27-07-2004, 22:39
"Monday, at exactly noon, The Trident Shipyards exploded with such force that most of the structures inside were incinerated, the forcefield genorators held the atmosphere stable, Barely. There was a loss of many billions. Loss of life was close to 1000 civilians, three small cruisers that were under construction were destroyed with a loss of 90 billion, but the main fleet was safe at the Scyther fleet base. At the time, the government believed it was an accident, regardless of the safety precautions. However, a SAM missile was captured on a security moniter.
Infuriated co-workers and family of the causualties demand immediate countermeasures. The government of Kilmanga has yet to respond, but a state supported terrorist cell has claimed responsibility. Any information will be appreciated"
OOC: I need one person to side with my nation, and one to side with the terrorist one, both must be spacefaring, as this is on the moon, and both must be relatively new countries.
Infuriated co-workers and family of the causualties demand immediate countermeasures. The government of Kilmanga has yet to respond, but a state supported terrorist cell has claimed responsibility. Any information will be appreciated"
OOC: I need one person to side with my nation, and one to side with the terrorist one, both must be spacefaring, as this is on the moon, and both must be relatively new countries.