OOC: Leaving NS
OOC: Okay folks, I am retiring Thelas from RPing, and here are the reasons.
I can no longer have any fun with the nation of Thelas, and with the Amalthea thread finished (as far as I am concerned) I am just going to finish off Thelas' 'Thus the Eagle Falls', which by the way, is a CO-RP, not a military RP, *pokes Raem*, and after that, Thelas will disapear.
Another reason I am leaving is simple, I was doomed from the start. I RPed an elven nation, which already got me under suspisions of GODMODery, after that, people didn't like the way I RPed elves, to add to that, I worked with the GDODAD in my early days, yet another strike, seeing as how the 'main RPers' (Nathicana, Sirithil, and so on) all beleived the GDODAD were two year old children who didn't take looses, I was doomed.
I have taken more damage in NS than any other player, several people also agree with me, I have had my nation subjugated, twice, gone along with it both times, without needing a massive argument, I have had many of my fleets destroyed. Heck, I even went with having my army dismantled, something that never would have happened in the real world, not unless I went to war with some one, which I did not.
All in all, I find that my own RP, not the Thelasi's diplomatic skill, has been pretty good. As one person on mIRC said, 'You try new things, you don't get stuck in a rut." And because I am going to finally leave NS, I will post who I think are the best RPers, the most inventive, and the ones who actualy live up to my expectations, the ones who RP well, yet do not lord it over the rest of us, those who were always kind, and never attacked.
The Silver Tutle
The Brotherhood of Nod
The Ctan
In my opinion, these are the best RPers on NS, so, I guess I am not going to be RPing any more, for now at least.... and yes, I still will be around NS.
What? Not me? tsch.....see you around then.
27-07-2004, 20:31
Well, fare thee well, Thelas!
Has been good messing around in the GDODAD together! Besides, whoever said that GDODAD was sucky? Pfah! They are just jealous! GDODAD was the best! :D
Can't say that you were my favourite RP'er, but can't say I didn't like you either. We've had some conflicts, but well, I think our little skirmishes were nothing compared to what others made you endure...
And there are people way worser than you who deem themselves better, I assure you. :D
~GDT player
Ya, it was fun in the GDODAD. There was a sense of brotherhood, among the players , that is lacking in the other alliances. Ahh... the Shadow War... so many posibilites there.... too bad some one decided that the GDODAD never could win anything...
And thanks... its just that NS isn't really fun... at least, as this nation. BWAHAHAHA! *looks at other NSers* you havn't gotten rid of me yet! Seriously though, it seems like when people deal with me they over-react, no actual RL country would attack another nation just because I pointed a couple weapons at them.
27-07-2004, 20:46
Seriously though, it seems like when people deal with me they over-react, no actual RL country would attack another nation just because I pointed a couple weapons at them.
Yup, not even North Korea :)
And they got more than a 'couple' guns pointed at them. :D
Dread Lady Nathicana
27-07-2004, 20:57
OOC: Okay folks, I am retiring Thelas from RPing, and here are the reasons.
<clip>Another reason I am leaving is simple, I was doomed from the start. I RPed an elven nation, which already got me under suspisions of GODMODery, after that, people didn't like the way I RPed elves, to add to that, I worked with the GDODAD in my early days, yet another strike, seeing as how the 'main RPers' (Nathicana, Sirithil, and so on) all beleived the GDODAD were two year old children who didn't take looses, I was doomed.
Ok, lets back up here. One, I'm no 'main' player. I've simply had the misfortune to challenge Thelas several times on IRC about his not thinking before he does stuff. Hell, look back - I used to joke with the GDODAD folks all the time. I STILL have a signed autograph from Nod's leader somewhere around here ... that was a hoot. I dislike people putting words in my mouth. So lets knock off the snottiness, shall we, and get down to the point?
Thelas, as much potential as you may have, what you have never gotten through your head is how to interact with other folks. Actions have consequences, like it or not. You are not always going to get your way. The more you godmod or wank things up just to save your ass (Oh, say by putting months worth of actions in one post, denying anyone else the opportunity to react, or using fluid time to rebuild your fleets within a rl day or so just so you can keep causing trouble, or saying 'it doesn't matter if they find us because I'll just FTL out of there in the nick of time anyways', or ignoring someone because they didn't like some tech of yours so long ago they can't even remember the convo) - things we've all seen you repeatedly do, gains you a reputation. Like it or not.
While not everyone has always behaved better while dealing with you, you really have yourself to blame for the majority of all this. You seldom think before you act. And when you come to realize the mistakes, rather than try and learn from them, you continue to repeat them, often to worse results.
So do us a favor and stop blaming and painting the rest of us with such a broad brush, take some accountability for your actions, and at least step back retaining some miniscule amount of respect, if indeed there is any left for you.
--Nathi's Player
27-07-2004, 21:03
Ummm... ya. Pointing weapons at people tends to come damn near to wars. Cuban missile crisis, anyone? Or buildup of arsenals on the Iran/Iraq border... the French preemptive invasion into Germany at the beginning of World War I... history's full of them.
History is full of "overreactions," so it's a bit unfair to hold it against other people when they do what they think is best. When a nation detects a threat to its interests, it reacts. Perhaps "over"reacts. If, for example, someone pulls a gun on me, I am not going to sit there and just take it; that is a specific threat that says "do this or I will shoot you" and having that hang over my actions is unacceptable. If someone doesn't want trouble, one doesn't start it or go looking for it by making direct threats against others' interests.
That's just the way things work. Actions have consequences. If you pointed guns at Valinon, or the C'tan, or The Silver Turtle, or any of the 'bests' you named, I'm almost certain they would respond in such a way as to remove that threat; the consequences of those actions (and they would then negate their 'best' status by failing to 'never attack,' probably).
If you don't want to take responsibility for your actions and deal with the consequences, fine. That's your problem. I'm not going to whine for you to come back as that would be an insult to your decision and your authority--it's your choice to stay or go. I will, however, say that I find it, and the method of doing it, extremely disappointing. It seems almost calculated, even if not intentionally, to try and drum up a little sympathy and some wailing and gnashing of teeth for you to please stay.
That is not my specialty. Either stay, and prove all those who find you wanting wrong; or go, and go with your dignity intact by avoiding the common failure of playing the fiddle music and the puppy-dog eyes.
27-07-2004, 21:07
Ummm... ya. Pointing weapons at people tends to come damn near to wars. Cuban missile crisis, anyone?
Provoked by the USA placing missiles in Turkey. :)
Besides, the USSR had all the international rights to place missiles in Cuba(as was the USA's right to do so in Turkey) and the USA's blockade of the island was totally illegal. But who cares anyway?
Melkor Unchained
27-07-2004, 21:11
Ummm... ya. Pointing weapons at people tends to come damn near to wars. Cuban missile crisis, anyone? Or buildup of arsenals on the Iran/Iraq border... the French preemptive invasion into Germany at the beginning of World War I... history's full of them.
History is full of "overreactions," so it's a bit unfair to hold it against other people when they do what they think is best. When a nation detects a threat to its interests, it reacts. Perhaps "over"reacts. If, for example, someone pulls a gun on me, I am not going to sit there and just take it; that is a specific threat that says "do this or I will shoot you" and having that hang over my actions is unacceptable. If someone doesn't want trouble, one doesn't start it or go looking for it by making direct threats against others' interests.
That's just the way things work. Actions have consequences. If you pointed guns at Valinon, or the C'tan, or The Silver Turtle, or any of the 'bests' you named, I'm almost certain they would respond in such a way as to remove that threat; the consequences of those actions (and they would then negate their 'best' status by failing to 'never attack,' probably).
If you don't want to take responsibility for your actions and deal with the consequences, fine. That's your problem. I'm not going to whine for you to come back as that would be an insult to your decision and your authority--it's your choice to stay or go. I will, however, say that I find it, and the method of doing it, extremely disappointing. It seems almost calculated, even if not intentionally, to try and drum up a little sympathy and some wailing and gnashing of teeth for you to please stay.
That is not my specialty. Either stay, and prove all those who find you wanting wrong; or go, and go with your dignity intact by avoiding the common failure of playing the fiddle music and the puppy-dog eyes.
I was going to write something big and long about this whole thing, but... yeah, this pretty much hits it right on the head. I'll not waste my time by trying to come up with anything better.
Amen brutha!
Actualy Nathi, about the IGNOREing, the other player was the one who ignored me.
Next, on mIRC, you are venerated, every one listens to you, you are a channel Op. And yet you stood by and let the general 'Thelas bashing' to continue. With power comes responcibility. And you shirked yours.
Like it or not Nathi, many people here consider a major RPer. And you are, I won't contest that, your nation is a powerfull nation, and one I should have learned from. In fact, there are many things I should have learned from, but didn't. That was my fault, mea culpa, mea culpe.
But I am going to learn from my mistakes, I am coming back as another nation. And I am going to fix my mistakes. And I don't want a 'pitty me' party, I have never been into that, but I just want to give a little bit of my veiw on things.
Yup, not even North Korea :)
And they got more than a 'couple' guns pointed at them. :D
Try the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal... but then again, we are talking about Imperium Commanders.... they appear to have the brain power of a neaderthall... of course, then I would hate to think of the brain-power of a Thelasi...
Dread Lady Nathicana
27-07-2004, 21:42
Actualy Nathi, about the IGNOREing, the other player was the one who ignored me.
Next, on mIRC, you are venerated, every one listens to you, you are a channel Op. And yet you stood by and let the general 'Thelas bashing' to continue. With power comes responcibility. And you shirked yours.
Like it or not Nathi, many people here consider a major RPer. And you are, I won't contest that, your nation is a powerfull nation, and one I should have learned from. In fact, there are many things I should have learned from, but didn't. That was my fault, mea culpa, mea culpe.
But I am going to learn from my mistakes, I am coming back as another nation. And I am going to fix my mistakes. And I don't want a 'pitty me' party, I have never been into that, but I just want to give a little bit of my veiw on things.
The other play you mention happens to be my ally, and he says he didn't ignore you. So much for that.
As for 'bashing', lets get something straight. I think people have a right to discuss their dissatisfaction over an rp or a player. The lines can get a little hazy at times, but if you expect that no one can ever say anything remotely unkind about you, I respectfully suggest you get a dose of reality. Can't please everyone all the time. It happens. We -do- try to shut things down when it gets all nasty-personal, but hey - we're only human too. Add to that we're not all active all the time 24/7, and the fact that you've managed to piss off a good percentage of the folks that hang there ... you can see how we'd have our hands full at times as is. Don't think you know enough to sit there and tell me how to do my 'job', volunteer and sporadic as it is, boy.
And ... I'm done. Whatever you choose, have fun with it. Hope you have at least learned something from your mistakes.
--Nathi's Player
Listen, if you don't want to piss off half of the RPers on this site, THINK before you post... maybe then you won't make such boneheaded desicions.
27-07-2004, 21:58
Try the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal... but then again, we are talking about Imperium Commanders.... they appear to have the brain power of a neaderthall... of course, then I would hate to think of the brain-power of a Thelasi...
[OOC: Just in case you didn't know... the brain volume of a neanderthall was greater than that of a homo sapiens :) Meant he had more grey matter up there. ]
Thelas, please stay.
Steel Butterfly
28-07-2004, 18:44
OOC: Okay folks, I am retiring Thelas from RPing, and here are the reasons.
I can no longer have any fun with the nation of Thelas, and with the Amalthea thread finished (as far as I am concerned) I am just going to finish off Thelas' 'Thus the Eagle Falls', which by the way, is a CO-RP, not a military RP, *pokes Raem*, and after that, Thelas will disapear.
Another reason I am leaving is simple, I was doomed from the start. I RPed an elven nation, which already got me under suspisions of GODMODery, after that, people didn't like the way I RPed elves, to add to that, I worked with the GDODAD in my early days, yet another strike, seeing as how the 'main RPers' (Nathicana, Sirithil, and so on) all beleived the GDODAD were two year old children who didn't take looses, I was doomed.
I have taken more damage in NS than any other player, several people also agree with me, I have had my nation subjugated, twice, gone along with it both times, without needing a massive argument, I have had many of my fleets destroyed. Heck, I even went with having my army dismantled, something that never would have happened in the real world, not unless I went to war with some one, which I did not.
All in all, I find that my own RP, not the Thelasi's diplomatic skill, has been pretty good. As one person on mIRC said, 'You try new things, you don't get stuck in a rut." And because I am going to finally leave NS, I will post who I think are the best RPers, the most inventive, and the ones who actualy live up to my expectations, the ones who RP well, yet do not lord it over the rest of us, those who were always kind, and never attacked.
The Silver Tutle
The Brotherhood of Nod
The Ctan
In my opinion, these are the best RPers on NS, so, I guess I am not going to be RPing any more, for now at least.... and yes, I still will be around NS.
I love the two to death, but when have TST and NOD RPed? Anyhow...why would you give a shit what Yutties think? Blah...whatever...no mention of me of course.
Why not make a new nation? It could even be an elf nation. Make an RP about the destruction of Thelas, abandon the nation, and start a new one. Hell, you can even start it now, before the RP, so that it has at least some size when it becomes your main nation.
I hope this isn't the last time we see Thellas or however his name was spelled.
Steel Butterfly
28-07-2004, 18:44
[OOC: Just in case you didn't know... the brain volume of a neanderthall was greater than that of a homo sapiens :) Meant he had more grey matter up there. ]
AH! It's a ghost!
28-07-2004, 19:01
Hey Thelas, can I poach your nation?
I love the two to death, but when have TST and NOD RPed? Anyhow...why would you give a shit what Yutties think? Blah...whatever...no mention of me of course.
Why not make a new nation? It could even be an elf nation. Make an RP about the destruction of Thelas, abandon the nation, and start a new one. Hell, you can even start it now, before the RP, so that it has at least some size when it becomes your main nation.
I hope this isn't the last time we see Thellas or however his name was spelled.
And yes, he will appear.... as soon as I can figure out how to get him out of a C'tan holding cell....
And I might be making/using a new nation...
*waves bye bye to thelas*
It's a shame to see another of the oldies go... and to see Nathicana winning yet again...
Hmmm Hope to roleplay with you if you come back Thelas.
The Ctan
29-07-2004, 07:52
And yes, he will appear.... as soon as I can figure out how to get him out of a C'tan holding cell....
OOC: Translation; holding your breath waiting for Theallas to appear will leave you about as blue skinned as this smiley :( or possibly purple like this one :confused:
OOC: Translation; holding your breath waiting for Theallas to appear will leave you about as blue skinned as this smiley :( or possibly purple like this one :confused:
Didn't you kill him? :eek:
Der Angst
29-07-2004, 08:45
Wait, how can Theallas appear when Thelas disappears in a weird space- time friction event?
The Ctan
29-07-2004, 08:46
Didn't you kill him? :eek:
OOC: No. I just leave him in sensory deprivation for weeks at a time and occasionally come by and torture him.
*Eternal sigh, followed by some whispers*
Well...Thelas. How many times are you going to say about you leaving NS?. Thank you for your consideration by placing me in a list of good rpers, I'm really flattered to know that you consider me so.
Yet...I must agree with most people here. Nathicana has a point about how you got the consequences that brought you to this point. Your brash and deliberate actions are the cause of everything that happened to you.
I told you about this some time ago. And now I repeat the same thing. I won't beg you to stay anyway, but I still think that again you're acting without enough time to think about it. Yet you're free to do as you please.
Take care anyway, I know I'll see you around again
Five Civilized Nations
29-07-2004, 15:50
Well, since I don't know much about Thelas, due to the fact that we never RPed together, the Five Civilized Nations can only say, "We hoped to have met you before you left..."
--YiYang Cao
Aelosia, you know I will be back, I am adicted to NS and can never leave it.... I might be floating around general a little, trying to insert some sanity into those debates...
I may be back in a month or two, maybe more, maybe less. But as I said, I will be around with my other nation.
The Brotherhood of Nod
29-07-2004, 18:21
I'm sorry to see you go. You contineously provided your fellow GDODAD members with matter to discuss (on which side you actually were, and whether or not you were a traitor due to you constantly changing sides :) ) I'm surprised to see my nation on your list of good RP'ers, because even long ago when I was more active I didn't roleplay all that much.
For the rest I agree with some of the previous posters; why not make a new nation? I can give you some land in Africa if you need some :)
Steel Butterfly
29-07-2004, 20:53
OOC: No. I just leave him in sensory deprivation for weeks at a time and occasionally come by and torture him.
you have a url for this, I'd like to see it...lol
As a relative newcomer, I have yet to have the pleasure of RPing with you...how DARE you deny me this divine right?? ;-)
Do what you must, brother...just don't stop writing. I know I won't, despite the fact that I too, have been chastened and even ignored recently. It would be nice if some of the "elders" around here would take a moment to explain what we noobs have done wrong, rather than just bitch-slap us publicly.
Must be my breath.
Stay, go, return...just keep putting pen to paper and it's allllllll good.
The Ctan
29-07-2004, 21:17
you have a url for this, I'd like to see it...lol
Alas, no. Some preceeding stuff needs to be edited and posted before it can be posted.This seems unlikely now.
And yes, he will appear.... as soon as I can figure out how to get him out of a C'tan holding cell....
And I might be making/using a new nation...
((Good luck with that, I'm still trying to figure out how to spring Mieka. :\
You can say what you like, but I have IC reasons for having one of my leaders jump at the chance to bring home Thelasi slaves. It's DE politics, and it's related to another thread. Nothing against you.))
Alas, no. Some preceeding stuff needs to be edited and posted before it can be posted.This seems unlikely now.
NOT SO FAST C'tan... I won't let you go that easily... damn it is hard to let go of Thelas.... so much unfinished buisness.... alright, I will be finishing up threads, just not starting new ones....
So the Theallas threads will be finished up...\
And Raem, I understand your points, and your politics, I have been doing some reading on the Dark Eldar.
Nod, thanks for the comments, and you boys might be seeing me again as a different nation, the nation that I keep alluding to. P.S. can some one tell me the location of the new GDODAD boards... you guys move around so much these days. :)
30-07-2004, 14:01
Aaargh... no connection so little time to reply... I'll just condense to a few bulletpoints.
-Sad to see you leave. We had fun together IMO.
-I don't think you should leave, but the decision is up to you. I for one never disliked you.
-Blahblah flaming is bad. Don't flame. Thelas always tried to do the right thing, it just did not always work out. [/condensed opinion]
The Brotherhood of Nod
30-07-2004, 14:10
Nod, thanks for the comments, and you boys might be seeing me again as a different nation, the nation that I keep alluding to. P.S. can some one tell me the location of the new GDODAD boards... you guys move around so much these days. :)
Are you a member? I don't have any member list atm. It's members-only though (or maybe you can get in General as a non-member).
You can find the boards here (http://s3.invisionfree.com/Metus/index.php?).