input.

The Green Lion
23-08-2004, 02:52
A note from TGL Physics Dept. My phycisists apologize for the wait on our message. Our hypercomm network was disrupted for some time by an unusual flare in the Hiti Rift, and not knowing the extent of the outage or the damages to the hypercomm terminals near the Rift, communications had to travel by a less speedy, yet more reliable method. We hesitated to send two messages, and were content to await your reply instead of incurring possibly strange diplomatic issues... we received your mass transmission the day it was sent, merely a week before the terminals were disabled. The terminals were brought back online last year, so communications may now take a matter of days as opposed to years, but supplies and personnel would still take many months to make the journey, as TGL has not been able to perfect a working hyperlight stardrive and must rely on a series of wormholes for transmission of physical items. End of note

To Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress, Universalist Totality

Our offer of serfdom was a formality, only effective if you were a member of the Edge Territories. Since reinforcements and supplies take so long to move from the Sol region to the Edge Territories, those systems we have out here are under an obligation to look out for one another. I am pleased for you that you have many powerful systems so near your own, and if Sergera or Omega Destiny creates a working hyperlight drive, commerce and military allegiances would become more of a possibility. However, pending your transmission of landing clearance and routes into your system, we would be honored to dispatch a group of ambassadors to your sector for negotiations of, if not material goods, possible information transactions. Clearance codes and inbound/outbound wormhole routes from Earth-Sol into our own system are attached to this message, as TGL/OD welcomes any ambassadors who are willing to take the several-month journey to reach our systems (assuming you have no hyperlight transport of your own). The codes give clearance for up to four heavy shuttles (up to 325 tons per, including cargo) or one medium corvette or starliner (up to 24 kilotons, including cargo). I await your judgement on this matter.

-Chief Director Josef Hanson, Sergera city, Sergera, The Green Lion, Edge Territories


It has crossed my mind that my military commanders, having fought many skirmishes against witty and resourceful pirates in defense of the colony, might be well suited for training your own army in small-scale combat. I'm sure you are well versed, or at least well schooled, in the arts of mass warfare, but if your military cannot handle small-scale engagements, a much smaller and more nimble opponent could pick your own force apart. My apologies for being so blunt. I offer you as a gesture of good faith the services of Rear Admiral Joshua Ancroft and his flagship the Cordelia to instruct your squadrons in the tactics and arts of ship-to-ship combat for the period of one year.
23-08-2004, 05:20
Kanuckistan (ooc: )

That's really up to you. If we're stalling because Alitsia is currently unavailable, we can always send another representative of the government to Kanuckistan, no problem.

However, if you're just too busy to commit yourself to a meeting thread, then of course I totaly understand, and we can, as you said, simply assume the exchange of ambassadors and weapons. Soooo, what do you think?

It's really just that I've not the time and energy to muster a decent showing in a character RP; such doesn't flow as naturally for me as other forms.

Are there any specifics you'd like to work out? Like 'McBob' said earlier, I can't ICly allow your embasy into our terratory proper, atleast until existing international tensions have subsided, but as mine would have a real-time datalink to our government, it's not too much of a necessity.
Omega Destiny
23-08-2004, 07:06
Live transmission from Lars Osea, governor of Omega Destiny

"This is Governor Osea of Omega Destiny saluting Director Viennois of the D.U.T., and welcoming her territory into the greater scheme of things. I'm but a simple man running a small territory, so I'll keep it as simple as I can.

"On behalf of Omega Destiny and the six million peole currently residing, good luck to your rule, Godspeed to your ships. I cannot offer much more than that, but if you or your people need a refuge from the rest of humanity, the Edge Territories are always empty and waiting.

"My people may be few in number, but with The Green Lion providing much of our foodstuffs in return for modest trade tariffs, we can devote most of our economy to manufacturing. For my part, I offer my colony's services as a small parts and munitions manufacturer, and once our shipyard nears completion, we can process requests for warships, freighters, fighters, and even civilian craft. I'm confident that we can reproduce nearly any schematic sent to us once the shipyards are completed... I have over ten thousand men on that project alone, our largest single undertaking.

"Once again, welcome to the universe. Perhaps you can re-transmit some of your worship ceremonies through the pipe to our end... in our months of travel we seem to have lost some of that which makes us faithful. I look forward to your response.

"And if you want a read, you can read up on the Founding of Omega Destiny. It's long-winded and glorifies me a bit, but if you have some spare time whilst juggling the demands of your office, it's a nice tale."

Exiled to the Edge Territories: The Early History of Omega Destiny
Universalist Totality
24-08-2004, 08:50
To Chief Director Josef Hanson of The Green Lion

I have received your latest message, and do deem it highly unfortunate that your nation does not have access to hyperlight technology. We Universalists are all decendents of refugees from highly advanced civilizations, and so we have never had to face the trials of scientific discovery.

Fortunatly, we are in a position to rectify your situation. If you would find such an arrangement agreeable, we would like to send a diplomatic team to your nation, for a period of negotiation and observation. If this team were to find further interaction with your nation benefitial to us, we would be more than pleased to instruct you in the development of hyperlight tech, as well as many other things.

I await your input on this matter.

Universalist Totality
24-08-2004, 08:53
ooc: Kanuckistan

I understand. So then, shall we simply agree that,

1) The military aid package was transported
2) We have a general free trade agreement
3) We have had a formal (though not physical) exchange of ambassadors?
Universalist Totality
24-08-2004, 08:59
To Lars Osea, governor of Omega Destiny, Greetings and Salutations

I am pleased to make your aquaintence, good sir, and am happy to call you and yours friends of the Dominion. I have looked over the history of your nation, and do admit that I found it to be quite facinating. Along with this transmission, I have sent an electronic copy of the New Testament, as well as text of basic surmmins, should you wish to explore the Universal Christian faith. We shall remain in contact. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The Green Lion
24-08-2004, 18:18
To Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress, Universalist Totality

An exchange of ambassadors would be agreeable. The clearance codes were transmitted in my preceding message. My own shuttle has already entered the TGL-Sol wormhole series, and will hopefully have arrived in your system in time for your own team to discertain how we may best be of allegiance to you. Hyperlight technology would allow couriers and goods to travel between our systems in a far decreased time, and any improvements we would make on the hyperlight technology would be relayed back to you. A berth has been cleared for your diplomatic team, and though our embassy is only entering primary construction phases, there is a large office complex in the Capitol Tower that would accommodate your ambassadors to the best of The Green Lion's cultural ability.

You are indeed lucky to have advanced technological heritage. The Edge Territories were founded centuries ago, when Mankind had finished taking baby steps into Space and decided to take long strides. Sergera was as far as Humankind was able to reach in the 22nd Century via their wormhole traveling, and it was a long time before they went further. If it would entertain you to read of the first journeys through the wormholes, my librarians can transmit the texts and audio logs of the first distance spacefarers, since I hear Omega Destiny's founding interested you in part. Unfortunately for our own part, our run-ins with hyperlight-equipped pirates have resulted in either total destruction of the pirate vessels or a hyperlight drive too heavily damaged to reverse-engineer. It has, however, boosted our military readiness considerably.

Omega Destiny also received a transmission regarding your religious practices and ceremonies. Governor Osea has already begun committing your Scriptures to readable text, both on wood-based paper (of which we have an abundant supply) and holodictionary format. Though it is the practice of The Green Lion to encourage freedom of worship and not force one theology over any other, shipments of the documents are already en route to Sergera and will be redistributed to bookshops territory-wide.

-Chief Director Josef Hanson, Sergera city, Sergera, The Green Lion, Edge Territories
24-08-2004, 23:37
ooc: Kanuckistan

I understand. So then, shall we simply agree that,

1) The military aid package was transported
2) We have a general free trade agreement
3) We have had a formal (though not physical) exchange of ambassadors?


2)More or less
3)I can ICly set up an Embasy on your world, including an attache from your government on hand if you want, to facilitate intergovernmental communications(just don't have the time to RP setting it up, obviously). We're just afraid that our enemies may do something sneaky like psionicly reprogram your personel or plant a few high potency nanites in their baggage or bodies(a few weeks ago, we saw nanites eat an entire inhabbited world in a disturbingly short amount of time, so excuse our paranoia), so our boarder controls are rather tight right now.

Forcing incoming forgine diplomatic staff to under go the general dragonian border quarentine(including extreamly invasive psionic scans that would comprimise all secrets, be they insidious, personal, or national; some might call it mind rape, tho the scan itself is harmless) would be both extreamly 'rude' and potentially comprimise your national security, and so we'd never even ask your people to under go such; normally we'd wave diplomats the intensive stuff and they'd just get a surface scan, a technological full body scan, and answer a battery of questions befor a quantum-based truth detector, but we're not willing to make exceptions in times of war when our enemies are both potentially insidious and openly genocidal.

If that's acceptible, can a get a location and any size/personel/etc restrictions, for mutual future refference?
The Green Lion
26-08-2004, 06:40
OOC: If Governor Osea has not already informed you, Omega Destiny's orbital shipyards are nearing completion. The Green Lion has invested a great deal in these shipyards, and they are capable of mass-producing nearly any ship schematic we are provided with, assuming we have the resources to build the ships.

Lars and I have combined our efforts to design ship schematics (no graphics, sorry, just data tables... I suck at 3D modeling). When they are available, the Edge Territories will begin sale of these ships, and if any other space nation wishes a schematic mass-produced, we can do this at a very low cost, though we reserve the right to keep the schematic and modify it later as we see fit, unless a "secrecy balance" is paid, in which case the schematics will be destroyed after production is completed. TGL/OD hasn't yet agreed on pricing plans, but our shipyards are nearly operational.

Further OOC: I actually have a few Excel spreadsheets on my computer detailing the financial and mining growth of TGL, so we won't be able to produce ships unless we have the required resources. It's to off-balance the relative newness of our nations and prevent anyone of accusing us of godmodding (three cubic kilometers of orbital facilities??? mass ship production?????) No, I had to mine the resources to build this facility, and it cost me money :cool:. OD is in debt to me by over 10 billion bits because of taxes and military protection, though they are improving their economy to be able to pay it off.

Managing twelve resources, four different government spending systems, debt, mining capacity, civil rights/political freedoms modifiers is getting tiring, though, I think I'll write a VB program to do it for me.... :rolleyes: